Pre Prep

• About All Saints Anglican School
Our Learning Program
• Pre Prep Philosophy
• Pre Prep Team
• About the Pre Prep Program
◦ Five outcomes for learning
◦ Learning through play
◦ Inquiry-based learning
◦ Pre-literacy development
◦ Pre-numeracy development
• Social and emotional development
• Fine and gross motor development
• Physical Education
• Learning Connections
• Christian Living
• Music
• Library
Get Set for Pre Prep
• Class Details
• Pre Prep program hours
• Arrival and departure
• Absences
• Outside School Hours Care
• Child Care Subsidy
• Early Childhood Education and Care
• Uniform
• Parking
Student Wellbeing
• Policies and procedures
• Sun protection
• Hygiene
• Illnesses
• Medication
• Immunisation
• First aid / injury
• Sleep and rest time
• Food safety and nutrition
• Treasures from home
• Behaviour guidance
• Student protection
Working in Partnership with Parents
• Orientation for new families
• Parent involvement
• Documentation
• Learning profiles
• Proud Books
• All Saints Pre Prep newsletter
• Daily communication
• Parent and guardian concerns
Pre Prep Policies and Information
• Policy access
• Early Childhood Information Service
• Code of conduct for parents and visitors
• Infectious diseases Time Out guidelines
• National immunisation schedule

Our Pledge
All Saints Anglican School will treat with care and respect all people involved in its communal life in the certain knowledge that each is precious, worthy and loved by God. We aim to honour our founding creed of ‘Truth, Faith and Compassion’ to foster an environment in which the Gospel is lived as well as taught, and where the quality of life enhances the quality of performance.
Our Vision
We are a world-class Christian school where everyone joyfully reaches their full potential. We value every member of our community for their unique academic, social, emotional, spiritual and creative impulses. Our vision is to nurture the hearts, minds and spirits of our students, who promise to learn with integrity, confidence and joy.
Our Learning Program
Pre Prep Philosophy
At All Saints Pre Prep we believe:
Each child’s potential is limitless, and that childhood is a time to be valued and enjoyed.
Children are strong, capable and resilient learners, filled with a sense of wonder and a passion for learning.
Play is the way children learn, develop, and grow. Learning in Pre Prep occurs through the implementation of an interest and playbased framework that is responsive to the students’ individual needs and interests and leaves time to inquire and wonder about the world around them. We will facilitate creativity, curiosity and learning in a safe and supportive environment where children a have voice and play an active role in their own learning and development.
The rights and best interests of the child underpin all practice. Their safety, health and wellbeing are paramount. Each child is respected without discrimination or bias and has a valid voice.
Children construct their own understandings, contribute to the learning of others, and participate in decisions that affect them. Empowering children as learners, friends and students of the All Saints community, reflecting Anglican values through our practice is paramount to our vision.
Equity, inclusion and diversity are an important part of learning. Students are given every opportunity to succeed, and their diverse circumstances, cultural background and abilities are respected and valued.
Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are respected and celebrated. We offer an environment that is rich in natural resources that will promote exploration and play, it will also promote connection to country where children learn to care, appreciate and respect for our land.
Continuous improvement, best practice and quality outcomes underpin our learning day. Our educators are professional, committed to lifelong learning, skilled, knowledgeable, reflective and collaborative. Current research, theories and understandings are considered and applied in the context of the uniqueness of the service, through a process of ongoing critical reflection.
Reflective practice is vital to all aspects of our service, including seeking valuable input from various perspectives including families and the wider All Saints Anglican School community. We hope to build and maintain supportive, trusting and collaborative relationships with students, families and staff. We welcome and encourage all families to be actively involved in our community.

The Pre Prep team
pay attention to the intangibles. Our culture is about the human factor. To help the child thrive, a balance is what the soul needs."
-Headmaster Patrick Wallas

Director/ Nominated Supervisor/ Educational Leader
Mrs Tina Lloyd-Jones Master of Education (Leadership and Management), Master of Education (Early Years), Bachelor of Education (Primary), Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care.
Email: tlloydjones@asas.qld.edu.au
Mrs Nicola Ashley Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)
Email: nashley@asas.qld.edu.au
Mrs Chika Danvers
Bachelor of Arts/Education (Primary and Early Childhood)
Email: cdanvers@asas.qld.edu.au
Miss Nadia Durrant Master of Education (Student Wellbeing), Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood)
Email: ndurrant@asas.qld.edu.au
About the Pre Prep Program
The All Saints Pre Prep program is an approved Kindergarten program inspired by the Reggio Emilia Educational Project and Nature Play pedagogy. We aim to ensure children learn in a safe and nurturing environment to develop all the skills essential for your child’s smooth transition to Prep.
The Early Years Learning Framework informs the Pre Prep teaching and learning program, and we follow the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines. These guidelines promote learning and development through a play-based curriculum that embraces learning through discovery, exploration, real-life engagement, routines and transitions.
Learning Through Play
Play is the way children learn, develop, and grow.
Learning at All Saints Pre Prep occurs through the implementation of an interest and play-based framework that is responsive to the children’s individual needs and interests, leaving time to investigate and wonder about the world around them. Learning is encouraged and enhanced in ways that are meaningful to your child. For example, your child may be role playing as a shop attendant. The educator may extend their play by encouraging and supporting them to create a menu for their café, make money/credit cards, and researching what is required for their shop. By doing so, we support your child’s interests and explore opportunities for literacy and mathematical development within these authentic play scenarios.

Children are curious about so many different things in their world, and we want to allow this natural curiosity to flourish. A range of materials will be available for your child to express their thinking and ideas. Educators will support your child’s curiosity and creativity and encourage this play to be continued and extended over time, quite often revisiting projects. Your child will also be able to share their learning and ideas with others in the group.
Story Park, our online learning and sharing platform, will provide parents with valuable opportunities to witness their child’s learning journey. When receiving learning stories though Story Park you will also be able to see the learning outcomes your child is working towards as they play.

Intentionality Underpins our Pedagogy
Intentional teaching is an active process that embraces and builds on children’s knowledge, perspectives, capabilities and interests. Through this approach, children also act intentionally when they actively engage with others and make choices through play.
We consider the development of Social and Emotional Learning (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making) as a fundamental requirement to be a successful lifelong learner.
Our teachers strive to make authentic and meaningful links to literacy, mathematics, the arts and STEM which are delivered by both intentional, spontaneous and explicit learning opportunities within our routine.
Five Outcomes for Learning
The Early Years Learning Framework learning outcomes are designed to capture the integrated and complex learning and development of all children from the birth to five years of age. These outcomes are:
1. Children have a strong sense of identity
2. Children are connected with and contribute to their world
3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
4. Children are confident and involved learners
5. Children are effective communicators.
These outcomes are broad and observable. They acknowledge that children learn in a variety of ways and vary in their capabilities and pace of learning. Over time children engage with increasingly complex ideas and learning experiences, which are transferable to other situations. Learning in relation to the outcomes is influenced by:
• Each child’s current capabilities, dispositions and learning preferences
• Educators’ practices and the early childhood environment
• Engagement with each child’s family and community
• The integration of learning across the outcomes.
Children’s learning is ongoing and each child will progress towards the outcomes in different and equally meaningful ways. Learning is not always predictable and linear. Educators plan with each child and the outcomes in mind.
To further support your first steps into early childhood education and care, you may like to view the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority resources available at www.startingblocks.gov.au or earlychildhood.qld.gov.au.

Experiences in the early years provide fundamental building blocks in the promotion of early reading competency. Phonological and phonemic awareness activities are embedded into our literacy program. The ability to hear, identify and manipulate individual speech sounds is the aim of these activities in preparation for learning to read. Positive Literacy Development (PLD) is the program used in the teaching of phonological and phonemic awareness across Junior School from Pre Prep to Year 6.
Parents can support early literacy growth and development by:
• Speaking about the letters of the alphabet and their names
• Emphasising that both the capital and lower-case letters are known by the same name
• Encouraging clear articulation of sounds, including initial, medial and final sounds
• Playing with rhyming sounds and words
• Playing ‘I Spy’
• Clapping out syllables of words together
• Reading and sharing plenty of nursery rhymes
• Encouraging oral discussions
• Reading, reading, reading with your child Children often write before they can read, therefore it is very important for them to be assisted to develop their fine motor control and a pincer grip. Threading, craft activities, tracing and cutting help in the promotion of hand/ eye coordination, concentration, strength and control. Therefore they are all included in the daily Pre Prep program.
Helping a child to write and recognise their name is an important step in promoting independence. When teaching your child to write their name it is important they are encouraged to use lower case letters only except for the first letter of their name.
Pre-Literacy Development

Pre-Numeracy Development
There is far more to mathematics than numbers and sums. It is an important language that helps us to explore, describe and explain the world in which we live. Therefore, during the course of the Pre Prep year, we aim to develop the students’ ability to think about numbers and to raise their awareness of mathematical concepts through the manipulation of concrete materials. In-class activities encourage and support the students to:
• Explore quantity, counting and number recognition
• Sequence, sort and match
• Weigh and measure objects with the use of scales, height charts and comparing longer and shorter and heavier and lighter
• Develop the concept of 1 to 1 correspondence.
Some activities parents could consider undertaking at home to promote mathematical development include:
• Counting objects, initially in ones, of household items such as pegs, buttons and stairs
• Playing board games – these also assist in the development of social skills
• Reciting counting rhymes and songs
• Discussing concepts such as empty/ full and heavier/lighter
• Sorting and sequencing objects such as fruit, coins and buttons
• Playing matching games using socks or dominoes
• Sharing out items equally between family members e.g. one for you and one for me
Pre-mathematics is philosophically underpinned by the belief that learning is best supported with a ‘hands on approach’.
Social and Emotional Development
Often, we think of school readiness as describing a concrete set of cognitive and academic skills. Research has shown that for the very young child, social/emotional skills (such as the ability to listen, communicate, and form relationships with others) are crucial for supporting the development of academic competency. Well-developed social and emotional skills provide children with the solid base they need to become proficient in more traditional areas of school readiness, fostering a lifelong love of learning.
As with cognitive functioning and fine motor development, children are at different stages of development in their social and emotional maturity when they begin Pre Prep. Significant growth in this area is evident during the year and it prepares the children for the Prep year ahead.
Fine and Gross Motor Development
Motor skills are motions carried out when the brain, nervous system, and muscles work together. Fine motor skills are small movements, such as grasping an object with the thumb and forefinger that use the small muscles of the fingers, toes, wrists, lips, and tongue. Gross motor skills are the bigger movements, such as running and jumping that use the large muscles in the arms, legs, torso, and feet.
Fine Motor Development
Fine motor activities help to promote the skills necessary to write and manipulate small objects. Simple activities such as painting, puzzles, play dough, clay work, cutting, threading and blocks help develop these skills. As part of the learning process in Pre Prep the children undertake pre-writing activities. These activities include tracing, copying, moving from left to right and writing letter shapes using Queensland Print handwriting.
Gross Motor Development
Pre Prep students require time each day to exercise and strengthen their large muscles. Our day provides opportunities for gross motor activity through the use of a wide variety of equipment in our outdoor
spaces. Exploration of this equipment promotes a healthy physical body by developing flexibility, endurance and strength. Gross motor activities include walking, running, throwing, lifting and kicking. These skills also relate to body awareness, reaction speed, balance and strength. Gross motor activities promote a child’s ability to move in a variety of ways, to control their body and help to promote self-esteem. Pre Prep students participate in a timetabled lesson with specialist staff which assists in the growth of gross motor skills.
Physical Education
The Pre Prep physical education program endeavours to enhance gross motor skills, develop enthusiasm for movement and promote engagement in physical activity. The program is offered daily by physical education teachers both within the Pre Prep grounds and the wider school grounds.
Physical Education lessons give students the opportunity to strengthen their communication skills by exploring and applying strategies to interact respectfully with others. They develop an increasing understanding of emotions, fairness, diversity and health messages to keep themselves and others healthy and safe.
Through the continued development of fine and gross motor skills, object manipulation skills and spatial awareness, students gain a stronger sense of movement competence, appreciate the personal benefits of being physically active and develop increasing confidence to participate in range of physical activities.
Students practise and develop locomotor and non-locomotor skills, including balancing, running and jumping, and object control skills, including rolling, propelling, bouncing, throwing, catching and kicking a range of different objects. Through participation in active play, small group games and minor games, students explore ways to move safely and investigate why and how following rules promotes fair play.

Learning Connections
Each class also participates in one weekly Learning Connections lesson where children are given the opportunity to improve skills in a more structured setting. Learning Connections is a program where children replicate early movement experiences that are required to establish good building blocks, or ‘wiring’ of the brain, and are essential for efficient learning. These activities help the brain to organise what was previously disorganised. When this happens, children become more settled and learning becomes more effective.
Christian Living
In Pre Prep students participate in Godly Play. Godly Play is a creative, imaginative approach to Christian formation and spiritual guidance. Led by Mother Ann, students engage in a story telling experience, followed by a small reflective activity, song and prayer.
Music lessons are delivered by our Junior School music specialist teacher and class teachers. The lessons and learning experiences are sequential and address the knowledge and understanding necessary to support later music learning. Students’ listening and performance skills are also enhanced via their musical experiences.
The aim of the Junior School Library experience is to nurture an enjoyment and appreciation of books both fiction and non-fiction. Library activities help to promote your child’s knowledge and understanding of rhyme, rhythm, sequence and story line in fictional works as well as to expose them to information books that cover a variety of topics
Get Set for Pre Prep
Important day-to-day information for you and your child.

Class Details
Pre Prep is the main entry point to All Saints Junior School and operates during school terms only. Pre Prep consists of 75 students divided into three groups in two classroom settings. Each class is always under the care and guidance of three educators. The number of students per class is 25.
Blue Group
Five-day week
(Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri)
Red Group
Five-day fortnight (Mon, Tue, Wed | Mon, Tue)
Yellow Group
Five-day fortnight (Thu, Fri | Wed, Thu, Fri)
Students in Pre Prep range from three and a half to five years of age. Students must turn 4 years of age by June 30 of their entry year. It is a requirement of enrolment that children entering Pre Prep are toilet trained.
Pre Prep Program Hours
The Pre Prep program runs from 8.25am to 2.30pm from Monday to Friday during term time. Before and after school care, and holiday care, is available on campus via our outside school hours provider, Aspire OSHC.
Arrival and Departure
Parents of Pre Prep students are required to sign in electronically on arrival each day. It is also a requirement for for parents/ guardians to sign their child out before they depart Pre Prep classrooms.
To ensure your child’s safety, only persons listed on their enrolment form and 18 years or older will be permitted to do so. Any changes to this list must be supplied in writing to the Pre Prep office prior to that person collecting the child. Siblings under 18 years of age, may not sign Pre Prep children in or out.
If a child needs to depart Pre Prep early to attend an appointment, parents are asked to inform the teacher on the day of early departure.
If a child is to be absent from Pre Prep, parents are requested to contact Junior School Administration on 5587 0365 or email your child’s teacher and Pre Prep Director Tina Lloyd-Jones (tlloydjones@asas. qld.edu.au) no later than 9.00am on the day of absence. If the period is to be an extended absence due to the advice of a doctor, please ensure that the information is forwarded to the Pre Prep office.
Outside School Hours Care
Our outside school hours care provider is Aspire OSHC Bookings can be made on a permanent (set days each week) or casual basis.
• Before school care hours: 6.30am—8.15am
• After school care hours: 2.45pm – 6.00pm
• Holiday program: 7.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday during All Saints school holidays (except public holidays)
Pre Prep students are supervised in their classrooms until 3.00pm or until the traffic in the pick up zone has reduced. At that time, we will call to check on any late pick ups. We understand that sometimes parents can be delayed in picking up and children can be signed into OSHC if needed.
Aspire OSHC also offer a short care option at a significantly reduced price if collecting your child before 4.00pm. Children can stay back for a play and some afternoon tea, while you avoid the car park traffic!
Visit www.aspire-oshc.com.au or call 0447 993 562 for full details and pricing.
Child Care Subsidy
All Saints Pre Prep
All Saints Pre Prep is a registered kindergarten provider and is not eligible to offer parents the reduction of fees under Child Care Subsidy (CCS). A small rebate may be available for some families. Please contact Centrelink for an assessment and further information. Visit servicesaustralia.gov.au/child-care-subsidy or call the Centrelink Family Line on 13 61 50.
Early Childhood Education and Care
Pre Prep families will benefit from the Queensland Government Free Kindy program. Free Kindy is for 15 hours a week (600 hours a year). For further information visit earlychildhood.gov.au/freekindy or asas.qld.edu. au/admissions/fees
Aspire OSHC
All Aspire OSHC services are Child Care Subsidy (CCS) approved. Many families are eligible for a subsidy, which can reduce the cost of outside school hours care by up to 85%. To establish what level of CCS you may be entitled to please contact the Centrelink Family Line on 13 61 50.


Students must wear the school uniform which is available for purchase from the Friends of All Saints Shop in store or online at shop.asas.qld.edu.au.
The following is a list of the items required for the Pre Prep school year:
• School shirt, shorts, socks, hat, diary and library bag available from the Friends of All Saints Shop
• School back pack available from the Friends of All Saints Shop
• Velcro sneakers
• Set of sheets in a draw string bag
• Drink bottle
Students are to wear velcro sneakers (predominantly white, or a colour that compliments the uniform) with All Saints socks.
The car spaces under the Prep playground are reserved for Pre Prep parents from 8.00am to 8.30am and from 2.30pm to 3.00pm. Pre Prep parents will be provided with a parking pass at the start of the school year. Parents may also park in any of the designated car park areas in the School.
Car park rules:
• The drop off zone is a non-parking zone.
In Pre Prep, we encourage barefoot play for the development of sensory awareness. This enables the nerve endings in the feet to sense a variety of textures and the bare feet can grip climbing equipment which promotes more effective balance and control. Velcro sneakers are required so students can put on and remove their shoes and socks independently throughout the day.
Spare Clothes
We ask there is always a spare set of clothes, including underwear, in your child’s bag. It does not have to be uniform items, simply appropriate play clothes for use in case of an emergency.
Please ensure all clothing, hats, shoes and any other personal items your child may bring to school are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
• Parents wishing to park are to use the marked parking bays only.
• Mobile telephones should not be used whilst your vehicle is in motion.
• The speed limit in the area is 5 kilometres per hour.
• Staff in attendance at the car park are there to protect the welfare of the children using the carpark, therefore if a staff member makes a request, please respond positively.
Let's get ready for school!

School back pack, library bag, drawstring bag with sheets and water bottle
Blue andor white velcro sneakers and School socks
School shorts
School shirt

Student Wellbeing
Our highest priority is making sure Pre Prep is a place where you and your child feel happy, healthy and safe.
Policies and Procedures
Once enrolled in the School, parents will be able to log onto FIDO (our learning management platform) to access Pre Prep policies and Procedures.
The link to FIDO can be found on the school website. During the course of the year parents will be invited to participate in reviewing the policies and procedures and we encourage your feedback in this area.
Sun Protection
Protecting our children from the sun is a responsibility we take very seriously.
While sunscreen is provided at school, parents are asked to apply sunscreen on their child before arriving in the morning and complete the sunscreen register when signing in. Sunscreen is available in each room and will be applied on the students before they go outside to play.
The School requires children and adults to wear hats whilst outdoors. Any student without a hat will need to take part in activities in the undercover area next to the classroom.

We aim to provide a healthy and hygienic environment that will promote the health of the children, educators and parents. All Saints Pre Prep has in place preventative measures regarding infection control. Educators will ensure that they maintain and model appropriate hygiene practices.
Having and encouraging good hygiene practices in early childhood is essential for reducing the risk of cross infection. Helping students develop appropriate personal hygiene habits are incorporated into our daily routines.
We also work with families to ensure children follow simple hygiene rules by incorporating good hygiene methods both at school and in the home environment as needed.
Personal Hygiene
Students are encouraged to develop good hygiene practices to reduce the risk of cross infection. Personal hygiene practices include:
• Students do not share hats
• Students are reminded not to share drinks, utensils or use items that have been dropped on the floor
• Students using effective hand hygiene and toileting procedures
• Coughing and sneezing etiquette: Students are encouraged to cough or sneeze into their inner elbow or use a tissue to cover their mouth and nose. All tissues should be disposed of in the rubbish bin straight away, and hands washed with either soap and water or an alcohol-based rub.
Hand Hygiene
To ensure the greatest level of personal hygiene in Pre Prep, it is a requirement that our staff, students and visitors wash their hands or use antibacterial:
• On arrival
• Before and after toileting
• After wiping a runny nose or blowing your own nose
• Before eating, preparing and serving food
• After playing outside
• After touching animals
• Before going home
Students are encouraged to follow educators modelling and wash their hands at appropriate times throughout the day. Educators will ensure all required hand washing equipment is easily accessible and appropriate for use.
Infectious diseases can spread very quickly in an early years environment. We try to minimise children’s exposure to infectious diseases by adhering to all recommended guidelines from relevant authorities regarding the prevention of infectious diseases, promoting practices that reduce the transmission of infection, ensuring the exclusion of sick students and staff, supporting child immunisation and implementing effective hygiene practices.
Staying Home if Unwell
We aim to provide a safe and hygienic environment that will promote the health of the children. The care needs of a sick child cannot be met without dramatically reducing the general level of supervision of the other students, or risking other students’ health. Parents are asked not to bring sick children to school and to collect children who are unwell when asked. A child who is sick will also not be able to engage with the program and is likely to spread the illness to other students and staff. We ask you please make arrangements to care for your child at home if they are not well.
Parents are not to send their child to school if they have had:
• Fever in the past 24 hours
• Vomiting or diarrhoea in the past 48 hours
• Strep throat
• Bad cold, with very runny nose or bad cough
• Contagious infections
• Is otherwise obviously unwell
Becoming Unwell at School
All care and consideration will be given to students who become ill while at school. Parents will be contacted to collect their child as soon as possible. Where it is not possible for your child to be collected straight away, their emergency contact will be required to collect them from Pre Prep.
Fevers and High Temperature
If children record a fever, a parent/guardian will be required to collect their child immediately. The child will be excluded from school until the fever
has stopped for at least 24 hours. An Incident, Injury and Illness Record Form must be completed and signed by the parent / guardian upon collection.
We always encourage families to visit a doctor to find the cause of the temperature. While waiting for the child to be collected, educators will:
Remove excess clothing to cool the child down
Contagious Illnesses
Educators (in consultation with the Director of Pre Prep and School Nurse) reserve the right to exclude a student from attendance if, in their opinion, it appears that the student may have a disease contagious to the other children. Students with infectious diseases will be excluded from school as required by the Department of Health.
We follow the guidelines set down by the National Health and Medical Research Council for the period of exclusion for infectious diseases and are mandated to do so. Please notify staff immediately if your child has been exposed to any communicable diseases, so that we can confidentially notify other families.

First Aid / Injury
There will be times, hopefully rarely, when we will need to administer first aid. Please be assured that all staff regularly undertake first aid training as part of their conditions of employment to ensure full and proper care of all is maintained. Our first aid kits and supplies are also regularly maintained.
Minor injuries will be treated at Pre Prep by our educators or the school nurses. An Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Form will then be completed as soon as practicable following any incident. The

form will be signed by the educator and then shared with parents to then sign.
In cases of emergency or more serious accidents where we feel medical attention should be sought, parents or nominated emergency guardians will be notified as soon as possible. If parents or alternative emergency guardian/s cannot be contacted, educators, in consultation with the Pre Prep Director and School Nurse, have the authority to call an ambulance. A staff member will always accompany an injured child to hospital and remain with them until parents arrive.
We aim to ensure proper care and attention is given to all students and are required to follow specific guidelines regarding medications given to students whilst in our care.
Medication will only be administered with the explicit permission of the parents or in the case of an emergency with the permission of a medical practitioner. Any medication must be administered as prescribed by medical practitioners and first-aid guidelines to ensure the continuing health, safety and wellbeing for the child.
Families requesting the administration of medication to their child will be required to follow the guidelines developed by All Saints Pre Prep, as well as follow legislative guidelines and standards, to ensure the health of children, families and staff at all times.
Students requiring medication will be supervised by staff in accordance with the written direction provided by parents. Documentation will be completed in respect of the medication including the following details: name of child, medication type, dosage and time of administering. All medication should be prescribed by a doctor and bear the prescription information label. All medication will be kept in a locked box in the fridge or in a locked cupboard in the kitchen.
Paracetamol will be available for emergency purposes from the School Nurse. One single dose of liquid paracetamol may be administered in accordance to this procedure, under the following conditions:
• The child’s parent / guardian or emergency contact has provided verbal permission, and
• The child’s parent / guardian has provided written permission via the Enrolment Form, and
• The temperature of the child has reached or exceeded 38°. Paracetamol may be administered for a lower temperature if a child has a history of febrile convulsions and a written medical management plan authorised by a registered medical practitioner has been provided.
When paracetamol is administered due to a fever a parent/ guardian will be required to collect their child immediately. The child must then stay home until the fever has stopped for at least 24 hours.
In fulfilling our duty of care, it is a requirement under the Work Health and Safety Act, that school teams implement and endorse the immunisation policy and procedures. This includes:
• Notifying families and educators when an excludable illness or disease is present in Pre Prep
• Maintaining a record of children’s and educators’ immunisation status
• Complying to relevant health department exclusion guidelines; and
• Increasing educators’ awareness of cross infection through physical contact with others.
In the case of an outbreak of an infectious disease, families will be notified by email of the outbreak. They will be informed of the symptoms and any necessary exclusion periods. Parents are asked to inform the School if their child contracts the disease.
Rest Time
Time to rest and renew is extremely important to our Pre Prep children who are still young and exposed to a very busy day. We aim for our rest and relaxation times to be calming, quiet times in which students are encouraged to have a rest appropriate to their developmental needs.
All Saints Pre Prep defines ‘rest’ as a period of inactivity, calmness, or tranquillity, and may involve your child being in a state of sleep or simply reading. Considering the busy and energetic nature of the students’ day, we feel that it is important for students to participate in a quiet/rest period during the day in order to rest, relax and recharge their body. After lunch all students will rest/relax for at least 20 minutes. We will consult with families about your child’s individual rest needs.
Food Safety and Nutrition
We recognise the importance of healthy eating to promote the growth and development of young children and are committed to supporting the healthy food and drink choices of children in our care. Mealtimes reflect a relaxed and pleasant environment where educators engage in meaningful conversations with children. This assists in creating a positive and enjoyable eating experience.
Nude Lunches
In Pre Prep the children are encouraged to learn to care for their environment. Therefore, we promote the use of reusable containers in their lunch boxes and their bringing in a nude lunch. A nude lunch is one that contains no wrappings or packaging. This assists in reducing litter in the grounds. Any fruit or vegetable remains will be placed in our worm farm or compost bin.

Food Allergies
A number of children in the Junior School have a severe allergy to peanuts and other nut-based products. Some of the children concerned can even have a reaction to people who have touched peanuts/nuts. As a result, we ask parents not to include peanuts or nut products in lunchboxes.
On this special day, parents may like to bring in individual treats, such as a small cupcake or icy pole, for the birthday boy or girl to share with their classmates. We ask that you please notify the class teacher prior to the birthday in order to address any issues associated with student allergies.
Treasures From Home
While we do not wish to dampen your child’s enthusiasm, we would appreciate it if toys brought from home were limited. Treasures can be lost and broken so it is best to leave them at home. Your child is encouraged to bring any type of interesting specimen or object - rocks, shells, flowers, or animals - to enrich the program. If your child needs the ‘security’ of a familiar and much-loved object, such as a blanket, sheepskin or soft toy, these are of course welcome at the beginning of the year to assist your child to settle into their new environment.
Behaviour Guidance
The rights of children to receive positive guidance in a supportive and respectful environment is protected in national regulations. Children learn to face a variety of challenges throughout their lives and through this develop not only self-regulation, but positive dispositions such as resilience and perseverance. Learning the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour assists children to regulate their own behaviours in different social and emotional environments as well as when interacting with peers and adults.
We aim to create positive relationships with students making them feel safe, secure and supported. We will ensure children are treated with respect and consistency, fairly and equitably as they are supported to develop the skills and knowledge required to behave in a socially and culturally acceptable manner.
Supporting students to develop socially acceptable behaviour and self-regulation is a primary goal for educators and families. This is embedded in fundamental documents including the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), the Education and Care Services National Regulations and the
Students will be encouraged to solve minor problems by themselves and supported by our educators to develop words and actions that assist in resolving conflict. These verbal skills empower the students and assist in the development of the skills of negotiation, compromise and restorative practice from an early age.
All Saints Pre Prep uses the Kimochi program to support children’s social and emotional development.
Student Protection
As part of the School’s determination to protect the security and safety of all children at all times and in the affirmation and dignity of every child, active measures are in place to prevent the occurrence of child abuse or neglect. In any instance where abuse or neglect has occurred or is suspected to have occurred, the matter is to be reported to the Director of Pre Prep immediately.
Statement of Commitment
Anglican Schools and Education & Care Services are committed to providing environments where children and young people receive the highest standard of care, where their rights are supported, and they have opportunity to thrive and be fruitful. Such environments nurture and safeguard the intelligence, dignity, safety and

wellbeing of each child or young person, by placing them at the centre of thought, values and actions.
Working and serving the best interests of children and young people is in everyone’s best interest. This is achieved through sustaining living and learning environments that are safe, supportive and stimulating. Specifically, we:
• Place emphasis on genuine engagement with children and young people
• Create conditions that reduce the likelihood of harm to children and young people
• Create conditions that increase the likelihood of identifying harm where it exists; and
• Respond swiftly and appropriately to any concerns, disclosures, allegations, or suspicions.
This commitment is sought to be consistently reflected through the decisions and behaviour of all persons within the School, who are guided by effective governance, policies, tools, and processes. This fosters a child safe culture, where acting in children and young people’s best interests is at the heart of what we do.
Child Risk Management Strategy
The Child and the Youth Risk Management Strategy aims to identify potential risks of harm to children and young people and to implement strategies to minimise these risks. The All Saints Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy provides a clear and consistent framework to guide and support children and young people, parents, employees, volunteers and visitors to All Saints.
Speaking to a Trusted Adult
If students are at any time feeling unsafe or fearful of being harmed or they are concerned for another child, we encourage them to speak with a trusted adult. This could be a teacher or one of our Pre Prep Child Safety Contacts (Director of Pre Prep and Head of Junior School).
Court and Parenting Orders
Parents are required to ensure any court or parenting orders for their child have been submitted to the Director of Pre Prep and School Registrar, and are updated as necessary.
Protection of Privacy
Before any photographs, video or audio recordings are taken, parents are required to give permission by signing the School’s Standard Privacy Collection Notice on enrolment.

Working in Partnership with Parents
The flourishing of our young learners is integral to all we do and is our common goal. A united home / school partnership is the most effective tool we have in achieving this goal and providing every child every opportunity to be the best they can be.
"I love spending time in Pre Prep with my teachers and friends. The best thing about Pre Prep is having fun and learning at school."
Orientation for New Families
Preparing for school entry is an exciting and emotional time for children and families. We strive to partner with families in sensitive and supportive ways. Building a positive home/school partnership is paramount to us. Such partnerships enable us all to work toward our common goals of enhancing your child’s skills, building their confidence, and developing a love of learning.
We aim to ensure students and families are provided with an orientation procedure that allows the family to transition into Pre Prep positively and informatively, meeting the children and families’ individual needs. We strive to establish respectful and supportive relationships with families to promote positive outcomes for all our students whilst adhering to the many legislative requirements placed upon us for the safety of all children.
Orientation takes place for both parents and children to welcome them to All Saints and also ensure parents are aware of our policies, aims, goals and procedures. The students will be invited to an orientation session that will help familiarise
them with their room, teachers and their peers. We ask that they bring a sun hat and wear suitable play clothes for those sessions. During the session the educators will begin to develop relationships with the children and introduce them to some of the activities they will undertake during their time in Pre Prep.
The week before the children start, an additional parent information session will be offered in the Pre Prep classrooms. At this session, the Director of Pre Prep and Head of Junior School will inform parents about the following:
• Staff arrangements and requirements – across Pre Prep and in individual classes
• Program (indoor/outdoor/specialist lessons)
• Policies
• Allocation of classes
• Dates of attendance
• General administration information
• Details of how correspondence is delivered to parents, e.g. email, FIDO, Parent Lounge, newsletter, noticeboard, Story Park
• Opportunities for parental participation

Parent Involvement
We value a united school/home partnership and encourage you to share concerns with us early, seek clarification as needed, and share your feedback with us. We also love to have parents volunteer their time in classrooms. All volunteers must complete a volunteer induction program. Dates and times for these programs will be published in FIDO throughout the school year.
Feedback gathered through observation, conversations with students, and analysis of student work provides the basis for daily and weekly programs. The program covers all areas of development; social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical.
Photos, video and audio recordings will be used in order to document those involved in the project work and other learning experiences. Documentation allows educators to:
• Make the learning visible
• Revisit, read and assess the learning of the children
• Reflect upon teaching and learning practices within the year level
Learning Profiles
Student learning profiles are delivered through our online platform StoryPark. Your child’s profile will contain learning stories and observations collated throughout the year. The aim of this collection is to collaborate with families and share your child’s engagement in the program.
Proud Books
Our student portfolios, or ‘Proud Books’, offer students the opportunity to enter into discussions and collaboration with educators to identify pieces of work that they are proud of throughout year. Educators and students select samples which the highlight moments of play, learning, art and craft to form a memento of their first year of schooling.
All Saints Pre Prep Newsletter
A Pre Prep newsletter is made available to parents via FIDO (the All Saints learning management platform). Further information and events may be shared outside the newsletter and parents are strongly encouraged to check FIDO News via the All Saints app to keep informed on happenings in Pre Prep and around the School.
We also have noticeboards inside the classrooms and an information board with community information, any additional service information and a copy of the FIDO newsletter.
Saints Alive is a whole school publication published fortnightly highlighting events and information across the whole school.
Daily Communication
The All Saints Anglican School app provides important Pre Prep and whole school information, including FIDO, Parent Lounge and Saints Alive.
The Story Park for Families app is used in Pre Prep only and will deliver learning updates about your child and will also be used to mark attendance and note routines.
Parent and Guardian Concerns
The Parent/Guardian Concerns Policy offers both informal and formal grievance resolution procedures, structured to promote a fair, sensitive, quick and confidential process.
Staff, parents and students are encouraged to use this policy to resolve any disputes, problems or concerns. We trust this policy contributes to maintaining harmonious and constructive relationships for the benefit of all. The purpose of the Concerns Policy is to establish a framework for the handling of complaints that relate to the operation of All Saints Pre Prep.
Pre Prep Policies and Information
All Saints Anglican School supports the right of all children and young people to be safe, and is committed the wellbeing of our students and community.
Policy Access
One of our All Saints Pre Prep requirements is to ensure that parents are informed at all times regarding staffing and the experiences offered to the students in our care. As a result, it is our policy to ensure that parents always have access to the following:
• The Pre Prep Educational Philosophy
• The goals of the Pre Prep program
• A description of the activities/experiences offered to the students
• The expected outcomes as a result of the learning experiences/activities offered
• Information on how individual experiences/ activities will assist the children to achieve the expected outcomes.
Parents are invited to speak to the Director of Pre Prep or their child’s teacher at any time to discuss our educational philosophy, staffing, policies, learning experiences, outcomes or means of monitoring each student’s progress.
Early Childhood Information Service
The Early Childhood Information Service is a free state-wide information service provided by the Department of Education and Training. The service operates 24 hours, 7 days a week and provides information to assist families in choosing an early childhood education and care service that meets their needs.
All Saints Pre Prep is licensed by the Office for Early Childhood Education and Care Under the National Law Act and National regulations All Saints Pre Prep is required to comply with the Act and Regulations in relation to:
• Number of children
• Number of staff members
• Qualifications of staff
• Activities
• Experiences
• Programs
• Information for prospective developers about establishing a service in Queensland
• Information for students undertaking studies in the early childhood field.
Contact the Early Childhood information service by calling 13 QGOV (13 7468) or email ecec@qed.qld.gov.au.
Code of Conduct for Parents and Visitors
This Code applies to all staff and volunteers working within the School and Pre Prep. It addresses behaviour that includes, relates to, or impacts upon a person who the staff member or volunteer has contact with as part of their role within the Pre Prep or School, behaviour that occurs in a physical or online environment
Our expectations
The School expects parents/guardians and visitors to:
• Support the school in the development of a Christ-centred learning community based on the Anglican ethos;
• Support the school in its efforts to maintain a positive teaching and learning environment;
• Understand the importance of healthy parent/ teacher/child relationships;
• Be aware of and understand the school’s key policies, as published on our website, the parent portal or provided to you by another method from time to time;
• Treat staff, other parents/guardians, students and the wider school community with respect and courtesy as outlined in this Code of Conduct;
• Ensure you sign in at any one of our administration offices before visiting a classroom or staff member;
• Ensure any other person you invite to the School (eg relative, friend, supporter, carer) acts in a manner consistent with the expectations outlined in this Code of Conduct;
• Support the School’s quest for a child safe organisation;
• Agree to be bound by this Code of Conduct when you visit the School, or sign the Enrolment Agreement, and as a condition of the continuing enrolment of your child at our School.
Conduct and Communication
Respectful and appropriate conduct whilst on school grounds, attending school events or communicating with staff or other members of the school community whether in person, over the phone or online (emails/social media platforms) include but are not limited to:
• Not using or engaging in offensive, insulting or derogatory language or conduct (including swearing or shouting);
• Not acting or behaving in a manner that may constitute bullying, harassment, intimidation, discrimination or vilification;
• Not engaging in public criticism of, or speaking negatively or in a derogatory or slanderous manner about school activities, events, employees, students or their families;
• Showing respect and care for school property and property of others;
• Ensuring relationships with students are strictly in accordance with appropriate roles and any concerns about the safety and wellbeing of any student are reported to the school immediately.
Health and Safety
Be aware of and comply with all safety instructions and emergency procedures and follow any direction given by staff in the event of an emergency whilst on school grounds;
• Do not attend school or any school event under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs;
• Smoking is not permitted anywhere on school grounds
• Dress appropriately when visiting the School;
• Comply with all applicable Commonwealth and State Laws.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Do not use for your own purposes, discuss, publish or share with other parents, adults or children, any
personal information (including email addresses, phone numbers, class lists, photos or videos) obtained as a parent/guardian or visitor. Do not publish or share (including on social media) any images taken on campus which contain other people or children other than your own.
Complaints and Conflict Management
Speak directly with the teacher or staff member if an issue or concern arises. If you are unable to resolve the issue or concern directly with the person involved, refer to our Complaints Handling Policy on our website.
Consequences for not abiding by the expectations in this Code of Conduct may result in you being asked to leave school grounds, your child’s enrolment being suspended or cancelled, and in severe instances referred to relevant authorities (police/child safety).
Infectious diseases Time Out guidelines
For your reference, please find a link below to information regarding a number of infectious conditions that may require exclusion of children from school. These guidelines are produced by the Queensland Government’s Communicable Diseases Branch.
Click here to view the schedule

National Immunisation Program Schedule
The National Immunisation Program Schedule is a series of immunisations given at specific times throughout you and your child’s life. This schedule card provides recommended vaccines and schedule points under the National Immunisation Program from 6 February 2023.
Click here to view the schedule
Supporting Children with Medical Conditions
We strongly believe that all children have the right to engage in quality education and care in a safe and healthy learning environment. If your child has a diagnosed medical condition, such as Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Epilepsy or Diabetes, we will work together with you to support their medical needs while they attend Pre Prep.
This procedure outlines the necessary steps we follow to support your child’s medical needs and to meet all required compliance obligations.
Please note, if your child has a diagnosed medical condition, the following steps must be completed BEFORE your child can attend Pre Prep or, if they are already attending, their enrolment will be PAUSED until the steps are completed.
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Please provide a current medical management plan that has been prepared, dated and signed by your child’s doctor (completed within the last 6 months).
Meet with your child’s teacher or the Pre Prep Director to develop a risk minimisation plan.
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Please provide us with your child’s current medication and/or specialised equipment.
Let us know immediately if anything changes about your child’s diagnosis, medical management plan, medication or medical situation.
The Pre Prep Director will arrange a meeting with you to review your child’s medical management plan every 6 months.
Highfield Drive, Merrimac Queensland 4226 07 5530 2855 | enquiries@asas.qld.edu.au | asas.qld.edu.au