new year,
new you 150 minutes of physical activity each week is all that’s needed for a healthier you, says the Health Promotion Board. So kickstart your way to fitness with these simple ways. By NG YI LIAN
P PHOTO: Getty Images
erhaps we’ve all been guilty of procrastinating and putting off that exercise regime. We’ve heard the excuses often enough: “I’m busy; I’m tired; and I’d rather use my time to catch up on my sleep or movies that I’ve missed.” According to the 2010 National Health Survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, 39 per cent of Singapore residents do not undertake 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week — the minimum recommended level of physical activity for a healthier lifestyle.
Sure, getting into shape might require a bit of effort and time, and we can certainly do more by setting aside time during the weekends for some outdoor activities with loved ones. But there’s an easier way of making sure you get fit. All it takes are little changes to your daily routine — be it at home, work or even while you commute — to make sure you maximise your physical activities when you’re out and about.
Besides being a time-saver, working more physical activities into your daily routine makes exercising less of a chore. And it won’t take long before you’re on your way to a healthier lifestyle.
Jan-Mar 29