All Together NOW! Oct-Nov 2021

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All Together NOW!

6XSSRUW ZKHQ you need it most

Receive the Warm Home energy discount? You could save on your water bills too If you qualify for the Warm Home Discount as you receive Pension Credit, United Utilities has a scheme providing LJQDQFLDO VXSSRUW LI \RXàUH KDYLQJ GLDžFXOWLHV ZLWK \RX ZDWHU ELOO payments. Called Help to Pay, the scheme is aimed at customers who receive Pension Credit (either Pension Guarantee Credit and/ or Pension Savings Credit) and helps to reduce your water bill by as much as £168 a year. Jane Haymes from United Utilities says: “We know that for some of our customers, meeting water bill payments FDQ EH GLDžFXOW HVSHFLDOO\ LI \RX DUH RQ D low income.

“If you are eligible for the Warm Home Discount from your energy company due to receiving Pension Credit, I would encourage you to give us a call as it’s likely you will also be eligible for our Help to Pay scheme too.”

7R LJQG RXW PRUH DERXW WKH +HOS WR Pay scheme, call the team on 0800 072 6765.

United Utilities also offers support for customers ZKR QHHG WR XVH D ORW RI ZDWHU ZLWK KDYLQJ D ODUJH family or a medical condition.

:H FDQ DOO EHQHLJW IURP D ELW of extra help at some stage in our lives. This could be due to age, ill health, disability, mental KHDOWK SUREOHPV LJQDQFLDO worries or language barriers. Registering for Priority Services is free and it means \RX ZLOO EHQHLJW IURP DGGLWLRQDO services to support your particular needs. Services include: • A dedicated team to listen and help • Braille, large print, ‘talking’ bills and text relay service • Knock and wait service if you have mobility needs • Nominate a carer, family member or friend to speak to us on your behalf • Additional support if you have a medical need for water • Protection from bogus callers with a password protection scheme • Notice of interruptions to your water supply • Translation services

Register at: priorityservices or call: 0345 072 6093.

Called ‘WaterSure’, customers accepted on to the scheme have their bills capped at a set amount each year regardless of how much water they need to use. â7KH VFKHPH LV VSHFLLJFDOO\ IRU FXVWRPHUV ZLWK D ZDWHU PHWHU ZKR UHFHLYH EHQHLJWV and are struggling with high bills due to having three or more children, or a medical condition which means they need to use a lot of water,” says Jane. “When accepted on to the scheme, we cap your bills each year so you don’t pay more than the average home, regardless of the amount of water you use.”

For further details visit: XQLWHGXWLOLWLHV FRP ZDWHUVXUH or call 0800 072 6765.



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