Focus formula & bright spark

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Concentration & School

It's a tough life out there in school land! Education is becoming more and more competitive as schools and parents try their best to prepare children for the world. But what happens when a child 'falls between the cracks' and cannot cope with the demands of the classroom? This can be due to problems with concentration, anxiety, mood or even a learning disability. If they don't receive help, many children become angry, oppositional and disruptive, setting the stage for failure and ongoing problems in school and later life. Our Director and Clinical Psychologist, has worked extensively with children who are challenged in the school environment. Concerned about the negative side effects of prescription drugs for ADHD, ADD, hyperactivity, childhood anxiety and depression, she developed a range of natural herbal & homeopathic remedies for children to help with concentration, focus, attention and cognitive functions like memory and mental alertness.

Focus Formula: Natural remedy for concentration & ADHD (all ages) Top-Selling Safe, Natural Herbal ADD & ADHD remedy for children & adults     

Reduces hyperactivity and restlessness Improves concentration, memory and attention span Improves alertness and mental focus Calms overactive minds, reduces impulsiveness and aggression Improves grades and increases study efforts

What is ADHD? Imagine living in a fast-moving kaleidoscope, where sounds, images, and thoughts are constantly shifting. Feeling easily bored, yet helpless to keep your mind on tasks you need to complete. Distracted by unimportant sights and sounds, your mind drives you from one thought or activity to the next. Perhaps you are so wrapped up in a collage of thoughts and images that you don't notice when someone speaks to you. For many people, this is what it's like to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. They may be unable to sit still, plan ahead, finish tasks, or be fully aware of what's going on around them. To their family, classmates or co-workers, they seem to exist in a whirlwind of disorganized or frenzied activity. Unexpectedly--on some days and in some situations--they seem fine, often leading others to think the person with ADHD can actually control these behaviours. As a result, the disorder can mar the person's relationships with others in addition to disrupting their daily life, consuming energy, and diminishing self-esteem. ADHD, once called hyperkinesis or minimal brain dysfunction, is very common and affects 3 to 5 percent of all children. Two to three times more boys than girls are affected. On the average, at least one child in every classroom needs help for ADHD. ADHD often continues into adolescence and adulthood, and can cause a lifetime of frustrated dreams and emotional pain.

The Natural Way

Rather than prescribing strong and sometimes addictive psychiatric drugs, naturopathic approaches to the treatment of ADHD and ADD take a more holistic look at the individual and take into account diet, lifestyle, personality type, surroundings and emotional factors. Natural remedies are used to effectively treat the symptoms, while at the same time helping the person to heal and to reach a state of balance and health. The natural approach is less harmful and more thorough and has a greater chance of curing the problem altogether, instead of keeping the individual on psychiatric drugs for many years. This is very important, especially in the case of children, because of the frequent side effects of prescription drugs and the risk of addiction.

How can Focus Formula help?

Focus is a proven, complex herbal remedy, especially formulated by a Clinical Psychologist to safely and effectively treat the symptoms of ADHD in children & adults. In combination with a healthy lifestyle and diet which excludes excess sugar, stimulants, artificial preservatives and colorants, Focus acts as a calmative remedy which can nourish the brain, focus the mind and improve concentration. Formulated according to Whole Herb Technology, Focus ADHD Formula is a 100% safe, non-addictive alternative natural treatment for ADHD, without the risks and side effects of prescription psychiatric drugs.

Ingredients 

Ginkgo Biloba is an extremely effective herb used in traditional Chinese Medicine and derived from one of the oldest trees on earth. Recent studies have shown its ability to support memory making it one of the top selling herbal medicines in Europe! Active ingredients include flavone glycosides (including ginkgolide), bioflavins, sitosterol, lactones and anthocyanin. Scuttellaria Laterifolia (also known as Skullcap) has been traditionally used as an effective nerve tonic. It helps to support the mind and contributes to the maintenance of a healthy attitude and even keel. Active ingredients include flavonoids, tannins, bitter, volatile oil and minerals. Matricaria Recutita (also known as German Chamomile) was traditionally used to help relieve nervous tension, this herb helps to gently soothe and lessen frustration caused by overwork and fatigue. Active ingredients include volatile oil, flavonoids, valerianic acid, coumarins, tannins, salicylates and cyanogenic glycosides. Centella Asiatica (also known as Gotu Cola) is traditionally used as a tonic to support the healthy brain and nervous system. It is recommended to support brain functions such as mental clarity, healthy memory and to maintain a balanced mood. Centella asiatica is also a favorite food of elephants and, as we all know, elephants never forget! Recent studies have suggested that Centella asiatica supports cerebral blood flow (CBF) and circulation in general. Avina Sativa (Green Oats) a general tonic traditionally used in folk medicine as well as in modern herbalism, Avena sativa is invaluable in alleviating common nervous irritability. Active ingredients are saponins, flavonoids, minerals, alkaloids, steroidal compounds, Vitamins B1, B2, D, and E, carotene and wheat protein. Urtica Urens (called Umbabazane in Africa) is used both traditionally and in modern herbalism to support blood sugar levels. Urtica urens also helps the circulatory system. Active ingredients are histamine, formic acid, acetylcholine (important in maintaining healthy memory functioning), glucoquinones, minerals, Vitamins A, B and C and tannins. Aspalathus linearis (also known as Rooibos) is indigenous to the Cedarberg Mountains of Cape Town, South Africa and is not found anywhere else in the world! Rooibos contains magnesium, zinc and iron which all assist in maintaining a healthy nervous system. Zinc and iron, in particular, support balance in the brain, promoting consistency and healthy functioning of the nervous system

How has Focus Formula helped others?

As one of our top-selling remedies, Focus Formula has been happily used to help control, calm and soothe thousands of ADHD sufferers. Here is what some of them have to say: “My 9 year old girl has been on Ritalin since the age of 5. She started taking focus formula together with bright spark. She is in a special needs class. Her teacher has taken off Ritalin officially in January this year. She still talks non stop which is the only reason she cannot go to a main stream class. She is getting above 90% in all her subjects except for Maths which for the first time she got 80%. She is calmer, listens and her concentration in her report used to be 1 or 2 but this time she improved to 4 in her concentration. She is in Grade 3. She was struggling and had to repeat Grade R. Grade 1 she battles but passed in a way. I started the products when she was in grade 2 where she started excelling and got a star badge at assembly one Friday. Thanks to feel good health with your products it really helped me and my little girl.” -Bathoko "We love Focus. It has helped our son's ADHD just enough to help him in school, and yet still allows him to be himself instead of the zombie side effects from the pills. He is 16 years old and also seems to be more reasonable (although still a teenager!) Thank you." - Lisa "I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for making FOCUS. My 5 year old son was having trouble in Kindergarden and the teachers and doctor's just gave me a perscription for Ritalin. They didn't even check him. They kept pressuring me about putting him on something and My Husband and I did not want to put him on medication for something we didn't know if he even had. No one checked him or even talked to him. So, I finally looked up natural ways to help since, My Husband and I take alot of herbs and vitamins. I read the testimonals thought what can I lose. Focus has been a life-saver. The teacher says he's able to control himself better, listening and hasn't been sent to the office in over 1 month. If you do not want to put your children on medication you have to try this. It works 100% I will back this product. THANK YOU! Angela


"This is our second order and I am so glad that we are placing it. This product has made such a difference in our lives that I am almost brought to tears. Thank you doesn't seem enough." John

"I think I have always been ADD but it just wasn't picked up in school. I dropped out of my studies because I couldnt 'focus'. Never seemed to be able to finish anything and I always felt angry, often for no reason. Ive been taking Focus Formula and MindSoothe capsules for 3 mths now and there is a large difference - to the point where I think I will register for correspondence studies next year - something I would never have thought of before! I feel like I am a different person and can finally accomplish something with my life!' Andrew "I ordered your product for my 25 year old son with tourette's syndrome and add. he agreed to try the drops as directed... anything to slow down the tics and improve his focus and attention that didn't involve drugs that make him tired and depressed! After a few weeks on the product, he now attests to feeling more focused and tics have slowed. we will continue the trial and are so hopeful for continued improvement." Rosemary "My 8 year old daughter was diagnosed with ADHD, I had two options, either put her on that strong medication doctors prescribe or look for another option, because of drug abuse in our famly history I thought it was best to try something natural, I found information on the web and tried FOCUS. This has made a wonderful change in my daughter and my household as well. It has been very good for her, it helps her "focus", she looks more in peace, she'll finish whatever she has started, you can actually find her in the same place 1 or 2 hours after she has started soemthing. I am so glad I found this kind of medication and would recommend it to any worried parent as a way out for their children." - Leslie "My grandson is in the first grade and since school started (August 26) he received nothing but black cards, the cards are best green, next yellow, next red, and worst black. The teacher could not get him to sit still to even know what she was talking about. I was at the end of my rope and I did not want to put him on prescription drugs. I heard about Focus, called the fine people and they explained to me about how Focus and BrightSpark work together. I received the order of both over the weekend and started giving him both. Monday when school started he got a green card, first time since school started, since then he has received only green and yellow cards. He is sitting still and doing his work so much better. He has not been on the medicine a month yet. Thank you so much for your help. I would recommend these products to anyone with children with ADHD problems. Again let me say thanks." - Patsy

"I have a 10 year old son who has had ADHD since the age of 6. He was prescribed Ritalin by the consultant. I thought it would be better for him if i get get him of the Ritalin as it had alot of side effects, ie, insomnia, nightmares, loss of appetite & highs & lows of ritalin wearing off. I was a bit sceptical about trying natural products, but after looking through the internet i came across FOCUS, living in the UK natural remedies for Adhd are not greatly advertised, so i thought i would give it a try. (He) has been on the drops for about 2 weeks now and his doseage for ritalin has been halved. He was also on sleeping tablets as well. I have noticed a considerable change in his eating habits, he is of the sleeping tablets, and is alot calmer and is able to concentrate alot more at school. I would recommend this product to anyone who is looking to take there child of a prescribed drug given for ADHD. I have no hesitation in continuing ordering Focus and completely taking (him) of the Ritalin alltogether. Thank You." - Tanya NOTE: Many experts believe that ADHD is not strictly speaking a disorder, but rather a group of symptoms which can be caused by many different factors, including emotional problems, inconsistent discipline, diet,

How do I use Focus Formula?

Children up to the age of 15: Take one drop per age year of the child in a little water or juice every morning and evening after meals. Adults & Teenagers over 16: 15 - 20 drops in a little water or juice every morning and evening after meals. Caution: Safety during pregnancy or breastfeeding has not yet been established. Focus is best used in combination with a healthy diet, regular exercise and fresh air. Focus Formula can be combined with the following natural remedies depending on the need: Focus Formula + - for ADHD in children with hyperactivity and behavioural problems. Add MindSoothe Jr if there is childhood depression, anxiety or underlying anger problems Focus Formula + MindSoothe Capsules - for teens and adults with ADHD and depression or teens with mood disorders This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Reduce hyperactivity & support calm behaviour in children with ADHD      

Restores normal activity levels in children with ADHD Reduces restlessness, fidgeting, squirming & impulsive behaviour Reduces the need to constantly 'play the fool' & disrupt the class Encourages a more co-operative manner Improves the ability to concentrate & stay on task Reduces tics (Tourette's Syndrome)

Formulated by a Clinical Psychologist for use with Focus Formula

What is ADHD?

ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a group of symptoms that affects concentration and a person's ability to focus. It can also cause mood swings, impulsiveness, behavioural and other social problems. Children with these problems have difficulty in completing their school work and due to behavioural problems like hyperactivity and impulsivity, are often in trouble with parents and teachers. If not managed correctly, this often leads to low self esteem and other behavioural problems later in the teenage years. Adults with ADD are often undiagnosed and made to feel stupid, rather than being helped. Conventional treatment of hyperactivity and ADHD usually involves psychiatric drugs to try and calm the child and improve concentration. Although they can be effective in the short term, most of the drugs prescribed for hyperactivity and ADHD are addictive and may come with unwanted side effects. This means that they should be a last resort, after other interventions have failed, rather than the first thing which is recommended!

The natural way

According to our Clinical Psychologist, a holistic approach is the most effective and there are many things which parents can do to help a hyperactive child. These include: Diet (avoid sugar laden foods, drinks & snacks, artificial colours like tartrazine, flavors like MSG & preservatives and follow a healthy diet with as little processed food as possible)  TV & electronic devices - restrict to an hour a day  Regular play time outdoors  Good sleep routine  Homework & study space should be quiet with minimum distractions  Consistent discipline Natural remedies for hyperactivity and ADHD 

How can BrightSpark help?

BrightSpark is a 100% homeopathic formula which has been developed with care by our Clinical Psychologist for children with hyperactivity and behaviour problems associated with ADHD. BrightSpark is 100% natural and manufactured according to the highest pharmaceutical standards. Individual ingredients are well-researched and have been specially chosen for their high safety profile in childrens’ treat the symptoms of child ADD/ADHD without the potentially dangerous side effects associated with many psychiatric drugs. BrightSpark is a very safe and effective remedy, tested over the years in the treatment of thousands of children all over the world. Feedback from parents and teachers has been consistently good. BrightSpark will keep your child 'Bright and Sparky', while at the same time helping them to focus and pay attention, without the risk of addiction, drowsiness and other side effects. It is highly recommended along with Focus Formula - a herbal remedy and brain tonic for ADHD formulated to assist with brain health, concentration and mental clarity.


BrightSpark contains the following 100% active homeopathic ingredients in therapeutic dosage: Hyoscyamus (30C) is typically used for the control of behavioral problems, overexcitability and seizure disorders, including Tourette's Syndrome.  Tuberculinum (30C) is a homeopathic remedy often used for hayfever and also for soothing irritability.  Arsen iod (30C) is used to promote balance during temper outbursts, but can also assist in suppressing annoyance when confronted with trying and frustrating circumstances. This proven homeopathic remedy is often recommended for people who tend to be irritable and restless, or excitable and impatient with sudden outbursts and may also be very useful for those with a history of allergic reactions or hayfever.  Verat alb (30C) can help bring about emotional stability and soothe the nerves during tumultuous inner struggles and conflict. Homeopaths often recommend Verat. alb. for hyperactive children, or those who tend to be critical and restless. Children with cravings for fruit and ice cream as well as those with a weak immune system respond very well to this proven homeopathic ingredient. Lactose (inactive ingredient) 

How has BrightSpark helped others?

"I have really noticed a difference in my child. He is 8 yrs. Old and had a major problem with attention in the

classroom. He has been on it for 3 months and the teachers are reporting much better behavior. His attention span has increased greatly. We don't receive daily calls that he is misbehaving in class anymore." - Danette A. "Just to say a BIG THANK YOU for your product which, since giving to my daughter, has shown remarkable results in such a short time. We are all elated as she is no longer on "DRUGS" , is much more alert & is coping with her trantrums. We are awaiting a response from her school with great anticipation. I must add that, in all the time she has been in school, she has never told us what she did or who she spoke to (if anybody). She now tells us that she has a friend & they talk at break & tell each other about their families, pets etc. So you can see how excited we are about her improvement. We are passing on the results to Doctor & friends!" - Desiree A. Grobler "I got BrightSpark for my twin 2 1/2 year old sons that were showing signs of ADD. I don't believe in sedating a child with conventional prescription medications. I tried BrightSpark because it was homeopathic. It made a difference in 2 days. They are calmer, and happier. I can truly appreciate them for the blessings that they are due to this wonderful product. Thank you BrightSpark for giving my babies back to me." - Jenny Miller

How do I use BrightSpark?

BrightSpark comes in small pleasant tasting tablets that may be dissolved or chewed in the mouth, making it very easy to administer to children. Use on an empty stomach if possible. Directions: On the first day, dissolve 1 tablet in a clean mouth every hour for 6 hours (best to start on a weekend or during the holidays). Thereafter dissolve 2 tablets in the mouth 3 times daily. The second dosage can be taken at 3pm or 4pm for those children that are in school. Once hyperactivity and behaviour has improved, dosage may be reduced to twice or even once a day. Caution: Avoid strong mint flavoured sweets which will reduce the effectiveness of all homeopathic remedies. Note: Although it is very effective in its own right, BrightSpark for hyperactivity has been formulated for use along with Focus Formula, a herbal remedy for ADHD to support brain health, improved concentration and mental clarity. It is highly recommended that these two remedies for ADHD be used together for best results.

Disclaimer: This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council. This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness.

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