GUIDED Saint Louis: Soulard + Benton Park

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730 Carroll St. 314.622.4180

Soulard Farmers Market B y : A my D e La H u n t P h o t o g r a p h y : C a r me n Tro e sse r

A r r i v i n g f r o m t h e p l a z a o n t h e m a r k e t ’s s o u t h

in 1914 and first leased indoor market

side, shoppers walk up to a gracious expanse

s p a c e i n 1 9 2 9 . S c h w e i g e r ’s P r o d u c e h a s a n

of Renaissance architecture. Inside the Grand

even longer history: The fourth-generation

H a l l , n o i s e l e v e l s r i s e i m m e d i a t e l y, a l o n g

producer was established in 1884. One

with aromas of spices, coffee and bread.

newcomer is Park Avenue Coffee; its two-

We l c o m e t o S o u l a rd F a r m e r s M a r k e t — o ff i c i a l l y

y e a r- o l d l o c a t i o n i s t h e c o m p a n y ’s f i f t h s h o p .

established in 1841 as a two-block venue where farmers could park their wagons and

On Saturdays, St. Louisans of all backgrounds,

sell their wares, which they’d already been

lifestyles, income levels and ages mill through

doing since 1779. The main building, with

the aisles. From early spring through late fall,

shops on the first floor and a gymnasium

many of the outdoor stalls in the north wings

and theater on the second, dates to 1929.

fill with local producers of fruits, vegetables, preserves, meats and more. In the south



Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays are a

wings, shoppers find cheeses, baked goods,

good time to meet the mainstay vendors.

flowers, seafood, sports gear and prepared

T h e r e ’s S o u l a r d S p i c e S h o p , w h i c h o p e n e d

foods from mini donuts to tamales to falafel.

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