All Souls’ Episcopal Church
June 2015 Volume 1, Issue 1
The e-Rubric From the Rector by The Rev. Joseph J. Dirbas Volume 1, Issue 1… and so it begins… again… Over the past 16 months there have been several conversa/ons about the desire for or the need of a newsle0er. Many parishioners recall The Rubric and long for something that supplies similar content and informa/on. Years ago The Rubric was cancelled. I'm not sure of the reason that it was canceled but I'm sure part of the reason was that it became to costly and required too much effort. Producing a newsle0er takes /me, talent and energy and if the inten/on is to mail it to all parishioners, it takes significant financial resources, as well. In the absence of a monthly newsle0er, weekly announcements have become the norm. Most of the communica/on of parish events occurs in the form of Sunday Morning announcements during the service, the bulle/n insert, and the weekly e-blast. While all of these mechanisms are necessary and serve a purpose, they don't allow for detailed discussion or sharing of events that are meaningful in the life of the parish. A newsle0er creates a way for members of our community to share with others the wonderful and amazing things that God is doing in our midst, to raise our awareness to how we are responding to God's call, and to allow each of us to discover how the Spirit may be calling us into ministry in this place at this /me. There is much to share! Our Compass Commi0ee is guiding us further along in our long range planning process. The campus is looking be0er than it has in years as we con/nue in prepara/ons to host diocesan conven/on this November. Our Sunday Educa/on programs are beginning to gain some trac/on a>er a semester of Godly Play and Sunday School for children of all ages. Our worship life is full as we con/nue to offer our best in worship that is joyful, engaging, and invi/ng. And our outreach ac/vi/es con/nue to grow and expand: did you know in 2015 we increased the outreach budget 25% over that of 2014? We are busy. We are living into our call as disciples of Christ. We are suppor/ng one another as ministers in the church. (cont. on page 2)
Inside this issue From the Pastoral Associate....... 2 Update on Finances .................... 5 Outreach .................................... 8 Becoming a Community Hub ...... 10 From the Youth ........................... 12 Looking Ahead ............................ 13 Sunday School Update ................ 15
Special points of interest • Showers of Blessing • Volunteering and shared ministry • Upcoming Worship and Community Events • Art around All Souls’
From the Rector, Cont. In this way, the newsle0er serves to keep us connected. It serves to build up the church and to keep our ministries and our ac/vi/es in the front of our minds so we can keep our community in our prayers and share our adventures with our friends and neighbors. Hence Volume 1, Edi/on 1 of the new newsle0er. Our plan is to primarily make this an online publica/on. We'll e-mail it to all who are interested and we’ll make sure there’s an updated link on our website so
you can always find the latest edi/on. We will also print a few “hard copies” in house and have copies available in the narthex and in the office. If anyone would like a paper copy (I for one appreciate having something to hold) and you can’t find one, simply ask and we’ll make sure to mail or print one for you. At this /me we’re not sure if this will be a monthly publica/on or quarterly (if you feel called to help make it monthly, let us know). So, for now, enjoy the good news... and a warm welcome back to The Rubric.
From the Pastoral Associate By The Very Rev. James E. Carroll For several years the people of All Souls’ Church have seen the no/ces of “Centering Prayer” on Saturday a>ernoons prior to the 5 p.m. Cel/c Eucharist. We began these gatherings a>er I conducted a workshop on the subject, and a small group of parishioners (and, occasionally, people from other parishes) a0end regularly. Be clear –what Centering Prayer is not. It’s not discursive medita/on on various parts of Scripture or theological mysteries. Simply put, it’s the prayer of the heart; it’s the prayer of silence. It is a response to Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret… Liturgical prayer, public intercession and penitence and thanksgiving and adora/on, feeds into the need for silence. And silent interior prayer feeds into the liturgy. “You can’t have one without the other,” in the words of a once popular song. (Sinatra did it well.) “Lec/o Divina” which we do at 4 p.m. (more or less) is a prayerful reflec/on on scripture, a>er which we go into silence for 20 minutes, then conclude with vocal prayer. I can do another workshop if there is sufficient interest. And the daily prac/ce of this discipline over the years is life-changing and earth-shaking for it reflects St. Paul’s teaching in Romans 8 which was read on Pentecost Sunday. “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.” 2
Volunteering by Rosemary Barnes
Summer Worship
A church is more than a building; it is a community built on people sharing their gi>s, working together to discern and live into God’s vision for us. Without volunteers, what would we be? Who would teach Sunday School; who would sing in the choir? For that ma0er, who would prepare the gi>s for Eucharist and who would maintain the Columbarium and bake the delicious bread we enjoy? Without volunteers, who would provide coffee hour and who would do so many things that keeps us func/oning as a parish? The clergy and staff alone cannot do it all.
As we move into the sum-
In ar/cles about volunteering, volunteers are happier, healthier, and make a significant difference in an organiza/on. I recall once reading that 20% of the people do 80% of the tasks or jobs in an organiza/on. I wonder if that is true here at All Souls’? My guess is that is it more! This Parish is founded on the generous support of all it’s members as many of you offer gi>s and talents in a number of different areas.
C and Eucharis/c Prayer D
mer months, our worship will begin using forms of the Eucharis/c Prayer we don’t regularly encounter. During our Sunday Morning Forum Series on the Form, Content, and Theology of the Eucharis/c Prayer, we as a worshiping community, agreed to the following: At the 10:15 service, we will use both Eucharis/c Prayer
from The Book of Common Prayer and we will also use Eucharis/c Prayer 1 from Enriching Our Worship 1, an approved liturgical text of the Episcopal Church.
If you’re not already involved, there are many opportuni/es at All Souls’ to lend a hand and step up and contribute. Each commi0ee needs volunteers to help carry out their missions. Our Fellowship, Pastoral Care, Outreach, Communica/ons, Newcomers, Worship, Stewardship, Chris/an Forma/on, Finance and Proper/es commi0ees would all benefit from your par/cipa/on. What interests you? What gi>s would you like to share? I encourage you to talk with members of the vestry to discover matches for your interests and skills: jump in and work with a commi0ee, or adopt a flower bed in the pa/o, or plan to be part of the All Parish Work Day in July, join the choir, or come answer the phone in the parish office, learn to bake bread, volunteer to be a greeter on Sunday, or anyone of so many other tasks. There is something for everyone. Don’t know where to start? Just raise your hand and say “yes!”
At the 8:00 service, we will use Eucharis/c Prayers C and D and there may be a few /mes in the summer we’ll use a Rite 1 service using Eucharis/c Prayer 2. We will plan on following our Summer worship with at least one forum during which we can share our reac/ons and responses to the alterna/ve Eucharis/c Prayers.
Sunday Morning Forums The Adult Forma/on Commi0ee is working on some pre0y amazing forums for the Summer months. With the help of our new music director, we will be presen/ng a series on Music and Liturgy. (You can see Ruben’s Ar/cle on Page 6 for more informa/on.)
From the Treasurer by Cynthia Fleri As we approach summer and all the fun ac/vi/es and vaca/ons you are planning, let me remind you of our Online Giving capability. With Online Giving, you can keep current on your pledge payments whether you are camping in Yosemite or enjoying Hawaii’s breezes (as Ward and I will be doing).
These sessions will be held in the church and will be interac/ve. We will also be offering a series on Chris/an Ethics and moral issues beginning in Mid July and extending through August. We will learn about the different ethical systems and examine par/cular issues such as Just War, Biomedical Engineering, Social Jus/ce and Economics. We will be joined by Dr. Mark Mann of Point Loma Nazarene University and Dean of the Episcopal Dioceses of San Diego School for Ministry and Dr. David Moseley of USD and The Bishop’s School. Stay tuned for more informa/on and a forum schedule.
In general, we at All Souls’ are very consistent and faithful in paying and honoring our pledge commitments. As of the end of April, the actual pledges received were about $108,000 which is only $3,000 less than budgeted (this either reflects posi/vely on your regular giving habits or my excellent budge/ng skills… shall we call it both?). But, if this summer is similar to past ones, these regular payments will decrease throughout the summer months making it more of a challenge to cover expenses. You can help by using Online Giving to con/nue your pledge payments even while you are away. Online Giving can be used for one-/me payments or regularly scheduled payments. To sign up, go to our website at
In the top banner, click on WAYS TO GIVE where you will find Online Giving as one of the drop-down choices. Clicking on it takes you to a page with a green Online Giving bu0on. Click on that to go to the entrance of the Online Giving program. There is a Watch Help Video link on that page which describes the whole process of signing up with either your bank account or your credit card. Once you are ready to sign up, find the link to Sign up for a New Account in the lower right-hand corner of the box under the Password sec/on. This will walk you through the process. Remember, you have control over the date of the dona/on, its frequency and the bank account or credit card to be used. Please consider using this safe and secure method of giving. Call me if you have any ques/ons or problems accessing the site. I am happy to help. Blessings from your Treasurer, Cynthia Fleri 619-275-2375
An Update on Our Finances The All Souls’ Finance Commi0ee is pleased to report that our finances to date are in good order and we are opera/ng within expecta/ons. The tables below provide a quick look at our actual vs. budgeted income and expenses for the First Quarter and April. INCOME
Jan 2015
Feb 2015
Mar 2015
1st Quarter
Apr 2015
Income Budget
$ 43,528
$ 39,953
$ 37,928
$ 121,409
$ 45,278
Income Actual
$ 38,554
$ 45,154
$ 131,915
$ 41,696
$ 4,679
($ 1,399)
$ 7,226
$ 10,506
($ 3,582)
Jan 2015
Feb 2015
Mar 2015
1st Quarter
Apr 2015
Expense Budget
$ 38,763
$ 36,630
$ 46,647
$ 122,040
$ 44,788
Expense Actual
$ 36,371
$ 38,786
$ 111,202
$ 48,084
($ 2,718)
($ 259)
($ 7,861)
($ 10,838)
$ 3,296
Cumulative to Date Did you know? Based on our 2015 Opera/ng Budget, it takes $1,482 each day to support the Missions and Ministries of All Souls’.
What is Ordinary Time?
Music at All Souls’ by Dr. Ruben Valenzuela
Now that the season of Easter is over and we've celebrated the gi> of the Holy Spirit poured out upon all on Pentecost, with all its glorious red, we move into the “Green Season” of Ordinary Time. The Green in reference to this season a>er Pentecost comes from the change in our liturgical color as we transi/on from
Be sure to ‘LIKE’ MUSIC AT ALL SOULS’ CHURCH on Facebook for up-to-date informa/on on the music program. Once there, you'll find the Sunday morning 10.15AM music list, and other news related to upcoming concerts and events.
the white / gold of Easter Season to our green frontal and vestments. In addi/on to changes in vestments, our readings in
Don’t Miss our Upcoming Music Forums Join Director of the Music and Organist, Dr. Ruben Valenzuela, for a 3-part Music Forum on June 21, 28, and July 5. Each forum will take place in the church and begin promptly at 9.10am. Make plans now to a0end!
church will resume where we le> off from Ordinary Time prior to Advent last year. We are in Year B of the Revised Common Lec/onary (RCL) Track 1. Throughout the summer Old Testament Lessons will come from Samuel and Kings as we hear the stories of the kings of Israel. In the New Testament we’ll con/nue wiht Paul’s le0ers. And we’ll make our way through the Gospel according to Mark.
Part I: Sunday, June 21 • The selec/on of hymns and service music. • The difference between liturgical and non-liturgical music, liturgical context, and how it impacts the choice of repertoire. Part II: Sunday, June 28 • Details of our Fri0s-Richards Organ, and what makes it unique. • Strengths and weaknesses, and how it impacts the choice of repertoire. Part III: Sunday, July 5 • The Role of the Choir. • The gi> of and the need for Sec/on Leads.
What you can do for the Seafarers Ministry? By Neil Malmquist For over ten years now, I have been going down to the 10th Ave. Marine terminal very Monday to sort magazines for the Seafarers Ministry. The magazines are stored on shelves in a storage container. We have about 30 different types of magazines; from a variety of women’s magazines, cooking magazines, weekly news magazines, car magazines and travel including Sunset, New Yorker, Sports Illustrated, AARP, Westways, Zoo News and of course Na/onal Geographic. We have Na/onal Geographic’s from the last 6 decades. Once the magazines are sorted, I bag them up using grocery bags (2 bags to a set) for the Chaplains to take a set of bags onboard the freighters that come into San Diego, both at the 10th Ave Marine Terminal and the 24th St Terminal in Na/onal City. Each set always includes 16 Na/onal Geographic’s, 2 Zoo News, 24 various other magazines and a devo/onal magazine. Here is where you can help. Save your old magazines and especially any religious publica/ons and Forward Day by Days. We can also use your plas/c grocery bags. We now have a group of people who knit scarves and watch caps for the seafarers. Molly Bodeen has the pa0erns for making both the scarves and caps. In the Hospitality room there is a box labeled Seafarers, were you can leave any items. If you have any ques/ons about the Seafarer’s Ministry you can contact me or Mary Brown. We both are on the Seafarers board.
General Convention is Just One Month Away! General Conven/on is the na/onal legisla/ve body of the Episcopal Church. It consists of a House of Bishops, which includes all ac/ve and re/red bishops, and a House of Depu/es, which includes four lay persons and four clergy from each diocese, each area mission, and the Convoca/on of the American Churches in Europe. The Conven/on meets every three years. The Houses meet and act separately, and both must concur to adopt legisla/on. The General Conven/on alone has authority to amend the Prayer Book and the church's Cons/tu/on, to amend the canons (laws) of the church, and to determine the program and budget of the General Conven/on, including the missionary, educa/onal, and social programs it authorizes. This year, the General Conven/on will be elec/ng a new presiding bishop for The Episcopal Church. The 2015 General Conven/on will meet in Salt Lake City from June 25 to July 3. To learn more, visit www.generalconven/ Here you will find informa/on on proposed resolu/ons as well as biographical informa/on for the nominees of presiding bishop. The diocese of Utah is looking for volunteers to help with this tremendous undertaking. If you'd like to volunteer, visit Please keep the bishops and depu/es in your prayers. 7
OUTREACH: Showers of Blessing by Pam Rieger At 4 o’clock any given Wednesday, at the Episcopal Church Center (ECC), the Showers of Blessings trailer and truck arrives driven by Tracy Woodside, Ron Bodeen or Larry Angione, our trusty drivervolunteers . As they drive into the parking lot, more volunteers are wai/ng to begin seXng up tables for donated clothing, hygiene items bathmats and towels. A hamper is set up for wet towels, the trailer is hooked up to the electricity, water and propane. Overhead vents and fans are turned on, then the moment of truth: the water is turned on in each shower, hands held under the shower, and either a happy voice will call out, “It’s HOT!” or, a dejected voice will say, “It’s cold…” and troubleshoo/ng will begin to make things ready for the first guests to arrive from recep/on for their shower at 4:50pm. Meanwhile, in the courtyard of the ECC, the recep/on table for the Showers of Blessings is set up. Sign up sheets, visitor logs, and raffle /ckets are made ready to receive guests who want to sign up for a hot shower. At 15 minutes per shower, we can provide 16-18 showers each Wednesday for people who otherwise would be skipping showers for a month or more, or using public bathrooms, showers at the beach, etc. When All Souls’ volunteers relaunched the Showers of Blessings at the ECC in October 2014, the idea was to have the showers available where people who were homeless were gathered already. The Wednesday night suppers in OB seemed to be a good venue to do this ministry in. Since that first Wednesday night in October, the Showers of Blessings has provided approximately 248 showers at the ECC. And has since become a familiar sight at interfaith rota/onal shelters and various outreach programs at Trinity, St. Bart’s, St. Mark’s, St. Paul’s Cathedral, St. Mary’s St. Andrew’s by the Sea. (Cont. on pg. 9) 8
Showers , Cont. Tracy Woodside , Larry Angione and Ron Bodeen , Drusilla and Demi Grubb, from All Souls’ are current volunteers, and we the have a regular core of driver’s assistant, lead volunteer, floater, escorts, from different churches, different denomina/ons, and just “spiritual people” just wan/ng to make a difference! Some come one Wednesday a month, others come all month, it just depends. Janet Sanford is the volunteer scheduling specialist using an electronic service called
“Volunteer spot” that allows volunteers to schedule at their convenience to fill spots needed on a par/cular Wednesday. It is an exci/ng ministry to be involved with! Interested in finding if this ministry might be for you? Just come on down around 4pm any given Wednesday at the ECC 2083 Sunset Cliffs Blvd. Ocean Beach- see anyone who is near the trailer, and ask to observe or help…You will be hear/ly welcomed!
Nancy Holland is now the Ministry Coordinator for this Ministry through the summer. Please let her know if you can provide clean socks men’s size- women’s sizes, good, quality clean donated men’s and women’s clothing. Shoes, flip flops, etc. Or just give what you would like to donate to Jayne, All Souls’ Administrator with “Showers of Blessings” wri0en on it, and she will make sure to get it to Nancy. We also need Travel size deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes. We also need large sized shampoo and condi/oner.
Outreach at All Souls’ In 2015, the Parish Budget increased it’s support of outreach programs by 25%. We con/nue to support a variety of programs and ini/a/ves by sharing our financial resources and our /me and talent. The ministries we con/nue to support include The Episcopal Church Center, Peninsula Shepherd Center, Ocean Beach Loaves and Fishes Food Bank, The Episcopal Church Refugee Network, SOLACE Prison Ministry, Maseno Hospital, God’s Extended Hand, among others. In 2014 we began a new ministry to the recruits and staff at Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD). In consulta/on with the MCRD chaplains and members of our outreach commi0ee, we supplied a thanksgiving meal for 400 full-/me staff and a Christmas Time cook-out for military families. As a result, our 2015 budget includes, for the first /me, specific funds set aside to support outreach to and for our military community.
Becoming a Community Hub by Jayne Ricker Did you know that a component of All Souls’ hospitality is making our campus available to groups within our community? We believe very strongly in the power of serving the community to grow the church and so All Souls’ is delighted to extend the use of our facili/es to outside organiza/ons for mee/ngs and social gatherings, self-help organiza/ons, children and youth groups, summer art camps, vaca/on bible school, weddings, funerals and so much more! We have become quite popular for rehearsal space and musical performances in the church with many local choral groups; all the while ensuring that great care is taken because of the sacred nature of our sanctuary and altar. We even have been a solace for yoga classes. We con/nue our long-standing rela/onships with San Diego Community College with their paren/ng/preschool classes and it is a pleasure to serve the senior community in collabora/on with the Peninsula Shepherd Center whose office is housed in the church office building. Many other local organiza/ons and individual groups use our facili/es for one-/me or shortterm usage. The folks that use our facili/es have always expressed their gratefulness because of our open arms and open doors. I wonder what other opportuni/es await. Let’s keep in mind that well-developed policies when outsourcing the use of church facili/es are essen/al and create a clear understanding between the church and the users of our facili/es—cri/cal to fostering good rela/onships. Solid policies also help to limit the church’s exposure to property damage and injury claims should something go wrong in the use of the facili/es. Since our church’s goal is to make our facili/es available to many new groups, all with different requests and desires, our facility policies will always be evolving. Addi/onally, we recently completed a fire risk analysis of the en/re facility and we humbly accommodated insufficiencies as we iden/fied poten/al risks. We have also implemented a new keydisbursement policy while maintaining a record of key assignments; alas, you will no longer find hidden keys embedded throughout the campus. Benefits to this end are far reaching. It is exci/ng to know that our facili/es have the poten/al to benefit the local community, our church outreach, support church mission and, where necessary and appropriate, earn valuable income through a significant income stream. Our ul/mate dream, however, is for All Souls’ to be a community hub within the Point Loma community and beyond. Won’t you join us as we are focused to see this goal and dream to frui/on?
Upcoming Worship at All Souls’ and Beyond!
COMPLINE: Sunday, 14 June at 7:30pm Join us for a contempla/ve candlelight compline service. This service provides a quiet repose at the end of the day and allows us to prepare for the week to come with quiet medita/on.
SARUM MASS: Wednesday, 24 June at 7:00pm at the Episcopal Church Center, Ocean Beach Please join us as we observe the Feast of The Na/vity of Saint John the Bap/st at Trinity Chapel at the Episcopal Church Center in Ocean Beach. This Mass will include medieval mass seXngs and chant propers and incorporate liturgical tradi/ons from the medieval Sarum Use of the Roman Rite. Replete with "bells and smells (incense)," this is a great opportunity to experience the glory and beauty of worship.
EVENSONG: Sunday, 28 June at 5pm Join us for our monthly sung Divine Office (Evening Prayer), culmina/ng with the singing of the appointed Psalm and Can/cles (Magnificat and Nunc Dimi's). A fes/ve sherry recep/on to follow.
From the All Souls’ Youth Group by Olive Latham The All Souls’ Youth Program has been a life changing experience. We have developed not only on our own, but as a group. Together we experience, mo/vate, inspire, and learn. Terry and Mr. Northam are amazing teachers for our bible study, and every Sunday I am excit-
such an amazing church program, as well as to pray for those in other countries without such great privilege. I also used the lock-in as a chance to bond with the rest of the youth, and discuss the program and upcoming ac/vi/es while con/nuing to have fun. Along with
“One of my favorite experiences this year was the Maundy Thursday lock in… I thought the hour I would spend, away from people, away from electronics, would be unbearable, but it was actually quite the opposite.” ed to par/cipate in the upcoming discussions. We were even able to see a play that was based on one of our lessons; Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. One of my favorite experiences this year was the Maundy Thursday lock-in. There was a por/on of the night that we were asked to sit and watch the bread and wine, as the disciples did for Jesus. I thought the hour I would spend, away from people, away from electronics, would be unbearable, but it was actually quite the opposite. I was able to sit and reflect on how grateful I am to be part of
all the ac/vi/es we have outside of church, we also hope to contribute more to the community. We will hopefully help by feeding the homeless in OB on a regular basis, as well as comple/on of a mission trip in the upcoming years. I would like to thank Father Joe, Terry, Mr. Latham and Mr. Northam for all the support and assistance they have given to this growing program. I hope in the future that we are able to expand and welcome new youth, as well as increase the amount of ac/vi/es that we par/cipate in.
Looking Ahead at All Souls’
Vacation Bible School: June 22—26, 2015 Once again, We’re partnering with St. Peter’s by-the-Sea Lutheran Church in offering VBS for kids from Kindergarten to 6th grade. This year VBS will occur at St. Peter’s. If you’re interested in par/cipa/ng or registering a child or grandchild, please contact the church office!
Point Loma Arts Academy, July 6-24, 2015 Point Loma Arts Academy will be back at All Souls’ for their 35th year of arts educa/on for children ages 7 to 15. This years program will offer morning visual arts sessions and a>ernoon drama programs. For more informa/on visit
Parish Work Day: July 11, 2015 Mark your calendars. On July 11 we will gather as a community to beau/fy our campus. The Property Commi0ee under the leadership of Steve Barnes and John Brown (with the help of our ever trusty Junior Warden, Neil Malmquist) are puXng together a list of work projects that we can take on together. Some of these projects will require some physical exer/on (read as “wear your grubbies”). Others will be less intense and easier for both the young and old alike. Stay tuned for more informa/on!
Take Me Out to the Ball Game: July 17, 2015 EPISCOPAL NIGHT AT THE PADRES will be July 17, 2015. The game between the Padres and the Colorado Rockies is scheduled to start at 7:10pm. This year at Episcopal Night at the Padres an Episcopalian will get to throw out the first pitch! The church that sells the most /ckets, based on the percent of a congrega/on’s average Sunday a0endance, will get to choose the person to do the honors. Ticket op/ons and prices as follows: • Skyline Pa/o (includes food and beverages) — $63 • Toyota Terrace — $25 (a $40 value) • Upper Reserved —$12 (a $17 value) Eric and Krista Spore will collect checks at the 8:00 service. Sco0 Crispell will collect checks at the 10:15 service, or call the Church Office to reserve your /ckets today! (Checks need to be made out to: The Episcopal Diocese of San Diego.) 13
Creativity Corner
SWOT Survey for our 5 Year Plan The Compass Commi0ee is hard at work on our long range plan for All Souls’
All Souls’ Parish has a tradi/on of expressing and apprecia/ng the arts while dedica/ng the beauty and inspira/on they bring to our lives to the glory of God. In each of our newsle0ers, we will highlight a piece of art you may or may not be familiar with.
Parish. Once we refine our Values, Vision, and Mission Statement, we will begin developing strategic goals and objec/ves. Part of this
So, for Volume 1, Edi/on 1, we start with one of our largest pieces of artwork. The Fishermen Mural, located in the
west corridor of the Narthex, is John August Swanson’s largest work to date. The theme of the pain/ng establishes a /e between the gospel narra/ves and our mari/me culture and the importance of fishing to San Diego. The leaping fish and brightly colored nets complement both the colors and content of our stained glass window and the reliefs on our organ. (Source: Soli deo Gloria)
process involves a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportuni/es, and Threats. In order to accurately and honestly iden/fy our SWOT profile, we need your help. Soon the Compass Commi0ee will be sending out a parish-wide survey that will allow you to iden/fy what you believe are our strengths and weaknesses and where our opportuni/es and threats lie. We look forward to hearing from you, your input is essen/al in the development of the plan for our church and for our community.
Did you know? John August Swanson has works in the Va/can and the Smithsonian.
Sunday School Update by Angela Irons May 24th marked our last day of classes as Sunday School breaks for summer vaca/on. This semester the kids had a terrific /me in the Old Testament learning about Crea/on, the Fall, the Tower of Babel (the kids had a blast building their own Tower of Babel). We also covered the Covenant, Jacob & Esau, Jacob's journey to Israel, and the incredible life (and rainbow coat) of Joseph.
Next year the Middle Schoolers are looking forward to exploring the stories of Moses, Exodus, the Wilderness, The 10 Commandments and The Promised Land -- just to name a few. We will also be exploring the personal profiles of many Old Testament figures such as Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham & Sarah, Moses, Rehab, Deborah & Samson.
All Souls’ is pleased to announce that David McColl will be teaching the Elementary Sunday School class next year. Many of you know David from his wonderful work with our Children's Chapel program. He brings several years of experience and has developed a varied, upbeat program that the kids really love!
Events in our Community Tartuffe Raymond and Patricia Lynch are hard at work with the Coronado Playhouse’s produc/on of Moliere’s Tartuffe. The show, which is the 19th annual free classic series, will run from July 24th to August 16th. Show
Both the Elementary and Middle School students have their own Bibles that they are learning to navigate, taking notes and even drawing in. Each class they read Bible verses, have open discussions, and enjoy a cra>. If you would like to enroll your child in the All Souls Sunday School program, please email Jayne Ricker at for an enrollment form. Our program is growing! We are also welcoming volunteers: please join us in this great endeavor to enrich the knowledge and spirituality of our genera/ons to come. "Start children off on the way they go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6
/mes are 8:00pm on Thursdays, Fridays, and 2:00pm on Sundays. Let’s head to the theater and show our support to our fellow parishioners!
Concerts in the Park Point Loma Concerts in the Park for 2015 begin on Friday, July 10! Bands include: Detroit Underground, Deserado, Pop Vinyl, Wild Nights, and Jumping Jack Flash. Concerts start at around 5:30. Let’s have an All Souls’ presence at the Park! Bodhie Tree Concert We’re looking forward to the next Bodhie Tree Concert on July 12, 2015!. Stay tuned for details.
All Souls’ Episcopal Church All Souls’ is a vibrant Episcopal congrega/on in the heart of Point Loma. All ages are welcome; infants and children enliven this service. To learn more about membership, please contact the church office or visit us on-line. Visit our website at Listen to our sermons on-line at Reach us by e-mail at Like us on Facebook at Follow us on Instagram:
All Souls’ Episcopal Church
Sunday Services
1475 Catalina Blvd. San Diego, CA 92107 619-223-6394
Holy Eucharist: 8am and 10.15am Nursery Care from 8.30am – 12.30pm (infants - 3 years old) Sunday School (all ages): 9:10am Children’s Chapel: 10.15am except 4th Sunday of each month Compline Service – 2nd Sunday @ 7.30pm Family Eucharist – 4th Sunday @ 10.15am Choral Evensong – 4th Sunday @ 5pm
In the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego The Rt. Rev. James R. Mathes, Bishop
Staff The Rev. Joseph J. Dirbas, Rector The Very Rev. James E. Carroll, Associate Ruben Valenzuela, Director of the Music Jayne Ricker, Facili/es and Office Manager Be0y Nork, Nursery Assistant
Weekday Services: Tuesday Morning Prayer: 7am Thursday Holy Eucharist: 9.30am Saturday Cel/c Eucharist: 5pm