Hafiq’s Track Records
Edulery Indonesia Ruangguru
POSITION: Founder & Executive Director (2021-Present)
• Initiated the Edurangers Program & “Sekolah Setara” Project for underdeveloped high school students and Edulery Young Leaders (EYL) for OSIS SMA in Aceh Province (Total participants +750 students)
• Collaborating with +10 Public Figures and +20 Social Organizations/Communities
• Managing 4 regular programs consisting of 12 derivative programs with a total of +15 program implementations throughout 2022.
POSITION: Community Education Intern (June 2022-Sept 2022)
• Organized Ngobrol Guru Seputar Pendidikan Daerah (NGSPD) Program which was attended by 184 teachers from 10 Provinces in Indonesia
• Created 12 Educational Content for Instagram @ruangguru with a total satisfaction score of 9.8/10
• Managed the Indonesian Teaching Fellowship (ITF) community which consists of +2.000 teachers from 27 provinces in Indonesia.
• Conducted Monitoring and Evaluation of 7 ITF Ruangguru teacher social programs.
Katalisator Muda Aceh Campaign.com
POSITION: Province Director (2020-2021)
• Initiated Aceh Youth Conference on Violence (IYCV) Program which was attended by 36 delegates from 17 districts/cities in Aceh
• Initiated KaMu Aceh Webinar program related to Conflic resolution & sexual violence prevention which was attended by 105 participants
• Managed 3 regular programs with a total of +365 participants
POSITION: Monitoring & Evaluation (March 2023-June 2023)
• Coordinating +15 organizers & sponsors and support them in conducting the short-term and long-term projects
• Managing 10 monitoring documents and collect relevant data to analyze on monthly and quarterly report
• Keeping accurate records of all activities, developing 9 reports and monitoring and evaluating all activities
Community Education Intern
During my role as Community Education Intern, I have gotten a lot of experiences in handling many projects and people.
• Redesigned Program to Increase the engagement (planning, executing, monitoring and evaluation)
• Managed & Implemented strategies to increase the number of facilitators and participants (Successfully got 15 facilitators and 184 participants from 10 Provinces)
• Provide training programs for NGSPD facilitators (Created E-Guide Book and had 4 mentoring session for facilitators)
• Evaluated Program (facilitators & participants) through online form and FGD Session.
• Presented the program processes and results to community officer and community & counselling lead Ruangguru
Organized Ngobrol Guru Seputar Pendidikan Daerah (NGSPD 2) Program
Ngobrol Guru Seputar Pendidikan Daerah (NGSPD) is a regular program by Community Education Ruangguru to provide an online discussion for teachers around of Indonesia. The participants of the program will discuss the topic related to education problems that exist in their environment and provide the solution based on their ideas.
NGSPD 2022 successfully held on 8-12 August 2022 which was attended by 184 participants from 10 Provinces in Indonesia. The main topic discussed in this program was “Roles and Strategies by Teacher in Increasing Motivation and Discipline in Learning Process”
Do you want to know more about NGPSD?
Please access the following link:
Evaluated Social Competency Webinar of Indonesia Teaching Fellowship (ITF)
• Managed online form and FGD Session of the evaluation (Total participants 87)
• Developed evaluation deck based on the needs to make decision and summaries for the next webinars.
• Provide the summaries in final deck for all webinars (total webinars I handled in: 7)
• Presented the evaluation processes and results to the community officer and community & counselling lead Ruangguru
• Analysed the needs of the teachers to make the contents each month (July-September 2022)
• Arranged the content plan and mock-up design to make the content (using Gslide and Gdoc)
• Scheduled discussion session with teachers to get the data for the content
• Collaborated with creative team and media team (requesting design, giving feedback, and publication)
• Evaluated each content per month through online form and FGD session with the teachers (successfully got satisfaction score 9,8 out of 10)
• Presented the evaluation results to community officer and community & counselling lead in the end of the intern.
Created 12 (Mock-Up) Educational Content For Instagram @Ruangguru
• Managed the Indonesia Teaching Fellowship (ITF) online groubs (Consist of 2.560 partisipants from 27 Provinces in Indonesia)
• Scheduled discussion session each week with the teachers to increase the engagement of the programs
• Analysed the needs of teacher social competencies and interpreted into data to make decision for the suitable programs.
• Mantained working relationship and coordinated with field teams in the area for project implementation through regular meetings and daily communication
Other Daily Activities as Community Education Intern Ruangguru
Monitoring & Evaluation Intern
Managing Sponsors & Organizers at Campaign.com
• Coordinating +15 sponsors and organizers tha focus on Education, Equality, Environment and Health
• Managing 10 monitoring documents (Project Activity Report, Organizer Report, Interim Report, Impact Report, etc) and check the completeness of it periodically
• Collect relevant data to analyze on monthly and quarterly report (Coordinating with data analysist, program, sponsorship and outreach team through JIRA and Slack-Based Discussion)
• Preparing for the organizers or sponsor’s events (ToR, Presentation deck, RSVP Form, Cue Card, Rundown & Team allocation, Feedback form, Request form, KPI/OKR, Measurement table, sustainability scoring table, etc)
Coordinating All Activities at Campaign.com
• Coordinating sponsor and organizers activities through Slack Channel
• Check all documents from other division (Program, Outreach, Partnership and Communication division)
• Request data, design, media, and all needs through JIRA platform
• Monitoring any development that exist in the regular programs
• Maintaining working relationship with internal and external authorities.
Founder & Executive Director
Edulery Indonesia is a youth-led non-profit Organization that puts concern on Equality Education for underdeveloped Senior High School Students in Indonesia.
Founded in 2022, 24 January (International Education Day). Edulery Indonesia has given a lot of impacts to the society. There are +800 beneficiaries, +400 students, +30 partnerships, and +15 programs have been achieved during 2022.
Organized Daily Activities and Organizational Process
• Managing regular program (planning, executing, monitoring and evaluation)
• Oversees and implements appropriate resources to ensure that the operations of the organization are appropriate
• Forge and maintain relations for trust with shareholders, partners, and external authorities.
Top 120 Social Project Innovillage 2021 by Kementerian BUMN & PT Telkom Indonesia
Top 110 Rumah Akselerasi Inovasi
(REAKSI) by XL Axiata
1K+ Followers 80+ Feeds 3k+ Likes +300 Shares
Access Edulery Indonesia’s profile on ISSUU below!
https://issuu.com/edulery.indonesia/doc s/profil_edulery_indonesia
Province Director
Katalisator Muda Aceh is a non-profit youth organization under Katalisator Muda Indonesia that put concern on conflict resolution & violence prevention issues in Aceh.
Founded in 2020. Katalisator Muda Aceh has given a lot of impacts to the society. There are +200 beneficiaries and +20 partnerships have been connected during 2022. Also, We have conducted The First Youth Conference in Aceh that discuss issues related to Conflict resolution & Violence prevention.
Organized Daily Activities and Organizational Process
• Managed the head of each division in regular programs
• Oversees and implements appropriate resources to ensure that the operations of the organization are appropriate
• Forge and maintain relations for trust with shareholders, partners, and external authorities.
700+ Followers 90+ Feeds 3k+ Likes +200 Shares katalisatormuda.aceh
Access Katalisator Muda’s information on ISSUU below!
https://issuu.com/allhafiq/docs/evaluasi _akhir_katalisator_muda_aceh
Speaker & Adjudicator
Hafiq has reached +20 Events, +3000 audiences with >70 hours of speaking and >20 organizations related to the topics of (Education, Project Management, Writing Skills, and Youth Development).
Hafiq has received many offers as Adjudicators in +15 Events related to Education Competition, Business Case/Plan Competition, and Popular Writing Competition.
Hafiq’s Top Experiences as the Speaker!
Speaker at AIESEC Unsri (Topic: Youth Critics and Behavior)
Speaker at Science Hunter Indonesia (Topic: Understanding Research Method, Strategies and Prospects)
Speaker at Tessa Academy (Topic: Building CV & Linked In for Professional Journey)
Skills & Interests
Duolingo English Test
Overall Score : 110
EF SET Score
Overall Score: 74
British Council Score
Overall Score: 314
Hafiq is Very good at Using…
Hafiq’s Top Interests!
Community Development
Monitoring & Evaluation
Project Management
People I’ve Worked With
Randa Sandhita, B.A.IR, M.E
Youth Engagement & Entrepreneurship Officer at UNDP Indonesia
Nasrullah Nur Nugroho
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer at Campaign.com
Dara Bikriya
Community Education Officer at Ruangguru
Riski Nopriyama
Associate Trainee at Murzal & Partners Law Firm
Elsa Rajianti Kansil
Community Officer at MNC Vision+
Rivan Rinaldi
Senior Supervisor at PT Green Enterprises Indonesia
Contact Me
allhafiq27 All Hafiq (linkedin.com/in/allhafiq/) +6285262101778 Jln. Tgk. Meura, Hadrah 5, Dusun Lambateung, Blok G, Lr. Bidara, No.3, Kajhu, Aceh Besar, Aceh. allhafiq23@gmail.com