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Cooperstown’s Newspaper
For 205 Years
VISIT WWW.ALLOTSEGO.COM Cooperstown, New York, Thursday, November 7, 2013
Volume 205, No. 45
Newsstand Price $1
fracking Impossible locally, data PROVE CLARK, CROWELL ROMP
The Freeman’s Journal
Lady Ostapeck poses with Ellen Elizabeth,the subject of an exhibit of never-before-seen photos during a reception and book-signing Friday, Nov. 1, at Foothills in Oneonta. Formerly of Fly Creek and Nader Towers, Lady is now at a retirement home in Herkimer.
County Voters Affirm Bipartisan Status Quo
NY Says Yes, Otsego No, On Casinos
tatewide, voters approved a change in the state Constituion to allow seven non-Indian casinos to be built Upstate, 642,001-477,177, or 57 percent to 43 percent. But Otsego County said otherwise, voting 409-275, or 60 percent to 40 percent, against expanding gambling. BUMP IN ROAD: In the hotly contested race for Town of Otsego highway superintendent, it was Republican John Schallert, 494; Democrat Mark diLorenzo, 375, and independent Bryan Pernat, 302. LIVE FROM FOOTHILLS!
State Sen. Jim Seward, RMilford, has partnered with SUNY Oneonta on a live broadcast/webcast of his second “Economic Development Summit” Thursday, Nov. 14, at Foothills. The webcast will allow students in county schools to watch the event in real time. BAT FOR BISHOP: St. Mary’s pastor, Father John Rosson, planned to present Bishop Hubbard with an engraved Cooperstown Bat Co. bat when the retiring prelate visits the village Friday, Nov. 8/DETAILS, A3
Allstadt, Northrup Say Too Little Gas Underground Here By JIM KEVLIN COOPERSTOWN
here will be no hydrofracking in Otsego County. Period. “It’s just not going to happen,” said Lou Allstadt, the The Freeman’s Journal former Mobil Lou Allstadt, right, executive vice and Chip Northrup president and, say there’s too previously, little gas to frack vice president here. of exploration & production, who was converted to the anti-fracking cause on moving to Cooperstown fulltime five years ago. He and Chip Northrup, the Texas oilman and former ARCO planning manager, have reached the same conclusion. And they – along with geologist Brian Brock, Franklin, and retired IBM systems Please See FRACKING, A7
BYE, BYE FRACKING Ian Austin/The Freeman’s Journal
In a gesture of bipartisanship, county Board Chair Kathy Clark, R-Otego, stopped by Democratic campaign headquarters to greet colleagues at the end of what state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, termed “a great night for Republicans.”
‘A Great Night For Republicans’
epublicans kept control and appeared to increase their strength of the Otsego County Board of Representatives on Tuesday, Nov. 5, posting a net gain of two seats for a 9-5 majority in what state Sen. Jim Seward, R-Milford, termed “a great night for Republicans.” “It says people agree with what we’ve been doing in the two years I’ve been chair,” said Kathy Clark, District #3 Please See VOTE, A7
Treasurer’s Tally Settles Questions
Rick Hulse, Jr., was all smiles on taking the Town of Otsego’s county Board seat.
an Crowell, Middlefield, was reelected county treasurer Tuesday, Nov. 5, despite questions about his absence during the first half of this year to undergo special operations train- Crowell’s ing as a military smile said reservist. it all. It was a landslide, with Crowell defeating Cooperstown Village Treasurer Ed Keator of West Oneonta, 6,731-4,017.
Check WWW.ALLOTSEGO.COM for • Video of Jerry Acton presenting data • Lou Allstadt’s PowerPoint slides • Blogger Peter Mantius’ at-scene report
James Fenimore Cooper IV Dies At Home In La. COOPERSTOWN
ames Fenimore Cooper IV, 86, great-great-grandson of the novelist, passed away Thursday, Oct. 31, at his home in Lafayette, La., surrounded by his family. In addition to being a fifth-generation descendant of James Fenimore Cooper of “Last of the Mohicans” fame, he was a sixth-generation descendant of William Cooper, founder of Cooperstown and of The Freeman’s Journal. Please See COOPER, A7
THE FREEMAN’S JOURNAL & HOMETOWN ONEONTA, OTSEGO COUNTY’S LARGEST PRINT CIRCULATION 2010 WINNERS OF The Otsego County Chamber/KEY BANK SMALL BUSINESS AWARD The Shanghai Ballet presents Tickets: Gold section $30, Silver section $22 · Tickets available online or through our box office Atrium doors open at 5 pm with food and drink specials
The Shanghai Ballet Presents
The Butterfly Lovers November 17 at 7 pm