1 minute read
from Issue 4
People and Teams…
I’m writing this Welcome while travelling to London on the East Coast line to attend the British Chambers of Commerce awards where we are a finalist in the Excellence in Membership Services Award.
I’ve been privileged to have been with Dundee & Angus Chamber of Commerce for five years and in that time I’ve met and worked with so many amazing people, from the dedicated staff who work at the Chamber, the many people who have given up so much of their time to be our Board Directors and of course the thousands of people who are members, partners and connections.
In that time our team has grown from six to the current eleven, including a Modern Apprentice and a Foundation Apprentice. We’re proud to host and work closely with the local Developing the Young Workforce team - employing young people is an important statement of our own intent to grow good people.
We still hear time and again that attracting good people is a key challenge for many local businesses, so we’re extremely proud of our own growth and the people in our team who have been such an integral part of our success.
The Chamber is a busy, vibrant organisation which consistently strives for success and we enjoy our role in the local business community.
People and relationships are at the heart of what makes a strong community, so theming this issue of the magazine to highlight the many success stories amongst Chamber members, their people and teams is a great way for us to help showcase and spread the word.
The last few months in the Chamber story has many highlights too. From welcoming Vaso Makri in as Circular Tayside project manager, celebrating the Glen Clova Hotel as our very first Chamber Business Champion, to planning our International work connecting businesses with global opportunities, we hope everyone has had as much fun as we have… you make coming to work a huge pleasure!
Alison Henderson, CEO
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