ALLES Magazine Edition 40 May 2019

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South African Travel Expert Member

10111 is not an enquiry line or chat line.

A prank call may prevent real emergency calls from reaching 10111. It may even cost lives.

It is a criminal offence to make prank and abusive calls to 10111. 10111 Poster.indd 1

2013/12/27 10:49 AM



Little ones with their traditional clothing visiting Mystic Monkeys & Feathers Zoo

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” —William Arthur Ward


Schools: Provinces:

Number of learners in schools


Schools: Other:

Number of reach individuals

Distribution occur via direct mail campaigns (25 000 links), web page traffic, Social media platform (54 000), groups (50 000+) *based on 04/2019 Group camp venues on ALLES Magazine database:

Average camps / year / school : Based on

31 Mei tot 31 Augustus 2019 - R2900



In This Issue

Photographs: Mona Preller, Rubin van Rooyen, Silke Preller, Alles Camps, contributing advertisers, writers and their facebook photos,Johan Outram(photos), pcJumbo, Silke Preller, Elmore Preller(jnr), Elmay Preller. Writers: Mona Preller, Rubin van Rooyen(ROAG), MediaClub South Africa, Brand South Africa, Bike and Trail Adventure Medics & Samuel Chowles, Soekie Sandra Krog, Radikids, pcJumbo, Proudly South Africa. Alles is a free publication and may be distributed as needed. The information provided and opinions expressed in this publication is provided in good faith, but do not necessarily represent the opinions of this publication, the publisher or editor. Neither the publisher or the editor can be held legally liable in any way for damages of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from any facts or information provided or omitted in these pages or any from statements made or withheld by this publication. Owned by ALLES Camps (Pty Ltd)

Would you like To Feature your camp in this magazine?

Contact our team or call us on 081 484 0716 or 064 509 0918 Proud Members

Front Cover: Photo from My collection

Letter from a school that visited Teen Ranch. Great to hear how much South African School camps, like Teen Ranch, does for their Visitors! Well done!

NewsUpcoming events

Laerskool Die Krans en Kransjakkers Wilgestraat 33 Tel: 012 804 0906 Faks:0866 188 941 Email:

Laerskool Die Krans hou verkiesing 7 Mei 2019 By Die Krans glo ons daaraan om leerinhoud relevant en toepaslik te maak. Kinders moet belangstel en nuuskierig gemaak word. Indien dit dus enigsins moontlik is, knoop ons nuwe vaardighede vas aan dit wat tans in die land of in die wêreld gebeur. Dit is immers wat die nuus, koerante en dikwels kettingwinkels, van vol is. Daarom volg ons ‘n benadering wat ons noem “’n Venster oopmaak benadering”. Dit beteken dat ons graag die venster vir elke kind oopmaak op ‘n groter werklikheid. Ons pas dus graag vaardighede wat geleer moet word, toe op aktuele sake. In hierdie geval die 2019 Verkiesing in Suid Afrika. Ons het sedert die begin van die jaar, in ons familiegroepe, gefokus op die eienskappe van sekere diere en wat ons van hierdie vaardighede en kenmerke van diere kan leer. Met die verkiesing op hande het ons akademiese hoof, Juffrou Jane Steenkamp, met die gedagte vorendag gekom dat ons ‘n nuwe koning vir die diere moet verkies, aangesien koning leeu moes aftree weens ouderdom. Die Graad 7 leerders was ons partyleiers. Hul moes plakkate maak en begin met ‘n verkiesingsveldtog. Hierdie groep kinders het werklik inisiatief geneem en met groot entoesiasme die taak aangepak. Die oorredende toesprake wat hul moes lewer, was deel van hul mondelinge assessering. ‘n Verkiesingslokaal is ingerig en veriesingsbeamptes is aangestel om hierdie verkiesing vry en regverdig te laat verloop. Kinders moes soms maar in rye wag om te kan stem, want dit is die realiteit. Die stemme is provinsiaal en nasionaal getel. Daar is dus ‘n leier vir elke fase asook ‘n nasionale wenner. Die wyse waarop die kinders daaroor begin dink het was vir ons baie waardevol. So was daar byvoorbeeld ‘n worsteling onder ‘n sekere groep kinders of hul vir die

Laerskool Die Krans en Kransjakkers Wilgestraat 33 Tel: 012 804 0906 Faks:0866 188 941 Email:

betrokke dier en sy eienskappe moet stem of vir die leiers van die party, ongeag die dier wat hul verteenwoordig. Die partye wat geregistreer het, was: Die Spinnekop, olifant, dassie, hond, kat, wildsbok en donkie. Hierdie leerervaring is nog nie verby nie. Omdat daar in die Graad 6 wiskunde sillabus verwag word om statistieke te kan uitwerk, gaan die graadgroep deeglik na die uitslae kyk en alles vir ons verwerk.

Het jy nie al gestem nie?

Net seker maak of dit regtig jy is?

Laerskool Die Krans en Kransjakkers Wilgestraat 33 Tel: 012 804 0906 Faks:0866 188 941 Email:

Kinders wat nog nie kan skryf nie, mag met ‘n vingerafdruk stem

En die uitslag:

Laerskool Die Krans se verkiesingsuitslae soos ontvang van die skool se OVK is as volg: Daar was 486 kiesers wat deelgeneem aan die verkiesing. Vir die verskillende fases was die party-wenners as volg: Kleuterskool: Donkie Grondslag: Donkie Intersen: Wildsbok Die gekombineerde uitslag is as volg: Donkie: 126 stemme (25.9%) Wildsbok: 78 stemme (16%) Kat: 72 stemme (14.8%) Olifant: 61 stemme (12.6%) Hond: 61 stemme (12.6%) Dassie: 48 stemme (9.9%) Spinnekop: 40 stemme (8.2%) Baie dankie aan elke graad 7 - leerder vir julle inisiatief en kreatiwiteit met elke party se veldtog om stemme te werf. Baie dankie ook aan elke onderwyser wat soveel moeite gedoen het met die 2019-stemdag! Viva Die Krans!

South Coast Tour Special!

7 x days (6 x nights) Or 5 x days (4 x nights)

Full Program included 4 x Alles Buddy Facilitators Accommodation All meals Goody bag & T-shirt Minimum 50 x kids2 x Teachers free

Contact us today on 081 4840716 or mail

ROAG Academy and Choose Life Ministries presents:

me join o c d n faith a n i t u year o g n i l Step o o -sch our De Applications for our Gap Year for January 2020 are now open! Do you have a heart for people, nature and God? Come learn about all three while having fun, working hard and grow in life skills, people skills and leadership Coddiwomple through the year with:


Community service at a Kids Hostel in Harties

Ministry School

Community development

Hand and DIY skills

Volunteering at Animal shelters

Animal encounters

Home School programs and socials

and learn the discipline of adventure therapy.

Presenting Life Changing camps and Activities

All this while you finish a SAQA qualification as a

Ministering to peers

Either Tour Guide,

Youth Work

Nature guide

Abseil and Paddling adventures

River guide or Abseil Guide

Technical skills

registered with CATHSSETA and Department of

Choose Life is an accredited training provider for MPB and ICR

Call us on 0607468499 or email:

To amend the “Tourism Act, 2014 DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM” a notice appeared: NOTICE 235 OF 2019 235 Tourism Amendment Bill, 2019: Invitation for the public to comment on the Bill 42404 INVITATION FOR THE PUBLIC TO COMMENT ON THE TOURISM AMENDMENT BILL (TOURISM AMENDMENT BILL 2019) If the proposed amendments is unchallenged, accepted or altered as proposed, there exist quite a few challenges for schools and campsites alike. a. For schools as this bill may influence

who you allow to present recreational camps, sports camps and activities to your learners as The Department and Liability Insurance will definitely have an issue if the service providers you use are not lining themselves up with the act and will be seen as operating illegally.

b. For camp sites, recreational and sport

camp centres, as this proposed bill makes a few very interesting changes that will influence your facilitators and instructors training qualifications and the industry might be caught “with their pants down”, as the instant the amendment bill goes through and are accepted and signed by Derek Hanekom (our tourism minister) most of our camp sites will be sitting with illegal operators as our instructors are not send for SAQA training.

First I quote some old parts The 94 act states: CHAPTER 1 INTERPRETATION AND OBJECTS Definitions: ‘‘tourist guide’’ means any person registered as such under section 50 and who for reward accompanies any person who travels within or visits any place within the Republic and who furnishes such person with information or comments. This part of the 1994 act let recreational camp sites get away with activities as they reason: a) the school kids are not tourists b) they feel they are not tourist centres c) the “person” giving service here just talks: “who furnishes such person with information or comments”

One of the biggest mistakes made here is that the industry do not want to look at the words “or visits any place”, thus camp sites should have registered guides even under the old act if they “furnishes such person with information or comments”. But let’s give ourselves the benefit of the doubt and leave that argument there. Under the proposed amendments, it is not that easy for campsites to slither themselves from the amendments if accepted: The new proposed amendments adds four new subsections as to what a guide really is and who are allowed to do what: " section 50 5A - A person registered in in terms of subsection 1 may for reward whether momentary or otherwise in relation to a commercial undertaking: a. provide guide service in relation to area of interest to tourists or visitors b. interpret the cultural heritage of an area for visitors or tourists c. assist or coach visitors or tourists in specific recreational activities they undertake, and

d. undertake any other activity determined by the Minister by notice in the Gazette” This may mean in near future (later this year), that any person who receives some kind of reward, either money whether we call it a salary or not, or accommodation, or cv experience, or part of a gap year package deal, or whatever other reward, who a. interpret the cultural heritage in some form (may include drumming and cultural dances) for visitors, b. assist or coach visitors in specific recreational activities they undertake, c. do environmental education, life skills training or any special interest during a session, should be a qualified Guide or qualified Adventure Activity Instructor (last mentioned also seen as a Guide under the CATHSSETA Site Guide Qualifications-list of such qualifications at the bottom of this article).

Both of these already exist as skills qualifications*, so both can be enforceable by the skills development act and now, later this year, also the proposed tourism bill: The act further states that “50 (2) No person may be registered as a tourist guide in terms of this Act unless he or she shows proof of the competence contemplated in section 51.” “51. The competence referred to in section 50a. must be [determined] registered by the South African Qualifications Authority in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework, contemplated in the National

Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008); and b. may include an additional requirements prescribed by the Minister by notice in the Gazette." This means that the so called “in-house training” will no longer be deemed sufficient (never has, but the industry got away with it) as it now is pinned down in all the words necessary. The training must be a SAQA (NQF) registered course. *The following SAQA registered unit standards has been available for many years, and registered for the adventure, camping and outdoor industry:

SAQA ID 262278 262279 262244 262304 262318 262305 262246 262302 262241 262242 262240 262243 262245 262320 262238 252183 8440 9284 9283 12123

Unit standard title Conduct A reviewing session Conduct an adventurous experience control and maintain adventure equipment Facilitate learning through an adventure based learning experience Navigate in natural environments Plan and implement minimum environmental impact practices Set up and operate a camping site Conduct an abseil experience in an artificial or selected natural site Supervise a low ropes course in an adventure environment Supervise high ropes course Use orienteering techniques in a mapped area Conduct a sea kayaking experience for recreational use Lead a survival experience in the outdoors Manage and organise groups Present a team building programme and recreational activities Maintain safety in the conducting of adventure based learning activities Conduct a guided nature experience in a limited geographical area Conduct a guided mountain walking (Hiking) experience in a limited geographical area Provide a guided single pitch abseiling experience of less than 60 meters Conduct a placid water guided paddling (canoeing) experience

Level 4 4 4 4

Credit 5 8 5 8

4 4

5 5

4 3

5 8



4 3

8 3



4 4 4

6 10 10











Many of these unit standards have expired, but my guess is with the new amendment bill that they will be reactivated by CATHSSETA (until the QCTO will replace these qualifications in 2023 or before) and enforsed by Department Tourism. My opinion is that there lies two options for the camp site or adventure service provider, as I don’t think the proposed amendment bill will be changed much or opposed: a. Start invest in SAQA training for

instructors now or

b. Start invest in SAQA training for

instructors as soon as the Bill is published.

This is not going to go away! Either way, you as the camp site will just give better service to your clients-the Kids and be in line with the proposed amendment bill.

Yes formal training is expensive, but try having an accident, now that’s expensive. To campsites and adventure service providers I suggest the following: the Bill is here to stay, get your instructors qualified, it’s only a matter of time, but let’s get our ducks in a row. We can do this thing! To Schools and teachers using such service providers: of the centres you use start asking to see the instructors who is going to present activities to the kids’ qualifications, make sure certificates are legit, for example: Recreation Degree does not allow an instructor to present an abseil climbing wall an abseil qualification does. Can a doctor fix your car, can an engineer pull your tooth…I guess they can, but ….can you trust the work done?

Let’s Choose Life, lets choose to protect our kids under our care by using service providers who uses trained instructors. Rubin ROAG Academy List of Adventure Based Learning Instructor qualifications-seen as guiding qualifications under the document “A-list-of-Skills-Programmes.pdf” issued by SAQA/CATHSSETA already governed by Department Tourism: TG/ABLRECLEAD/4/0028 ABL Recreation Leader TG/ABLASSFAC/4/0009 ABL Assistant Facilitator TG/ABLFACILITATOR/5/0010 ABL Facilitator(single activity and multi activity) TG/ABLWATACTLEAD/4/0029 ABL Water Activities Leader TG/ABLSPACTLEAD/4/0030 ABL Ropes course Specialist Activity Leader TG/ABLABS&CLIMLEAD/4/0036 ABL abseiling and climbing leader (Artificial environment) TG/ABLTMBUILDLED/4/0036 ABL Teambuilding leader TG/ABLINST/4/0037 ABL Instructors

Make a difference! Book now:

Do you want to make

a difference?

The N/a’ankusê Wildlife Sanctuary

Make a difference and book now:

’n Ervaring sonder weerga! ATKV-Drakensville, geleë in die pragtige Drakensberge, spog met ’n Omgewingsentrum wat ’n groot verskeidenheid opwindende avontuurervarings en ontwikkelingsprogramme aanbied. Ons ervare kursusaanbieders en opwindende reeks aktiwiteite is ontwerp vir skool-, studente-, en selfs kerkgroepe.

ATKV-Drakensville Omgewingsentrum Aksie, avontuur en spanbou in die berge Kursusse en programme Die Omgewingsentrum bied programme aan wat in lyn is met die Nasionale Kurrikulum en kan ’n positiewe bydrae lewer tot die volgende skoolvakke: • Natuurwetenskappe, Geografie, Ekologiestudie, Toerisme, Geskiedenis, Lewensoriëntering en nog meer • Spesiale leierskap- en doelwitstelling-ontwikkeling vir groepe

Enig in ons soort! Ons Omgewingsentrum is uniek aan die Drakensberge met ’n wonderlike uitsig oor die omliggende Wêrelderfenisterrein, uitstekende fasiliteite en ook ’n groot verskeidenheid programmoontlikhede. Alle gidse is geregistreer by die Departement van Ekonomiese ontwikkeling, Toerisme en Omgewingsake.

Akkommodasie • • • •

Spanbou- en ander pret aktiwiteite

Twee koshuise op die perseel Addisionele verblyf Konferensiefasiliteite beskikbaar Etes word voorsien deur die Koswerf Restaurant

Alle ouderdomme, almal welkom! Drakensville: 036 438 6287 | |

• • • • •

Glykabel Abseil Boogskiet Staptoere Kultuurervarings

• • • •

Vlotbou Verfbal Hindernisbaan Groepuitdagings en –speletjies

RISK ASSESSMENT Written by Samuel Chowles

In the previous article we had a look at what are some of the hazards that could be present during an adventure activity. Before we defined hazards fully, we considered the example of cleaning a floor. When water is on the floor is becomes slippery. The person cleaning the floor has a duty of care to display a sign, indicating that the floor is wet and slippery. This is to bring people’s attention to it in the hopes that a harmful slip or fall will be avoided. Similarly, if a paddling guide does not tell customers of an upcoming rapid in the river then he has breached his duty. As one can imagine simply identifying the risk is not enough to prevent something bad from happening. We need to have a plan to be able to remove potential risks. When that is not possible then we must find a way to minimize the risk. Below are the steps involved in dealing with risk. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Eliminate (get rid of) Substitute(change) Develop controls (make something safer) Safety procedures Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Here is an example of how to make use of the above steps: 1. Try to take away the hazard whatever it is. Height, Traffic, Noise, Snakes, Thieves, Sunburn, Water, hot sun, etc.

2. If this is not possible then can we change the hazard for something safer? Is it possible to work inside instead of outside to avoid the hot sun as an example? 3. If we cannot do 2 above, then try to make it safer by maybe only working in the sun in the early morning or late afternoon. 4. If that is not possible and we must work at midday, then make sure you and the customers are aware of the hazard. Warn the customers. 5. In addition to 4, use personal protective equipment. Hats, sunblock, drink lots of water, wear long clothing etc. This process is called the Hierarchy of Control..

Sometimes we will need to necessary to also consider use more than one level of how serious the consecontrol at the same time. quences would be should the risk occur. Also, how We may try to work early in likely it is for the risk to occur. the morning to avoid the sun, but still make sure ev- For example, Sunburn is a eryone is aware of the dan- very likely risk if your activity gers and as a precaution put is outside. The conseon our hats and sunblock as quences are however, not well. This means we are us- that high. Sunburn is uning three levels of hazard pleasant but not permanent. control. When abseiling, falling off the side of the cliff will have Together with looking at very high consequences. If how to control a risk it is you use safety lines though

it is a very unlikely thing to happen. Both these risks are considered manageable due to either being unlikely to happen provided safety measures are in place or easily manageable in case they do happen. All this is combined into an easy to read format called the risk assessment. Below is an example of how all the points discussed above are made it fit into one table.

This is a shortened risk assessment for an abseil activity.

Despite best efforts, unfortunately sometimes accidents will happen. In the next article we will look at what an emergency action plan is and how it helps to deal with incidents.

* Adventure * Academic * Art * Cookery * Dog Training * Etiquette * Environmental * First aid & safety * Fun & camps

Kiddies playground Various guest units and dormitory accommodation

* Fly fishing


* History

Water activities

* Holiday camps * Horse grooming

Foefie slide Heated indoor swimming pool

* Horse riding

Dam swimming

* Leadership

Night adventures

* Music * Personality, character & gifting development * Survival * Veldschool and more...


At Teen Ranch we offer comfortable, affordable youth accommodation in Port Edward, on the Lower South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa, to school, church and corporate groups of up to 180 people. Outdoor challenges await you at Teen Ranch with our adventure centre on a 47 hectare farm. Develop your team - team builing activities - discover your leaders - mould your mentors - plan a group get-away - relax and revitalize Teen Ranch's tropical farm setting, abundant bird life and picturesque dams ensure emotional and spiritual well being, while intellectual and physical growth is challenged by our outdoor adventure centre activities.

Contact Sarah on: 083 256 7518 Mail:

Since 1946

Creating Life Transforming Experiences

A campsite perfect for small and large school, church and sport groups, or for a family to enjoy a holidays in Jeffrey's Bay. Situated in the lovely Jeffrey's Bay, the campsite lies 200 meters from the main beach. It is a secure site, with safe parking for vehicles. Residents can walk from site to all the near attraction like, surfing, super tube, putt-putt, laser games, Billabong Village, craft coffee and beer restaurants, small shops and much more. As organisation we offer the following services: Facilitated programs for - leadership development, team building, rugby clinics, outcome based programs and tours. Catering - selected menu for camps, small functions, conference, platters, etc.

13 Drommedaris Street Jeffreysbay Eastern Cape

Accommodation: 7 Houses (max. 18 people) 4 Small Bungalows (max. 4 people) 1 Big Bungalow (max. 6 people) Facilities: 2 Conference Rooms (20 people) 2 Halls Spacious Stoep with braai facilities Large ablution facilities Laundry Room Volleyball Court (sand) 200m from main beach Bookings: 042 293 1159 Facebook: VCSV Jeffreysbaai / UCSA Jeffreysbay Office Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 - 13:00; 14:00 - 16:00 CLOSED on public holidays, Saturday and Sunday

Sasol Young Explorer – Mammals is a beautiful, exciting and multilingual app that introduces young kids (3–8 years old) to the majestic wild creatures of southern Africa. The app seamlessly blends

storytelling and game playing in a fun and educational way, which will keep kids engaged for hours at a time as they develop their reading and learning skills.

Young Explorer is beautifully illustrated throughout, with each animal presented separately and

shown in its natural habitat. It is packed with fascinating facts: where the animals live, what they eat,

Camping outdoors is perfecthow forbigSchool, and Team they are, Church what their tracks look like,buildand when they are active. Calls and videos of animals in ing camps. the wild provide extra entertainment for curious young minds. Challenging, games are thrown into the mix, adding extra fun and pleasure to the We are just 30 km from Somerset West,age-appropriate or 8 km from Grabouw. learning experience. We are right on the buffer zone of the unique Kogelberg & HotThere are four languages in the app – English, isiXhosa, isiZulu and Afrikaans. Kids can read tentots Holland Biospheres. Surrounded by the Cape Pines descriptions, listen to narrations and play games in any of these languages, and easily switch between Forestry pine trees – this is the ideal camping getaway for anyone. them within the app.

Pub date: April 2015 Price: R99,99


Multilingual app with four languages (English, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu and Afrikaans) Packed with accurate info written by a mammal specialist

Initiative Activities) Language:Courses English, (Brain-Teaser • Tap and listen to text in all four languages Run on a daily basis and are completely IsiXhosa, Afrikaans Low RopeIsiZulu, & High Rope Courses (Teamwork Conquering of • Record and listen toand yourself reading customisable to reach the specific aim Recommended age: 3–8 Fear) • Tap to play calls or watch videos of the camp Designed for: iPad(Teamwork & • Play interactive educational games (with multiple levels of difficulty) Jacobs Ladder and Conquering of Fear) Android tablets • Fun Knots for kids to use on their own, with friends, siblings or older family members Raft Building and Learning Rope (Educational Adventure) File size: ± 300 mb • Fosters a love of nature • program that is excellent Paint Ball (Slingshots) • No collection of personal/location data, in-app purchases,for advertising or external website linksCorporate Schools, Churches and Map Reading and Orienteering (Educational Adventure (except in the Help section which is Race) protected by a parent gate) Groups Zip-line & Canoeing (Fun Adventure) • Camps supplementing Night Hikes & Sleep outs (Outdoor Fun) Check out our app videos YOUTUBE: the curriculum with outdoor expe Fishing & Swimming (Fun and Relaxing) riences to ensure the best foundation Cycling & Hiking (Outdoor Fun) WEBSITE: for learning Camp Craft & Cooking (How to build shelters, get water, etc.) • motivate sports and work teams to perform By Special Arrangement: optimally together • to get the adrenalin pumping with some fast-paced or Paint Ball (Guns) fear-conquering activities Climbing Wall (Conquer fear) • to learn Drumming (Team build fun) more about the wonders of forest Archery (Team build fun) • , ideal for Kloofing (Outdoor Adventure) sports teams to prepare for an event MEDIA & BLOGGERS: Lazer Tag & Clay Pigeon Shooting (Top-G) while still having fun For further information or to request Flower & Fruit Picking Tour (Educational) • review copies pleasePrograms contact: for a break Joanitafrom Nel the daily routine Eskom Palmiet Hydro Electric Tour (Educational) away Wagon Trail Tour (Historical Educational) * Combination of the above 011 327 3550 Main Camp Information:

The larger of the two campsites and can sleep 148 in army tents on bunk-beds. It has a maximum capacity of 250 people by means of extra dome tents pitched by special arrangement. It includes a fully equipped kitchen making catering a breeze. Pub date: August 2015

Sasol Young Explorer – Frogs is the second app in the new Young Explorer nature series for kids. Colourful,

Language: English, The smaller

species found in southern Africa.

Bush Camp Information: informative and stimulating, Frogs introduces young children (3–8 years old) to 55 of the most common and rare frog

Price: R99,99

of the twoThe campsites that sleeps up to 54 people on descriptions of the animals – in English, isiXhosa, isiZulu and Afrikaans – are written in easy and accessible IsiXhosa, IsiZulu, Afrikaans bunk beds in army tents and to 150 in domevoice-over tents. artists. There are also calls for all the frogs, except one – the only language andup narrated by professional Recommended age: 3–8 voiceless species in It thealso region – while videos for 29 species Maximum capacity is 100 people. features a Marque tent show these delightful creatures in their natural habitat. Designed for: iPad & ‘Quick facts’ about the size, egg type, location and conservation status of each species are revealed by toggling doubling as the Hall for lectures, etc. Android tablets File size: ± 300 mb

between illustrations of the different features on the screen. The app includes a play section with four games: puzzles, memory card games, an animal naming game and a nature cleanup game. There are lots of opportunities to tap, toggle, touch and swipe, listen, watch, and learn. Perfect for pre-readers and young learners, the app will keep kids engaged and help them learn about the fascinating creatures that we share our world with.

FEATURES • • • • • • • • • •

Multilingual app in four languages (English, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu and Afrikaans) Packed with accurate info written by a frog specialist Tap and listen to text in all four languages Ideal learning tool, especially for children learning to read, or learning a second language Expands kids’ vocabulary in a way that is engaging and relevant to them Record and listen to yourself reading Tap to play calls or watch videos Play interactive educational games (with multiple levels of difficulty) Fosters a love of nature Mail us on: No collection of personal/location data, in-app purchases, advertising or external website links

Contact Information:


Office: +27 21 844 0000 Cell: +27 82 373 5162 Fax: +27 21 844 0000 or +27 86 545 8223


“My kids really loved it … fun and easy learning that inspired them to explore further. We really can’t wait for more apps in this series to be – Se7en Blog published.” “This is a brilliant app for kids. It is Company great for4 vocabulary stimulation and Sample Line 1Address Line–2Address 2 information building! Address It kept all three my kids 8, 6 andLine 3 years – entertained.”

Address Line 3 Line 4 – Rabia Mohidien, Language Therapist "He who can see the invisible, canSpeech doAddress theand impossible" Ph. (123) 456-7890 Fax (123) 456-7899

Directions: Our campsite is situated just 8km MEDIA & BLOGGERS: For further information or little to request from the wonderful town of review copies please contact: Grabouw. Joanita Nel 011 327 3550

Wat bied Adventure Peaks jou?

 

Ligging – Ideaal geleë in die Ooste van Pretoria. Oornag fasiliteite – Gemeenskaplike kamers (15-20 kinders per kamer) met stapelbeddens, ideaal vir skool-, sport-, leiers- en spanbou kampe. Ons het ook enkel kamers waar die onderwysers/fasiliteerders kan slaap. Kwaliteit Kos – Kwaliteit kos gedurende u verblyf; ons weet dit is die belangrikste om warm te slaap en lekker te eet. Alhoewel u kan die selfsorg opsie ook kies. Persoonlike programme – ‘n Program kan uitgewerk word volgens u behoeftes. Pryse sal verskil afhangende van die hoeveelheid aande wat u slaap, die hoeveelheid maaltye sowel as die hoeveelheid aktiwiteite wat u wil doen. Hier volg die basiese pryse (Neem asseblief kennis dat dit kan verskil van u finale kwotasie): Pryse vir self-sorg sonder spanbou  

3 dae en 2 nagte – R250p.p 4 dae en 3 nagte – R350p.p

Pryse met etes sonder spanbou

 3 dae en 2 nagte – R550p.p  4 dae en 3 nagte – R800p.p Spanbou aktiwiteite is R25p.p per aktiwiteit:  Fisiese aktiwiteite – Hindernisbaan, Blinddoek Hindernisbaan, Ultimate Challenge, Survivor, Paintball, Amazing Race, Minute to Win it, SkietPellet/Kettie/Boog  Nie-Fisiese aktiwiteite – Blinddoek legkaart, Doolhof (Maze), Blinddoek telling, Menslike Knoop, Blinddoek Kelner, Blinddoek Vorms, Papiertoring, Rug-teen-rug, Bande Uitdaging, Gebreekte Vierkant Vir enige verdere navrae of versoeke, moet nie huiwer om ons te kontak nie! Groete Antoinette (0828022519) en Jackie (0826794496) /

Glenrock is set on a large 640Ha Highveld farm, only 2 hours from Durban, and 4 hours from Gauteng.

Teambuilding, Leadership, School Curriculum excursions, Adventure Camps and Group Bonding.

The farm is between Mooi River and Greytown off the R622, about 34km from Mooi River, in the hills above Rietvlei.

Glenrock Game and Trout has 7 fully equipped, selfcatering units and three lovely dormitories.

The beautiful dams are stocked with Rainbow and Brown Trout and add to the picturesque surrounds. Glenrock is a fantastic camp destination and boasts with a beautiful EduVenture centre. It caters for young and old and specializes in

A total of 160 people can be accommodated, 80 people in our dormitories and a further 80 people can be accommodated through-out the cottages. Glenrock EduVenture Centre was established in 2007 with the purpose of offering a good quality camp

experience to Schools, Churches and other organizations. The Edu-Venture Centre has grown exponentially over the years and we are very proud to be able to offer so many diverse camps. Our instructors are very experienced and excellent at facilitating groups with teambuilding and leadership camps. The activities on offer are well thought through and will bring out the best in everybody who takes part in these camps.

Office number: 087 808 5757 Besides the Camp facilities we also offer E-mail: some very exciting activities and things to do: Animal Farm; Play Park, 250m Zipline,

Cell: 0822295449 There is also very large hall available. This Web: could be used for readings, activities or conferences.

Tree Climb, Hikes, Mountain Bike trails, Fishing, Bird Watching and Game viewing to name a few. We have a large Dining hall with a fully equipped kitchen, we can cater or you can hire the kitchen and cater yourselves.

Besides the Camp facilities we also offer

We have a large Dining hall with a fully

some very exciting activities and things to

equipped kitchen, we can cater or you

do: Animal Farm; Play Park, 250m Zipline,

can hire the kitchen and cater yourselves.

Tree Climb, Hikes, Mountain Bike trails, Fishing, Bird Watching and Game viewing to name a few.

There is also a very large hall available. This could be used for readings, activities or conferences.


Comfortable self-catering accommodation for families and groups of up to 140 people, Our new Wedding and Entertainment Venue will be available from 1st April in fully equipped chalets 2019. Located between Sabie & Hazyview on the 180 degree view over the Sabie R536 River Valley Exceptional views over the Sabie River Valley Centrally situated to view all the attractions on the scenic Panorama Route Excellent team building facilities in close proximity 35 km from the nearest entrance gate to the Kruger National Park Lapa available for functions – catering on request Excellent security

Weddings, Reunions, Church Camps, Conferences Corporate Groups, Sport Groups and Birthday Parties. On request we do catering for groups. Guests are welcome to get their own caterers for functions and weddings. Seats +/- 150 guest in our beautiful venue with a unique style, overlooking the Sabie River Valley Accommodation and parking available Magda Nel

071 545 0155 | 061 477 8339

Hidden amongst the majestic Lowveld mountains Window, Sabaan is located 30 km from Sa- tions like God's bie and 15.5 km from Hazyview Bourke’s Luck Pot Holes, Blyde River Canyon, the Mac Mac Falls on the R536 and many more. With a sparkling clear swimming Sabaan is in close proximity of pool offering spectacular views, a adventures beyond your imaginaplay area with slide, 2 trampo- tion: lines, jungle gym and swings, a Zip lines, aerial cable trails, big tennis court, snooker table, and swings and bridge jumps will get more, Sabaan is the perfect setting your adrenaline pumping, while close encounters with rescued elefor a group getaway. phants and chimpanzees promise With 22 self catering chalets, to be a touching, unforgettable sleeping up to 140 guests, Sabaan experience. is also the ideal venue for family Go hot air ballooning, caving, reunions, church and school quad biking, hiking or mountain biking, to mention but a few. camps and group functions. Catering for groups can be done This region is sure to keep you on request. entertained for days on end. Sabaan is ideally situated for visits to the Kruger National Park and to Facilities at the Resort explore the magnificent Panorama Lapa - The lapa, with braai faciliRoute, with world-famous attrac- ties and fully equipped kitchen, is

ideal available for birthday parties, family gatherings, church & school camps and company functions, at a nominal fee. Swimming pool - The swimming pool is a great attraction for everyone. You can either relax in the pool or take your chance on the famous adventure pole. The pool overlooks the beautiful Sabie Valley. Play Park - The play park is another area where kids of all ages can enjoy themselves at no cost. There are 2 trampolines, a slide, swings, climbing frames and volleyball. Games room - The games room includes a pool table, table tennis, darts and snooker table. Tennis court Contact us for your next tour and group tour.

Measles (Rubeola)

Top 4 Things Parents Need to Know about Measles Measles is very contagious and can be serious. An unvaccinated child can get measles when traveling abroad or even in the U.S. Two doses of MMR vaccine provide the best protection against measles for your child. You may be hearing a lot about measles lately. And all of this news on TV, social media, Internet, newspapers and magazines may leave you wondering what you as a parent really need to know about this disease. CDC has put together a list of the most important facts about measles for parents like you.

1. Measles can be serious. Some people think of measles as just a little rash and fever that clears up in a few days, but measles can cause serious health complications, especially in children younger than 5 years of age. There is no way to tell in advance the severity of the symptoms your child will experience. • About 1 in 4 people in the U.S. who get measles will be hospitalized • 1 out of every 1,000 people with measles will develop brain swelling, which could lead to brain damage • 1 or 2 out of 1,000 people with measles will die, even with the best care Some of the more common measles symptoms include: • high fever (may spike to more than 104° F), • cough, • runny nose (coryza), • red, watery eyes (conjunctivitis), and • rash (3-5 days after symptoms begin).

Related page: Measles Signs and Symptoms

2. Measles is very contagious. Measles spreads through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It is so contagious that if one person has it, up to 9 out of 10 people around him or her will also become infected if they are not protected. Your child can get measles just by being in a room where a person with measles has been, even up to two hours after that person has left. An infected person can spread measles to others even before knowing he/she has the disease—from four days before developing the measles rash through four days afterward.

Related page: Transmission

3. Your child can still get measles in United States. Measles was declared eliminated from the U.S. in 2000 thanks to a highly effective vaccination program. Eliminated means that the disease is no longer constantly present in this country. However, measles is still common in many parts of the world. Each year around the world, an estimated 10 million people get measles, and about 110,000 of them die from it. Even if your family does not travel internationally, you could come into contact with measles anywhere in your community. Every year, measles is brought into the United States by unvaccinated travelers (mostly Americans and sometimes foreign visitors) who get measles while they are in other countries. Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk.

Related page: Plan for Travel

4. You have the power to protect your child against measles with a safe and effective vaccine. The best protection against measles is measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. MMR vaccine provides long-lasting protection against all strains of measles. Your child needs two doses of MMR vaccine for best protection: • The first dose at 12 through 15 months of age • The second dose at 4 through 6 years of age If your family is traveling overseas, the vaccine recommendations are a little different: • If your baby is 6 through 11 months old, he or she should receive 1 dose of MMR vaccine before leaving. • If your child is 12 months of age or older, he or she will need 2 doses of MMR vaccine (separated by at least 28 days) before departure.

Related page: Vaccine for Measles Page last reviewed: May 16, 2019 Content source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Division of Viral Diseases

The best camp ever!

Blyde Adventure Camp Not only do you have a huge selection of additional activities that you can book for your group at low fee’s…. But you have a whole host of FREE activities that we offer as well! We’ll help you design the perfect itinerary.

Activities at camp! Tubing l Obstacle Course l Kettie Paintball l

River Crossing l Bush Survival l River Ecology l Team building l Bonsai Workshops l Leadership Development l Leadership Identification l Natural Bum Slide l Night Activities l Traditional Games l Educational Nature Walks And so much more….it just depends what you want…so tell us what you want…what you really really want…

Activities at Camp and our surrounding area

But wait! There’s More!

A last little peek at what you can do at our venue‌

Visit our website for more photos

Accommodation Three separate camps. Each with its own dining halls, volleyball courts, braai areas, chalets and dorms Two camps have en-suite dormitories. One camp has separate ablutions that has been built wheelchair friendly

Contact our office on • 079 388 2196 •

With our years of experience we’ll help you set up the perfect itinerary that not only suits your group – but your pocket too. And remember; we’re always open to negotiations. Visit our website for more photos of activities and accommodation.

Look! A special! It’s amazing! 2018 special: Book during the months of April, May or June and only pay 2017 prices.

The Long-Lasting Benefits of Camp American Camp Association Camp has been providing special memories of hiking, swimming, friendships, and adventure for generations. When children go to camp, they’ll likely come home gushing about the lifelong friends they’ve made and the exciting adventures they had. What they probably won’t tell you about are the life lessons camp has given them — those skills that will translate into a lasting self-confidence, an awareness of the importance of kindness, and a greater comfort in voicing their opinions. For more than 150 years, camp has been changing lives. Camp is full of fun and excitement, but it is so much more — camp provides children with the skills needed for a successful future such as independence, empathy, the ability to work as part of a team, and a broader world view. The American Camp Association’s large-scale national study talked to 18- to 25-year-olds who attended camp as kids. We asked them what they experienced at camp that broadened their perspective and helped them in school and in their early careers. They agreed that: 

Camp is a safe and nurturing environment that enhances independence. Camp gives children the guidance and freedom to explore activities, make new friends, and learn by doing. Camp encourages effort and perseverance. Inspiring success is fundamental to camp and former campers attest that camp helped them become self-reliant and confident. Camp is a community that celebrates self-esteem, resilience, and dependability.

Camp teaches kids to live in the moment. Seizing each moment — each experience — is the heart of camp. Former campers confirm that their time at camp was spontaneous, unrehearsed, and relaxed. They didn’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. This ability to live in the moment has helped them in their education, careers, and lives.

Camp is a community that celebrates diversity. Diversity is the essence of the camp. Campers meet new people and learn to appreciate differences — to respect and value everyone’s uniqueness. Former campers confirm that their lives have been expanded by those of different cultures, ethnicity, faiths, and ideas. Camp provided a broader perspective for their adult lives.

Camp builds and develops relationships. At camp they learned how to meet new people, work together, and carry on important and sometimes difficult conversations. They learned to make valuable connections with others. Former campers attest to the importance of these relationship skills in their success in higher education, the workplace, and life. As families search for the perfect camp for their children, be sure the camp is accredited by the American Camp Association (ACA). “ACA accreditation is voluntary, and it assures families that camps have made the commitment to a safe, nurturing environment for their children. Camps and ACA form a partnership through accreditation that promotes growth and fun in an environment committed to safety,” explains ACA President/CEO Tom Rosenberg. ACA

accreditation is a thorough peer review of a camp’s operation — from staff qualifications and training to emergency management. Rosenberg adds, “Our research shows that campers have the opportunity to gain new experiences and learn new, life-long skills. The impact of camp lasts forever.” Families can find the accreditation status of any camp at any time by visiting or by calling 1-800-428-CAMP. If your child’s camp is not accredited, ask why not. About ACA: The American Camp Association® (ACA) is a national organization with more than 12,000 individual members and 3,000 member camps. ACA is committed to collaborating with those who believe in quality camp and outdoor experiences for children, youth, and adults. ACA provides advocacy and evidence-based education and professional development, and is the only national accrediting body for the organized camp experience. ACA accredits approximately 2,400 diverse camps nationally. Accreditation provides public evidence of a camp’s voluntary commitment to the health, safety, and overall well-being of both campers and staff. For more information, visit

’n Ervaring sonder weerga! ATKV-Drakensville, geleë in die pragtige Drakensberge, spog met ’n Omgewingsentrum wat ’n groot verskeidenheid opwindende avontuurervarings en ontwikkelingsprogramme aanbied. Ons ervare kursusaanbieders en opwindende reeks aktiwiteite is ontwerp vir skool-, studente-, en selfs kerkgroepe.

ATKV-Drakensville Omgewingsentrum Aksie, avontuur en spanbou in die berge Kursusse en programme Die Omgewingsentrum bied programme aan wat in lyn is met die Nasionale Kurrikulum en kan ’n positiewe bydrae lewer tot die volgende skoolvakke: • Natuurwetenskappe, Geografie, Ekologiestudie, Toerisme, Geskiedenis, Lewensoriëntering en nog meer • Spesiale leierskap- en doelwitstelling-ontwikkeling vir groepe

Enig in ons soort! Ons Omgewingsentrum is uniek aan die Drakensberge met ’n wonderlike uitsig oor die omliggende Wêrelderfenisterrein, uitstekende fasiliteite en ook ’n groot verskeidenheid programmoontlikhede. Alle gidse is geregistreer by die Departement van Ekonomiese ontwikkeling, Toerisme en Omgewingsake.

Akkommodasie • • • •

Spanbou- en ander pret aktiwiteite

Twee koshuise op die perseel Addisionele verblyf Konferensiefasiliteite beskikbaar Etes word voorsien deur die Koswerf Restaurant

Alle ouderdomme, almal welkom! Drakensville: 036 438 6287 | |

• • • • •

Glykabel Abseil Boogskiet Staptoere Kultuurervarings

• • • •

Vlotbou Verfbal Hindernisbaan Groepuitdagings en –speletjies

Kinders leer deur ervaring Laat hulle toe om al hul sintuie te gebruik

“Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that a son of a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a nation.� —Nelson Mandela

Allow children to evolve and learn by using all their senses. Research has proven that a child remembers 65% more of what is learned if the process involves experiencing it first hand.

Experiencing the magnificent statue of our Late President Nelson Mandela at the Union Buildings in Pretoria

School Tour Group visiting the Union Buildings in Pretoria

Museums are a chest full of educational treasures! Create a visual and interactive learning experience! Include educational, experiential or adventure learning into your lesson plan and ensure a better learning experience for your students!

Children need to play and have the opportunity to grow up in a safe, secure and healthy environment

*Midweek special* at Meulstroom SCHOOL CAMPS

Facilities and Attractions: We sleep 196 guests in our Main Lodge (on-suite rooms) & 144 youth in our Bush Lodge (18 rooms with male & female ablution facilities) comfortably – total of 340 guests. 2 Restaurants, 3 Conference halls (up to 380 guests), 2 Break away rooms, 2 Swimming pools, 2 Boma areas, tuck shop, River rapids, the ‘Seekooigat’ for raft building, walking trails & 180˚ view of the Gouws mountains.

What we do best:

Midweek special package @R700 per person for: (#AllesMag) 2 night’s Accommodation in the Bush Lodge (learners bring their own bedding, bath & swimming towels). Teachers sleep in the

*NEW* Obstical course

Main Lodge 6 Meals with fruit juice. We supply cutlery & crockery Activities, program & facilitators

078 613 8272

≥50 learners qualify for 2 free teachers ≥100 learners qualify for 3 free teachers

s t c u d Pro

Footy’s Future Foods (Pty) Ltd Shop 13, Montana Value Centre, 1141 Tibouchina Street, Montana Park x57, Pretoria 012 548 4061 I I





n Overview


VARIANTS AND PACK SIZES A 425ml Ready to Drink B Variety Pack – 15g x 5 C 170g Jar [12 Servings] D 450g Jar [34 Servings]

Footy’s in vario comes us shap es and siz es!



S T N IE D E R G IN F O T LIS Erythritol Acidifiers Salt Fibre Reb A (Stevia extract) Colourant Flavourant

FLAVOURS Strawberry, Raspberry, Naartjie, Passion Fruit & Lemon & Lime

PAGE 2 Introduction

PRODUCT BENEFITS ERYTHRITOL & STEVIA BENEFITS (POWDER COOLDRINK) aspartame free banting friendly excellent for teeth no blood sugar fluctuations. 18kj per 350-450ml cool drink serving - low in energy


Natural componen and grains and de fermentation proce of yogurt.

Classified as a sug it is neither sugar

Zero calories and n glucose levels Toot

TOOTH FRIENDLY BENEFITS OF ERYTHRITOL Dental cavities develop when bacteria adhere to surface of teeth in the form of plaque These bacteria convert fermentable carbohydrates into acids which then attack the tooth enamel Footy’s do not cause the release of significant amounts of acid and the ph. remains above the critical ph. of 5.7



nt of fruits, vegetables erived through a natural ess, much like that

Small green plant from the sunflower family The stevia leaf is up to 200 times sweeter than sugar

gar alcohol, even though nor alcohol.

Zero calories and no effect on blood sugar levels

no effect on blood th friendly too

VERSATILE APPLICATIONS Ice lollies Add to gelatine to make your own jelly Slush puppy’s Flavour plain yoghurt

PAGE 3 Introduction



Health is continuum of illness and

According to the American National

wellness. State of wellness does

Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention

not have to mean that one is disease

and Health Promotion, the incidence

free, it’s if you are striving for

of childhood obesity has tripled in

optimal wellness. It is so important

the last 30 years. Cultivating healthy

that a person heads in the right

eating patterns early in life is one of

direction in continuum i.e. growing

the most important principles

in awareness, knowledge and consciousness. True health is based on the entire spectrum of human experience on the continuum including both experience of illness and the movement towards optimal wellness. A high level of wellness is based on: 1) Good physical care, using one’s mind constructively, concerned about physical, psychological, spiritual, expressing emotions and 2) being creatively involved in Optimal Nutrition

South Africa is the third obese country in the world, 7/10 women and 4/10 men struggle with obesity. Healthy eating and lifestyle is of outmost importance

Specific focus on artificial free sweeteners Erythritol Natural component of fruits, vegetables and grains and derived through a natural fermentation process, much like that of yogurt. Classified as a sugar alcohol, even though it is neither sugar nor alcohol.

Stevia Small green plant from the sunflower family The stevia leaf is up to 200 times sweeter than sugar Zero calories and no effect on blood sugar levels

Zero calories and no effect on blood glucose levels Tooth friendly too

PAGE 4 Introduction

ogrammes r p d e s a b n io it Exped rammes g o r p d e s a b e r t Cen elopment v e d ip h s r e d a e L re” HBDI “ThinkAdventu based coaching Interventions rapy Wilderness the e training id u g & r o t a it il c Fa struction n o c e s r u o c e g n Challe





S since 1994

L ea di ng si nc e 19 94


ns of Ad ta i

t ur e ven


FORTH nal internatio

Centre based programmes Venture Forth has been passionately involved in youth outdoor adventure education since our inception in 1994 and we have gained substantial experience organising and running youth adventure camps at various venues across South Africa.

members. We can organise and operate the entire camp for you or just take care of certain specialist activities such as abseiling, rock climbing, hiking, high ropes or raft building while you look after the rest.

Our emphasis is on providing experiential learnAlthough We have our own dedicated VFI Adventure Cen- ing through adventure tre in the mountain wilderness activities with educational and self-development outarea of the Hex River in the comes. Activities range Western Cape we can run camps anywhere in the country from the physically easy or internationally at any suita- to high activity challenges all incorporating personal, ble venue. team and mental chalWe can source venues to suit lenges to learn from. Acyour program and budget and we have our own portable infra- tivities are presented on a challenge-by-choice founstructure so that we can run dation, we will encourage quality programs in even the you to overcome but not most basic or off-the-beatenforce you to. track venues. Our camps are tailor made to Many aspects of the school sylsuit your requirements and labus can also be covered in the budget. outdoors and we also offer opportunities to learn additional life skills such as first-aid, outdoor survival, life saving and outdoor cooking.

You can choose from various options such as venue, activities, menu and the level of involvement of your own staff

Some of the activities we can provide on camp include: High and low ropes challenge courses

Abseiling, climbing, caving, hiking, zip lines and other adventure activities, raft building, canoeing, kayaking and other water adventures.

Obstacle courses and gladiator games. Lateral thinking, problem solving challenge course Outcomes-based group games Beach games and other sports

Contact Venture Forth Telephone: +27 21 555 3864 Fax:: + 27 86 617 3449 Office mobile: +27 84 700 2867 Email:







S P E Right C IforAyour L employees. N E ERight D for S you.

Higher Ground has been running programmes of therapeutic recreation (adventure camps) for people with disabilities since 2004. We are an NPO and are based in Durban. Our programmes are run at various venues within an hour or two of Durban, and occasionally in the Western Cape and Gauteng. We are passionate about running our 'camps' and feel that the benefits offered to

partially sighted. Participants have the opportunity to take part in The groups that we activities that they never currently cater for are: dreamed they would, or adults who are blind or could. They gain indepartially sighted, adults pendence. They develop with acquired brain in- self worth. They network juries, young adults and offer each other peer with intellectual impair- support. They become ments, tertiary stumore physically active dents who are blind or and enjoy the great outpartially sighted and doors. The opportunities teens who are blind or really are endless! our participants are huge.

A secondary aim is to provide respite to parents and caregivers. They are able to rest and sometimes even have a holiday of their own whilst knowing that their loved one is having a wonderful time and is well taken care of. Volunteers 'staff' the camps. They are what make the programmes amazing and they are just incredible. They take care of any personal care needs our participants might have, assist with getting around and plan and run our activities. They are usually students or young working people who take time off to make a difference in the lives of our amazing participants. As a result they also gain great experience working with people who have disabilities, which we believe is beneficial to their own communities and spheres of influence.





In Boomslang or Twig Snake bites...

Common Boomslang male

Cape Boomslang - male

Cape Boomslang female

Common Boomslang juvenile

Twig Snake

In Adder, Stiletto or Spitting Cobra Bites...

Puff Adder

Gaboon Adder

Mozambique Spitting Cobra

Zebra Cobra

Night Adder

Berg Adder

Stiletto Snake

Black Spitting Cobra

Black-necked Spitting Cobra


Photo Marius Burger

In Mamba and Non-spitting Cobra Bites...

To order, please e-mail

Black Mamba

Green Mamba

Cape Cobra

Snouted Cobra

Anchieta’s Cobra

Forest Cobra


If the snake responsible has NOT been identified

Elevate the affected limb slightly above the heart and immobilise the limb.

If there is pain and swelling

I T U T E.c


If the patient experiences difficulty with breathing

Promptly transport to the nearest hospital





Apply mouth-tomouth resuscitation. Make use of a Bag Valve Mask.


Wrap the affected limb in pressure bandages and apply a splint.






Š Johan Marais African Snakebite Institute

Immobilise the patient and promptly transport to hospital.



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Christian Camp Pro –

The Ultimate Retreat Planning Checklist An easily to follow checklist with items not to forget when planning a Christian retreat. Retreats are great resources for any church group or ministry organization. They can be used to provide training and education, to cultivate and strengthen relationships, and to give an outlet for recreation and fellowship. As valuable as a retreat can be, it requires a lot of advanced planning and preparation. The following checklist has been compiled in order to make retreat planning easier by providing a comprehensive checklist of things to consider, organize and do. It is advisable to have a retreat planning team in place before getting started. Checklist planning sections can be divided among individuals or groups with set tasks assigned to each group. BUDGET PLANNING

INITIAL PLANNING o Determine your audience. For whom is this retreat planned: men, women, couples, singles, youth? o Create a theme. Having a central idea makes organizing speakers and activities easier. o Schedule coordinating activities. Choose activities that fit the theme and meets the needs of attendees. o Set a date for the event.

o Create a budget to include costs of promotion, venue, activities, food, supplies, etc. o Secure a venue. Decide how much service you need for your group. A full service venue is recommended, but a selfservice venue may be more fitting for your budget. It is also important to find out how many attendees a venue can accommodate. o Determine cost for attendees. How much will you need to charge in order to cover costs?

Christian Camp Pro –


ACTIVITY PLANNING o Contact speakers/guest presenters. Find out if they are available on your set dates and how much they charge. o Determine a schedule of events. Decide on times for meetings, seminars, organized activities and meals. Be sure to leave room for unstructured personal time. o If you are using a self-service facility, plan a daily menu with available options. PROMOTIONAL PLANNING o Send out mail and/or email informational brochures or newsletters. o Create a social media event page on Facebook or Twitter for promotion, updates and reminders. Social media is often the fastest way to communicate to an audience. o Set deadlines for sign-ups and/or deposits. It is easier to coordinate if you can get a solid count of attendees early on in planning.

o Check in with the venue to ensure the location and staff are ready for your event. o Check in with speaker/guest presenter to ensure he or she is still on board and prepared. It is advisable to have a back-up speaker available should there be any last minute changes. Emergencies happen, so it is always better to be prepared. o Meet with your volunteers and planning team to go over schedules and checklists. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and has all the needed supplies and equipment. SUMMARY Planning a retreat doesn’t have to be a source of stress. Having an enthusiastic and competent planning team helping you to bear the load will go a long way toward a successful retreat. Plan as far ahead as possible and don’t be afraid to delegate. A balanced and well-coordinated event will be the most enjoyable for your guests and for you.

Christian Camp Pro –

Does the thought of coordinating your first retreat scare you? Are you a seasoned retreat planner who is looking to take your events to the next level? In “The Ultimate Retreat Planning Guide” Christian event planner Andy McClung gives you step by step practical advice on how to make your next retreat a success. With a life time of experience both attending and running successful Christian camps and retreats, Andy shares easy to follow insight on how you can turn your events into amazing experiences for you and your guests. He shows you exactly how to become a Christian Camp Pro by:     

Explaining the fundamentals of retreating Teaching you how to build the perfect event team Showing easy ways to promote your retreat Walking you through the event itself Guiding you through properly ending a retreat

Planning the ultimate retreat is a blast! If you are looking to take your event to the next level, but feeling a little overwhelmed, this book is for you.

Christian Camp Pro –

Sasol Young Explorer – Mammals is a beautiful, exciting and multilingual app that introduces young kids (3–8 years old) to the majestic wild creatures of southern Africa. The app seamlessly blends

storytelling and game playing in a fun and educational way, which will keep kids engaged for hours at a time as they develop their reading and learning skills.

Young Explorer is beautifully illustrated throughout, with each animal presented separately and

shown in its natural habitat. It is packed with fascinating facts: where the animals live, what they eat, how big they are, what their tracks look like, and when they are active. Calls and videos of animals in the wild provide extra entertainment for curious young minds.

Challenging, age-appropriate games are thrown into the mix, adding extra fun and pleasure to the

learning experience.

There are four languages in the app – English, isiXhosa, isiZulu and Afrikaans. Kids can read

descriptions, listen to narrations and play games in any of these languages, and easily switch between them within the app.

Pub date: April 2015 Price: R99,99

Language: English,

IsiXhosa, IsiZulu, Afrikaans

Recommended age: 3–8 Designed for: iPad & Android tablets

File size: ± 300 mb


Multilingual app with four languages (English, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu and Afrikaans)

Tap and listen to text in all four languages

• • • •

• • •

Packed with accurate info written by a mammal specialist Record and listen to yourself reading Tap to play calls or watch videos

Play interactive educational games (with multiple levels of difficulty)

Fun for kids to use on their own, with friends, siblings or older family members Fosters a love of nature

No collection of personal/location data, in-app purchases, advertising or external website links

(except in the Help section which is protected by a parent gate)

YOUTUBE: Check out our app videos


MEDIA & BLOGGERS: For further information or to request review copies please contact: Joanita Nel 011 327 3550

Pub date: August 2015 Price: R99,99

Language: English,

IsiXhosa, IsiZulu, Afrikaans

Recommended age: 3–8 Designed for: iPad & Android tablets

File size: ± 300 mb

Sasol Young Explorer – Frogs is the second app in the new Young Explorer nature series for kids. Colourful, informative and stimulating, Frogs introduces young children (3–8 years old) to 55 of the most common and rare frog species found in southern Africa. The descriptions of the animals – in English, isiXhosa, isiZulu and Afrikaans – are written in easy and accessible language and narrated by professional voice-over artists. There are also calls for all the frogs, except one – the only voiceless species in the region – while videos for 29 species show these delightful creatures in their natural habitat. ‘Quick facts’ about the size, egg type, location and conservation status of each species are revealed by toggling between illustrations of the different features on the screen. The app includes a play section with four games: puzzles, memory card games, an animal naming game and a nature cleanup game. There are lots of opportunities to tap, toggle, touch and swipe, listen, watch, and learn. Perfect for pre-readers and young learners, the app will keep kids engaged and help them learn about the fascinating creatures that we share our world with.

FEATURES • • • • • • • • • •

Multilingual app in four languages (English, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu and Afrikaans) Packed with accurate info written by a frog specialist Tap and listen to text in all four languages Ideal learning tool, especially for children learning to read, or learning a second language Expands kids’ vocabulary in a way that is engaging and relevant to them Record and listen to yourself reading Tap to play calls or watch videos Play interactive educational games (with multiple levels of difficulty) Fosters a love of nature No collection of personal/location data, in-app purchases, advertising or external website links



“My kids really loved it … fun and easy learning that inspired them to explore further. We really can’t wait for more apps in this series to be – Se7en Blog published.” “This is a brilliant app for kids. It is great for vocabulary stimulation and information building! It kept all three my kids – 8, 6 and 3 years – entertained.”

– Rabia Mohidien, Speech and Language Therapist


For further information or to request review copies please contact: Joanita Nel 011 327 3550

Young Engineers Facts e2 Young Engineers programmes won first place at YBI Entrepreneur of the Year 2011, sponsored by HRH Prince Charles.  Young Engineers kits are exclusively designed by our development team, allowing construction of over 200 different models, demonstrating the STEM principles.

 It has been statistically proven that students participating in our e² Young Engineers enrichment programmes achieve higher grades in all STEM subjects taught in school.  Young Engineers is among a select few companies in the world that invest in research and development of education using LEGO®.

Our Programmes Big Builders Preschool ages 4-6

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LEGO® is a registered trademark of companies which do not sponsor, authorize or endorse this ad.


Big Builders Preschool Ages 4-6

i have a dream of being the

president of South Africa when i grow up.

i want to make this country a better place

for all to live in - Ayanda (6)

Safe children make a better tomorrow.

Encourage your Children to dream.

8022262 CHILDLINE 594x420 Pencil.indd 1



7/27/17 11:44 AM

Situated within the beautiful 1,000 hectare Umhloti Nature Reserve, 15 kilometres outside Nelspruit, the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) South Africa Chimpanzee Sanctuary is home to chimps that have been misplaced from their natural habitats in Africa. Chimp Eden was established in 2006 and is home to 33 chimpanzees. This JGI chimpanzee sanctuary brings the world of chimpanzees closer to humanity through education end eco-tourism. The goal of the chimpanzee sanctuary is to rescue chimpanzees that have survived the bush meat trade, been orphaned, traded in the illegal pet market, or rescued from being traumatised for entertainment in circuses, beach resorts and night clubs.



Charlie The chimpanzees at Chimp Eden are the lucky ones, living out their lives in a risk free environment and being provided with the necessary attention to recover from the trauma they have experienced. The chimpanzees spend their days in semi-wild enclosures, and show normal social interaction and behavioural patterns as group members. The South African chimpanzee sanctuary is proud to be part of the Jane Good Institute, which is a global leader in the effort to conserve and preserve endangered species and habitats, and in particular chimpanzees.

On your guided tour, each chimpanzee is introduced and their often sad stories are told in an effort to create awareness and educate the guests on the struggles wild chimpanzees face and what we all can do to help save an protect these beautiful creatures for our future generations.

Martha The sanctuary is open to the public 7 days a week. Two chimpanzee families are visited on the 3 daily tours (10:00am, 12:00pm &14:00pm)


The sanctuary is a non-profit organization and rely greatly on donations from the public and the guests that visit the sanctuary and support us by doing a tour, becoming a chimpanzee guardian or simply buying a unique gift in our curio shop.

What is a chimpanzee’s favourite flower‌? A Chimp-Pansy

Tour prices



Adult: R185.00 Pensioner: R145.00 Children under 12: R80.00


We need your help! Please come visit soon.

“There are obviously two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.” — James Truslow Adams

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