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Concept Dundee helping save the planet –one tree at a time
from Issue 4
Concept Dundee helping save the planet –one tree at a time
The Concept Dundee team reaffirmed their commitment towards sustainability with a day planting trees in the Scottish Countryside. The team joined the Woodland Trust for one of their many Carbon Capture tree-planting days planned for 2019. Carbon Capture is a project that aims to reduce the environmental impact made every day by businesses, whilst also helping them become more sustainable by planting trees in their local areas. After a quick introduction, the team ventured out into the planting site; a cleared field on the edge of the woods that has been deer fenced ready to grow new native woodland. 500 saplings were planted, complete with supportive cane and vole protection before our team broke for lunch. The final part to the day included guided walks through the beautiful woodland before clearing rhododendron, an invasive species to the area.