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About the project




The concept of bioeconomy comes to the forefront in this age when resources are rapidly depleted and environmental pollution increases. The aim of this project is to enable students to learn the concept of bioeconomy and to carry out studies supporting bioeconomy. The bio-based economy, including the recycling of living masses, will also support sustainable development and contribute to the national economy.


- To enable students to define and explain the concept of bioeconomy, - Evaluate waste and biobased materials and observe a process in which bioeconomy is applied, - To have knowledge about bio-based materials, - To produce bio-based materials, - Making dolls from egypt and donating them to a kindergarten, - To improve students' research skills, - Designing works such as logo, poster, e-book by using various web 2.0 tools such as Canva, postermywall, wordart


Our project will cover the whole 2019-2020 academic year. October: Information will be given about bioeconomy. Each school will identify the students. Whatsapp and Twinspace to be used effectively. Blog will be designed. Plastic waste, waste oil to be collected. November: Logo competition, presentation of biodiesel materials December: Poster competition, collecting waste, biobased materials, and a bioeconomic practice such as a sugar factory will be observed. January, February, March: Sample applications supporting bioeconomics such as making detergent from orange peel, making plastic from starch April: Composting, Designing toys from waste biomaterials and launching campaigns. May and June: Plastic wastes and waste oils will be delivered and a disabled person will have a wheelchair. Produced bio-based materials will be exhibited in schools. Designing e-books by evaluating the works with the project partners. The project will be evaluated.


Our project is aimed at sustainable management of natural resources and recycling of waste.

This will reduce the negative impact on climate change. Our blog page also aims to reach a wider audience. Waste materials such as plastic and oil will be contacted with municipalities and nongovernmental organizations and sent to recycling centers.

It is thought to raise awareness on the concept of bioeconomy by exhibiting the biobased materials produced in schools, sharing project activities on social media.


About the Project

About Project Participating Schools Teacher Assignment (Öğretmen Görev Dağılımı) Partner Teachers Presentation (ÖğretmenTanıtımı) Teachers’ Information and Communication (Öğretmen Bilgileri ve İletişim) Our Project Teams News (Haberlerimiz) for Project Dissemination Instagram Group Facebook Group Map of Our Project Schools (Proje okullarımızınharitası) Blog Page Parent consent and information (Veli İzin ve Bilgilendirme) Webinars First Meeting Webinar (13 September 2019) Student Webinar 16.01.2020 organic detergent production webinar(13/02/2020) Project Evaluation and Common Product Webinar (08.04.2020) September-October Works Project Boards (Panolarımız) 21st September Clean Up Day- School Challenges Student Meeting and Expectation Cleaning in Italy Events November Works Logo Designs Planting Seeds Logo Competition and the result December Works Poster Designs (Poster Tasarımlarımız) Biobased Materials Presentations School cleaning (Italy)

Bioeconomy Practice Collecting Wastes like plastic, oil, etc. New year card activity January, February, March Works (Ocak, Şubat, Mart AyıÇalışmalarımız) Sample applications supporting bioeconomy (Biyoekonomiyi destekleyen örnek uygulamalar) Ecofocus meeting ( Italy) Natural soap Student Chat (06.03.2020) April Works (Nisan AyıÇalışmalarımız) Composting (Kompost Yapımı) Design a toy from waste materials (Atık malzemelerden oyuncak tasarımı) Common Works Happy New Years Common Product Safer internet day activities (güvenli internet günü etkinliklerimiz) Climate Change Activity Mixed country teams for Common Product

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