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SCHUYLER LAKE RARITY A Jonathan Dowdall decoy examines one of two rings where horses were tethered in smithy.



Jim Kevlin/

Bill Isaac, proprietor of The Old Blacksmith Shop Gallery, Schuyler Lake, examines the upside-down V of his double forge. Originally, a bellows in the middle blew air through holes in each leg of the V to stoke fire pits on each side.

he Farmers’ Museum blacksmith, Steve Kellogg, had just hammered out an “S” hook on an anvil the other day and dropped it into a bucket of water. “Hsss.” His blacksmith shop, built in New Berlin by Peleg Field in 1827 and moved to the Cooperstown museum in 1944, is a relatively big, multipurpose fabricating plant. “Like the Smithy,” Kellogg said, referring to what’s now the Smithy Pioneer Gallery downtown. In such shops there was shoeing, certainly, but hooks, hammers, farm implements – anything metal that a farmer might need – were also made there. Big may be Steve Kellogg, The Farmers’ Museum beautiful, but blacksmith, runs a much larger smithy small – in the form but is intrigued by the double forge of Bill Isaac’s Old Isaac discovered in an abandoned Blacksmith Shop Schuyler Lake shop. Gallery some 10 miles north on Route 28 here – may be more of a novelty. “Double forges are rare to begin with,” said Kellogg of the forge in Isaac’s shop. “And that one seems very interesting.” In fact, a consensus seems to be developing that Isaac’s double forge may be one of only two or three surviving, or maybe the only one of its kind. According to Isaac, his blacksmith shop had opened by 1828, next to the original Schuyler Lake Hotel (built in 1825), a stagecoach stop between the Mohawk Valley and Cooperstown. While the stagecoach driver and passengers stayed overnight at the hotel, the smithy would inspect the horses and reshoe them as necessary. Isaac points out two rings hammered into the stone back wall. The shop could handle two horses at once – and that was its sole purpose. So the double forge – a bellows in the middle stokes flames on each side, allowing a smithy to work on two horseshoes at once – made sense for the shop’s intended – and narrow – purpose. Please See SMITHY, B2

At Glimmerglass Festival, From Prejudice To Orgulous By ROBERT MOYNIHAN




atchel raised his great foot. It seemed more than a size 15. Another batter went down with strikes. I saw Paige in a 1948 exhibition game. He played another few years, shuffling to ‘LOST IN the mound, a few THE STARS’ turns left as a Major League relief pitcher when he became too old to excel. He had been a great star for the Kansas City Royals, a black team some say would have won the world championship if the playing field had been level. The tragedies of racism denied that contest, that full exhibition of talent. Memory and even conscience may Please See LOST, B3

Karli Cadel/Glimmerglass Festival

The Atelier Ballet performs in Glimmerglass Festival’s production of the baroque “Armide.”

ppreciate 17th century baroque art? Then turn away from the literalism of immediate experience – about the only ‘ARMIDE’ form we now accept, even in fiction chained to realism. The composer of Italian origins, Giovanni Lulli (Jean Lully) and his “Armide,” is about as alien an entertainment any modern audience might experience – but please read to the end. The conflict in the work arises from the “pastoral” and its myths, traditions once celebrated in court circles now just as dead as most aristocrats. One essay though, “Et in arcadia ego,” unlocked barriers to this artistic form. Please See ARMIDE, B4


Aaron David Ward offers observational humor in “Not Too Far From Home” Friday, Aug. 10, at The Smithy.

Comedy Comes to Cooperstown


o need to go to The Laugh Factory; the “Not Too Far From Home Comedy Tour” brings NYC-style comedy to you. Featuring Aaron David Ward, Deric Harrington, and Frank Gentile. $15 in advance, $20 day of show. 8 p.m. Friday, August 10. Smithy Pioneer Gallery, 55 Pioneer St., Cooperstown. Info, (607) 547-8671, www.smithyarts. org. RICHFIELD PRIDE: Celebrate Richfield Springs “Pride Days” with Gillette Show Amusement Rides, Musical Entertainment, yard sales, BBQ and a parade. 6-10 p.m. Friday, Aug. 10. Also Saturday-Sunday, Aug. 11-12, starting at noon. Spring Park, Route 20, Richfield Springs. Full schedule (315) 858-3200 or FAMILY RACE: Hall of Fame outfielder and former stolen-base king Lou Brock hosts 5K Base Race fun run and a competitive 10K. $25 for adults. 10 a.m.-noon. Saturday, Aug. 11, Clark Sports Center, Cooperstown. Info, (607) 547-2800. RENAISSANCE FAIR Ye Olde crafters, vendors, belly dancers, pig roast, Chinese auction and more. Proceeds go to the roof replacement fund. $5. 11 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 10 Windfall Dutch Barn., Salt Springville. Info, (518) 993-2239. TOGA PARTY: Gods and Goddess Gala features Greek-inspired feasting, dancing and drama. 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11. Hyde Hall, Cooperstown. Info, (607) 547-5098. MEDICINE SHOW: Carol Mandigo presents an updated 1920’s “Medicine Show” puppet performance. Free. 1 -3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12. Swart-Wilcox House, Wilcox Avenue, Oneonta. Info, Tina Morris, (607) 432-0665. TEDDIES GALORE: Bring your teddy out for the classic “Teddy Bears Picnic” concert in the park! Free, donations accepted. Upper Pavilion, Wilbur Park, Oneonta. Info, (607) 432-7977. EVERY DAY

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