Allegheny Magazine Summer 2018

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VOL. 36 • NO. 2

FIFTY YEARS OF THE SUPER POOL Football Picks and Lasting Friendships




Scene on Campus photo Richard Sayer

During a dress rehearsal, Theatre Professor Beth Watkins (far left) speaks with actresses about their entrance for the Capulet Ball in the Playshop Theatre’s fall 2017 production of Romeo and Juliet. Pictured, from left, are Emily Wilson ’19 as Juliet, Alyssa Johnson ’20 as Lady Capulet, and Nia Shuler ’18 as the Nurse. Guest artist Andrea Ball designed the unit set, and Amanda Fallon ’18 designed the lighting in partial fulfillment of her Senior Project. The Playshop completed its 88th season this academic year.

View more photos at

S P R I N G 2 0 1 8 | Vo l . 3 6 , N o . 2 | a l l e g h e n y. e d u /m a g a z i n e

4 The Super Pool

ON THE COVER The Super Pool celebrates 50 years of football picks and friendships that began at Allegheny (photo by Richard Sayer).

A close-knit group of alumni and friends reflects on a half century together.


10 A Different Kind of Business Major

The Economics Department introduces a new program rooted in the liberal arts.

12 Our Third Century Quest Two gifts support innovative learning opportunities for students.

18 International Health Advice at Home

Claire Wang ’10 helps connect physicians and patients across the globe.

20 Athletics

Profiles of three student-athlete siblings and new field hockey coach Valerie Lohr.

MANAGING EDITOR Josh Tysiachney EDITOR Rick Stanley ART DIRECTOR Penny Drexel LEAD DESIGNER Brian Martone CONTRIBUTORS Ruth Donaldson Andel ’85 Jim Berger Heather Grubbs Portia Hoeg John Arthur Hutchison Jesse Lavery Sean O’Connor Bernadette Wilson PHOTOGRAPHY Jennifer Kielich Derek Li Ed Mailliard Bill Owen ’74 Richard Sayer Chelsie Starley PRINTING Heeter, Canonsburg, PA

26 On the Hill

Accolades and appointments from campus.

28 Class Notes

News from around the country from fellow alumni.

40 The Last Word

Supporting the legacy and future of Gator pride.


Send us your feedback! What do you think of Allegheny magazine? Email Notice of Non-discrimination Allegheny College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, religion, disability, age or other criteria protected by law in admission, treatment, employment in or access to its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Gillian Ford Title IX Coordinator 520 North Main Street | Meadville Pa 16335 (814) 332-3085 Inquiries may also be directed to the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education at 800-421-3481 or by email at

TRUSTEES Mark R. Campbell ’82, Chair Yvonne LaTrelle Hobbs Allen ’72, Ph. D. Christian L. Allison ’83 Kevin W. Baird ’84 Edward Joseph Borkowski ’81 Willow Wilcox Brost ’74 William H. Brown, Jr. ’80 Curt A. Cramer ’84 Jennifer Daurora ’99 Jon Davis ’80 Antonio F. Dias ’86 Gary M. Elliott ’72 Mary H. Feeley ’78, Ph.D. Roger A. Gurner ’63 Terrence L. Hartford ’81 Judith Thomas Horgan ’68 Dusty E. Kirk ’75 John Kutz ’83 Steven D. Levinsky ’78 Robert A. Marchman ’80 Robert E. McGarity ’80 Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi James H. Mullen, Jr., Ed.D. Christine Scott Nelson ’73 Jerome V. Nelson ’83 Martin Pfinsgraff ’77 Timothy L. Reeves ’83 Yvonne Reed Seon ’59, Ph.D. Julie G. Skattum ’85 Robert L. Smith, Jr. ’73 James H. Spalding ’80 Sue E. Steven ’75, Ph.D. Arthur J. Stewart ’80 Hayes C. Stover ’62 John F. Sutphen ’78 Eddie Taylor, Jr. ’87 Bruce R. Thompson ’86 Karen A. Ubelhart ’77 James O. Wible ’71 Nancy Yovetich ’87, Ph.D. TRUSTEES EMERITI Alice S. Bierer ’59 Ann S. Degenhart ’71 J. Tomlinson Fort ’50, Esq. Thomas T. Frampton ’70, Esq. Samuel Hellman ’55, M.D. William I. Jack ’57 The Hon. Jack K. Mandel ’58 Silas R. Mountsier III ’52 John C. Phillips, Jr. ’56 James F. Pomroy ’56 Thomas St. Clair ’57 Ferd J. Sauereisen ’57 M. Peter Scibetta ’54, M.D. Henry B. Suhr, Jr. ’55 Arthur Tepper ’58 William H. Timbers ’72 Patricia Bush Tippie ’56 Robert A. Vukovich ’65, Ph.D. John D. Wheeler ’61, Esq. Robert C. Woodworth ’69

Allegheny (ISSN 0279-6724) is issued three times a year by Allegheny College, 520 North Main Street, Meadville, PA 16335 for the alumni, parents and friends of the College. The winter issue is digitalonly, and the spring and summer issues are in print and digital versions. All material can be found at Opinions and comments expressed herein are not necessarily those of the College. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Allegheny, Allegheny College, 520 North Main Street, Meadville, PA, 16335. Copyright 2018 Allegheny College.

Planning for a Strong Future by President James H. Mullen, Jr.

I am energized by the promise of Allegheny’s strong future and all who are contributing to the College’s mission.

Friendships forged at Allegheny College last a lifetime. In this issue of Allegheny magazine, you can read about the special bonds formed by Alleghenians known as the “Super Pool,” a group that traces its roots to 1968. What began as a way for students to predict the outcomes of football games has grown into much more — deep connections that have endured through times of celebration and challenge alike for its members. To put that in perspective, the Super Pool has existed for nearly one-quarter of the College’s history. During those 50 years, and particularly over the last decade, we have seen substantial changes to the landscape in higher education. Allegheny has remained firmly committed to our liberal arts tradition while preparing students to learn and lead in a rapidly evolving world. While honoring the mission and traditions that help to place Allegheny among the nation’s top liberal arts colleges, we are considering how we can continue to thrive to serve future generations. We are not immune from shifting demographics and financial realities that institutions across the country are confronting. Last July, the College convened three Summer Working Groups to make recommendations to address the strategic needs for Allegheny’s future within this very competitive national environment. These groups included diverse representation from across campus constituencies, disciplines and experiences. We also are very grateful to the members of the Board of Trustees who contributed meaningfully to this work. The Summer Working Groups focused on three critical areas of the College’s current strategic plan, Combinations 2020: Enrollment and Access, Programs, and

Facilities. These groups offered both shortand long-term recommendations to build on the College’s strengths and to enhance our distinctive liberal arts education and position in the marketplace. These recommendations together resulted in the development of the Allegheny Strategic Action Plan, which includes the following initiatives. • The Enrollment and Access group recommended a confident strategy for strengthening our market position by intentionally becoming a smaller college and sustaining our tradition of academic excellence and rigor. This strategy for enrollment is based on current demographic data and consistent with Allegheny’s core values and commitments to diversity and access. • The Programs group offered a bold vision for the applied liberal arts. This vision is at once true to our tradition and promotes a more integrated and collaborative curriculum while increasing opportunities for students to explore different pathways to lives and careers that matter. The group also recommended strategic investments in marketing, summer programming, and new technologies, including a center for innovation. • The Facilities group laid out a plan for a more vibrant, efficient campus through strategic building updates, the creation of a Wellness Center to accommodate growing campus needs, and reducing our footprint in ways that foster both sustainability and integration. The College’s Board of Trustees unanimously endorsed the Allegheny Strategic Action Plan at its October 2017 meeting and has committed financial resources to (continued on page 39)




SUPER POOL It’s Been About Football Picks and Lasting Friendships

by Richard Stanley

group photo Bill Owen ’74

photos contributed by the Super Pool

The Pool long ago became much less about ‘picks’… Dave “Twister” Lewis ’72

It was the fall of 1968. The place was 387 Sherman St., home to Alpha Chi Rho fraternity at Allegheny College. One day, Thom Myers ’71 and a handful of fraternity brothers decided to predict the winners of that Sunday’s National Football League contests, just like sportswriters did at daily newspapers back then. The results of the fraternity brothers’ choices were posted on a bulletin board. Every week during the rest of that football season, the group followed its ritual — posting their predictions on the bulletin board — along with some

good-natured scribbled insults from the contestants, and a few unsolicited barbs from anonymous non-participants as well. Thus was born Allegheny’s Super Pool and 50 years of camaraderie, newsletters, touch football games and annual get-togethers that culminated on Super Bowl weekend in February 2018, when 70 members and friends of the Pool met in Meadville for one final celebration. (continued on next page)





Super Pool VII

Super Pool IX

Super Pool XIV

“The Pool long ago became much less

together, sharing marriages, divorces,

who have died over the years: James

about ’picks’ and more a vehicle to

the deaths of parents. It’s really a

S. Myers, Michael B. Schmitt ’71 and

announce births, deaths, marriages,

remarkable thing that we all stayed

Dennis T. Sheehan ’73. Known as the

new jobs and retirements,” says Dave

involved in each other’s lives. It’s

Michael B. Schmitt Endowment for

Lewis ’72. “Annually, this group of

unusual in this day.”

the Center for Political Participation,

grads made it a point to gather on Super Bowl weekend, with families, to celebrate enduring friendships. Those friendships started at the College, and we think that is special.”

the income from the fund is used to

It’s really a remarkable thing that we all stayed involved in each other’s lives. It’s unusual in this day.

A ceremony marked the 50th and

student-centered programs, community outreach projects and scholarly research. Since its inception in 2005, more than $225,000 in gifts has been designated for the Schmitt Endowment.

final gathering on Feb. 3, 2018, when

Arlene “Segy” Diosegy ’71

a plaque was unveiled commemorating the Super Pool and the group’s founding at 387 Sherman St, which

support civic engagement through

“I remember people were devastated when Mike died a week before the

Members of the group include phy-

Super Bowl gathering in North Carolina

is now a College-owned residence. A

sicians, lawyers, ministers, college

in 2005,” says Thom Myers. “The group

final dinner for the group was held

administrators, a newspaper publisher

wanted to do something to honor his

in the Tippie Alumni Center, and they

and other professionals, now mostly

memory with a memorial fund and

watched the Super Bowl the next day

retired. They aren’t known by their real

that’s how we started the endowment.

at a local hotel.

names among members, but instead

From the beginning, the endowment

go by their nicknames, often earned as

was intended to honor all of us, and it

“The Super Pool is about lifelong

Allegheny students, such as Squeeky,

has allowed us in subsequent years to

friendships,” says Arlene Diosegy ’71,

Kink, Dud, Smoochy, Pooh and Twister.

honor Denny Sheehan, Buzz Myers and

who attended the final official event,

other family members and friends.”

traveling from her North Carolina

The group has left a lasting mark at

home. “It’s a microcosm of the Baby

Allegheny in the form of an endow-

Boomers growing up. We all grew up

ment that honors three members


1988 Super Pool XVI


ALLEGHENY Spring 2018

(continued on page 8)

1991 Super Pool XX

Super Pool XXIII





Years Celebrated as a Group


Annual Snow Bowls

1 13 6

Marriage Between Children of Members

-Gallon Milk Can Trophy

Center for Political Participation (CPP) Student Fellows Supported Annually


Dollars Raised for CPP Endowment

Thom Myers, affectionately known as Chancellor, lived in Latrobe after graduation. I lived in Washington, Pennsylvania. A couple of our early Super Bowl parties were actually held at his home. In those days only a dozen or so members showed up. We started to play the Snow Bowl, a touch football game at the Blast, and the number of members that participated increased. These games were highly competitive until we all got too old and some of the guys were no longer interested in feeling terrible for a few days. We had young kids and day jobs at that point. We would bring our spouses and then kids and eventually even some grandkids. ... Through all of these years, Chancellor was the glue that kept our gang together. He has been the inspiration and the brains (using that term very generously). We used to mail our picks until this thing called the Internet came along! Chancellor would compile all the information, including notes and quotes, then mail a newsletter. I am proud and pleased to have been part of this endearing and totally unique experience.

David “Fortuo” Sciamanna ’74

During the Saturday night dinner at the Tippie Alumni Center in February 2013, President Mullen said that he would like to join the Super Pool. Thom Myers, the founder of the pool, replied, “You may be president of Allegheny College, but you can’t just join the Super Pool. The number of members is fixed at 32, and no one can join unless a member dies or resigns. However, you can become a ’Friend of the Super Pool,’ which entitles you to receive the Super Pool News and attend our annual reunion.” Everyone laughed, and President Mullen became a “Friend of the Super Pool.”

Paul “Pudlo” Pudloski ’72




Says Pooler James Stranahan ’72, a

2006 Super Pool XXXII

Super Pool XXVII

and a year later we stopped the paper

Super Pool XXXVIII

Myers, for his part, remains modest

Mercer, Pennsylvania, attorney: “I’m

newsletters, after 25 years of printing,

about his efforts as the group leader.

pleased that members have been able

folding, stuffing, stamping and mailing.”

“It’s not all that unique or rare,” he

to contribute to the College since that’s

says. “A lot of high school, college and

where our friendships all began.”

military groups have newsletters and

Besides being credited as the founder of the Super Pool, Myers receives acco-

I wanted it to go out with great energy, and I think we accomplished that.

lades for his years of faithfully keeping

annual reunions.” Although the Super Pool’s official events have ended, Myers says the

the records of the weekly football picks

Thomas “Chancellor” Myers ’71

and producing a regular newsletter that chronicled events among the

group will continue to have gatherings such as meeting for dinners, cruises and golf outings. “After about 40 years,

Poolers, their families and friends.

No money ever exchanged hands in the Pool. In fact, the only honor afforded

started to wane, but we continued the

Myers, retired from a public affairs posi-

the annual winner of the Super Pool

Pool primarily because of the endow-

tion at Western Michigan University, said

was having his or her name painted on

ment, which gave us a new sense of

the march of technology has helped

a 13-gallon milk can, the “coveted John

purpose and pride,” he says. “I wanted

him with his task of keeping the group

K. Brallier Cup.”

interest in picking football games

it to go out with great energy, and I

up to date on Super Pool news. “When

think we accomplished that. In simple

we first started the newsletter, we relied

The touch football games on Super

language, it’s time. It’s no longer neces-

on the U.S. Postal Service and charged

Bowl weekends, mostly played in the

sary for me to provide newsletters to

dues to help pay for the printing and

snow, ended about 25 years ago, for

keep it going.”

postage,” he said.

obvious reasons, says Stranahan. “The final game was played against our sons,

Adds Pooler James Stranahan: “Thom

“We used to just pick regular season

who were mostly high school players at

Myers always had impeccable timing.

games,” says Myers. “In 1980, we reor-

the time. But as I remember, our great

It’s time to go out while he’s at the top

ganized and included playoffs. We went

quarterback George Jones was able to

of his game.”

online in 1998 with our first website,

play well enough that we won the final game,” says Stranahan.


2011 Super Pool XL

8 ALLEGHENY Spring 2018

2015 Super Pool XLIII

Super Pool XLVII

IN THEIR OWN WORDS SUPER POOL MEMBERS 2017 Cynthia Camp ’71 Ross Cardas ’72 Richard Carrick ’71 James Cook ’72 Linda Cook Lester Cummins ’72 Ronald DeLucia ’71 Arlene Diosegy ’71 Kevin Donlon ’74 Donald Douglass ’69 James Gardner ’74 James Haas ’71 Richard Johnson ’71 David Jones ’70 George Jones ’66 Richard Jones ’75 Richard Kight ’71 Jeffrey Kiss ’75 James Korpik David Lewis ’72 Mark Mine ’72 Hans Moosa Amy Myers

My daughter, Emily, met Jimmy Stranahan, son of Jim “Stranny” ’72 and Ann Stranahan, as toddlers at a Super Blast weekend many, many years ago. The children of Super Poolers enjoyed their Super Blast weekends by running together throughout the hotel at which we would be staying. As these children became adults, most of them stopped attending these weekends as they pursued their own life’s work. Emily’s career in retail took her to Ohio, where she stayed several years. However, she was transferred to a managerial position at a store in the Pittsburgh area. Her new position required lots of hours, and Emily complained to me that she enjoyed her job but she had no social life at all and it was wearing on her. Knowing that Jimmy lived in the Pittsburgh area also, I called Stranny and got Jimmy’s email address. I wrote to Jimmy and asked if, the next time he went out for an evening with friends, he would include Emily. He responded positively, and I let Emily know. They started dating almost immediately. One year later Jimmy came to my home and we sat on the front porch with cigars and bourbon … and he asked me for Emily’s hand in marriage. He told me, “You know, I’ve been in love with Emily since I was 12 years old.” A certain father admits to having tears in his eyes with that statement. Jimmy and Emily were married on June 18, 2011, by the Rev. James Haas ’71 and now have three wonderful boys. Jimmy and Emily are the only “children of the Pool” to have married each other.

Benjamin Myers Thomas Myers ’71 James Poole ’73

David “Doc” Jones ’70

Paul Porter ’70 Paul Pudloski ’72 Scott Reilly ’71 Daniel Sahm ’75 David Sciamanna ’74 James Stranahan ’72

PAST MEMBERS WITH 25 YEARS OR MORE MEMBERSHIP Keith Douglass Stephen Huffaker ’72 James Myers Andrew Robinson ’71

I am the odd man out. Went to UNC instead of the elite private school in my backyard. Snuck into the Super Pool through the back door. Don Douglass thought I was competent enough to hang with Myers, who in turn thought I was literate enough to pick football games against his Allegheny friends. A major lapse in judgment. Rather than enjoying football games on weekends, I was reduced to frustration and anxiety, and exasperation and helplessness, in trying to decide who wins in games I didn’t care a damn about — just to compete with newfound friends.

Michael Schmitt ’71 Dennis Sheehan

Hans “Moona” Moosa 9

Building a Different Kind of Business Major photo Ed Mailliard

Beginning with the 2018–19 academic year, the Allegheny College Department of Economics will offer a new major in business. We asked Stephen Onyeiwu, the department’s chair and Andrew Wells Robertson Professor of Economics, to give

Allegheny magazine: What motivated the Department of Economics to introduce a major in business? Stephen Onyeiwu: Prospective students, parents and many of our stakeholders, including alumni, have expressed interest in a business major. This is not surprising, as business has become one of the most popular college majors in North America. Allegheny was perhaps the only institution among our peer institutions without a full-fledged major in business. We had been losing very talented prospective students to other institutions simply because we didn’t have the “B” word in our list of academic majors. Apart from market signals, we have found that we have the resources and capabilities to offer a very unique, liberal arts-based major in business, one that could serve as a model of business 10 ALLEGHENY Spring 2018

readers of Allegheny magazine an inside look at why the College added a business major rooted in the liberal arts, what distinguishes the program, and how it is designed to help students succeed. Following are excerpts of our conversation.

education at other colleges. The new major builds on our previous managerial economics track, which was founded in 2001 by Professor Emeritus Don Goldstein. Another motivation for the business major is philosophical. Liberal arts colleges have an important role in shaping business education and in providing an alternative to business education at research institutions. Business organizations are increasingly making decisions that affect almost every facet of our lives — health, education, the environment, politics, communities, the workplace, etc. We should, therefore, not sit by the sidelines and watch only the big universities train and shape the minds of our future business leaders. According to the June 28, 2016, edition of The Atlantic magazine, “businesses want workers who have the ability to think, the ability to write,

the ability to understand the cultural or historical context of whatever business decision they’re making.” Businesses are yearning for employees who have the hallmarks of a liberal arts education.

What sets Allegheny’s business major apart from offerings at other schools? There are a number of areas of distinction within Allegheny’s business major. Unlike programs at many institutions, our business major requires students to declare a minor in a non-business and non-social science discipline. In other words, a business major could minor in philosophy, religious studies, a foreign language, music, English, fine arts, biology, or chemistry, among other fields. Additionally, students are required to take one communication or foreign language course,

as well as philosophy. Thus, business majors from Allegheny will graduate with an unusually heavy dose of the liberal arts. In addition, every business major is expected to engage in a mentored experiential learning project or activity. This may be satisfied by a study abroad program or an internship that exposes the student to cultural, civic engagement and global issues. Allegheny business majors will also have the opportunity to be mentored by members of the Board of Visitors of the College’s Center for Business and Economics (see box below for more information).

Why is a strong foundation in economics important for students majoring in business? Some business programs run the risk of being characterized as “fluffy,” in the sense that they are far less rigorous and quantitative than an economics major. We have made the decision not to run into that quagmire. Our business major is one of the few programs that require students to take a full menu of economic theory courses, calculus and statistics. Economic theory and statistics deepen students’ analytical skills and enable them to develop appropriate frameworks for analyzing business problems and predicting business trends. Economic statistics gives students the ability to manage and analyze large datasets — and draw inferences from those data. Data Analytics, which is a course offered by the Computer Science Department, is one of the elective courses that our business majors could take.

The major includes a focus on ways in which businesses can contribute to social welfare, including business ethics, corporate responsibility, and sustainability. How will the program help students learn about those essential concepts? Through courses, experiential learning and mentoring, students will learn the concept of “sustainability,” the notion that business organizations, while pursuing their economic goals, should also embrace the sustainable development goals set forth by the United Nations. For instance, students are required to take one of the following philosophy courses: Ethics and Community, Oppression and Liberation, Business and Management Ethics, and Global Justice. There also is an elective course on Nonprofit Management and Social Entrepreneurship. In addition, some of the courses offered in the business curriculum emphasize themes involving ethics, social responsibility and the environment.

What advice do you have for students interested in careers in business? To remember that business is not about making money per se — it also is about how leaders can use their financial success to serve humanity, make a difference in people’s lives, and leave a legacy of success and service. As legendary management thinker Peter Drucker reminded us, “business” is not synonymous with working for profit-making organizations on Wall Street or in Silicon Valley. It also involves working for organizations that are engaged in social entrepreneurship and for

organizations that strive to alleviate poverty, provide better health care, and address climate change and other environmental challenges. Students also should continue learning after landing that first job. They will quickly find that some of the skills they learned in college will become anachronistic, and they will need to continuously reinvigorate those skills and adapt them to changes in the marketplace. This is where Allegheny’s applied liberal arts curriculum comes in handy — a curriculum that instills a culture of continuous learning in our students.

How can Allegheny alumni become more involved in supporting the Department of Economics and the business major? We are fortunate to have alumni who are very passionate about the College and the success of our students. Several Alleghenians have stepped forward to offer internship and career opportunities to our students, and we’ll continue to need their help in providing these experiences for our business majors. Another area in which we will need support is mentoring. Quite often, students are unaware of the various career pathways available to them or the skills they need for certain jobs. We would like to be in a position to connect with alumni who are willing to mentor our students. Of course, we could also use additional financial resources to support internships and other experiential learning activities offered by the Center for Business and Economics.

Major City Business Tours Lunchtime Learning Lecture Series Internships

Allegheny’s new business major integrates classroom learning with experiential opportunities available through the College’s Center for Business and Economics. Since its founding in 2015, the Center has grown rapidly. Its portfolio has expanded to include a wide array of profitable experiences for students, including:

The Zingale Big Idea Competition Job Shadowing Campus Visits by Alumni Executives

Richard J. Cook and Teresa M. Lahti

We hope our gift will help students imagine what they can do in their lives at Allegheny and beyond. President Emeritus Richard J. Cook


by Josh Tysiachney

photos Ed Mailliard

President Emeritus Richard J. Cook and Teresa M. Lahti Establish Endowment

Allegheny College President Emeritus Richard J. Cook and his wife, Teresa M. Lahti, have committed a $1 million gift to support undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity at Allegheny. Cook and Lahti’s gift establishes an endowment that will provide funds for student research stipends, materials, equipment, travel to conferences and other expenses. An annual symposium, held near the end of each academic year highlighting student research and achievement across the disciplines, was named in honor of Cook and Lahti; the Allegheny community gathered this year on May 1 for the Richard J. Cook – Teresa M. Lahti Scholars Symposium. Cook served as president of Allegheny College from 1996 to 2008 and was named president emeritus and granted an honorary doctor of humane letters

degree by the Board of Trustees upon his retirement. Lahti is founder of Lahti Search Consultants, a nationally known executive search firm that assists colleges and universities in hiring enrollment professionals. Both were named honorary alumni of Allegheny and awarded the Alumni Medal in 2006. “During the 12 years that they graced our College with their leadership and passion for learning, Richard Cook and Terry Lahti made a profound difference in the lives of young people while setting the highest bar of academic rigor and quality of learning on our campus,” said Allegheny President James H. Mullen, Jr. “We are grateful not only for their generosity, but also for their remarkable belief in the liberal arts and a faith in the extraordinary potential unleashed when students have the opportunity to work closely with faculty.”

In 2016, Allegheny was the only baccalaureate college in the nation honored with the inaugural Award for Undergraduate Research Accomplishment from the Council on Undergraduate Research. The award recognizes the exceptional research experiences that Allegheny provides to its students. In 2017, U.S. News & World Report featured Allegheny among only 45 colleges and universities nationally with outstanding programs in intensive, student-directed research and creative work. All Allegheny students are required to complete a senior comprehensive project, a significant piece of independent study, research or creative work conducted with a faculty mentor. The College’s curriculum supports that requirement; beginning in their first year, students engage in research experiences and creative activities with faculty. (continued on next page)


OUR ALLEGHENY: OUR THIRD CENTURY QUEST CAMPAIGN Cook and Lahti both were first-generation college students. Cook, who grew up on the rural family homestead in northeastern Michigan, received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan and doctorate in chemistry from Princeton University. He also holds a certificate in German language from the Goethe Institute in Germany. Prior to joining Allegheny, he was a member of the faculty and later provost at Kalamazoo College in Michigan. Lahti was raised in Minnesota, one of eight children, and holds a bachelor’s degree from the College of Saint Benedict. She also completed extensive graduate coursework in administration at the University of Notre Dame. She was a director and dean of admissions at a number of private colleges before founding Lahti Search Consultants. “We’ve been associated with residential liberal arts colleges throughout our professional careers and have long admired what these colleges do,” Cook said. “We embrace Allegheny’s intentional commitment to connect students with professors who are passionate about both their own scholarly activities and teaching undergraduates, and we wanted to support this in a tangible way.”

As a junior at the University of Michigan, Cook said he had the “good fortune” of taking a course with Dr. Mark Green, then a first-year professor. Cook went on to conduct laboratory research for two years with Green, who helped put his protégé on the path to graduate school at Princeton University working with Dr. Kurt Mislow, a nationally recognized pioneer in the field of stereochemistry. “Mark is still a dear friend because he was such a strong influence,” Cook said. “That’s the kind of experience we believe in and want to support.” Both Lahti and Cook come from families of modest financial means and benefited from scholarships as college students. They know firsthand the difference that funding and supportive mentors can make, Lahti said, and believe wholeheartedly in paying it forward. Added Cook: “We are grateful to those who invested in our education years ago and grateful to have been part of the Allegheny College community. We hope our gift will help students imagine what they can do in their lives at Allegheny and beyond.”


$154,428,372 GOAL


77% Totals as of March 31, 2018 The Allegheny community gathered for the first Richard J. Cook – Teresa M. Lahti Scholars Symposium in May 2017.

14 ALLEGHENY Spring 2018


by Josh Tysiachney

portrait photo Jennifer Kielich

photos Derek Li

INVESTING IN THE NEXT BIG IDEA Lance ’77 and Karen Zingale Support Student Opportunities in the Center for Business and Economics When Lance Zingale came to Allegheny College in 1973 from his hometown in northern New Jersey, he quickly found a new community: a close-knit cadre of economics majors in Quigley Hall. That experience, and the education Zingale received, changed his life and laid the foundation for a successful career in business. “Allegheny, next to my family, has had the greatest influence in my values and in how I think and how I approach life,” Zingale said. “I give Allegheny a lot of credit, 40 years later, for that … and I want to do a lot for the school.” In November, Zingale and his wife, Karen, made a $590,000 gift to support Allegheny’s Center for Business and Economics (CBE) and student scholarships at the College. The Zingales’ commitment established a $500,000 endowment to fund initiatives

at the CBE, which provides businessrelated internship, research and other experiential-learning opportunities for students. In addition, the Zingales will provide Annual Fund Grant Scholarships for two Allegheny students in each of the next five years.

Allegheny, next to my family, has had the greatest influence in my values and in how I think and how I approach life. Lance Zingale ’77 Zingale is executive vice president and general manager at Sykes Enterprises Inc., headquartered in Tampa, Florida, a global digital marketing and business process outsourcing company. He oversees Sykes’ North American and European businesses.

After graduating from Allegheny, Zingale earned his Master of Business Administration with specialization in marketing from Lehigh University. He began his career with AT&T, where he worked for nearly 20 years. During his tenure with the international telecommunications firm, he rose through the ranks within the sales, marketing and operations departments. At AT&T, Zingale held management positions in marketing, operations and customer care. Prior to joining Sykes in 2006, he served as executive vice president and chief operating officer for a call center management company headquartered in Colorado. During the past five years, Zingale has returned to the Allegheny campus to work with students and serve as a judge in the College’s Big Idea Competition, where students prepare and pitch business concepts for funding. Students participating in the annual contest prepare and present (continued on page 17)

The second-place, third-place, and honorable mention winners from the Center for Business and Economics’ 2017 Big Idea Competition, which featured 27 teams of students pitching entrepreneurial concepts to judges.

Liana Leja ’17, who won first prize and $5,000 in the 2017 Big Idea Competition, with Chris Allison ’83, entrepreneur in residence in the Department of Economics and co-coordinator of the competition.



Lance ’77 and Karen Zingale

Lance Zingale personifies alumni who give of their time, talent and treasure to their alma mater. Allegheny trustee and entrepreneur in residence Chris Allison ’83

JOIN THE QUEST: ALLEGHENY.EDU/CAMPAIGN proposals to fund concepts for businesses, nonprofit social ventures, research and community engagement initiatives. Zingale said he has been impressed with what he has seen from Allegheny students. “They have energy and an eagerness to learn,” he said. “They have made amazing progress from year to year in the competition, not only in their presentations, but in the depth of their research, planning and insights.” In recognition of the Zingales’ generosity, the CBE has renamed the Big Idea Competition in their honor. Lance Zingale also has joined the CBE Board of Visitors, which advises faculty and staff in the Department of Economics on industry trends and other opportunities.

“Lance Zingale personifies alumni who give of their time, talent and treasure to their alma mater,” said Chris Allison ’83, Allegheny trustee and entrepreneur in residence. “As important as this significant gift is, Lance’s years of commitment to our students as a judge for the Big Idea Competition and mentor is perhaps even more significant. He is truly changing lives, and the Allegheny community is deeply grateful for his involvement and support.” Zingale said he considers himself to be an “early-stage investor” in the CBE, which was established in 2015. The return on this investment, he added, is seeing Allegheny and its students gain more prominence for creativity and innovation in business.

Zingale said that continuing to develop a strong business education program is critical for Allegheny and for preparing students to succeed in business careers. And he hopes the gift will spur other Allegheny graduates, particularly fellow economics majors from his era, to join him in investing their time and financial resources in the CBE. “I wanted to give back and encourage and challenge other alumni to be engaged with the Center for Business and Economics,” he said. “At this launch stage of the center, I don’t know of another place where you can have such a big impact so quickly and see the results of your support.”

AN INVITATION FOR EARLY-STAGE INVESTMENT Allegheny College’s Center for Business and Economics is uniquely positioned to prepare students to develop the next big ideas in business — and to address society’s most pressing problems.

• Gifts up to $5,000 support Allegheny’s Annual Fund, providing critical funding to sustain current levels of excellence in academic programming and provide the foundation needed to continue to develop innovative initiatives like the Center for Business and Economics.


These investments yield impressive dividends: students with the confidence, skills and creativity not only to secure a first job, but to step forward to adapt and innovate in a changing marketplace and world. Please consider becoming an early-stage investor in the important work of the Center for Business and Economics. To make a gift or discuss options for supporting the Center for Business and Economics, please contact the staff in the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs.

Allegheny alumni have played a key role in the Center’s initial evolution, both through their volunteer involvement and financial support. At this early stage, the Center invites investors to join Lance Zingale ’77 in fueling its continued growth. • Gifts of $50,000 and greater create their own legacy with an endowed fund supporting the Center in perpetuity through interest earnings on the fund principal. • Gifts from $5,000 to $50,000 are designated for immediate use in their entirety to advance the Center for the benefit of current students.

(814) 332-2991 17

ALLEGHENY HEALTH ADV by John Arthur Hutchison

CLAIRE WANG ’10 photo Chelsie Starley

to make a dramatic career change when personal circumstances made it necessary.

In less than 10 years after graduating from Allegheny College, Claire Wang ’10 has transitioned from a career in the news media to health-care consultation, helping those with serious illnesses to speak with doctors on the other side of the world. Wang, 29, lives in Shanghai, China, and is the co-founder and chief executive officer of MediStar Health. The Allegheny graduate believes her liberal arts education gave her the foundation to build a company that can make life-changing differences in its clients’ lives. Wang grew up in southwest China and discovered Allegheny College while reading The Princeton Review college

guidebook. Wang enrolled at Allegheny in 2006 and earned her bachelor’s degree in international studies in three years and even took off a semester to work for cable news giant CNN during that time. Her initial career path involved journalism at major media organizations. Her summers at Allegheny were spent serving internships, including one with the Reuters news agency. After graduation, Wang worked at National Public Radio. She covered many of the social problems in China as a journalist and thought about how she could be part of the solution to those problems. Her education at Allegheny prepared her

“I think a liberal arts education is incredibly valuable and I learned quite a bit from that. I think critical thinking is so important — and it sounds cliché — but I had time to follow and explore what I like,” Wang said. “I took poetry and I took acting. I think I could jump outside the box and think independently from a liberal arts education. There were small classes, and I had a lot of interactions with my professors. I think that type of experience is very hard to find.” She began talking with a partner who had a background in medicine, and they discussed how to simplify the complicated health-care system and how to tackle problems using the tools available to them. Wang had the initial idea to create a digital platform in China that could help people who needed to understand the hundreds of pages of medical information and potential alternative treatment options. In 2014, she and her partner co-founded MediStar Health, which


is registered in the United States and headquartered in China. Her company increases access to health care by offering clients, who are facing serious, life-threatening illnesses, synchronous virtual consultations in a privacycompliant digital platform with American oncologists. MediStar makes quality care more accessible and helps avoid the potential morass of misdiagnosis and overtreatment, said Wang. The company collaborates with public hospitals, health-management centers, and online medical platforms to support and expand access to reliable, affordable health care. The curated network of physicians guides optimal treatment plans and minimizes misdiagnosis, so patients can access medical expertise at their fingertips from anywhere in the world. “Patients can talk to doctors without visiting the office. When patients come to us, we help them understand the United States health-care system more and to select a hospital,” Wang said. “We translate their hundreds of pages of medical records and what questions they want

answered by medical professionals in their hour of consultation time. And then we come up with follow-up questions. The physicians spend quite a bit of time with them and help them adjust their treatment plan.”

We work with hospitals, health-management centers, and our registered users…

Claire Wang ’10 For example, a 16-year-old girl in southern China experienced some unexplained chest pain one day at school, so her parents took her to the hospital. She was then diagnosed with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, a fast-growing and aggressive type of cancer. Both her primary physician and a specialist from Beijing suggested a stem cell transplant that would increase her five-year survival rate to 60 percent, but she would be infertile after the treatment and there was a risk of blood infection. Her parents would have had to sell their apartment to pay for the treatment.

Facing the difficult medical decision, her parents wanted to evaluate the treatment plan with international specialists, and reached out to MediStar. The family was matched with two oncologists — the clinical director of bone and marrow transplant from the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and a hematologist who specializes in pediatric lymphoma. Both doctors rejected the stem cell transplant and recommended a chemotherapy regimen. After six cycles of chemo, the girl fully recovered and her family saved nearly $150,000 in treatment cost. But most important, she was able to avoid unnecessary procedures with potentially serious consequences. “We work with hospitals, healthmanagement centers, and our registered users, so we do get lots of requests,” Wang said. “We are quite humbled; it is not retail, but the cost of health care is rising fast, and we are trying to help as fast as we can.”



by Jim Berger



Valerie Lohr, Allegheny College’s firstever head field hockey coach, appears undaunted at the task of starting a program from scratch. A lacrosse and field hockey standout as an undergraduate at Lehigh University, Lohr was hired at Allegheny in December, bringing more than a decade of coaching experience. “I am absolutely thrilled,” she said. “This is such a special opportunity, as everything the first team does will be a record in the history books and lay the groundwork for years to come. The tradition, passion and excellence will be created and nurtured by this very special first team.” Along with men’s lacrosse, field hockey was officially added to the College’s athletic offerings in November 2017 and attracted plenty of coaching candidates. Director of Athletics and Recreation Portia Hoeg immediately singled out Lohr’s application and credentials. “Valerie distinguished herself among a tremendous pool of candidates,” said Hoeg. “Her experience coaching at various levels will serve her in finding the right recruits for our program. She has exceptional skills in relationship building, and I couldn’t be more confident about the leadership she will provide for Gator field hockey.” Lohr spent fall 2017 as the head coach at Shady Side Academy in the Pittsburgh area. The team had immediate success, compiling a 12-3-1 record and earning a trip to their league’s Class-A championship game. While Lohr enjoyed her season in the high school ranks, she didn’t hesitate to apply for the new position at Allegheny. “It just immediately made sense for me,” she recalled. “Allegheny really offers the perfect combination for student-athletes. The facilities are gorgeous, the entire athletic staff is incredibly supportive, and Portia is doing everything possible to ensure that this program will be successful.”

Lohr is no stranger to building a new program; she was named the first field hockey coach at Division II Pace University in Pleasantville, New York, in 2014. In the team’s inaugural season, she guided the Setters to a 6–12 record against a demanding schedule that included matches against seven teams that finished the year ranked in the top 20. A trio of her players earned all-conference accolades, and 19 landed on the conference’s academic honor roll. Lohr plans on highlighting the historical significance of being on a school’s first team with her prospective recruits.

I get the importance of teaching balance, organization and stress management, and I know how important it is for them to have a space where they can set all of their stress aside and just have fun every day for a couple of hours.

school, spending four seasons as an assistant on both the field hockey and women’s lacrosse coaching staffs at Dickinson College. With her background of athletic and academic achievement, Lohr feels uniquely suited to help guide her future student-athletes in navigating their four years at Allegheny. “It helps because I’ve been there,” she said. “I went to academically rigorous undergrad and grad programs, and either played or coached the whole time. I understand the pressure they’re feeling. I get the importance of teaching balance, organization and stress management, and I know how important it is for them to have a space where they can set all of their stress aside and just have fun every day for a couple of hours.” Though her team won’t play an official game until September 2019, Lohr has a blueprint in place for early success and is not shy in relaying her goals and expectations for her first few Gator squads.

Valerie Lohr “I tell them that this is a brand-new program, so you’ll get to make history,” she said. “We’re giving them the opportunity to be a part of something great, and they’ll rarely have an opportunity like this to be the first of anything so significant.” Prior to her time at Pace, Lohr experienced success as assistant coach at Stevens Institute of Technology from 2007 to 2010. In her four seasons on the staff at the Hoboken, New Jersey, school, the Ducks went a combined 60–29 overall and reached the NCAA Division III playoffs three times. Lohr lettered in both lacrosse and field hockey at Lehigh before graduating in 2002 with a double major in political science and history. She then went on to earn a Juris Doctorate from Penn State’s Dickinson School of Law and was admitted to the Pennsylvania Bar in 2006. She began her coaching career while in law

“I want to win a conference championship and make the NCAA playoffs within four years,” she said, “and from there, win the national championship. There’s no coming at this light and little. There’s no middle ground.” Lohr also has a number of goals and expectations for her players that go beyond winning championships, ones that she feels will ensure long-term success for her program and the athletes. “I expect them to be involved in the community,” she said. “I expect them to join clubs and organizations across campus. I expect them to work hard on academic pursuits. I want to help create a lifestyle that’s going to stick with them. … We’re giving them an opportunity to receive an excellent education while creating an excellent field hockey program. It doesn’t get much cooler.”




BILL ’19







E V I T I T E P OM otos er ph m Berg


Ed Mail

by Ji

When he decided to enroll at Allegheny after graduating from Fox Chapel (Pa.) High School, Bill Urso ’19 listed his main reasons: • Receiving an excellent education on a beautiful campus. • Competing athletically in one of the strongest NCAA Division III conferences in the country. • Leveraging the vast Allegheny alumni network to secure employment after graduation.

Bill recently completed his third year with the Gators, serving as co-captain during a 2017–18 season in which he averaged 8.1 points and connected on a team-leading 56 three-point field goals. Brendon steadily saw his playing time increase throughout his sophomore year, and as the season progressed, was regularly deployed as a valuable sixth man. Bryanna started the first five games of her career on defense, before sitting out the rest of the season due to injury.

Little did he know at the time, but he also was about to become a family trendsetter.

Hired in the summer of 2015, men’s head basketball coach Bob Simmons didn’t recruit Bill, but took an immediate liking to the eldest Urso.

Bill is one of three Urso siblings currently enrolled at Allegheny, each separated by one year, and each competing for the Gators. He is joined by brother Brendon, a sophomore teammate on the men’s basketball team, and sister Bryanna, a women’s soccer player in her first year.

“I met him on one of my first days here at Allegheny,” said Simmons. “I was in my office, which still wasn’t even set up, and he came walking in with his parents and introduced himself. I was really impressed


with his confidence. As soon as he got on the floor for us, you could see that confidence come out, which led to the competitiveness and his never-give-up mentality.” In his first season with the Gators, Bill started 19 games and averaged 6.8 points and 2.3 assists, scoring more than 10 points in six games. As he was beginning to leave his mark on the blue and gold, his younger brother was in the midst of whittling down his list of potential colleges. “I figured if I want to play basketball in college,” Brendon recalled, “why go somewhere else if Bill’s here? That was a major reason. Growing up, we’ve always played together, starting when I was in kindergarten and he was in first grade. We played on the same travel teams, middle school teams, and in high school.” (continued on next page)


Said Simmons: “I think playing together in college was something that they really wanted to do. That was the sense that we got in the recruitment process with Brendon. He was looking for a chance to get a great education at Allegheny while having the opportunity to continue playing with his brother. It helped us a lot, and it’s been fun to watch them together.” While Bryanna didn’t feel any added pressure to follow in her brothers’ footsteps, she agreed that their presence at Allegheny helped her with her final college choice. “I was down to three schools late in the process,” she said, “and really wasn’t sure where I wanted to go. They really helped my decision a lot. I really like the school, the athletics and the academics. It’s been a great fit.” Gator women’s soccer coach Pam Monnier recalls seeing Bryanna play in a high school game, and her entire family was there to support her. “It was very clear that the whole family wants to rally around what one another is doing,” Monnier said, “and I think that having the family atmosphere here was really important for her during the decision-making process.” Being the first to attend the College, Bill regularly shared his experiences as an Allegheny student-athlete with his younger siblings. “I was the first to see what the adjustment phase was like going from high school to college,” he said, “and I learned pretty quickly how different it is. The biggest thing I tried to share with them was time management. At college, you can have a lot of free time during the day, after or between classes and studying, and you always have to find time to work out or work on your game.” Bill also passed down some basic tips that ranged beyond athletics. “There were a lot of simple things that I tried to give them some insight on,” he said. “What do you need for your dorm room? Do you really need a microwave? What kind of clothing do you bring? I also tried to help them out with classes, which 24 ALLEGHENY Spring 2018

ones to take, … who to talk to if you have questions, how to navigate campus, things like that.” Bill offered his siblings advice on academic life and selecting classes, Bryanna said. “He also helped us meet a lot of people here, which was nice,” she added. “He already established a great group of friends, too, and that really helped me in the beginning.” Having worked with Brendon and Bill for two years, Simmons quickly noticed the bond between the brothers.

A lot of people might be turned off by going to school with their sister or brother. But, having had the chance to experience it, I highly encourage it. Bill Urso ’19 “They have each other’s back,” said Simmons. “That is something that really stood out to me. They’re competitors. A lot of times at practice, I’ll have them on opposite teams, and they can get really heated going at one another.” “The chemistry from the bond of having always played together helps a lot,” said Brendon. “We’ve always been competitive with each other. If I did something, Bill had to do it better. Just playing one-onone in the driveway gets heated. I think the fact that we push each other so much has really given us a good chemistry on the court.” Monnier sees in Bryanna a mix of her brothers. “I think she can come off as a bit quiet at first,” Monnier said, “but she has a really good mix of both of them. I think she does a good job in bridging the gap between their personalities, and having both sides of the coin. When you get to know her, you can see some of the lighter side, but when it comes to her sport, she is intense and takes it very seriously. It’s easy to see that soccer is something she’s very passionate about.”

All three siblings are lauded for their physical fitness by their coaches. Bill and Brendon can be regularly found either in the weight room or inside the darkened performance court working on their shot, while Bryanna is likely to be located on a treadmill or in one of the racquetball courts going through intense soccerspecific drills. In addition to the obvious reason of looking to improve their games, this dedication to fitness is also due in part to the family’s healthy competitiveness. “We all do a lot of the same workouts when we are home,” Bill said, “so we’re always trying to make each other better. It’s always like, ‘hey, did you go for a run yet today? I did.’ It will even go without saying. If they see that I lifted and ran, now they feel like they have to.” Said Bryanna: “I always felt as if I had to work as hard as they do. They’re always working out, so I have to, too. It’s really helped me.” When the three aren’t competing, working out, or attending class, they can often be found spending time with one another. The trio shares a number of mutual friends on campus, and they all agree that their relationships with one another have strengthened since attending college. While many might shy away from attending the same college as a sibling (or siblings), the Urso family has embraced it. They know that three siblings attending the same college at the same time is a rare occurrence, and this is another reason that they are cherishing their time with one another in Meadville. “A lot of people might be turned off by going to school with their sister or brother,” said Bill. “But, having had the chance to experience it, I highly encourage it.” “I know in 20 years, we’ll be sitting at my mom’s house eating dinner and reminiscing about stories that happened here, and I can’t wait. We are making lifelong memories together at Allegheny.”

On the Hill

News from Campus

Political Science Professor Receives Fulbright Award Shannan Mattiace, professor and chair of the Political Science Department at Allegheny College, has received a 2018–19 Fulbright Award to teach and conduct research in the South American nation of Chile. Mattiace said she plans to live in Chile for five months beginning in February 2019. “It has been my dream for decades to receive a Fulbright Award,” Mattiace said. “Almost 30 years ago I lived in Santiago, Chile, for three months as a State Department student intern and have longed to return. I will be returning as a scholar of Mexican politics and hope to share my interest and experience in Mexican politics with Chilean students and professors at the Catholic University of Chile in Santiago.” The Fulbright Program, which increases mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries, is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government. Only about 500 teaching and/or research Fulbrights are awarded each year.

“I am incredibly honored to have been chosen by the Fulbright Commission to be a cultural ambassador to Latin America, representing the long-standing ties between North and South America. I so appreciate Allegheny College’s support of me in this project, which has been unfailing,” Mattiace said. Part of her time will be spent teaching and lecturing on immigration, Latin American indigenous and social movements, and Mexican politics at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), Mattiace said. The other time will be spent doing research, comparing indigenous communities in a border region of Mexico with indigenous communities on the western Bolivian border with Chile, she said. Mattiace also plans to establish contact with Chilean indigenous colleagues in Santiago for a future book project, she said. Mattiace becomes the 14th Allegheny faculty member to receive a Fulbright Award in the past 20 years.

Megan Ryan Named Executive Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Megan Ryan has been named executive director of admissions and financial aid at Allegheny College, effective May 3. Ryan, who has more than a decade of experience working in higher education and customer relations, previously served as associate director of admission at Carnegie Mellon University. “We are very pleased to welcome Megan to the Allegheny College community,” said Cornell LeSane II, Allegheny vice president for enrollment and dean of admissions. “Her extensive experience in both admissions and financial aid, along with her commitment to strategic decision-making and creative problemsolving, will be a tremendous asset to the College as we continue to build strong connections with prospective students and families.”

At CMU Ryan was promoted twice — from assistant director of admission to senior assistant director and then to associate director. She previously held positions with Villanova University International Study in Galway, Ireland, and the retailer Banana Republic. “The sense of community at Allegheny College is so strong,” Ryan said. “I’m excited to join a team of admission and financial aid professionals who are passionate about the students they work with and the work they do.”

President Mullen Appointed to Project Pericles Governing Board


Allegheny College President James H. Mullen, Jr. has been named to the board of directors of Project Pericles, a national not-for-profit organization funded by the Eugene M. Lang Foundation that is committed to instilling in students a sense of social responsibility and civic concern. Project Pericles is a consortium of more than 30 colleges and universities that promotes civic engagement within higher education and is based in New York City. Allegheny is one of the original 10 schools on which Project Pericles was founded in 2000. Building on the innovative vision of the late Eugene M. Lang, Project Pericles works in the classroom, on the campus, and in the community. The national office of Project Pericles collaborates with Periclean colleges and universities to encourage faculty to incorporate civic

engagement and social responsibility into the curriculum, and to empower students as effective advocates and leaders. Its research projects and publications foster greater awareness within higher education about the value and importance of civic engagement. “I look forward to expanding my relationship with Project Pericles,” said Mullen, who also serves on the organization’s Presidents’ Council. “Seeing the important community work that students accomplish through the auspices of Project Pericles makes me proud that Allegheny is a founding and integral member of this consortium.”

Allegheny College Featured in Princeton Review’s Colleges That Pay You Back Allegheny College is one of the nation’s best colleges for students seeking an outstanding education with great career preparation and at an affordable price, according to the Princeton Review.

In all, The Princeton Review evaluated more than 40 data points to tally ROI (return on investment) ratings of the colleges that determined its selection of the 200 schools for the book. Topics covered everything from academics, cost and financial aid to graduation rates, student debt, alumni salaries and job satisfaction.

The education services company features Allegheny in the 2018 edition of its newly released book Colleges That Pay You Back: The 200 Schools That Give You the Best Bang for Your Tuition Buck.

Allegheny also ranked No. 15 nationally on the guidebook’s list of the Top 25 Best Schools for Making an Impact. Schools were selected based on student ratings and responses to survey questions covering community service opportunities at their school, student government, sustainability efforts, and on-campus student engagement. The Princeton Review also took into account’s percentage of alumni from each school that reported having high job meaning.

The Princeton Review chose the schools based on data it collected in 2016–17 from its surveys of administrators at more than 650 colleges. The company also factored in data from its surveys of students attending the schools and surveys of school alumni that conducted through April 2017.

National Science Foundation (NSF) Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Allegheny received a $236,990 grant from NSF’s MRI program to acquire a 400 MHz NMR spectrometer console. The equipment will provide increased reliability, sensitivity and capacity for our research-active faculty and students in chemistry, while also increasing the range of possible experiments. Principal Investigator (PI)/Assistant Professor of Chemistry Tim Chapp and co-PIs/Associate Professors of Chemistry Mark Ams and Ivelitza Garcia will use the new spectrometer to support their research, as will other chemistry faculty, including Professor Shaun Murphree and Associate Professor P.J. Persichini. Students will benefit by gaining experience using the equipment as they conduct research with these faculty. A total of 100 percent of the project’s cost of $236,990 will be covered with federal funds through this NSF grant.

$156,000 Great Lakes Colleges Association (GLCA) Global Crossroads Internationalization Innovation Fund Allegheny received a grant of $156,000 in support of internationalization and study away at the College. Allegheny received a grant of $156,000 in support of internationalization and study away at the College. The project will allow a team from Allegheny to conduct a thorough assessment of our current study away offerings and create new programs and approaches that are better aligned with our institutional priorities and the needs and interests of our current students. Funds will support surveys with students, faculty, staff and administration, as well as travel to assess the feasibility and desirability of new programs and partnerships. Support for this project was provided by GLCA as part of its Global Crossroads Initiative, made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. 27

Class Notes

News and Events from Alumni

Notes 1960s ’65

Carole Barnes Williams and Stu Williams have published their book, Chaos in Body and Mind: Our Battle with Guillain-Barre Syndrome. A chronicle of Carole’s year-long battle with this rare disease and Stu’s journey as her dedicated caregiver, the book is available on Amazon, in paperback or ebook. Allegheny College plays a significant role in the book as it has in their lives and those of their daughter’s family, Katie Williams Wentz ’97 and Keith Wentz ’97.


Ruth A. Keitz from Los Fresnos, Texas, had her juried solo exhibit, “Silent Interiors That Speak,” hosted at the Fort Worth Community Art Center in November 2017. The exhibit explored how individuals create a space/room where we live and where we work. The “Silent Interiors” included former classrooms where she has taught, former offices, views from rooms in her home, views of rooms in what was her sister’s home, and empty rooms in her childhood home.


James Thompson has written Adventures of a Mid-America Street Urchin, a memoir of growing up in Meadville after World War II with no father and four siblings.

Notes 1970s ’72

Radio Ink magazine named Diane Sutter one of the Most Influential Women in Radio for 2017. The Broadcasters Foundation of America honored her as a 2017 Ward Quall Leadership Award recipient in recognition of her career contributions to the broadcast industry and the community at large.


Spero Lappas’ book Conquer Life’s Frontiers: A Philosophy of Individual Fulfillment has been published by

the Alithos Media Group. Early reviews have called it “a breakthrough,” “engaging,” “intelligently written,” “many-layered,” “refreshing,” and “great fun to read.” It is available from the publisher at or on Amazon or Kindle.


Ronald W. Ruth has been appointed president of the Northeastern University School of Law Alumni Association board of directors.


Martin Pfinsgraff has been appointed to the board of directors at PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. He is the former senior deputy comptroller for large bank supervision at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a position he held from 2013 until 2017. He is also a member of the Allegheny College Board of Trustees.


Rebecca Kightlinger is the author of Megge of Bury Down, historical fiction set in 13thcentury Cornwall. The book was released by Zumaya Publications in February 2018.

Notes 1980s ’80

Daniel P. Reininga, president and chief executive officer for Lake Shore Savings Bank in New York, was featured in an interview for The Wall Street Transcript in January 2018. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and a Master of Business Administration from the University of South Florida.


David Plottel has been participating in the distributed computing project PrimeGrid, which searches for prime numbers. In November 2017, he was credited with the discovery of a new prime. The number is ((745 x 2^2,540,726) + 1) and is 764,838 digits long. At the time of its discovery, it was one of the 5,000 largest known prime numbers.


Karen Stretz Hagen provides this update: “I am a real estate attorney in private practice on the North Fork of Long Island, in wine country. My oldest daughter graduated from Allegheny in 2016, and is a graduate student at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, in the Marital and Family Counseling master’s program. My middle daughter is a freshman at Connecticut College in New London, and my youngest daughter is a sophomore at Riverhead High School. I would love to hear from any Gators headed to the North Fork.”


Cyndi Baily has joined Hanger, Inc. in Austin, Texas, in the role of senior vice president and chief compliance officer. Hanger delivers orthotic and prosthetic patient care.

Steve Gavatorta has published In Defense of Adversity: Turning Your Toughest Challenges into Your Greatest Success. “The purpose of this book is to act as a roadmap and supply a foundation to help people thrive in adversity and not just survive it,” he says. The book was released in October 2017 by Richter Publishing. In the book, Gavatorta describes how adversity, failure, change and conflict can be catalysts for positive change.

The Medical Society of the District of Columbia celebrated its bicentennial on October 21, 2017. Herb Niles ’59, seated fourth from left, as past president of the Society in 1990 and a recipient of the Society’s Community Service Award in 1996, was honored with other past presidents of the Society. Niles, a longtime member of the College’s Board of Trustees, was the second African American president in the society’s history.

In October 2017, 24 ladies from the Class of ’66 had a get-together at Isle of Palms, South Carolina, sharing memories and making new ones exploring the history of the Charleston area, the great restaurants, the incredible Low Country environment, and the beach. Imagine 24 ladies dressed up for Halloween, laughing the entire time.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has published Jim Gossweiler’s patent application entitled “Mapping System That Identifies Site-Specific Real Estate Due Diligence Professionals and Related Service Providers.” The mapping program allows commercial lenders and real estate investors to quickly identify real estate inspection, testing and servicing professionals with first-hand knowledge and experience on a location-by-location basis.

Submit your newsworthy events for inclusion in Class Notes by logging in to Gator Connect ( or emailing items to

At the end of September 2017, Cindy Mills Epps ’81, Jennifer Jenkins Georgic ’81, Jennifer VanSteenbergen Ahearn ’82 and Kathryn Kampert Nelson ’81 met in Washington and Oregon to reconnect after 30-plus years. Time gallops on, but Allegheny friendships are forever. 29

Sven Morgan is a professor and chair of the Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Department at Iowa State University. He studies the magma plumbing system to volcanoes. He has been married to Dr. Debra Smilo, a clinical psychologist, for 21 years. They have two children; the eldest is attending the University of Pittsburgh.


Louis Castelli has been named managing director of the Pittsburgh Public Theater, where he has been employed for 20 years.


Bruce C. Neimeyer has been named vice president for university planning at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science. He recently served the same institution as the vice president for strategic enrollment management.

Notes 1990s ’93

Damon Chilcote accepted a position as associate counsel with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Board of Veterans Appeals, in Washington, D.C. He and his wife, Lisa, live in North Bethesda, Maryland, and would enjoy hearing from any D.C.-area alumni.

Stacie Orie Summers has finished two years of homeschooling and “a trip around the world with my kids and am excited to get back to leading Global Village Teams with Habitat for Humanity International. I’d love to hear from anyone especially who wants to come along. Next stop — Cambodia in December 2018. You can contact me on”


Richard J. Hughes has been named superintendent of schools in the Frontier School District in Hamburg, New York, outside of Buffalo.


John D. Six of Washington, Pennsylvania, has earned the Certified Physician Executive certification from the American Association for Physician Leadership. The designation indicates a physician has achieved superior levels of professional excellence and management education while demonstrating effective healthcare industry knowledge and leadership skills.

Notes 2000s ’00

Jeffrey D. Rimer is the recipient of the 2018 Norman Hackerman Award in Chemical Research from the Welch Foundation. Having already made significant scientific contributions in the areas of energy and drug development, Rimer was recognized as a “rising star” in his field. Rimer is an associate professor in the

Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Houston.


Craig Berger is the assistant director for the Office of Experiential Education and Civic Engagement at Kent State University.


Nathan Haines and Julie Reisz Haines have returned to Winston-Salem, North Carolina, after several years in Denver. Nathan completed fellowship training in vitreoretinal diseases and surgery and has joined Piedmont Retina Specialists. Julie is continuing to work remotely as research faculty in biochemistry and molecular genetics at the University of Colorado. Future Gator Caroline celebrated her first birthday in August 2017.


John R. Brumberg has been named a partner in the law firm of Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti in Pittsburgh. He earned his law degree from Duke University School of Law.

Sarah Young Carrier was awarded a Fulbright grant to participate in the Fulbright International Education Administrators Seminar in Germany and Belgium during October 2017. She works at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, where she facilitates the university’s international exchange partnerships.

Class of 2003 friends and roommates, from left, Kelly Klapec Culbertson, Jessica Hayes Grande, Erin Murphy Powers, Mansoreh Rahimzadeh Coyle and Brenna Dykta reunited for a weekend in the fall of 2017 along with their four husbands, 11 kids and one dog to reminisce about Allegheny classes, the Sports Garden, and life in Brooks and Walker Annex.


Kara Ostrosky joined the Excela Health Medical Group in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, following residency training with the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia. She is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.




Notes 2010s ’12

Elizabeth Frick successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation in plant biology from Washington University in St. Louis in August 2017 and moved to Gainesville for a postdoctoral position in the lab of Harry Klee in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Florida.


Joseph A. Caruso has accepted a position as government affairs counsel at the American Retirement Association in Arlington, Virginia. He will be responsible for federal and state lobbying through meetings with public officials, draft legislation, comments on proposed rules, hearing testimony, PAC campaign contributions and more.


Raymond Jozwiak has joined Cunningham Lindsey as global procurement manager at its corporate headquarters in Tampa, Florida. Cunningham Lindsey is a leading global provider of insurance loss adjusting, claims management and other risk management services to insurance and reinsurance companies, insurance syndicates, self-insured corporations and government agencies.

José Rodriguez married Jeff Ball on November 4, 2017, in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Among those in attendance were Thomas Brown ’90, Janissa Walker Macon ’90, Ball, Rodriguez, past college employees Susan and George Yuhasz, Michael Bautz ’89 and Erin McDonald Rowley ’89.


Emily Lewis married Eric Probola at the Hotel Monaco in downtown Pittsburgh on October 14, 2017. Gators in attendance included bridesman Bryant Davis ’10, Will Bechtold ’10, J. Paul Hendrickson ’10 and Dane Holding ’10.

Amy Graham married Bill Murphy on September 30, 2017, at Montour Heights Country Club in Pennsylvania. They enjoyed the company of many fellow Gators at their wedding, including Nicole Mascia Cantwell ’11, Chris Cantwell ’09, Christy McShea ’09, Dan Austin ’09, Dave Boger ’09, Beth Stern ’09, Mallory Bastin ’09, Colleen Silky ’11 and Ben Limegrover ’09.


Hailey Marthaler has accepted the director of admissions and recruiting position at the American College of the Building Arts in Charleston, South Carolina.


Daniel Keitel played Muller, a straightarrow classmate and member of Paul Baumer’s unit, in All Quiet on the Western Front at Pittsburgh’s Prime Stage in the fall of 2017.

Submit your newsworthy events for inclusion in Class Notes by logging in to Gator Connect ( or emailing items to

Nicholas Wyckoff Millington and Laura Thorn were married at Allegheny on July 22, 2017. They celebrated a small ceremony with friends and family. They live in Arlington, Virginia.


Christina Sutphen ’09 married Michael Labella on Saturday, July 8, 2017, in Syracuse, New York. Twenty Gators were in attendance, including President Jim Mullen and Mari Mullen. The following Gators partied the night away: Beth Sansone Trunfio ’84, Erin Page Meyers ’79, Ric Rivette ’74 and Judith LaManna, John Sutphen ’78 (father of the bride), Jamie Sansone Sutphen ’79 (mother of the bride), Jessica Morelli ’09, Hilary Collins ’09, Maggie Mucha Alderton ’09, Arielle Conti ’09, Casey Pagano ’09, Colin Gundling ’09, Stephanie Wolf Gundling ’09, Laura Oliver Kelley ’09, Alexander Trunfio ’17 and (not pictured) Dr. Robert Sansone ’87.

Jamie Havens ’11 and James Blythe married on September 3, 2017, in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, in the presence of family and friends. In attendance were several Allegheny alumni and faculty to celebrate. Allegheny alumni in the party included Shane Downing ’11 as man of honor and Ashlee Lang Sydlik ’09, Ashleigh Welko ’09 and Didem Uca Didem ’11 as bridesmaids.

Stephanie Mancine ’13 and Anthony DeStefano ’13 were married in Pittsburgh on June 3, 2017. The ceremony was held at St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin Parish, followed by a reception at the Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel at Station Square. Other Gators in attendance include: Marissa Miranda ’13, Blayze Schindler ’13, Nick Hollinger ’15, Josh and Jessica Giles Hamblen ’13, Alexandra Andoga ’11, Zack Minney ’13, Mick Betler ’13, Trevor and Michelle Holcomb Colvin ’14, Gabby Izzo ’14, Colin ’13 and Allison Piper Hartford ’12, Conor Sharp ’13, Tim Werley ’13, David Bassi ’13, Amy Lind ’14, Ryan Schroth ’12, Katie Mong ’13 and Marlana Pawlak ’14.

Emily Eckert ’14 and Alex Sproveri ’13 were united in marriage on September 30, 2017, at Goodell Gardens and Homestead in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. Other Gators in attendance included Aaron Haag ’13, Peter Pietrandrea ’13, Ian Moore ’13, Jake Dowling ’13, Tom Lynskey ’13, Jim Dieterle ’13, Erik Palmason ’13, Patrick ’13 and Carly Casale Fritz ’12, Paul Roveda ’13, Conner Sanzone ’13, Alex Miller ’13, James Ness ’12, Brendan Rick ’14, Tyler Chilcott ’14, Joseph Tonzo ’15, Michelina Campanella ’12, Molly Steimer ’13, Caitlyn McNamee ’14, Mary Eddins ’14, Kelsey Sadlek ’14, Gillian McGuire ’14, Lisa Roane ’14, Leah Natali ’14, Jena McKelvey ’14, Jordan El Sabeh ’14, Alexa Porupsky ’14, Carly Luitgaarden ’15, Sara Schwartz ’15 and Ashley Nindl ’16. Emily and Alex live in Arlington, Virginia. 32 ALLEGHENY Spring 2018

Kathleen Macie ’14 married Anthony Grkman on October 7, 2017, at Five Fillies Farm in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania. The venue is owned by Brigid Williams Tebaldi ’14 and Tony Tebaldi ’15, and the wedding was officiated by Meaghan Volek ’12. Other Gators in attendance included Sami Laurence ’14, Emalee Montgomery ’14, Saige Foster ’14, Emily Tamimie ’14, Sean Loose ’14, Mike Vlah ’13, Maria Druchniak ’16, Shannon Robison ’16 and Matt Quesenberry ’18.





Dr. Chris W. Brussalis and his wife, Christina, welcomed Isabella Anzelma to their family on August 24, 2017. Isabella joins Katherine, Sophia and William. Brussalis is president and CEO of The Hill Group, a national management consulting firm, and he is adjunct professor of management and policy at the Heinz College of Carnegie Mellon University. He also serves in leadership roles on several nonprofit and corporate boards.

Dorothy Beiler Burr on February 1, 2018. Her father, the late Irwin Ross Beiler, was a professor of philosophy and religion at Allegheny, where she majored in sociology and was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. For one year during World War II, she edited The Beacon, a magazine for employees of Marathon Oil Co., and then returned to homemaking and community service after the war. She was an active volunteer with the Camp Fire Girls, the Blanchard Valley Hospital Auxiliary, St. Andrews Methodist Church, the Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO), the Coterie, and the Panhellenic Association. She is survived by one brother, Dr. David D. Beiler; her three children, Elizabeth Wilson, Deborah Carlin and David Burr; eight grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.



Peter and Jasmine Carreon Fill are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Genevieve Frances Fill, on May 13, 2017. Genevieve was born at 4:14 p.m., weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces, and measured 19.5 inches. Genevieve is excited to begin her first semester as a Gator in 2035!

William A. Sausmer on January 15, 2018. He also graduated from Middlesex Medical School. He practiced medicine in Hicksville, New York, for more than 40 years. He served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps for 16 months during the Korean War, earning two Bronze Stars. He is survived by his wife, Pearl Sausmer; a daughter, Barbara Glassner; three sons, James Sausmer, Michael Sausmer and Andrew Sausmer; several grandchildren and a great-granddaughter.

Marjorie Wible Schaller on September 29, 2017. She received a bachelor’s degree in sociology and went on to receive a master’s degree in physical education from Wellesley. She became a professor in the physical education department at Ohio State University and also at Anne Arundel Community College in Maryland, where she taught for 20 years, becoming head of the women’s department. She is survived by her children, Pamela Wood Ernst, Deborah Wood Appleyard, Jeffrey Wood, Wendell Jones, Susan Jones Snyder, Mary Schaller McConnell, Karen Schaller Connolly, Betsy Schaller, Eileen Schaller Bahrami and Robert Schaller Jr., and several grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.


Jean Wright Lees on October 27, 2017. She and her late husband, Len, owned and operated Lees-Wright, a men’s and ladies’ clothing store in Greenville, South Carolina, for more than 35 years. She is survived by her daughter, Linda Lees Bettis, and two grandchildren. Marguerite Laley Peterson on December 6, 2017. After graduation, she worked full-time as a Meadville Tribune reporter. In the early 1960s, she wrote a column called “Home Brood” for the Elyria, Ohio Chronicle-Telegram that gave humorous and poignant takes on raising her two children. She also wrote for small papers before starting the Ramsey Reporter weekly newspaper, for which she did most of the reporting, writing, photography and editing. Later she worked in public relations before taking a job as a researcher and writer for Covenant House in Manhattan. 33

She served on boards for affordable senior citizen housing and raised money for scholarships for summer camp for lowincome children. Survivors include her children, Thomas J. Peterson and Margaret P. Peterson, and two grandchildren.


John P. De Cecco on November 2, 2017. He was a professor emeritus at San Francisco State University and a longtime scholar in the field of human sexuality. He served as the editor in chief of the Journal of Homosexuality, a landmark international peer-reviewed scholarly journal, from 1975 until 2009. He published books, articles and edited volumes throughout his 50-year career as a professor. He was the primary founder of San Francisco State’s sexuality studies program in the late 1970s and remained its director until 1997. He led an effort to add a human sexuality studies minor to the curriculum in the early 1980s and an LGBT studies major in the early 1990s. He also founded the Center for Homosexual Education, Evaluation, and Research to serve as a center for his U.S. government-funded research projects on discrimination of sexual minorities, in addition to providing an editorial home for the Journal of Homosexuality. The first in his family to attend college, he earned a bachelor’s

degree in biology and master’s and doctoral degrees in European history from the University of Pennsylvania. He also taught at the University of Detroit and Michigan State University. He received various awards throughout his career from the American Psychological Association, Gay Academic Union, the LGBT Historical Society, and other academic associations and organizations. He is survived by his brother, Robert. Jean Dearing Rossbacher on November 26, 2017. She was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She taught art appreciation classes and served as a Girl Scout troop leader in Dahlgren, Virginia. She served on the board of the Frank C. Pratt Chapter of the Mental Health Association and was active with the Rappahannock Area Community Services Board. She is survived by three daughters, Dr. Lisa Ann Rossbacher, Amy Rossbacher and Nancy Dearing Rossbacher; four grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Shirley Miller Wermund on September 12, 2017. She is survived by her sons, Chris, Mark and Tim, and several grandchildren.


David P. Bossler on November 28, 2017. He served as a member of the 82nd Airborne and upon discharge enrolled in

the University of Texas at Austin for an advanced degree. He was a member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity and played in the Longhorn Marching Band. He began work with Carter Oil Co. in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He then worked for Imperial Oil in Calgary, Canada. His work with Imperial Oil included advances in research and technology of enhanced oil recovery. He also worked briefly for Sirte Oil Company in Libya. He is survived by his children, Sam, Ed, Julia, Dan and Mary; 11 grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren, and his brothers, Robert and Bert. Margie Nelson Gregory on December 31, 2017. She served as bookkeeper and accountant for the family veterinary practice in Ohio until 1990. She is survived by a son, Jesse F. Gregory III, and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


Marjorie Larson Brenan on October 26, 2017. She moved with her late husband to Cleveland to finish her degree at Western Reserve College and Case University. With a teaching credential, a Spanish major and a French minor, she began her teaching career in Cleveland. She then moved back to Warren, Pennsylvania, where she taught for the Warren County School District for 40 years and belonged to the Warren Teachers Association. She is

David Baily Harned 17th President of Allegheny

David Baily Harned, who served as president of Allegheny from 1980 to 1986, died on November 10, 2017. Harned became president of Allegheny after establishing a distinguished record as professor and chair of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. While there, he received the Phi Beta Kappa Award for most distinguished scholarly work of the

year and the university’s Distinguished Professor Award. Harned also held teaching posts at Yale University, Williams College and Smith College, and he taught abroad as a visiting professor at Punjabi University in India and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Following his time at Allegheny, Harned served as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Louisiana State University.

Harned received his B.A. from Yale College, his M.A. and Ph.D. from Yale Graduate School, and his B.D. from Yale Divinity School. He was ordained into the Lutheran Church of America in 1961. He is survived by his wife, Elaine; their sons, Christopher and Timothy; five grandchildren; and his brother, Joseph.

survived by her children, Michael Brenan, Kathryn Brenan and Sara Morrow; several grandchildren and a great-grandchild.

Cheryl Lawrence and Patti Jo Elvin; two sons, Scott W. Gordon and Gregg W. Gordon; and six grandchildren.

Barbara Davies Cubbon on December 27, 2017. She majored in economics and was a member of the Mu Chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta, serving as its president her senior year and making lifelong friends with her sorority sisters. She also met her future husband, affectionately known as “Cub,” at Allegheny. The couple generously supported a lifelong commitment to charity and education. She was a charter member of the Toledo Bar Association Auxiliary. She provided guidance and support to her husband’s practice of law. She is survived by her husband, Frank W. Cubbon Jr. ’49; and children, Frank Cubbon III, Kay McArdle, Kyle Cubbon, Stuart Cubbon, Barbara Beale, Amy Bliton ’83 and Thomas Cubbon ’85; many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and her brother, Richard Davies.

Robert P. Thomas on September 10, 2017. He served in the U.S. Navy. Upon his discharge from the Navy, he enrolled at St. Bonaventure University, eventually returning to Meadville, where he finished his education at Allegheny. He worked for Westinghouse Corporation and the Taylor Winfield Corporation as manager of purchasing. He is survived by two children, Robin Robinson and Daniel Thomas; four grandchildren; several great-grandchildren; his brother, R. Charles Thomas; and his sister, Marlene Santanello.

Carol Snell Weiss on October 21, 2017. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Lambda Sigma Honor Society. After raising a family of five children, she earned a Master of Education from Central State University in Oklahoma. She taught art and both middle and high school special-education classes for Oklahoma City Public Schools, retiring in 1984. She was a lifelong member of P.E.O., a women’s philanthropic educational organization. She wrote in an Allegheny alumni update that she felt her most important life experiences were being a wife, a mother and a grandmother. She enjoyed singing with choirs in church, school and the Allegheny College Chorus. She is survived by her sister, Marcia Schnabel; her children, William C. Weiss, Donald L. Weiss, Charles J. Weiss and Margaret C. W. Riley; 17 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.


Patricia First Gordon on October 19, 2017. Prior to becoming a dedicated homemaker, she was employed as an assistant to the president of the former Meadville Telephone Company. She is survived by three daughters, Cynthia Dellamedaglia,


Marjean Linn Bailey on November 17, 2017. She briefly attended Union Theological Seminary. In the late 1970s, when her children were grown, she did Christian education at St. Clare’s Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She also returned to the seminary to complete her Master of Divinity and was ordained to the Episcopal priesthood. Her ordination took place in 1982 at St. Clare’s. Her first parish was Christ Church in Andover, Massachusetts, where she served for nearly three years. Then she moved on to St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Londonderry, New Hampshire, where she served as rector from 1987 until her retirement in 2003. She traveled all over the world, visiting archaeological sites and learning about ancient history. She is survived by her two sons, Adam Bailey and Aaron Bailey, and her two daughters, Amadea Bailey and Saskia Bailey.

Nancy Luse Johnson on December 24, 2017. She was an accomplished pianist and seamstress. She was a biology major (Phi Beta Phi) and a member of Alpha Xi Delta at Allegheny. After college, she moved to Baltimore, where she worked as a lab technician at Edgewood Chemical Biological Center. She held numerous leadership and community roles as president of school PTAs, the Junior Women’s Club, the United Methodist Women, S.E.E. (a school program that promoted gifted education), the Booklovers Club, and

chair of the Gifted Committee of Washington County, Virginia. She is survived by her husband, Robert; one sister, Jane L. Deakin; five children, Carol Johnson, Gail Grau, Jane Vanderwerf, Marilyn Davis and Alan Johnson; and eight grandchildren. Ann Williams Karras on November 16, 2017. She received her degree in English and met her husband, John, while at Allegheny. They moved to Des Moines, Iowa, in 1959, and she earned a degree in microbiology and worked in various medical labs and also taught at the area community college. She rode her bicycle across Iowa dozens of times and also cycled in other regions of the the nation as well as abroad. Another semi-professional hobby was photography. She created a portfolio culled from several trips down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. She had work published in many Midwest magazines. She is survived by her husband, John Karras ’52; her daughters, Edie and Susan; her son, Paul; and three grandchildren. Arthur E. Laudenslager, Jr. on October 14, 2017. He served in the U.S. Navy, receiving the Victory Medal, the American Theater Medal, and a Letter of Commendation. After his discharge, he attended Allegheny. He was employed by C.J. Tower Brokers in the 1950s. He held executive equity positions at Stevenson Docks in Alabama and other businesses. He retired from Petrolantic Energy in Ontario as senior vice president. He is survived by a daughter, Susan L. Doyle; a son, Arthur E. Laudenslager III; and two grandchildren. Elizabeth Townsend Muir on December 7, 2017. At Allegheny, she was concertmistress of the Allegheny Sinfonietta, majored in biology, and met her nowdeceased husband, William H. Muir. She worked for a year at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and later as a research assistant at the University of Wisconsin. She was active in the Daughters of the American Revolution and in local churches. She is survived by four children, Patricia Muir, Cynthia Muir Kuhns, Margaret Muir Marshall and William Ralph Muir; seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren.


James V. Waldo on September 22, 2017. He graduated with a degree in biology. He was an active member of Phi Kappa Psi and the Allegheny Singers. During the Korean War, he served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps. He married his college sweetheart and began a career in the pharmaceutical industry with Upjohn. He later worked at Hoffman La Roche. He was a member of adult choirs, and in Sun City, South Carolina, he was part of the barbershop quartet and a cast member in multiple musicals. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn Roehm ’52; two children, James Waldo, Jr. and Karen Hamilton; five grandchildren; a great granddaughter; and his brother, Dr. Ralph Waldo, Jr.


Samuel J. Mackall on November 19, 2017. He also graduated from the Temple University School of Medicine. He did his internship and neurosurgical residency at Thomas Jefferson Medical College Hospital. Board certified in 1963, he was the first neurosurgeon to practice in the Wyoming Valley. He was a member of the American Medical Association, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, the Philadelphia Neurosurgical Society, the Mid Atlantic Neurosurgical Society, as well as the Pennsylvania and

Luzerne County Medical Societies. He retired in 1994. Surviving are his wife, Dixie Lee Davis Mackall; a son, Melvern James Mackall; and a daughter, Lee Ann Mackall. Ann Sherman Pickens on November 2, 2017. She taught English for 35 years at East Hartford High School and Penney High School in Connecticut. She was chair of the English Department at Penney High for six years. She held a master’s degree in English and a sixth-year professional degree in school administration from the University of Connecticut. She is survived by her husband, John; three children, Sherman Scott Pickens, Pamela Pickens Monroe and Clark Pickens; 10 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.


Bruce Hemer on December 23, 2017. He had worked at the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. as director of consumer affairs.

Joan Bouvier Weissleader on November 30, 2017. She retired in 1996 after 20 years with Montgomery County Public Libraries in Maryland. She is survived by her daughters, Leslie Jones and Pamela Kott; two grandchildren; a sister, Sue Lamphier; and a brother, Bob Bouvier.


Lauck Kibler on October 2, 2017. He served as a U.S. Army medic. He worked for Scott Paper Company, was the owner of Lums Restaurant, and finished his career as a manager with the Project Management Institute. He is survived by his wife, Barbara C. Kibler; his daughter, Laura Brown; two sons, Daniel Kibler and Thomas Kibler; six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Ernest J. Schwarz on September 18, 2017. He received his bachelor’s degree in speech and drama and went on to earn a master’s degree in directing at the Yale University School of Drama. He was considered a leader who played a key role, first in Toronto’s alternate-theater movement, and later in its commercial sector. He taught at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute (now Ryerson University) and later at York University. He is survived by his brother, Robert.


Carol Anderson Chandler on December 10, 2017. She was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. She taught in Cleveland. She received her master’s degree in Christian education from Scarritt College and became an ordained deacon in the United Methodist Church. She is survived

Robert Schall

Professor Emeritus of Education

Robert Schall, professor emeritus of education, died on February 8. Schall began as an instructor in education at Allegheny in 1964. He began working with the College to develop Allegheny’s education program in 1972. He led in the development of a graduate-level education program at Allegheny that worked especially with schools in Cleveland. He served as chair of the Education Depart-

ment for 16 years and also held the role of director of graduate studies before retiring in 1987. Prior to joining Allegheny, Schall had been employed by Commodore Perry Schools for seven years. In 1952, he graduated from Cochranton High School before graduating from General Motors Institute, a two-year automobile management program. He went on to further his education

by graduating from Grove City College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1957 and earned both his master’s and doctorate degrees from George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University. Schall is survived by his wife, Lucy, who is a graduate of Allegheny’s education program; two brothers-in-law; two cousins; and several nieces and nephews.

by her daughters, Kimberly Potter Rust and Melinda P. Krupa; two grandsons; and three stepsons, Walter G. Chandler, Ernest G. Chandler and Edward F. Chandler. Elisabeth Travis Dreyfuss on December 17, 2017. She was an attorney, educator and arts consultant in the Cleveland area. She is survived by her children, John Henry Dreyfuss and Kyle Dreyfuss-Wells, and several grandchildren. Winifred Dean Vaughn on November 29, 2017. She worked as an elementary school teacher for many years in the Kettering and Oakwood districts in Ohio. She was an elder, a deacon and an active member of Presbyterian Women at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Dayton. She served on mission trips to locations all over the United States and volunteered as a teacher for a year at John Hyson Elementary, Chimayo, New Mexico. She was also active in volunteer missions for several years with the Heifer Project International. She also maintained an active membership in the Philanthropic Educational Organization. She is survived by her daughter, Beth Barge; a son, Scott Graham; seven grandchildren; and her brothers, Allan Dean, Bruce Dean and Robert Dean.


Thomas Harris on October 25, 2017. He was a pilot for Braniff Airlines. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta, and received a bachelor’s degree in aeronautical engineering from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. He served in the U.S. Air Force as a B-52 commander. In 1965, he left the service and began flying commercially for Braniff Airlines. He is survived by his wife, Susan; a daughter, Jeanne; a son, Stephen; and a granddaughter.


Thomas M. Betts on December 7, 2017. He served in the U.S. Army in the military police and worked as a counselor at Paso Robles Boys School in California. After residing in California, he moved to Wisconsin to be closer to family. He worked for Oscar Mayer and retired after 30 years. He is survived by his wife, Yvonne; his children, Glenn Betts, Debra Mickelson and Troy Betts; his grandchildren; his sister, Jacqueline Buchanan; and his half-brother, George Betts.

Barrett Gates Greenlee on January 8, 2018. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. He also was a member of the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science. For the past 57 years, he served the local communities as a funeral director, and, with his father, John B. Greenlee, and his brother, Gordon B. Greenlee, owned funeral homes located in Beallsville, Bentleyville and Fredericktown. He served in the U.S. Air Force as a medic during the Vietnam War. He is survived by his wife, Sara Perri Greenlee; two daughters, Paige A. Greenlee and Robyn Bracco; a sister, Mary Jane Greenlee Sertik; and three grandchildren. Robert E. Sharpe on December 27, 2017. He received his law degree from Syracuse University College of Law. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force serving with the Judge Advocate General. He was a partner in the law firm of Cadwell and Sharpe, during which time he served as general counsel to the City of Jamestown, retiring in 1978. He then relocated to Cleveland, where he owned and operated William S. Adler Company, retiring in 1990. Surviving are two sons, James Sharpe and David Sharpe; two grandsons; and a brother, Ronald Sharpe.


George C. Bradley on December 27, 2017. He also attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned his law degree. He spent most of his career at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Mississippi and Tennessee until he retired in 2011. He was awarded the College’s Gold Citation in 2002 in recognition of his professional achievements.


Andy Sheffler on December 6, 2017. He worked in a variety of marketing, financial and real estate jobs. He was the assistant golf coach at Immaculata University. He is survived by his wife, Gaye Sheffler; his son, Douglas A. Sheffler; a grandchild; and a sister, Nancy Leonard.


Carole Franklin Kern on January 23, 2018. She held bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education from Allegheny. She started out in the Class of 1949 but finished in the Class of 1963. From 1964 to 1989, she taught second and sixth grades, primarily at First District Elementary School in Meadville. She was a founding officer of the teachers union and a supporter of the Meadville Public Library. She was the wife of the late novelist and Allegheny English Professor Alfred Kern. She is survived by her son, Stephen F. Kern; her daughter, Sheridan K. Mirziades; and four grandchildren.


Sandra R. Gustavson on December 22, 2017. She was an assistant professor of management and information systems at Kent State University. Prior to that, she had worked at the Hospice of Metropolitan Erie. She is survived by her sister, Dr. Wendy R. Heitzenroder.

Edward H. Schenck on November 12, 2017. He served in the U.S. Navy, retired from IBM and Bridgestone, and was a member of the Stark County Bike Club, the Hilltop Hikers, Atwood Yacht Club, and Sailing Buckeyes Yacht Club. He is survived by his daughters, Lori Faust, Lisa Hart and Sue Stewart, several grandchildren and step-grandchildren; his significant other, Karen Erdos; a brother, Steve; and a sister, Cindy.


James T. Irwin, Jr. on December 13, 2017. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta. He taught chemistry at Mercersburg Academy before moving to Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, and Lincoln High School to teach seventh-grade science, senior science and chemistry until his retirement in 1997. He was a past president and head negotiator of the Ellwood Area Education Association. While at Lincoln, he coached the cross country team. He was a lifelong member of the First United Methodist Church and the church’s choir. He is survived by his wife, Michele Kraynak Irwin; his children, James T. Irwin III, Kristen Irwin and Dr. David Irwin; and several grandchildren. 37


Pamela Watts Ring on December 27, 2017. After moving to the Dayton, Ohio, area, she worked at the Montgomery County Welfare Department. She started as a social worker and worked her way up to supervisor. She stayed with the department for 30 years, retiring in 1998. She is survived by her husband, Don Ring; two sons, Jeff and Mike Ring; two grandsons; and her brother, Bill Watts.


Thomas Miller on December 1, 2017. As an all-star basketball player, he played the sport he loved at Allegheny. He served in the U.S. Army as a dental technician and from there attended Temple Dental School in Philadelphia. He returned to the Army Dental Corps as an officer and served three more years. In 1985, he purchased a small dental practice in downtown Washington, D.C., where he worked for the next 25 years. He is survived by his wife, Margaret Ann Miller; two sons, Jeffery S. Miller and Brian D. Miller; his sister, Dorothy Kojancie; and his brother, David Miller.


James M. Langkamer on October 13, 2017. He had served in the U.S. Air Force.

Michael J. Malone on January 9, 2018. He played basketball at Allegheny and remained a loyal Gator throughout his life because at Allegheny he developed innumerable close relationships. Upon graduation from college, he went to work with his father at Fidelity Insurance Agency. He finished his career as an insurance broker at Henderson Brothers. He served on the board of the YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh and was president from 2013 to 2015. He served as a board member on Gateway to the Arts and was president from 2006 to 2008. Most recently, he had joined the board of Gateway Rehabilitation. He is survived by his wife, Susan Malone ’74; his daughters, Megan, Jane and Devin ’16; his father, Robert J. Malone; and his siblings, David Malone ’76, MaryAnne Schreckengast, Robert E. Malone and Paul Malone ’85.


Robert Pavlecic on November 30, 2017. He earned his master’s degree in community mental health from Trinity College and a master’s in education from Chatham University. He was a behavioral health professional for more than 30 years. He had just been elected to the Pine-Richland School Board and was about to begin

serving his first term. He was active in the Richland Township Democratic Committee. He is survived by his wife, Laura Swiderski Pavlecic, and their children, Jacob and Samantha Pavlecic; his mother, Rosemarie Mochan Pavlecic; and two siblings, George Pavlecic and Valerie Marchetti.


Margaret M. Stolar on August 29, 2016. She was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta and also was a resident advisor. A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, she was a regulatory lawyer. She is survived by her brother, John.


Andrew S. Barden on October 8, 2017. He attended Allegheny but graduated from Hendrix College. He was a member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Vancouver, Washington, where he sang in the choir and worked with the youth. He enjoyed playing the guitar, juggling and performing. He is survived by his parents, Rev. Bruce S. and Rev. Kathleen B. Barden; his wife, Sunny-Kim Barden; and his sister, Kristen Barden.

Freda Silberman Friend of the College

Freda Silberman died on December 30, 2017. She was a loyal friend to many, including those at Allegheny College, dedicated to the well-being of all whose lives she touched. She was an enthusiastic supporter of cultural life in Pittsburgh and at Allegheny, promoting music and musicians. She spent her early years in Pittsburgh sharing in the task of building American Thermoplastic Company, the manufacturing business that 38 ALLEGHENY Spring 2018

gave the Silberman family a true sense of creating an enterprise with meaning for themselves and for the community. She was indispensable as a source of encouragement, insight and hard work. She and her late husband, Aaron, created a concert series at Rodef Shalom, the first of their ventures as “impresarios with a personal touch.” They delighted in bringing artists to Allegheny College over a period of

20 years in programs that were offered free to the public. They also brought concerts to Baruch College in New York City. These gifts to a wide and intersecting population of musicians and audiences will remain a lasting testament to Freda and Aaron. She is survived by her children, Renée Silberman and Steven Silberman; several grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and a sister, Sidney Emerman.


Daniel S. Carik on January 13, 2018. He was committed to philanthropy and often directed his attention to the hungry by organizing food drives and donating to food banks. He proudly dedicated his final months contributing to a cause close to his heart — Bridges FC, a nonprofit organization focused on the development of at-risk youth in Pittsburgh through the sport he admired most, soccer. He received a bachelor’s degree in political science and played soccer at Allegheny. He earned a master’s degree in public and international affairs from the University of Pittsburgh. After completing graduate school, he worked briefly for the U.S. Department of State. Most recently, he was an associate with Booz Allen Hamilton, and developed advanced systematic solutions in support of national security initiatives. He is survived by his wife, Deanna; his father, Hank; his mother, Susan; and his sisters, Gretchen Carik and Anna Carik.


Valeria Blasinski on December 6, 2017. In 1986, she retired after 22 years as the head cook at Allegheny.

David H. Mead on January 29, 2018. He was the technical director of the Raymond P. Shafer Auditorium.

Emmett D. Graybill, Jr. on December 25, 2017. He taught briefly at Allegheny.

Joan Mosser on October 27, 2017. She had worked in the College’s housekeeping department.

Zachary Green on September 28, 2017. He was the women’s softball pitching coach.

Geraldine L. Shank on November 13, 2017. She had worked in the College’s housekeeping department.

Leanna L. Haemer on October 6, 2017. She had worked in the College’s housekeeping department. Robert L. Kelly, Jr. on October 30, 2017. He was employed by Allegheny. Pamela McCurdy on November 20, 2017. She was employed in the Registrar’s Office for 28 years. For approximately the last 20 years, she served as transcript coordinator, interacting with thousands of current students and alumni.

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Planning for a Strong Future


support it. The plan calls for the careful implementation of its initiatives in three phases through fall 2021.

Planning process to guide our future development and preserve our historic campus.

able privilege for Mari, Franki, James and me to be part of the Allegheny and Meadville communities.

We have already begun to see tangible results of the Summer Working Groups’ recommendations. During the spring semester, our faculty approved a new major in business and a new interdisciplinary major in integrative informatics. This July, we will introduce a Summer Academy, which offers an enriching pre-college experience for high school juniors and seniors. We are adding two new varsity athletic teams, field hockey and men’s lacrosse, which will begin play in fall 2019 and spring 2020, respectively. In addition, we have begun initial work on a comprehensive Campus Master

The Allegheny Strategic Action Plan will help us catalyze essential innovation at Allegheny now so we can fulfill the College’s mission, preparing our students to step forward to influence society. We look forward to sharing more information with you about the Allegheny Strategic Action Plan in the coming months.

During the next year, I will continue to be fully engaged in the implementation of the strategic action plan, the vital work of the Our Allegheny: Our Third Century Quest comprehensive fundraising campaign, the fostering of national relationships for our College, and — most important — the success of our students. I am energized by the promise of Allegheny’s strong future and all who are contributing to the College’s mission. The involvement, support and loyalty of our alumni serve as a great source of inspiration to me. And the potential and creativity of our students give me great hope for the future of our world. For all you do for and mean to Allegheny, I remain most grateful.

As I shared in an email last December to the campus community and alumni, I plan to retire on June 30, 2019, at the end of my 11th year as Allegheny’s president and my 19th year as a college president. I have said often that it is a unique honor in American higher education to lead this great College, and it has been a remark-


The Last Word

by Portia Hoeg Director of Athletics and Recreation

What has always struck me about Allegheny are the people — particularly the deep dedication of the alumni network.

Supporting the Legacy and Future of Gator Pride As a former student-athlete, I recall coming face to face with tough opponents, battling through injuries, and completing a tough academic assignment prior to a big game. To meet those challenges, you train that much harder, get creative in your game plan, manage your time, and persevere through adversity. Reflecting on my six years at Allegheny, I am reminded of the importance of those same lessons. I take each of our losses to heart as if I were on the field, court or track, or in the pool. The defeats — and the hard-fought victories — motivate me to work even harder for each of our 450 student-athletes and the athletic department’s coaches and staff. We demand excellence in the classroom, and we will not settle for anything less than that on the field. I want to win! I am proud that our student-athlete population is more diverse than ever, and that our grade-point average continues to be higher than the general student population. (See the Winter 2018 edition of Allegheny magazine for our academic achievements.) We have updated several facilities (Frank B. Fuhrer Field, our locker rooms, the athletic training room, the weight room), celebrated numerous program milestones, revamped and enhanced giving to the Golden Gator Club, and built a foundation for long-term program-wide success. We also are excited about the addition of two new sports — field hockey and men’s lacrosse — and facility enhancements to accommodate these endeavors. While this is an amazing time for Allegheny College and Gator athletics, we are at a crossroads of excellence. We know that we cannot rest on our laurels. What has always struck me about Allegheny are the people — particularly the deep dedication of the alumni network.

It was evident in my interview process, and it continues to be reinforced with every alumni interaction I have. Just as the spirit of this great institution lies within each of you, so does the future of Gator athletics. What do we ask of you? • Your continued support — Attend any of our home or away contests, or watch the events we are able to webcast. We always appreciate the time you take to recommend student-athlete prospects. Keep the names coming! Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or any members of our coaching staff with your comments and recommendations. • Attendance at alumni events — Blue and Gold Homecoming Weekend, Alumni Weekend, the Golden Gator Golf Outing, and alumni games are just a few of the opportunities for you to reconnect and see what is going on with your Gators. • Financial support — We need your help to make sure the Gators rise to the level of excellence experienced in the past. We are extremely proud of this championship history and aspire to honor it by achieving that level of success today. More resources help us to recruit top student-athletes and enhance their time at Allegheny. Gators, we are so grateful for all that you do to support your alma mater. Athletics is an experience that evolves from the time before students even arrive on campus, to the time they are here, and when they look back at the College as proud alumni. This is a responsibility we take very seriously. The athletics department recognizes that it represents the “front porch” of Allegheny College. We are unwavering in our pursuit of excellence. And we need you to help us reach that pinnacle.

If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it — then I can achieve it.

Muhammad Ali

photo Ed Mailliard

Allegheny Magazine


Allegheny College 520 North Main Street Meadville, PA 16335

Members of the Super Pool, a group of Allegheny alumni and friends, enjoyed a last formal gathering and ended 50 years of active reunions — traditionally held on Super Bowl weekends — during a dinner and celebration in the Patricia Bush Tippie Alumni Center on February 3, 2018.

photo: Bill Owen ’74

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