Staging STEM Informational Packet

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= 713.315.5406

Why Arts Integra on?

Arts Integra on is:

ARTS FORM + CORE SUBJECT = 2 LEARNING “Students in arts integra on classrooms tested from 7 to 15% higher in all tested subjects, regardless of the demographic group of students tested.” Arts Integra on Solu ons, Arizona 2011

STEM Success Story WHOLE SCHOOL | Staging STEM Math Residency Assessment 2nd Grade, Su;on Elementary, April 7-18, 2014

The overall student test average went up nearly 20%. In an English Language Learners class comprised of seven dierent languages, vocabulary reten on increased as much as 80%.

713.315.5406 713.315.5439

During the two-week residency, students from six second grade classes learned about frac ons and place value by bunny hopping a number line to working in a carrot factory that presented opportuni es for mul -step word problems.

ONE ELL CLASSROOM | Staging STEM Math Residency Assessment 2nd Grade, Su;on Elementary, April 7-18, 2014

What is Staging STEM? “It is not a flower, but a wrench.” - President’s Commi6ee on the Arts and the Humani es Re-inven ng in Arts Educa on: Winning America’s Future Through Crea ve Schools

Dear Leader in Educa on, Applied Theatre at the Alley is proud to present our newest educa onal program, Staging STEM. Our new residency program’s focus is to provide alternate STEM educa on opportuni es that engage and inspire all students. Taking part in Staging STEM allows students to gain confidence in and out of the classroom, increase mo va on for learning, and make physical connec ons to difficult concepts. Watch as your students bring the diagram of a ladybug, or landform, or habitat to life through ac on and narra on. Imagine a second grader being set up to succeed in math for the rest of his or her life by using theatre to physicalize place value and frac ons. Did you know that by playing in theatre arts, children learn how to use visual organizers? Diagrams? Scien fic Data?

“Recent brain research has found that arts integra on techniques, which use mul ple senses to repeat informa on, cause more informa on to be stored long-term — as opposed to short-term memory, and may actually change the structure of the neurons.” - President’s Commi6ee on the Arts and the Humani es Re-Inves ng in Arts Educa on: Winning America’s Future through Crea ve Schools

Staging STEM, launched in 2013, has already shown great success in schools across the Houston area. We are excited to foster the growth of many more students as we expand the program. We know that as an educa on leader raising the performance of your students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathema cs is top priority. In this cost sensi ve environment, Staging STEM offers an affordable op on for whole classrooms that teaches difficult-to-grasp standards and help boost student performance on tests. Take an innova ve step and bring core subjects alive for every student — including the kids with unique learning styles … or English Language Learners … or that li6le boy or girl that simply must move to learn. Boost engagement while teaching social skills and STEM together. Let us help you achieve your STEM educa onal goals through theatre arts integra on!

Mary Su6on Director of Educa on and Community Engagement Alley Theatre 713.315.5385

Response to Staging STEM

Science test averages increased 17 percent and Staging STEM played a crucial role in our students’ newfound success. —

Principal, Wilson Montessori School

I observed them performing at their desk what had been taught through Staging STEM to answer the ques ons. —

5th Grade Teacher, Su;on Elementary


Response to Staging STEM

Thanks to your program our TIF 4 schools rave about the academic outcomes from Staging STEM and the behavioral changes they no ce in students. - Sabrina Provencher, STEM Curriculum Manager, TIF 4 Grant, Houston Independent School District

Combining physical movements with the vocabulary enhanced the students’ understanding and reten on. —

2nd Grade Teacher, Codwell Elementary

Hear from our PEERS

How Does Staging STEM Work?

Two-week residency serving an en re grade level

TEKS-focused curriculum created in collabora on with your classroom teachers

Forty-five minute to one-hour classes tailored to school schedules

Culmina ng open workshop presenta on for peers and parents that demonstrates the gained knowledge of the students

Residencies available for grades K-8

Open workshop demonstra ng weathering and erosion with ELL students.

We are conscien ous of the cost-sensi ve environment many schools face. Our affordable prices, approximately $15 per child, are high value for a two-week program of ac ve hands-on learning and an experience that your students won’t forget. Plus, you’ll receive collabora ve TEKS appropriate curriculum development, teacher planning conferences, open workshop organiza on and implementa on, parent no ces and invita ons. 1 class per day for 10 days $750 2 classes per day for 10 days


3 classes per day for 10 days


4 classes per day for 10 days


5 classes per day for 10 days


6 classes per day for 10 days


“In a large district, the 15 schools that implement arts integra on school-wide (mostly Title I schools) outperformed the district average.” Arts Integra on Solu ons, Arizona 2011


ART — “It is not a flower, but a wrench.”

To Book Staging STEM: 713.315.5406 Photos by Cressandra Thibodeaux

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