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Sunda scops o ls

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Sunda scops owls

Treat it as gently as a ne born baby


梟With woods being destroyed for housing, the number of scops owls in Japan has declined. But some live undeterred in a more human-centred environment. Occasionally, in pursuit of prey, they fly against office-building windows and so you may find one injured in an unexpected place one day. If you don’t hold it correctly, you may cause it a lot of stress, but if you’ve learned how to handle one properly, you may be able to save its life.

Gently. Don’t put any pressure on its chest.

Like a baby.

Careful of its beak!


Length: 20–30cm


nocturn a l. Th ey live h idden in th e da rkness. If y ou ind one in town, ta ke it to a vet or rescue centre.

I t’s safest to rap the bird in a to el.

Hold firmly, supporting the neck from behind.

Being touched by a human causes a great deal of stress to wild animals. In some circumstances, the shock can be so great that it causes death. It is essential to make the creature feel at ease. The best thing to do in this case is to hold it in a towel from behind, exerting light pressure behind the neck and on the legs. Then wrap the towel around it, as if it were a baby. When the bird is relaxed, the towel can be loosened and parts of the body checked as necessary.

When the to el is remo ed at the clinic, the legs are held firmly.

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