Fifty Sips Of Wine

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Here are fifty sips from my lips to yours confessing and expressing what’s found behind closed doors. Cheers,

Allié Merrick McGuire

SIP #1

Rebel Coast 2013 Sunday Funday

I held it. Close. Until I was part of it. And it was part of me. I inhaled its intention that whispered intoxicating nuances of wet, ripe peach & damp, full violets. I honored its purpose on the palate that came through with all it promised aromatically, with its viscous, vibrant presence. Cheers,


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SIP #2

Rebel Coast 2013 Sunday Funday

Sometimes my inner rebel begs for release. I imagine an unopened bottle of wine shares this same sentiment. After all, we weren’t meant to be capped indefinitely or bottled beyond our years. We were meant to consume the moment and to be consumed by it. And so it is that I sip tonight fully aware of inhibitions that I now elect to ignore in a way I couldn’t or wouldn’t before. Cheers,


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SIP #3

Bowers Harbor 2013 Unwooded Chardonnay

Some seek safety in the harbor. I look for wine, and it was a bottle of Chardonnay that I docked with. Aromatic waves of ripe green pear and jasmine oil gave way to an ebb and flow of acidity that carried me. Further pleasure was found on the palate with young green apple notes that commenced without hesitation. Cheers,


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SIP #4

Bowers Harbor 2013 Unwooded Chardonnay

Unwooded. Unadulterated. Raw and responsive on the palate, Chardonnay need not be splintered by oak. After all, it’s not how much oak you have, but rather how you use it. This Chardonnay has waited with anticipation to prime the palate with a level of acid and intensity of flavor that refuses to be masked or muted with wood. There are times when I prefer it ‘raw’. This is one of those times. Cheers,


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SIP #5

Nicolas Bazan 2009 Mis Nietos Pinot Noir

I submit. A masculine cologne of rich cranberry and damp leather takes me on the nose insisting that I follow. I do, but only after I look to ensure that I’m alone. Arousing aromatics lead me to the palate where this Pinot Noir reveals its deepest secrets expressed in great length in terms of dense pomegranate preserves & deep violent accents. I’m glad I submitted, as the insistent aromatics persuaded. Cheers,


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SIP #6

Nicolas Bazan 2009 Mis Nietos Pinot Noir

In terms of desire. While I do desire this wine, it’s Pinot Noir in its very essence that is ‘desire’ in and of itself, with my intentions manifested in its very being. I knew a man who mirrored this wine by the very definition of my longing that I just shared. Like this wine, I consumed him. Cheers,


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SIP #7

Authentique 2012 Pinot Noir And so it is that love comes in layers. In particular, I’ve fallen for ones in dark cherry leather & crimson suede. Subdued by the scent, I then succumbed to the palate, tasting tiers of dense cranberry and dramatic red cherry. Balanced by sturdy tannin and persistent acid, this Pinot Noir is the object of my infatuation. Cheers,


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SIP #8

Authentique 2012 Pinot Noir

the evolution of love

Love evolves, as do we, and as does wine. It’s the evolution that makes each kiss more meaningful, each day more precious and each sip more satisfying. A deeper more complete understanding of a lover, a life and a wine can be attained through every evolving moment offered, if one surrenders to it. Cheers,


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SIP #9

Bergevin Lane 2013 Love-Struck Viognier

Lovestruck. Struck by love in what I’ve sipped, my heart was pierced with what was poured… by edgy aromatics of ripe apricot and fleshy mango. This was followed by sharp, shimmering acid that made my palate plead for more. More it gave, and more I had with great satisfaction. Cheers,


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SIP #10

Bergevin Lane 2013 Love-Struck Viognier

Love is in the air. Wine (like love) is in the air with the swirl of a glass releasing what the wine dares to whisper to those still and silent enough to hear. I inhale each sip-worthy sonnet, as my intertwined senses attempt to transfer and translate what’s touching me from within. Cheers,


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SIP #11

Sonoita Sparkles Peach

Feeling frisky. Playful aromatics of fresh peach puree and white violet tickled my nose. I grinned when I considered the sort of mischief once could get in with a wine as frisky as this. Forward on the palate with peach perfection, my tongue tingled with every sip. Cheers,


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SIP #12

Sonoita Sparkles Peach

With flirtation comes fun. Sometimes I’m all too series. Tied up and tethered to sober thoughts, I forget on occasion to let go and live in the moment. I do believe that I don’t flirt enough. A peach of a day can be had, if one chooses to bite in (or tip up in this case). Moving forward, I vow to flirt with the moment more often and sip with sly grins that I’ll share with bottles of sparkling wine like this. Cheers,


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SIP #13

Authentique 2012 Chardonnay

Temptation. Aromatics aroused temptation within. Brilliantly rich and beautifully vibrant, the Chardonnay (my tempter) enticed me. Like Eve tempted by a forbidden fruit, I found myself lured by an enticing scent of juicy green apple and ripe yellow pear. As soon as it touched my lips, I begged without hesitation, “Please, give me my sin again.” Cheers,


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SIP #14

Authentique 2012 Chardonnay

All consuming. There are wines and loves that I have found to be all consuming. While there are those that ‘will do’, it’s the ones that I don’t want to do without that are the object of my enduring affection. With senses saturated by what I sip or who I hold, a moment of unimagined pleasure occurs - sometimes over and over. In this regard, I’m just fine with my repetitive nature. Cheers,


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SIP #15

Skylite Cellars 2010 Soiree

Crossing the line. There are many ‘lines’ in life. On occasion, I dare to cross them. In the case of this blend, at the intersection of Malbec, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon & Merlot there is a soiree - an affair that presents an aromatic invitation with bing cherry, racy pomegranate & alluring menthol. I accepted the invitation and found a reception of a dark, rich body and arousing acid on the palate. Cheers,


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SIP #16

Skylite Cellars 2010 Soiree

Crossing lines. Finding love. Some lines are meant to be followed. Others are meant to be crossed. It is in the crossing over that we find a love we never dared to explore, a bottle we saved too sacred to open, or a moment that passed as we watched and wished we were part of it. In the soirees of our lives, where we’re asked to dance, to discuss or to drink with glasses raised in a toast, I dare you to cross more lines and to do what you would if you weren’t afraid of having a love then losing it or sipping a glass then finishing it. Raise your glass to living, loving & sipping without lines. Cheers,


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SIP #17

Rebel Coast Reckless Love

Love is blind… On occasion, it can be reckless too. Blindfold optional (with this bottle or with a lover), I’m fine with relying on what touches my lips to define an experience where what I see pales in comparison to what I get. And what is that? A scent both masculine and motivated with saturated spice and dense fruit. A taste I can best describe as ‘more please’… Cheers,


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SIP #18

Rebel Coast Reckless Love

Ready to be reckless. I’ve taken chances in all aspects of my life, with the exception of love. With caution and care, intimacy has always been protected with safety nets and tethered with guide wires. I no longer want to be guarded with nets or guided by wires. Now, I’m ready to be reckless… not with my heart, but with my hands. With glass raised to lips, I allow this red blend to reward me with resulting reckless behavior. Reasonably responsible, for sure, but with heightened degrees of recklessness nonetheless… Cheers,


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SIP #19

Amavi Cellars 2012 Syrah

Love at first sip. A moment at the lips. Sometimes that’s all we’re given by a wine or a lover that leaves before you were ready. Today, this was not the case. Thoroughly pleasing from start to very long finish, this Syrah stayed strong from cinnamon lined cranberry notes on the nose through cedar box raspberry flavors on the palate. Cheers,


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SIP #20

Amavi Cellars 2012 Syrah

Que Syrah, Syrah. Whatever will be will be. And yet, with wine we often attempt to dictate that by tasting flavors we’re told are there and smelling nuances we read are present. As opposed to giving our palates permission to come to their own conclusion, we accept the descriptions and definitions of others and adopt, accept and express the opinions of others with our plagiaristic palates. I ask that we do this no longer. I ask that we allow a wine to be what it will be in words of our own. For example, this wine impressed me with memorable cinnamon lined cranberry notes & cedar box raspberry flavors. Those are my words. What words would you use? There’s only one way to find out. Have a sip of your own and allow this Syrah to be what it will be on our your palate with words of your own. Cheers,

Allié Visit Amavi Cellars online (

SIP #21

Carlisle 2011 Zinfandel

Sugar & Spice Sure, sugar and spice make everything nice, but you can keep the sugar, just leave me with the spice. Black cherries and ripe strawberries outlined with white pepper on the nose. It had me there and then, but promised more on the palate. I raised this Zinfandel to my lips and sipped my first sip, which wasn’t to be the last. One sip begs for another, as it turns out. Everything it teased with on the nose was given on the palate, spice and all. Cheers,


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SIP #22

Carlisle 2011 Zinfandel

Spice Girl Some proceed with bland behavior, I beg to spice it up. I like my evenings like my wine - filled with spice, and either naughty or nice will both suffice. Some like to keep things simple, I prefer them more complex. Multiple layers offer multiple things, as opposed to what a single one brings to the table. Cheers,


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SIP #23

Naked Winery 2012 Penetration Cabernet Sauvignon

Palate Penetration Few things penetrate my thoughts as often as wine. Barriers are broken within, as Cabernet comes with keys that unlock what my body was reluctant to succumb to. While it reveals itself with forceful aromatics, I request finesse on the palate which it delivers in the form of young strawberries and stiff cranberry, wrapped in vanilla robes. Cheers,


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SIP #24

Naked Winery 2012 Penetration Cabernet Sauvignon

Inside. In and out of love. We waiver back and forth. We wander to and fro. To penetrate that line of love , as opposed to walking it and falling off on occasion. That is what real love and real wine require - a definitive decision to be all in, regardless of where the line is drawn. With a full expression and focused intention set on loving fully and completely with mind, body and soul, one (like this wine) can penetrate with purpose. Cheers,


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SIP #25

Naked Winery Oh 2011 Nebbiolo

Oh, my! Expressing ‘Oh!’ was my immediate reaction to this Nebbiolo. Light in hue but heavy in intensity, this is a wine that brought me to my knees, flooding with aromatics and saturating with flavor. Cheers,


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SIP #26

Naked Winery Oh 2011 Nebbiolo

New Intrigue In general, I have a good idea about what I’m betting into. When opening a wine or closing the door to the bedroom, I know what’s next. Or do I? With my most recent experience with Nebbiolo, I was left intrigued… Hibiscus and ripe watermelon were framed with herbal elements. sweet anise, fresh, wild herbs and black cherry skin that both captivated and satiated my yearning palate. Cheers,


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SIP #29

Foppiano 2011 Petite Sirah

Longing. Drenched in desire. Longing for a love that could be as concentrated as this‌ I inhale lavender extract, raspberry puree and rip blueberry ink. I exhale with a wanting sigh, wishing to find that same deep level of intensity from the affection of another. A single sip provides solace in its tight embrace of my palate with its dark cherry grip. Cheers,


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SIP #30

Foppiano 2011 Petite Sirah

Get a grip. I often remind myself to ‘get a grip’ when it comes to love, but with this Petite Sirah, that’s not necessary. The grip is provided on the palate with intense pleasure that holds firm and with insistence. To hand control over can be difficult for some, but its desirable for me. “Take the reigns,” I beg. “My palate’s yours.” Cheers,


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SIP #27

Gypsy Dancer 2012 Legacy Pinot Noir

Life is a dance. So dance‌ like a gypsy who knows the movement but offers no instruction. But then, no instructions are needed when life, love and the wine that binds them makes so much sense. A sense of place and purpose, this wine embodies both of these in notes of raspberry syrup, sensual spice and pomegranate oil. Cheers,


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SIP #28

Gypsy Dancer 2012 Legacy Pinot Noir

Dance of the Pinot Pinot Noir is like a woman who in the pure element of her elegance embraces the feminine frame she has and dances like a gypsy with the ghost of who she was and the spirit of who she truly is and will always be - one meant to dance along the palate of the moment in rhythm with the possibility of the future. Cheers,


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SIP #31

Cliff Creek Cellars 2008 Claret

Peaking To reach the peak, a cliff must be climbed. “Climb up,” said the Claret. And so I climbed. A base of ginger cranberry and black cherry aromatics is where I started. Dark tannin provided grip to hold my way along the palate as I made my way toward the peak of what this Claret had to offer. I finished with complete satisfaction after great lengths of enduring flavor. Cheers,


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SIP #32

Cliff Creek Cellars 2008 Claret

Peak of the Palate Some peak early. Others take time. This is the case with both lovers and wine. Life and love are about the journey. And so it is I advise taking one’s time, because once you’ve made it to the top, there is only one place to go… back down. So, enjoy life and love one sip at a time, finding pleasure on your palate along the way. Cheers,


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SIP #33

Pepper Bridge 2011 Cabernet sauvignon

Clovers & Leather How does one bridge the gap from liking to loving? With cloves & leather. I liked the look of the Cabernet I saw in my glass. Upon raising it to my nose and then to my lips, I loved it. Cloves and leather go a long way with me. Speaking of which, these flavors followed with great length across my palate, as I embraced its rugged tannin until the sip was gone with the memory of pomegranate leather and cherry cloves. Cheers,


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SIP #34

Pepper Bridge 2011 Cabernet Sauvignon

Bridging the Gap Between liking and loving, there is a disconnect. To bridge the gap, I find Cabernet to be effective. The one you like to call ‘friend’ can quickly become your lover. A bottle of wine can build a bridge where both feel safe to cross one sip at a time. On occasions like these, liking can cross over into loving with a single bottle of Cabernet. Cheers,


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SIP #35

Ghost Hill cellars 2012 Pinot Noir Blanc

I was roused by rose gold. Rose gold is lovely to wear, but I prefer to sip it. My palate agrees and begs to be adorned with its beauty in the form of Pinot Noir Blanc. Green pear, yellow apple & elegant anise make a statement on the nose, followed by trending tropical notes on the palate accented by fashionable acid that sets this wine apart with a style all its own. Cheers,


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SIP #36

Ghost Hill 2012 Pinot Noir Blanc

Regarding Existence There are those who spend time considering if one thing or another exists - ghosts, love, perfection, etc. I, myself, would rather spend my time talking of, tasting and touching what I know to be real. And so it is that I speak of true love, because I’ve touched it. I talk of Pinot Noir Blanc because I’ve tasted it - a near perfect version at that (if ‘perfect’ does indeed exist). Cheers,


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SIP #37

Keeler Estate Vineyard 2012 Chardonnay

Good advice taken. On occasion, I crave the companionship of one who will hold me just right. Not too tightly and not too loosely either. In lieu of my love, I grab this Chardonnay. Each sip spoons with my palate - cradling it and caressing it with ripe pear, refined anise and mature cedar suggestions that advise me to sip more. I take its good advice. Now, I need a second bottle. Cheers,


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SIP #38

Keeler Estate Vineyard 2012 Chardonnay

Touching Some of the most intimate moments, full of passion and pleasure, have come from a simple touch hands holding, arms embracing, and lips receiving pleasure through what was poured in my glass. While the love of your life can’t always be at arms length, generally speaking, Chardonnay can be. Besides, love and Chardonnay are sort of the same thing. Right? Cheers,


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SIP #39

Balboa 2012 Cabernet Franc

An Intoxicating Invitation If this Cabernet Franc was available as a cologne, I would insist that my lover wore it every night. Inviting and intoxicating, the aromatics of blackberry puree and rich blueberry syrup are infectious, as their allure spreads to the palate where pleasure is delivered with beautiful balance. Cheers,


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SIP #40

Balboa 2012 Cabernet Franc

Balancing Act Balance is required in all things. And it is too much or too little of any one thing or the other that can ‘unbalance’ any given situation. In my mind, this holds true for all things with the exception of one love. The amount of love you contribute to a person, a relationship, a wine, etc. will never create imbalance. However, perhaps it could result in ‘levitation’. Am I levitating right now while sipping this wine? No. However, I should be, based on the amount of love that went into this bottle and the resulting amount of love I’m getting from it. Cheers,


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Sip #41

Two Shepherds 2011 Pastoral Rouge

I will follow. Lead me to Pastoral Rouge, and I shall not want (or need) anything more. Burgundy roses, ripe dates and raspberry cola on the nose lead to a palate pleased with high notes of cranberry calling out with vibrant acidity and evolving complexity. Cheers,


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SIP #42

Two Shepherds 2011 Pastoral Rouge

Lead Role While I tend to be rather forward, there are occasions when I would prefer to lean back and let go. There are in fact times when I’d rather follow, as opposed to lead. On occasion, I find particular degrees of intimacy to be a bit intimidating. Give me a lover to show me the way and with a glass of wine to go with it, and I would ask nothing more. At that point, I’d choose to obey. Cheers,


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SIP #43

Robison Ranch 2009 Cabernet sauvignon

Giddy-up. For a great ride on the palate, saddle up with this Cabernet. I’m a fan of raw and rustic elements. Worn, rough leather and ripe red cherries take the reigns on the nose and ride on to the palate with rich cherry and black tea covered by dusty tannin… Whoa! Down boy. Pace yourself. Cheers,


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SIP #44

Robison Ranch 2009 Cabernet Sauvignon

Room to Roam Often I find that relationships become crowded. Even with only two people involved, at times the tether seems all too short, leaving one longing for a longer leash or better yet - no leash at all. And so it is with wine, I appreciate those that are not closed and tethered but open and free. A red that gives my palate room to roam and to explore all it has to offer without boundaries. Cheers,


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SIP #45

Balboa 2012 Merlot

So Very Velvet If velvet had had a scent, I’m sure this would be it - dark maroon velvet to be precise. And if velvet had a taste, surely this is what it would be, with smooth hints of ground cinnamon and soft black cherry powder. I do so love velvet - especially in the form of a texturally pleasing Merlot. Cheers,


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SIP #46

Balboa 2012 Merlot

I want to be rich. I’m not talking about money. Being financially sound is all well in good, but I’m more interested in what has nothing at all to do with money. I want to be rich in ways that can’t be touched - only felt. I want to be rich with texture. The texture I speak of can be found in the volume of emotion a violin can produce in a concerto, the distance of travel a landscape painting can provide on its canvas, the weight of satisfaction a Merlot can deliver on the palate. Yes, I want to be rich. Cheers,


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SIP #47

A La Main 2012 Viognier

Best Friend In the spectrum of love, with the assorted versions and roles that exist, this is my best friend. It’s a kindred spirit - racy & forward. Beyond that, it’s reliable. Reliably fabulous! I count on this one to serve up aromatics of apricot, lemon grass and golden delicious apple. A good parter to my palate, this is a Viognier that delivers delicious acid and rich flavor. It’s a best friend in a bottle. Cheers,


SIP #48

A La Main 2012 Viognier

Off to the races we go. There are several speeds to live life and different gears to shift when it comes to love. I prefer the higher gears and get there just as quickly as possible. Slow down? I’m sorry. I’m afraid I can’t. I was built for speed. Like a lean, racy Viognier such as this, I was designed to move fast and with vibrant force. I love like I live. No apologies. Cheers,


SIP #49

Nicolas Bazan 2008 Una Vida Pinot Noir

I know this love. Please understand, I love this wine. You see, it’s easy to love a thing once you get to know it and know it well.. I’ve walked through the vineyard it comes from, met the people who make it, have come to know the man who created it and have seen the bigger picture, literally. ‘Una Vida’ is not only the name of this Pinot. It’s the title of Dr. Bazan’s novel and the inspiration of his film ‘Of Mind and Music’. Cheers,


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SIP #50

Nicolas Bazan 2008 Una Vida Pinot Noir

One Life to Live The key to life is found when realizing we have just one life to live. ‘Una Vida’ translates to ‘One Life’. It represents a man’s mission and his life’s work. Dr. Nicolas Bazan is a world renowned neuroscientist, speaker, professor and Director of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at Louisiana State University. He wrote a novel, entitled ‘Una Vida’ that has recently received accolades for the film it has become. In all of the work that Dr. Bazan does, his sole mission remains the same: to preserve and protect our greatest assets - our minds. Please raise your glass to a man I greatly admire, Dr. Nicolas Bazan. Cheers,


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