June 2018 Issue No. 14
Holistic Critical Race Pedagogies: Embracing Wholeness Through Resiliency Circles Heidi M. Coronado
California Lutheran University
Critical Race Pedagogies (CRPs) allow us to engage in liberatory pedagogies for students who have historically been at the margins (Lynn, 1999). As a formerly undocumented, first-generation, Guatemalan student and academic with Mayan roots, I have seen society’s assimilationists ideologies demand marginalized populations to adhere to specific norms based on colonial legacies that are often enforced through Euro-centric curriculum, policy, and pedagogical practices in schools (Lynn & Dixson, 2013). I argue that a CRP allows us to combat the continued trauma-inducing silencing of the voices and experiences of Students of Color (Smith-Maddox & Solórzano, 2002; Yosso, 2005). Transformative pedagogical practices are needed to provide students with the opportunity to engage in critical thinking development that provides them with the language and tools necessary to name their lived experiences. As a student of Mesoamerican and indigenous healing practices, I also argue that we must pay careful attention to the process in which students engage with critical material.1 It is not sufficient to provide students with theoretical tools and concepts, but we must address the whole self and being of the students. In this piece I offer a pedagogical framework, which I am naming Resiliency Circles, that is useful in fostering spaces that honor students’ experiences in becoming critically aware through a holistic lens.
RESILIENCY CIRLCES AS HOLISTIC CRITICAL RACE PEDAGOGIES Because racism is felt on a material, physical, emotional, and spiritual level, it is important that we create specific pedagogical frameworks that address students’ entire being (Solórzano, 1998). Drawing from the Mayan concept of Inlak’ech — a concept that highlights our mind, body, soul, and emotions as well as our relationships to others and the environment — I have developed the pedagogical framework of Resiliency Circles. Resiliency Circles are part of a CRP framework that validate the mind, body, soul, and emotions of students, in essence, their holistic selves. This framework is based in mindfulness and the honoring of Indigenous epistemologies and teachings shared by Indigenous elders, which is a direct challenge to the Euro-centric ways of teaching and learning in U.S. classrooms (Coronado, 2012). Resiliency Circles aim to decolonize traditional pedagogical practices and create a holistic space for students to critically discuss systems of power and oppression, but to also connect to their own epistemologies of resiliency and that of their communities. I argue that we must create brave and healing spaces2 where our students not only analyze critical knowledge but also connect with their whole selves as a form of decolonization, healing, and empowerment in ways that traditional schooling has not taught or allowed. C C R S at U C L A