The Wholegrain Truth

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whole(grain) truth


n February this year, a coffeshop in Bukit Batok jumped on the healthy food bandwagon, offering local fare with whole grain ingredients such as brown rice and whole grain noodles. By and large, whole grains have been touted as a healthy addition to a diet; here’s a closer look at why they’re good for you.

Anatomy of a whole grain

All grains, like wheat, oat and rye, start out as whole grains. What qualifies



Why go against the grain when you can sink your teeth into them? Here’s why a simple switch to whole grains can reap major nutritional benefits. By GENE KHOR

them as whole grains are the bran, endosperm and germ found inside the kernels. These are what make whole grains beneficial, as they are rich sources of vitamins and minerals. The bran is the outer layer of the whole grain which is rich in fibre, B vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals (chemical compounds found in plants). The endosperm — the middle layer — contains mainly carbohydrates and protein. Finally, the germ, which is

found inside the whole grain, is packed with more B vitamins, vitamin E, minerals and phytochemicals. However, during the refining processing the production of white rice and flour, the germ and bran layers are removed from the whole grain, resulting in the loss of important nutrients.

Inside out

So you know what makes a whole grain great, but why are they good for you?

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