Allegheny College 2013-2014

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unusual combinations

“What really sets Allegheny apart is the

sense of community that permeates the whole campus, a feeling that I didn’t find anywhere else.” —Rachel Robertson— Class of 2017

“I have always wanted to combine Biology and Spanish, but most schools were not open to such combinations. When I discovered Allegheny’s emphasis on unusual combinations, I knew it was the college for me.” —Mamina Norman-Wokoma— Class of 2017

“I chose Allegheny, first and foremost, because of how effortlessly they’ve combined a rigorous education with an enjoyable and dynamic learning experience, in terms of both social and intellectual growth.” —Troy Dinga— Class of 2017

unusual combinations At Allegheny College, when we talk about unusual combinations, we mean it as a tremendous compliment—a compliment that recognizes the unique character of each one of us. At Allegheny, we not only recognize human complexity, we value it, we embrace it. Look around and you’ll see a college president who studies decision-making by modern American presidents and then rolls up his sleeves for grassroots community service; you’ll see an aspiring diplomat singing in the choir and building a bike path, a future physician who edits the newspaper and pole vaults on an international stage. Unusual combinations, yes, but at Allegheny they are everyday examples of students exploring all of their talents, all of their passions. And it is our students who make Allegheny the vibrant, creative and innovative place that it is.

greatexpe what A llegheny will expect from you

Curiosity & Persistence An education in the liberal arts and sciences gives you more choices, more opportunities, and, yes, more challenges. Allegheny is one of the few liberal arts colleges in the country that will ask you to choose both a major and a minor. The scientist who can present her research in an engaging yet persuasive manner will be more successful in her career; likewise, the international aid worker who can quickly integrate the latest quantitative data will be that much more effective in his work.


average advanced class size (introductory: 21)


first-year students who graduated in the top 25% of their H.S. class


seniors complete and defend the Senior Comp

Four-Year According to the National Survey of Student Engagement, Allegheny College ranks

significantly higher in each of these categories:

pectations what you should expect from A llegheny

Outcome Student-Faculty Interaction Supportive Campus Environment Active & Collaborative Learning College-Enhanced Writing Skills College-Enhanced Speaking Skills Thinking Critically and Analytically Analyzing Quantitatively Learning Effectively on Own

You’ll be asked to complete the type of work that is the caliber of graduate school inquiry. Is it rigorous? You bet. But our faculty are people who pride themselves on being teachers first—they will support and challenge you to move beyond what you can even imagine now—efforts that will lead you to extraordinary outcomes.

Solving Complex Problems

New s

Contributing to Community Job Knowledge and Skills

The Da ily

17. Harvard University 18. University of Pennsylvania 19. Carnegie Mellon University


Entire Educational Experience

o ig tr Mos

21. Carleton College 22. Northwestern University 23. Duke University

ro us



Student-Faculty ratio


Graduate Teaching Assistants

’s ast Be

Paper or Project Required Integrating Various Sources

k& ee w

n iv er sit ies

Quality of Academic Advising

Rigor & Support

& ges colle


your four years challenging you to move beyond what you thought possible

Joining our community of scholars Developed by the student body, every new student takes the Honor Code pledge, promising integrity in academic affairs and to contribute to an atmosphere conducive to serious independent scholarship. Each new student is paired with a peer mentor – a NaviGator, as we like to call them. NaviGators help to ease the academic and social adjustment to college life.

The first two years Through a series of three seminar courses, the First- and SecondYear Experience (FSYE) encourages careful listening and reading, thoughtful speaking and writing, and reflective academic planning. Students develop communication and research skills useful for generating, exploring, defending, and challenging ideas throughout their college years and beyond.


c progr am emi d a s c

humanities art & technology art (studio) art history Chinese language and literature classical studies communication arts creative writing dance & movement studies English French German Latin music music history music performance music theory philosophy religious studies Spanish theatre writing

interdisciplinary American studies art & the environment Asian studies black studies Chinese studies environmental studies environmental writing French studies global health studies journalism in the public interest Latin American & Caribbean studies lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender studies medieval & Renaissance studies Middle East & North African studies values, ethics & social action women’s studies

natural sciences applied computing astronomy biochemistry biology chemistry computer science environmental geology environmental science geology mathematics neuroscience physics

social sciences applied economics economics German studies history international studies managerial economics political science psychology

pre-professional dental education engineering law medicine nursing pharmacy veterinary

self-designed (recent examples)

forensic biology international development journalism and U.S. politics neurochemistry philosophy of art


ms op a r era tive prog accelerated engineering

masters programs (3/2) Management Occupational Therapy Physician Assistant

accelerated doctorate programs

Nursing (3/3, 3/4) Osteopathic Medicine (3/4) Physical Therapy (4/2)


Engineering (3/2) Master of Science in Engineering (4/2)

At the end of the sophomore year

declaring your major & minor

By the end of two years, students select a major advisor and declare a major in one of the academic divisions. Completing a major typically consists of eight to twelve courses. In line with the goals of Allegheny’s liberal arts educational experience, all students are required to complete an academic minor outside the division of their major.

The junior year As students continue to focus their studies around each major/minor combination, the Junior Seminar serves as a bridge between FSYE and the Senior Comp. Topics vary between disciplines, but all seminars emphasize research methodology, independent inquiry, and refining communication skills.

The senior year

researching, presenting, and defending the Senior Comp

Since 1821, all Allegheny students have completed and defended a comprehensive research project, known as “The Senior Comp.” This project represents the culmination of a consciously designed four-year series of critical thinking seminars that will move you from the discursive to the persuasive, from general approaches to ones that are discipline-specific, right to the point when you are ready to make an original contribution to your field of interest. “Allegheny is a

place that says,

Inside Allegheny:

Chomping the Comp

“When I was a freshman, an upperclassman tried to explain the Senior Comp to me. At the time, I saw it as an overwhelming, large, intimidating monster that I would one day, in the far-off distant future, have to face alone. Now, as I am facing the monster, sword in hand, I’ve discovered that it’s not so much a monster as it is a pet.” Benjamin Stewart, Class of 2013


to what you want to do.” —Jim Bulman— English faculty, Shakespeare & Renaissance scholar

the gateway As active and engaged participants in events and activities beyond the traditional classroom setting, Allegheny students not only further their intellectual growth and career development but also learn more about the diversity of cross-cultural and global issues, civic and social responsibility, and ethical maturation. By bringing together in one place the opportunities for internships, service to the community, scholarship mentoring, unique interdisciplinary experiences, and study away, the Allegheny Gateway provides students with the comprehensive support and preparation they need to excel in a diverse, interconnected world.

careers The Allegheny Gateway staff facilitates student success by connecting students and alumni with resources that support career and life planning. Career educators network with partners on and off campus to develop internships and job shadowing opportunities, educational programs, and employment leads. Staff members assist students at all stages of their Allegheny experience.

personal assessment and advisement • interaction with field experts • alumni networking • résumé writing • graduate test preparation • national scholarship mentoring • on-campus recruiting • pre-professional advising • internships

communities Student leaders work with the Allegheny Gateway, community agencies, and other College departments to plan meaningful projects, promote student involvement that makes a difference in our community, and encourage student leadership, reflection, and learning. All engagement initiatives strive to include student responsibility, exposure to diversity, social justice and personal reflection.

alternative spring break • make a difference day • community health coaching • community-based teaching and research • center for political participation • bonner scholars and leaders programs • davies community service leaders program

cultures Exposure to diverse cultures challenges students’ assumptions and expectations about how the world “works.” These challenging experiences prepare students to become citizens of an increasingly interconnected global society. As such, the Allegheny Gateway sponsors semester, summer, and year-long study away programs, both domestic and abroad. Allegheny also sponsors programs geared to specific majors as well as programs with internships and community service opportunities.

international student community • international education week • alleghenysponsored study abroad • independent study abroad programs • experiential learning (EL) global seminars • campus intercultural center

Inside Allegheny:

Dr. Rachel O’Brien

C ommunity is at the heart of all great education lively, fast-paced contra dancing that traces its roots to the British Isles. “It is really about community-building,” says Dr. O’Brien. “We laugh together, we make mistakes together, we learn together.” Dr. O’Brien teaches courses in physical geology and Just a year after advises senior Rachel O’Brien to support and projects on was hired encourage this kind of subjects ranging as a geology interdisciplinary activity.” from mapping professor at —Rachel O’Brien— glacial deposits Allegheny, geology faculty, to designing aftershe proposed a dance instructor school geology classes. new class… in the Here, too, community dance department. The is vital to Dr. O’Brien as result quickly became an she encourages her students to do Allegheny and Meadville tradition: fieldwork on local issues. All the every Wednesday night Allegheny while, she is actively pursuing her own students, faculty and staff, their research into the comparative rates of families, and members of the larger mineral dissolution in groundwater. Meadville community take part in



Allegheny ethos

The Princeton Review reports that Allegheny students feel the professors are “amazing” and “very passionate,” and “go above and beyond to make sure their students understand the material.” Students believe Allegheny “is very understanding of how different each student is and tries to help each student excel in his or her own way.”

brace for impact Students play a vital role in College decision-making. The Allegheny Student Government is an extremely active and influential organization that also coordinates programs of a co-curricular nature and sponsors over 100 student-run clubs and organizations. Students serve on every major college committee, including faculty searches, sustainability efforts, and strategic planning. Their sought-after presence exemplifies the importance placed on student participation and represents the influence students have on the institution. But student impact doesn’t stop there. Allegheny students are assisting communities in need, both here and abroad. They are implementing sustainable carbon- and energy-reduction strategies. They are acting as advocates for populations that need a voice. They are changing the lives of countless individuals — as students and after graduation.

Washington Monthly ranks Allegheny in the top 25 liberal arts colleges in the nation on the strength of its contribution to the public good, based on three categories: Social Mobility, Research, and Service.

Inside Allegheny:


RT @VeneskyLab Awesome fact about @alleghenycol: student groups stalk lunch meetings & take leftovers to women’s shelter & after-school programs.

Allegheny’s environmental efforts are acclaimed nationally by:

Allegheny’s founder, Timothy Alden, included gardens in his original campus plan. Nearly 200 years later, his vision has become a reality.

Health & Prevention

Local Foods & Hunger

Underserved Youth

Homelessness Solidarity & Advocacy for Senior Citizens

lea de rsh ip

the ir tr se ue p rpo u assio p ith ns and the many ways they can live w

a l l eg h e n y s e rv i c e n et wo r k i m pact a r e as

r cula i r r cu d cothrough the entire academic an

de nts dis cov er

stud ent gro up s



m s i v ti

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0% of students report part icipa over 8 ting in s om id i n v o g r a p i d d t o thos e le roun a s e t in n vel en v e eed e of z i an g r o rly a l gu Conservation & Environmental Sustainability Allegheny Women’s Issues & & Meadville Empowerment Relationship

stu e, c ien r e exp

gator dens

Election night. Concerts. Quidditch. Grounds for Change. Review sessions. Poetry readings. Springfest. Early mornings. Late nights. Music. Theatre. Varsity athletics. Club sports. Greek Sing.

Allegheny’s campus looks like what you’d expect from a residential college with a rich heritage and tradition of immersion in the liberal arts. What do we mean by immersion? At Allegheny, it means taking the phrase “live and learn” to heart—it’s the belief that you’ll discover and be challenged by as much outside of the classroom as inside: studying for an exam, discussing philosophy in the library, conducting research, participating in a club, listening to a speaker, attending a concert. It means having the conviction that learning happens in every campus setting.

residential living Living on campus is considered an integral part of the Allegheny educational experience, which is why the College has a four-year residency requirement. Daily life brings new perspectives to concepts studied in class and helps to broaden horizons. Living styles include all-male, all-female, and co-ed residence halls and apartments configured as suites, singles, doubles, triples, and quads. Additionally, floors designated as wellness (focused on healthy lifestyles), community service, and quiet study (24hour quiet) are available. Living-learning communities are available and are organized

Game Room. ‘Year Of’ events. Ultimate frisbee. Religious services. Observatory viewings. Radio shows. Art galleries. Film festivals. Hiking trails. Traditions.

around special interest themes such as language, culture, or academic programs.

Fact: a gathering of gators is called a “congregation”

pelletier library The campus library is a space especially designed for student success. From its 350,000 volumes to its extraordinary reference librarians to its movable furniture that makes collaborative learning easy, the library is a hub for academic support. The Pelletier Library is also home to Allegheny’s Learning Commons — the place to go for assistance with writing, public speaking, study and time management skill building, technology training, and tutoring.

henderson campus center Things are always buzzing in the Henderson Campus Center. Home to McKinley’s Food Court, Grounds for Change (our student-run coffeehouse), the campus game room, post office, and bookstore. The Campus Center is also home to the offices for Student Involvement, Student Government, and The Campus newspaper.

wise sport and fitness complex In addition to housing the Allegheny Gator athletic team offices, the Wise Center features an arena, intramural courts, an aerobic and dance studio, cardiovascular and strength training equipment, a 25-yard swimming pool, and a diving well. Scuba, anyone?

on-campus dining Brooks Dining Hall • McKinley’s Food Court • Fair-trade ingredients • Fresh, campus-grown produce • Allergy safety zones • Daily vegan and vegetarian options • Compostable packaging • Local bread and artisan pastry items • Accepts special dietary requests from students

Inside Allegheny:

Colleen Friel

Success is about taking advantage of unique opportunities

“The ideal Allegheny of student/faculty As a biochemistry student is motivated, connection is one major, Colleen inquisitive, and you can’t get Friel has focused anywhere else.” her studies on a ” combination of Colleen is the plant biology and —Colleen Friel— secretary of the biochemistry major, microbiology. She economics minor, musician, Equestrian Club, has fulfilled multiple equestrian, research the treasurer of assistant research internships the Beta Beta Beta with various Allegheny National Biology Honor professors, and she has also Society, a research assistant for the conducted research at the South Dakota Environmental Science Department, and State University Department of Biology a student assistant for both the Biology and Microbiology. Freshman Seminar and the Physics Department. She plans to earn a Ph.D. in “My advisor has been absolutely plant pathology and conduct research on amazing,” Colleen says, “helping me to biocontrol bacteria. She claims her key to pick my classes, attend graduate school success at Allegheny is all about taking expos and conferences, proof research advantage of every opportunity that abstracts and applications, and research presents itself. internship opportunities. That kind


allegheny college statement of community Allegheny students and employees are committed to creating an inclusive, respectful and safe residential learning community that will actively confront and challenge racism, sexism, heterosexism, religious bigotry, and other forms of harassment and discrimination. We encourage individual growth by promoting a free exchange of ideas in a setting that values diversity, trust and equality. So that the right of all to participate in a shared learning experience is upheld, Allegheny affirms its commitment to the principles of freedom of speech and inquiry, while at the same time fostering responsibility and accountability in the exercise of these freedoms.

student groups & activities academic & honorary clubs • activism and politics • concerts, movies, performers & annual events • cultural, spiritual & religious life

fantasy & gaming clubs • greek life • performing arts & media • philanthropy & service • recreation & fitness, club and intramural sports


student-run clubs and organizations


members of sorority and fraternity life

Inside Allegheny:

Small, Yet Mighty!

Hillel’s Foundation for Jewish Campus Life recognizes Allegheny as one of 20 “small and mighty campuses of excellence.” Why “mighty?” Innovative Jewish programming, our growing Jewish population, dedicated leadership, and a commitment to serve Jewish students of all backgrounds. Mazel tov!

women’s men’s varsity varsity Basketball Cross Country Golf Lacrosse Soccer Softball Swimming/Diving Tennis Track & Field

Baseball Basketball Cross Country Football Golf Soccer Swimming/Diving Tennis Track & Field


Gator Football became only the 35th team in NCAA Division III history to surpass

500 victories

s t h g i l h g i h 3 1 2 1 0 2

Senior Daryl Ford hit 1,000 points and was a nominee for the

NCAA Woman of the Year 2013

from CoSIDA


Academic All-American


Senior Mike Kastelic earned the title of

f th ers o e Yea om

Logan Steiner

Emma Pellicano

Joe Killian

gator athletics Perhaps nothing better illustrates the synergistic power of combinations than Allegheny athletics. As a member

Allegheny College is a founding member of the

and the highly competitive

of the NCAC, Allegheny is committed to the philosophy that athletics can and should complement academic life rather than compete with it.

At least one Allegheny team has won an NCAC championship every year since it began in 1984

Lacrosse finished the season with the

seventh highest scoring average in the nation

Men’s Cross Country and Women’s Softball brought home

2012-13 NCAC Championships


developed a


to learn about as many subjects as I can.” —Travis Wilkins ’12— Account Analyst, BNY Mellon economics major, computer science minor, football player

Inside Allegheny: Named as 1 of 40

Colleges That Change Lives

Travis Wilkins ”

combining the alumni network with experiential learning

“Today Allegheny shuns the ethos of prestige places and delivers an education at least on par with — and perhaps better than — those places.”

One of the most influential moments of Travis Wilkins’ Allegheny experience was a trip to New York City organized by the Economics department. Travis connected with many influential Allegheny alumni in the finance industry, including the CFO of Bank of America, and attended various events. Travis’ academic career has also included an internship with Bennett Group Financial Services in Washington, D.C. Just as important to Travis has been his role as a Division III athlete. “My football career has made a huge impact

on me,” he says, “and I think my most memorable experience at Allegheny was the first time I won ‘Defensive Player of the Game.’ It meant so much to see all of my hard work pay off.” As Travis begins his new job with BNY Mellon as an Account Analyst, he reflects on his own experiences with unusual combinations at Allegheny. “I don’t know if my combination of academics and athletics is really all that unusual,” he says, “but I’ve developed a desire to learn about as many different subjects and areas as I can.”

has a huge network of alumni across the country looking to hire students “ Allegheny from their alma mater. My advisor forwarded to me an email from one of his former students looking for interns this summer. One application later, I was accepted into the American Heart Association Student Undergrad Research Fellowship (AHA SURF) at Penn State Hershey Medical College. I’ll be on their campus for 10 weeks this summer studying diabetes with a talented team of scientists.”

Laverne Thompson, Class of 2014


begin their career immediately after graduation; over 90% are working in their field within 8 months.


of Allegheny graduates go on to graduate school and are accepted at rates twice the national average—80-100%.


of graduates earn positions in service organizations, including Teach for America and Peace Corps.

the city of meadville, pa Allegheny’s campus is perched on a hill overlooking Meadville, a county seat that has been recognized as one of the Top 100 Places to Live. Meadville anchors an area of 15,000 residents and is where Allegheny students do everything from enjoying live local music to taking in the latest movies, from creating art installations to participating in service. Venture even farther afield and you’ll discover that Allegheny students live in a section of the country that most people get to see only on vacation. Allegheny is home to one of the oldest Outing Clubs in the country and a recreation program that is nearly unparalleled at any college of comparable size. Nearby outdoor recreation areas include:

allegheny national forest • conneaut lake • french creek • peek’n peak ski resort • presque isle state park • pymatuning lake & reservoir • miles of hiking, biking, and skiing trails

gators in town

Curious about what to do in Meadville? “Gators In Town” is the student resource for information on activities, restaurants, and shopping in Meadville and the surrounding area. Created through a collaborative effort between Allegheny’s Bonnor Scholars Program and the Davies Scholar Program, “Gators In Town” is designed to encourage students to maximize the experience of living in northwestern Pennsylvania. Plan your weekend excursion at

airports & drive times • Pittsburgh (PIT)–1.5 hr • Buffalo (BUF)–2 hrs • Cleveland (CLE)–2 hrs • Erie (ERI)–40 mins • Washington, D.C.–5.5 hrs • Chicago–7 hrs • New York City–7.5 hrs

your allegheny bucket list* Share your musical stylings at open mic night in Grounds For Change Order Thai at Grace Asian Restaurant Enjoy a performance at the Academy Theater Cheer on Allegheny professors at roller-derby bouts (or join in!) Buy local goods and dine at the Market House Go extreme snow-tubing at Avalanche Express Jam at SpringFest Try all 30 different subs at The Whole Darn Thing Jog along the dam at the Woodcock Recreation Area Have an animal encounter at Tamarack Wildlife Refuge Enjoy the Vukovich rooftop garden at night Eat at Eddie’s Footlong Hot Dogs, followed by Hank’s Frozen Custard Show your spirit at as many Gator athletic games as possible Walk the trails at Bousson *as curated by @ACGatorGuide

important dates NOV

15 Apply Early Decision


31 Submit Early Estimator


15 Apply Early Decision II


15 Apply Regular Decision


15 Submit FAFSA

apply The Admissions Committee gives the greatest weight to the rigor of high school courses, grades and class rank. Required SAT or ACT scores receive the next-greatest weight. Also considered are school/community activities, recommendations, personal character and qualities, essay, demonstrated interest, and special talents. Apply today at Allegheny is also a member of The Common Application.

Inside Allegheny:

Class of 2017 Profile 600 students Middle 50%: 1000 – 1300 SAT (M+CR); 24 – 29 ACT


15 Financial Aid

Packages Mailed

400+ high schools represented 50% from over 40 states outside PA 20% minority/international students



Pay Enrollment Deposit to Join the Class

year after year, Kiplinger’s recognizes Allegheny College among the 100 “Best Values” in liberal arts colleges in the nation.

100% live on campus

financials 2013-14

Tuition and fees..................... $39,100 Room and board....................... $9,920 Avg first-year aid package...... $32,929


Transcripts and test scores are just one measure of your potential.

open houses and programs

individual tour & interview

senior overnights

Allegheny’s variety of special visit programs includes panel discussions, open houses with academic departments, student groups, athletics and financial aid, and more. Schedule your visit at

Scheduled visits include a conversation with an admissions representative and a personal studentled campus tour. You may request meetings with faculty members, coaches or others such as career services staff members.

High school seniors may attend an overnight program or visit individually. You’ll experience what it’s like to be a full-time member of the Allegheny community.

2,100 44 45 students from states and countries

early estimator for high school seniors

Complete the form through Dec. 31 at for your unique customized scholarship and need-based aid estimate (before the FAFSA is completed in January).

merit-based trustee scholarship

Up to $80,000 awarded over four years, distributed equally and guaranteed over eight semesters of study.

need-based aid

Submit the FAFSA electronically for free at to determine eligibility (Allegheny College Federal Code 003230)

Office of Admissions 520 N. Main Street • Meadville, PA 16335 800-521-5293 Connect with us online!

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