All Saints' College - Benang: Strategic Plan 2019-2023

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Our Motto To Serve with Wisdom and Courage

Our Mission All Saints’ College, in partnership with its families, community and the Anglican Church, empowers students to develop their potential, becoming confident, compassionate and committed to worthwhile service to the local and global communities.

Our Vision Making a positive difference in our world

Our Values Empathy: seeking to understand the perspective and experience of others Respect: for self and others, for community and environment Integrity: acting with moral strength and grace, guided by humility and compassion Courage: to be our best selves

While continuing to maintain and honour those practices, processes and structures that have served our College and community well, in Benang*: Strategic Plan 2019−2023, we strive to build on what we have achieved to date while also being responsive to exciting new landscapes and opportunities. With a contemporary education that blends the knowledge and skills of academic disciplines with a focus on developing future-focused capabilities, an increased focus on student agency and entrepreneurial learning with its emphasis on real-world problemfinding and problem-solving, Benang: Strategic Plan 2019−2023 positions our College to respond to, and lead, in this dynamic environment.

*Benang – a Noongar word meaning “Tomorrow”

Reaching beyond traditional borders and boundaries − through offering new emphases, structures, partnerships, experiences and opportunities for our students and community − All Saints’ approach continues to ensure our students are inspired and supported to strive in their learning and thrive in their wellbeing, in order to have a positive impact in our rapidly changing and complex world and to serve their communities with wisdom and courage.

It is with great pride that we present to our community Benang: Strategic Plan 2019−2023. The result of close consultation with all community members − current students and Old Saints, staff and parents, the Anglican Church and the wider community − Benang: Strategic Plan 2019−2023 sets the strategic direction for All Saints’ College in these exciting and dynamic times. Committed to respectfully honouring the past and all those who have contributed to the life of our College over the decades, the Plan aims to ensure the College remains a leader in all facets of a worldclass education. In this, it is our intention that, grounded in our shared values and with our collective mission and vision, the Plan − while providing for the College’s

current custodians a roadmap for the future – ensures the College can continue to respond agilely to the ever-changing landscape in which we find ourselves. We look forward to working in partnership with our community to realise this Plan, and to ensuring the College’s future, like its past, is one in which all community members can feel a great sense of pride and engagement. Ms Belinda Provis College Principal

Mr Mark Stickells Chair of the College Board

Goal 1 WELLBEING Ethical, resilient and purposeful – self-aware and connected 1.1: A culture of child safety and student wellbeing 1.2: Resilient and contributing community members − emotionally intelligent, spiritually aware 1.3: A responsive and supportive work environment 1.4: A range of opportunities that engages students while broadening skills and experiences, and widening social networks

Goal 2

Goal 3



An engaged, optimistic learning community – dynamic and future-focused 2.1: A broad, engaging and responsive curriculum that meets the needs of our diverse student population 2.2: Flexibility in facilitation of learning 2.3: A staff community of agile and collaborative learners committed to continuous growth

An opportunity-seeking, problem-solving culture with a social conscience 3.1: A culture of experimentation, innovation and enterprise 3.2: A creative capabilities-focused approach to learning

Goal 4

Goal 5



Nurturing new and existing relationships and partnerships

Accountability for our resources, infrastructure and environment

4.1: A vibrant and active, inclusive and united community

5.1: Prudent and socially-responsible stewardship

4.2: Effective communication

5.2: Effective governance

4.3: A celebrated College heritage 4.4: A network of local, national and international partnerships

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