All Together NOW! Oct-Nov 2021

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All Together NOW!


ALL SMILES: From left: Robert Mee, High Sheriff of Cheshire; Tony Brown, MD, Expanse Learning Group; Dave Thompson, event organiser; Cllr Maureen Creaghan, Mayor of Warrington; and Amanda Phillips, United Utilities

WELCOME HOME, DAD! RIGHT: Guitar man Kevin Phoenix welcoming visitors


GAINST all odds, the North West’s Disability Awareness Day bounced back in style for its 30th-anniversary event.

And although numbers were understandably lower than in previous years, the day was hailed a roaring success by organisers, Warrington Disability Partnership. Dave Thompson, chief executive at WDP, said: “Our sincere thanks go to our

sponsors, Expanse Learning and Utilities, and to all our supporters for making the day possible, working tirelessly to complete all the preparations in a just a 12-week window – staggering, considering it usually takes 13 months. “Many of us were disappointed when Covid-19 caused us to change last year’s DAD to a virtual experience, so it was a great relief when the green light was given to let this year’s show go ahead.

“And what a show it was! Although attendance figures (about 18,000) were down on pre-pandemic events, they were higher than expected given the disproportionate effect the pandemic has had on the disabled community. “The positive feedback received has been very encouraging, with many visitors saying that DAD was the first large event they had attended in over 18 months.” Peter Powell, Warrington’s Town Crier, and

the Liverpool Scottish pipe band got proceedings under way with a rousing march into Walton Hall Gardens. Entertaining the crowds in the Arts Marquee were acts including nationally acclaimed Ella Together and Warrington BSL Signing Choir, Creating Adventures, Dream Team Drama, Warrington West Concert Band, Bridgewater Singers, Wired for Sound and Corey Scene and AM3. n Next year’s DAD – Sunday July 17.

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