created in god’s image

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created in god’s image 4:13 i am sprawled out on your bed, limbs contorted in an effort to appear alluring, still breathing heavily. in that moment i felt perfect and understood the phrase “created in God’s image.” i spend hours wondering what your silence indicates. theory one, it is soothing. we don’t need to talk. theory two, i am a basketcase unraveling and your placid quiet is rude. don’t you know it’s polite to undress your disaster after i’ve displayed mine? theory three, maybe this was a mistake. i don’t regret anything at all, except maybe when i fell off your bed, that was embarrassing. i think you got a kick out of it though. today i realized it is possible to fall in love with someone just by seeing what they’ve underlined in their favorite book. i underlined some things, too. i hope you like them. i underlined “if desire is a form of possession and possession isn’t good, then what? i believe in the healing power of focusing on other people when sad.” i want to underline more things but this pen bleeds and seeps through the pages like a wound. i will put a dot next to phrases to indicate things i feel that are too heavy for me to express out loud. i will put small dots everywhere and create a found poem, a love letter written by someone else but tailor made for you.

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