Samuel Dias Santos; Maria Otávia Silva Crepaldi; Leonardo Thompson da Silva; Allívia Rouse Carregosa Rabbani
The objec ive of this chapter was therefore to assess the accuracy of four di ferent DEMs by comparing the morphometric data obtained from the automa ic vectoriza ion of the drainage network of the River Buranhém watershed with that generated by manual vectoriza ion and, based on this compara ive analysis, determine which of the DEMs is most suitable for performing automa ic vectoriza ion of luvial networks and morphometric characteriza ion of watersheds and which geoprocessing techniques can be used to op imize results.
STUDY AREA AND APPLIED APPROACH The study area was the River Buranhém watershed. The source of the main river, the River Buranhém, is located in the municipality of Santo Antônio do Jacinto in the northeast of the State of Minas Gerais. The river lows through the municipali ies of Guara inga, Eunápolis, and finally Porto Seguro, where it drains into the Atlan ic Ocean (Figure 1). Figure 1 - Loca ion of the River Buranhém watershed.
Source: ANA (2017); IBGE, 2016; authors´ elabora ion (2020).