Medication Packaging Solutions, Help You to Take The Right Medication, The Right Dose at The Right Time
How Are We Helpful To You? We offer superior packaging solutions for your prescribed medications . We offer exceptionally clean, sealed, disposable pill box card for home use. Our Next-Gen disposable multi-med blister cards are perfect for pharmacies, caregivers and seniors.
Why Should You Trust Us With Your Medications? ďƒ˜ We have over 8 years experience in the medication packaging industry. ďƒ˜ We have been supplying pharmacies with blister packaging and the equipment that fills them.
• Our pill boxes and blister cards are superior in hygiene and extremely easy to access in a timely manner. • We help you take the right medication in the right dose, the right way and in the right time.
What Makes Us Serve You? ďƒ˜ Intake of good nutrition and proper medication go hand in hand to promote good health and long life ďƒ˜ We strive to help you with your daily medications to keep you going
Why is Taking the Right Dosage of Medicines at the Right Time is so Important? Around 81 percent of seniors take prescribed medications. Around 125, 000 deaths per year is caused due to negligence of taking the right medication at the right time in the correct quantity.
There are over 25% of nursing home admissions and 20% of
adverse drug effects as a result.
Why is it so Important to Take the Right Dosage of Prescribed Medicines? ďƒ˜ About 100,000 ER visits by older adults happen due to adverse drug reactions. ďƒ˜ Over 40 percent of older adults take five to nine medications every day.
Many deaths and hospital visits are caused due to the intake of misplaced medications in the incorrect dosage. That’s why it’s so important to take the right medications at the right time, in the right level. To make the job easier, especially for the elderly and their caregivers, we have developed this unique pattern of disposable multimed blister cards for home use.
Medication Packaging Solutions is to help you with the medications part by offering you a superior packaging solution for taking your medications the right way. Seniors may take pills at the wrong time of day and also with bad memories they may miss their pills, so we will provide pill box cards for seniors to avoid such problems.