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Alan Taylor, author of the PulitzerPrize winning “William Cooper’s Town” will speak on slavery and war at Hartwick College.

‘William Cooper’s Town’ Pulitzer-Winning Author Due At Hartwick College


two-time Pulitzer Prize winner with a local interest comes to Oneonta, 8 p.m., Tuesday, May 5: Alan Taylor, of the University of Virginia and author of “William Cooper’s Town” (winner of the 1996 Pulitzer for History) and “The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in the Early Republic” (winner of the 2014 Pulitzer for History), talks about slavery and war in Virginia. Free. Shineman Chapel, Hartwick College. Info,


‘ESSENTIAL’ ART: Annual “Essential Art” juried show in Cooperstown. 5-7 p.m. Friday, May 1. Also pastel and oils exhibit by Joan Terrell Smith, and Cooperstown Central School Art Exhibit opening. Cooperstown Art Association, 22 Main St., Cooperstown. Info, www. or (607) 547-9777.

Jim Kevlin/

Deb Mackenzie, who has just published “Historical Markers of Otsego County and Their Locations,” strolls through the burial ground on Pleasant Valley Road, Town of Hartwick, that contains the remains Abner Adams, one of Israel Putnam’s rangers during the American Revolution.

New Book Locates All 42 Roadside Signs In County By JIM KEVLIN HARTWICK


eb Mackenzie had turned off Route 20 east of Richfield Springs and was driving slowly, slowly along Allen Lake Road. She stared into forested obscurity. And then, eureka! Set back in the woods near that big house associated with the Butternut Barn gift shop was a state historical marker, rusty yellow lettering on faded blue: “Butternut Road. Indian Trail from Fort Plain to Unadilla, on Map by British officer, 1757, during French and Indian War.” “It took me quite a while,” she said the

“Clinton’s Dam” marker, where Otsego Lake flows in the Susquehanna, was the first state Historical Marker erected in the county.

other day, while recounting how she’s spent the past two years solving the mystery of Otsego County’s historical markers. “And I found it by mistake.”

Mackenzie, an Otsego County Historical Association director-at-large, has gone farther than anyone in figuring out the list of historical markers that appears on the State Museum website. “Many are not correct,” she said. “Many are not on the list.” The results of her research may be found on the just-published “Historical Markers of Otsego County and Their Locations,” available from any OCHA board member. On accepting the assignment from the OCHA board in 2013, Mackenzie, a CCS grad and SUNY Oneonta history major, Class of 1984, found there was no substitute for getting into her car on a Saturday morning – during the week, she’s a trainer in Bassett’s computer department – and Please See MARKERS, B2

CAKEWALK: Greater Oneonta Historical Society hosts annual cakewalk. 58 p.m., Friday, May 1. Buy a chance to step on a lucky square, and win various cakes donated by local bakers. Oneonta History Center, 183 Main St., Oneonta. Info, (607) 432-0960. CATSKILL SYMPHONY: Orchestra concert conducted by Charles Schneider, 7:30 p.m., Saturday, May 2. With soloists Colby Thomas and Philip Hernandez, and choirs from Hartwick College and SUNY Oneonta. Hunt Union Ballroom, SUNY Oneonta. $30 (kids free if with adult). Tickets, info, or (607) 4362670. WIND ENSEMBLE: Catskill Valley Wind Ensemble’s spring concert. 2 p.m., Sunday, May 3. Free. Featuring trumpeter Frank Gabriel Campos and selections by Gershwin, Dvorak, and more. First United Methodist Church, 66 Church St., Oneonta. Info, (607) 4327085 or

When The Drilling Is Done, Dentist’s Ready To Rock Oneonta dentist Mark Lavine prepares for his weekly show, “Strange Brew,” highlighting classic rock on WIOX, Roxbury.


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Ian Austin/

fter he drills his last filling on Friday at the offices of Aaronson & Thompson on Chestnut Street, Dr. Mark Lavine, DDS, hangs up his white coat and puts on his headphones. He’s ready to rock. “I’ve always loved and collected music, and I’ve always wanted to do a radio show,”

he said. “I got this call from 91.3 FM in Roxbury, asking if I would host, so of course, I said yes.” In August, he started his show “Strange Brew,” every Friday night from 10 p.m. to midnight. “It’s an adult dose of rock and roll,” he said. “I want to play what people haven’t heard before.” But what sets his show aside from any other rock station is that he plays live concerts from classic rock stars – some Please See ROCKIN’, B3

COMING UP: 7 p.m. Thursday, May 7: Timely facilitated discussion of the film “Freedom Summer,” part of free “Created Equal” series on America’s civil rights struggle. Cooperstown Graduate Program, 5838 Rte. 80, Cooperstown. Info, (607) 547-2586. 2 p.m., Saturday, May 9: Free screening of short film “Once in a Good Many Million Times,” about secret of early 1800s resident Dr. David Little. Springfield Community Center, NY 29A, Springfield.



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