September 2019 Le Journal

Page 1







Climate Change


A look at the climate crisis and how sustainable living can reduce our ecological footprint Page 14-17



Green Team helps promote composting



Sony and Disney split over Spiderman

Saving the planet from irreversible damage is everyone’s job



Meet the new staff

Mental illness and how it is portrayed in shows


The climate crisis and how sustainable living can help save the earth. (Photo by Kamryn Rogers)


There are more environmental problems than just plastic straws


Boycott companies to express disapproval






New science teacher Emilie Lai worked in the ER


Get to know the new tennis coach


Señora Gomez becomes a United States Citizen


The Storm loses their volleyball game


Cirese Mendolia volunteers with adults with developmental disorders





Parlor features seven restaurants including Mother Clucker! and their fried chicken. (Photo by Abbie Sinow)


The best places to thrift


Best places to go before school with the later start


@lejournalsion @lejournalsion @lejournallive




Cheer Performance at Rockhurst

Spirit Week Vlog

Bishop Presides over School Mass

Mother Daughter Luncheon


Back to School Style 1. Eat Breakfast With school starting later, there is now more time to grab a quick bite or make something at home. Don’t miss out on the most important meal of the day.

2. Have a Planner Having everything you need to get done written down in one place is the best way to make sure you keep up with your assignments and events. 3. Practice Self-Care Even though school is back in full swing, don’t forget about having time for yourself. A little face mask or meditation can help keep your spirits high. 4. Put the Phone Down When studying, keep your phone out of sight. You will get your homework done much faster without distractions like social media. 5. Pack Everything the Night Before Make the mornings easier on yourself by packing your lunch and backpack the night before. Then you won’t be as rushed or forget things the next morning.

ack to school season ushered in the return of school supply sales, new classes, new friendships and the returning pressure of homework, sports and standardized testing. Even with all that stress, back to school season also brought us exciting times like Spirit Week, the St. Teresa’s volleyball game (pg. 21) and Field Day (pg. 28). There are also many new changes within the school. We have a 45 minute later start time in response to studies on the lack of sleep that teenagers get. Our bathrooms were renovated and the entrance not only got a new paint job, but new pictures and a global wall as well (pg. 7). Our shadow days also got updated to include themes catered to the interests of prospective students (pg. 6). With the news of the Amazon fire and the global climate strike still fresh in our brains, check out the cover story on sustainability (pg. 14-17) to learn what you can do to help with the growing threat of climate change. Speaking of caring about the environment, check out where the best spots are to go thrifting, including City Thrift and Red Racks. It’s an easy and fun way to cut down on all of our carbon footprints (pg. 25).

HEARTFELT SURPRISES As tennis senior night commences, seniors Iris Evans and Maggie Duncan surprise tennis senior Christina Peters with a bouquet of flowers. (Photo by Kamryn Rogers)

With the extra time in the morning, check out all the different types of meal replacement shakes you can try at a variety of places (pg. 26). We broke down the prices and distances of the most popular shake places including Vibe Nutrition, Energizing Mission and 913 Nutrition. Another great way to start the school year and to get those required service hours is to volunteer. Check out junior Cirese Mendolia’s passion for helping people with developmental disabilities at the Farmer’s House (pg. 22-23). Mendolia is getting other students to join her in her volunteering and making a junior board to serve at the organization. Learn about how this year’s softball team is working through losing three of their pitchers due to injuries and struggling to find new ones (pg. 21). Also in sports, there’s a new tennis coach, JV volleyball coach and varsity volleyball coach (pg. 20). This school year you can start new. New friends, new clubs and new experiences. Make sure to go and show your support by showing up to games, choir concerts and shows. Let’s make this school year our best one yet. Sincerely, Ava & Kamryn

































This year’s all-school Mass took place in the high school gym Sept. 6 presided by the Kansas City-St. Joseph regional Bishop James Vann Johnston. The bleachers and chairs on the floor were filled by high school and grade school students, as well as shadows from St. Thomas More school. The Mass and reception that followed for guests was organized by Director of Campus Ministry Stephanie Pino-Dressman. “This is something I have looked forward to ever since I was invited,” Johnston said. (Photo by Sela Kincaid)


The annual Mother Daughter Luncheon was held Sept. 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel. The luncheon included a fashion show, lunch and shopping. The event was coordinated by Alliance Club President Paula Meidel who walked in the show with senior daughter Chesney Meidel. During the show, pairs walked the runway sporting clothes from local stores including Addie Rose and Coco Brookside. “It was so fun to get to walk with my mom because we’re so close,” senior Peyton Wiewel (pictured left with mom Sabrina Wiewel) said. (Photo by Kate Vankeirsbilck)

CO-TEACHING CLASSES Rooted in Faith, now co-taught by Social Studies Department Chair Jenny Brown-Howerton and theology teacher Bonnie Haghirian was transformed to include more social and emotional learning, and team building for the freshmen, all through the lens of salvation history, according to Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction Ellen Carmody. “Co-teaching has inspired me to be more collaborative,” Brown-Howerton said. “With everything I do, I think about how it fits with what Mrs. Haghirian is teaching. And likewise, she does the same with me.”


The new Women’s Health class, taught by science teacher Kaci Flippo covers topics from the history of women’s rights to anatomy. The semester-long class allows students to learn about a variety of women’s health topics. The class is currently focusing on how other countries’ health practices are different from the United States’ practices. Students can also earn a physical education credit through the class. “I made sure the class would fit the school mission and we included the diversity and cultural aspect of looking at women in other countries,” Flippo, pictured left, said. (Photo by Kaitlin Lyman)



Doodle Club President: Elizabeth Nordus Sponsor: Stephanie Pino-Dressman Health and Wellness Club Presidents: Mikayla Gunther, Paxton Misemer and Jane Oltjen Sponsor: Lori Moore Mental Health Awareness Club President: Fiona Gowin Sponsors: Lara King and Karen Phillips Strings and Things President: Caroline Giocondo Sponsor: Mary Murphy

(Illustrations by Kate Vankeirsbilck and Vecteezy)

WORLDWIDE Amazon Forest Fire In Brazil, the Amazon Rainforest has been burning since Aug. 20, and over 7,200 square miles have burned. There is no official cause for the start of the fire, but sources say it could be due to the dry season and high winds or could be man-made by farmers clearing land. (Photo by MCT Campus)

SNL Fires New Hire New hire Shane Gillis was fired for alleged racist remarks on his podcast channel. Saturday Night Live executives said they were not previously aware of the remarks. Some comedians like Ricky Gervais are questioning the firing as an infringement of free speech. (Photo by MCT Campus)

Attacks on Saudi Oil In pre-dawn drone attacks, half of Saudi Arabia’s oil output was knocked out Sept. 14. Yemen claimed responsibility although Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Iran in the attacks. The United States and Saudi Arabian governments are still in discussion on the right plan of action to respond. (Photo by MCT Campus)


NIGHT OF ONE ACTS (Photo by Sela Kincaid)


OCT 20

FRENCH EXCHANGE STUDENTS ARRIVE (Photo submitted by Peyton Wade)

OCT 31

FOOD FOR THOUGHT BEGINS (Photo by Dani Rotert)


Green Team Promotes Change SENIOR SUCCESS Senior Holly Frey counts her 20 dollar bills to put in the junior class jar as Assistant Principal for Student Life Fran Koehler takes notice. Frey put her money in the junior class jar to subtract from their amount to help the senior class win. (Photo by Kate Conway)

Sock it to Success The all-school competition exceeded set goals for socks and underwear. BY KATE CONWAY REPORTER

The school shattered the 3,000 pair goal and donated 5,090 pairs of socks and underwear to Redemptorist Social Services, according to Stuco advisor Jenny Brown-Howerton. The annual Sock it to Poverty drive began Aug. 26 and ran through Sept. 13. In the maison competition, Maison Long won with 375 pairs, Maison Wilcox earned second with 332 pairs and in third was Maison Durkin with 251 pairs. Maison Long will earn one reward from the following: Winter Formal tickets, Starbucks from Stuco or out-of-uniform sweatshirts for a week. In addition to the sock and underwear drive, the seniors won the penny war competition. The penny war was a way to get students to bring in spare change for their grade and bring in cash to subtract from other grades’ totals, all benefiting the Sock it to Poverty drive. The penny war helped the school surpass their goal, and the final total from the war was $2,164. “I think it was extremely successful,” junior and Stuco vice president Mikyala Gunther said. “It was a great way to get everyone involved.”

Students promote composting in order for the community to live more sustainably. BY KATE CONWAY REPORTER

Green Team began to advocate for composting around the school due to alumna Samantha Wilson’s senior service project in efforts to help the environment. Wilson provided the school with a compost bin located in the courtyard. The club, which meets during purple week, is planning to focus on a three-step project which they think will lead to success, according to club sponsor and AP environmental science teacher Amy Vandenbrul. “The plan is to collect the compost from the cafeteria and teachers lounge,” Vandenbrul said. “From there, the club members will take it out to the bin to develop nice rich soil for the maintenance team to use.” Along with composting, the Green Team is trying to reduce the over usage of ink and printer paper. Teachers have received guidelines on how to reduce waste with regards to the use of the printer. “The goal with reducing the paper waste is

Without starting a compost what else can you do? Don’t get food you know you won’t end up eating Find the compost bins in the cafeteria and use them Use less plastic when packing lunches




Use reusable water bottles and containers




Be conscious of what you recycle versus throw away


COUNTING COINS Junior Grace Dobbles brings in change to help fill the junior class jar in the hopes of winning the penny war. (Photo by Kate Conway)

to promote living more sustainably,” Vandenbrul said. The maintenance team will use the soil for all of the landscaping work. Having a team is an important part to creating a composting system that will be effective, according to Vandenbrul. “The club members are an integral part of the success of the compost,” Vandenbrul said. The club’s Co-Presidents, sophomore Kat Riggs and junior Nicole Jackson, have worked to get their message and goal out to the student body. With the help of the student body, the club will be able to make a change. “A main goal of ours is to educate the student body on how to live environmentally friendly,” Jackson said. “For the compost, the goal is to keep a lot of our food waste out of landfills to reduce methane emissions into the atmosphere.” Riggs and Jackson are currently working alone and looking to expand their club. At the club fair Aug. 29, the team promoted the club and it’s ideas, and they gained six new members. They also plan to put posters up in order to bring awareness to their cause. The two are excited for this year and the future of Green Team, according to Riggs. “I joined the Green Team because I am passionate about taking care of our planet,” Riggs said, “and the lives it sustains.”

APPEALING OPTIONS During junior lunch, junior Audrey O’Brien throws away her food in the recycling bin. The bins are for food waste that will be transported to the compost bin in the courtyard. “I think it’s a small step that makes a big difference in helping the environment,” O’Brien said. (Photo by Kate Conway)




Spiderman Split Repaired The Disney and Sony drama had Spiderman fans worried about the future of the Spiderman universe. BY KEELY SCHIEFFER REPORTER

Spiderman was spinning out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as a result of Disney and Sony disagreeing on studio financing for the films. The two companies had been negotiating new terms for a while, but couldn’t come to a consensus. But as of Sept. 27, Sony and Marvel came to an agreement to keep Spiderman in the MCU. They found a way to continue to make Spiderman movies together shortly after breaking up. This also means they will make the third film in the series “Spiderman” with Tom Holland Holland as Spiderman. Marvel will also have Holland appear in an unspecified MCU film. “You can’t just kill off one of the most classic and inspiring superheroes,” senior Caroline Ehren said. “Everyone loves Spiderman, so it’s not surprising that they finally came to an agreement.” Marvel, which is owned by Disney, had requested more of the share of profit of the Spiderman movies from Sony compared to the 5 percent Marvel was gaining beforehand. Sony refused, which led to Disney leaving the partnership at first and abandoning the Spiderman

movies and shows all together. If Spiderman had remained in the hands of Sony, fans feared for what was in store for their favorite hero. The latest movie, “Far From Home” was recently released with again Holland as Spiderman. As he is continuing his career, the split brought uncertainty for Holland as well. “I’m pretty upset because Tom Holland recently confirmed no further Spiderman movies will be made,” junior Brynna Dow said, before talks resumed between the studios. “And that’s a major bummer for all Spiderman fanatics.” Holland had implied that the future of his Spiderman movies was likely over after the split. The Spiderman universe was at first devastated by the news of the break-up back in August, according to Dow. “Spiderman: Far From Home” has currently grossed over $1 billion worldwide, according to IMDB. “I think Sony would continue to make Spiderman movies since it is their highest money making film,” junior Audrey O’Brien said. Some also thought the natural style of the

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movie would not be the same since the original producers are now gone. It could have also affected connections between Spiderman and other Marvel films. But for now the fandom need not fear. They can watch Spiderman weaving his way back through the Marvel Universe.

New Themed Days Introduced for Shadows “Each day will be a certain theme like a day for sports, a day for STEM, student life and more topics,” student ambassador sophomore Ashley Ulowetz said. “This will bring students together and focus them on certain interests.” Each shadow day will have a different theme. Students sign up for certain shadow days based on what they are interested in or would like to explore more. Themed days will enable students to focus in on what they would like to continue doing in high school. “The new shadow themes will make it more organized, and the new girls will get to know what their interests are and aren’t,” student ambassador junior Katelyn Brinkman said. “It will make it easier for them to choose their path.” Instead of 30 shadow days like

The admissions office and student ambassadors have created a new system for shadow days to make them more meaningful for prospective students. BY KEELY SCHIEFFER REPORTER

Admissions Director Katie Glatz introduced a new system of shadow days for the future Freshman Class of ‘24. With input from student ambassadors, Glatz planned themed shadow days that cover interests that are offered within the community. The new system will rejuvenate shadow days and construct a fun and welcoming community for the new girls, according to Glatz.

last year, it was narrowed down to only 15. They are placed on days where the community has planned activities to make the day more welcoming for students. For example, the student life shadow day was placed on field day so the shadows got an experience outside of academics with current students, according to Glatz. “This year we have 15 shadow days strategically placed so that the girls are able to interact and do fun things and activities within our Sion community,” Glatz said. Overall, the new system aims to aid incoming students to look in depth into their interests and how our community can help them grow, according to Brinkman. This way it is more organized, and it will be a smoother experience for incoming students.

“This will let them choose what they want to get involved with which is very important,” Brinkman said, “because leadership and involvement is a big part of what we strive for in our school.”

GOT ATHLETICS? On the last day of Spirit Week, senior Olivia Townsend gives a tour of the freshmen hallway to her sister, shadow Ava Townsend Sept. 13. (Photo by Kate Vankeirsbilck)

Planned Theme Days Athletics



Leadership & Service

Visual and Performing Arts



9/11, 9/13









New Year, New Facelift Over the summer, the bathrooms and walls were given a new look as part of a new master plan to renovate the halls and the image of the school. BY AVA STOLTZ PRINT CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

High school Principal Natalie McDonough, Head of School Alicia Kotarba and Director of Facilities and Operations Andy Sheer laid out a four-year plan together starting last school year and over the summer to revamp the school both aesthetically and academically. “Sion never has been a place where people come because we have had the best facilities, but it was the best experience of my life,” Kotarba said. “So the idea is since we are creating a culture and a community where girls can thrive, really the facilities are just another piece of

that and it’s time to make some upgrades.” The new plan for the school involves updating and innovating the curriculum and then updating the facilities to match the modern approach. The plan started with the cafeteria work that was done two years ago and has moved on to updating the bathrooms and painting the walls. “It’s all part of a bigger picture,” McDonough said, “of making our facilities look good, making our curriculum the best it can be and making sure when our donors come in that our girls look the best and have pride [in the school].” The renovations and updates put in place are thought to bring more emphasis to the mission of the school. A world map painted on the wall next to the offices features a sticker where a foreign Sion school is located to draw attention to the exchanges offered and global

connections the school has, along with the larger clocks. The big photo canvases featuring girls in the entrance represent the themes of the school: impact others, empower minds and expand hearts. “When you walk through the halls of the school we want it to feel like Sion,” Kotarba said. “That was why we focused on the entryway and the global connection piece, to make it feel like Sion.” The bathrooms are what have gotten the most attention and have been the most drastic change so far. The downstairs bathroom by the cafeteria got a layout change and expanded, while both it and the freshman hallway bathrooms got updates to the stalls, sinks, paint colors and flooring. The administration didn’t want the students to know about the renovations so it could be a back to school surprise, according to Kotarba.

Meet the New Staff

Damon & Audrey Brown Debate coaches Why did you choose to work at Sion? “As a previous high school and collegiate debate competitor, I wanted to work at Sion so I could teach and empower other young women in an activity that I have always been passionate about.” What has made Sion so special? “I have already been impressed with our team’s desire and willingness to learn.”

Amanda Loflin French teacher Why did you choose to work at Sion? “I chose Sion because of its French heritage, and because of its tradition of celebrating the unique individual in everyone.” What has made Sion so special? “It stands out as a school with high academic expectations. I love that Sion students and teachers all share a set of core values that resonate with my personal beliefs.”

“The feedback especially for the bathrooms has been really positive,” McDonough said. “Even the seniors from last year would talk about how clean and bright [the entryway] looked, and then they would see the bathrooms, and they were very excited.” Senior Colleen Byrne is one of the four co-presidents leading Student Ambassadors and often has shadows that she takes around the school. While it may not be a deciding factor in their decision, shadows did notice the paint colors and bathrooms before the renovations, according to Byrne. “I think the new bathrooms definitely help because so many shadows would go to use the restroom and see that they were out of date,” Byrne said. “I think having a good environment to reflect our culture is a good thing. [The renovations] reflect who we are, which is really cool.”

(Photos by Ava Stoltz)

Emilie Lai

Liz Smith

Lori Moore

Science teacher Why did you choose to work at Sion? “I really just wanted to be in an environment that encouraged women.” What has made Sion so special? “Everyone is so loving and supportive. Not only the students, but also my department has been so great. They’ve taken me under their wing with so much grace and willingness.”

Art teacher Why did you choose to work at Sion? “I love working in an all girls environment. I find it really rewarding.” What has made Sion so special? “I’m really appreciative that there is a focus on the fine arts, and the students are encouraged to pursue them. I also like the smaller class sizes so there is more individualized attention with the students.”

Math teacher Why did you choose to work at Sion? “I subbed here about a year and a half ago, and I loved it. I felt like it was home. It was such a special place, so I was thrilled when Mrs. Carmody called me this summer for the job.” What has made Sion so special? “Sion just has a special feel to me. It has a camaraderie to it that just gives it a special feel.”




STAMP OF APPROVAL Science teacher Emilie Lai’s stamp is unique. It’s her name in Vietnamese, and she uses it to grade papers as her sign of approval.

FUN FACT Every member in Emilie Lai’s family plays a musical instrument. “Music is everything,” Lai said. “I grew up in a really musical household. I have played since I was five.” (All photos by Callie Cameron)



A Night at the ER New science teacher Emilie Lai worked in a Texas emergency room prior to teaching. BY CALLIE CAMERON A&E EDITOR


man walked into the emergency room one night in November of 2018, with his severed thumb wrapped in a towel. He brought it in for the doctors to reattach, but when he looked through the towel, he couldn’t find it. So he shook the towel out. Sure enough, the thumb flew out of the towel and hit the ceiling, landing on the ground with an awkward thud. This was a typical Tuesday night for the new academic biology and chemistry teacher Emilie Lai. Lai is a pre-med graduate of Rockhurst University, and she studied to be a scribe in the ER. Following her love of science and teaching, she split her time between the hospital, Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center, and tutoring. “I think I was doing like 30 hours in the ER, but also 20 hours of teaching, which is 50 hours. Also, lesson planning outside of school, so my weeks ended up being like 50 to 60 hours,” Lai said. “I think that was probably the hardest part. It was super draining by the end of it I realized, I should probably start thinking about my health.” As a scribe in the ER, Lai accompanied doctors during their patient visits and recorded symptoms, medications, types of treatment and anything else to note for the medical records. Her job entailed that she would help put together a patient’s information for the doctor so they could see as many people as possible instead of writing reports. Her goal is to one day go back to school so she can teach medicine. Her love for medicine was what led her to work in the hospital. “It’s just so exciting. It’s like Grey’s Anatomy but not as crazy, not as much drama. Every day is a new day,” Lai said. “You don’t know what’s

going to walk through those doors.” She saw some slow nights where people came with the flu or minor injuries, but then there were busy nights where a patient was being rushed in for cardiac arrest, according to Lai. She remembers

“To me, everyday is a new day. It keeps you on your toes.” -science teacher Emilie Lai her first live birth when a pregnant woman came into the ER. The woman had her baby in her car on the way to the hospital. However, she walked in with the baby only partially delivered. “To me, everyday is a new day,” Lai said. “It keeps you on your toes.” Despite all that Lai has seen, the one moment that got to her, was her last day on the job. Lai fainted. Two words: lumbar puncture. A lumbar puncture is when the doctor extracts fluid from someone’s spine to check, in this case, for meningitis. “The needle was super long, and the doctor missed because this guy was a little bit on the heavier side,” Lai said. “Blood and liquid started spewing from his back.” Lai did not plan on teaching until after college. She graduated with a major in biology and later found that she wanted to teach science. After teaching underprivileged kids, working at

a Family and Child Development Daycare, then mentoring her female dorm students as a residential assistant, Lai found a common thread. “I love Miss. Lai,” freshman Claire Shankland said. “She always makes sure everyone knows what she’s talking about before she moves on.” While Lai is not new to the Kansas City area, she still misses her family back in Houston, Texas. “I’m close to all my siblings, but we had a different bond from the rest,” Lai’s sister Madeleine Lai said. “When she left it was really hard for me, but I knew if she stayed in Houston she wouldn’t be able to fully grow. I couldn’t let my emotions get in the way of that opportunity. It’s not about me, it’s about her.” In a close-knit family of six, Lai has two younger sisters and a younger brother. Her mother, a refugee from Vietnam, immigrated during the war at the age of 13. Her dad was originally from Hong Kong. but they met in college. Both spoke very little English when they first came to America. “They worked their butts off,” Lai said. “I feel like I get that work ethic from them, because they worked for everything they have.” After 50 to 60 hour work weeks at the ER became too much, Lai knew she needed a change. She moved to Kansas City, her college town. Here, she decided to focus her energy on one thing. “I just wanted to move on to the next chapter of my life. After a lot of discernment, I decided which one made me feel more fulfilled,” Lai said. “There is a lot of reward in teaching, it’s a lot of work, there’s a lot that goes behind lesson planning, but you also build this incredible relationship with your students.”




CHANGE is a TEAM EFFORT With only 11 years left before permanent damage, the environment faces major destruction from climate change and waste. The U.S. government and the public must cooperate to bring about a resolution.


ur planet is in shambles. Eleven years. We have only 11 years before we have created irreversible damage to our Earth, according to the United Nations General Assembly. As the country’s waste continues on an incline and climate change intensifies, we have a little over a decade left to solve this worldwide environmental issue. In order to protect our global climate, major changes must be established. With such limited time and an abundance of work to do, change must start here and it must start now. The United States government has to work hand in hand with the public to ensure the health and safety of our environment for future generations. To promote effective change, the U.S. government needs to step forward and take initiative. By acknowledging this pressing problem, it will set forth an example for citizens to follow. This growing danger to the environment should not be taken lightly. It must be met with legislation, bills and government funding. The U.S. government needs to create an environmental change initiative. The perilous state of our endangered planet should be met with

the same effort and reaction as any other lifethreatening epidemic. When the Ebola outbreak presented itself as a global threat, the U.S. government acted with urgency and swiftness in controlling this epidemic. Working closely with the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. government led the global effort to halt the epidemic through their focus on managing the secondary consequences of the outbreak, building coherent leadership and ensuring global health security, according to the U.S. Department of State. When it comes to the current epidemic surrounding our weakening environment, these same methods of action must be adopted. This effort must be implemented within the largest polluting industries of the country. In regards to the car industry, the United States can take action by putting a maximum number on the production of new vehicles. In 2018 alone, there were over 70 million cars produced, according to Statista. In addition to production restrictions, the U.S. government needs to instate national free public transportation to reduce air pollution inflicted by our country’s excess of cars. Also, 91 percent of all plastics are not recycled, according to National Geographic. To increase plastic recycling, the U.S. government should ban store use of plastic bags. These are

just a few of the options that the government can take in reaching for a resolution. Their effort is a necessary component in this movement. However, government action isn’t enough. As a country, we can only go so far with government measures. Even if the U.S. government were to create an initiative to help save our environment, that initiative will need to garner the support of the American citizens. This journey for change and counteraction of the damage we’ve created is only attainable with our cooperation in working towards a solution. It has to be a joint effort. This effort starts not only in The White House, but also within our own homes. The public must step forward and create change as well. Steps we as citizens can take to combat this damage include adopting renewable energy sources, investing in energy-efficient appliances, reducing our water waste, cooking less meat, using public transportation, stopping purchases of one-time-use plastics and being mindful of what we are putting into the Earth, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. We have 11 years. It isn’t a lot of time, but it is all we have. To truly solve this pressing endangerment on our environment it must be all hands on deck. Between the U.S. government and the public, this route for change is a team effort. This editorial reflects the views of the Le Journal staff. Eighteen out of 20 members voted in favor of this editorial.

(Photos by MCT Campus)



It’s for the Shock Factor Shows covering mental health can only go so far in tackling the issue. BY KAMRYN ROGERS PRINT CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

The statistics are staggering. One in five young people suffers from a mental illness, yet only about four percent of the total health care budget is spent on the country’s mental health, according to In light of this startling data, shows have begun to address the stigmas that surround mental health. Oftentimes movies and shows mislead viewers on the realities of mental health by sensationalizing matters for the shock factor. “13 Reasons Why” was one of the first shows that attempted to tackle the issue of suicide. But as the show has progressed, it has been drawn out to the point where viewers have forgotten what the show was originally supposed to portray. In the first episode, viewers are made aware that Hannah Baker, played by Katherine

(Photo by MCT Campus)

Langford, committed suicide. The plot is driven by Baker’s cassette tapes that she left behind for each of the 13 characters that contributed to her suicide. The tapes were passed around like a secret note in class. Except these tapes were much more significant than just some meaningless words on a ripped piece of paper. These tapes were her last words. Moreover, the cliff hangers at the end of each episode added to the sensationalized and reductive storyline. Focusing on views rather than teen suicide does a disservice to those who look to the how for help. The subliminal messages that are communicated imply that suicide is only caused by bullying where many people who truly suffer from mental illness face a multitude of problems that lead them to self-harm. On the other hand, Rue Bennett, played by Zendaya Coleman in the latest show “Euphoria,” depicts their topic of choice: addiction. Throughout the story, we see Bennett’s struggle with drug abuse, anxiety, and depression. However, unlike “13 Reasons Why,” we see into each character’s individual struggles in a way that

doesn’t distract from Bennett’s. The authenticity of each episode encompasses dark humor and sharp subjects, but still gives the viewers hope for a bright future for each character. Although each show deals with different aspects of mental health, “Euphoria’s” storyline focuses on personal growth and her journey to better herself with the support of her family and friends while “13 Reasons Why” uses other character’s personal affairs to detract from Baker’s. One thing that both of the shows have yet to do is create the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ to overcoming mental health problems. But that raises the question of what is a way to fully break away from things like depression, anxiety, suicide and addiction. No show or movie will ever be able to fully do justice to the topic of mental health. It’s applaudable that “13 Reasons Why” and “Euphoria” are taking on these issues. However, everyone’s story is different and viewers, especially teens, need to understand that shows like these will always fall short of the breakthrough ending they might hope for.

Don’t Believe the Plant-Based Hype Vegan and vegetarian diets do not help the environment anymore than the often blamed meat-eating diets. BY MADELINE HAMMETT COPY EDITOR

One would assume that eating vegan/vegetarian would help the environment because of all the publicity recently on leading a vegan/ vegetarian lifestyle. But veganism/vegetarianism does not affect the environment enough for it to become a lifestyle with the main intention being eating to save the environment. Vegan/vegetarian eating does not significantly change the greenhouse gasses let into the atmosphere, nor does it conserve any more water according to the Washington Post and Bas Bouman, research director for the Global Rice Science Partnership. Leading a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle also doesn’t preserve habitats and animal species. It is often assumed that eating vegan/vegetarian helps to reduce greenhouse gasses. Looking at a chart that tracks the pounds of greenhouse gas emissions associated with 1,000 calories of each food, beef shows 19.18 pounds and lettuce shows 18.67 pounds, according to the Washington Post. If lettuce is letting out nearly the same emissions as beef, than how does eating vegan or vegetarian change greenhouse gas emissions at all? That’s the thing, it doesn’t. Other meats are shown to be much less in emissions compared to leafy greens such as lettuce. Take pork for example. Lettuce generates roughly three times the amount of greenhouse gasses that pork does, according to Carnegie Mellon University research. Eating more lettuce might be good for you, but it

doesn’t help the environment. A common myth is that choosing to lead a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle helps to conserve water. Rice requires a large amount of water. It is estimated that about 2,500 liters of water are needed to produce only a kilogram of rough rice according to Bouman. Rice is also very high in greenhouse gas emissions making the top 10 for the foods that carry the highest carbon footprint, according to Green Eatz. Roughly 816 liters of water is needed to produce one kilogram of lettuce. Adding in tomatoes and avocado, you can factor in another 2,015 liters per kilogram, according to With salads and rice both playing a big role in the diets of vegan/vegetarian eaters, it can be concluded that helping to conserve water is not one of the goals achieved by eating vegan/ vegetarian. Another common misconception is that eating vegan/vegetarian helps to preserve habitats and animal species. However, that is not true. To grow enough calories of lettuce to be equivalent to beef would take about the same amount of land. The more lettuce that is needed, the more trees must be cut down. Also, more land must be cleared out and the more fertilizers must be used, all of which destroy habitats and animals livelihood. Large fields and fertilizers are not necessary for the production of meat. All of these factors show the requirements of lettuce production are equal to, if not more demanding than the requirements of beef production. Vegan/Vegetarian eating doesn’t help the environment as much as many people perceive. Choosing to eat vegan/vegetarian is a personal choice but that choice will not affect the environment. If someone likes meat and dairy products too much to give them up, then choosing meat over lettuce won’t hurt. Either way, the difference in environmental impact between the two diets is hardly noticeable. SEPTEMBER 2019



The Fault in our Straws The metal straw movement only detracts from the more urgent causes of the pollution of our oceans. BY KENNEDY WADE PRINT MANAGING EDITOR

Eight million tons of plastic are added to the ocean annually, according to National Geographic. Of those eight million tons, only .025 percent are made up of plastic straws. The recent trend of banning plastic straws and replacing them with metal straws is, while somewhat helpful, a feel-good attempt that distracts from the larger and more problematic sources of pollution and hurts the limited mobility disability community. The call to ban plastic straws came as the result of a viral video of a turtle with a straw stuck in its nose posted by researchers at the Texas A&M University in College Station. Since then, Seattle has become the first city to ban plastic straws. Corporations like Starbucks and Disney have begun to try to limit their use of plastic straws, according to NBC. In the United Kingdom, McDonald’s replaced their recyclable plastic straws with non-recyclable paper ones, according to Business Insider. These efforts are largely useless and an attempt to gain publicity. All three companies still use plastic cups and wrappers, and have made no large efforts towards fixing those larger issues of waste. The fishing industry itself is more dangerous to marine life than plastic straws. Around 700,000 tons of abandoned fishing gear enter the sea each year, according to the World Animal Protection Organization. Nets, hooks and fishing lines continue to harm and kill ocean life with or without humans. Animals that become ensnared are forced to carry around the gear until they become too exhausted and die, if they are strong enough to swim away in the first place. Additionally, marine life can consume the dumped gear, destroying their insides and slowly killing them. In the last 25 years, cigarette butts comprised a majority of the ocean’s pollution, according to Ocean Health Index. At 32


percent, it dwarfed other sources of land sourced pollution. The runner up, food wrappers and containers, sat at nine percent. Even larger than trash is nonpoint pollution, which comes from fertilizers, septic tanks, pesticides and other assorted chemicals being washed into the ocean by the soil erosion resulting from rain, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Point source pollution, such as oil spills and pollution directly from factories, poses a great risk, although it happens less often. Plastic straws are harmful to the environment, but they are not the leading cause of pollution. With the rising call for the ban of plastic straws has come the pushback from disability activists striving for better accessibility. People with limited mobility and motor control need plastic straws to be able to drink. Paper straws can be bitten through, and biting down on a metal straw could result in broken teeth, according to the Connecticut Mirror. Additionally, a sturdy and good quality pack of metal straws can be expensive. Amazon’s most popular metal straws cost around $10, a price that some can’t afford to pay. Being environmentally conscious shouldn’t come with the loss of accessibility. The case against plastic straws is an excellent first step, but the discussion of the dangers of single-use plastics shouldn’t end there. It has caused a shift in public opinion towards being more sustainable and preventing ocean pollution, even if it’s only towards one of the smaller causes of pollution. It can lead to a greater movement to both individuals doing their part in downsizing their waste production, as well as beginning to hold the companies that produce the largest amounts of waste responsible. Cutting back on plastic wrappers, containers, as well as drawing attention to nonpoint pollution and the dangers of abandoned fishing gear are the next steps in helping to reduce the amount of trash in the ocean. There’s only one Earth and only one chance to reverse the damage that’s already been done before it’s irreversible. Though it can lead to a more environmentally conscious society, other steps should be taken in order to make a real difference.

What’s In Your Ocean? Types of trash in the ocean by the numbers (Data according to NBC)

Cigarette Butts 2,412,151

Food Wrappers 1,739,743

Plastic Bottles 1,569,135

Plastic Caps 1,091,107

Plastic Bags 757,523

Plastic Straws and Stirrers 643,562


Buying Into Boycotts Protesting companies because of political or religious affiliations makes an impact. BY MAGGIE MCKINNEY REPORTER

In the era of divisive politics and “cancel culture,” consumers and their wallets have become increasingly concerned with the social ideologies their favorite brands and the owners of these brands have. In early August, celebrities such as model Chrissy Teigen and “Queer Eye” star Jonathan Van Ness, tweeted that they had cancelled their membership to Equinox and Soul Cycle gyms. They revealed that they cancelled their memberships once it came to light that owner, Stephen Ross, was hosting a fundraiser for President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. The resulting mass protest of the fitness club chains is a stunning example of the effectiveness of consumer boycotts and why they are important to upholding the values of American consumers. One way companies uphold their own values is through donating to Political Action Committees. PACs usually represent ideological, business or labor interests, and are allowed to give up to $5,000 to a candidate committee per election. They are also allowed to give $15,000 annually to any national party committee and $5,000 to any other PAC, according to the Federal Election Commission. The FEC also states that individuals are allowed to give up to $5,000 annually to a PAC. Super PACs, however, focus on independent expenditures in federal races and have no

restrictions on the sources of their funds. The biggest funders of these PACs: Chief Executive Officers, investors and owners of corporations with a lot of money and a lot to gain from certain politicians in office, according to the Washington Post. So, while one may find comfort in the idea that their $10 purchase won’t matter in the grand scheme of things, donations to PACs and outcomes in elections say otherwise. Time and time again, consumer activism and boycotts have proven effective in American society. In March of 2018, brands like Hulu, Nestle and Johnson & Johnson pulled advertisements from Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s show “The Ingraham Angle” after many people demanded

CONSUMER BOYCOTTS (n). an occasion when customers stop buying a particular product or stop buying from a particular company as a way of expressing strong disapproval

they do so via Twitter. One tweet from user @ JoanLeegant reads ‘Hulu: Please remove your ad for Laura Ingraham’s show immediately. A network that features “The Handmaid’s Tale” should not be promoting hate-fueled celebrities who take pleasure in humiliating teen survivors of a school shooting.’ Ingraham had made comments bashing Stoneman Douglas High School shooting survivor and gun control activist David Hogg for not being accepted into four colleges he applied to.

Twitter users came to Hogg’s defense, tweeting at companies with advertisements on Ingraham’s show that they would no longer be consuming their products and services unless they pulled their advertisements. Within weeks, 15 companies had pulled their advertisements from the show, according to CBS News. One reason these consumer boycotts are so effective is because of their impact on the profits and revenues of the companies being boycotted. In the 1990’s, Nike came under fire for producing their products in international sweatshops with subpar conditions and inhumane pay rates. Following the mass boycotts and protests, Nike’s total sales dropped from $9.6 billion in the 1998 fiscal year to $8.8 billion in the 1999 fiscal year, according to the New Mexico State University College of Business. Very soon after, Nike vowed to improve factory conditions and released a fair labor plan for all future manufacturing. Although for economic reasons rather than moral righteousness, consumer boycotts have the impact on businesses that the protesters are looking for nonetheless. Boycotting major companies because of political or religious differences may seem insignificant in the long run. It may seem like one person or one purchase can’t make a difference. But all signs point to the fact that consumers and their purchasing habits dominate this country’s market. The people of America have the power to make large, structural change in their day to day lives, and it is the people’s responsibility to fulfill their civic duty and protest what is unjust and make changes where change is needed. So before the next stop at Starbucks before school or Chick-Fil-A after practice, do some research on where the money is going. Decide what values are important. It all starts with a wallet.


(Illustrations by Maggie McKinney)


1990s : inhumane et rg Ta labor practices in overseas factories


2001-2002 Target: GMO’s in coffee beans


2010 Target: palm oil g production harmin ts ta bi ha orangutan

UBER 2017 Target: support of Muslim immigration ban




During the climate strike at the Plaza Sept. 20 there were multiple speakers ranging from high school students to elected officials. The crowd had many generations represented. (Photo by Kamryn Rogers)



Playing with Fire large chunks of ice to break off into the sea. Not only is this threatening for wildlife habitats on top of the ice, but also the ones down below. Temperature fluctuation, even by the slightest degree, drastically alters the flow and balance STORY AND DESIGN BY MANAGING WEB EDITOR JENNA BARACKMAN & of ocean life. The majority of the trapped heat is absorbed into the ocean PHOTO EDITOR EMMA HUTCHIN water, and the surface layer is heating 24 percent faster than it did a few decades ago, according to National Geographic. s flames engulfed the trees and brush of the Amazon, the In addition to temperatures, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch sucks the world wept. And this ecosystem, home to thousands of species is still life out of the ocean ecosystem. It is twice the size of Texas and floats halfway burning. Ricardo Salles, Brazil’s environmental minister, believes the between Japan and California. As a “dead zone,” light struggles to get through fires are due to dry weather or hot winds, according to CBS News, but it is plastic layers, resulting in life being incapable down below the surface of ultimately the start of something bigger. the water. Plastic takes hundreds of years to decompose, making it one of Some, like Christian Poirier of Amazon Watch, say that the fires the worst types of wastes and most are human-lit or induced by dangerous to the ecosystem, according the intention to clear land for to The Daily Telegraph. cattle ranching and agriculture, “We want to help people learn according to CNN. The process about how to replace single-use plastic of “slash and burn” has been used FRESHMAN CAROLINA O’BYRNE in their lives, and especially in the more recently in order to increase lunchroom,” sophomore Green Team cultivation and development. “I have boycotted all products Co-President Kat Riggs said. “We “This destruction is very that use palm oil because of use a bunch of coffee cups and plastic harmful not only to Brazil and its devastating effects to the silverware, and it’s all going to waste.” other countries where the Amazon

As the Amazon burns, the climate crisis is front and center for the world.



is located, but to everyone, as it directly influences the world climate through its giant trees which contribute decisively to the regeneration of the atmosphere,” Brazilian sister school Notre Dame de Sion junior Carllos Donatoni said. “The Amazon has the largest biodiversity in the world and many endangered animals live within it, so it’s important to ensure greater natural sustainability for all life forms.” As detrimental as the fires have become, other environmental issues are just as important. The topic of sustainability has increased in media coverage recently due to the increased activism on the topic.

environment around where it is harvested.”


Continuous political and social debates have circled around how “My family recycles everything to solve the climate crisis for years. we can, and we are going to start Environmental groups in and around the Kansas City area have made it their composting in our garden very mission to serve the planet through soon.” political marches, boycotts and spreading awareness. Heartland Conservation Alliance, a group of environmentalists in the SENIOR KYLEIGH SMITH Kansas City region, work to conserve “I switched to bars of soap so I don’t natural lands and resources, while throw away bottles. But sadly, I educating others on the importance of protecting the environment. haven’t found re-usable shampoo or Their youth council supports conditioner, but I’m looking.” teenagers and college students that are passionate about the environment and want to make a change. “We’re putting on an Anti-Litter The global climate crisis campaign,” senior and HCA member affects every aspect of the planet, Ceresa Munjak-Khoury said. “We’ve printed out a bunch of stickers to pass and without a change in lifestyle, the results could be catastrophic, according out that provide information about litter, especially about our KC community to the Guardian. Greenhouse gas emissions have reached dangerous levels and what you can do to help.” and are increasing atmospheric temperature, according to the Guardian. Pollution in major cities is one of the biggest issues facing sustainable The amount of carbon dioxide within the Earth’s atmosphere hadn’t reached living, and it can range anywhere from air, to plastic, to water, according to above 300 parts per million for millennia, up until the Second Industrial the Environmental Protection Agency. Fighting for free or reduced bus fair, Revolution in the 1950s, according to The National Aeronautics and Space carpooling to and from work and finding alternatives for imports into the city Administration. could reduce the levels of fossil fuel emissions greatly, according to University “Many people don’t realize that methane gas is close to 25 percent of Missouri Kansas City Student Environmental Coalition President more potent than carbon dioxide,” AP Environmental Science teacher Amy Dawson Sims. Vandenbrul said. “We talk a lot about fossil fuel emissions, but methane is “Kansas City is a town that is based a lot around transportation. So actually a much more potent greenhouse gas.” many of the sources of emissions we use in this area comes from that transit,” Although carbon dioxide occurs naturally, human usage causes similar Sims said. “There is pollution from diesel-powered engines that are causing gases to act as a blanket, according to the World Wildlife Fund. As that breathing problems in residential areas, especially close to major highways.” blanket gets heavier, the planet’s surface gets warmer. Glaciers and ice caps



can’t survive the impending heat and progressively retract and erode, causing

Playing with Fire continued on page 16



COVER STORY Playing with Fire continued from page 15

To improve efforts around the school, Green Team has built a composting pile in the lunchroom so students can get rid of waste sustainably. With simple directions on the box, students and faculty can help keep the school green while also learning about the benefits of composting. “We want to educate our community on how to use the trash, recycling and compost bin efficiently,” Riggs said. “We plan on making signs and educating girls on the advantages of sustainable living.”


Because of the current state of the environment, some people believe that drastic, global lifestyle changes may be the only way to cease or slow down the environmental crisis. However, there are ways that individuals can help without too much commitment to a life of sustainability and while staying local. “There’s so many ways to get involved locally that may seem a little modest and small, but it’s really impactful,” HCA Outreach Coordinator


Sarah Dunne Pickrell said. “The environment is completely interconnected, and local work helps more than a lot of people realize.” HCA’s volunteer opportunities mostly focus on cleaning and upkeeping the Blue River. Their student-led council, gives Munjak-Khoury a leadership role in the environmental awareness cause. The council focuses on raising awareness to certain environmental issues, such as littering, and host events centered around environmental education. “It’s a really cool thing to be a part of, especially since I’m surrounded by other teenagers,” Munjak-Khoury said. “We’re all banding together to make change.” Another simple, cost-effective way to help is through political action. The Sunrise Movement, an organization that combats climate change with hundreds of protests a year, offers a multitude of dates to participate in organized protests nationwide, all focused on local issues. Activism in local communities is a key factor in combating climate change, according to Sims. “These are individual actions you can take




that have system-wide ratifications,” Sims said. “Activism at a local, state and national level is the most important thing a person can do.” Easy changes can make a big difference. Swap a plastic water bottle for a reusable one and bring a reusable bag to the grocery store to reduce single-use plastic consumption. Instead of buying the latest trendy clothes at fast fashion stores like Forever 21, go thrift shopping and use hand-me-downs to reduce chemical pollution in drinking water. To combat deforestation in the simplest way, add Ecosia, a Google Chrome extension that donates 80 percent of its profits to organizations focused on stopping deforestation, to browse on instead. To prevent unnecessary waste in landfills, take some extra time to recycle. “Everything a consumer chooses to do impacts the environment and also influences the culture of those around them,” Vandenbrul said. “There are small lifestyle adjustments like just simply turning off the water when brushing your teeth that certainly are possible, but we must really focus on being models for the next generations on how to be sustainable.”

Read the rest on


85% 42% 62% 32% 39% 97%

purchased renewable products


think climate change is the most important issue

Follow her on Instagram @gretathunberg (Photo by MCT Campus)

thrift shop


post on social media to raise awareness recycle

Thunberg is a 16-year-old Swedish environmental activist who is currently protesting climate change. She has been skipping school every Friday for over a year to protest climate change in her Fridays-for-Future movement to call attention to the younger generations affected by climate change. Thunberg addressed the United Nations Climate Summit Sept. 23 where she gave a blistering speech on climate change. STRIKING FOR A CHANGE (from left to right) Seniors Phoebe Mullen, Maya Bair and Helen WIllis took part in the climate crisis strike on the Plaza Sept. 20. (Photo by Kamryn Rogers)




Say “Hola” to Citizenship Spanish teacher Dr. Alicia Gomez successfully completed the naturalization process. BY MORGAN HERRIOTT EDITORIAL EDITOR


r. Alicia Gomez waited anxiously in line, ready to exchange her green card for her citizenship certificate. She had been waiting almost six months for this day, and her anticipation grew as each day went by. She practiced the Hippocratic Oath over and over in her head as she is about to head into the auditorium at Johnson County Community College for her naturalization. Nerves, exhilaration and every feeling in between flooded her thoughts. After what seemed like ages, she walked into the auditorium, ready to finally become a citizen. Following speeches from the president of JCCC and the long-awaited oath, celebratory applause erupted among the crowd of citizens and their family and friends. It is May 29, 2019. The day she officially became a United States citizen. Gomez first came to the United States in September of 1995. She moved here with her husband who was born in Kansas City. “I have way more opportunities here,” Gomez said. “It seems materialistic, but I’m also able to have a better house. I especially love and am thankful for my air conditioning.” Although Gomez obtained legal permanent residency when she first came to the United States, she decided to go through naturalization in January of this year. “I just decided that there wasn’t a better time to do it,” Gomez said. “I already felt like a citizen, so I thought why not make it official.” According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act. Some of the naturalization


application requirements include being over the age of 18, living within the United States over five years and being a person of good moral character. While the overall process of naturalization usually takes about one year to complete, Gomez was able to complete her’s within six months, due to the fact she has already been living in the states for over 20 years. “The process overall really was not too bad,” Gomez said. “Since I had been a legal resident for so long, they were able to see everything I had done through work, taxes, etc. Honestly, the

“The thing I love most about Señora is that she is so warm-hearted and opens herself up to all of her students. It also definitely helps that she gives the best hugs.” -junior Brynna Dow longest and most complicated part was the actual ceremony.” While in Mexico, Gomez was a doctor in a clinic for state government employees. In addition, she also had her own practice. But when she moved, she took a job teaching Spanish at St. Regis, her daughter’s school. She now lives in Olathe, Kansas. Her family here includes her husband, Victor Norman Gomez, and her daughter, Shandra Gomez. The rest of her family still resides in Mexico. “Besides my immediate family, I have no other family here,” Gomez said. “Getting together is much harder, so I really cherish all the moments when I am able to be with them.” Gomez’s immediate family has seen her motivation and drive show through during her process of naturalization. Her family would describe her as determined, perseverant, and

caring, according to Shandra. “Her work ethic is one of the things I admire most about my mother,” Shandra said. “She is the most dedicated and determined person I have ever met. You can tell she loves teaching others everyday, and she loves knowing that she has made an influence in her patients’ and students’ lives.” This school year will be Gomez’s 20th year teaching here. Gomez attended an all-girls school when she was younger, so working at one allows her to relive her memories of her time living in Mexico. Not only have her family and close friends noticed her personal demand for success and love for others, but so have her work colleagues. “She’s amazing at building her relationship with her students and making them feel comfortable,” Assistant Division Head for Curriculum and Instruction Ellen Carmody said. “As a colleague, she’s courteous and always steps in when she can. She’s never one to say no to any opportunity she receives.” Gomez not only engages with her students through her teaching of Spanish, but she also enjoys learning more about their personal lives. Her students admire her kind and sincere personality. “The thing I love most about Señora is that she is so warmhearted and opens herself up to all of her students,” one of Gomez’s former students, junior Brynna Dow said. “It also definitely helps that she gives the best hugs.” At the end of the ceremony Gomez was overcome with emotion and is now proud to call herself an official citizen. She spent the rest of the day with her family and celebrating her accomplishments. “I was very excited, and thought it was a really unique experience,” Gomez said. “Not that I didn’t feel part of the United States before, but now it was a different feeling because I had a paper that made it official.”

FEATURES PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN Waving her flag with a big smile, Dr. Alicia Gomez is proud to officially be an American citizen. (Photo by Morgan Herriott)

WAVE YOUR FLAG (Far left) After living in the United States for over 20 years, Dr. Alicia Gomez decided to gain her citizenship last January. Her naturalization ceremony occured May 29. (Photo submitted by Shandra Gomez) PICTURE PERFECT (Middle) Whether it’s by taking a picture or being a support system, Dr. Alicia Gomez loves to build unique relationships with all of her students, according to junior Brynna Dow. (Photo submitted by Brynna Dow) MAKING IT OFFICIAL (Left) With a proud smile, Dr. Alicia Gomez shows off her official certificate of United States Citizenship. Receiving the certificate was a different feeling that made her feel even more special that day, according to Gomez. (Photo submitted by Shandra Gomez)



SPORTS IN BRIEF NEW TO CROSS COUNTRY Four juniors are running cross country for the first time this year. The team consists of 17 runners. “I’m so happy to get to participate this year,” junior Violet Tumlin said, pictured with junior Grace A. Riley. “I like the team’s attitude about cross country. The inspiring and motivating words my teammates tell me while I’m running are great.” (Photo by Madeline Hammett)

NEW VOLLEYBALL COACHES The volleyball team has two new coaches who both have a combined 35 years of coaching experience. The JV volleyball coach, Brittany Boerigter, played for Avila University and now owns her own club, Legacy Juniors. Varsity volleyball coach Charles Cooper, pictured left, coached in five schools around Iowa City, and most recently coached for Shawnee Mission East. He also owns Eclipse Volleyball club in the Northlands. (Photo by Grace Hills)

CHEER PERFORMANCE Cheerleaders performed at halftime during the Rockhurst High School football game Sept. 14. The performance was choreographed by the five seniors on the team who are all team captains. The squad is smaller this year than last, with 12 members. But the girls’ enthusiasm made up for what they lack in size, according to Head Coach Tabby McCarthy. “The seniors put in a lot of work to make it go really well,” senior Rachel McRae said. Pictured are senior Meg Wilkerson and freshmen Emily Dierks and Paige Castillo. (Photo by Kaitlin Lyman)

BREAKING RECORDS Golf junior Megan Propeck broke the scoring record of 66 by shooting 64 at Milburn Country Club, Overland Park Thursday Sept. 5. The previous record of 66 was set by Propeck herself at the beginning of her freshman year. She realized that she could possibly break her own record at hole 13, according to Propeck. Making another birdie followed by an eagle on hole 17, Propeck knew she would break the record. “I was obviously excited, I didn’t expect to shoot that that day,” Propeck said. “And since it’s the beginning of the season, it kind of re-motivates me for the rest of the season.” Propeck was also Hy-Vee Athlete of the Week Sept. 24.(Photo by Anna Donnelly, Le Flambeau)

Flanigan’s Forehand New head tennis coach Meghan Flanigan blends her past as a national tennis competitor with her coaching style. BY JENNA BARACKMAN MANAGING WEB EDITOR

Stepping off the court as a player and on as a coach taught new head tennis coach Meghan Flanigan many things about coaching, including the importance of the relationship with her players. “I feel like she’s already made our team so much closer,” varsity tennis player and senior Holly Frey said. “She doesn’t just put people together because that’s where they fall on the ladder but she takes into consideration the chemistry between the teammates and how they play together.” Flanigan played in national tournaments as a junior competitor and as an adult from the ages 12 to 18 and in her mid-30s. She placed in the top 10 approximately three times as a junior and played matches that lasted up to four and a half hours. “I have taken a lot of my experiences as a player into being a coach,” Flanigan said. “The main thing is to remember how difficult it is to be out

ADVANTAGE FLANIGAN New coach Meghan Flanigan guides the team in a practice at Minor Park.

there grinding, playing your heart out. It can be very easy to stand on the sidelines and get bossy. It is easy as a parent and as a coach to forget what it is like to compete.” Flanigan began coaching tennis in high school where she spent most of her summers coaching young players at multiple country clubs. Before coaching JV and Varsity, she coached at Bishop Miege High School for one year and then at St. Teresa’s Academy for six years. Her daughter senior Grace Parrott influenced her decision. “Being involved at Sion and getting to know the girls and parents here, I knew that I would absolutely jump at the opportunity to coach this team,” Flanigan said. The tennis team’s current record is 3-5, and Frey believes that will only improve. “I feel a lot stronger this year as opposed to other years,” Frey said. “I can see everyone improving under Coach Flanigan’s leadership, and it feels good to be winning a lot of matches.”




OCT 18


OCT 23



Injuries Hurting the Mound From an aggravated torn meniscus, herniated discs and an MCL sprain, the softball team’s pitchers are all injured. BY CATHERINE CRAYON NEWS EDITOR

STEALING A SMILE While injured, senior Maya Bair exchanges talks with junior Sharon Kramchuster’s parents, Paul and Julie Kramchuster Sept. 18.

SIDELINE SIDEKICK Also injured, junior Hannah Borgmeyer cheers on her fellow players from the dugout during the St. Teresa’s Academy game Sept. 18. (All photos by Catherine Crayon)

Before the softball team had played any games, the team’s three pitchers suffered injuries. Alhtough junior Sharon Kramchuster is back pitching full time as of Sept. 13, she had suffered an injured meniscus that kept her off the mound early on. Then junior Hannah Borgmeyer had back surgery, and senior Maya Bair suffered an MCL sprain. The softball team was then left without any starting pitchers. Kramchuster had a meniscus reconstruction surgery last year and aggravated it during softball practice Aug. 31. “I went to the doctor and he said that it could be part of the meniscus that didn’t fully heal, so he stitched it up” Kramchuster said. “If it keeps popping or hurting, he’s going to have to go in and just trim it off.” Although Kramchuster wasn’t explicitly told she couldn’t play, she was informed to take it

easy so she wouldn’t risk further injury. At first, Kramchuster was playing injured in the field, but went back to pitching in September. Borgmeyer will be out for the entire season. She had four herniated discs and had an operation at the beginning of school to repair them. She is out for two to three months. “What I currently miss the most about playing is the competition,” Borgmeyer said. “I love to compete and be in control of the game because I am a pitcher.” Bair, entering her last season on the team, suffered a medial collateral ligament sprain on her left knee after the Missouri/Kansas All-State games Aug. 3. Bair was cleared to play first and third base, but not to pitch yet. “It’s really upsetting that I’m out for part or all of my senior season,” Bair said. “I really wanted to finish out strong with my teammates and this injury is making it difficult to do so.” In the absence of starting pitchers, sophomore Samantha Phillips stepped up. Although she had never pitched in softball before, she took the mound. “I’m just slow-tossing [the ball],” Phillips said. “It makes me really nervous, but I do it for the team.”

Volleyball Loses to STA in Two Sets With students dressed in Area 51 theme, St. Teresa’s Academy defeated the Storm Sept. 10. BY GRACE HILLS REPORTER

The volleyball rivalry game, played at St. Teresa’s Academy, ended in a 2511, 25-3 loss. Head coach Charles Cooper believes that both the coaching staff and the players learned from their second game of the season. “We looked a little bit nervous at the beginning,” Cooper said. “We’re having some problems with getting stuck in the same rotation.” The team knew that the game would be tough, according to varsity player junior Brynna Dow. The team lost last year’s rivalry game and this year, St. Teresa’s Academy’s team includes three college commits. “As a team we honestly did really well,” Dow said. “We all knew that they were going to be a really big competition.” Varisty captain senior Marigrace Bishop said the team has room growth. “It worked as a good foundation for us to see our potential,” Bishop said. The teammates help each other by sharing encouraging words, no matter the score, according to varsity player junior PARTY IN THE MILKY WAY While she sings along to “Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus, senior Bridget Schumm cheers on the volleyball team Sept. 10 dressed in Area 51 theme. (Photo by Kamryn Rogers)

and libero Julia Hughes. “We really focused on how we were going to go forth with the game, positivity wise,” Hughes said. Though the team lost, the student section filled the stands dressed in alien or Area 51 themed attire to cheer on the team, according to Scream Team leader Brie Bowes. Bowes worked to increase the number of students in the student section this year by providing transportation and making a video to build up spirit before the game. “In all the 24 years I’ve been doing this,” Cooper said, “I would say that’s hands-down the best crowd I’ve ever seen.”

STAYING CLASSY After the game, junior Brynna Dow, seniors Katie Fitzgerald and Kaitlin Lyman say good game to St. Teresa’s Academy players Sept. 10. The storm lost in two sets. (Photo by Grace Hills)




A Helping


Junior Cirese Mendolia undertakes a new project dedicated to her family and those with developmental disorders. BY AVERY BRUNDIGE FEATURES EDITOR


rom the lush trees of Vaughn’s Apple Orchard to behind the market register, junior Cirese Mendolia has roots in service. She has volunteered at the Farmer’s House since she was eight years old along with her cousin, John David Cunningham. The pair have a close bond despite his disability. Cunningham’s parents may have started the Farmer’s House, but the apple doesn’t fall far from the orchard with Mendolia. Her passion for kindness is fueling her new project aimed at bringing smiles and friendship to those like her cousin. Mendolia is starting a junior board for the Farmer’s House, a not-for-profit organization founded to give all people with developmental disorders a place to create and work. “I think what really made me want to start the junior board was watching this year’s Farmer’s talent show,” Mendolia said. “I just want to make a difference for these kids because they are just so special and hold a big place in my heart.” Serving the patrons of the Farmer’s House is in Mendolia’s blood. The organization was founded by her aunt and uncle, Peaches and David Cunningham, along with another couple they met at their son’s preschool for children with developmental disabilities. Peaches and her niece are close, as Mendolia refers to her as her ‘second mom.’ “I am so proud of her,” Peaches said. “She and our

HAVE A HAPPY HAY-DAY The night before her 12th birthday, junior Cirese Mendolia and her family take a photo behind her birthday cake Aug. 8, 2014. (Photo submitted by Cirese Mendolia)


son have an incredible bond, and I love the fact that she’s as passionate about it as we are.” The Farmer’s House has multiple locations to visit, including a farm and market in Weston, Missouri, as well as an activity space and store in Kansas City, Kansas. One of Mendolia’s fondest memories at the Farmer’s house is the cooking class offered on Tuesdays. This is just one of many opportunities this organization poses for interaction between communities, including gardening, art classes and community maintenance. “What I especially love about the Farmer’s House is the people,” Mendolia said. “It really changes you after working with people with developmental disabilities. You get a new perspective on life, make so many close friends and get to bond with those who aren’t like any other person.” Mendolia has been volunteering there since opening day, and she does not plan on stopping anytime soon. Her love for the Farmer’s House has inspired her to create her own way to give back to that community. The junior board started meeting in late Sept. and is aimed to increase compatibility with the Farmer’s House and attract more teen volunteers. Sophomore Tess Tappan has been accepted, and says she is eager to start. “I was really excited for the opportunity to join such an amazing organization that helps so many people in a really big way,” Tappan said. As the new school year begins, Mendolia and her junior board will begin to meet once each month. This formation of the board promises more people working toward bringing smiles to those with disabilities and to volunteers. Peaches is eager to see what is to come with Mendolia’s new project. “I’m so excited about it because when I’m too old to be able to do it she will carry on the tradition,” Peaches said.

AW, SHUCKS In preparation for a farmer’s feast, junior Cirese Mendolia husks corn in the Farmer’s House Weston kitchen Aug. 9, 2014. (Photo submitted by Cirese Mendolia)

CAN YOU DIG IT Junior Cirese Mendolia and Pembroke Hill junior Charlotte Lawrence prepare for planting at the Farmer’s House April 27, 2012. (Photo submitted by Cirese Mendolia)


SPOUTS OF FUN During the monthly ‘Second Saturday in Weston’ celebration, juniors Jaden Runchey and Cirese Mendolia race rubber ducks in preparation for their first juniorboard meeting Sept. 14. (Photos by Avery Brundige.) (the Farmer’s House logo, drawn by John David Cunningham)




(Photo by Abbie Sinow)

Seven Restaurants, One Building Parlor offers multiple eateries under one roof. BY ABBIE SINOW REPORTER

The new restaurant Parlor opened almost a year ago in the Crossroads Art District, and gained popularity because of its unique style of service. Parlor opened Sept. 14, 2018, at 1707 Locust St., featuring seven restaurants and sitting areas spread among three levels. Parlor provides a welcoming environment similar to home including areas set up as a living room, study and two-level garden patio. According to Parlor’s website, the goal is to have a diverse selection of cuisine, with “chefs coming together to advance the concept of what a restaurant should be.” There are multiple restaurants, each serving a different style of cuisine. On the main level, behind the staircase, customers can find Farm to Market, a sandwich shop using handmade bread from the Farm

to Market headquarters just a few blocks away. The bread is baked fresh daily with organic starters and delivered from the headquarters to the location inside Parlor. Farm to Market offers sandwiches, such as a sourdough turkey club, as well as salads, including their own Farm to Market salad. A Kansas City staple, Farm to Market provides lighter options to customers, ensuring that they feel good about their meal. Upstairs, customers are offered Mother Clucker!, a Nashville-style fried chicken eatery that offers customers a choice on the level of heat desired in their seasoning. The chicken breast meal, a Clucker, includes two large halves of a chicken breast doused in tangy seasoning, and is a better deal than expected. Mother Clucker! also includes crinkle fries on the menu, covered in their own special seasoning and claimed as the freshest fries in Kansas City. The living room includes a faux fireplace, two couches and other cushioned ottomans. The study has a similar layout and seats, but features

a flat-screen TV for reserved events. The garden patio has wooden seats and tables with floral accents and a muraled wall. It overlooks the Crossroads Art District which offers a view of art-covered buildings. A seating area made of wooden bleachers faces a projector playing a range of popular movies throughout the day, a creative addition to an already innovative concept. Not only does Parlor have a creative atmosphere, but also includes an uncommon type of food service. Parlor holds seven distinctive concepts of cuisine, including Asian, Italian, American and Middle Eastern. This fancy food court is perfect for the group that can’t agree on where to go for dinner. With multiple creative aspects to Parlor, it offers something for everyone. It’s a perfect go-to for friend groups or family dinners. At Parlor, each customer receives high-quality food and service at all the restaurants. The multiple seating areas spread among the three levels ensures comfort and relaxation in an open and diverse atmosphere.

MURAL MADNESS Distorted murals and artwork are featured throughout Parlor, giving a modern atmosphere. (Photo by Abbie Sinow)

MOTHER CLUCKER! Mother Clucker! offers The Tennessestyle fried chicken and homemade seasoned fries. It is located on the second level of Parlor. (Photo by Abbie Sinow)

Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich Disappoints with Low Supplies (Photo by MCT Campus)

New Shake Shack Location Shake Shack opened a new location Aug. 22 at 5200 W 119th St., in Town Center in addition to its location currently on the Country Club Plaza. It is the first location in Kansas and is about a 10-minute drive from school.


The Popeye’s chicken sandwich has been all over social media. Too bad most people haven’t been able to buy it and try it. BY ABBIE SINOW REPORTER

This review was originally supposed to be a comparison of the Popeye’s and the ChickFil-A chicken sandwiches, but unfortunately the plan failed. As some of my good friends know, I absolutely love food, especially anything fried. I would love to review the Popeye’s chicken sandwich, but I can’t do that, and consequently, I cannot give our readers the content they deserve. Popeye’s launched their first ever chicken sandwich in the United States and international locations Aug.12, causing lines to extend outside their over 3,000 restaurants’ doors. With social media furor and head-to-head comparison with Chick-Fil-A’s chicken sandwich,

(Photo by Abbie Sinow)

I thought they would be prepared for the challenge. Unfortunately, this was not the case. CNBC reported that they sold about 1,000 sandwiches per store, per day. The chain sold out of sandwiches nationwide in less than a month, with no location selling any more by Aug. 27. Popeye’s had advertised their sandwich everywhere: television, social media, etc., which is why customers were baffled when their stock dwindled within three weeks of the release. Fried chicken is a an American favorite. But apparently it was more Americans than Popeye’s could handle. The official Twitter of Popeye’s (@PopeyesChicken) tweeted a video claiming that the sandwich will be back for good. Popeye’s on State Line said they would have sandwiches in November. I can only hope they mean it.



These are the best places to thrift in Kansas City and right from your bed. THRIFT ONLINE: Depop: A mix of vintage clothing, independent artists and designers and random finds that are perfect for anybody’s style. Poshmark: Perfect for finding name brand items for a fraction of the price and easy to sell your own clothes.

CITY THRIFT 7740 Wornall Rd, Kansas City, MO 64114

ARIZONA TRADING COMPANY 209 Westport Rd, Kansas City, MO 64111

RED RACKS 8026 Wornall Rd, Kansas City, MO 64114

City Thrift has tons of options for thrifting. There is something for everybody ranging from clothing to furniture and even bikes and banjos. With weekly sales, the prices are unbeatable, but you may need to do a little searching to find the perfect item.

With more of a vintage feel, Arizona Trading Company is the perfect place to find one of a kind pieces on a budget. You can also sell some of your pieces there, making this a great place to shop and sell. The store is easy to navigate and they have everything from cheetah print backpacks to Harley Davidson shirts.

Right next door to City Thrift, Red Racks has the same unbeatable deals and a store full of options. They have everything from old records and books to fun hats and sweaters. The store is well organized and clean, making it easy to find exactly what you are looking for.

HEAR FROM THE THRIFTY SHOPPERS: I mostly shop secondhand now because it is so much better for the environment, and you never know what you will find. It’s affordable, fun, and sustainable. - sophomore Tess Tappan

Depop has just made it a lot easier to thrift because there’s so much different stuff, and you don’t have to sort through all of it like in a thrift store. You can just find it by searching. - junior Anna Donnelly

LISTEN UP: up first n p r

(Illustrations and photos by Paula Sweeny)

I like thrifting because it’s better for the environment, and there are so many options that you can try out different things to find your style. - senior Helen Willis

I like to thrift because you can get more unique pieces and other stuff that you wouldn’t be able to find in the stores now. - junior Grace Dobbles

The Best Podcasts for Every Mood BY PAULA SWEENY REPORTER



With daily episodes lasting about 10 minutes, “Up First” by the National Public Radio delivers everything from politics to pop culture. This podcast is perfect to listen to on your morning drive to school to catch up on the news and stay informed.

An upbeat and inspiring podcast hosted by Kalyn Nicholson, “Kalyn’s Coffee Talk,” covers everything from mental health and confidence to procrastination and being your true self. This podcast is perfect to start the day or for an afternoon boost.

Episode length: 10 minutes

Episode length: 30 minutes-1 hour



Episode length: 1 hour

Episode length: 1 hour

Comedians and best friends Miel Bredouw and Demi Adejuyigbe take popular songs and “fix” them by rewriting and remixing them despite having no qualifications. “Punch Up The Jam” will make you laugh as you listen to some of your favorite songs.

(Illustrations by Avery Brundige)

thredUP: Userfriendly with all your favorite brands, thredUP is perfect for shopping on a budget.

This true crime podcast will keep you on the edge of your seat. Incongruity’s “Sword and Scale” delves into the worst crimes, proving that monsters are real. Each episode includes police tapes, interviews or news reports that intensify the story.





Besides sleeping in, here’s what you can do with the new 8:45 start.



10 9 8 7 6

*129 people polled


88% like the new start time


Sophomore Abby Thornhill

913 NUTRITION 11144 ANTIOCH RD 10 minutes away $12-$15

"I think this is the best place ever. I don't care that it is a cult, and they steal all our money. The drinks are yummy and nutritional. They give me boundless energy."

Late Start Perks Have some time? Senior Katie Fitzgerald

VIBE NUTRITION 12591 ANTIOCH RD 15 minutes away $9-$13

"The people especially are so nice, and it's a very welcoming atmosphere. They know me by name which is kind of weird, but also kind of nice because I can vent about my life."


Need of caffeine?


If you’re on a budget...

Senior Elyse Makar



(All photos by Kamryn Rogers, Paula Sweeny and Jenna Barackman)




"I think it tastes great, and it gives me a chance to get something in my stomach while I drive. It's also really easy to take to work and to school."

Ice Ice Baby Which ice cream shop deserves the most business?



The Boys are Back The Jonas Brothers rocked Kansas City and “Happiness Begins” reigned. BY KAITLIN LYMAN SPORTS EDITOR

Back and better than ever, the Jonas Brothers came to party with their O.G. fandom of 90s and 2000s babies for a long, overdue reunion Sept. 22 at the Sprint Center for their “Happiness Begins” Tour. The brothers kicked off the show with their song “Roller Coaster” which set the tone for the night as an insanely energetic ride. Not only did the boys not disappoint, but they also brought together one of the best crowds the Sprint Center has ever seen. From the minute they stepped on stage, it was pure happiness and joy from both the fans and the brothers. No matter where the seat, the nose bleeds or on the floor, it felt like the party of the year. The boys are back, and they are not being shy about it. The set list was perfectly picked and, as a fan, it could not have been a better playlist. It was a comfortable mix of old and new, with performances of original favorites “Lovebug,” “When You Look Me In The Eyes,” “Burnin Up” and of course, “Year 3000” along with many others from their previous albums. While they touched back on songs from the good ol’ days they also included music from Nick Jonas’ solo career and Joe Jonas’ band DNCE. After their performance of “Can’t Have You” from the album “A Little Bit Longer,” the spotlights went dark and seconds later came back shining on Nick who stood solo on stage to perform “Jealous.” About halfway through the song, Joe joined. Immediately following, Joe sang his hit song from DNCE, “Cake By The Ocean.” Performing songs from the beginning of their career, the broken-up middle and present made the show special. It proves a point that sometimes a break from the norm can lead to happy beginnings in the future. In this case of the Jonas Brothers, that is 100 percent true. BURNIN UP Joe Jonas performs "Cake By the Ocean" Sunday Sept. 22 during the "Happiness Begins" tour. (Photos by Kaitlin Lyman)


ndy’s Frozen Custard opened Wednesday, Sept. 4 at 10641 State Line Road as the chain grows to five locations in the Kansas City metro area. Andy’s Frozen Custard began in Springfield, Missouri in 1986 and has been expanding across the country ever since. With a new Andy’s location opened within a mile of school, it possesses the potential to be a prime hangout spot for students. With an ordering counter, a shaded standing area outside and a drive-thru, Andy’s offers a welcoming atmosphere, making it a convenient stop for customers on the go. Although it can be an enjoyable environment for warmer weather, it can cause discomfort during the winter months when customers have to stand outside if they don’t go through the drive-thru. Andy’s was pricey at $3.99 for a small sundae. The selection of sundaes was limited, although they offered a large selection of addins. The signature “Jackhammer,” a concrete with a topping of the customer’s choice filling the center, was also featured. Despite concerns with the atmosphere and price, Andy’s proves that this location is ready for the business students could bring. The customer service was friendly and patient as well as prepared and efficient. The hot fudge sundae was creamy and rich, but nothing that couldn’t be found at other custard shops in the Kansas City area for possibly cheaper. A less expensive option also less than a mile away is Sonic at 500 E. Red Bridge Road. Sonic offers a larger range of frozen treats, such as sundaes, slushies, shakes and “Blasts,” a concrete-like dessert with pieces of candy and cookies mixed in. At $2.79 for a mini “Master Shake,’ about the same size as a small sundae from Andy’s, Sonic is preferable for those looking for a good deal. Not only does Sonic offer less expensive options, but the quality is comparable to Andy’s. Sonic’s Strawberry Cheesecake shake was flavorful and rich and was an accurate representation of the title. The nearest Sonic location features a drivethru in addition to their well-known car service, and a covered sitting area, which is not available at Andy’s. The sitting area includes benches and tables as well as an intercom to order, whereas Andy’s does not offer anywhere for customers to sit while enjoying their custard. Although Sonic and Andy’s are each within a mile of school, Sylas and Maddy’s Homemade Ice


Cream is located at 11925 S. Strang Line Road, in Olathe, almost 12 miles away. Despite the distance, Sylas and Maddy’s offers the best quality, price and atmosphere. At $3.29 for a single scoop, Sylas and Maddy’s offers a range of over 40 flavors of ice cream and sherbet, including Cookie Monster and DaBomb. Cookie Monster is a vibrant blue colored vanilla ice cream with pieces of cookie and cake mixed in. Cookie Monster is a delectable treat that satisfies multiple cravings at once. Toppings, sundaes and shakes are also available in addition to one or two scoops. Pints and quarts can be purchased for enjoying at home as well. Sylas and Maddy’s offers a comfortable environment with creative decorations and artistic designs for each ice cream flavor. Their building also includes an indoor seating area and complimentary water. Although Sylas and Maddy’s can be quite a drive for some students, it is completely worth the distance compared to ice cream shops that are closer. They offer an atmosphere and options not available at any other business that serves ice cream and the quality is unlike anything customers could find somewhere else. (Photos by Abbie Sinow)




Students participated in Field Day Friday Sept. 13, followed by a color throw finale in the courtyard.


1. 3.


1. I GOT YOUR BACK Taking a break from the field activities with their friends, junior Megan Aldaco hops on junior Mason Lewis’ back to prepare for a picture. “I think the best part of Field Day was the obstacle courses.” Aldaco said. “It was really fun to compete against your friends.”(Photo by Grace Hills) 2. ONE, TWO, THREE...THROW To end Field Day students gathered in the courtyard to participate in a color throw followed by a surprise visit from the Kansas City Fire Department who sprayed students with their hose for a refreshing end to Spirit Week.“The best part was getting to know my friends better and I had a lot of fun throwing color on them,” freshman Angie Schimmel said. (Photo by Kamryn Rogers)

so getting out of the classroom was a nice break.” (Photo by Emma Hutchin) 5. THE GREAT WALL Climbing off the inflatable wall, junior Lauren McDougald ran to her friends after competing to see if she could touch the top of the inflatable. “I loved field day,” McDougald said. “I met so many new girls and really felt like I was a part of the community.” (Photo by Kamryn Rogers) 6. THROW IT UP Wanting some extra color, juniors Julia Hughes and Lindsey Dougherty grabbed some leftover colored cornstarch and tossed it in the air towards their classmates. “The color throw was so fun for me and all my friends,” Hughes said. “It was something anyone could do and have a good time with no matter what.” (Photo by Kamryn Rogers)

3. CHALK OF THE TOWN Using the chalk provided, senior Gracie Dorman makes the final touches on her sunrise drawing. “I just like seeing sunrises every morning on my way to school,” Dorman said. (Photo by Kamryn Rogers)



4. SING IT LOUD, SING IT PROUD With a passion for karaoke, the trio of seniors Brooke Walker, Anna Frerker and Katie Fitzgerald, go all out for their performance of “Don’t Stop Believing.” “I love a good chance to publicly embarrass myself and karaoke is perfect,” Fitzgerald said. “I already had a cold that day and wasn’t feeling the best


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