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Gov. Announces Homeownership Grant Awards By WRILEY NELSON
OTSEGO COUNTY ew York State Governor Kathy Hochul announced more than $46 million in grant awards to support affordable homeownership on Thursday, December 28, including $1.4 million to three Otsego County organizations. The grants will help about 1,400 low- and moderateincome families make repairs or safety upgrades to their homes, replace manufactured homes, or provide down payment assistance for first-time buyers. “As housing costs continue to rise, this significant investment will help carve out a path to affordable homeownership for 1,400 New York families,” Hochul said in a statement. “My administration is using every tool at our disposal to address the state’s housing crisis, and we will continue to push forward on programs, strategies, and funding initiatives that put New Yorkers in safe, affordable homes.” The new announcement complements the governor’s $25 billion comprehensive housing plan, which aims to create or preserve 100,000 affordable homes, including 10,000 with support services for vulnerable populations, plus the electrification of another 50,000 homes. The grants, administered by New York State Homes and Community Renewal’s Office of Community Renewal, were awarded to nonprofit organizations and localities to help preserve affordable housing, support veterans and older residents, increase access to homeownership, and strengthen local economies. The grants included more than $5 million to support 191 housing units in the Mohawk Valley region. Local recipients included the City of Oneonta and the Town of Unadilla, each of which received $500,000.00 for owner-occupied housing rehabilitation. Otsego Rural Housing Assistance, Inc. was Continued on page 9 INSIDE ► NEWS EDITOR EMBARKING ON NEW JOURNEY, page 2 ► FILM SERIES BEGINS ON jANUARY 10, page 3 ► TREES WILL PROTECT OTSEGO LAKE, page 3 ► gERRY hOLZMAN REMEMBERED, page 4 ► LETTER TOPICS INCLUDE TRUMP, TOURNEY, page 4 ► KAROLINA HOPPER PRAISES CONCERT, page 4 ► CONSIDER KINDNESS IN THE NEW YEAR, page 5 ► In the news, page 6 Follow Breaking News On
Photo by Tim Hayes
Photo by Lucy Hayes
Charlie Lambert shoots against Delaware Academy on Thursday at the Dick White Holiday Basketball Tourney.
Rory Nelen goes up for a shot against Unatego during the holiday tournament.
Coop Hoops Host Annual Tournament
COOPERSTOWN ooperstown hosted the 40th annual Dick White Holiday Basketball Tournament on Wednesday and Thursday, December 27 and 28. The Cooperstown JV boys defeated Richfield Springs/Owen D. Young 48-21 on Wednesday, then fell 39-35 to Delaware Academy in the finals. JV girls fell 37-17 to Hamilton in the opening round and lost the consolation game to Unatego, 39-25. Charlie Lambert continued a stunning senior season with a personal record of 40 points in
the opening round of the varsity tournament on Wednesday. The boys’ varsity squad rolled past RS/ODY 68-39, powered by a 27-3 first quarter. It was Lambert’s second time breaking his singlegame scoring record in two weeks; he also sank five three-pointers and made four steals. Senior Conrad Erway made 15 rebounds. Freshman Brody Murdock scored seven points. The boys went on to lose the title game to Delaware Academy 63-42 on Thursday. Lambert led the Hawkeyes again with 14 points, but the Continued on page 9
Teamwork Saved Bus Driver’s Life, Inspired Student Project By MONICA CALZOLARI
OTEGO ichard Cooley, a bus driver for Unatego High School, almost died on September 12, 2023. He was stung twice by a European hornet, which caused him to go into anaphylactic shock. Cooley was driving 26 students back from their morning classes at BOCES when a hornet flew in through the bus window and stung him in the back. Cooley said, “The sting felt like a hot thumb tack or small nail going into my back. It hurt a lot. Ten seconds later, it stung me again.” Cooley had been stung by bees before. In fact, he was stung
Photo by Monica Calzolari
Teamwork saved Richard Cooley’s life on September 12. From left are Shaun Callahan, Kacey Theobald, Julie Lambiaso, Richard Cooley (in brown jacket), Patti Loker, Amber Birdsall and Amanda Smith.
a week earlier and did not have an allergic reaction. According to the research Cooley has done since, “getting stung by one of these hornets is the equivalent to being stung 26 times. Since I was stung twice, I had the equivalent of 52 doses of venom in my system,” he explained. Amanda Smith, one of the school nurses, did some research herself after this happened and found out that the European hornets kill up to 50 people a year. Smith was the nurse on duty when she received a call from Amber Birdsall, the Unatego Central School bus dispatcher and district treasurer. Cooley radioed Birdsall that he had Continued on page 7