Samuel Dias Santos; Maria Otávia Silva Crepaldi; Leonardo Thompson da Silva; Allívia Rouse Carregosa Rabbani
pacity, where the greater the sinuosity, the slower the low velocity (Schumm, 1963; Santos et al., 2012; Ba ista et al., 2017). According to Christofolet i (1980), Si values near to 1 (one) indicate straighter channels, while values above 1.5 indicate meandering channels.
COMPARISONS AND INFERENCES A total of 10,750 drainage channels were iden ified on the map created by manual vectoriza ion (Figure 2). This number is almost 72 imes greater than the number informed on ANA’s o ficial site, on which 150 vector files of watercourses are available for download. Figure 2 - Map of the drainage network of the River Buranhém watershed created by manual vectoriza ion.
Source: Bing Satellite (s.d.); authors’ elabora ion (2020).
Although the DEMs used for automa ic vectoriza ion show a similar visual appearance in terms of basin shape (Figure 3), significant discrepancies were found in the morphometric parameters.