Twigs Gallery Brand Standards Manual

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Twigs Gallery Standards Manual

Contents Brand Message 2 Primary Logotype 3 Secondary Logotype 4 Reversed Colors 5 Minimum Sizes 7 Clear Space 9 Graphic Elements 10 Inappropriate Uses 11 Color Palette 13 Typefaces 15 Business System 16 Applications 20


Twigs Gallery Standards Manual

Brand Message Twigs Gallery is a multifaceted space for artists and community members to engage in the evolving culture of San Luis Obispo. While primarily serving as a gallery space, Twigs also serves coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages for events. The rebrand of the gallery aims to attract a new audience of young creators, and spark conversation and collaboration within the lines of San Luis Obispo.

The design solutions throughout this manual intend to reinforce Twigs Gallery’s identity as a diverse and stimulating hub of creativity. While still holding on to the warm and inviting cafe-like nature of the shop, the rebrand offers a contemporary and fresh perspective on the existing store.

Twigs is committed to cultivating a welcoming environment to inspire customers to interact and work in the cafe. With the rebrand, the gallery hopes to become a more active and central part of San Luis Obispo’s music and art scene, and introduce customers and community members to new projects and creators.


Primary Logotype One Color

Twigs Gallery Above is the primary vertical mark. The symbol is representative of wood grain, an abstraction of the name Twigs. The type must strictly stay in Blanch Caps Light, and stacked in a vertical orientation. This mark in kombu green should be used whenever color presentation is possible, on all light backgrounds. On dark backgrounds or pale gold may be used. If color printing is unavailable, the primary logotype can be printed in only black. 4

Twigs Gallery Standards Manual

Twigs Gallery Twigs Gallery

Secondary Logotype One Color

Twigs Gallery Above is the secondary horizontal mark. Blanch Caps is still used as the typeface, but placed side by side with the symbol in between. This mark is reserved for packaging labels, or more subtly branded products. As with the primary mark, this mark in kombu green should be used whenever color presentation is possible, on all light backgrounds. On dark backgrounds or pale gold may be used. If color printing is unavailable, the secondary logotype can be printed in only black.

Twigs Gallery Twigs Gallery 5

Primary Logotype Reversed Out

Twigs Gallery Above is the primary vertical mark in reversed color. It may be used with the kombu green background and white logotype.


Twigs Gallery Standards Manual

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery

Other color options include kombu green with the pale gold logotype, or pale gold background with black or kombu green type, and black background with the white logotype if color printing is unavailable.

Secondary Logotype Reversed Out

Twigs Gallery Above is the secondary mark in reversed color. It may be used with the kombu green background and white logotype.

Twigs Gallery Twigs Gallery Twigs Gallery Other color options include kombu green with the pale gold logotype, or pale gold background with black or kombu green type, and black background with the white logotype if color printing is unavailable.


Minimum Sizes Primary

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery

The primary mark in color should have a minimum size of .875″ wide, and .375″ tall. The reversed out versions should be slightly larger to ensure legibility. The size for the reversed out marks should be at least 1.25″ wide and .75″ tall.


Twigs Gallery Standards Manual

Minimum Sizes Secondary

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery Twigs Gallery Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery

The secondary mark in color should have a minimum size of 2″ wide, and .25″ tall. The reversed out versions should be slightly larger to ensure legibility. The size for the reversed out marks should be at least 2.25″ wide and .5″ tall.

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery 9

Clear Space

Twigs Gallery Whenever using any of the marks, they must be protected by designated white space, in order to ensure a clean and coherent visual presence, and avoid crowding of visual elements. The safe space around the primary mark is measured by the cap height of the “Y” in gallery. There should be a clear space equal or greater to this height.


Twigs Gallery Standards Manual

Twigs Gallery The secondary mark’s safe space is defined by the bowl of the “Y” in gallery.

If using the wood grain graphic element alone, the safe space is defined by the smallest ring.

Graphic Elements

The graphic element for this brand identity is the wood grain logo. There is a wide acceptability of uses for this element, but should be treated with great intention. It should be used in kombu green or white whenever possible, and the opacity may be changed to 15% if being used as a watermark behind text. The grain appears on all marketing material including the business card, letterhead, and envelope. In most cases this element should be used in a proportionally large scale, and continue off the page, only if printed with full bleed. Squares, rectangles, and thin lines can also be used in addition to materials when needing simplified distinctions between areas of designs. This can be seen on the packaging labels of Twigs Gallery merchandise.


Inappropriate Uses The following examples portray inappropriate alterations and uses of the marks that should be avoided at all costs.


s g i Tw

Do not separate Twigs and Gallery

Do not rotate the mark, or place it at

from each other in the marks

an angle



Twigs Gallery Do not use any unapproved colors/ combinations

Twigs Gallery Do not place the primary word mark

Do not fill in the rings of the the wood 12

grainGallery graphic elementManual Twigs Standards

Do not skew, stretch, or compress the mark

on a dark background

Inappropriate Uses

Twigs Gallery

Twigs Gallery 1531 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

1531 Monterey Street


Twigs Gallery

Do not display the mark with a drop shadow Do not repeat the marks on the same piece of promotional material


Color Palette Primary The Primary Color Palette consists of kombu green and white. Kombu green should be the most prominent color used in all material and merchandise. Kombu green can be used as body text color on all light colored backgrounds, and as the primary color for headers and subheads. Off white or ivory paper is acceptable to use when printing, thus replacing the white.


Twigs Gallery Standards Manual

kombu green


Pantone: 7735 C C:73 M:47 Y:73 K:42 R:57 G:80 B:62 Hex: 394f3d

Pantone: 11-0601 TCX C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0 R:255 G:255 B:255 Hex: ffffff

Color Palette Secondary The Secondary Color Palette consists of pale gold and black. This should mainly be used for packaging or small iconography on digital applications. Avoid using pale gold as body text against a white or light background, however it can be used as in bold against kombu green. If using pale gold as text, keep in mind the appropriate text size, keeping it at a minimum of 9pt.

pale gold


Pantone: 488 C C:9 M:29 Y:38 K: 0 R:229 G:184 B:155 Hex: e5b89b

Pantone: 6 C C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 R:0 G:0 B:0 Hex: 000000


Typefaces Proxima Nova The secondary typeface is Proxima Nova. This can be used in body text, or in any text that isn’t the word mark or merchandise titles. For headings or short phrases, use Proxima Nova Bold all caps with 100pt tracking. In body text, the primary weight is Regular. The primary color for this typeface is kombu green, or white if printed on a dark background.

Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Semibold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789


Twigs Gallery Standards Manual

Business System

Twigs Gallery Kathryn E. McCormick Professor of Design Department of Art & Design California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407

4 November, 2017 Dear Ms. McCormick,

1531 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401




Twigs Gallery 1531 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

1531 Monterey Street


The current Steynberg Gallery primarily brands themselves as an art gallery, but through observation, it functions mostly as a coffee shop. They serve coffee, tea, espresso, breakfast, lunch, and baked goods. Among their products, they also sell Tolosa wine, and the art pieces on display. The main challenges with this crossover business, is creating an environment that is sophisticated enough for artists to take it seriously, and want to show their work, while still holding up as a coffee shop. The future business, rebranded as Twigs Gallery will rely more on events which engage creatives in San Luis Obispo to inspire eachother and create more artwork. In the future, the space will become more utilized and allow local artists to sell merchandise. This revamp will attract new creatives to engage with the space, and host new, consistent and intellectually stimulating events. The project will also allow for local artists to sell merchandise and work and generate excitement about local projects.

Allyson Millard Owner

805.753.1463 1531 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

Twigs Gallery stays on the cutting edge of contemporary art and music, and understands the importance of a creative community that pushes boundaries, but is self-aware of the pretention that comes with that. The main goal is to create a welcoming space that introduces people to new culture. The design solution created for the new gallery includes a new name Twigs, which represents teh humble and down to earth nature of the gallery while also reminiscing on popular culture figure, Twiggy. The new brand’s logo is inspired by rings of wood grain, celebrating natural beauty, while also staying abstract to convey an artistic mood. The future of the gallery will thrive on a comprehensive brand identity, showing the sophistication and dedication to new culture. Sincerely,

Allyson Millard


Business System Business Card

Allyson Millard Owner



805.753.1463 1531 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

The dimensions of the business card are 3.5�x2in. The front of the card features the wood grain symbol expanded and stretched to full bleed on the left side, and the logotype on the right aligned to the center height of the card. The back has the necessary contact


Twigs Gallery Standards Manual

information of the owner, including the owner’s name, title, phone, and email address. The name of the card holder should be in Proxima Nova 8pt Semibold, while the title and store address are in Light. The phone, email, and website are in Medium.

Business System Letterhead

Twigs Gallery

1531 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805.753.1463

Kathryn E. McCormick Professor of Design Department of Art & Design California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo, CA 93407

4 November, 2017

The letterhead dimensions are 8.5″x 11″. The primary to full bleed, exiting the top and right side of the page. Dear Ms. McCormick, mark in kombu green sits on the top left, aligned to The type of the contact information is set in 9pt Proxima The current Steynberg Gallery primarily brands themselves as an art gallery, but through it the left margin. Keep in mind the safe space around Nova withobservation, 14pt leading. The body of the letter is in functions mostly as a coffee shop. They serve coffee, tea, espresso, breakfast, lunch, and baked goods. Among the logotype.their Onproducts, the right side the block of contact Minion Pro Regular 10pt with 14pt leading. The margins they also sell Tolosa wine, and the art pieces on display. information isThe left aligned, also in kombu green with should be at least 1″ on all sides, and the left margin main challenges with this crossover business, is creating an environment that is sophisticated enough the watermarked wood element behind Thewhile still holding should align with the logotype in the letterhead. for artists to takegrain it seriously, and want to show, up as a coffee shop. The future business, rebranded as Twigs Gallery will rely more on events which engage creatives in San Luis Obispo to opacity of the grain is changed to 15% and stretched inspire eachother and create more artwork. In the future, the space will become more utilized and allow local artists to sell merchandise. This revamp will attract new creatives to engage with the space, and host new, consistent and intellectually stimulating events. The project will also allow for local artists to sell merchandise and work and generate excitement about local projects.


Business System Envelope

Twigs Gallery 1531 Monterey Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

1531 Monterey Street


The envelope is 9.5″x4.13″ when folded and assembled. The backside of the envelope is in kombu green with the logotype and contact information reversed out and aligned to the top left. Because the color of the envelope is dark, labels must be used for the recipient address of the envelope. The envelope flap is in off-white, with the wood grain element scaled up and exiting the flap.


Twigs Gallery Standards Manual

Application Website




Twigs Gallery Standards Manual

Application Event Poster


Application Merchandise and Packaging




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