Dear Alums and Friends of ACND, The “call to educate” engages the entire Archbishop Curley Notre Dame Community. Alums, friends, parents, students, teachers, administrators, we all experience ourselves as receiving a gift that is meant not only for ourselves but for all who come into our lives. For some this call becomes a profession. ACND Heritage Day 2012 will acknowledge their very significant contribution to the ministry of education form Pre K to University, in the public and private sectors. For others the call is expressed in the ways we interact with our families, our friends and out colleagues. Something about us bears the character of a Notre Dame Academy, Archbishop Curley or an ACND Prep education. Each year at ACND we seek to instill in every new student that she or he is being welcomed into a community that shares a cherished tradition, a culture, and a heritage. We understand learning as a collaborative, enriching, holistic embrace of the diversity of the Lord’s creation. My assignment to Miami by the Christian Brothers has afforded me a powerful experience of the school community and its on-going mission. In these concluding months of my extended term as principal, I am mindful that the collaboration, support and enthusiasm of each individual and group have been a cherished gift. Together we thrived in times with more than the usual set of difficulties – the closing of several of our parish feeder schools, the opening of free charter schools, the cancellation of the vouchers, the influx of students from the earthquake in Haiti, and the impact of the economy on our middle class families. Our blessings came wrapped in challenges. Through it all, the school has nourished its unique spirit. Students choose ACND because they know it has “teachers who care”. Graduates delight in their experience. Asked what would have made for a better experience, the majority respond “It was great – keep it as it is.” They continue to gain admission and scholarships to some of the finest universities in the nation. They return to thank the teachers for a preparation that puts them ahead of their peers. The campus has perhaps never been more beautiful. The fourteen acres have been enhanced by the painting of the buildings and the planting of gumbo-limbo trees. The lush turf of the new and carefully maintained football/soccer and baseball fields is the envy of our competitors. Every building is in the process of becoming a WIFI hub. New electrical work will accommodate the planned air conditioning of the gym. Plans, projects and a dream list afford ample opportunity for the continued engagement of all concerned. Naming opportunities abound. ACND Alums and friends give of their time, talent and treasure. You are mindful that the final question for all our endeavors involves our response to those in need. What has been done to welcome the stranger, instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful, encourage the timid, and liberate the conflicted? Every blessing gives birth to new hope. We have been greatly blessed. In the many expressions of the ACND call to educate -- the vision, the struggles, the renewal of conviction – we share the mission of the One who calls. In Him we know, live and share one hope. Spes Unica. Enjoy the read, and be in touch. Warmest regards,
ACND Advisory Council Enrollment Committee Br. James DePiro (Chair), Fr. Christopher Marino, Dr. Alma Sanjur Metcalf, Desmond Page, Alicia Schindler, Angela Scott
Events Committee Marion Colas Lacombe, Lesia Hanson, Francine Holland, Kimberly Topping Morris, Thomas Romanik, Diane Stead (Chair)
Facilities Committee Joseph Ortiz, George Oyarzun, Edgar Pierre, Arturo Salow, Mark Stead (Chair), John Zavertnik
Grants and Foundations Committee Br. DePiro, David Smith, Nicolas Silverio
Finance Committee Christopher Frazier, Jerome Hurtak (Chair), Christopher Kelly, John Longman, John Zavertnik
ACND Advancement Team Vice Principal for Advancement Douglas Romanik 305.751.8367 *28 Alumni Relations & Events Coordinator Monica Metcalf 305.751.8367 ext. 19
Advancement Assistant Julie Martinez-Araujo 305.751.8367 ext. 22 Public Relations Specialist Lisa Morales 305.751.8367 ext. 22
ACND Prep publication is produced by the Office of Advancement as an information service to alums, parents, and friends of ACND Prep. Readers are encouraged to submit text for publication to the Office of Advancement in care of Lisa Morales, The office reserves the right to edit all copies. Items and pictures for the newsletter should include names and class years (if applicable.) The ACND publication is produced by Al Esper Advertising & Design 954.434.2759 The front cover of this edition is the work of Tom Salyer, professional photographer and parent of an alum. Tom Salyer Photography Inc. 311 NE 94th St. Miami Shores, FL 33138 305.757.4557
Patrick Sean Moffett, CFC, Ph.D.
ACND 4949 NE 2nd Ave. Miami Fl 33137 - Tel. 305 751 8367
The Commitment of the Christian Brothers
Br. James DePiro, Br. Timothy Granzotto, Br. John Corcoran, and Br. Jason Ford, Br. Armstrong, and Br. Michael LaFrance Over the past few years the Brothers have renewed their commitment to Archbishop Curley Notre Dame and have put in place a process that permits a more direct role in the academic life of the school and the formation of the students and faculty. Brother DePiro, the religious leader of the Brothers’ community, accepted the position of Vice Principal for Academics. Brother Corcoran overcame the challenges of a serious accident and heroically reassumed his ministry as a full time teacher and cross country coach. Brother Armstrong extended his hours of service in the library to afford student access before and after school as well as the lunch periods. New brothers were added to the community. Brother Michael LaFrance, a lawyer working with Catholic Legal Services, keeps the community mindful of the poor of Miami. Brother Jason Ford coordinates the Campus Ministries of the school, directing retreats and prayer services, forming student leadership and directing community service projects. He also has become very active in the ACND recruitment efforts. Brother Timothy Granzotto is the guidance counselor responsible for college advisement and placement. He, like all the Brothers, takes great delight in his work with the ACND students.
t the end of my six year term as principal in 2010, I was asked A to stay on for another year or two to facilitate a transition to
The Department of Schools of the Archdiocese of Miami, in collaboration with the Brothers, will be announcing a search for the next principal of ACND. A core requirement will be the commitment of the candidate to the mission of an Edmund Rice Christian Brothers School.Brother DePiro comments: “The Brothers are here to stay. We are hoping that others will take on some of the more administrative tasks to afford us the opportunity to be ever more fully present to our students.”
lay leadership which would free the brothers for more direct service to the students and their teachers. The good news is that we are now at that point. The sad news for me is that, at the end of the academic year, I will need to say goodbye to a school community that I have come to love deeply. – Br. Moffett
Looking Back and Facing Forward Today, Carroll Williams resides in Florida and currently works as a Life Coach. Carroll played for the Canadian Football League for 5 years before returning to Miami to become the first African-American football coach at the University of Miami under Fran Curci. While working as a substitute teacher, he earned a M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Northern Colorado and Administration and Supervision Certification from Nova University and worked for the Miami-Dade Public School System as teacher, assistant principal, and principal. He is a 2005 ACND Hall of Fame Inductee.
ACND has now hosted two Heritage Days where alumni are invited back to share their stories and inspire our future graduates. Last year’s “Living History Lesson” celebrated ACND’s 50th Anniversary as the first high school in Florida to integrate (10 years before public schools would do so under federal court order.) The day itself reunited old friends, but the success of this event resounded long past February. Excerpt from a letter from John (Jack) Topper ’63: I am honored to have been in the first integrated high school class below the Mason Dixon Line. As I recall, a small article in the New York Times described it this way. Miami was very segregated at the time. Black people sat at the back of the bus. Water fountains and doctors’ offices were labeled ‘white’ and ‘colored.’
Dr. Cornelius Rohaven James practices general surgery and plastic surgery in Martinez, Georgia. Dr. James graduated with an MD 41 years ago. He is a graduate of the University of Miami, School of Medicine and completed his residency at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center in Plastic Surgery and the Georgetown University Hospital in General Surgery.
Carroll Williams and Cornelius James were classmates and on sports teams with me. ‘Corney’ and I were on the mile relay team together and ‘Cal’ was our star athlete. Many times, football and baseball games turned into racist acts. However, both men proudly ignored the taunts and went on to play their best. This became more personal for me when the relay team qualified for the state track finals held at the University of Florida. Br. Lewis loaded us in the school’s VW minibus and drove us to Gainesville. When we stopped in HeeHaw Junction to get lunch, the patrons of a small restaurant saw us get out of the bus with black students and quickly came out to ‘welcome us’ with sticks and clubs. We, being naïve, told Br. Lewis that we could ‘take them.’ Br. Lewis, being wiser, told us to get back in the bus. He drove to a nearby grocery store and bought provisions for the rest of the trip. Once we arrived in Gainesville, we circled around Corney to ‘hide’ him since only white people could stay at the Bambi Motel. And, finally, we could feast on our provisions!
“History Detectives” , the multi-media presentation by Tom Salyer (professional photographer and father of a 2011 ACND graduate),has been accepted into the archives of highlyrenowned historical institutions: The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, New York; the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture of the New York Public Library, New York; and HistoryMiami. The multimedia presentation was also the South Florida civil rights archival contribution at the January 12, 2012 screening and discussion of “Daisy Bates: First Lady of Little Rock” – a presentation by Public Insight Network Nine Network of Public Media, St. Louis Public Television and in collaboration with the Community Cinema Series which screens independent films from the acclaimed PBS Independent Lens. To watch “History Detectives,” visit
The next day, we walked on to the UF track for the state finals and the crowd went silent. I guess Corney can claim the honor of being the first black student to participate in the Florida High School Track Finals. I always felt that I never did enough to promote civil rights no protests and no marches. However, I do believe each of us, in the first integrated class, played a small part that we can be proud of.
A Call to Educate Carlos Barquin AC ‘67
On February 8th, ACND held its Second Annual Heritage Day – “The Call to Educate.” Since last August, over 350 alumni educators were contacted and asked what attracted them to a career in education and how NDA, ACHS, ACND may have affected this decision.
As a Pedro Pan in the Cuban children program I was touched by the kindness shown by several educators and coaches, Brother Wiloliam May, Monsignor Walsh, Coach Husk… I wanted to help others in the same way I was helped. Teacher and Athletic Director, Belen Jesuit Preparatory School
A sample of the responses follow:
Claire Worthy NDA ’68
Sister Lucy Cardet, OSF NDA ’59
My plan to become an elementary teacher was firmly set by the time I entered NDA. However, my participation in the ‘Future Teachers Club’ helped me begin to develop an initial philosophy that all children can become lifelong learners. Supervisor of Education for the After School Program, Miami Dade Public Schools
I learned firsthand the value of encouraging and assisting students and others with respect and patience. Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, Academic Advisor at Barry University Donald R. Alpaugh AC ’61
Maureen Sheppard McNulty NDA’70 At NDA the curriculum was challenging and the expectations were high. However, the teachers provided us with opportunities to become successful leaders. There were always opportunities for the students to work interdependently with one another. The combination of academic, spiritual, and social development was invaluable. Principal, Little Flower Catholic School, Hollywood
I realized that I appreciated the discipline, character training, camaraderie, and high classroom expectations. The teachers I had were passionate, caring, and knowledgeable in their field. Teacher and coach at Mission North, Shawnee Mission West, and Blue Valley West school districts in Kansas Br. Michael Brickman, CSC, AC ’61
Robert Larocque AC ’70
I saw each and every teacher [at ArchbishopCurley] as a person who loved what they did and were an expert in their individual field. We all got to know our teachers in the classroom and through the many school activities and events. Holy Cross Brother, Guidance Counselor, Cardinal Gibbons High School
Some of the memorable teachers at Archbishop Curley inspired me to combine the good methods as well as discard the bad. In developing my own style of teaching, I always felt the need to create a personal connection to students before I could get them to really listen to and learn the day’s lesson. Teacher and Athletic Director Hebron, Ohio (retired)
Elaine Rivard Ziebarth ’66
Steven Ripley AC ‘74
Dra. Alzaga Romañach from NDA was my inspiration to become a Spanish teacher. The methodologies used by my Latin teacher,Sr. Cor Maria, were instrumental to me throughout my career Recently retired as the Spanish and French Department Chair and founder of the school’s Foreign Language Department, Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy High School
Now that I have made a full circle ride back into a full time job in a Catholic High School, it is safe to say the foundation of the Catholic Faith that was established while attending Archbishop Curley was amazing. Just did not know it then. From the classroom, to the school activities, to representing the school in the sports I played while there…every adult that was responsible for these areas had something to do with where I am today. Athletic Director John Carroll Catholic High School
A Call to Educate Silvia Lizama ’75
Marie Bernardin ACND ’98
The discipline and caring of the faculty at NDA helped mold me as an educator. Chair of the Arts Department and Professor of Photography, Barry University.
The teachers at ACND expected the most from us and accepted nothing less. That lesson is what I try to pass on to the students that I come in contact with. Coordinator, Student Alumni Services, College of Public Health, Florida International University.
Soraya C. Trujillo ’76
Richard Castro ACND ‘94
I always felt that Notre Dame was like a family, and so I was attracted to work at a school that had that same feeling. I love my students as if they were my own children, and even when disciplining them, they know that I care, and they trust me. Assistant Principal and Director of Development, Holy Cross Lutheran School
The experience of many different cultures and my involvement in the campus ministry shaped my desire not only to aspire in my career, but also seek how God was involved in all areas of my life. I recall much joy when my religion teacher shared the Gospel with us with passion and broke it down for us to understand. Teacher and Department Chair, St. Rose of Lima, Miami Shores
Doug Romanik ACND ’84 My first recollection of what attracted me to education is the experience with my coaches here at ACND Coach Strode,Coach Bonfiglio, Coach Yeash but most of all Coach Bill Shields showed me that being involved with young people is an important job. These coaches inspired me and assisted me in becoming a man and I am indebted to them for that. Vice Principal for Advancement, Archbishop Curley Notre Dame Prep
David Marcillo ACND ‘03 All of my English classes at ACND, especially those taught by Br. Corcoran, inspired my teaching style. Because of his classes, I know that the best way to motivate students is to maintain rigorous instruction throughout the school year. English teacher and Middle School English Chair, International School of Broward
Serge Rodriguez ACND ‘88
Other educators who attended:
I had a great experience at ACND, There was an awesome mix of kids from various cultures and economic backgrounds but there was never any division along those lines. We were just all proud to be Curley Knights, and that stuck with me. Director of Operations, Haitian Heritage Museum
Paul S. George AC ’60 Miami Historian, Professor Emeritus Miami Dade College Kristan Buffone Hughes NDA ‘70 Associate Superintendent of Schools Archdiocese of Miami Eduardo Barreiro AC’75 Administrator Title I Services, Miami Dade Public Schools
Kimberly T. Perkins ACND ’91
Aileen M. Ulgade ACND ’84 Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary to the Board of Trustees, University of Miami
It was the constant encouragement, emphasis that education is important and, “ I am here to make it happen” attitude that made a difference. K-12 Consultant, McGraw-Hill Education for the School Education Group
Richard Jean ACND ‘88 Principal Archbishop McCarthy High School
ACND Students Are Community Leaders On January 1, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI selected the theme Educating Young People in Justice and Peace as his message for the new year. He said, “Realize that you yourselves are an example and an inspiration to adults, even more so to the extent that you seek to overcome injustice and corruption and strive to build a better future. Be aware of your potential; never become self-centered but work for a brighter future for all. You are never alone.”
ACND’s Brother Rice Academy middle school students attended the Florida Bandmaster Association’s (FBA) solo evaluations event. Students received Superior and Excellent, and “Best in the State” ratings.
Christina Blanchard, Jessica Blanchard, Melissa Metcalf, Roger Rojas, and Jesus Vasquez represented ACND in a Community Learning Partnership of Greater Miami Shores (CLP) presentation on “Digital Citizenship.” The CLP student leadership group is comprised of seven schools - each represented by 4 or 5 students. This year the group is working toward educating their fellow students about this subject. CLP guest speaker Soren Gordhamer spoke to the ACND community in February. Mr. Gordhamer works with individuals and groups on living with greater mindfulness and purpose in the technologyrich age.
The Knightingales also brighten the community with a variety of performances that included: the Harvest Festival held on the Miami Dade Fair Expo Grounds, a holiday performance for the residents of the Sinai Plaza Nursing Home and Florida Pace Daycare Center, and the 2011 Caroling Competition that takes place during the Merrick Festival in Coral Gables. In November, ACND hosted the annual Leadership Workshop for Middle School Students. Elected by their principal and teachers, four middle school students from each of ten Archdiocese of Miami middle school students participated in a full day of leadership training. The ACND student leaders who moderate the Leadership Workshop have themselves participated in the International ACTION Workshop - a high school Leadership Training Program sponsored by the Edmund Rice Christian Brothers of North America. The workshop provides the student leaders an opportunity to practice their acquired skills and develop a mentoring program that allows younger students an opportunity to gain practical experience in communication, motivation, and group dynamics.
The Edmund Rice Community (ERC) is composed of approximately thirty adults and students. Adult membership consists of the professed Christian Brothers at ACND and the Associates of Edmund Rice in Miami. Students have demonstrated a serious desire for deepening their spiritual lives, mature and moral character, effective Christian compassion and leadership, and a positive influence within the school or community. The members sponsor, plan, or perform acts of service. Over the years, the group has organized clothing and food drives, disaster relief efforts, landscaping projects or maintenance assistance at neighboring inner-city Catholic grammar schools, visits to a senior citizen center, teacher appreciation and “cheer up” letters. “HungerFest” (held each year during the season of lent) raises awareness and money for missions in Haiti and Peru and help to the homeless of Miami at Camillus House and the Miami Rescue Mission. At the end of this year’s event, Mike’s Venetia Restaurant and Sports Bar, Downtown Miami, and Lonny Paul of Downtown Miami News provided meals for the HungerFest group. Each year, the Troubadours are involved in many community performances such as the “Light the Night Leukemia Walk,” the Miami Jewish Health Systems’ Annual Thanksgiving Parade, and the ACND Christmas Concert. The Troubadours were the only private school music group to attend “Jazz Meets Gershwin” at the Knight Concert Hall.
Answering the Call and Sharing Achievements Today more than ever we need authentic witnesses, and not simply people who parcel out rules and facts; we need witnesses capable of seeing farther than others because their life is so much broader. A witness is someone who first lives the life that he proposes to others. – Pope Benedict XVI
At the Flying L Speech and Debate Invitational, Captain Taylor Altidor had a strong season opener placing 1st in the first three rounds in the Oral Interpretation, division, 2nd in two rounds, and 4th overall. At the South Florida Catholic Forensic League Qualifying Tournament in November, Taylor captured first place in the Oral Interpretation category. Shelby Charles was named the Best Novice in Oral Interpretation and Valencia Arnoux followed closely behind in second place. Each year, the team mentors middle school debate teams at ACND’s Annual Middle School Speech and Debate Tournament.
Christian Travieso and William Perry, ACND theology and middle school teachers participated in the “Called and Gifted Workshop” held in Rhinebeck, New York. This workshop was an opportunity for twenty-six select faculty and staff members from Christian Brothers' educational sites throughout North America to come together to reflect on their “call to mission” in the tradition of the Congregation of Christian Brothers.
The ACND Boys’ Cross-Country Team ran victoriously at the 1A District 16 Championships. The team came in first, 5 points ahead of Miami Country Day (2nd place) and 32 points ahead of Dade Christian (3rd place.)
ACND’s Business Manager and Treasurer, Zoe Docampo Doble received the Cervantes Outstanding Educator Award for her commitment to ensuring that students are able to receive and their families can afford valuecentered education. Mrs. Doble along with other distinguished educators from across
Senior Jessica Blanchard has received a full academic scholarship from the University of Pennsylvania. Only 3% of the 14,000 students nominated by their high schools receive this scholarship which is based on a student’s perseverance and drive to make it in a highly competitive academic environment. Jessica was able to demonstrate the leadership, communication, and team building skills required to achieve this award.
At ACND’s first Career Breakfast of the year, two former graduates spoke about careers in engineering. Keynote speaker was Rick de la Guardia ’83 along with Allison Porges ‘08. Rick owns DLG Engineering Inc. and is the President of the University of Miami, College of Engineering Alumni Association. His firm was recently nominated and is being considered for Architectural/Engineering ‘Firm of the Year’ by the Latin Builders Association. Allison is an engineering senior at the University of Miami.
At the 19th Annual Academic Olympics the Br. Rice Honors Academy won first place in the small school category and Sts. Peter and Paul and St. Louis the Covenant tied for first place in large school category. Other schools participating were: St. Rose of Lima, Our Lady of the Lakes, St. John the Apostle, The Cushman School, St. Michael, St. Mary Cathedral, St. James, Holy Family, All Angels Academy, and St. Kevin.
ACND Senior, Jesus Vasquez is the first recipient of the Msgr. Vincent Kelly Scholarship. The scholarship pays tribute to the priest who headed the archdiocesan department of schools for the past 36 years. Msgr. Kelly called the scholarship “payback time,” since he received his education from the Congregation of Christian Brothers. Jesus is an honors student who excels at math and science and aspires to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and become a genetic engineer. (Photo Credit - Archdiocese of Miami Communications)
The ACND Gallery 2011- 2012 Ongoing and future exhibits:
“Teaching Artists – A Catholic Tradition” exhibited the works of six Archdiocese of Miami teaching-artists: Wilma DeVoe and Vivian Macia from St. Agnes, Yunier Oliver Cervino from ACND, Don Clerveaux from St. Mary, Kerry Ware from St. Patrick, and Catherine Wichmann from St. Anthony.
Benjamin Rusnak’s “23 Degrees, Far from Paradise”– Benjamin, a Humanitarian Photojournalist for the Food for the Poor, Inc. showcases his latest body of work depicting poverty in Honduras, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Guyana, and Guatemala. He remarks, “23º of latitude separate the Equator from the Northern tropic. These latitudes are home to beaches, palms, vacation resorts, idyllic paradise — and poverty. This is where hope and resilience coexist with tribulation. For the poor, there is a duality to life. In each person, each moment holds joy and pain, mourning for what is lost and a yearning for what may be. These lands represent a dream holiday to tourists, but they are only an elusive fantasy to millions of residents still hoping for the reality of paradise to become theirs.”
The exhibit was curated by gallerist, Stefano Campanini and Daniela Blanco, ACND’s gallery intern and FIU art student. Art journalist, Anne Tschida was the guest speaker at the opening reception. Tom Salyer’s “Faces of China” opened with a stunning display of photographs documenting his trips to China over the past ten years. Field-recorded sound and cards with a title and map showing where each photo was taken helped make the exhibit an enriching experience. Dr. Joan Lutton, Principal of The Cushman School was guest speaker. ACND Prep thanks Tom for the time that he has given to our school producing multimedia presentations and a library of still photographs that will help us share the news of our great school to a future generation of Knights!
Carl Juste presents a showcase of photographs by student photographers from IPC Visual Lab – April 21, Opening Reception at 7:00 p.m. through May 26th.
The 3rd Annual Middle School Art Festival showcased the artwork of students who demonstrate an outstanding artistic ability as identified by their middle school art teachers. Participants represented: St. Agnes Catholic School, St. Mary’s Cathedral School, St. Patrick Catholic School, St. Rose of Lima Catholic School, St. Lawrence Catholic School, Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic School, Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School and the Brother Rice Honors Academy. Students received a certificate for participation and constructive critiques about their submission by area art professionals: Dr. Mercedes Quiroga ’71, President of Miami-Dade College’s Wolfson Campus; Fr. David Russell, renowned homilist and professional artist; Stefano Campanini, Owner of Etra Fine Art and Wine by the Bay and board member for Arts For Learning; Inez Suen, international curator and founder of the International Chinese Fine Arts Council; Gerry Stecca, professional artist recognized nationally for his sculptures created with wooden clothes peg and recently completed mural at the Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale; and Sandra Garcia, professionalsculptor/welder who also offers welding classes at her studio in Wynwood. Student gift bag donations were supplied by I.D. Art Supply and Around Town Magazine.
The ACND Gallery Advisory Council Vivian Donnell Rodriguez, NDA ’70: Arts Consultant Ret. Miami-Dade College Mercedes Abascal Quiroga, NDA ’71: Broward College, Campus President Silvia Lizama Gillis, NDA ’75: Arts Department Chair, Barry University Carl Juste, ACND ’81: Photographer, Miami Herald Fr. David Russell: Artist and renowned homilist Stefano Campanini: Gallery Owner Gloria Ruiz: Director, Institute for Communication, Entertainment and Media, St. Thomas University Bernice Steinbaum: Gallery Owner
ACND 2012 Hall of Fame 2012 Hall of Fame on Friday, April 20, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at the Surf Club, Miami Beach On Friday April 20, 2012, Archbishop Curley Notre Dame will be celebrating our Ninth Annual Hall of Fame. The gala dinner at the elegant Surf Club will bring together alumni, families, friends and faculty, past and present, to commemorate and celebrate fifty-nine years of education and service. The school and the Hall of Fame Committee are proud to announce the 2012 honorees: Frederick A. Zorovich AC ‘58 Robyn Peterson NDA‘65 Kristen Buffon Hughes NDA’70 Jon Batchelor AC’71 Doyle Beneby AC’77 James M. McCoy ACND’82 Richard Jean ACND’88 In addition a special award will be presented to Monsignor George W.Cummings, who as a young priest sixty years ago, was asked to envision and become the founding principal of Archbishop Curley High School while also founding St. Agnes Parish in Key Biscayne. Spero Canton and Helen Aguirre-Ferre ’75 will be our emcees for the evening. You are invited to be a part of this extraordinary event by attending the dinner. Please also consider becoming a sponsor and placing a congratulatory note or an advertisement in the Hall of Fame Journal. The funds raised each year help us assure the students of today the highest quality of classroom education, underwriting technological advances and, in the Curley-Notre Dame tradition, providing tuition assistance for deserving students from economically challenged families. Please join us.
2003-2004: Honorable Cecilia Altonaga `80, Bob & Sue Longman, Norma Roberts, Tony Segreto `68, Armand Vari 2004-2005: Ruth Barbick (In Memoriam), Francis Curci `56, Helen Aguirre-Ferre `75, Phillip Matthew Petta, Tom Romanik, Carroll Williams `63, Betty Wright `71 • 2005 – 2006: Guy Brickman `56, Charles “Chuck” Guimento (In Memoriam), Sam & Francine Holland, Sr. Nancy Kindelan `74, Edward O’Donnell `62, Dr. Edgar Pierre `82 • 2006 – 2007: Cyril Baptiste `68 (In Memoriam), Congregation of Christian Brothers (Lifetime Achievement Award), Mary Anne Holewinski `59, Cyrus “Russ” Jollivette `65, Tom Knieriem `77, Tom Shannon `61, Marc & Diane Stead `69 & `70 • 2007 – 2008: Bobby Allison `55, Swanee DiMare `65, Carl Phillippe Juste `81, Joseph Ortiz `67, Lisa Petrillo `81, Vivian Rodriguez `70, Arturo H. and Adria Salow • 2008 – 2009: Kay Clarke-Keffer, Dr. Marion Colas-Lacombe `95, Dr. Paul George `60, William “Bill” Heffernan `69, Larry Hofmann `59, Dr. Mercedes Quiroga `71, Aileen Ugalde `84 • 2009 – 2010: Dr. Michael McCarron, Ph.D. `65, Ed O’Dell `68, Bruce Keller `68, Liz Balmaseda `77, Coach Jim Husk • 2011-2012: Br. Richard DeMaria, Rosemary Kelly Parnell ‘69, Barney Moody ‘76, Sonia Escobio O’Donnell ‘70, John and Gabriella Quirino, Nick Silverio ‘61, Bill Brickman ‘58
2012 Hall of Fame Committee: Swanee DiMare ’65, Zoe Doble, Katherine Doble Cannata ’02, Lesia Hanson, Francine Holland, Jerome Hurtak ’76, Tom Knieriem ’77, Dr. Alma Sanjur Metcalf, Monica Metcalf ’09, Brother Moffett, Gabriella Quirino, Douglas Romanik ’84, Eileen Sanchez Medina ’86, Diane Stead ’70, Marc Stead ’69, Carol Stobs, Mary Toomey, and Catherine Veinovic ’03
To sponsor, advertise in the 2012 Journal, and purchase tickets, please contact Monica Metcalf at 305.751.8367 *19 or email You may also contact any other member of the 2012Hall of Fame Committee for information.
ACND 2012 Hall of Fame Inductees Kristen Buffone Hughes ‘70 Kristen is Associate Superintendent of Schools of the Archdiocese of Miami. Kristen serves as vice–chair of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Federal Assistance Advisory Committee. She is a member of the Schools Executive Committee and Accreditation Committee of the Florida Catholic Conference. Kristen is the eldest of Peter and Mary Ann Buffone’s five children who grew up in Miami Shores and attended St. Rose of Lima parish and school. Kristen and her sisters Michele, Maria, and Suzanne graduated from Notre Dame Academy and her brother Steven graduated from Archbishop Curley High School. She is the proud mother of Daniel Hughes who graduated from Portsmouth Abbey, Harvard University and Georgetown Law School and is an attorney residing in New York City. Kristen has been involved in many parish ministries as well as civic and community organizations.
James A. McCoy ‘82 Since 2003, Jim currently serves as the Mayor of Miami Shores Village and is Managing Director of KW Commercial, and founder of CRE Miami – a new project that utilizes his experience and industry success to assist active investors with their commercial real estate ambitions. Among his other community involvement, he has served as Vice Chairman of the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce, Board Director of the Miami-Dade League of Cities, Vice Chairman of the Miami Shores Planning & Zoning Board, and two-term President of the Greater Miami Shores Chamber of Commerce. Jim has been named by his community “Citizen of the Year” and received the “March of Dimes Building Our Community Award for Real Estate Excellence.” He has been married to his wife Anne for 17 years and they have two children – James and Kelly. Richard Jean ‘88 Richard currently serves as Principal of Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy High School. Prior to this position, he has worked as Principal of St. Timothy and St. Francis Xavier Schools, and Dean of Students at Archbishop Curley Notre Dame and Archbishop Coleman Carroll High Schools. Richard has spoken at the Association of Haitian Education and the Haitian Education Forum. He resides in Weston with his wife and three children.
Jon Batchelor ‘71 Jon is Managing Partner of BBC Aircraft, LLC and has been with the company since 1999. He has always loved the aviation industry and has had a successful career in this field for 35 years. He is a graduate of the Burnside-Ott Flight Training Academy and, as a commercial pilot for Capitol Airways, logged more than 7,000 flight hours. He has also held the position of Senior Vice President of International Air Leases and Chairman and CEO of Arrow Air. Although flying and car racing are his passions, he shares his late father George Batchelor’s vision of helping children, animals, and the environment in South Florida. He serves as Trustee for the Batchelor Foundation, University of Miami, United Way and Greater Miami Aviation Association, and the International Society of Aircraft Transport Trading. John has been married to his wife Nancy for 20 years and they have three children – Jonathan, Christopher, and Carolyn.
Robyn Peterson ‘65 Robyn is an Emmy nominated actress and writer. After walking Parisian runways for Karl Lagerfeld, Valentino and Yves St. Laurent as well as appearing in Vogue, Mademoiselle and Elle, she concentrated on an acting career. A few highlights from over 200 appearances on film, television and stage include: The Sopranos, Cold Case, L.A. Law, Baby Boom, Pretty Woman, My Father the Hero, The Replacements, and Talk Radio. Catwalk Confidential her original one-woman show recently ran to critical acclaim at Miami’s Adrienne Arsht Center after a successful run in London. Robyn and her husband Al support higher education scholarships at Assumption College and Harvard Medical School.
Frederick Zorovich ‘58 Frederick (Freddy) Zorovich is a well-known Land Developer and Owner-Developer of Industrial-Commercial Properties. He was the first foreign born student to attend Curley and the first of the Zorovich family. At Curley, he sang in the choir and was a member of both the football and track teams. After graduating from the University of Miami with a Finance and Accounting Degree, he briefly worked for Eastern Airlines and Keller Industries. A real estate entrepreneur, Freddy was a member of several corporate boards, president of the Chamber of Commerce, and long-time member of the Citizens Board at the University of Miami. He and his wife Karen Dooley have two children (Rick and Kathleen) and seven grandchildren. Freddy enjoys sailing and tennis.
Doyle Beneby ‘77 Doyle currently serves as Senior Vice President of Exelon Power and the executive sponsor of EAAMA, Exelon African American Members Association. Prior to his role as senior vice president, Doyle served as vice president of Operations, vice president of Construction and Maintenance, and general manager for Exelon Power, worked for Consumers Energy in Michigan as a site general manager, and spent 17 years at Florida Power & Light. He received his Bachelor’s degree in engineering from Montana Technical College and a Master’s degree in business administration from the University of Miami.
Red Mass and Law Symposium, Saturday, March 24, 2012 When you empower people who are powerless, it only leads to a greater feeling of the legitimacy of the system. – John De Leon, Archbishop Curley ‘80 ACND will celebrate its Seventh Annual Red Mass and Law Symposium on Saturday, March 24th. Chief Celebrant is Reverend Monsignor Andrew L. Anderson, J.C.D., Professor of Law at St. Thomas University and St. Vincent’s Seminary, former Judicial Vicar of the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Miami. Also known as the Lawyer’s Mass, the term “Red Mass” refers to the red vestments worn by the celebrants to signify the Holy Spirit, where participants pray for wisdom as they endeavor to seek justice. The celebration was first held in the United States in 1928. John De Leon ’80 earned his B.A., cum laude, from the University of Miami, his J.D. from the Georgetown University Law Center, and his Masters in International Affairs from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. He is a member of the Florida Bar, and has been admitted by the Southern, Middle, and Northern United District Courts of Florida, the United States Circuit Court for the Eleventh Circuit, and the United States States Supreme Court. He is the managing shareholder of the Law Offices of Chavez & De Leon, P.A. John is also the consulting attorney for the Consulate General of Mexico and Guatemala throughout the United States and both consulates have awarded him for his work. Since 1993, he has served as President of the American Civil Liberties Union, Greater Miami Chapter, is on the Executive Committee of the National Latino Trial Lawyers Association, and is affiliated with Cochran Latino. John is AV Rated by Martindale Hubbell (the highest rating possible as an attorney) and has been selected as one of the 100 top trial attorneys by the National Trial Lawyers Association. John is the youngest of three children and the only one born in the United States. Prior to relocating to Miami from Cuba in 1959, his mother was a professional ballerina and father an executive at Dupont. His brother Leon, an attorney, graduated from Archbishop Curley in 1976 and his sister Lidia, who graduated from Notre Dame Academy in 1975, is a magazine editor and business woman.
In speaking about the importance of a Catholic education, he states: “Archbishop Curley absolutely had everything to do with who I am today. The difficulties, the accomplishments, the diversity of the student body, the location, the Catholic focus, and its social justice mission, focused me in ways I would not appreciate until later on onto my life mission.” John’s mentors including Virgil Rogers, Dorothy Chauveron, Chris Cross, Fr. Kent, and Fr. Dwyer he says, “had a lifelong impact on how I viewed myself and my potential to achieve what I have.” From his professional and personal experiences he offers ACND this advice: “I think ACND should embrace its diversity, and continue providing scholarships to those who cannot afford the tuition, have its students do outreach in the community through community service and encourage diverse students to visit each others homes in a spirit of fellowship. I think the school should embrace the social justice mission of the Church.” All are welcome at this event: 9:00 a.m. – Mass in the ACND Chapel 9:45 a.m. – Coffee and Bagels in the Gallery of Art 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. – Symposium in the library Previous Facilitators: 2006
Honorable Rosemary Barkett, J.D. , NDA ‘57, United States Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit
Edward O’Donnell, Esq. AC ’62, Defense Attorney
Thomas Valerius, Esq., AC ’58, Defense Attorney
Dennis Ward, Esq., AC’69 Monroe County State Attorney
Honorable Beatrice Avgherino Butchko, J.D. ,NDA’81, 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida
Honorable Cecilia Maria Altonaga, J.D. NDA’80, Federal Judge Southern District of Florida
Alums Reunite 3rd Annual Alumni Soccer Tournament
21st Annual Dinner and Golf Tournament On October 21st, alumni and friends enjoyed a relaxing day of golf, dinner, and socializing at the Miami Shores Country Club. All proceeds from the tournament helped support the school’s mission to provided quality and individualized educational programs for the next generation of ACND Knights. ACND thanks everyone who helped organize and support this event. Sponsors included: Moody Electric, Phil Peterson Harley Davidson, SLA Management, Greater Miami Caterers, Purdy Lounge, PopChips, The Haggard Law Firm, Jerome Hurtak ‘76, and Mike Katoura.
On February 11th, Pat Collins ’96, Billy Davis ’86 and other ACND alumni organized an action-packed tournament! 8 teams competed to earn the 2012 Curley Cup. The event also included a Women’s Soccer match and Legends Game. Food was catered by Greater Miami Caterers and Football Subs. It was a fun event for the whole family! Two Alums Form A Music Partnership Betty Wright ‘71/Ralph Jeanty ‘01 Bessie Regina Norris, better known by her stage name, Betty Wright, is a Grammy winning Miami-based soul and R&B singer-songwriter, who won fame in the 1970s with hits such as "Clean Up Woman" and "Tonight Is the Night." A pioneering singer-songwriter and entrepreneur, she remains one of the few black female musicians to have a gold record on her own vanity label. She released her latest album, “Betty Wright: The Movie” this past September. Ralph Jeanty is credited on this album as composer, writer, and synthesizer player. Ralph studied theatre and music at Florida A&M University. He met Betty in 2004 and developed both a friendship and business relationship with her. Ralph has been actively writing music since 2009.
ACND Class of 2001 Reunion On October 14th, the Class of 2001 reunited at Duffy’s Sports Grill for a “meet-and-greet.” It was a great opportunity for old friends to catch up. Stay up-to-date on all class reunions by “liking” us on Facebook, “following” us on Twitter, or checking our website Photo Credit: Sean Griffin Photography
Announcements Enrollment ACND continues to accept applications for the Br. Rice Honors Academy and ACND High School. For more information, contact Admissions at 305.751.8367 *22 or
Knight for A Day ACND is offering a “Knight for A Day” experience for prospective students each Tuesday and Thursday through May, 2012. Students in grades 8 through 11 may experience a typical school day at ACND accompanied by a current student who matches the visitor’s age and interests. With a personal guide, the visiting student will be able to comfortably ask questions while he/she attends classes that include: core subjects, the ‘Drop Everything and Read’ period, athletics, and fine arts as well as, learn about ACND’s Honors Curricula, community service initiatives, clubs, and leadership programs. Call the Advancement Office for details.
The students of the Br. Rice Honors Academy collectively plan their academic and social activities of the year. The first field excursion of the year was a trip to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Biscayne Nature Center – as a part of a series of lessons on ‘life. Mark your Calendars April 19 Spring Musical May 17 Baccalaureate Mass, 7pm May 19 Graduation at Corpus Christi Church, 10am Summer Camp Registration All members of the ACND family are entitled to one free registration per family at this year’s Summer Knights Performing Arts Camp, Athletics Camp, and Club Pre-Med. The summer programs begin on June 11, 2012. More details will be posted on the website
For more information, visit, find us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter Correction In the Fall Magazine 2011, a sponsor name was incorrectly noted. ACND graciously acknowledges ‘Everybody’s Nuts’ for its ongoing support. Visit or find them on Facebook. The ACND family gathered together on Thursday, January 12th in observance of the second anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti. On this day and throughout our ACND history, we have reunited in both the best and worst of times. We will continue now and always to be united in prayer.
Photo Credit: Walter Michot, Miami Herald Staff
ALUM NOTES Last December, Erdina Francillon ‘06, Max Gaston ‘06, and Claudith St. Jean organized an ACND Speech and Debate Coaching Session. They discussed with the students their experiences as former Speech and Debate team members, the challenges of competition, and then worked on strategies with each student individually. Blair Homer ‘03, another Speech and Debate Alum, met with and helped the team while they attended Harvard Invitational in February. Photo Credit: Simon Hare Photography
Jose Nino Domond ‘11 met Miami lawyer Alan Fein while he was attending the UPenn’s alumni football game. Jose received a full academic scholarship to attend UPenn and is currently a freshman planning to pursue a career in medicine. Mr. Fein graduated from UPenn’s Wharton School of Finance and Commerce in 1976 and a J.D. with Honors from the Georgetown University Law Center. He practices law with Stearns, Weaver, Miller, Weissler, Alhadeff and Sitterson. When Mr. Fein along with his wife and son attended ACND’s Open House he commented, “I had great warm feeling all weekend about our visit to Curley.”
Future Knights Zachary Francis was born on August 23, 2011 to parents Stephanie Ruby ‘03 and husband Ron. They reside in Philadelphia, PA.
IN MEMORIAM David Cates ’71 passed away on September 22, 2011 at the Hospice Inpatient Care Unit in Woodstock, after a courageous battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife Carol, his children Kelly and Patrick, family and friends.
Jaaliyah De’Grace was born October 1, 2011 to her parents Latavia EutsayPowell ’07 and husband Jabdul Powell in Orlando, FL. The ACND family extends their sympathy for the recent loss of their first child in 2010.
Thomas Hurtak ’66 passed away on November 7, 2011 of natural causes. He is survived by his wife Diane, his daughter Amanda, brothers Emil and Richard, family and friends. James Anthony Brennan, Jr.,., a close advisor to the late U.S. Rep. Claude D. Pepper and prolific builder of structures for the Catholic Church in Florida, died Dec. 20 of complications from heart surgery. A devout Catholic, Brennan was close to the late Archbishop Joseph Patrick Hurley, who oversaw all of Florida as head of its single diocese in the 1950s and early ′60s. He brought Pepper and Hurley together, which shored up Pepper’s support among Catholic voters. Hurley, who led the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. Augustine, hired Brennan Construction Corp. to build dozens of churches and school buildings from Jacksonville to Tampa to Miami-Dade County, including Miami’s Archbishop Curley High School for Boys and Notre Dame High School for Girls.
Mackensie Amelia was born July 19, 2011 to her parents Kimberly Topping Morris ’92 and husband Jeff Morris.
Archbishop Curley Notre Dame High School of the Archdiocese of Miami 4949 NE 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33137
As the magazine goes to press the basketball team has won the district championship and is looking forward to regional and possibly state competition. The spring sports of baseball, softball, tennis and track are starting up. Follow theaction at Here retired Archbishop John Favalora shares his enthusiasm with senior center Wesley Alcegaire. Photo Credit: Ana Rodriguez-Soto, Florida Catholic
Invest in the mission of ACND and share your gifts.Become a class captain, reach out to fellow alums to get them involved. Support us with your gifts: Donations, Matching Gifts, Gifts in Kind, Stocks or Securities, Property, Retirement Plan Assets, Life Insurance, Bequests/Wills, Beneficiary Designations, Trusts and Annuities. For information, please contact Douglas Romanik in the Advancement Office: 305.751.8367 *28. ACND news and event updates can be found on Facebook “Archbishop Curley Notre Dame Prep” or follow us on Twitter “ACND PREP.” Subscribe to the ACND’s new website and update your alumni contact information by visiting