Emergency Dentistry Can Treat Tooth Issues of Critical Nature Dental emergencies such as a toothache, broken teeth, knocked out teeth occur due to accident or other mishaps, broken filling or swelling in the gum or mouth should not be ignored. They should be addressed as quickly as possible to avoid permanent or costly damage. Emergency dentistry is a broad term used to describe an issue involving the teeth and supporting tissues that are of high importance to be fixed or treated by the relevant professional. A toothache is a common signal that needs to be looked as pain can originate from the tooth and surrounding tissues. An experienced dentist can determine the type of pain and its likely cause to treat the issue as each tissue type is treated differently in an emergency dentistry.
Most of the emergencies range from bacterial/fungal/viral infections to a fractured tooth or dental restoration. Depending on the site and extent of fracture the treatment options will vary as each requires an individual response and treatment that is unique to the situation. Do You Have Knocked out Tooth? Dental restoration falling out or fracturing can also be considered a dental emergency as these can impact tooth function with regard to aesthetics, eating and pronunciation. As such, it should be tended to with the same urgency as loss of tooth tissue. If your tooth is knocked out and dirty, rinse the root in water. Do not scrub or remove any attached tissue fragments. If your
knocked out, they have the highest survival rate if they are returned to the socket within one hour of being knocked out. Do You Have a Toothache? First, rinse your mouth with warm water or flossing to remove any stuck food. If you are experiencing swelling in the tissue near it, a cold compress may be applied on the outside of your cheek.
Go for Emergency Dentistry and do not apply painkillers directly against the gums or aching tooth as it may burn the gum tissues. Do You Have an Abscess? Using mild saltwater, rinse your mouth it may help to ease your discomfort and push the pus to the surface of the gum tissue. An
condition that can spread an infection to the rest of your body and get worse with time so after first aid, you must go for emergency dentistry. In order to preserve the teeth for as long as possible, all emergency dental care should be given under the supervision or guidance of a dental health professional.