Table of Contents What to Expect the First Day………………...1 Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures…………...2 Before and After Care………………………..3 Attendance and Early Dismissal……………. 4 What to Bring………………………………...5 What to Wear………………………………..6 Emergencies and Medical Needs…………..7 Staff Contact Information…………………….8 2013 Teaching Artists……………………….9 Camp Checklist……………………………...10 Campus Map………………………………...11 Required Forms…………………………….12-16
What to Expect the First Day Check-in will be from 8:45 a.m. — 9:00 a.m.
(Campers registered for before-care may arrive at 8:00 a.m.)
On the first day, you will need to park in the Carnegie Vanguard High School Garage, and escort your child inside the building for check-in. Check-in will be located in the main lobby off of the circle driveway. He/she will receive a name tag at this time, and parents will have an opportunity to speak to the Camp Coordinator, return forms, and remit any outstanding payment. Campers will then be escorted to the warm-up room, where their Play Makers journey will begin!
At the end of the day, please return to the lobby to sign your child out. The Camp Coordinator, Teaching Artists, and Associates will be present to answer any questions you may have!
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures Campers will be dropped-off and picked-up in the circle driveway that runs along the west side of Carnegie Vanguard High School on Taft Street. (see attached map)
Unfortunately, no parking is allowed in the circle driveway; it is for pick-up and drop-off only. But you may park in the garage and walk over to sign out your camper.
Parents are to remain in their vehicles. A member of the Play Makers Staff will escort your child to and from your vehicle. At the end of the day, campers will sign-out with their Assistant Teaching Artist and will be escorted to your care unless
you have parked in the garage and have signed them out personally. Campers will only be released to persons authorized by their parent or guardian. Please notify us immediately if there will be changes in who picks up your camper.
Before and After Care A
t the Alley Theatre, we know parents lead busy lives. In order to make the Alley Play Makers experience more convenient for campers and their families, we provide before and after care that is both fun and safe.
Before care takes place from 8 a.m.— 9 a.m. Campers should be dropped off at 8 a.m., and parents must escort their child in to the building to connect with our Before Care associate.
Parents who arrive before 7:45 a.m. will need to wait with their children. Before Care can also be purchased—$15 for one week, and $30 for both weeks—on the first day of your child’s session.
After Care takes place from 3 p.m.-5 p.m. Students will be escorted from their final Play Makers class to the After Care room at 3 p.m. The room will be made clear to you when you walk your camper to the first day sign-in.
After Care can be purchased “a la carte” at $10/day.
If you would like to purchase after care on an a la carte basis, please contact the Camp Coordinator before 3 p.m. on the day your child will need care.
ALL STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP BY 5 P.M. Parents need to enter the building to pick up their child, and will be charged a dollar for every minute that they arrive after 5:15.
Attendance and Early Dismissal  Please report all absences to the Camp Coordinator prior to check-in. If a child is absent without prior notification, we will contact the parents immediately.
 Early dismissal notifications should be submitted in writing to the Camp Coordinator and must include time of dismissal and the name of the person picking up the camper. A Play Makers staff member will escort your child to the pick-up area at the appropriate time. Parents are also able to park in the garage and come in to the building.
What to Bring Water - Drinking fountains are available, but we encourage all campers to bring their own water bottles. Summer heat and plenty of activity can easily cause dehydration.
Snack & Lunch Food - Please pack 2 snacks and a wellbalanced lunch for your little ones. Vending machines and microwaves will not be available, so please keep that in mind when choosing your lunch items. And please help us by limiting the amount of sugary items in your child’s lunch. A lunch topped off with M&Ms and soda can make for some over-excited campers!
It is very important that you inform us of any food allergies your child may have on the Emergency Contact Form. Please pay particular attention to letting us know of peanut sensitivities!
What to Wear Comfortable, closed-toe shoes — Your child will be participating in a variety of active theatre exercises and games, so they must be able to move around freely and safely. If your child has dance shoes, they are welcome to wear them for the movement class.
Clothing — We want your child to be free to express themselves in their clothing choices. That being said, all clothing must be comfortable and easy to move around in. The kids will be involved in activities that may require them to roll around on the floor and/ or get messy, so make sure not to send them in their fancy clothes. Skirts are welcome as long as they have leggings or bike shorts underneath.
The Alley Theatre will not be responsible for any lost items of clothing.
Emergencies and Medical Needs Emergency forms - The health and safety of your child is very important to us. Please make sure to turn in your Medical Release forms before camp starts, if possible.
Medical or Behavioral Issues - It is important for us to be aware of any medical or behavioral problems ahead of time. We want to give the best care and experience possible to your child. If your child has a food allergy or other medical condition (ex. Asthma), please communicate with us about the condition. We will also need a written action plan that details any symptoms and what is to be done in the case of an emergency.
Illness and Lice - We want our campers to have fun with us everyday, but please keep your child home (and notify
the Camp Coordinator) if your child is sick with any of the following: vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours; sore throat; eye infection/pink eye; ear ache; fever within the last 24 hours; persistent cough or runny nose; head lice.
Medication - Unless a student is having an allergic reaction, Play Makers Staff is unable to administer any type of
medication to children during the camp. If your child needs medication, they must be able to administer the medication themselves. Parents can also arrange for someone to come to the school to administer medication. The only exception to this is in the case of an allergic reaction.
Staff and Contact Information Please contact Kristen Wright, Education Coordinator if you have any questions. Kristen Wright, Education Coordinator Office Phone: 713.315.5425 E-mail:
Mary Sutton, Director of Education New York University Tisch School of the Arts in Acting The American Repertory Theatre’s Institute for Advanced Theatre Studies at Harvard University in Directing NEA Rural Arts Initiative Twenty-one years of theatre education experience
Kristen Wright, Education Coordinator BA in Theatre Arts and Political Science from Yale University Instructor for New Haven Public Schools 2004 & 2005 HYPE Finalist 2003 HYPE Semi-finalist
Andrew Hager, School Programs Manager BA in Drama/Literature from Bennington College MFA in Playwriting and Lyrics from New York University Instructor at HSPVA
Elissa Levitt, Education Administrator BM in Vocal Performance from Ithaca College MFA in Acting from University of Houston Artistic & Education Director Mosaic Theatre
Zachary Bryant, Education Marketing Coordinator
BA in Vocal Performance from Columbus State University Opera Studies with Westminster Choir College Instructor at Memorial School of Music
2013 Teaching Artists Jen Alger BA in Educational Theatre from New York University Children’s Museum of the Woodlands Project Grad Air Alliance Houston and Ozone Theatre Third Year Alley Theatre Teaching Artist
Michelle Edwards BA in Theatre from University of Houston MFA in Acting from University of Montana Instructor at University of Montana, Language Link Moscow, and Houston School of Film and Theatre Sixteen years of experience with the Alley Theatre
Florence Garvey BA in Theater Arts from Prairie View A&M University Drama teacher with Briarmeadow Charter School Teaching Artist with The Ensemble Theatre and Main Street Theater First Year Alley Theatre Teaching Artist
Stephanie Mami BA in Theatre from Occidental College Acting Studies at the British American Drama Academy Director of Drama at KIPP Sharpstown College Prep School Third Year Alley Theatre Teaching Artist
Traci Shannon BA in Theatre from University of Houston MFA in Acting from American Conservatory Theater Drama teacher with Main Street Theater, Marin Theatre Company and American Conservatory Theater Twenty years of theatre education experience
Elizabeth “Nikki” Wuertz BA in Theatre Arts from Hendrix College MFA in Acting from Louisiana State University Elizabethan Theatre and English Literature Studies at the University of London Fourth Year Alley Theatre Teaching Artist
Camp Checklist Camper Items: Water Snacks Lunch Appropriate Shoes Appropriate Clothing Medication
Parent Items: Camper Drop-Off / Pick-Up Information Form Camper Pick-Up Card Emergency Contact Form Emergency Course of Action Form Participation Agreement Consent and Release / Minor Release Form Notification of Absences
Heading North
For more information about our exemplary education programs, please contact Zachary Bryant by phone at 713.315.5424 or by e-mail at