F L A PJ A C K COLLECTIVE hello@flapjackcollective.com
WHO WE ARE Flapjack Collective is a small press group made up of five illustrators who recently graduated from the Arts University in Bournemouth. What brought us together was a love of creating stories, so we set out creating our own self published zines and comics which we have exhibited in events including Bristol Comic and Zine fair, Hackney DIY Arts Fair and London’s Comica Comiket Festival at the British Library.
LouisCraigCARPENTER louiscraigcarpenter.com @louisdraws
M a i a F J O R D maiafjord.com @MaiaFjord
A l l i e O L D F I E L D allieoldfield.com @allieoldfield
H o p e S L O A N hopesloan.com @HopeASloan
F l o re n c e Z E A L E Y florencedraws.co.uk @florencedraws