All One Era Magazine December Moon 2015

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ALL ONE ERA magazine

December Moon 2015


ALL ONE ERA magazine

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December Moon 2015

ALL ONE ERA magazine

December Moon 2015 - Issue # 4

Publisher Stephen Cipes EditorEditor-inin-Chief Teena Clipston Senior Editor Jessica Kirby

Page 19 The Quantum Buddha by Jessica Kirby

Layout and Design Teena Clipston Advertising Patti Shonek Circulation Manager Tracey Savage Contributors Stephen Cipes Teena Clipston Jessica Kirby David Suzuki Melissa MacDougall Tony Hetman Cherie Hanson Victoria Fabling Paul H. LeMay Brigitte Thom Community Gatherings Technical Support JensenWorks Technology Cover Photo Magazine: facebook/alloneeramag Mail to: All One Era Magazine 4870 Chute Lake Rd, Kelowna, BC V1W 4M3 Love and Light © 2015 all rights reserved. Opinions and perspectives expressed in the magazine are those of authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the ownership or management. Reproduction in whole or part without the publisher’s consent is strictly prohibited. ***

December Moon 2015

Photo credit: Lee McCraw-Leavitt

Contents: Publisher’s Letter: Welcome! by Stephen Cipes - on page 5 -

Global Health and Happiness by Melissa MacDougall - on page 20 -

The AllAll-OneOne-Era Manuscript, Chapter 4 by Stephen Cipes - on page 7 -

Paris Agreement: Global Shift by David Suzuki - on page 21 -

Nassim Haramein Beyond Matter by Teena Clipston - on page 8 -

Point of View: Trudeau and Climate by Cherie Hanson - on page 21 -

Numbers in Nature by Melissa MacDougall - on page 13 -

Horse as Healer: part 2 by Tony Hetman - on page 22 -

Ancient Wisdom: A Journey of Discovery by Teena Clipston - on page 14 -

Moringa Oleifera: Superfood by Brigitte Thom - on page 23 -

The Sun & Kukulcan in Chichen Itza, Mexico by Teena Clipston - on page 17 -

Natural News Canada Radio Show Listings - on page 23 -

Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth’s Lost Civilization - on page 17 -

Down the Rabbit Hole with Credo Mutwa by Teena Clipston - on page 24 -

Justin Trudeau, Pope Francis, and... by Paul H. LeMay - on page 18 -

Inspirational Tales: The Door Way by Victoria Fabling - on page 25 -

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December Moon 2015

ALL ONE ERA magazine

Publisher’s Letter...


ear Precious Readers of the All One Era magazine,

Thank you, each of you, for opening to the possibilities! As we explore our vast potentials and reach out beyond the everyday business we surround ourselves with, we rise to new heights of graciousness and a richness of love that fills us with bounding joy and prosperity and unlimited potentials. Just embracing the idea of our oneness is a huge step for us at this pivotal time in our time… Look at what we have just done at the Paris Talks! OMG! We have set the pace for heart leadership vs. head leadership! We have shared on all levels as The Soul of the World! I’d say we owe ourselves a huge pat on the back and a huge congratulations! This issue continues the series of inspiring interviews, articles, and includes chapter four of my book, tying together the divine holy essence of our oneness and highlighting the simplicity of beholding our genius. Returning to our tribal roots at New and Full Moon gatherings around a sacred fire and acknowledging ourselves as geometric, electrical in nature energy, we rekindle the soul memory of our all oneforeverness and prepare ourselves for what is perhaps the most colossal time in our times: to ascend in our Loving Universal Consciousness and take back our Presence and Power. Here is an excerpt from editor-in-chief Teena's interview with world-renown scientist, Nassim Haramien: Teena: When we look at ancient history and architecture we can see they were very well aware of sacred geometry. Examples of this can be seen in pyramid structures around the world. What are your findings in relation to the pyramid and sacred geometry? assim: When I constructed a unified field theory, which took me some 30 years of research, I found in many instances that the conclusions I was arriving at in physics involved specific geometric structures that I could find in many ancient symbols from many different cultures from around the world. When I studied these cultures I found that they didn’t claim to have discovered or invented their knowledge or building methods, but that all this information was given to them by sun gods that came from the stars. I will let the reader come to their own conclusions as to where the information came from. I have known Nassim a long time and he refreshingly o fte n welcomes dialogue exploring the opportunity to bridge the old paradigm of others, like aliens or sun gods bringing us the essence of life

December Moon 2015

and of sacred geometry chambers versus us being one with all there is, including aliens or sun gods. I also know that his contributions help immeasurably in our building the foundation of wholeheartedly dedicating our energies to our ascension in this new era. I wish to share the premise of a dream I had recently that brought to mind our obsession with material things and which brought clarity about the choices we make between living in the three-dimensional world and surrendering to Spirit. It began with my long financial suffering of owning an island. The very thought that a piece of land out in the ocean could be of value. I held it for a lifetime and then came up with an idea to have a speedy launch and a cluster plan and to build or just even frame a house on it so we could offer sales of homes on the island. The strange thing about the island is it had buildings on it from a long ago occupation. This dream merged with a dream of my being a Cherokee Indian in what is now Virginia at a time when we upheld our Knowingness of the three echelons of life: the underworld, filled with fear based illusion; the three dimensional plane where we fought wars of vengeance for tribal disputes and misunderstandings; and, the heavenly realm where we were all in loving peace. We were 100% self-sufficient. We did no trading and we honoured nature as ourselves, taking an animal’s life with reverence. The invasion of the Europeans had us taking lives of animals for fur in exchange for their rifles and metal and all material things we lived without for eons. The merger of these two dreams was an enlightenment to see how, in our Forever Beingness, our no time, so to speak, or our homestate or Godstate of no illusion, we ARE all one-forever beings and how all the things that take up our time are really just things and not the real reality that indeed

we ARE forever beings and not the individual beings that experience so much turmoil over things. In other words, we are the Europeans that came to us as Cherokees; we are the idea that came to me as the island owner when the time was right to be able to sell houses… it’s all about the timing, the current, so to speak, or the flow of humanity as a whole! We are eternally connected and we are like an ocean, a body of water, one with the movement and the weather changes (which our consciousness affects) and so on. We are no different, except for our form. Having had this dream that brings so much perspective allows me to expound on my All One Era book and this magazine with new fervour as it shows me how easy it is for us as humanity to fall into the trap of things, which I term “the human drama” in the book, and our addiction to being preoccupied with the three-dimensional world versus surrendering to Spirit and Receiving (by opening our XX chromosomes, our female receiving antenna) the higher dimensions as conduits of Spirit in bodies. Selah! May this new day and this new dream help to bring the message of our oneness and restore our reverence for all there is for indeed, we ARE all there is. Enjoy this wondrous issue at this joyous holiday time of the year. My fourth chapter herein explores Fifth Dimensional Love, which is our heritage we deserve to bathe in. With love and gratitude to all, Steve and all the Cipes family Stephen Cipes Founder, All One Era Founder / Proprietor, Summerhill Pyramid Organic Winery and Bistro

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December Moon 2015

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The All-One-Era Manuscript, Chapter 4 Fifth-Dimensional Love By Stephen Cipes


ithin the radiant Presence of God (Goddess) in my Osaka dream, I experienced, with every ounce of my being, a love so powerful and complete, unlike any experience or definition we denote to the word love on our threedimensional plane. Love is a term so vastly misunderstood and too often misused. The sentiment extends far beyond a feeling or object of affection. We use the word in the realm of our huma n drama with a myriad of superficial meanings, in spite of the yearning to use it from the highest vibrations of our souls. It is the essence of the word, and not the definition or use, that is the glue that ties us all together. Blessed with the privilege and honor of seeing the face of God in that dream, I experienced a profound revelation. I saw Her radiating so magnificently that simply by Her Divine Presence, she touched the entirety of the Earth. This Divine Presence is eternally here for us to align with and know. From the core of Her being I could clearly see a silver cord extending forth, tying us all together as one. It weaves forth, empathetically touching all of the threedimensional universe and multidimensional spiritual planes simultaneously. As a gently streaming of light and a forever, bonding, loving energy, I saw it connecting all of us, human and animal, with every blade of grass and body of water, and with creation Herself. Standing before Her, I felt within a sense of urgency, excitement, and profound love and joy. Resonating in every energetic molecule of my Self was the truth that indeed, we ARE forever beings, all one with God and with our Grand Selves. What we experience affects the entire universe; and, what everyone else experiences affects us. In that same vision was a collective of the faces of apathy, ill health, misery, and emotional turmoil everywhere. It was a state of the world where the level of consciousness cried out for expansion and abounding love. Yet, in simultaneous parallel to the faces of despair was, and always is, the pure celebration of having a body and being alive on this gift we enjoy, our plane of demonstration. I sat in wonderment of our human ability to make choices that affect others, manifesting every moment, and giving and receiving great love. To be one with such energy is to carry forth a God Love within us, every day of our lives. Science has recently proven that through what is termed quantum physics, each of our experiences serves to create our world from moment to moment. If we reach out in love, we can achieve majesty, peace, abundance, prosperity, and a catapulting of the All-One-Era, an Era of balancing the masculine and feminine. This is an era of receivership, where we are all elevated to our well-deserved homecoming. Here, within our very existence is all there is. Connecting ourselves with the universal silver cord is to know that we are in a reciprocal world. Part of our Splendid

December Moon 2015

Photo credit: Cameron Bloom,

Original Intention is to feel oneness and to allow it to reverberate through our lives. To do so is to be one with our Earth, and to have her feel us. When we suffer, she feels our pain, just as we feel hers. The same applies to woes, strife, hurt, sickness, and death; but, we must remain strong, just as she is always resilient. Our proactive pouring forth of our love goes out and is deeply felt. It is perhaps the most significant avenue for our Earth to refresh and for us to refresh. Dr. Mauro Emoto left us with a most profound scientific discovery that, indeed, our intentions actually change the molecular structure of water. Please take a moment to explore his brilliant work in the glossary. These discoveries reflect and illuminate the very essence and grandness of who we are.

ARJU3A 11:51 When I see thy gentle human face, Krishna, I return to my own nature, and my heart has peace.

I reflect on the composite of all the beautiful faces that I have ever witnessed within the face of God. I am reminded that it is a reflection of the depth of love vibrating from the soul of the world. To see a familiarity of every beautiful face ever known to me was to come into full awareness that love is simply the Knowingness that surrounds us at all times. It is a comfort and a deep trust in Divine Consciousness, but most of all, it is the heartcentered, all-encompassing feeling that brings us to ultimate Presence and oneness. It is to realize a state with no separation, where our glorious Original Splendid Intention first manifested. A soul memory of this loving all-Knowingness brings us to our heritage to be God/Goddess, to become one with God, to become one with Love.

Opening our X chromosomes, and Receiving and allowing and surrendering to the LUC or our Knowingness, we welcome the universal truth of freedom from attachments, and love for all creation. To actually feel and know the whole world, we merely need to open ourselves to receiving. God appeared before me in feminine form to represent our Receiving Selves. She was a composite of the entirety of all of us and a beaming light that links us all as forever beings. Her Presence is here at all times for us all to behold and bathe in. As we allow in cosmic vibrations, our wisdom and soul memories begin to flow through us, and we become conduits of the loving light, the Loving Universal Consciousness, and we open to our genius. As we then shine forth our experiences, our ways affect the entire world. We physically uplift ourselves and our Earth and all there is. This is the ultimate blessing of the All-One-Era, the era of

The Bhagavad Gita verses 11:51, 11:52 11:53, 11:54 and 11:55:

KRISH3A 11:52 Thou hast seen now face to face my form divine so hard to see: for even the gods in heaven ever long to see what thou hast seen. 11:53 ot by the Vedas, or an austere life, or gifts to the poor, or ritual offerings can I be seen as thou hast seen me. 11:54 Only by love can men see me, and know me, and come unto me. 11:55 He who works for me, who loves me, whose End Supreme I am, free from attachment to all things, and with love for all creation, he in truth comes unto me.

surrender to Spirit, the era of absolute love and abundance and peace. Knowing fifth-dimensional love is to think, feel, and be God. It is to hold our own power, and not give it away—to know we have been alive forever and always shall be alive. Here’s to life! L’Chiam! … Forever and ever and ever! That is the toast I say as I lift my morning glass of water, each and every precious day. Indeed, we co-created this universe and indeed, we are the essence of life that stems from the essence of love. Love is the essence of Divine Knowingness, and Divine Knowingness is the essence of all there is. I feel an All-Oneness. It is reinforced each day, as it spreads exponentially and reaches global proportions. Some part of me always knew the existence of, and our ability to actually be, angels and to demonstrate pure love. It is an awareness that came to me early on as a young boy, and was further reinforced through the vastly rich experiences of my 70-plus years of life in this body. The messages weaving themselves through every facet of my days has always been that of peace, love, and the expansion of our Knowingness as the ultimate and possibly only avenue to peace, joy, abundance… and rejuvenation. “One of the greatest gifts of the Fifth Dimension will be the joyous and loving relationships that you will create and enjoy as awakened beings. These unions will be about serving the planet in a state of joyous harmony where the two become one in their commitment to their work as light beings on the planet.” - Celia Fenn, Ma, PhD, Author and Channel (Continued on page 26)

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Nassim Haramein in the Resonance Project lab working on plasma. Photo credit:

By Teena Clips ton


hysicist 3assim Haramein doesn’t always follow along with mainstream scientific concepts. That is what makes him a great pioneer in his field, and one of the reasons it is a tremendous pleasure to speak with him—opening the realm of thought to new ideas and new discoveries is what moves this world forward. Nassim was born in Geneva, Switzerland in 1962. He grew up in Eastern Canada with an instinctive devotion to the design of nature. He has studied physics, geometry, chemistry, biology, consciousness, archeology, and various world religions in his quest to find the truth of our existence. He is known for his work with academic physicist Elizabeth Rausher; they collaborated and developed the Unified Field Theory, also known as the Haramein-Rauscher Metric. According to Nassim, this metric is a new solution to Einstein’s Field Equations. Nassim has been delivering lectures and seminars on unification theory for over 20 years. In 2003, he founded The Resonance Project Foundation, and as its Director of Research, leads teams of physicists, electrical engineers, mathematicians, and other scientists to explore the frontier of unification principles and their implications. Currently, Nassim is focused on his most recent developments in quantum gravity and their applications to technology, new energy research, applied resonance, life sciences, permaculture, and consciousness studies. It gives me great pleasure to share this interview with you.

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Teena: Welcome, Nassim, to the All One Era magazine. It is a great pleasure to have you here with us. Like many others, I am also on a quest to find the truth of our existence. And I am hoping some answers can be found within the realm of physics, mathematics, and geometry, and so it is amazing to have you with us. My first question to you is, are humans creating mathematics and geometry only to explain what is being observed? Or do you think mathematics and geometry exist without our observation? 3assim: What is fundamental to nature is relationships and relationships imply geometry. Therefore, geometry is fundamental. Mathematics is what humans do to understand relationships and geometry. Teena: Mathematical and geometric relationships are known throughout nature. For example in the Fibonacci Sequence. This demonstrates our physical world operates through mathematical relationships. In the quest to find the truth of our existence, how can one consider a random theory of evolution has truth when nature itself, in essence, can be measured? 3assim: This is a fundamental problem, not only in our current theories of evolution but as well in our physical theories of quantum theory and relativity, that both assume a random universe. In physics this leads to a very specific problem called the “fine tuning” problem; that is, the fact that the universe seemed to be extremely, finely tuned to produce exactly what we observe, including biological structures and evolution. Any slight modification of any of the fundamental constants in the universe, such as gravitational force or electromagnetic force strength, would’ve resulted in nothing coalescing into galax-

ies, stars, planets, etc. Furthermore, as I demonstrate in our latest paper with biophysicist William Brown and astrophysicist Dr. Amira Val Baker, entitled “The Unified Spacememory Network: from Cosmogenesis to Consciousness,” if one takes the probability in the random universe for some of the most simple molecular processes of ribosomal RNA molecule nucleotides to have come together to eventually make up life, one finds that the probabilities are 1 to 108896. For those that are not familiar with exponents, and to give you an idea of scale, our universe, which is extremely large, has an approximate radius of 1028 centimeters which are small units. So you can imagine that 108896 probabilities is an insanely large number and thus the concept that life may have emerged at random is fundamentally and mathematically flawed. However, if one considers relationships and a geometric approach as in the feedback function of a fractal structure, one finds that the emergence of organized matter and life becomes not only possible but probable. Teena: Common forms of sacred geometry include the circle, cube, octahedron, star tetrahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. One of the main forms of energy forces responsible for creating sacred geometry is frequency, which is made of vibration and oscillation (based on the scientific findings of Dr. Hans Jenny, for one). Would this mean the foundation of all mathematics comes from frequency? And if so where does frequency come from? 3assim: The origin of mathematics is geometry and geometry emerged from relationships of oscillators. Relationships imply an exchange of information and an exchange of information implies oscilla-

tions or vibrations in the substrate of spacetime. In quantum field theory, it has been found that the structure of space that appears empty to us is actually oscillating at very high energy levels. This continuous oscillating field of information could be considered the mind of Universe. Some of the equations I’ve written show that this fundamental field of oscillations and information coalesce into local spinning functions, like little vortices, and makes up all of the atom’s mass and energy—our reality. Teena: Very exciting. That is what I thought, and so I am on the right track here. Next question: you have spoken about space and how it is the key to what holds everything together, making us all one. Is there a mathematical equation that represents space? Can you explain how space works with matter? 3assim: As I answer in the previous question, I have found an equation that utilizes this fundamental field of electromagnetic fluctuation (information field) and demonstrated that it is the source of mass, gravity, and confinement of the nucleons in an atom. These new findings have very deep implications in physics, but as well are telling us that we are continuously interacting with the rest of the universe through this field that connects us all. Teena: Can you explain the Unified Field Theory in layman's terms? How does this conflict with mainstream views? 3assim: In layman’s terms, this Unified Field Theory defines the source of matter and mass/energy, which includes gravity, from one single field of information that connects all things. Remarkably, the result of these equations produces extremely

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ALL ONE ERA magazine accurate values for important fundamental constants such as, the mass of the proton (nuclei of an atom), the radius of the proton, the gravitational coupling constants, and the force that holds the atom together at the quantum level, therefore, unifying the large scale of the cosmological world with the small scale of the quantum world. This new theory does not conflict with the mainstream approach; it removes some of the unnecessary complexities that are present in the Standard Model, simplifying and unifying physics. Teena: When we look at ancient history and architecture we can see they were very well aware of sacred geometry. Examples of this can be seen in pyramid structures around the world. What are your findings in relation to the pyramid and sacred geometry? 3assim: When I constructed a Unified Field Theory, which took me some 30 years of research, I found in many instances that the conclusions I was arriving at in physics involved specific geometric structures that I could find in many ancient symbols from many different cultures from around the world. When I studied these cultures I found that they didn’t claim to have discovered or invented their knowledge or building methods, but that all this information was given to them by sun gods that came from the stars. I will let the reader come to their own conclusions as to where the information came from. Teena: At some point this knowledge has seemed to be lost and / or perhaps kept secret by a select few. What do you think happened in the minds of people to forget this important relationship between humans and their wisdom? 3assim: It seems from studying many different ancient civilizations that there was a large global cataclysm, recorded by cultures around the world, which destroyed most of the knowledge present prior to this event. The knowledge that was preserved became very precious and coveted as it has extremely significant applications to technology and power. In our present evolution, most of the groups that have access to the knowledge are either confused about the meaning of it and afraid to release it in fear of losing power; or, the information is withheld by certain organizations because humanity is deemed unready to access that level of technological advancement. Teena: Tell us about the Resonance Project? Who can participate in the program? What kind of scientific background should one have? 3assim: The Resonance Project is a nonprofit organization dedicated to research and education in unifying physics. The Resonance Academy, therefore, has initiated an online course which allows people to study all of the findings that have been present as a result of my life studies. This is a comprehensive course of six modules that is accessible to all people of any age or background. Many young children have completed the course and some senior citizens have even made public talks of their experience after completing it. It’s an excellent way to have access to all the informa-

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tion and references and to be able to dig as deep as you want into this remarkable world view or to go light and just get some of the fundamental concepts. Whatever the case may be, everyone that has taken the course is experiencing lifechanging results from their newly gained perspective. Teena: It seems most of us are still searching for answers to our existence. Where do we go from here?

Sacred Geometry The Platonic Solids

Tetrahedron (Fire)

3assim: The onli ne Resonance Academy course is a great start. But generally I believe our existence is the result of the universe talking to itself at all s cales a nd learning. Therefore, we are the structure of space extending itself as universal probes to discover our origin.

Cube (Earth)

Teena: And one last question for our local readers. One of the most talked about attributes of the Summerhill Winery Pyramid in Kelowna is the idea you shared with Stephen of installing copper in the Pyramid. Can you tell us about that?

Octahedron (Air)

3assim: I have done ma ny technological developments in my laboratories over the past 15 years and built much smaller models of charging chambers and Faraday cages. They involved various layers of conductive and nonconductive materials that produce specific capacitive effects in the structure of spacetime to concentrate the energy within the chamber. The copper is a critical component of such layering, although, gold produces preferable results. When I proposed this to Stephen, of course, gold was cost prohibitive so copper, which still is very effective, was chosen. I am happy to hear that people are noticing it. To find more information about the Resonance Project visit Teena Clipston, Editor-inChief, All One Era Magazine.

Dodecahedron (Ether)

Icosahedron (Water) * The Platonic solids are named for the ancient Greek philosopher Plato who theorized in his dialogue, the Timaeus, the classical elements were made of these regular solids. - Wikipedia

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The Quantum Buddha Photo credit: Lena Voth @

By Jessica Kir by


cientific inquiry and spiritual tradition are often approached as opposing o r re pe lling forces—ideas, concepts, and explanations in conflict with one another and divisive in nature. However, if we look to mystic and many Eastern traditions, Buddhist and scientific concepts regarding the nature of reality seem to align. These concepts have been alive in Eastern thought and theory for thousands of years, but Buddhism seems to capture them most completely, while quantum physics has confirme d their truth in more recent times. There is a commonly held belief that science and the spiritual exist on separate, unrelated planes, and operate in a constant state of disharmony or conflict. Not so. Contemporary science, specifically, physics and quantum theory, have proven in thousands of experiments that the spiritual and the scientific, the non-material and the material, are two ways of seeing the same thing, specifically, that there is a huge discrepancy between how we perceive reality and how it actually exists. There are three main tenets of Buddhism: emptiness, interconnectivity, and the nature of reality.

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When we look at emptiness, it is the thing from which all arises and to which all returns—that is, we are not, we exist, we cease to exist, and then we are gone into emptiness again. Reality arises from emptiness and emptiness is an infinite source of reality. It is much like a dream state: if you dream about yourself and a tiger in the jungle, by appearance those things appear to be separate. But upon deeper reflection it becomes obvious that you, the tiger, and the jungle were manifestations of dreaming consciousness and really the same thing, unable to exist without one another. Another way to look at it is to think of the pages in a book: a page without words can be understood as emptiness, with infinite potential for the words and messages that can be placed there. Emptiness is, then, the field of potential from which every possibility arises. This redefinition of the nature of material reality is the premise of many Eastern religions and is the Dao in Daoism, the Brahman in Hinduism, the Emptiness Principle in Buddhism—it also reflects or parallels the Quantum Field. In science, there is a duality when examining material reality. Our reality exhibits indications that matter exists in both wave and particle form, or in non-material

and material form. The wave form has no definite location in time and is everywhere at once, while particles exist in a specific place and time. Although it seems impossible to imagine that objects, things we see and use, baseballs and blueberries and bicycles, exist in anything but a solid form, science has confirmed this duality many, many times. The well-known and accepted fact is this: a particle’s quality is not predetermined but defined by the mind perceiving it. Just think about that for a minute. Atoms are 99.999999999999 per cent empty space, forcing us to redefine how we see ourselves and reality: if everything around us, including our own bodies, is mostly empty space, how can these things have the appearance of being solid objects? According to the theory, the feeling of reality is actually a repulsion or push of various sets of atoms repelling against one another. Think of magnets, with opposite sides placed together. Our hands, feet, and bodies never really touch anything but experience the repulsive force that gives the illusion of solidity. For instance, if you are reading this sitting in a chair, you are actually hovering above the chair, rather than sitting directly on it, and everything is being held together by a sea of fluctuating

energy rather than something physical. The Quantum Field is an electromagnetic filed from which all matter rises. Particles in the field are not separate, but are different forms of the same system, meaning the field and matter that arises from the field are the same thing. If you imagine the field as a turbulent ocean, waves fluctuate continuously and the tips of the waves are what matter and reality arise from. The rest of the sea is out of range of perception and exists only as potential for matter—all matter arises from and returns to the field, which is a continuous medium spread out over all space and time and seemingly parallels the idea of emptiness. Oneness, or the idea of interconnectedness follows naturally. According to most Eastern traditions, all things are intimately connected and the idea that things are separate is considered an illusion. The true nature of ourselves and of reality is of complete unification or oneness—a principle supported by current and long-standing research in physics. The relationship between Buddhist spirituality and science stems from a concept called quantum entanglement—the notion that when two parts interact and become entangled, they develop a special connected relationship that is ever-lasting

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and exists in all time and space. This means when one of the entangled parts is affected by observation, measurement, or any other effect, the other part will exhibit the same principle or reaction, even if the two objects are across the room, the country, or the universe from each other. Entangled particles behave as though one, and not as several, explaining the behaviour at a distance, which Einstein referred to as “spooky action at a distance.” They remain forever connected, no matter place in space and time, and when we go back to singularity before the Big Bang at which point the universe condensed into a single point smaller than an atom, we realize all matter and energy we experience has and always will be entangled or interconnected. With that in mind, quantum entanglement points to interconnectedness; we are all one, experiencing true oneness within the universe. If we exist in the Quantum Field, we exist in a sea of energy that connects all atoms spread through all time and space in an interconnected web, to which all energy, life, and matter belong. The final and most interesting point is the connection between the mind and reality and the notion that all that we are and that ever has been is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. In Buddhism and other mystic traditions, the mind is the centre of reality. It is not part of reality, but the thing that creates it the way the mind creates a dream. The idea that reality exists outside of the mind is considered incorrect. And today, nearly 2,500 years after the Buddha, quantum physics has reached the same conclusion. The famous physicist Werner Heisenberg said by observing the atomic world we are affecting it. According to his Uncertainty Principle, it is impossible to know an electron’s location and speed at the same time and so as soon as an electron’s speed is measured it no longer occupies a well-defined location and space and vice versa. This happens, not because of limits to our perception or measuring devices, but because of the mirage-like quality of electrons. The conscious observer is connected

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to the observed thing, confirming that reality is defined by the mind observing it. Theorists are so convinced with the crucial role the observer plays in this principle, some believe the term should be changed from “observer” to “participator.” Over several years, this principle has been scientifically proven with a double slit experiment, originally conducted to test the nature of light. The results, repeated thousands of times, revolutionized the field of physics and the way people understand the nature of reality. The experiment involves a device used to propel particles through slits and record where they land on other side of the barrier. Physicists found particles once thought to be solid were behaving like waves and how they behaved depended on whether they were being observed. When not observed, the particles took on a state of superposition or infinite potential, while when observed the particles took on a well-defined location within finite possibility. This experiment, done a thousand times, has been done with particles as large as carbon 80. This confirms from a scientific perspective, that the nature of reality really does depend on the mind perceiving it, and without observation it exists only as unlimited potential. The implications of this link between science and spirituality are a blurring of the lines between each field, and the idea that concepts held in each are interchangeable. The inquiry into science as an attempt to veer away from the spiritual has left us as a crucial point in time that is calling for a paradigm shift into a new, self-realized reality where the interconnectedness of all things is recognized and embraced. Jessica Kirby, Senior Editor of All One Era magazine. Written with notes from Gerald Penilla's "Where Science and Buddhism Meet" video series; Matthieu Ricard's The Quantum and the Lotus, and Gregg Braden's website, Bridging Science, Spirituality and the Real World.

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ALL ONE ERA magazine

Numbers in Nature By Melissa MacDougall


athematics was never a subject I excelled in and, truth be told, I barely scraped by once the subject matter stemmed beyond counting on my fingers. For me, it was like reading Chinese. Upside down. In the dark. I was one of those students who'd continuously complain it was unlikely that, as a writer, I'd ever have to use Pythagorean Theorem. It never occurred to me that perhaps I wouldn't necessarily use quadratic equations in articles or Solve for X in a plot line, but eventually math would come back to haunt me… as a parent. My daughter, like me, is a right-brain thinker. She's creative and musically talented and struggles with math. For her, it's like reading Latin. Backwards. In braille. When she pulls out her text book I cringe, beads of cold sweat spring to my forehead, fearing she will ask me (ME!) for help. I'm certain her line of questioning will result in multiple Google searches for definitions of phrases like “lowest common denominator.” Beyond that, I'm out. Then, last night, while doing research for this very article, I came across a YouTube video by Cristobal Vila on Fibonacci Numbers in Nature. It was a fascinating, prolific piece illustrating the brilliance of math in a way I never before believed was possible. It resonated with me. Math resonated with me (ME!) And, it resonated with my daughter. I've always known the usage of various math formulas is all around us, in architecture and infrastructure, but what I didn't know is that it shows up in the most unique and impressive places—in nature. It reveals itself to us in the blossoming petals of a flower, the coils of a pine cone, and the swirls of a nautilus. Mathematics has snuck into the blueprints of life, calling out my assumption that things are just a series of random, insignificant acts. There is great intention in our Universe and it is jampacked with mystery and deeper meaning; we only need to be open enough to accept it. What is the Fibonacci Sequence? The quick answer is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377… And, so on. A more detailed explanation of such, from someone with the most basic of math skills, goes a little like this: The Fibonacci

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Sequence, proposed in 1202 by Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa (later known as Fibonacci) in his historic book on arithmetic, Liber Abaci, was based on the rate of reproduction between two initial rabbits and then their offspring over the duration of a year. His calculations allowed for one month's time between the birth of their offspring and its reproductive maturity. It was through this equation that he stumbled across what we now know as the Fibonacci Sequence. At first glance, the above numbers appear haphazard but if we dissect them we realize that each number is the sum of the two numbers that precede it. Going one step further, if we divide each number by the one following, we find that we close in on 1.618, which is referred to as the Golden Ratio, or Phi. Heralded by mathematicians dating back to Euclid, architects, and artists such as Le Corbusier and Dali as the most aesthetically pleasing proportion, the Golden Ratio is found when we bisect a line. When the longer portion is divided by the smaller portion and is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer portion, we reach the sum of 1.618. (Think: The ratio between the hand and the forearm = The Golden Ratio) If we draw a rectangle, or Golden Rectangle as it were, using the Fibonacci Sequence, and then draw and arc through its entirety, the pieces of the puzzle begin to come together. We see this replicated in the coils of shells, in the shapes of our ears, in the formation of hurricanes, and in spiral galaxies found millions of light years away. Next time you come across a pine cone, pick it up and turn it over. The scales, starting at the very base, grow in a spiral, much the same way the seeds of a sunflower do. Taking another cue from geometry, let us consider a pentagram, which can then be broken down into a series of intersecting lines using the formula for the Golden Ratio, transforming it into the shape of a star. From here, the correlation between starfish and the Fibonacci sequence are easily recognized but, if we slice a cabbage, apple or banana in half, those, too, make the cut. Seed pods from a eucalyptus tree are another example. The Fibonacci Sequence occurs in less obvious forms than just shape, and in fact, it often reveals itself in its truest form—as a series of numbers. Most flower petals bloom in accordance to the sequence; Calla Lily (1), Euphorbia (2), Trillium (3), Col-

A nautilus displaying a logarithmic spiral. Photo credit: Chris 73 / Wikimedia Commons

A Fibonacci Spiral created by drawing arcs connecting the opposite corners of squares in the Fibonacci tiling.—wikipedia

Left diagram: Illustrates the aspects of 1.618 or Phi. Right photo: Sunflower head displaying flores in spirals of 34 and 55 around the outside. Photo credit: L. Shyamal umbine (5), Bloodroot (8), Black-eyed Susan (13) and Shasta Daisy (21). Some coniferous trees illustrate the Fibonacci Sequence in a series of bumps on their bark while palm trees do so in the number of rings on their trunks. Leaf arrangement, or phyllotaxis, is often evident in plants to maximize the amount of sunlight each leaf receives. Even the smallest difference in light could prove advantageous for one plant over another, resulting in a dominance for generations to come. While some speculate that finding the Fibonacci Sequence in nature to be nothing more than a coincidence, there is scientific proof stating otherwise. In fact, the Fibo-

nacci Sequence, especially in plants, develops in this manner because it is the most efficient way to grow. This valuable piece of information gives merit to the idea that the Universe has imparted wisdom unto each living thing; we are each stamped with a little guidebook on how to live most effectively, on how to produce the healthiest versions of ourselves. Though I may never understand mathematics the way a Rhodes scholar would, I've always been able to appreciate the beauty in nature, and appreciating the beauty in nature means appreciating the magical equations of the Universe.

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ALL ONE ERA magazine

Chanel Clipston at the ancient Maya city of Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico. Photo credit: Teena Clipston

By Teena Clips ton


have always felt an emptiness inside me, like part of me was missing. Perhaps best described as the feeling of being ‘orphane d’ and yearning to know who I am, and where I came from. 3ot to be confused with… I know my name is Teena Clipston, in this flesh… and I know I was born in Montreal, and I know who my parents are… but to find out who I AM, really. Who am I in consciousness, in spirit, and why am I here walking this Earth? I am certain that I am not here to perpetuate some corporate agenda, I am certain I am not here to run in a rat wheel, I am certain I am not here to suffer in hate, or in poverty or lack of, or loss of any kind. I am certain I am not here to indulge the pleasures of gluttony, perverse sexual activity, addictions, or any such hyper stimulations… And so in my life, with the odd distraction here and there, I have set out on a quest to find who I AM. At first, because I was still young in my mind, I set out to find myself outside of me, and I looked at the world and all the things in it, and I compared myself to all of these worldly things. I determined what I liked, and what I disliked, I judged, and I put things into categories. I put myself into a category, and thought this was ‘me’ and all that I was. That now brings me sadness.

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My questions about who I AM began when I was very young. But it was not a topic of discussion in my family, so I looked elsewhere for answers. A time came when I was in elementary school, and there was a class about ancient history, in particular, Ancient Egypt. I became excited and looked forward to the class discussion, especially about the Great Pyramid of Giza. This was like a dream to me, this magnificent wonder I had seen in movies and photos, that was so overwhelming beautiful and brilliant. I was going to learn all about it. I was thrilled at the idea of getting a glimpse of where man may have come from… and to acquire the wisdom of the ancients. You could imagine my disappointment when the teacher told me that the pyramids were built by slaves that dragged huge stones over logs for miles and miles – 2.3 million stone blocks to be exact – weighing an average of 2.5 to 15 tons each, laid upon each other in perfect geometry to the height of 418 feet, all built to precision including its interior chambers. All of this for the sole purpose of constructing a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu, who must have had one hell of a huge ego and some amazingly dedicated slaves. They built it from start to finish within a time period of 10 to 20 years in 2560 BC, without tools. Just a bunch of slaves, dragging huge blocks weighing tons

over logs from a quarry far, far away. At that moment, my heart sank. What kind of nonsense was this? This was an inconceivable explanation that made absolutely no sense to me. It went against all of my grey brain matter. It was impossible, I thought, for slaves to have moved these large blocks in this manner. It had to have been done in a more sophisticated fashion, and yet my classmates and the teacher all believed slaves could push a 15-ton block using some logs, and then somehow place it into the construction, perfectly. And when I questioned the validity of the concept, I was ostracized. And in that moment, I had no longer had faith in the educational system, my teachers, our leaders, or anyone else that would tell me such lies. Time passed. My quest for who I AM grew as did my passion for ancient history, pyramids, and archaeology. I combined that love with my love of writing, and decided to write a novel, a fiction novel, that takes place in the Riviera Maya—Gypsy Saint James and the Treasure of Ix Chel. The novel would take me on a journey of discovery as I researched information about the Mayan history. I have many tales to tell, but one that stands out as a brilliant example of being in the right place at the right time will be the one I tell in this article. Firstly, let me bring you up to date on

the mainstream version of what the world has been taught about the Mayan people and their history. The Maya empire centered in what we now call Guatemala, and reached throughout Central America and Mexico. By 600 AD the Maya had a capital city called Tikal in Guatemala. A pyramid stands there 154 feet high, along with schools, libraries, and all things that any grand city would have. The Maya were experts in agriculture, pottery, hieroglyph writing, calendarmaking, astrology, and mathematics. Tikal is only one of many grand cities throughout the empire, with each city containing one or more pyramids. There are more pyramids in the Americas than anywhere else on the planet. The Mayans were noted for building pyramid structures, as were other civilizations that lived in the same area including the Omecs, the Aztecs, and the Inca. There were indeed millions of people living in these cities; however, in 1000 AD, almost all of the cities in the Maya empire were suddenly abandoned. Mainstream history suggests where the Maya came from and how they disappeared remains a mystery. One of the most famous Maya cities is Chichen Itza, which contains the pyramid Castillo or Temple of Kukulcan (the feathered serpent). It is named one of the Seven Wonders of the World at 79 feet high with

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ALL ONE ERA magazine four stairways, each with 91 steps which, combined with a single step at the entrance to the temple, add up to 365 steps, representing 365 days. The pyramid was built with perfect astrological alignment and is known for a phenomenon that occurs twice a year and is viewable for a week before and after each Equinox, where light and shadow line up perfectly to create the appearance of a snake that gradually moves down the stairway of the pyramid during sunset, joining huge snakehead sculptures at the base of the stairway. Another amazing monument can be found in Uxmal, known as the Pyramid of the Magician. It stands at 131 feet, and it is named after a magician god named Itzamna, who legend says single-handedly erected the pyramid in one night using his magic and might. The story I will tell is about my journey to this place. The adventure would serve as research for my novel and for the love of mystery. My daughter and I packed our backpacks and jumped on a bus from Playa del Carmen, where we live, to Merida where we would make our way to two wonderous locations—the mysterious Loltun caves and the ancient city of Uxmal. It is certainly by no accident that we meet the people we do. Upon arriving at my hotel in Merida, I inquired about the tour to Loltun caves. Loltun was, I thought, the most important of the two places that I wanted to visit, as the characters in my novel were just about to descend underground into a system of caves that would lead to a chamber of quartz crystal, a chamber where secrets can be read in the Codex of Ix Chel. And so I would choose Loltun first, just in case we ran out of time and/or money. The hotel desk clerk was quick to inform me that there was no tour. The season was low, and there were not enough people wanting to make the 1 hour and 45 minute trip into the Puuc Hills. I asked about the Uxmal ruins and if they could combine the tour, and the answer was no. Of course, I would not give up just on her word. And so my daughter and I took a walk through the city streets, on a quest to find a tour guide. We came upon a small square with a church, park, hotel, and a few restaurants. A waiter approached us to invite us into a restaurant that was just a few feet away, asking if we would like to eat. I said maybe later, and that we were looking for a tour to Loltun. He said maybe the hotel attached to the restaurant could help us and he took us inside. The concierge was happy to help. He made a call to an agency he knew well. The answer was the same as the one from the other hotel. No tours. He called two other tour companies. All the same: No tours. But he did not give up. He decided to call one more, one perhaps not as wellknown as the others. That company said they would need four people to make it worth the long drive. We were just two, but at least we found someone willing to make the drive. And so I offered to pay them extra money to make the trip for just us two, and they accepted. The tour would take us down the Puuc Route to the Loltun caves, with stops afterward on our return home at a few noteworthy archaeology sites. The next morning, we left to meet our guide for the tour. I said to my daughter, “if we like this tour guide we will ask him

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Our tour guide, Pedro. Photo credit: Teena Clipston

Teena Clipston in front of the Pyramid of the Magician in the ancient city of Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico. Photo credit: Chanel Clipston to take us to Uxmal tomorrow…” I was worried we were running out of money to pay for a second trip since we already paid more than my budget would allow for the Puuc Route tour. But I didn’t want to tell her that. We waited for our tour guide in the same hotel lobby that booked the tour for us—an old Spanish hotel filled with antiques that had seen better times. Our guide walked in and, to our surprise, was an antique himself. “He looks maybe to be 80,” my daughter declared. I think perhaps he may be 100 years. He walked towards us ever so slowly with a cane, and wearing dark sunglasses for protecting the eyes. This tour might take a long time, I thought. His name is Pedro, and he is Mayan. His English is very good, although he has trouble with some words. I had to listen very carefully since his accent is thick. After introductions, we slowly followed him out the door of the hotel. He announced, “The car is on the street… over there. The red car. We have a driver.” I was relieved that Pedro was not going to be the one at the wheel. We all piled into the little car. We made some quick conversation with the driver about what we were intending to see, and then we made our way down a windy road between fruit farms and trees. Our guide quickly fell asleep with his chin on his chest. Our driver spoke no English and made no attempt to make conversation

with me and my poor Spanish. When we arrived at Loltun, our guide was unable to take us into the caves himself, certainly a tricky feat for an old man with a cane. There would be no way for him to climb about the slick stones into the darkness, so he set us up with another guide that worked at the caves. While we were waiting to go into the caves I asked Pedro about Uxmal. “I want to go to Uxmal,” I said. His face lit up and he seemed to become excited. “We must go then!” he said. “Forget the other places on our tour. They are small, not as significant. Uxmal is better. I will be your guide. You must understand, you do not realize how lucky you are. I know all there is to know about Uxmal. When you are done with the caves, we shall go straight there,” he said excitedly. I left the bench where we sat and followed the other tour guide deep underground into Loltun. Loltun in Mayan means flower stone. It is one of the most extensive caves in all of Mexico, with discoveries of artifacts being made at more than two kilometers under the Earth, and with an occupation that goes back more than 10,000 years. Several expeditions into the lower levels have resulted in people never being seen again, and because of this, tours are only given in the upper levels. Mayan legend says deep within this cave is a land of artificial light, fresh water, fish, and plant life. This is similar to

legends told in Western society of a hollow Earth. Perhaps these missing people found their way there. The tour yielded some important information. In these caverns, the remains of mammoth bones, fossils, and frescos were found and were carbon-dated to between 8000 and 10,000 BC. This would prove important to remember when we reached Uxmal, although at the time I did not know this. After an amazing 45-minute tour underground in cathedral size caverns filled with stalagmites, stalactites, and ancient pictographs, we climbed back into the little red car and headed down a long stretch of jungle road to Uxmal. We would travel another hour. Pedro quickly fell back to sleep. Arriving, we parked the car, paid our fee, and entered the vast grounds of the ancient city. Immediately just a few steps from the entrance, we came face-to-face with the back side of a very large pyramid. It was named the Pyramid of the Magician. Pedro pointed up to a small opening high up the pyramid and said, “I was in there, 40 years ago, before the tourists came. There were alters inside and many things… and there were animals that roamed here back then: deer, monkeys, parrots, and jaguars… but they are all gone, destroyed by man.” He continued on; however, I was a bit confused by what he was saying. He mixed up some English with Spanish and tried with difficulty to explain something to me. He was going on about how the 52 years was over, and how the Mayans were happy that no destruction of the Earth had come. I am not sure if he meant the Mayans of today or those who had built the pyramid. “52 solar years?” I questioned. “No, are you not listening?” he said. “Come sit with me.” I followed him into the shade and sat beside him as he dug around in his pocket for a pen and paper. “The sacred calendar has 260 days,” he said, as he started doodling on the paper a circle and wrote the numbers 260 inside. “This is the sacred calendar. The Tzolkin.” I remember studying this before, I thought. The Tzolkin calendar combines a cycle of 20 uniquely named days (think of it like comparing the days of our week – Monday, Tuesday – that make up one (Continued on page 16)

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month) with another cycle of 13 numbers (like our months, January, February…) to produce 260 unique days. Scholars still do not know what this calendar is based on, but they have several theories. He drew another circle, bigger than the first. It slightly touched the smaller one on the left. He wrote the numbers 365 in the middle of the bigger one. “This one is 365 days,” he says. He linked the two circles with a small bar. “The name of this bar is pop… meaning new life. So every 52 years the two circles meet at the beginning. And we have new life.” He is talking about the Calendar Round. I know this,

but can’t remember in the moment what it is called. A 52-year pattern, referred to as a bundle, composed of two cycles that fit together like cogwheels. The Tzolkin cycle of 260 days and the Haab cycle of 365 days. This cycle is completed every 52 years. Renewed life…. “Or maybe you believe…” he started to draw the sun, and he continued to draw the planets. He started to name off the planets, so they are aligned with the sun. He was drawing the galactic alignment, which happens approximately every 26,000 years. The ancient Maya had many calendars that measured time in cycles, and these cycles were embedded in other cycles. To measure dates over the 52-year cycle the Maya used the Maya Long Count calendar. The Maya Long Count calendar, for instance, measures 13 Baktuns or 5,126 years. The Mayan Grand Cycle is made up of five long counts (each representing a different age) for a great cycle of 25,630 years. This Grand Cycle and that last Baktun cycle ended on the Winter Solstice of 2012, December 21. “My people are happy that no destruction of the Earth has come.” He smiled. He continued with another lesson in time. “Now you can listen to the old writer, or the new writer. I can say that now the date of the Maya is not correct,” he said. He struggled with his English when explanations got complicated. “Three thousand years before Christ,” he said, “to 2000 after Christ, ok? This is the classic, but we found a Mayan skeleton in one of the cenotes here in the Yucatan, 13,000 years!” he said. He means the skeleton is 13,000 years old, but history tells us the Mayans were here only here 5000 years ago. “But we are using it because it is in the books. The books are not changing with the new investigation. In this case, maybe Mayans are much older, but they will not come clean with this mistake, with this date. Maybe one day they will come with a new book.”

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Left sketch from the book Ix Chel Maya Queen of Heaven in the New World: Evolution of the Maya Goddess by Douglas T. Peck. Right photo: Fallen artefact from ancient Maya building in the ancient city Uxmal, Yucatan, Mexico. Possibly the nose of the Mayan Rain God, Chaac, or as Pedro describes, a replica of a mammoth trunk. Photo credit: Teena Clipston He told me how intelligent the Maya were, how they knew of astronomy, the cosmos, mathematics, and sounds and vibrations. “The Mayan knew the vibration. When we speak, when this sound goes so many meters per second. They knew this when they built the Olympic stadium (ball court) of Chichen Itza where we have a good acoustic. You can sit and just whisper and one can hear you on the other side… But Chichen Itza is different from here.” He went on about the feathered snake Kulkukan of Chichen Itza and told me not to confuse it with the snake tzabcan from Uxmal. Tzabcan means rattlesnake in Mayan. “Tzabcan is the representation of fertility,” he said, “and also I can classify the religion of the Mayas with that of the Catholic. It’s very easy.” He said, “Godfather,” and pointed up with his hand. “Virgin Maria,” he said, pointing to the right. “Her son Christ.” He pointed to the left. In Maya, it is “Hunabku, the god of the creation, and the virgin he sent to this Earth is Ix Chel.” He just said Ix Chel. I feel goose bumps come across my skin. Is this another coincidence? My book is about Ix Chel. And her son is Itzamna. The builder of the pyramid where we stand. “I thought it was her husband? Itzamna is not Ix Chel’s husband?” I confusingly asked since the legend I am familiar with says Itzamna was her husband. “No, it is the son of the virgin Ix Chel.” He said, “Those are new legends. This is the old legend.” I get back home and look it up… I try to move past all of the new legends, and dig deeper. And I find it in the book, Goddess of the Ancient Maya by Douglas T. Peck. Ix Chel gave birth without copulation. That is why there were extensive pilgrimages of the Mayan people to the island of Cozumel to worship Ix Chel. This information was erased from history by the Spaniards as they were converting the people to Catholicism with their intention to replace Ix Chel with the Holy Mother Mary. All of a sudden my novel just took a turn. Ix Chel is not just the goddess of fertility in some Mayan legend; she gave birth to the son of god. And suddenly I thought, what if Ix Chel was not just some unseen God they worshipped; what if she was a real person? Was she the equivalent to the

Virgin Mary as Pedro suggested? However, as exciting as that may have seemed, I was not entirely sold on Pedro’s claim that Ix Chel was the mother of Itzamna and not the wife. I decided to do some further digging. The reason this interests me so much is that Maya strongly believed that Ix Chel had the power of fertility and since ancient times Mayan have undertaken long grueling pilgrimages to the island of Cozumel, off the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, to ensure fertility. There had to be something very powerful about Ix Chel for people to undertake such a journey. I keep searching, back to Douglas T. Peck, a different book, Ix Chel Maya Queen of Heaven in the ew World: Evolution of the Maya Goddess. And then almost giving up in all frustration, I read these lines while scanning pages: It is quite understandable how the Maya image of Ix Chel cradling the god Itzamna in her arms could easily be related to the image of the Holy Mother Mary cradling the god Jesus in her arms. I turn some pages back and there she is, Ix Chel holding the baby Itzamna. The text explains Ix Chel was not always known as Ix Chel but as Lady Beastie, the first mother. The first father, Itzmna, was the child of Lady Beastie. This is shown in a full-size sculpture in a prominent temple in Palenque, a large ancient Maya city in the state of Chiapas in southern Mexico. The sculpture was in perfect condition when discovered in 1928 by Frans Blom at the Tulane University Archaeological Investigation centered in the Yucatan. Thirty years later, the sculpture was unfortunately damaged by weather and vandalism. Douglas T. Peck states, “Current archaeologists have drawn sweeping conclusions that are far from historical reality in picturing the figures as late mortal kings of Palenque rather than the primal goddess (Lady Beastie / Ix Chel) and her child, the god (Itzamna) of Maya religion.” Pedro was right. And there is more... We walked along past the pyramid to another large building, and come to a relic lying on the ground. A large stone had fallen from a carving in its corner. It is carved like a hook. “When you look at this what do you see?” he asked me. “It looks like the nose of Chaac,” I said. (Chaac is the rain god) “Yes, but look closer. What does it

look like to you?” he asked and then continued, “It is the trunk of the mammoth. In these times, if you choose to believe, there were mammoths here.” Wow… I was just at Loltun caves. The other guide told me they found mammoth bones in the cave. Those bones are now in the museum of anthropology in Merida. That means the time line of the Maya is wrong. The mammoth bones were said to be from 10,000 – 12,000 years ago. He continued on with different stories as we moved through the ruins and all of the buildings, but at the end of the tour he added: “Many people ask us the origin of the Maya and where they came from. In the books you will read they come from Siberia, but it is not true. If you believe the Mayan come from the remains of Atlantis, from Lemuria, that is good. But if you believe they came from space that is even better.” What did this adventure teach me? Was I any closer to discovering who I AM and where I came from? Perhaps, or perhaps I was listening to the ramblings of an old mad man. But there is one thing I can agree on: the history being taught to us is wrong and at least some of the cities and pyramids built in Mexico and Central America are much older than the history books lead us to believe. Perhaps over 12,000 years old, and perhaps some time in the past there was a great Earthly destruction that indeed left some cities abandoned. But even that mystery does not compare to the one of Ix Chel. If we are to believe that Ix Chel was indeed a person, and not just a deity, who gave birth as a virgin to the god Itzamna… then we have another story in our history comparable to the one of the Virgin Mary… and that to me is very strange, and leaves many questions brewing in my mind. I continue on with my journey of discovery in finding out more about who I AM; however, now I look for answers inside myself. I look forward to speaking on this in the future. Teena Clipston, author and editor-in-chief of All One Era magazine. Feel free to send your comments or inquiries to Blessings.

December Moon 2015

ALL ONE ERA magazine


The Sun & Kukulcan in Chichen Itza, Mexico

The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth’s Lost Civilization By Graham Hancock Best-selling author of Fingerprints of the Gods

G Photo credit: Paul Simpson

By Teena Clips ton


he rhythm of mathematics and geometry dance with shadows of light in one of the most impressive and symbolic edifices of our time, El Castillo or The Temple of Kukulcan, which, partnered with the sun, reflects the Equinoxes and Solstices of our solar year with outstanding precision in worship to the god Kukulcan (the feather serpent). It is an amazing feat in combination of both astronomy and architecture.

The structure incorporates four sides, each containing 91 steps that ascend to a top platform, giving a total of 365 steps. On the days of Spring and Fall Equinoxes, the sun falls exactly on the corner of the pyramid, leaving one side in darkness and one in light. It is most famous for a phenomena that takes place during vernal and autumnal Equinoxes when the sunlight reflects upon the steps creating seven isosceles triangles that imitate the body of a 120-foot snake slithering downward to join the serpent head at the base. The Summer Solstice leaves the south and west sides in total darkness, where the Winter Solstice shows the

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north and east sides in total darkness. During the Winter Solstice, the sun also appears to climb the staircase, then rest above the temple before climbing down the other side. There are 91 days between each of these events. Scholars believe the pyramid marked these various times of year as a signal to begin planting or harvesting their crops, and that it may also have been used to predict the best dates to be married or buried, and for other ceremonial reasons. However, author and independent researcher John Major Jenkins, best known for his work on astronomical and esoteric connections of the calendar systems used by the Maya, believes the Pyramid of Kukulcan is a processional clock with its alarm set for the 21st century. Jenkins explains that the moving snake on the pyramid is an annual reminder of a conjunction of the zenith sun with the star cluster Pleiades over Chichen Itza. According to Jenkins, this event only occurs during a 72-year window, from 1976 to 2048. Right in the center of this window is 2012. It is believed that the snake’s rattle points directly up during this time of the Winter Solstice. He also sees, as believed by the Maya, that the Winter Solstice was more than the birth of a new solar year, seeing it also as a time of a shift in the nature of human consciousness. Others believe Kukulcan is bringing the energy of the sun down to earth, providing nourishment to the land and preparing it for new growth. ***

raham Hancock is the author of the international non-fiction bestsellers The Sign and the Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, The Message of the Sphinx, Heaven's Mirror, Underworld, and Supernatural, and of the epic adventure novels Entangled and War God. His books have sold more than seven million copies worldwide and have been translated into 30 languages. His public lectures, radio, and TV appearances, including two major TV series, Quest For The Lost Civilization and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age, as well as his strong presence on the Internet, have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises resonant questions about humanity's past and about our present predicame nt. Twenty years ago, Graham Hancock published the worldwide bestseller Fingerprints of the Gods: The Evidence of Earth's Lost Civilization—an astonishing, deeply controversial investigation of the mysteries of and the evidence for Earth's lost pre-historic civilization. Now Hancock returns with its “ingenious” (Kirkus) sequel, MAGICIA S OF THE GODS: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth’s Lost Civilization filled with completely new scientific and archaeological evidence, which has only recently come to light. In it, he proposes to answer the question he could not when Fingerprints of the Gods was first published: what caused this ancient civilization to disappear? Since 2007, a host of new proof has come to light supporting Hancock’s theories through new archeological discoveries. In MAGICIA S OF THE GODS, he travels to a wholly different set of ancient sites, including Gobekli Tepe (an archeological site in Turkey), and presents entirely up-to-date and exciting evidence showing beyond reasonable doubt that an advanced civilization that flourished during the Ice Age was wiped from the face of the earth between 12,800 and 11,600 years ago. Near the end of the last Ice Age 12,800 years ago, a giant comet that had entered the solar system from deep space thousands of years earlier broke into multiple fragments. Some of these struck the Earth causing a global cataclysm on a scale unseen since the extinction of the dinosaurs. At least eight of the fragments hit the North American ice cap, while further fragments hit the northern European ice cap. The impacts, from comet fragments a mile wide approaching at

more than 60,000 miles an hour, generated huge amounts of heat which instantly liquidized millions of square kilometers of ice, destabilizing the Earth's crust and causing the global Deluge that is remembered in myths all around the world. Another second series of impacts, equally devastating, causing further cataclysmic flooding, occurred 11,600 years ago, the exact date that Plato gives for the destruction and submergence of Atlantis. But there were survivors—known to later cultures by names such as the Sages, the Magicians, the Shining Ones, and the Mystery Teachers of Heaven. They travelled the world in their great ships doing all in their power to keep the spark of civilization burning. They settled at key locations—Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, Baalbek in the Lebanon, Giza in Egypt, ancient Sumer, Mexico, Peru, and across the Pacific where a huge pyramid has recently been discovered in Indonesia. Everywhere they went these Magicians of the Gods brought with them the memory of a time when mankind had fallen out of harmony with the universe and paid a heavy price, and a warning to the future. Hancock argues that the comet which wrought such destruction between 12,800 and 11,600 years may not be done with us yet. Astronomers believe that a 20-mile wide 'dark' fragment of the original giant comet remains hidden within its debris stream and threatens the Earth. An astronomical message encoded at Gobekli Tepe, and in the Sphinx and the pyramids of Egypt, warns that the Great Return will occur in our time.

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Justin Trudeau, Pope Francis, and the Dawn of the Post-Partisan Political Era By Paul H. LeMay


can still reme mber it like it was yesterday. It was 1968. My dad had brought me to my first large political rally, one part of the general election that year. While standing next to a podium on a lawn that at the time sat next to Ottawa’s old airport terminal, we saw a helicopter approaching from off in the distance. Upon landing nearby, it disgorged a man who made his way toward a waiting crowd of obviously supportive fans, a crowd in which I found myself. It was quite an entrance! As a 12-year-old lad I barely understood what all of the fuss was about or just who exactly was about to speak. But by the end of his rock-star received speech, and after the crowd had ripped to pieces the red cardboard bunting enveloping the makeshift stage for the chance at a souvenir, it was hard not to forget his name— Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Fast forward 47 years and the most recent election. It finds us collectively welcoming, with a similar giddiness, the dawn of another Trudeau era. Yet it’s only as the election dust settles that we can begin to discern what it may mean. Is fair Justin merely the man of the hour or might he also be the man of the coming decade? The answer may surprise you. Let’s first set some of the wider context. In 1970, Alvin Toffler’s best-selling book Future Shock foretold of a future that would come at us at a rate faster than most of us could handle, either psychologically or socially. Thanks in part to an uptick in liberalizing social values and an accelerating rate of technological change, Toffler suggested most of us would experience a measure of recoil or discomfort, and he wasn’t far off the mark. The rise of conservatives – Thatcher in England, Reagan in the United States, and Mulroney in Canada – might well have been a recoil response to the shock of the future arriving faster than what people liked. Yet did the pace of change relent? Nope. Knowledge continues to double every few years. In fact, we’re now living with devices once only dreamed of on Star Trek, the most notable, our own version of ‘hand-held communicators’ – smartphones – devices now reshaping how we relate to information, relate to one another, and relate to politics. Indeed, on a recent Power Play show, a Google spokesperson reported that 30 per cent of all voters had ‘interfaced’ with campaigns in a digital-only manner. What’s more, she reported Liberals made better advertising use of the digital medium than did the NDP, fielding ten videos to the NDP’s four, while the Conservatives fielded none. And who better to relate to younger digitals than a younger candidate? Okay, so much for the Trudeau’s tech-age advantage. The question is: Did he have others?

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Prime Minster of Canada, Justin Trudeau. Photo credit: Alex Guibord For the older crowd who remember his father, he most certainly did, especially along mythic lines. Indeed, for those who live life according to Hindu, Sikh, or Buddhist beliefs, Justin is more than the son of a widely-respected former prime minister. He’s someone who might actually have been conceived at 24 Sussex Drive, presenting the possibility his soul was ‘summoned’ to incarnate in that very spot to fulfill some future appointment with destiny. Far-fetched proposition? Not for those who subscribe to the doctrine of reincarnation and the transmigration of souls into specific circumstances according to a person’s previous life karma. But for the beer-drinking, Saturday night hockey-fights-consuming segment of our nation, perspectives such as these have about as much traction as summer tires on glare ice. Yet, in case you hadn’t noticed, the quantum age is upon us. In fact, we’ve been living in it for the last 90 years. But from the way our mass culture continues to think, you wouldn’t know it; this despite the fact that without applying a number of

rather ethereal quantum principles, such as quantum tunneling, those smartphones so many of us use would be impossible. Oh sure, we’re happy to use the technology, alright. Just don’t ask us to explain how it works, let alone cogitate over what the science behind it has been telling us for years. One of those discomforting things is how consciousness appears able to influence how reality manifests down at the quantum scale. In other words, what you think really can influence events. Without wishing to invoke the egoindulgent New Age philosophy of The Secret, quantum physics postulates the existence of informational pointer states. Pointer what? And what relevance do these have to the recent election? We’ll come to that, but first to pointer states. Pointer states are akin to express lanes of coherent information, lanes that have the power to influence and shape other not-socoherent masses of information floating all around us. What this suggests is that what we call material reality takes its formative cues from pointer states. What’s intriguing, however, is the possibility that conscious-

ness itself may be implicated in pointer state formation, opening up the theoretical possibility that telekinesis, telepathy, premonition, and presentiment are plausible outcomes. Of course, most quantum physicists keen to preserve their access to institutional funding would shy away from making such claims, even while defending the reality of observer effects, non-locality, quantum entanglement and in some cases, even faster-than-light-speed communication. Go figure. Still, it’s not hard to see where this same phenomenon might also be playing itself out in more mundane human terms. Ever been to a professional hockey, football, basketball, or baseball game? The energy you feel in the place is often palpable. No less was true when Canada’s Olympic hockey team won gold. It generated a massive, infectious wave of euphoria across the land, enough to draw hundreds into the streets. Even random number generators at Princeton University have documented this kind of pointer state effect in the slight, though statistically-significant diminution of the random flux when large numbers of people have experienced a common event like 9/11. Until recently, though, we never had a physics language that allowed us to connect the dots with what many of us have occasionally experienced as a nation-wide emotional sense. Some intuitively-gifted commentators call it the zeitgeist. Some politicos call it momentum though often attribute changing polling numbers to bandwagon effects rather than anything to do with quantum physics. But what really gets polling numbers to move in the first place? If a politician’s words fail to resonate with the preferred mood of the electorate, there really is no consciousness basis for a bandwagon effect to form. In other words, there’s no pointer state to influence the otherwise random quantum flux of information. I found no less of a sense of a potent pointer state swept over me when Pope Francis visited the United States for six days beginning on September 22, aided as he was by the wall-to-wall coverage given to the visit by CNN. Still, at the centre of that coverage was the Pope and the inspiring energy of his message. Without that, all the coverage in the world wouldn’t have been worth a hill of flatulence-causing beans. In fact, so effective was Francis in delivering his message, that when he appeared before normally warring Democrats and Republicans in a history-making joint session of Congress, he was able to skillfully thread a path of consensus between them. But what made it possible was the non-partisan note he succeeded in striking. (To watch his address, see: https:// www .youtube .c om/ wa tc h? v=oBM7DIeMsP0.) For me, personally and as someone raised Catholic, it felt like a veritable tsu-

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ALL ONE ERA magazine nami of positive energy had been unleashed across America, one whose healing waves washed over the border into the midst of our federal election. The contrast in energies and perspectives was both stunning and sobering. Indeed, it launched me into what can only be described as a “post-partisan” political frame of mind. Within that frame, what mattered most were our common human values and care for another, and a desire to emphasize the things that unite us over those that do not. Sound familiar? Though Justin Trudeau certainly spouted his share of partisansounding messages that found only a fractional resonance in me, where he distinguished himself was in the fact he was the most positive-sounding among the contending alternatives. In fact, a long-time friend of mine in Toronto echoed a similar sentiment, but put it a slightly different way. He said he really didn’t like any of the choices on offer, but he would vote Liberal because Justin Trudeau was the least bad of the lot. Of course, that’s hardly a ringing endorsement of the Liberal platform or its leader. But for a fellow who had never once in his life put an election sign on his lawn, and in this election did, it tells us something about the level of disaffection many people hold for politics and politicians. Could it be that others had already moved into a postpartisan political frame of mind as well? It’s not a trivial question, especially when it comes to the more fluid, non-party-aligned voter. Early in Trudeau’s leadership bid, he postulated that many people were turned off by politics because of the negativity and personal attacks they tended to bring about. So he pledged to do his part to stay as posi-

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tive as possible. Not an easy thing in politics to be sure, but in the last election, he likely earned no less than a B for his efforts. As for the others, I’ll let you be the judge. Yet even on this score, young Mr. Trudeau may well be more than the man of the hour. With his earnest intent to lift us into sunnier ways, what he is in effect doing is leading our country beyond a previous pointer state era where a fighting mindset was the driving default condition for our culture, and toward a kinder, more wholesome pointer state. In that regard, many of us genuinely wish him Godspeed. Yet the challenge before him may be greater than we think as we continue to live with the enduring pointer state legacy of two World Wars, and the even longer legacy of a frontier experience of European economic refugees flooding into the New World and displacing the original inhabitants with scarce concern for their plight in our bid to take what we wanted. It unleashed bad karma all around. Changing potent psychological pointer states such as these will take more than one man. It will take an entire generation of people singing from a similar song sheet. What’s more, to reflect that aspiration, political parties as a whole will need to focus less on their own partisan advantage, and more on the common good. Let us hope our generation can remain faithful to that goal. Paul H. LeMay is a Vancouver-based science writer and the co-author of a newly-released book, Primal Mind, Primal Games: Why We Do What We Do, now for sale in Canada. He is also the former special assistant to the late Senator Sheila Finestone, PC.

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Global Health and Happiness Laughing. Photo credit: Nathan Slemers

By Melissa MacDougall


am a writer, mother, and wife. I am as nondescript as anyone else trudging down the road, trying to balance an armload of overpriced, under-valued groceries while sipping an eggnog latte without spilling it on my adorable must-have scarf. I am another face in the crowd, running the relentless rat-race that keeps me tied tight to commerce in a state of insincere ignorance; insincere ignorance in that I'm aware of what's happening to our environme nt. I've see the statistics. I've heard the call to action. Truth be told, I haven't done much in the past to help reconcile the effects of climate change. I was under the impression that it was an all-or-nothing deal, that I had to be green all the time or not at all. I was under the impression that I would be labelled a hypocrite for swinging back and forth on the pendulum between being ecofriendly and an eco-bully. I've since realized that if each of us makes a concerted effort, if we do our very best, we will get there. Our very best doesn't mean we live like Amish, foregoing electricity and indoor plumbing, instead it means finding sustainable solutions. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the mid-1700s, we've been hard at work to get things created as fast as we can. We want it and we want it now. We rob the Earth of its nutrients and eliminate entire ecosystems. We mine, drill, and dig. The polar icecaps are melting. Sea water levels are rising. Seasons have been altered; summer grows longer and more intense with each passing year while winter has become mild, producing less precipitation. Our forests are in jeopardy and our air is rich with carcinogens. Evidence of climate change is revealed to us every day; we see it in every corner of every country yet we continue to hold out hope that someone else will shoulder the responsibility. Let's consider this: if it took only one person doing one thing to reverse the damage we've done to ourselves, to our planet, and to the species we share it with, I’m certain Dr. David Suzuki or Al Gore would have done so already. It’s more than that, though. One person’s actions didn’t get us here, after all. It’s a collective effort, a unification, a global consciousness that will be our saving grace. We need to help each other in our awakening, and by doing so we can rewire the global brain, thus allowing for specific action plans for climate change. Known as the Father of Sociobiology, American biologist Edward Osborne Wilson stated, “If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to

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the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago. If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.” We doubt the importance of other creatures, their value. Instead, we set about destroying their habitats and their lives to suit us and our needs. It’s true, we are the culprit, the ones to cause upheaval in an otherwise symbiotic environment. We reside at the Top of the Food Chain and while this sounds fantastic, while it sounds like we’re King of the Jungle, we fail to realize that the fall from the pedestal will be one of catastrophic proportions. Who decided our lives are more important than every other living thing? Deepak Chopra suggests that once we’ve begun to recognize consciousness as the most fundamental property of the Universe, we can start to heal our planet. First, though, we have to answer two vital questions: 1) What is the Universe made of? The brilliance of Stephen Hawking, among others, has identified that the Universe is comprised of 70 percent dark energy, 25 percent dark matter, and 5 percent atoms (interstellar dust that has not yet been formed into stars). Think about that for a moment: we, too, are made of interstellar dust; so are frogs and trees and the genetically-modified plants and animals we serve for our nightly dinners. Our world is one big game of Connect the Dots. We are, in fact, uniquely linked.

observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter; we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial—mental and spiritual.” Self-awareness and awakening aren’t new concepts to try and digest. In 1971, the rather prolific John Lennon asked us to imagine. He wanted unification, a brotherhood of man. Let’s be honest: so far, we’ve failed John Lennon and his imagination. On the upside, we've taken the first step needed to solve any problem—we've acknowledged that climate change is a very real, very serious issue, and while we're quick to admit there's something funky happening to our weather systems, to our glaciers, to our crops, we haven't been so quick to act on it (the polar bears are sure to agree). We haven't yet made the strides needed to do the real work, to restore our lovely little

planet to homeostasis. Perhaps we get lost in the how of it all; perhaps we don't know where to start. Before we begin to heal our planet, we must make an authentic connection with nature, with each other, with the great and beautiful world around us. We must align our thoughts in positivity, focusing on what is needed rather than what is wanted. Once we've established global consciousness, acting with purpose and with the intention of sustainability will come naturally. How do we fight climate change? If we begin to think of it as an attack of our freedoms, an act of terror, we are more likely to put ourselves in the driver's seat rather than that of the passenger, someone who is merely along for the ride. We must be proactive, we must shift our focus from today to tomorrow, and we must become allies in the war against climate change. As far as we know, Earth is the only inhabited planet in our solar system. We’ve spent trillions of dollars in search of life on Mars, sending rovers to roam the surface, taking snapshots of potential life sources. Yet, when it comes to our planet, our home, we show such little regard to what we already have. The world can once again be lush and beautiful, safe and thriving; we just need to be conscious enough to fulfill that prophecy. Melissa MacDougall, Writer. Mother. Wife. Lover of shoes, handbags, and bacon.

2) What is the biological basis of consciousness? If we take a lesson from R.C. Henry, professor of physics and astronomy at John Hopkins University, we realize that more often scientists are backing the realization that consciousness impacts every bit of our lives. “A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the

December Moon 2015

ALL ONE ERA magazine

Point of View with Cherie: Trudeau Steps on to World Stage for Climate Change

Paris Agreement Marks a Global Shift for Climate By David Suzuki

By Cherie Hans on


ustin Trudeau is no saint and has a history of showing his temper. Recently, in an interview with Evan Solomon on the program Everything is Political, David Suzuki described the exchange of words that flew between Trudeau and Suzuki. Trudeau had called to search out the possibility of Suzuki endorsing t he re ne we d presence of Canada on the world stage at the Paris talks. Suz uki expressed concern that the target for g re e nho us e g as emissions (GHG) was simply too low to stop the worldwide disaster Suzuki believes is on the way. Trudeau snapped, “I do not have to listen to this sanctimonious crap.” Suzuki responded by calling the Prime Minister a “twerp.” Suzuki may have felt frustrated with Trudeau, but he was furious with the lack of leadership on Canada’s part in the past. Canada attended the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 and ratified the agreement in parliament in 2002, which called for a 60 per cent reduction in GHGs within the country by 2012. From 1990 to 2008 Canada went on to increase its GHG production by 24.10 per cent. In 2012 the Report on Environment, an international study, assigned the letter grade D to Canada in terms of care of the environment. The country of Canada has the highest hydrocarbon consumption in the world with 8,300 K of crude oil per person per year. Suzuki has warned that Canada has a leadership role to either ignore GHGs or to cap those emissions. He has said, “And make no mistake, the world has been watching.” From his actions, it appeared former prime minister Stephen Harper did not take climate change seriously. He opposed the imposition of binding targets at the 2007 Bali conference unless targets were imposed on China and India. In 2009, Canada signed the Copenhagen Accord, which was non-binding. Canada’s promise to reduced GHG emissions by 17 per cent did not slow the increase of recorded GHGs from Canada. In 2011, the Minister of the Environment Peter Kent announced Canada’s withdrawal from the Kyoto Accord. When Stephen Harper decided to ignore the agreement at Kyoto, Canada was the only country to repudiate a climate agreement it had already signed. Harper went on to make a name for Canada at the Durban Climate talks, as well.

hen our children’s children look back to what we did to keep our planet livable, they may see this year’s United 3ations climate conference in Paris as a turning point. The 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) may have been our last chance for a meaningful agreement to shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy before ongoing damage to the world’s climate becomes irreversible and devastating. Government ministers, negotiators, and world leaders spent the first two weeks of December creating a guide for the next stage of humanity’s action on climate change. Nations that met in Paris are responsible for over 95 per cent of global emissions. On December 12, following multiple rounds of long meetings, they revealed the final text of the Paris Agreement. Though far from perfect, it’s a significant achievement. When nations last attempted a global climate pact – in 2009 at COP15 in Copenhagen, Denmark – negotiations broke down and the resulting declaration was considered a failure. The Paris Agreement, in process and outcome, is a dramatic improvement—a product of the growing urgency to act on the defining issue of our time. It’s the first universal accord to spell out ways to confront climate change, with Canada and other industrialized nations required to transition from fossil fuels to 100 per cent renewable energy by 2050 and developing nations by about 2080. Before meeting in Paris, governments drafted plans to reduce national carbon emissions beginning in 2020. One COP21 negotiation goal – a review mechanism to encourage countries to improve targets over time – was achieved, giving hope that reductions will keep global temperature rise below the 2 C limit beyond which science indicates the consequences of burning fossil fuels will become catastrophic. Present commitments won’t quite get us there, but the called-for improving of targets every five years will get us closer. Past experience shows that once a commitment is made to address a crisis, many unexpected opportunities and solutions result. The agreement also acknowledges that limiting temperature rise to 1.5 C should drive future goal-setting. Canada’s delegation had the added goal of rebuilding the country’s reputation as an environmental leader. For years, we received countless Fossil of the Day awards for short-sightedness and stonewalling negotiations. Responding to calls from citizens countrywide, our delegation returned to a more co-operative approach, advocating for inclusion of human rights and indigenous knowledge, along with recognition of the critical importance of the 1.5 C goal. Canada still received two Fossil awards, for lacking emissions-goals ambition and limiting availability of funds for “loss and damage,” but compared to some nations, our country was a positive force.

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The world’s largest greenhouse gas emitter, China, was criticized for trying to water down requirements for a common emissions-and-targets reporting system and opposing a process to require countries to update emissions-reductions goals every five years, advocating instead for voluntary updates. Compromises produced a final product that falls short of assigning liability for past emissions and providing dependable “loss and damage” payments to nations already suffering from the effects of climate change. Ongoing pressure is also needed to ensure targets are met and become more ambitious over time. Despite these shortcomings, the Paris Agreement is a leap forward in the fight against climate change. Funding for vulnerable and developing nations, plans to ratchet up ambition at regular intervals, and recognition of the role of indigenous knowledge will play major roles in future action. The first step in realizing stronger goals for Canada begins now. Our government promised more ambitious targets and a framework for cutting carbon pollution and expanding renewable energy within 90 days of the conference, by March 11, 2016. We’ve learned Canadian leaders will stand up for important issues, but we need to push them to be as ambitious as possible. I believe Canada’s commitment will inspire people at all levels of society to propose ways to speed up our shift to clean, renewable energy, and reduce waste through greater energy efficiency. The global community has taken a big step to get human civilization back on track. It’s up to us to ensure that the planet we want – with clean air, safe water, fertile soil, and a stable climate – stays within reach, for our sake and the sake of our descendants. David Suzuki is a scientist, broadcaster, author, and co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation. Written with contributions from David Suzuki Foundation Climate and Clean Energy communications and research specialist Steve Kux. Learn more at

Suzuki at this time sent out a public letter: Canada’s poor performance at the climate talks in Durban and its decision to become the first country to pull out of the international legal agree me nt have drawn criticism from people worldwide and rightly so. However, on his website even Suzuki expresses a guarded optimism about Trudeau’s role internationally. I n d e p e nd e n t assessment is showing that for the first time in history, greenhouse emissions are decoupling from economic growth. What this means on the worldwide stage is that countries that are finding alternative energy sources are experiencing economic growth. The old model of growth being reliant on polluting energy sources may be on its way out. Another source of optimism can be found in Trudeau’s political alignments. No energy policy can be legislated from the federal level and succeed. The provinces and territories must “buy in” for a carbon tax/cap plan to work. Trudeau’s call to those who can sit at the table was a savvy move. Also, his Paris talks team included Peter Harder who was a former minister at Kyoto and knows the political groundwork necessary. Mike McNair also accompanied the prime minister to Paris. McNair helped Dion to write the Green Shift policy. On December 7, China had its third day of red alert shut downs of all schools in Bejing. Pollution is becoming a killer in the capital city and the argument that GHGs are a minor problem can no longer be made, even by China. Finally, Catherine McKenna, on December 6 at the closed door climate talks in Paris, called for a restriction to 1.5 per cent growth in GHGs as the international ceiling. Canada is taking the stage to call for action for the first time in its history. Maybe Suzuki and Trudeau will keep talking to one another even if the language isn’t all that diplomatic. Something is shifting nations away from the worldwide shut down we were headed toward, and right now, it is just intention that has changed. Let us hope action will follow. Cherie Hanson holds an MA in English from UBC Vancouver. She has written poetry which appeared in literary magazines, has a blog with 38,000 subscribers at and is a visual artist. She resides in Kelowna.

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Horse as Healer - part 2 By Tony Hetman


his is the story of Cassie, a 15year-old fe male who experiences autism, and how working with horses has dramatically changed her life. At six years of age Cassie was diagnosed with autism. Her elementary school memories were not fond ones as she recalls being bullied because she was different. In her 15 years, she has moved three times, finally settling in the Okanagan with her parents. Leann (Pitman) Manuel of Riding 4 Life Equine Enterprises, says, “I met Cassie when I first moved to the Okanagan in the summer of 2008 when she was just six or seven years old. She has been riding with me on and off ever since. I’ve watched her grow up in my barnyard in a way. She was my first Okanagan rider.” Autism has affected Cassie in many ways. Cassie says, “Autism makes it very difficult for me to learn because it is difficult to remember things, and my thinking and processing speed is very slow.” She adds, “I find it difficult to focus when it’s noisy, or if I’m moody.” Leann, reflecting back on Cassie at a n earlier age, says, “Reading and math were very difficult for her. Making friends did not come easily either. I think she often felt sad, depressed, and overwhelmed.” However, Cassie’s life begin to change when she started to work with horses. Leann observed, “At the same time she was still struggling to read basic sentences, she learned how to saddle her own horse.” Leann adds, “While the move to high school was extremely stressful with all of its social implications, Cassie was able to compete in horse shows and win ribbons and high points in divisions that included lifelong riders and horse owners.” Cassie is first to admit she likes working with her hands, including woodworking and mechanics, better than English or math. However, she did achieve 86 percent in English last year, which she says, “is one of my greatest accomplishments.” Moreover, she is quite proud of the fact that she was awarded a first prize ribbon in her very first horse show when she was around twelve years of age. That ribbon was just one of several to be won over the next three years. When asked if she displays all of her ribbons she says, “I keep them in a box.” Cassie says, “I can’t really imagine what my life would be like without horses. Some of the things horses have taught me are awareness, as they are a big animal and can trample you by accident. The (therapeutic riding) lessons have also helped me to focus better.” Although I've never met Cassie before, I do know a bit about her history, and listening to her talk confidently makes me think her horse friends have played a major role in her development. When queried if horses can talk to humans, she says, “They talk to us with body language. If they are angry they will pin their ears back. If their ears are straight up

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Cassie with Herbie. Photo credit: Tony Hetman they are relaxed and calm and it is safe to approach.” According to Cassie, “horses are easier to talk to than humans.” Cassie provided some interesting feedback when asked, what makes her the happiest. She says, “Being with my friends makes me happiest of all. When I am in a joyful, talkative mood I like spending time with my friends. However, when I am non talkative I like being with horses because they are calming.” Cassie works Saturdays at Riding 4 Life where she cleans all the paddocks, fills the water troughs, and checks the chore list for other tasks. When Leann pays her for the work, Cassie often comments, “It feels wrong to get paid for something that I would want to do anyway.” Often she will catch Leann’s show horse Quiggly, which is the most reactive horse at the school. According to a colleague of Leann’s, Quiggly as a colt was said to be the most challenging temperament she had ever seen. Leann says, “Cassie’s relaxed approach to Quiggly has been a huge factor in his development.” Leann adds, “Cassie saddles Quiggly, and rides him on her own with only very distant supervision from me now. She rides him on trail rides with our group— that usually includes a mix of experienced horse owners, other typical beginner riders on our lesson horses, and our instructors, and you’d be hard pressed to pick her out.” It is Cassie’s hard work that has enabled her to be the capable rider she is today. In fact, Leann says, “She can march my high-powered gelding (Quiggly) into the show ring and bring home her division high point (accumulation of points in a riding event grouped according by age or ability level).” Since being with horses, Cassie has overcome, or at least learned to cope with, some major difficulties. While handling, riding, and competing with a horse, she

has to focus on the task at hand, for example, manoeuvering around barriers. Developing this concentration and focus with the horse has enabled her to transfer this skill to other tasks in her life. She is more at ease with having conversations, which has led to developing friendships, something that she lacked in earlier phases of her life. It has also helped with her schoolwork because she is better able to concentrate and solve problems. Moreover, winning awards at horse riding competitions has enhanced her self-esteem and confidence. Cassie’s caring for the horses by grooming and cleaning their paddocks has also gained her a better understanding of horses and appreciation for hard manual work. The comfort she feels around horses often leads to comfort around people. For example, eye contact with a horse has helped her to feel easier about making eye contact with, and feeling more at ease around people. Leann says, “I think her time with my horses has offered her a glimpse into her future and what she may want to do and is capable of as she becomes an adult. She often talks about owning her own horse some day and all the animals she’ll have in her barn yard.” When asked what is special about horses, Cassie is quick to respond with an almost dry sense of humour: “they're not people.” Even Jonathan Swift knew of the intelligence of horses when he wrote of the Houyhnhnms in Gulliver's Travels. Perhaps one day we will all come to see the value of our four-legged friends in our travels. Tony Hetman is an artisan, educator, and writer having published over 200 articles and technical documentations. He is a winner of three first prize awards for playwriting, and also had his plays produced by CBC.

December Moon 2015

ALL ONE ERA magazine

Moringa Oleifera: The Old New Superfood By Brigitte Thom


t is the most nutrient-rich plant ever discovered on Earth. The Moringa Tree was considered extremely valuable for its medicinal properties as early as 2000 BC. Interesting enough, every part of the Moringa Tree is used: leaves, seeds, seed pods, and the flowers. The Moringa Tree grows in se mi-arid and subtropical areas of the world. It is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India. Modern science, with over 560 articles on, has found the reason this "miracle tree" has so many valuable properties is the combination of over 90 nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and proteins, which are no longer available in the soil because of all the chemical fertilizer, herbicides, and insecticides. Today, Moringa Oleifera is known as a complete superfood rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, and vitamins A, B, and C. It has proven effective for treating arthritis, rheumatism, joint pain, migraines, and other headaches with its 46 antiinflammatory properties. It is responsible for increased physical energy, it enhances exercise regimes and sport performance, and supports mental and emotional balance. Moringo Oleifera helps with faster recovery; its complete amino profile along with vitamins and minerals makes it a perfect recovery food after surgery, illness, and physical strain. It is also effective for controlling cholesterol levels and blood sugar, and helping normal energy balance. These health problems and ailments are just some of the ways the Moringa could benefit your health. Moringa is a safe and proven way to supply much-needed nutrients to the body on a cellular level as well as helping to fight free radicals with 46 anti-oxidants found in its leaves. It has been classified as a food source without any negative secondary effects; Monica G. Marcu, Pharm.D., PH.D. one of the leading researchers on Moringa and speaker at the first International Symposium on Moringa, Manila Philippines, also published a book called Moringa Oleifera, Miracle Tree. Having said that, let's make it very clear Moringa is a whole food and not a medication. It does not treat, cure, prevent, or mitigate any sickness or disease. What it does is provide your body with the necessary nutrients at a cellular level, so your body can do what it was created to do—selfcorrect. In the last decades, thousands of research articles and studies have been done and published in newspapers, scientific journals, and documentaries. The Discovery Channel filmed a YouTube documentary titled "The Miracle Tree." In April 2008, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), celebrated Earth Day with exhibits, posters, and programs dedicated to Moringa Oleifera. The IH Record newsletter says, "perhaps like no other single species, this plant has the potential to help reverse multiple major environmental problems and provide for many unmet human needs." Other References include John Hopkins School Of Medicine and World Health Organization. Dr. W. Fisher has put all the pertinent information, for your benefit, into his marvelous book, Moringa Oleifera, Magic, Myth or Miracle.

%atural %ews Canada is a national radio show that provides expert insight on natural health options to help create smarter, healthier, and happier families across Canada. Host Jeff MacArthur, a radio show veteran, and his co-host, Derek Henry, are passionate about providing families across Canada with the expert guidance to create healthy homes through clean air, food, water, and other important lifestyle factors. They believe healthy communities begin with healthy families, and that everyone deserves the opportunity to get the knowledge and expertise in the many different areas required to be well. Through our radio show, our mission is to help Canadians design healthy homes and families by providing them with the resources and knowledge to make the best decisions about their health. We will also give away a healthy home make over to one well-deserving family every year. Natural News Canada will broadcast its one-hour show through popular radio stations positioned in Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, and Vancouver. These shows will focus on increasing your health smarts and making you aware of bona fide options to improve your health. This will be done primarily through interviews with our team of experts. Upcoming Radio shows: Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 11am EST – Talk Radio 640 Saturday, January 16, 2016 at 12 pm MST – News Talk 770 Saturday, January 23, 2016 at 11 am EST – Talk Radio 640 Saturday, February 6, 2016 at 11 am EST – Talk Radio 640 Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 11 am EST – Talk Radio 640 Saturday, February 20, 2016 at 12 pm MST – News Talk 770

Please visit for more information.

To find out about the most efficacious Moringa Oleifera available, please contact Brigitte for more info and free samples at or by text at (250) 503-6493.

December Moon 2015

Page 23

ALL ONE ERA magazine

Down the Rabbit hole with Credo Mutwa Zulu Shaman, High Sansusi, and Author By Teena Clips ton


et’s go down the rabbit the hole… with Credo Mutwa, a Zulu Shaman, spiritual leader, high sanusi, and author. He is the highest-ranking traditional healer in South Africa, and he is respected and renowned in his home country. Credo Mutwa was born in 1921 in the South African province of Natal. He has authored many books that are a combination of Zulu folklore and extraterrestrial encounters. His more recent publication is a novel called the Tree of Life Trilogy based on the writing of his most famous book, Indaba my Children. His beliefs and stories are so far out there, it is almost impossible for most human minds to accept what he is saying. Whether or not Mutwa’s claims are true, this spiritual rebel is stirring things up with his stories about extraterrestrial encounters. Mutwa’s interest in extraterrestrial encounters stems from his alleged claims of being a victim of alien abduction. Mutwa tells of a very frightening encounter with “the grays” that resulted in extreme physical and mental suffering. He calls these gray aliens Martindane, servants of the Chiauli (a reptilian race of human like beings, who are led by their leader Jabulon). Mutwa explains these beings share the Earth with us, and they harvest things from us. He also suggests we are being controlled by them through the process of manipulation. Mutwa also claims many tribes of Africa are aware of these beings, and it is an accepted truth within the tribes of the Pygmies, the Kalahari Bushmen, the Oyahimba of Namibia, the Zulus, and the tribal people of Zaire. Mutwa claims there are approximately 24 other races of aliens living among us, some of which are benevolent and wish to help us, and that they have been influencing are cultures for millennia. They have helped our evolution with great wisdoms that include science, the mysteries of the cosmos, and herbal medicine. Below is tale told by Mutwa from an interview that took place with Rick Martin, owner and editor of the Spectrum ewspaper (no longer in print) out of California.

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Left photo: ‘A Message to the World’ video on Right photo: Book cover of Indaba My Children by Credo Mutwa. Credo Mutwa speaking to Rick Martin: The Zulu people, who are famous as a warrior people, the people to whom King Shaka Zulu, of the last century, belonged. When you ask a South African white anthropologist what the name of Zulu means, he will say it means “the sky” (laughter), and therefore the Zulu call themselves “people of the sky.” That, sir, is nonsense. In the Zulu language, our name for the sky, the blue sky, is sibakabaka. Our name for inter-planetary space, however, is izulu and the weduzulu, which means “interplanetary space, the dark sky that you see with stars in it every night,” also has to do with travelling, sir. The Zulu word for travelling at random, like a nomad or a gypsy, is izula. ow, you can see that the Zulu people in South Africa were aware of the fact that you can travel through space – not through the sky like a bird – but you can travel through space, and the Zulus claim that many, many thousands of years ago there arrived, out of the skies, a race of people who were like lizards, people who could change shape at will. And people who married their daughters to a walking (extraterrestrial), and produced a power race of Kings and tribal Chiefs, there are hundreds of fairy-tales, sir, in which a lizard female assumes the identity of a human princess and poses as her, and gets married to a Zulu Prince. Every school child in South Africa, sir, knows about the story of a princess called Khombecansini. Khombecansini was to have married a handsome Prince called Kakaka, a name which means “the enlightened one.” ow, one day while Khombecansini was gathering firewood in the bush, she met a creature called an Imbulu. And this Imbulu was a lizard which has the body and the limbs of a human being, but a long tail. And this lizard spoke to Princess Khombecansini, “Oh, how beautiful you are, girl, I wish I could be like you. I wish I could look like you. Can I come close to you?” said the Imbulu lizard woman to the princess. And the princess said, “Yes, you can.” And as the lizard, which was a taller one, came close to the girl, she spat into the girl’s eyes and she began to change. That is, the lizard suddenly changed into a human shape and this lizard began to look more and more and more and more like the girl, with the exception of her long, pointed tail. And then, with her sudden burst of violence, the lizard woman sealed the princess and removed all her bangles and her

beads and her wedding skirt off her, and she put them on. Thus, the lizard became the princess. ow there were two identical women in the bush, the shape-shifted lizard woman and the original woman. And the lizard woman said to the original woman, “ ow you are my slave. ow you are going to accompany me to the marriage. I will be you and you will be my slave, come on!” She took a stick and started beating up the poor princess. And then she went, accompanied by other girls who were bride’s maids, according to Zulu custom, and she arrived at Prince Kakaka’s village. But, before they reached the village she had to do something about her tail, that is, the shape-shifting woman had, somehow, to hide the tail. So, she forced the princess to weave a net out of fiber and she tucked the tail in and she tied it tight to herself. She now looked like a Zulu woman with attractive, very big buttocks, when seen from outside. And then, when she arrived and she became the wife of the prince, a strange thing started happening in the village. All of the milk started disappearing because each night the shape-shifting princess, the false princess, used to release her tail, which used to suck in all of the sour milk through a hole at the tip of the tail. And the motherin-law said, “What is this? Why is the milk disappearing?” Then, she said, “ o, I see, there is an Imbulu amongst us.” The mother-in-law, who was a clever old lady, said, “A hole must be dug in the front of the village and it must be filled with milk.” And this was done. And then, all of the girls who had come with the false princess were told to jump over this hole. One after the other one, they jumped. And when the shape-shifter was forced, at spear-point, to jump as well, as she jumped her long tail burst out of the net under her skirt and started slurping the milk through the hole, and the warriors killed the shape-shifter. And thus, the real Princess Khombecansini became the wife of the king-of King Kakaka. ow, sir, this story has got many versions in it. Throughout South Africa, amongst many tribes, you’ll find stories of these amazing creatures who are capable of changing from reptile to human being, and from reptile to any other animal of their choice. And these creatures, sir, do really exist. o matter where you go throughout Southern, Eastern, Western, and Central Africa, you’ll find that the description of these creatures is the same. Even amongst tribes which never, throughout their long

history, had contact with each other at all. So, there are such creatures. Where they come from, I will never claim to know, sir. But they are associated with certain stars in the sky, and one of these stars is a large group of stars which is part of the Milky Way, which our people call Ingiyab, which means “The Great Serpent.” And there is a red star, a redish star, near the tip of this huge rim of stars which our people call Isone Nkanyamba. ow, this star called Isone kanyamba, I managed to find its English name. It is the star called Alpha Centauri, in English. ow, this, sir, is something that is worth investigating. Why is it that well over 500 tribes in parts of Africa which I’ve visited in the last 40 or 50 years or so, all of them describe similar creatures? It is said that these creatures feed on us human beings, that they, at one time, challenged God Himself to war, because they wanted full control of the universe. And God fought a terrible battle against them and He defeated them, injured them, and forced them to hide in cities underground. They hide in deep cavities underground, because they are always feeling cold. In these cavities, we are told, there are huge fires which are kept going by slaves, human, zombie-like slaves. And, it is further said that these Zuswazi, these Imbulu, or whatever you choose to call them, are not capable of eating solid food. They either eat human blood, or they eat that power, the energy that is generated when human beings on the surface of the Earth are fighting and killing each other in large numbers. I met people who have fled from the early Masaki in Rwanda, from years ago, and these people were horrified by what was happening in their country. They said that the slaughter of the Hutus by the Watusi, and the Watusi by the Hutus, is actually feeding the Imanujela, monsters. Because the Imanujela like to inhale the energy that is generated by masses of people being terrified or being killed by other people. This interview can be found online at reptilians-africa-zulu-shaman-elder-credomutwa-alien-abduction-reptilians-1/ The interview is extensive, and includes much more information that I can summarize in this article. Thank you to for letting us copy a portion of this interview.

December Moon 2015

ALL ONE ERA magazine

Inspirational Tales: The Door Way By Victoria Fabling


oors are portals to different rooms, realms, and dimensions. I enjoy going to houses with many rooms because I then get the opportunity to experience varied moods, noticing where I feel uplifted and expanded. A smaller space sometimes feels like a nurturing cocoon, while another small space in the same house could be crying out to be cleansed of clutter. Doors make excellent teachers of how to be magnetic masters of time and space. Our fridge doors are often the most ador ned pl aces i n o ur ho me s. When we study the physics of a door frame we can then, with a bit of imagination, experientially adopt its characteristics and discover that these characteristics support us in leading a more empowered life. An empowered being has an energy field which seems to stretch for miles. This being doesn’t need to go anywhere because life comes to them. Think of a celebrity who has just finished a gig on stage. The audience doesn’t just clap and leave; they clamour to possess more of the consciousness that exudes from their idol. Likewise, a door stays in one place and it can be opened to radiant beams of sunlight, both real and metaphysical. People and animals make decisions as to whether to enter through a doorway and, having made that decision, will then feel welcomed or that this isn’t the best place to hang out today. The door acts as an attractor and, because of its frame, is perceived as solid. It may also display its name or number just as we do by holding out a hand and introducing ourselves to each other. Boundaries are necessary in life. We have imaginary doors in our psyche that we close when we need to do so. Even if we pride ourselves as being open, transparent, and accepting, we still need time to recuperate, to sleep, and to spend quality time with ourselves, and here, also, the door acts as a good metaphor. All living things have a need for solitude and calmness and will make an effort to get these needs met. If you were to live in a tent full

Door number 5… Lisbon Portugal. Photo credit: Giampaolo Macorig of people, opening the flap to step outside would be ‘a breath of fresh air.’ Many people, as well as animals in captivity, regard their home as their sanctuary, and unless they venture out or invite others in, they become less magnetic, unable to attract the loving support that used to flow to them naturally. Those who become too accustomed to their comfort-zone are not as open to infinite possibilities and so these possibilities simply pass them by, knocking instead on a door that is a vibrational match. “Welcome, come in. Yes, I’d love to read your memoirs … would you like a cup of tea?” A celebrity living away from society would be called a recluse, remembered only for what they created in the past. If, however, the same celebrity chose to be gracious and generous with their time and energy, they’d benefit from the compounding effects of being liked for their essence.

“Be pro-active!” is an order and requirement preached by self-help experts, and yet this often translates into, “I’ve got to get up early and keep busy achieving goals, especially now that I am paying a life coach who is keeping me accountable to the goals I set.” If a door were an ascended master which could speak, it would probably say, “This is an outdated paradigm.” One such ascended master, Adamus St. Germain recently explained that because we are time and space, we don’t need to chase after either. “The balanced Sovereign Being simply gets energy. They don't have to think about it. They don't have to work at it, repeating, ‘I'm a Sovereign Being. I'm going to create a nice house, abundance, food and...’ They don't have to. They wake up in the morning and it’s all there.”

Many years ago now, when I was about five, I had the luxury of as much time as I needed for any project, and I still lived in the real world except the speed could be warped to suit my needs. I knew it would have been impossible to run to see a friend up the street while my father was carving the Sunday roast, play in my friend’s tent, and then run back all in five minutes, but I remember that I did that without being late for lunch in ‘normal’ reality. From that day on, I often practised time-extending in lunch hours as a child and then later when working in London’s West End. Looking back, I marvel at how I managed to run up a complete street to shop or go to a park and be back at my desk fully refreshed in an hour. What I know for sure is that I had no doubts that this was possible, so time and space must have co-operated with me. I had also become a proficient time/space cadet wearing a dress and heels. I had confidence, then even more tha n now, that doors only closed for me because another had opened. I didn’t just believe this; I knew it in every cell of my body, and in this respect I was a door. I was that energy that St. Germain alludes to, without firm, strong opinions that life should unfold for me in a certain way, so it wasn’t surprising that I cheerfully adapted to new jobs and homes. As I share this lesson, I fully intend to walk my talk again. Although doors don’t chase life, the y can be part of a moving structure, such as a gypsy caravan. And, despite the timelessness of our essence, there are facets of every life form which decay and disintegrate to make room for something new, different, and fascinating—even to the lifeform. A chrysalis doesn’t have to set a goal to become a butterfly because it is already on its way by trusting that it is one in formation. You and I are living ‘in formation.’ We get to scientifically test this current shift in consciousness by staying still while also allowing ourselves to move with and through space leaving judgment in the past. We have become the sort of characters with powers that once entertained us in scifi movies. The energy which preceded these movies was avant-garde. As nothing comes from nothing, the idea had to come from somewhere. Now we get to tweak the plots and come to a consensus on the finale. Chaos will still swirl around the world, yet when we choose the way of the door, we can view chaos dispassionately while focusing on being a magical portal in our own life-time—flexible, open and willing to embrace new ways. What the door metaphor taught me is that by staying strong and aware, and nurturing our vital essence, which has a strong magnetic quality, our consciousness (energy) attracts what it needs with grace and ease, and joy. This is beautiful in its simplicity, so “Thank you, Universe, for the reminder.” Victoria Fabling is an effective energy worker, confidante, and life coach. When Victoria mentors she calls in your Highest Truth, facilitating a conversation so you hear its wisdom. She helps you to see your own situation from your Spiritual perspective; you are then free to fulfil your potential, without 'issues.'

December Moon 2015

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ALL ONE ERA magazine (Continued from page 7)

Meeting Wendy in 1977, I knew I could trust her and she trusted me. Love is trust and trust is love. She understood and appreciated who I truly was. I felt at home with her and I wished to build a foundation and lineage of love, in alignment with universal truths and guidance through Knowingness. Matt and I welcomed our loving Wendy in a beautiful wedding ceremony on the lawn of our Bedford, New York home. Gabriel, Ezra, and Ari were born in quick succession and, like Matthew, looked like wise little men from the day they were born. All of them are awesome artists and musicians and are active in raising awareness, building a model of “man and nature” at our organic winery and bistro in Kelowna, British Columbia. Chief Dan George said it best in his quote, “Touch a child, they are my people.” We know them, and we are one with them, and yet, they are just a fleeting moment in our vast forever continuum of experience. The time we spend one-on-one with a child is so precious because it’s the melding of the two beings as one. It sparks and nourishes our confidence that we are indeed all one-forever beings. By being one with a child, we become that child and are able to step into their life, so to speak. We share the joys of their lives, allow them into ours, and discover that they are one with us. It is my aim to always be spontaneous and child-like. My four men and darling daughter Esther Ehisa (EE), and I dance on the Earth every moment we are together. I rejoice in their lives, as if rejoicing for the spontaneity of all life in the world. To be one in love with the universe is to understand a core-felt exuberance. It is this sentiment that I see within my four boys and my daughter, that which we have all felt; it is our very most inner little boy or little girl Selves, our precious connection to ever joyful Spirit, our thrill of being alive! It also reminds us that our relationships are the golden thread the links us all as one and always has and shall always be… love never dies. The absolute joy of being alive in a body in this glorious universe is the ultimate thrill and ultimate reverberance that unites us all! It is our Earth upon which we dance, from which we nurture ourselves, and in whose space we create new life and love. It is our playground, our plane of demonstration, and our precious place where we become physical and able to experience the density of matter, so that we may evolve in our forever souls. Dr. Valerie Hunt, UCLA Professor, says, “One of our biggest challenges is to accept and acknowledge our own greatness and the greatness of others.” This quote is interchangeable with the famous Einstein quote on page 1, and worth repeating: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” - Albert Einstein As we each ascend into our multidimensional Selves, we become a Realized Being—one who is one with all and acknowledges deeply the energies that surround us at all times. Our power is unlimited and all encompassing.

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Today, in reflection of that most profound revelation, I can say that allowing in the energy of multi-dimensional love requires proactive openness and surrender on our parts. We become hollow vessels, open to the highest good and purest love. In doing so, we live on this Earth plane with a wholly new perspective, one where our every action and will is echoed to all others, and theirs to us. We blend our spiritual awareness with our human experience. When we do anything, we are doing it as if it is touching the whole world. If we take a breath, we are thankful for it, as we are breathing for all of humanity. If we eat a meal or drink water, we are grateful and wish abundant food and clean water for everyone. When we learn, we bless the wisdom and extend it forth to all others. And in bringing new life into his world, in the purity of love, we are extending the reach of the silver cord that connects us all. Being a conduit for universal love comes collectively with empathy for all of humanity. None of us are immune to having our actions go without impact or to be unaffected by what occurs in all parts of our Earth. We are one with all actions and thoughts. As harsh as it may sound, we have all been and are in some part, a thief, a murderer, a rapist, a liar, a cheater, a taker, just as much as we are, at the same time, totally giving, compassionate, loving ambassadors of glorious Christ-Energy. Grasping this realization removes judgment and opens a new era where Divine vibration resonates and heals. To become one, in full receivership of love and harmony with the entirety of the universe, is to embrace and help catapult the All-One-Era. It is an era that began officially on December 21, 2012, a pivotal time of new beginnings. This time is optimum and highly conducive for us men to allow our feminine sides to come through. Our chromosomes are XYs and women’s are XXs. It’s a little more difficult for us to allow the receiving flow, the LUC (Loving Universal Consciousness) than for our beloved Divas but we can do it. The phenomenon has begun. We are all now becoming aware that we are conduits and we are starting to speak from our Spirit Selves. We no longer feel the pressure of having to force our aggressive voices or actions from our EGO Selves. We are beginning to relax a very long state of hysteria and open to being Guided ... Goded. Acknowledgement of the ever-present Guidance comes to us in meditation, yoga, conscious diet, many healing modalities, sacred breathing, sacred geometry, and a return to our tribal roots of gathering around the sacred fire, plus our mighty call to action to save our precious creation at this most crucial of all times in our time. Simultaneously, we are beginning to re-align our interactions with nature— our Earth, moon, sun, and our neighbours beyond the sun, throughout the universe. It is a time when all that was complex and fear-based regains its simplicity, and all denominations fuse lovingly as one. Through our celebrations of the moon cycles and the seasonal cycles, and the great outdoors and the bountiful nature of our plants and animals, the whole Earth is reconnected and begins to rise in her vibration. The quote below sums this up beautifully: “Once you reach the vibration of the fifthdimensional human being, you are in a state of amnesty and light because the fifth

dimension is the world that is safe. We are in the vibration of that light now.” - Judith K. Moore The actual electrical pulses of nature serve to unite us. As we become receivers and conduits, and no longer just egomessengers caught up in the allurement of our senses and in our illusions in the human drama, we begin to see and feel the pulses, the aura of nature. The essential messages of the words of all of the Masters, past and present, come together in unity as a single prophecy of all prophecies. This era is a refreshing, urgently needed look at who we really are. Our connectedness to pure love at every moment releases us from being trapped in a physical body, and catapults us to being ecstatic to have a body. We are in oneness with all there is! We are so much more than our threedimensional existence. Upon having touched the majesty of the fifth dimension and beyond, it becomes almost a chore to function in the three-dimensional alone. Once we release the bondage of our physical plane, we soar without limitations. We cannot create the freedom our souls yearn for with our former judgmental doctrines. We end up chasing material things and frustrating ourselves. Freedom is possible perhaps only in the fifth dimension and beyond because it is there that we touch upon the foreverness and upon our infinite potential. The wondrous Era of Enlightenment is now upon us and we, by embracing our love and the love that surrounds us, are all now ascending, just as prophesized. Quoting beloved, Mother Theresa: “We cannot do great things in life, we can only do small things with great love.” Our brilliant Beatles and John and Yoko Lennon sang… “All we are saying is give peace a chance. ow, all we are saying is give love a chance.” In this new era of unified conscious alignment, we are achieving a swift and joyous rejuvenation of monumental proportion. The oneness of our existence and extension of our love, of course, includes all of life, not just the almost eight billion of us humans on our planet. We are reaching out to include all the animals, plants, trees, waterways, oceans, fish, rocks, mountains, and deserts. And as we ascend into this Grand State of Receivership, we will all be remembering and cherishing our instinctive pure joy, peace, and happiness, and will simultaneously no longer tolerate egodriven aggression, cruelty, greediness, and physical destruction. “All we are saying is give love a chance!” The present dire state of our Mother Earth is directly related to our having stepped out of our Knowingness. As we acknowledge the present pervading fear for her survival and therefore, for our own, we come into full awareness that it is perhaps only love in all its holiness that will save us. While prayers, even the holiest of prayers offer comfort and a stimulation of our natural human trait of wanting to give, this is the time for us to actually feel the words in the prayers we utter, and most importantly, to project our entire Selves into their meaning. For example, one of the holiest of Ancient Hebrew prayers, where the congregants must stand in reverence is the Kadosh. In Hebrew it is recited:

“Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, Adoni Sebaot Melo call Ha-orets, Kavodo.” It is recited three times with three long Amens after each time. The English translation is Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts. The Whole Earth is full of His Glory. Today, this prayer is becoming inter-denominational and recited to bless our highest intentions. The Kabalistic teachings reveal that the actual sounds of the words hold a vibration, and that the numbers associated with each of the Hebrew letters that make up the prayer, coincide with Oneness, the number One! Interestingly, the other single most recited prayer is the Shema. It is said facing East, morning, noon, and night, and upon your last, dying breath. The Hebrew words are Shema Yisrael, Adonai Elohanu, and Adonai Echud. Hear Oh Israel, The Lord Our God, The Lord Is One. The Kabala interpretation of the summation of the Hebrew letters is also numerically the number One! One invisible God, one universally connected holy creation. In the next chapter, “The All-One-Era,” I have suggested changes to the wording of both of these prayers to increase the jolt, the feelings within all of us. Acknowledging the well-accepted premise that all of our emotions evolve from the basis of either fear or love is an important step toward our ascension into multi-dimensions. In spite of the most advanced technical civilization in our recorded history, we are presently in one of the darkest times of all of history. Never have there been so many millions of lost souls, and so many tyrants, so much greed, want, and destruction, and flagrant ignorance of our Divine Unity. Once we see the light within ourselves, the “fire in the middle,” our holy life force energy that mirrors the shape of a py-ra-mid (fire in the middle), we start seeing it in all others. Our breakthrough as adult humans, and as and through our children, is a return to this state of full understanding of oneness with all. Mortal fears melt away as we rejoice. We all know that darkness gives way to light, and that peace and love overcome worry, anger, and destruction. We come into a great revelation that there are none we can’t reach. In the fifth dimension and beyond, there is no time and there are no limitations. We can tap into a receptive entity that holds the capacity to receive. We can all easily develop that receivership as we Let Go / Let God, let go and merge with the ever-loving universal consciousness (LUC). We are becoming conduits and witnesses of the infinite healing power of love, and are now becoming one with The Soul of the World! Stephen Cipes, ambassador and visionary for the All-One-Era. We look forward to sharing chapter 5 of the All-One-Era manuscript in our next issue. Or, you may request to purchase your copy on our website. Footnotes: 1. http://starc hil d m/s tarc hild/ soulmates.html 2. Christ energy is a term widely accepted to reference the teachings of the Master Jesus. However, the term can also apply to the divinity within us all. The Master’s quote "I and the Father are one" says it all: the I AM

December Moon 2015

ALL ONE ERA magazine

December Moon 2015

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ALL ONE ERA magazine

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December Moon 2015

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