the key to
tranquillity Feeling stressed out or anxious? Here’s how to unlock inner peace at key moments in your life. By NIRMALA SIVANATHAN
PHOTOS: Getty Images, Istockphoto
f you live in Singapore, you will be familiar with terms such as “exam fever”, “performance anxiety” and “work stress”. Although terms like these are oftentimes used loosely in a social context to complain about the usual worries, key moments of anxiety and stress in your life can push you to breaking point. According to Ms Geraldine Koempel, a psychologist with The Counselling Place, “stress and anxiety belong to normal development”. “It only becomes a problem when we are unable to find a way to deal with the cause of the anxiety,” she adds. Too much stress and unresolved anxiety can cause you to experience sleeping disorders and, in worst case scenarios, panic attacks. Psychosomatic symptoms (concerning both mind and body) are also common, with individuals suffering from anxiety-‐ related stomach aches, chest pain and headaches. You may also feel unusually sad, angry and irritated.