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There’s a special ay of holding big dogs!

 P yrenean mountain dog


big dogs

Many owners hold big dogs by their bottoms with their front legs over one shoulder. But held like that, the dog may be difficult to control if it starts playing up. And if it falls, it may hit the ground awkwardly and get injured. Also, this method can strain both your back and the dog’s. The safest method for carrying


Length: 40–100cm


th e king o pets. Ma n’s best riend.

a big dog is to hold it in both arms. One arm goes around the top of its front legs, and the other around the top of its back legs. Held in this way, the dog keeps a natural posture and you can control its whole body. If it begins to fall, you can let it down gently on to the ground into a natural standing position.

犬In the past, most Japanese people’s dogs were mongrels. They kept them chained up all day and then set them free in the evening to exercise themselves. Those times have gone.

Nowadays, neatly dressed women come out in the morning before the tarmac heats up and stroll gracefully along with their dogs in their arms. Yes! A dog is no longer something that must have its daily The way to hold a mediumsized dog is the same as for big dogs: pick it up with a scooping movement with one arm around its chest, at the top of its front legs, and one arm around its rear, at the top of its back legs. Try always to hold your dog correctly. walk – it’s the woman’s valued partner in her walk. And if it’s looking tired or ot, then of course it must be picked up and carried!

Well, perhaps not quite as often as these smart ladies seem to think, but it’s true that sometimes dogs really do have to be picked up and held. So, for the good of your back and to avoid risks for the dog,

Medium-sized dogs  S hiba inu

why not learn how the experts do it?

I f the o ner’s holding it, the dog al ays makes itself comfortable. With me, it is al ays held firmly, e en if that means its face looks a bit odd.

Miniature dachshund

Small dogs

For big and medium-sized dogs, it’s vital to hold the dogs firmly and securely, but for small dogs your grasp can be gentler – more like a cuddle. But it’s important to keep control of the back legs in case it gets upset and starts playing up. And hold the dog right against you – this makes it feel secure.

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