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This report is compiled to comply with state and federal government reporting requirements. The Annual Report is available via the All Saints website each year alongside various other publications and platforms designed to provide information to our school community.
As with most schools in Australia, we spent a part of 2021 navigating the choppy waters of a post Covid-restricted world, but here in Queensland we were certainly blessed to escape the worst of those restrictions. With a one-toone laptop program (Surface Book) operating from Year 3 to Year 12, we were able to transition early and relatively seamlessly to online learning and teaching environments.
Saints Alive
Saints Alive is the School’s weekly newsletter. In addition to students’ individual diaries, it is the conduit of information from the School to home, and is available to all parents via the school website and app. The newsletter includes information from the Junior, Middle and Senior Schools, as well as the Chaplaincy team and other departments including Sport and Performing Arts. The Parents & Friends Association uses the newsletter as a vehicle for communication to organise events throughout the year.
The Saints
The Saints is a magazine that is produced twice a year. It maintains links with parents, grandparents, past students and other All Saints community members. This publication keeps the All Saints community informed of the achievements of students and staff, as well as the School’s exciting initiatives.
Omaru, which means ‘beautiful, peaceful place’ in the aboriginal dialect, reflects the environment in which we work, study and play. This annual publication is an accurate and comprehensive journal of the school year. The first edition was produced at the end of the School’s Foundation Year in 1987. Each family receives a copy.
FIDO (which stands for finding information directly online) is All Saints' online learning management system. Teachers and students use FIDO as a teaching and learning tool, while parents can access personalised and relevant information relating to their child/ren including their calendars and assessment schedules. Notices, information pages and groups within FIDO also allow our community to connect, communicate and collaborate.
Parent Lounge
Parent Lounge is an extension of our student management system. Through Parent Lounge parents can pay school their fees, download academic reports, change family contact details, provide approvals for excursions, update health and medical details, and view the School’s parent directory.