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Dogs Th e r e’s a sp ecial way of hol d i n g bi g d o g s !

Pyr enean mounta i n d og

Data L e ngt h : 40–100c m C h arac t e r: t h e ki ng of p e ts . Man’s b e st f ri e nd.

big dogs

Many owners hold big dogs by their bottoms with their front legs over one shoulder. But held like that, the dog may be difficult to control if it starts playing up. And if it falls, it may hit the ground awkwardly and get injured. Also, this method can strain both your back and the dog’s. The safest method for carrying 74

Pe t m amma ls a n d b ir ds

a big dog is to hold it in both arms. One arm goes around the top of its front legs, and the other around the top of its back legs. Held in this way, the dog keeps a natural posture and you can control its whole body. If it begins to fall, you can let it down gently on to the ground into a natural standing position.

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