Dentists at Snellville GA Suggest Brushing
Techniques to Keep Your Teeth Healthy Congratulations on investing in a straighter, healthier, more beautiful smile. Your smile makes the difference. Poor dental hygiene is bad for your teeth; it can harm your entire body. The time you spend on basic hygiene is the time that you won’t need to spend later on the dentist’s chair at Snellville GA. Most people already have chronic gingivitis since their childhood; so keep flossing and brushing to prevent the onset of this dental hygiene’s induced ailments. Most people take more care of their cars than their teeth and follow the little lubricant shop sticker on their windshield to the day and the mile. But when it comes to scheduling their appointment with dentists for regular dental checkups, they will put that off as long as possible.
When it comes to brushing and flossing, dentists at Snellville GA recommend that brushing your teeth twice daily is enough and three times is perfect but middle brushing can be tough to fit in. Brushing Techniques – Based on Brushing Motion/Movement 1. Horizontal
Technique Method/Technique: The brush is placed on the teeth either on the Left or Right Side and it is moved along the side of the dentition to the back region and pulled towards the front region. As this method of tooth brushing is commonly used by everyone but this is not recommended by dentists at Snellville GA because in the long run cervical abrasion is caused mainly due to this type of brushing for a long duration. 2. Vibratory Motion Techniques Bass method: It is one of the most effective brushing techniques. It
biofilm and cleans the area directly below the gingival margin. Here the bristles are placed directly at 45degree angles to the tooth surface or placed parallel to the tooth surface. The bristles are pressed slightly so they enter
into the gum line and vibrate the brush back and forth with the 10-15 strokes for each position. Still-man Brushing Technique: It is quite similar to bass technique with just slight modification to remove debris more effectively from the embrasures. Bristles are placed on both, partly over cervical part of a tooth as well partly on the adjacent gingival. Charter’s Brushing Technique: This technique effectively cleans the interproximal areas between teeth and is used mostly in the presence of any appliances in the oral cavity. Modified Bass / Modified Charter: This is the same as the Bass technique but at the end of each technique roll the brush towards the occlusal surface of the teeth. 3. Fone’s (circular) Brushing Technique It is a simple way to teach your children to brush but it is the least effective brushing technique.
method of brushing requires you to move the toothbrush in a circular motion around a set of the teeth and move on to the next set.
4. Roll Stroke Brushing Technique It is the method in which one does not need practicing as it is quite simple. All you have to do is just place the bristles on the gingival margin towards the root and then the strokes are given to roll the brush towards the occlusal surface. Dentists at Snellville GA, advise that you should use a softbristled toothbrush as medium and hard brushes get your gum to recede. Don’t brush too hard that can wear down your enamel. Brush everywhere likes molar tops, inside and outside of all teeth, a root of the mouth, and tongue. Replace your toothbrush after every three to four months, when the bristles start to bend over.