Specialised Programs And Community Endeavours
s.p.a.c.e is an idea, basically
s.p.a.c.e is an idea basically
s.p.a.c.e is an idea, basically
We are about activating inclusive communities. s.p.a.c.e is about activating inclusive communities. s.p.a.c.e is an idea. An ideal even. s.p.a.c.e is a collective of people who believe in working together to achieve an inclusive community. We believe in the possibilities not the past. This as a concept is much harder to understand. So for now I ask you to be patient. Resist the urge to understand and instead allow yourself to be sucked in to the culture that s.p.a.c.e exudes. Feel inspired by the stories, watch the videos and visit the programs and events. Most of all become part of the bigger conversation. Ask yourself and others "What it would take to create an inclusive community?" I look forward to learning together about what s.p.a.c.e is and how it can make a significant impact on the lives of people in our communities, in particular those people with disabilities.  "Good ideas are not adopted automatically. They must be driven into practice with courageous patience."
Some form of disability affects about one in five Australians. In the context of health experience, disability may refer to impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions. It denotes the negative aspects of the interaction between an individual (with a health condition) and that individual's contextual factors (environmental and personal factors). (ABS, 2005). Historically the not for profit sector has been fragmented along the lines of highly specialized disability segments such as autism, acquired brain injury or down syndrome. The fragmented nature of the market has created a need within our communities for a fusion of rehabilitative and social services. Through the localisation of services and integration of all members of the community we can achieve an improved quality of life for those members of the community with a disability their families, friends and carers. In disability literature they refer to 'community access' [social services] and 'community support' [rehabilitative services], interestingly these two categories are consistently reported in isolation to one another. It could be presumed that this is because some services cater to one need and other services cater to the other. This fragmentation has been brought to the attention of industry professionals by none other than those members of the community accessing the services. s.p.a.c.e see’s this division as an opportunity for enhancement of innovative disability services and growth of community engagement. We see a gap in the market of disability service provision and in turn a need within our communities for collaborative social and rehabilitative service provision.
A Brief History of the Sector in the opinion of s.p.a.c.e
“All new ideas pass through three stages. First, they are ridiculed. Second, they are violently opposed. Third, they are accepted as being self evident.� -Arthur Schopenhauer
s.p.a.c.e volunteering Get involved today! www.thespace.org.au
This booklet was written by s.p.a.c.e Founder and Executive Director: Alissa Phillips alissa@thespace.org.au 0403 747 228