All Souls’ Episcopal Church
October 2015 Volume 1, Issue 5
The e-Rubric From the Rector by The Rev. Joseph J. Dirbas
Stewardship as a value: The care and use of God’s blessings. Early on in our long range planning process, the Compass Commi2ee of All Souls’ along with input from the parish discerned a set of five values we hold as community: Christ Centered, Love, Respect, Crea vity, and Stewardship. The inclusion of stewardship as a value speaks volumes to how we, as a church, approach our responsibility of caring for and effec vely using all of God’s blessings. In cra9ing a value statement around stewardship, the Compass Commi2ee agreed upon this: We recognize that all we have comes from God, and with gra tude we generously share these abundant gi9s caring for all of God’s crea on. Our Stewardship Commi2ee at All Souls’ has done a tremendous job in reminding us that living into our value of stewardship is a year round ac vity. Stewardship includes many different aspects of our community life. One aspect of stewardship is the tending of our various ministries, as we make sure the ministries are provided resources necessary to conduct their work and that we, as a community, encourage members with gi9s in specific areas to par cipate in various ministries. Another aspect of ministry involves the care and maintenance of our beau ful church and campus. You can see this stewardship lived out in our Parish Work Days as well as in the countless hours that fellow parishioners dedicate to keeping our campus beau ful. Stewardship is also lived out as we care for God’s gi9 of crea on. We have begun cleaning up the bank on Chatsworth to install drought tolerant plants and a drip irriga on system that will reduce our water con-
Inside this issue Trinity Chapel.............................. 3 Update on Finances .................... 5 Music at All Souls’ ...................... 6 Chris an Forma on .................... 8 Looking Ahead at All Souls’ ......... 12 Parishioner Profile ...................... 16 SWOT Survey Results .................. 18
Special points of interest • Diocesan Day of Service • Planned Giving • Youth Ministries • Small Souls • BCSD • Art around All Souls’
Stewardship, Cont. sump on. We’ve also nearly completed the install of LED bulbs in the church resul ng in an an cipated 60% reduc on of our energy use. In addi on, our finance and endowment commi2ees have been excellent stewards of our financial resources as we allocate funds necessary for our daily ac vity and invest in the future of All Souls’ through planned giving.
pledge supports our worship, outreach, pastoral care, educa on opportuni es, and our ac ve presence in the community. We o9en talk about stewardship as an offering of me, talent, and treasure in suppor ng our community to complete the work we are called to do and yet, we seem to downplay or shy away from clearly sta ng the treasure piece of stewardship and the financial needs of our parish to con nue doing God’s work in the world. Your financial support of our work together ma2ers as it equips us to do the work and makes you an ac ve par cipant in the work.
October marks the beginning of our annual pledge drive and is an invita on for all parishioners to engage in stewardship ac vi es. Just as we, as a community, recognize that all we have is a gi9 from God and, together, This year’s answer pledge “Honor the Lord with your substance the call campaign and with the first fruits of all your produce.” to care is en tled Proverbs 3:9 for and “God the properGiver.” ly use Together these gi9s, as individuals we must also recwe give thanks for God’s abundant blessings ognize that all we have—our family, our and recognize our responsibility to give back homes, our jobs, our friends, all of it—is a for the sake of God’s kingdom. The goal of gi9 from God and we must properly use the Stewardship Commi2ee is not a monethem as God calls. We must recognize our tary goal. Our goal is to have 100% of the individual responsibility to give thanks to parish pledge to the church. 100% commitGod for our blessings and to take part in car- ment that we’re in this together and, that as ing for God’s crea on. disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to common mission in this place, at this me, Throughout October (and beyond) you will to spread the Good News. So, look for more have the opportunity to make a financial informa on coming from the Stewardship pledge to the parish of All Souls’. In making Commi2ee and tes monials during the sera pledge, you confirm that your desire to vice. And God bless you as your prayerfully offer your financial resources for the buildconsider your pledge to All Souls’. ing of God’s kingdom through the missions and ministries of All Souls’. Your financial 2
Trinity Chapel: Where All are Fed! By Nan Hardison The Celebrant li9ed up her hands and said “The Lord be with you.” The troubled man became quiet, the dog on the carpet sighed and put his head down. The woman, under the influence of alcohol, the dog’s owner, stopped her conversa on. And all were fed –even the dog, although his food came from the goodies served a9er the Eucharist. A9er the blessing and dismissal, we stayed in a circle near the altar table for prayers of healing. Trinity Chapel services are joyous celebra ons whether we are the usual seven to ten souls, or even 17 people, on one occasion. We are a mixed gathering of one or more neighbors, at least one and o9en more homeless, and a core of three or four commi2ed people who volunteer at the ECC. For those of us who are ECC volunteers, the Sunday Eucharist makes possible our invita ons to those we serve on weekdays to join us in church. Some mes those invited do come on a Sunday morning and come back again. For me, the service represents the Kingdom in all its variety, with all accepted into the gathering. I always feel joy and o9en, laughter, and always, gra tude. Thanks be to God. Come join us for a Sunday morning, at 10:30 a.m. at The Episcopal Church Center, 2083 Sunset Cliffs Boulevard. Come and see!
Abundance! “Abundance does not happen automa cally. It is created when we have the sense to choose community, to come together to celebrate and share our common store. Whether the scarce resource is money or love or power or words, the true law of life is that we generate more of whatever seems scarce by trus ng its supply and passing it around. Authen c abundance does not lie in secured stockpiles of food or cash or influence or affec on but in belonging to a community where we can give those goods to others who need them—and receive them from others when we are in need.” Parker Palmer Source: Let Your Life Speak
A Trip to the Holy Land with David Moseley! Dr. David Mosely will be leading a trip to the Holy Land and Jordan June 11-26, 2016. This trip will include visits to Petra, Jerusalem, and Tiberias. During the trip, Dr. Mosely will provide educa onal lectures. It will be a fantas c and informa ve trip, an experience of a life me. Many All Souls’ parishioners have traveled with Dr. Mosely in the past, most recently David and Susan McColl and Nancy Holland. They will be happy to answer ques ons and share their impressions of their most recent trip.
From the Treasurer: 2014 Audit Review by Cynthia Fleri Our CPA, Jim Colville, recently completed an audit review of our 2014 financial statements. He a2ended the September Vestry mee ng to present his report. He explained the difference between an audit and an audit review. An audit, which he performed for our 2013 statements, goes into depth checking procedures for our handling of cash, payroll and bill payments. In addi on, for the 2013 audit, Molly Bodeen, Jim and I spent a great deal of me working on our fixed assets and their deprecia on schedules to get them up-to-date for the first me since me began. A review, on the other hand, does not require the same depth of verifica on as an audit. Jim did perform some verifica on and we con nued with our good work on fixed assets to make future audits and audit reviews go more smoothly.
Jim also explained that in an audit review he does not give a wri2en auditor’s opinion as he does in a full audit. He pointed out to the Vestry that we have a strong balance sheet with assets far exceeding our liabili es. This means that All Souls’ is in a healthy financial posi on. He also praised the good controls we have for handling cash which helps protect us from fraudulent ac vity. The Diocese requires an audit every four years with audit reviews in the other three years. A comprehensive notebook with all sorts of financial documents, besides the audit or audit review, is due in the Diocesan Office on September 1st. Never have we fulfilled that requirement on me - un l this year. Thanks be to God – it’s done!
Diocesan Day of Service, October 11, 2015 All Souls’ is working in conjunc on with other churches in the Diocese toward a Beach Clean-up in Ocean Beach on Sunday, October 11, 2015, from 12 noon to 2:00 pm. We invite you to join us in our efforts to be involved in our community. The event begins a9er our 10:15 service is over, approximately 11:30 am. A9er light refreshment in Gooden Hall par cipants will be shu2led over to Ocean Beach. We are arranging for drivers and vans to transport us to the beach because of the scarcity of parking spots. We are mee ng at Ocean Beach Life Guard Tower #5. We will have items for approximately 25 people available for beach cleaning such as gloves, plas c bags, tongs. Ac vi es will be available at the church for youngster and those wishing to be involved without the physical exer on at the beach. There will be le2er wri ng and decora ng of le2ers for military and/or prisoners. At 2:00 pm we will return to All Souls to celebrate our efforts with lunch and ice cream! A $5 dona ons is suggested to help cover the lunch cost. Please RSVP by October 1st to Joan Greenhood 619 922-7500 4
An Update on Our Finances The All Souls’ Finance Commi2ee is pleased to report that our financial posi on remains strong and we are opera ng within expecta ons. Income in August was stronger than predicted. The tables below provide a quick look at our actual vs. budgeted income and expenses for the First Quarter, months in the Second Quarter, and Year to date. INCOME
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter
July 2015
August 2015
Year to Date
Income Budget
$ 121,409
$ 124,734
$ 37,966
$ 38,465
$ 322,574
Income Actual
$ 119,869
$ 36,094
$ 54,081
$ 341,958
$ 10,506
($ 4,865)
($ 1,872)
$ 15,616
$ 19,384
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Total Total
July 2015
August 2015
Year to Date Total
Expense Budget
$ 122,040
$ 129,791
$ 38,864
$ 37,746
$ 328,441
Expense Actual
$ 123,981
$ 42,573
$ 43,235
$ 320,991
($ 10,838)
($ 5,810)
$ 3,709
$ 5,489
($ 7,450)
Cumulative to
Did you know? You can register at Ralphs, Fresh & Easy, and Amazon and they will donate a percentage of your purchase to All Souls’? It’s an easy way to support our ministries.
(See pg 11 )
Bach Collegium San Diego Opens 2015/16 Season at All Souls’ Music on the Point Series Returns by Dr. Ruben Valenzuela The Bach Collegium San Diego, under the direc on of Ruben Valenzuela, is set to open its 2015/16 Season at All Souls' Church on Saturday, 17 October at7.30pm. SOMETHING ABOUT MARY J.S. Bach: Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben BWV 147 ---Cantata marking the Feast of the Visita on of the Virgin Mary (1723) Henry Purcell: Celebrate this Fes val Z 321 ---Birthday Ode for Queen Mary II (1693) Allegories have long been made between earthly and heavenly monarchs. J.S. Bach’s cantata Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, wri2en for the Feast of the Visita on of the Virgin Mary, retells Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth following the Annuncia on. Henry Purcell’s Celebrate this Fes val is the fi9h of six birthday Odes to Queen Mary II, extolling her virtues and Divine right. Saturday, 17 October at 7.30pm ---Pre-concert lecture to begin promptly at 6.45pm For Tickets and Informa2on: DISCOUNT: Members of All Souls' receive a 10% discount by using this CODE (allsouls) when purchasing ckets online
Did you know? O Lord, open thou our lips Do you love Evensong? You can tune in via internet to BBC Radio 3 every Wednesday morning to hear Evensong broadcast LIVE from an English Cathedral at8am PST. Evensong has been broadcast LIVE on BBC since 1928. Next Wednesday morning fix yourself a spot of tea and tune in to Evensong!
Bach Collegium San Diego Appointed Ensemble-in-Residence
Exci ng news for MUSIC AT ALL SOULS! The Bach Collegium San Diego (BCSD) has been recently appointed Ensemble-in-Residence at All Souls'. Who is the Bach Collegium San Diego? The BCSD was founded in 2003 by Music Director, Ruben Valenzuela, with the purpose of offering historically informed performances of music of the Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical periods. During its thirteen seasons, the BCSD has presented a wide variety of historically significant works, including many San Diego premieres that includes Bach's St John Passion, Monteverdi's 1610 Vespers, and Handel's Dublin Version of Messiah. The BCSD, consis ng of a chorus and orchestra, performs exclusively on period instruments, and u lizes performance techniques of the period. The BCSD consists of this country’s finest musicians specializing in early music. Each performance brings a worldclass historically-informed performance to the San Diego area through ten main-stage concerts, and six FREE lunch me concerts. Through its excellent programming and acclaimed performances, BCSD is considered one of the premier early music ensembles on the West Coast, and is quickly gaining a reputa on interna onally as one of the leading early music ensembles in the United States. For detailed informa on on the BCSD go to: Ensemble-in-Residence? What does this all mean for All Souls' Church? Benefits to include: • At least once per year, BCSD will present a main performance at All Souls’ as part of the Music on the Point Series, or as a separate concert. • When performing at All Souls’, BCSD will make available special cket offers, including a 10% discount to all members of All Souls'. • Open rehearsals for members of All Souls’. A great and fun way to get a behind-the-scenes look at concert prepara on. • All Souls’ will serve as BCSD's principal rehearsal venue. • Increased visibility for All Souls' locally, and across the country, due to ongoing BCSD ac vi es. The ensemble is thrilled to be appointed Ensemble-in-Residence and hopes that the All Souls' community will ac vely take part in this wonderful opportunity! 7
The Importance of Christian Youth Formation at All Souls’ Sunday School has started again at All Souls’ at the same me the church is in the midst of strategic planning. As pondering, brainstorming and dreaming takes place to create our vision, mission and values statement as part of the strategic planning process, it propels the church to an exci ng juncture that will accelerate All Souls’ to new heights in all areas of our missions and ministries, which, of course, includes Sunday School. Let’s remember, though, that with all this planning and dreaming, the main point of life as a Chris an is that it’s not about what we want but what God wants. So let’s ask the ques on…what would God want for Sunday School at All Souls’, remembering that Jesus put the children in the midst of his ministry. “Let the children come to me, so not to hinder them; for to such belongs the Kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” (Mark 10: 14-15) So let’s not be content with business as usual. Let’s discover a new reality that will allow us to envision new possibili es for Sunday School. Let us raise expecta ons because fostering and nourishing our Sunday school is a sacred responsibility. To give our religious educa on at All Souls’ less than our best would be unfaithful to the life God has called us to live and to the world God has called us to serve. If there is ever a genera on somewhere, some me, that does not know the power of God's love, it will be because some genera on did not con nue to teach and learn. The greatest gi9 that our church has to offer to the children in and around Point Loma is the strong faith that has been passed down through the genera ons. As 8
such, Sunday School is important for the future of our congrega on. If we, indeed, intend to prepare the next genera on of children to follow Christ faithfully and advance the Kingdom forcefully, we need a vibrant, exci ng, crea ve and engaging Sunday School. Young families are looking for churches that minister to children. It has been touted that today’s top three criteria for families finding a church are ‘loca on, pastor, and children’s ministry.’ The argument con nues that children pick the church and the parents go where the children are happiest. The origin of Sunday School is most o9en credited to Robert Raikes, an Anglican Evangelical laymen, a devout member of the Church of England (1725-1811) who lived in Gloucester, England. He was the key promoter of the Sunday School Movement. In 1780, Raikes developed schools for poor children living in the slums of his city. Raikes was distraught by the social sins associated with the industrial revolu on. At that me, children were employed in harsh labor condi ons for six days a week. Sunday was a day of freedom for these poverty stricken children. Many of these children would roam the streets in gangs and create vandalism. This awful situa on created a passion in the heart of Robert Raikes to become a catalyst for change.
Christian Formation, Cont. Raikes felt that Chris ans must be concerned about this social dilemma, so he had a simple idea to start a school on Sundays for these poor children where Chris an people would teach them to read and write, teach them the Ten Commandments, and instruct them in moral living. His premise was if they received a basic Chris an educa on they might be able to escape their dreadful life and break the cycle of poverty. Not everyone viewed Sunday School as enthusias cally as Raikes did. Rather, he faced opposi on from society’s elite and from “organized religion.” He didn’t back down or back away from his passion. Within four years there were actually about 250,000 students in Raikes’ Sunday Schools. Once newspapers got a hold of the story, the idea spread to other ci es. The idea quickly caught on and Chris ans all across England began star ng “Sunday Schools” for poor children. By 1811 there were more than 400,000 children in these Sunday Schools in England. Just 20 years later, England had more than a million children enrolled in Sunday school. By the mid19th century, Sunday school a2endance was nearly a universal component of childhood. Based on our history, we can confidently say that Sunday school has been a primary evangelis c arm of the church. Even though Raikes started a huge movement his goal was not to be the largest Sunday School in his town. His aim was to call children to Christ and the church.
Sunday School a2endance in many churches has seen a slow decline in the last 50 or so years. Yet studies indicate that where Sunday Schools are thriving and growing, church membership increases. The idea of Sunday School as a primary opportunity for evangelism may be new to some of us but without it we deprive children in our community of the lifelong value and significance of knowing the love of God. Would you like to be the key promoter of Sunday School at All Souls’? Would you like to be known as a visionary as Raikes was? We don’t have to look too far to find children living in poverty. How about looking a bit deeper to find children that are spiritually poor? What would happen if we addressed this social issue as Robert Raikes did? The good news is that we do have a number of parishioners that have a vision and passion for Sunday School! We have children and youth of all ages that love our Nursery, Godly Play, Elementary, and Middle School classes and Youth Ministry because we have Sunday School volunteers that know the importance of Chris an educa on. One parent recently asked their preschooler what she loved about her Godly Play class. Her daughter answered, “Everything!” And, there is always room for more visionaries at All Souls’ with the heart and passion of Robert Raikes. P.S.…Let’s get ready for an epic Vaca on Bible School, 2016! 9
All Hallows’ Eve at All Souls’! Halloween is just around the corner, and All Souls’ is ready to celebrate. This year, we’ll be reaching out to our neighbors by hos ng trick-or-treaters on church grounds. We will set up tables along the sidewalk on Catalina Boulevard, each decorated with a different theme. We’ll also have a table with Blessings in a Bag to give away to parents to keep in their cars for those in need. And Ruben has graciously volunteered to play Toccata and Fugue in D Minor on the organ for us, too! Put on your favorite (wholesome) costume and help hand out candy at one of the tables, beginning at 6pm. If you’re feeling especially crea ve, you could even go all out with a “trunk-or-treat” by decora ng your
car and parking it the space along Catalina. Prefer to hide in the house with the lights out and pretend it’s not Halloween? That’s ok-- you can s ll help! We need candy, and lots of it! There will be a collec on bin for Halloween candy in the back of the church on Sundays, or you can drop it by the church office at your convenience. This is a great opportunity to share candy and good cheer with our community. You won’t want to miss it!
The Peninsula Shepherd Center Lunch Bunch by Jean Durgan Special thanks to All Souls’ Episcopal Church and all of you who joined us for our inaugural Lunch Bunch luncheon. It was such fun to reconnect with friends who had par cipated in past Peninsula Shepherd Center programs and to welcome new friends from the Church and the community. And you all so kindly indulged me as I introduced PSC’s new Posi ve Aging Program, complete with filling out a survey and providing valuable comments. At this point PSC will host a monthly Lunch Bunch luncheon at All Souls’ Episcopal Church on the 2nd Thursday of each month. We will have an informa onal talk at 11:00am followed by a healthy luncheon. The cost is $3. Our next Lunch Bunch luncheon will be Thursday, October 8 in Gooden Hall at All Souls’ and the talk will be Exercise and Age. For reserva on, please call 619-223-1640 by October 6.
Come Learn about Planned Giving On behalf of Bishop Mathes, the Diocesan Planned Giving Support Commi2ee invites all parishioners of All Souls’ to par cipate in a series of gatherings taking place in each of our seven Mission Areas to explore legacy giving as a way to sustain the church and reflect our gra tude for the presence of God in our lives. Making a gi9 to the church or the diocese is another way we can support the life and mission of the church even a9er we have completed our earthly pilgrimage. Making a las ng gi9 to the church is another way that we can be good stewards of our resources. While it is different from pledging to our parish and does not subs tute for offering our me, talent, and treasure in the here and now, it provides financial resources for genera ons to come. A Planned Giving Gathering will be held on October 17th at 10:30 am at All Souls’ Episcopal Church, located at 1475 Catalina Blvd., Point Loma. The gathering will feature parishioners offering insight on why they chose to make a planned gi9, advice from experts and the opportunity for dialogue on how legacy giving supports the vital life of the church for genera ons to come. A fes ve luncheon provided by St. Peter’s and Good Samaritan will conclude the Gathering by 1 pm. This is your opportunity to learn more about how legacy giving has posi vely impacted All Souls’, as well as other parishes. Please contact Jayne Ricker at All Souls’ before October 14th to sign up: 619-223-6394 or There is no charge for a2ending.
An Easy Way to Give Do you shop at Ralphs? Fresh & Easy? Amazon? Each me you shop, these retailers will donate to All Souls’. Here’s what you need to do: Amazon: Visit and link your Amazon account to All Souls’ Point Loma (it may look like the Rector, Wardens, and Vestry….) Then, when you shop, make sure to use smile. Ralphs: Register your Ralphs Rewards Card to All Souls’ Episcopal Church at under “My Account” Fresh & Easy: Link your Rewards Card to All Souls’ Point Loma at If you need help… come on in the office… we’ll make it easy!
Sunday Morning Forum Offerings The Adult Forma on Commi2ee has met and discussed the plans for upcoming Sunday Morning Forums. Our Forum Series through October and November will con nue teaching on the Episcopal Church, our history, our liturgy, and our responsibili es as Chris ans: October 4—No Forum— Pledge Campaign Kick Off October 11—Living out our responsibility of Stewardship October 18—Presenta on by Bishop Mathes October 25—A primer on the BCP, the lec onary, and rubrics November 1—Real Time Viewing of the Presiding Bishop Installa on November 8—”Stump the Priests” - Bring your ques ons! Beginning on November 15 and con nuing through Advent, The Adult Forma on Commi2ee is planning a series on Science and Religion. We will invite scholars and theologians from local ins tu ons to come discuss how we might (or might not) reconcile scien fic discovery with our religious beliefs. We will also offer a Wednesday Evening Lenten program to discuss a book on this topic. We look forward to your presence at these offerings and welcome your ideas for topics in the future.
Looking Ahead at All Souls’ October 3, 5:00pm : Blessing of the Animals Bring your pets or pictures… all species welcome!
October 4, 9:00am : Stewardship Pledge Drive Kick-off Worship together as one congrega on and then a fes ve fun brunch as we begin our pledge drive
October 8, 11:00am : PSC Lunch Bunch and Positive Aging Join us in Gooden Hall as the Peninsula Shepherd Center hosts its second Lunch Bunch gathering.
October 13-15, 17 : BCSD Rehearsals and Performance All Souls’ parishioners are welcome to come view BCSD rehearsals Tuesday—Thursday as they prepare for their Friday and Saturday performances…. And don’t forget, All Souls’ parishioners also get a discount on performance ckets through the BCSD website.
October 17, 10:30am : Planned Giving Event RSVP for the Area 3 Planned Giving luncheon and learn how to make a las ng gi9.
October 17 and 18 : Bishop Mathes’ Visit Let’s give the bishop a resounding All Souls’ welcome!
October 24, 9:00am : Parish Work Day We had such a blast in August working together to beau fy and care for our campus that we’re giving you the opportunity to join us again! We’ll gather on October 24 and take on some cleaning and maintenance projects. Our campus will look be2er than ever, just in me for Diocesan Conven on.
October 25, 10:15am : Family Sunday, Choristers, Costumes, & Pumpkins Family Sunday in October will be a fun-filled day packed with many reasons to be at All Souls’. All children are invited to wear their costumes to church. We’ll gather in the courtyard a9er the service to carve pumpkins and make our own scary jack-o-lanterns. And, you can witness the debut of the All Souls’ Choristers. You won’t want to miss this!
October 31, 6:00pm : Trick or Treat at All Souls’ Join us on Halloween as we welcome the community to trick or treat on the All Souls’ campus. More informa on can be found on page 10 of this newsle2er.
November 1, 10:15am : Baptisms, Ingathering, and Newcomers Brunch All newcomers are welcome to join us for brunch at the rectory on November 1 a9er the 10:15 service. November 1 will also the ingathering of pledges for our 2015 pledge drive. And we’ll have bap sms at the 10:15 service! Join us for all of these wonderful occasions!
November 7, 10:45am: Diocesan Convention Eucharist and Ordination The Diocese of San Diego will meet for its 42nd Diocesan Conven on at All Souls’ . The conven on includes a morning Eucharist at which our very own Pam Rieger will be ordained by Bishop Mathes as a Deacon in the church. Come support Pam as she takes her ordina on vows. 12
Upcoming Worship at All Souls’ STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY: October 4 at 9:00am Join us as our 8:00am and 10:15am congrega on join together for one service at 9:00am followed by a fes ve brunch. Ms. Terri Mathes will be with us to facilitate a fun-filled and informa ve conversa on on Stewardship and our role in providing for the financial health of our parish. And, without being a spoiler… if you liked MadLibs as a kid, you won’t want to miss this!
WEDNESDAY EUCHARIST: October 7, 14, 21, 28 at 7:00am If you’re looking to start your day spiritually grounded and ready to go. Join us, Wednesday mornings at 7:00am in the chapel for Eucharist. Stop by on your way to work or before that first cup of morning coffee and worship with us!
CANDLELIGHT COMPLINE: Sunday, October 11 at 7:30pm Looking for spiritual healing or peace of mind? Come join us in this unique service steeped in tradi onal spirituality while completely updated with modern language and imagery. Live piano music, candlelight and group medita on creates a healing, peaceful environment. Approximately 30 minutes. 7:30pm the 2nd Sunday of each month.
BAPTISM, CONFIRMATION, and RECEPTION: Sunday, October 18 at 10:15am Bishop Mathes will be with us on Saturday the 17th and Sunday the 18th. The 10:15 service will include the sacrament of Bap sm and the pastoral rites of confirma on and recep on. Please plan on joining us for worship and suppor ng our fellow parishioners as they commit to the Chris an life and the tradi ons of the Episcopal Church.
CHORAL EVENSONG: Sunday, October 25 at 5pm Join us for our monthly sung Divine Office (Evening Prayer) immediately followed by a sherry recep on. Introit: Behold, the Tabernacle of God, Healey Willan Responses: William Byrd Can cles: Magnificat & Nunc Dimi3s in F, John Stainer Anthem: Our day of praise is done, William H. Harris Voluntaries: Lento (from Sonata in G Major BWV 530), J.S Bach Praeludium in C BWV 566a, J.S. Bach Including the appointed Psalm and Hymns 13
Youth Ministry News by Terry Dirbas Youth Ministry at All Souls’ is off to a terrific start this year! Here’s what’s new in 2015: Our high school youth group now meets on Tuesday a9ernoons at 4:30 every week for fun, fellowship, and forma on. Each week takes a par cular focus, from Bible Study to service projects to planning for our upcoming mission trip. Mostly, though, we enjoy being together and forming friendships that are grounded in our faith.
events this fall, including a board game night, a Dia De Los Muertos celebra on, an evening of laser tag, and a lock in. If you have friends or neighbors with tween-age kids, let them know what fun we’re having at All Souls’!
We are excited to announce the forma on of our new tween youth group! We had a great kickoff party in September, with 8 young people turning out to make homemade pizza and watch Chicken Run at the rectory. We are planning several special
SelCie Directory: Say Cheese! Christmas Greenery for a Good Cause The staff of All Souls’ meets every Tuesday to discuss our work and ministry together. Staff Ever feel like the holiday season sneaks up mee ngs include recapping past Sunday services and events, planning for upcoming Sundays on you? Plan ahead and order your Christand services, conversa on about events happening on campus, and discussing needs around mas greenery early! High School Youth will the parish. A couple of weeks ago, we discussed our parish directory. We’ve made some imbe selling wreaths, garland, door swags, and provement to our directory over the last year, upda ng informa on, adding new people. But other holiday decor from Sherwood Forest we all agreed that what we are missing is a pictorial directory. Now, I know we’ve had pictoriFarms from October 11-November 1. These al directories in the past and, to be honest, I’m not a big fan of the process. That’s where Fr. high quality evergreens are sustainably harJim comes in. He suggested that we promote a “Selfie Directory.” Most of us have phones vested from the Pacific Northwest, and will with cameras. I’m sure most of us have taken one or two selfies. So, let’s have a li2le fun with be delivered to you just in me for the holithis! Grab your phone! Take a Selfie! And send it to We’ll start days. assembling the very first All Souls’ Selfie Directory! If Fr. Jim can suggest it…. We can all do it! I Best of all,beyour purchase supportsfornext can’t wait to see your photos. (P.S. Rumor has it there will ample opportuni es selfies summer's mission trip to Belize! on Mission Sunday, September 13, 2015) More details coming soon!
SelCie Directory: Say Cheese! SelCie Directory Update: We’re making progress We had a great opportunity at Mission Sunday to take selfies with some wonderful backdrops. Many of you took advantage of this opportunity and s ll others have sent in selfies from who knows where… C’mon now, we all admit that now and then we can’t help but take a picture of ourselves. Maybe at the Ball Park or the beach or maybe even in the courtyard at church! When you find a good one… send it on in. We’re busy building the new directory and photos will be included in the back to help us get to know each other. Grab your phone! Take a Selfie! And send it to
Youth Group Special Events for October High School and Tween Youth Groups are ge]ng busy around All Souls’. Events include opportuni es for fellowship, worship, and just plain fun. Mark your calendars for the following events!
October 3 - 5pm - Youth are invited to help distribute treats at the Blessing of the Animals October 16 - 6pm - Tween Youth Dinner & Board Game Tournament October 17 - 10am - High School Youth visit "Maya: Hidden Worlds Revealed" at the Natural History Museum
October 25 - Family Sunday - wear a costume and carve a pumpkin!
October 30 - 6pm - Tween Youth Dinner & Dia De Los Muertos Celebra on
October 31 - Trick-or-Treat at All Souls'
Parishioner ProCile: Selma Rose Gibran Vassall by Rosemary Barnes It was a warm and humid day in Point Loma. This interview began with stories about family and a review of the All Souls’ Parish Photo Directory of 1990. There were many “oh, remember this person”, “hum, I wonder where they are” sprinkling the conversa on. A9er hearing from her sister, Sue Huggin, about the virtues of San Diego, she and husband Dick, along with two children arrived in San Diego in 1959 from Boston, MA. First, they lived in a small house in OB for 7 years and later moved to Cur s Street in 1966, where she s ll resides with Tommy the gray and white spo2ed cat. When they began a2ending All Souls’ in 1962 The Rev. Larry Pearson was the Rector and the current church building did not exist. Sunday services were held in a small chapel obtained from the Naval Base. Born in Boston at the Lying In Hospital in 1932, she loved singing in the school Glee Club. She also was interested in piano and took lessons at an early age. In addi on to an excellent alto voice, she is also a good sight-reader. She also took organ lessons from Bob Thompson for 2 years. Needless to say, music is a big part of her life. She counted off the succession of music directors at All Souls’ through the years. To date, she has sung under 8 choir directors. When she started singing in the choir the Music Director was Jean Coates, then Jeanine Hoffman. She recalled singing in 16
Gooden Hall while the current church was being built. Selma was raised a Maronite Catholic. What’s different between Roman Catholic and Maronite Catholic? Well they are as different as the Roman Catholic Church and the Episcopal Church. Their leader is called a Patriarch. Her mothers’ grandfather was a patriarch. The majority of Maronite Catholics are in Syria and Lebanon. Her husband Dick was a Methodist. Her sister Sue a2ended All Souls’ so it became natural for Selma and family to join All Souls’ Episcopal Church. When the Vassall family arrived at All Souls’ they had two small children (Elizabeth and Margie). She said she was not able to do much around the parish initally. As the two grew and two more children joined the family, she later became very involved with the Home Tour and began working with the signature item: The Tour Mouse. She es mates she has been part of the “Mouse Tradi on” for about 25 years. She talked about inheri ng the Mice from Sport Richards when she re red from the “mouse business.” Selma currently works with Betsy Tecca on the annual unique mouse.
Selma is related to the poet/writer Kahlil Gibran (author of “The Prophet”) who was a cousin of her father. His full name was Gibran Kahlil Gibran. She recalls the family referring to him as Uncle Gibran. Selma said her mother cooked for him. And one day, before Selma was born, he suggested the name Selma. He died before she was born. Selma’s family included three brothers and one sister, all older. She was the baby. Sadly, all of her siblings have passed away. She s ll has cousins in Lebanon and she is able to speak Arabic.
directories, the Fortnight News, the Rubric and many other things. She also assisted St. Paul’s in con nuing their prin ng system.
When asked what All Souls’ means to her, she stated, “It’s the highlight of my life. I love it.” Her fondest memories are the moments when Fr. Ralph Carskadden was here and he administered communion. She stated, he was a pastor and priest and introduced so much to She recalled mee ng Richard O. Vassall at a party the parish includa9er she graduated from high school. Both had ing Feast of the different dates at that party. A9er mee ng, they Transfigura on, an event that included liturgy, started da ng. She was a2ending college. Dick special music, food and great all parish fes vi es. joined the Air Force. She dropped out of school Today you will find her arranging flowers, serving to get a job. They were married in February of on the altar guild, singing in the choir, par ci1952 at Cedars of Lebanon Maronite Church. pa ng in Christmas Arts and Home Tour, proof One of her ministries was as a volunteer running reading the bulle ns, and many other volunteer office type jobs. the prin ng press at All Souls’. She created beau ful mul -colored bulle ns and other items. Her favorite hymns are Jerusalem and Victory A9er volunteering, she realized she might need a and her best loved composers include many few lessons on how to use the prin ng press. So, Bri sh composers and Bach and Beethoven. she studied the user manual and asked the A. B. For those around for a few years or more, memDicks service manager to teach her. She later ories of stuffed grape leaves and other middlebecame a paid employee, re ring in 1998. The era of the printer has evolved into the age of the eastern dishes come to mind. She doesn’t cook as much, but she does supervise the cooking of copier. But during her me as our printer, she printed bulle ns, parish calendars, annual parish her youngest daughter Diana Vassall DuMelle. At family dinner, son David does the clean up, as well as her older daughters, who also keep family tradi ons alive and pass them along to her six grandchildren – ages 7 years to 30 years. She also remembered the days with as many as 300 children in Sunday School and two children’s choirs. The older girls wore dark blue and younger girls were in red along with li2le beanies. 17
COMPASS COMMITTEE UPDATE: The Results of the SWOT Analysis From the Compass Committee You might recall that not too long ago the Compass Commi2ee encouraged all parishioners to complete a SWOT Survey. The SWOT Survey was designed to allow the members of All Souls’ to help the Compass Commi2ee determine the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportuni es, and Threats for All Souls’ as we con nue in our long range planning process. These SWOT results have been instrumental in establishing our Goal Areas and Objec ves. This work is currently underway and Goals and objec ves will be shared with the congrega on in the near future. However, at this me, we wanted to share with you the results of our SWOT analysis. The following tables provide the survey results and the following graphs summarize the major findings. If you have any ques ons, please do not hesitate to ask any member of the Compass Commi2ee.
Response Percent 83%
Response Count 72
Welcoming/ Inclusive/ Loving Congrega on
Property/ Campus
Liturgical Music
Internal Communica ons (e.g., e-Blast, announcements)
Staff (non-clergy)
External Ministries (serving outside our church and congrega on)
Budget Stability
Internal Ministries (serving within our church and congrega on)
Chris an Educa on/Forma on for Adults
Parishioner Generosity
Age Appropriate Programs (Children/youth/adult/seniors)
Chris an Educa on/Forma on for Children
External Communications (e.g., website, publicity)
STRENGTHS: Answer Op2ons
answered ques on
Compass Committee: Cont.
Deferred Maintenance and Campus Upgrades (campus looks " red")
Response Percent 84%
Response Count 66
Lack of Demographic Diversity
Visibility, Physical Presence in the Community, Signage
Only One Full- me Clergy
Reliance on Cell Tower Income
External Communica ons (par cularly the website)
Audio-visual Equipment
Lack of Contemporary-style Worship Service
Not Recognizable as a Church
Lay Par cipa on in Leadership
Other (please specify)
Internal Communica ons (inter-ministry coordina on)
Accessibility for Disabled Individuals
Mee ng Space
WEAKNESSES: Answer Op2ons
answered ques on
The Episcopal Church has Embraced Issues Important to Younger Genera ons
Response Percent 68%
Response Count 52
Nearby Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard Facili es
Only Episcopal Church in Surrounding Areas
Diocesan and Ecumenical Partnering (e.g., proximity to Episcopal Church Center)
A9er School Programs for Elementary and Middle School
Proximity to Point Loma Nazarene University
Interfaith Community Service Projects
Peninsula Shepherd Center
Auent and Prosperous Neighborhood (rela vely stable surroundings)
Eight (8) Public Schools with Close Proximity
Oering our Campus for use by External Organiza ons
Point Loma Arts Academy
Upturn in the Economy
answered ques on
Compass Committee: Cont.
Declining Inuence of Mainstream Religions
Response Percent 79%
Response Count 60
Possible Loss of Cell Tower Income
Changing Demographics in Southern California
Economic Uncertainty
Clergy Called to Serve Elsewhere
Percep ons of the stated posi ons of the Episcopal Church (e.g., same-sex blessings) Neighborhood Reac on to Ministries (e.g. NIMBY-ism)
Residen al Context
Occurrences of misconduct in the Church
Other (please specify)
THREATS: Answer Options
answered ques on
Creativity Corner: Fountain Wall Sculpture When you leave the church, the Columbarium is on your right. On the wall you face is a large clay sculpture designed and made by local ar st Rhoda Lopez. The work celebrates the gi9 of water as the recirculated water spills from many openings to the reflec ng pool below. Birth, life, cleansing and renewal are symbolically depicted in this earthy waterworks. The con nual flow of water from the Columbarium represents the flowing of our lives from birth into this life to birth into new life. (Source: Soli Deo Gloria)
“Small Souls” : Worship for All Ages Our new children’s component of ministry, Small Souls, has begun and has, so far, been a tremendous success. Our first two Small Souls Sundays saw as many as 14 children in the chapel with their adult leaders. It’s been so much fun watching the procession of our li2le ones follow the Gospel procession back to the altar and then peel off to the chapel.
Values, Vision, and Mission Statements The Compass Commi2ee presented their work on the Values, Vision, and Mission of All Souls’ to the vestry at our June Mee ng. The Vestry has accepted and endorsed these statements. Below you will find the Vision and Mission Statements. Value Statements follow and con nue on Page 16.
VISION STATEMENT: To be a vibrant and joy-filled congrega on that serves as the community hub for Christ’s transforma ve love.
MISSION STATEMENT: We invite all to grow in faith with us as we embody and courageously share God’s
A special thanks to all the adult volunteers that make Small Souls such a success. We will con nue to reap the benefits of our children’s exposure to all aspects of our
love in the world.
VALUE STATEMENTS: CHRIST CENTERED We are guided by the Holy Spirit and the example of
worship and an age appropriate message every Sunday. And, it allows their parents/ guardians to more fully par cipate in our worship and hear the adult sermon.
Jesus Christ in our prayer, worship, discipleship, and service to others, as we share the Good News. (Con nued on Page 22.)
Sock it to me! Values, Vision, and Mission (cont .) LOVE We are in loving rela on-
What’s the common denominator of need at the various local outreach ins tu ons…. SOCKS! ERN, ECS, Doors of Change, ECC/Cal State San Marcos, Friend to Friend, God’s Extended Hand, Safe Havens, Showers of Blessings and other organiza ons all request socks.
ship with God, each other,
families wherever they are
This November, at All Souls’, our Diocesan Conven on, we want o present the diocese with a mountain of socks!
in their journeys.
Dr. Seuss might say:
White socks, black socks, red socks, blue socks. His socks, her socks, old socks, new socks.
and our community, embracing all individuals and
We honor the dignity of every person, valuing our differences, as we grow in
A9er Conven on, Sock Mountain will be dismantled and distributed to our brothers and sisters in need.
Christ and learn from each other. STEWARDSHIP We recognize that all we have comes from God, and with gra tude we generously share these abundant gi9s, caring for all of God’s
All Souls’ is star ng the Sock Drive now. The diocese will recognize the congrega on bringing the most socks to Conven on on November 7th with the highly coveted Golden Sock Award (wait ‘ l you see this!). Let’s pool our resources, gather up some socks, and make a mountain in our courtyard that would make Jack Northam (aka Crazy Jack) proud!
crea on. CREATIVITY We celebrate God’s gi9s of liturgy, music, and art as a window to experiencing the Divine.
Got Questions: Reach out to Dear Abbey! Do you have a burning liturgical or church ques on that you’ve been wondering about, but just can’t quite bring yourself to ask it? Well, now’s your chance. You can e-mail your ques ons to DearAbbey
Pictures: Godly Play, Sunday School, and FUNdraiser at The Wine Pub
All Souls’ Episcopal Church All Souls’ is a vibrant Episcopal congrega on in the heart of Point Loma. All ages are welcome; infants and children enliven our worship. To learn more about membership, please contact the church office or visit us on-line. Visit our website at Listen to our sermons on-line at Reach us by e-mail at Like us on Facebook at Follow us on Instagram:
All Souls’ Episcopal Church
Sunday Services
1475 Catalina Blvd. San Diego, CA 92107 619-223-6394
Holy Eucharist: 8:00 am and 10:15 am Nursery Care from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm (infants - 3 years old) Sunday School (all ages): 9:10 am Small Souls Worship: 10:15 am except 4th Sunday of each month Compline Service – 2nd Sunday @ 7:30 pm Family Eucharist – 4th Sunday @ 10:15 am Choral Evensong – 4th Sunday @ 5:00 pm
In the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego The Rt. Rev. James R. Mathes, Bishop
Staff The Rev. Joseph J. Dirbas, Rector The Very Rev. James E. Carroll, Associate Ruben Valenzuela, Director of the Music Jayne Ricker, Facili es and Office Manager Be2y Nork, Nursery Assistant Vanessa Hiday, Nursery Assistant
Weekday Services: Wednesday Morning Eucharist: 7:00 am Thursday Holy Eucharist: 9:30 am Saturday Cel c Eucharist: 5:00 pm