The Almanac 03.03.2010 - Section 2

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Food &Drink

New restaurants, recipe ideas, and profiles of local chefs. N March 3, 2010 ALSO


C O M M U N I T Y 1 8 | R E A L E S TAT E 2 4 | C L A S S I F I E D S 2 1

New Life in the Vineyard Woodside ‘garagistes’ turn acreage to vines, and offer small-production pinot noir to their community By Renee Batti


Almanac News Editor

aul Smith of Woodside describes himself as a man who, looking for love, found much more — “an entirely new life.” That’s hard to dispute. Born in England, he has lived in this country since attending business school at MIT in the mid-1980s. Although he considered himself a “social drinker” in the past, his taste for good wine didn’t approach that of the aficionados he would meet after moving to California in the late 1990s. Now, the former New York advertising executive not only has a deep appreciation for refined wine, he is making it, “garagiste” style. He makes pinot noir from the grapes he and his wife, Robin — whom he met after moving West, and yes, that’s the love connection — planted on four lots at their Phillip Road property about 10 years ago, two years after they

‘The wines were very affordable, and the communities supported the winemakers in their region. We liked the family aspects of winemaking, and hence the idea to do it ourselves in Woodside.’ PAUL SMITH, ON THE “GARAGISTE” WINEMAKERS THE SMITHS ENCOUNTERED IN EUROPE.

bought the land and built their home. Last year, the Smiths began selling their wine under the label GBH Vineyard, named for the great blue heron “who assists us with gopher management from time to time,” Mr. Smith notes. The wine, a 2007 pinot noir, is sold only in Woodside, he says, in keeping with “garagiste” practice. “Robin and I had traveled through France, Spain, and Italy, and were always impressed with the ‘garagiste’ winemakers we found — small family-owned wineries (that) farmed their estate-grown varietals and sold primarily in their local towns,” he explains. “The wines were very affordable, and the communities supported the winemakers in their region. We liked the family aspects of winemaking, and hence the idea to do it ourselves in Woodside.” Mr. Smith says the wine can be found at the Little Store, the Woodside Bakery, and Buck’s restaurants, and at Roberts market (Woodside only). With a little help from ...

The Smiths may have been new to Woodside when they were ready to plant their vines, but they were already familiar enough with the community to know whom to turn to for help. “Bob Mullen (founder and then-owner of Woodside Vineyards) got us started,” Mr. Smith says. The terroir — soil, location, climate — was thought to be “terrific for pinot noir,” he says. Mr. Mullen planted the vines and did some initial maintenance, “but after some training and vineyard work, I felt very comfortable doing it myself,” Mr. Smith says, adding that the personal,

Photos by Michelle Le/The Almanac

Top photo: The great blue heron graces the labels of GBH Vineyard pinot noir; above, winemaker Paul Smith has turned the spacious garage in his Woodside home into a “garagiste” winery.

“hands-on” approach to working the vines greatly appealed to him. The four blocks of vines are French Cote d’Or clones, and the soil in which they grow is stony and well-drained, Mr. Smith says. He and Robin both work full time as executives in the technology world, he says, but they gladly find the time to tend to their family business, with Mr. Smith working the vineyard and making the wine, and Ms. Smith marketing the wine and working with designers to produce the labels. Using French oak barrels for fermentation, Mr. Smith makes wine in the large garage of their home. He works “with a light hand,” he says, which lets the terroir of lower Phillips

Road speak through the wine. The 2007 harvest produced 100 cases, and Mr. Smith hopes future harvests will provide enough fruit for 125 cases. Mr. Smith has found more than the soil on Phillip Road rich and fertile. The experiences of his new life as a vintner on the West Coast have proven to be rich enough to write a book about. And that’s what he’s doing. With “The Accidental Vintner Passing Through Woodside,” Mr. Smith says he will describe life among the vines and in the bucolic town he now calls See VINEYARD, next page

March 3, 2010 N The Almanac N 17


ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TOWN OF ATHERTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA GARDEN ROOM RENOVATION PROJECT NO. 09-025 Notice is hereby given that SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of the City Clerk, 91 Ashfield Road, Atherton, California 94027, until 3:00 p.m. April 15, 2010, at which time they will be publicly opened and read, for performing the following work: Renovation of the Garden Room, located at the Holbrook-Palmer Park Main House. Renovation shall include demolition, painting, installing flooring, cabinets, and doors, upgrading electrical, relocating utilities. The Engineer’s Estimate for the project is: $53,317 Bids must be for the entire work, and shall be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly marked: ”Bid of (Contractor) for GARDEN ROOM RENOVATION, Project No. 09-025”, along with date and time of bid opening. VOLUNTARY PRE-BID MEETING ON MARCH 24, 2010 at Garden Room of Holbrook-Palmer Park Main House, 150 Watkins Ave., Atherton, CA 94027 at 2 p.m. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the Town of Atherton Public Works Department, 91 Ashfield Road, Atherton CA 94027, for a non-refundable fee of $30.00. Additional important information is contained in Town of Atherton Standard Specifications, which are available for an additional $20.00. If shipping is requested, there will be an additional charge of $20.00. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in the form of cash, a cashier‘s or certified check or bid bond for not less than ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid, as a guarantee that the bidder, if awarded the Contract, will fulfill the terms of the bid. The Town of Atherton reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and/or to waive any irregularities therein. Bidders are hereby notified that, pursuant to California Civil Code Sections 3247 and 3248 and Standard Specifications Section 3.02, the successful bidder will be required to provide payment and performance bonds in the amounts stated in Section 3.02 of the Standard Specifications. Bidders are hereby notified that provisions of California Labor Code regarding prevailing wages are applicable to the work to be performed under this contract. Pursuant to Section 1773 et seq. the general prevailing wage rates have been determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations and appear in the California Prevailing Wage Rates. Copies are on file at the office of the City Engineer and are available to interested parties upon request. The successful bidder shall post a copy of the wage rates at the job site. The Contractor may elect to receive 100 percent of payments due under the contract, without retention of any portion of the payment by the Town of Atherton, by depositing securities of equivalent value to the retention amount in accordance with the provisions of Section 22300 of the California Public Contracts Code. The successful bidder must be licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3, of the California Business and Professions Code to do the type of work contemplated in the project at the time the contract is awarded and shall be skilled and regularly engaged in the general class or type of work called for under the Contract. Failure of the bidder to obtain proper and adequate licensing for an award of the contract shall constitute a failure to execute the contract and result in the forfeiture of the bidder‘s bid security. Each bidder shall submit with this bid a statement setting forth his/her/its experience and qualifications. The statement shall be made on the forms provided by the Town and must accompany each bid. The three lowest bidders will be required to submit subcontractor‘s experience and qualifications statements within 48 hours of the bid opening, on forms provided by the Town. By submitting a bid in response to this advertisement for bids, the bidder shall be conclusively deemed to have read, understood and agreed with all of the information and materials contained in the bid documents, including but not limited to the construction contract, the standard specifications, the special provisions, the required nature and amount of insurance and the documentation evidencing said insurance. Any questions regarding the project should be directed to David Huynh, Project Engineer, telephone: (650) 752-0555 or by written Requests for Information (RFI) to: Public Works Department, 91 Ashfield Road, Atherton, CA 94027, preferably no later than five days before bid opening. RFIs may be emailed to or faxed to (650) 688-6539. For information on obtaining Plans and Specifications, Standard Specifications or obtaining a Plan Holders list, please call Judy Bellmont at (650) 752-0570.

18 N The Almanac N March 3, 2010


___________________________________ Duncan L. Jones, P.E., City Engineer



Our so-called lives: Is techno-chatter replacing relationships? By Samantha Bergeson


t is said that life is what happens when we are too busy texting friends, e-mailing clients, and arranging birthday parties — or something of the sort. High school itself seems to be lost in such a country. Data from Nielsen Co. surveys shows that the average teenager types more than 80 text messages a day. How many moments are we missing of living? In this technological age, life is not fully being experienced, and is instead replaced with abbreviations of emotions, a “LOL” instead of hearing someone laugh. Classmates now meet first on Facebook, the magic of introductions lost. Our lives are being consumed by the loss of instant moments, of true personal connections and simple communication. Such a lack of contact between people is diminishing relationships, particularly among the young. Many of today’s youth do not recall a time without a small, handheld cell phone. According to the New York Times, texting, Twittering, and other “social media” threaten to

VINEYARD continued from previous page

home, where people he has encountered include “a crazy old winemaker,” and characters he labels “gopher man” and “the landscape lothario.” Other pursuits

The Smiths’ large home and surrounding fertile property make pursuing their other many interests easier. Cooking is a shared passion for Robin and Paul, and their spacious, well-equipped kitchen allows them to engage in sophisticated cooking projects, and some friendly competition. After becoming enamored with the Iron Chef cooking program on television, the couple decided to create their own kitchen contest. For the first event, they asked their two sons to judge, which didn’t have the best of consequences. “My wife was very annoyed that I won, considering she had jumped in to help me remake a pate choux (my first effort failed),” Mr. Smith writes in an e-mail. Since then, they’ve turned the “contest” into a judging of their teamwork in the kitchen, with the boys, now 14, still participating.


Samantha Bergeson of Portola Valley is a freshman at Menlo School in Atherton.

affect how youth comprehend academic material. Research has shown that a student’s relationships affect academic and social performance. A classroom filled with students sneaking text and Facebook checks may seriously detract from an individual’s success in education. Words themselves have become melded into easier, quicker ways to communicate. Texts barely contain vowels, with strings of sentences overlapping to make an obscure form of sense. How can such simple letters replace a hug to a friend in need? Perhaps some view these new forms of technology as safer, more distanced. To some, it is See MY VIEW, page 19

The sons, from previous marriages, are Jesse Rothbard, who graduated from Corte Madera School in Portola Valley last year; and Stefan Jandreau-Smith, who goes to school in Marin. The Smiths also harvest the fruit from 10 Manzanillo olive trees, and use the oil in their kitchen. Last year’s harvest produced five gallons, Mr. Smith says. Robin Smith has for years tended an herb garden outside the kitchen, and recently planted a full organic garden, Mr. Smith says. Mr. Smith’s next project: beekeeping. He says he became interested in that enterprise while visiting the Filoli garden in Woodside and spending some time with the beekeeper there. “He showed me how to care for the bees and be unafraid of them,” he says. He’s already purchased the hives and a beekeeping suit, and may begin the project this April. The effort might produce some welcome honey, but the prime motivator would be “to observe nature and to care for these creatures that mean so much to our land,” Mr. Smith says. Go to for more information about GBH Vineyard .


M-A High School Thespians stage ‘Forum’ The Menlo-Atherton High School Thespians will present “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum� at 7 p.m. March 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20 in the Menlo-Atherton performing arts center on the Atherton campus. There will be a 2 p.m. performance on March 13. The play is a fast-paced musical farce set in ancient Rome. The book is by Burt Shevelove and Larry Gelbart, music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. Mandy Peoples is director. Student director is Maya Lozinski. Margaret Ringler and Kendall Dubroff are stage managers. The Menlo-Atherton band will perform, and the production will be bandmaster Frank Moura’s last musical before retiring. Tickets, for sale at the door, range from $5 to $12.


Ave. in Menlo Park, beginning on Thursday, March 11. The workshop will cover the writing of personal memoir, family history, short stories, and creative nonfiction, Ms. Butler says. The sessions begin at 1:30 p.m. The cost is $25 for Little House members and $30 for nonmembers. Ms. Butler is the author of “Valley of Santa Clara,� a review of the Valley’s architectural heritage. Her articles have been published in a number of newspapers, including the San Francisco Chronicle, the Los Angeles Times, and the San Jose Mercury News. For more information about the workshop, call 326-0723.

Workshop on creative writing

Domino tourney benefits CHC

Author and editor Phyllis Filiberti Butler of Menlo Park will lead a four-week creative writing workshop at Little House, 800 Middle

The 48th annual master’s domino tournament by the Children’s Health Council Auxiliary will be held Saturday, March 6, at

the Menlo Circus Club, 190 Park Lane in Atherton. The event is a benefit for the Children’s Health Council. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., and tournament play at 9:30 a.m. The fee is $140 per advanced player, and $70 per novice player; the fee covers a continental breakfast, buffet luncheon, and thank-you departure gifts. To register, call Charlene Chanteloup at 326-4437, or Nancy Schumacher at 8545599.

Pancake breakfast Menlo/Atherton Boy Scout Troop 206 will serve a pancake breakfast from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 6, at the Trinity Church parish hall, 330 Ravenswood Ave. in Menlo Park. The breakfast will include pancakes, sausages, fruit, juices, coffee and tea. Cost is $5 for adults and $2 for children 10 and under. Cub Scouts in uniform eat free.

Youth of Year vows to advocate for ‘those in the shadows’ By John Straubel Board member, Boys & Girls Clubs


larisa Ontiveros once thought “The American Dream�was indeed a dream, unreachable to many kids in the Peninsula’s low-income neighborhoods. High school dropout rates of 70 percent in those areas testify to the opportunity gap that often discourages Clarisa’s peers. Today this 18-year-old is beating the odds. She has been recognized by the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula as its 2010 Youth of the Year. The award, given at the local, state, regional and national level, acknowledges efforts to overcome personal challenges and contribute to other club members and to school and community. Clarisa graduated on the honor roll from Hoover Elementary School in Redwood City. At Sequoia High School, she found herself one of the few Latinas at the advanced levels. She struggled to maintain good grades and soon was interacting with students at the top. It was when she was a still a high MY VIEW continued from page 18

easier to write than talk, hiding behind computers to find the comfort they need. Yet emotions can get lost in translation, a typed smiley face viewed not as a welcoming, friend-

school freshman that she began volunteering at the Boys & Girls Clubs at its Redwood City clubhouse. Photo by Nadine Priestly Tutoring fourthClarisa Ontiveros graders there, facilitating the club’s teen programs, and organizing special events, she piled up 200 hours of volunteer work and eventually earned a spot on the club’s teen staff. Clarisa is now managing the club’s Success Maker department, responsible for helping young members improve their math and reading skills and developing study plans with parents -- all while persevering in her own high school effort and planning her entry into college. Her plan is clear: she’ll major in communication studies so she

can return to her challenged Peninsula community as an advocate for those seeking to overcome the opportunity gap and succeed as productive citizens. Clarisa so far has one college acceptance but has not yet decided where in the country she will study. “I want to be an example and break the cycle of my community’s stereotype,� she said in her speech as a Youth of the Year finalist. “Poverty, violence and drug abuse are all consequences of living in the shadows.� Drawing on author Sandra Cisnero’s “House on Mango Street,� Clarisa concluded: “One day I will pack up my bags, and people will say, ‘What happened to Clarisa? Where did she go with all those books and papers? Why did she march so far away?’ “They will not know that I have left to come back, for those who cannot get out.�

ly approach but instead shown as sarcastic and mocking. A romantic white orchid is now replaced with an “i luv u� text message, a birthday card with an e-mail from a singing pet. No, these are not the courting days of Jane Austen’s Darcy, nor even of Bridget Jones. Today, we show feel-

ings, whether angry or kind, loving or worried, through abbreviated texts and instant messages. How long will this anti-relationship frenzy last among high school students? If this isolation continues, how will our society change? What will the new definition of living be?

About the author: John Straubel of Menlo Park has been a board member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula for 20 years.

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Wednesday March 10, 2010 7:00 p.m.

Portola Valley Town Center -&&%ÂĽ 1-"5*/6. $FMFCSBUJPO Please join the Town of Portola Valley in celebrating the certification of the Town Center as a LEED Platinum Facility. t 3FGSFTINFOUT BU Q N t $PVODJM .FFUJOH CFHJOT BU Q N Portola Valley Town Center, Community Hall 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley, CA 'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO QMFBTF WJTJU XXX QPSUPMBWBMMFZ OFU PS QIPOF The 'LEED Certification Mark' is a registered trademark owned by the U.S. Green Building Council and is used by permission.

TOWN OF WOODSIDE 2955 Woodside Road Wodside, CA 94062


Districts 4 The Planning Commission participates in the administration of the planning laws and policies of the Town. It is responsible for recommending to the Town Council ordinances and resolutions necessary to implement the General Plan and adopted development policy. The Commission also conducts necessary public hearings to administer the planning laws and policies of the Town and acts upon applications for zoning amendments, conditional use permits, variances, subdivisions and other related functions as may be assigned by the Council. The Planning Commission meets on the first and third Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.; Commissioners are appointed for a four-year term. District 4 encompasses the Emerald Lakes area, the Caùada Road area north of Arbor Court/Olive Hill Lane, including the Runnymede Road and Raymundo Drive areas. Interested residents may check residency requirements and request information and applications Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-12 noon and 1-5:00 p.m. at the Town Clerk’s Office, Town Hall, 2955 Woodside Road, on the Town’s web site at or by telephoning (650) 851-6790. Deadline for applications is Friday, March 12, 2010, 5:00 p.m. March 3, 2010 N The Almanac N 19

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David Barca named Realtor of the Year David Barca, operating principal at the Menlo Park office of Keller Williams Realty, has been named 2009 Realtor of the Year by the Silicon Valley Association of Realtors. Mr. Barca, who is also Keller Williams general manager for the San Francisco Peninsula/Silicon Valley, was president of the association in 2000. During his tenure, he started the Realtor Service Volunteer Program, which involves real estate agents in assisting elderly and homebound residents each May. He began his real estate career


with Fox and Carskadon in 1989 as a consultant to senior management. Subsequently he managed the Coldwell Banker office on David Barca Hamilton Avenue in Palo Alto and managed Seville/ Contempo in Menlo Park. The Keller Williams Menlo Park office opened at 707 Menlo

n n o e C c p t i o m n a C G U I D E TO 2010 S U M M E R C A M P S F O R K I D S

For more information about these camps, see our online directory of camps at To advertise in a weekly directory, contact 650-326-8210

Summer Institute for the Gifted

Sports Camps Spring Down Camp Equestrian Center

Portola Valley

Spring Down camp teaches basic to advanced horsemanship skills. All ages welcome. Daily informative lecture, riding lesson, supervised hands-on skill practice, tacking/untacking of own camp horse, and fun horse arts and crafts. 650.851.1114

Champion Tennis Camps



Gifted students in grades K-12 can participate on the renowned Summer Institute for the Gifted (SIG) program. Hosted at some of the most famous colleges and universities in the U.S., SIG combines both traditional summer fun and a challenging academic schedule. Day programs are available for younger students. 866-303-4744

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San Jose

CTC provides an enjoyable way for your Junior to begin learning the game of tennis or to continue developing existing skills. The 4-6 year olds have fun learning eye-hand coordination and building self-esteem! 650-752-0540

K-Gr. 8 Morning academics – focusing on math, language arts and science – and full spectrum of afternoon recreation. Highly qualified faculty and staff. Also: swim lessons; swimming, tennis and soccer camps; academics for high school students. 408-553-0537

SOLO Aquatics

The Girls’ Middle School Summer Camp

Menlo Park

Mountain View

Two great programs — SOLO Day Camp: One-week sessions of 5 full days (9:00 – 4:00) featuring instruction in swimming and fun activities; lunch included. SOLO Sharks Program: Spring/Summer weekly afternoon swim clinics for all ages and abilities. 650-851-9091

New from GMS - Day camp for girls entering grades 4-7. Explorations in Science, Technology, and the Arts in the morning, Moving and Making, includes sports and games, swimming, arts and crafts, in the afternoon. 650-968-8338


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At Matt Lottich Life Skills, all of our camps focus on giving high-level basketball instruction while highlighting the life skills that this sport reflects. Grades 2-11, two camp styles — Day and Elite Camps. 1-888-537-3223

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Mountain View

Summer at Saint Francis provides a broad range of academic and athletic programs for elementary through high school students. It is the goal of every program to make summer vacation enriching and enjoyable! 650-968-1213 x446

Nueva Summer


Nueva Summer offers unique and enriching summer camps for students entering PreK - 8th Grade. June 21 - July 30. We have camps that will inspire every age: from Marine Biology to Tinkering, and Model UN to West African Drumming. Half or full day camps, from one to six weeks. Healthy lunch is provided for full day campers. Extended care available. 650-350-4555

Woodland School Summer Adventures

Portola Valley

For kindergarten through 8th grade. Offers academics, sports, field trips and onsite activities. June 28 - July 30. 650-854-9065

20 N The Almanac N March 3, 2010

Oshman Family JCC Camps

Palo Alto

Stratford School - Camp Socrates

Bay Area

Academic enrichment infused with traditional summer camp fun—that’s what your child will experience at Camp Socrates. Sessions begin on June 28 and end on August 13 with the option for students to attend for all seven weeks or the first four weeks (June 28-July 23). Full or half-time morning or afternoon program are available to fit your schedule. 12 locations. www. 650-493-1151

Write Now! Summer Writing Camps

Palo Alto/Pleasanton

Emerson School of Palo Alto and Hacienda School of Pleasanton open their doors and offer their innovative programs: Expository Writing, Creative Writing, Presentation Techniques, and (new!) Media Production. Call or visit our website for details. 650-424-1267, 925-485-5750

TechKnowHow Computer & LEGO™ Camps


Fun and enriching technology classes for students, ages 6-14! Courses include LEGO and K’NEX Projects with Motors, Robotics, and Game Design. Many locations, including Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and Sunnyvale. Half and all day options. 650-474-0400

ISTP Language Immersion

Palo Alto

International School of the Peninsula camps offered in French, Chinese, Spanish or ESL for students in Nursery through Middle School. Three 2-week sessions, each with different theme. Students are grouped according to both grade level and language proficiency. 650-251-8519

Theatreworks Summer Camps

Palo Alto

In these skill-building workshops for grades K–5, students engage in languagebased activities, movement, music, and improvisational theatre games. Students present their own original pieces at the end of each two-week camp. 650-463-7146

Ave. in July 2009. In announcing Mr. Barca’s selection as Realtor of the Year, Julia Keady, the 2009 president of the association, noted that Mr. Barca played semi-pro soccer; is a lifelong runner; is a Knight of Malta, serving the needs of the sick and poor worldwide; and is a jewelry designer.

Iris Harrell wins remodeling award Iris Harrell, owner of Harrell Remodeling, Inc. in Mountain View, has been named winner of the 2009 Fred Case Remodeling Entrepreneur of the Year award. She was chosen by a panel Iris Harrell of judges who included members from Case Design/Remodeling Inc., HanleyWood, and Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies. The award included a cash prize of $12,500. Ms. Harrell, a Portola Valley resident, is the third winner of the award, which was established and endowed by the founder of Case Design/ Remodeling Inc., based in Maryland. Harrell Remodeling is celebrating its 25th year as a womanfounded business.

Janet Bell wins business award Janet Bell & Associates, a landscape design and construction firm owned by local businesswoman Janet Bell, has been named the woman-owned business of the year in Menlo Park by the Women’s Initiative for Self Employment. Ms. Bell was recognized at an awards ceremony Nov. 10 at Google in Mountain View. Janet Bell & Associates offers landscape design, construction and maintenance in the South Bay. She first opened her business in Menlo Park in 1996. A licensed contractor, she is a member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers, and past president of its California chapter.

Thomas Jasek named to arts board Thomas Jasek of Menlo Park has been named to the board of trustees for the Maryland Institute of Art in Baltimore. He has been an investor in Silicon Valley for the past 20 years and has worked in a number of technology start-ups, including as senior vice president for business development at TIBCO Software Inc. Prior to entering the technology field, he worked as a securities trader and at Bechtel Corp.

Marketplace PLACE AN AD ONLINE E-MAIL PHONE 650/326-8216 Now you can log on to, day or night and get your ad started immediately online. Most listings are free and include a one-line free print ad in our Peninsula newspapers with the option of photos and additional lines. Exempt are employment ads, which include a web listing charge. Home Services and Mind & Body Services require contact with a Customer Sales Representative. So, the next time you have an item to sell, barter, give away or buy, get the perfect combination: print ads in your local newspapers, reaching more than 150,000 readers, and unlimited free web postings reaching hundreds of thousands additional people!!


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Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers! is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice.

Bulletin Board

Piano Class for Ages 2-6, FUN! Piano Lessons Taught in your home. Member MTAC & NGPT. Specializing in beginners. All levels welcome. Karen, (650)367-0307 or (650)996-8059 Vln/Vla/Clar/Sax lessons at home

115 Announcements

Voice Lessons 650-216-9138

GAIN NATIONAL EXPOSURE Reach over 5 million young, educated readers for only $995 by advertising in 110 weekly newspapers like this one. Call Jason at 202-289-8484. This is not a job offer. (AAN CAN)

135 Group Activities

PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293 (AAN CAN)

Horse back riding lessons!

Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA)

Creativity & Finance

Young at Heart Singles Party

Electric vehicle Engineering

140 Lost & Found

Emerson School Open House Free Reiki Open House Now Forming Language Classes Outside The Frame— Art Show The Matzoh Ball

130 Classes & Instruction Heavy Equipment Training Learn to operate bulldozer, backhoe, loader, motor grader, excavator. Job placement assistance. Call 888-2104534. Northern California College of Construction. promocode: NCPA1. (Cal-SCAN) High School Diploma Graduate in 4 weeks! FREE Brochure. Call Now! 1-866-562-3650 ext. 60 (Cal-SCAN) HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Graduate in just 4 weeks!! FREE Brochure. Call NOW! 1-800-532-6546 Ext. 97 http://www. (AAN CAN) GERMAN Language Class Instruction for Hebrew Bar and Bat Mitzvah For Affiliated and Unaffiliated George Rubin, M.A. in Hebrew/Jewish Education 650/424-1940 SAT prep for March 13 and more - $689

Art workshops kids BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINER Men ! Sing 4 Part a capella NATURE/OUTDOORS Events Calendar SPRING BREAK Horsemanship camp The Matzoh Ball

Lost camera REWARD! Lost Diamond Wedding Ring Lost Feb 14th or 15th while walking in Mtn. View and Los Altos. Yellow gold ring with 3 diamonds. Reward offered. 650-969-2619

Barton-Holding Music Studio New 6 weeks “singing for the nonsinger” class starts Monday March 1st. Laura Barton 650/965-0139

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203 Bicycles 2007 Harley Davidson Touring RS FLHXI Street Glide, 96 Cubic Inch, V-Twin, six speed, Asking $4800, contact uttdy2@msn. com / 5102179058

210 Garage/Estate Sales


Moving Sale Everything must go. 650-269-9732

Runaway Cat!

145 Non-Profits Needs Knitters Wanted

PA: 4111 Alma St., 3/6, 9-3 Rummage Sale at St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church.

ART Dialogues Docents volunteers

215 Collectibles & Antiques

Couples Make Great Mentors!

Impressionist Art.

Friendly Visitors Needed

Quality Fine Art Prints

Library Advisory Commission

220 Computers/ Electronics

150 Volunteers

Library Volunteers Needed Museum Volunteers NASA cats need fosterers Project LOOK! volunteers needed!

8” Woofer - $15 computer desk - $45 HDMI CABLE PREMIUM GOLD - $18.00 JBL mod D123 Speaker - $95

155 Pets Tibetan Terrier pups A.K.C., no shed, good companions. (925)-766-9564

Toshiba laptop - $225.00

201 Autos/Trucks/ Parts 2001 911 Porsche Turbo Carrera 13,000 miles. Black interior, manual trans, 6 cyl engine. (323)774-1631

240 Furnishings/ Household items Rocking chair - $50 2 Italian Marble Lvg Rm Tables - $299 Beautiful $1500 Z Gallerie Couch - $499 Brand new Anderson Patio Door Dining room set Pecan dining set good cond,2 xtnsns, 6 chrs, crdnz chna cbnt.

Freezer For Sale - $100.00

Subaru 1991 Legacy

Freezer For Sale - $75.00

Mommy and me music class 0- 4 years old. Free demo class (650)-561-3712

Full Time Nanny Experienced FT nanny for 2 children needed in Menlo Park. Please call 650-740-3971 I need a caregiver for Aretta I need a caregiver who could watch over my lil daughter Aretta Contact me @:

345 Tutoring/Lessons 1 to 1 AND Group Tutoring 2D&3D Computer Art&Animation - 25/hour Chess Lessons for kids and adult French Native Teacher All levels and ages. SAT, AP, conversation for travelers and business professionals. Hessen Camille Ghazal, Ph.D. 650/965-9696 One-to-One Tutoring Service SAT/ACT/AP math tutor $39/hr Stanford-Educated Expert Tutors

HERBAGREENPEEL Acne, Oily Skin HERBAGREENPEEL treats acne, oily congested skin. Marine algae based. REQUEST FREE SAMPLE at Microscope - $100 Mixed Firewood - $150 NEW! BMW 335i Cabrio Toy Car - $600 Seasoned Firewood $200 to $250/cord. 650-365-4345

The Reading Clinic Proven results for 13yrs (800)790-5302

350 Preschools/ Schools/Camps Horseback Riding Camps & Lessons (650)854-7755 Lesson Office

355 Items for Sale

Stetson Western Hats - $35.00

24 months BOY clothes

Telephoto Camera Case - $25.00


Typewriter, IBM Selectric - $85.00

Boy blankets/comforters bag full

Want to visit Vancouver? - $200.00

Toddler boyshoes size3-7

Western Boots - $55-$100

VHS VIDEOS for kids

250 Musical Instruments

Winter Jackets 3,6,9,12,18,24mo

Summer Art for kids

NISSAN 2003 350 Z - $9,500

High-End Furniture for sale In Atherton. All types of furniture. Entertainment unit with connecting top, Bombay bachelor chest and much more. Call: 650-324-0835 Mini -Fridg - $35 Punch Bowl with Glasses - $25 Retro Kitchen Table + 4 Chairs - $160.00

Winnebago 1999 Rialta 22F Coach RV 1999 Winnebago Rialta 22F Coach has only 71050 miles, full size bed, great condition, winter sale $4700 contact / 8054350392

Elect. Jack Hammer - $200.00

Babysitter/Housecleaner Needed weekends, flex hrs. Exp., refs, own car. 408/605-5024

Yamaha Electronic Keyboard - $50


McCool Piano Studio 566-9391MP Specialize in Intermediate level+

Canon 35 MM Camera - $50.00

Babysitter / Driver

Piano-Baldwin Excel Tone - 2,250.00

Ford 2001 Taurus SES - $ 2,500

Lessons at

Become A Home Stager

340 Child Care Wanted

235 Wanted to Buy

BMW Sales/Consignment Any Any - 100

Jazz & Pop Piano Lessons Learn how to build chords and improvise. Bill Susman, M.A., Stanford. (650)906-7529

Back Pack - Jansport - $30.00

Top Nanny for Hire Excel. refs. 650/233-9778

FREE Firewood & Mulch - FREE

Guitar and Bass Lessons All styles, ages, skill levels 25+ years exp. 408/260-1131

Hope Street Studios In Downtown Mountain View Most Instruments, Voice All Ages, All Levels (650) 961-2192

2 Burial Plots - $8750

Outstanding F/T Nanny Available

390 Kids for Summer Jobs

FUN Piano Voice Violin Guitar

Guitar Lessons 650-224-3550 Your home, fun, professional $55

2 Alta Mesa cemetery plots - $7,000 ea

Multicultural,Bilingual,Top Refs

Kohler & Campbell Upright piano

230 Freebies Antique dolls

For Sale

Norwood Sawmills New LumberMate-Pro handles logs 34” diameter, mills boards 28” wide. Automated quick-cycle-sawing increases efficiency up to 40%! www. 1-800-661-7746 ext. 300N. (Cal-SCAN)

KSA Estate Sale Thurs.3/4, Fri.3/5, Sat.3/6, 10-4 639 Yosemite Ct. Woodside x/s Midglen off Jefferson/Canada Rd. 2 houses of 1870-1930 Furn & Oil lamps, clocks, Clothing, garage, Mahog China cabinets, Desks, , Enamelware, LRM DRM DRM see Mountain View, 1550 Ernestine Lane, N/A

133 Music Lessons All levels Piano Lessons American or European methods. Grad. Conservatory. of Switzerland & MTAC. 650-906-3148 or 650-365-8808

245 Miscellaneous

Donate Vehicle Receive $1000 Grocery Coupons, Your Choice. Noah’s Arc, No Kill Animal Shelters. Advanced Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, IRS Tax Deduction. Non-Runners. 1-866-912-GIVE. (Cal-SCAN)

Lost/Gray Male Tabby Cat


A Piano Teacher Children & Adults Ema Currier (650)493-4797

202 Vehicles Wanted

260 Sports & Exercise Equipment Dive Mask - $27.00 Dive Weight Belt - $8.00 German Hiking Boots (Men) - $45.00 OBO Locker Bag - Ogio - $45.00 OBO Snorkel by Dacor - $17.00 Swim Fins - $12.00

270 Tickets Women’s Pac10 Basketball Tourney - $50

Kid’s Stuff

Personal Training at your house!

330 Child Care Offered After School Care/Driver Avail

Sleeper sofa Jeniffer convertibles full size sleeper sofa in good condition

Art Parties for kids

The Modern Living


Child Care opening in San Carlos Child loving Babysitter Debbie’s Family Day Care - RWC Evening Babysitter EXCELLENT BABYSITTER AVAILABLE! Great, FUN, Loving NANNY

Hernia Repair? Did You Receive A COMPOSIX KUGEL Mesh Patch Between 1999-2008? If the Kugel patch was removed due to complications of bowel perforation, abdominal wall tears, puncture of abdominal organs or intestinal fistulae, you may be entitled to compensation. Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727. (Cal-SCAN)

455 Personal Training

Round Glass Table Top - $25

Table and Desk - $2-5

425 Health Services

Jobs 550 Business Opportunities All Cash Vending! Be Your Own Boss! Your Own Local Vending Route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy for $9,995. MultiVend LLC, 1-888-625-2405. (Cal-SCAN)


MARKETPLACE the printed version of

560 Employment Information

715 Cleaning Services


Bartender Trainees No experience necessary. Make up to $40 an hour in wages and tips. Meet new people, work in an exciting atmosphere. Call (877) 568-9534 (AAN CAN)

24 Years of Experience

Eletrician Paid training. Salary, medical, dental, 30 days vacation/yr, $ for school, more. No experience needed. HS grads ages 17-34. Call Mon-Fri 1-800-345-6289. (Cal-SCAN)

Cell: 771-0453 OfďŹ ce: 299-9629 Housecleaning Available 18 years exp. Excellent refs. Good rates, own car. Maria, (650)679-1675 or (650)207-4609 (cell)

Fireflighter Paid training, good salary, $ for school, regular raises, benefits, retirement. HS grads ages 17-34. Call Mon-Fri 1-800-345-6289. (Cal-SCAN)

Marlem Cleaning Service Residential/comm’l. Move in/out, remodel clean ups, windows. 10 years exp., good refs. Serving entire Bay Area. 650/380-4114

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs No experience. Get paid to train. California Army National Guard. High School JR/SR and Grads/GED. Up to 100% tuition assistance. Part-time work with full-time benefits. or 1-800-GO-GUARD. (Cal-SCAN) MYSTERY SHOPPERS Earn Up To $150 Per Day. Undercover Shoppers Needed to Judge Retail and Dining Establishments. No Experience Req'd. Call 1-877-463-7909 (AAN CAN) Team Drivers - Class A SLT Needs Class A Drivers with Hazmat. $2,000 Bonus. Split $0.68 for all miles. Regional contractor positions available. 1-800-835-9471. (Cal-SCAN)

Business Services 645 Office/Home Business Services Classified Advertising In 240 Cal-SCAN newspapers for the best reach, coverage, and price. 25-words $550. Reach over 6 million Californians! FREE email brochure. Call (916) 288-6019. (Cal-SCAN) Display Advertising In 140 Cal-SDAN newspapers statewide for $1,550! Reach over 3 million Californians! FREE email brochure. Call (916) 288-6019. (Cal-SCAN) Online Advertising In a network of 50-plus newspaper websites. Border to Border with one order! $7 cost per thousand impressions statewide. Minimum $5,000 order. Call for details: (916) 288-6010 (Cal-SCAN)

648 HorsesBoarding/Training Learn To Rope With Ed Cohn Beginner’s / Intermediate meeting, Tuesday March 2nd 7pm. Horse not needed. 650-854-9109

650 Pet Care/ Grooming/Training All Animals Happy House Pet Sitting Services by Susan Licensed, insured, refs. 650-323-4000

Home Services 703 Architecture/ Design


Navarro Housecleaning Home and Office. Weekly, bi-weekly. Floors, windows, carpets. Free est., good refs., 15 years exp. 650-853-3058; 650-796-0935

Orkopina Housecleaning “The BEST Service for You� Since 1985

$ Housecleaning $ Laundry, Linens $ # W $ " Cleaned $ W W Ceilings $ ! ! Clean-up

(650)962-1536 Bonded - Lic. 020624

R. Alvarez Cleaning Weekly, monthly or one time cleaning. 14 years exp. Excel. refs. Lic. #41574. 650/716-6515.

719 Remodeling/ Additions General Construction and Handyman Service * Bathroom/kitchen remodel * Carpentry, retrofitting * Decks and patios Call Walter, 650/265-8315 or #897206. Local refs, 25yrs exp

Cabinetry-Individual Designs Precise, 3-D Computer Modeling: Mantels * Bookcases * Workplaces * Wall Units * Window Seats. Ned Hollis, 650/856-9475 FILING YOUR FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT? We Offer Professional Help. COUNTRY ĂŠUĂŠĂŽĂ“ĂˆÂ‡nĂ“£ä°

ABLE HANDYMAN FRED Jesus Garcia Garden Service Maintenance - Sprinklers - New Fences. (650)366-4301 or (650)346-6781 ask for Jesus or Carmen

Jody Horst


856-9648 $ Consult $ Dr Spray Irrigation $ Maintenance $ La! Roc Gardens $ Edib Gardens V Boxes Lic. #725080




Yard Maintenance New Lawns Clean Ups Tree Trimming/Pruning

730 Electrical

743 Tiling T.A.C. Tile and Stone Owner operator, 25 years exp. All calls answered. Small jobs and repairs welcome. Lic. #C594478. 408/794-8094

Mario’s Gardening Maintenance, clean-ups. Free est. 650/365-6955; 995-3822


Horizon Landscape


Residential & Commercial Maintenance, Fences, New Lawns, Retaining Walls, Tree removal, Concrete & More




Shubha Landscape Design


Resid. & Comml. Maintenance Free Est. net





* Additions * Light Commercial * New Construction * Demo & Clean-Up (650) 482-9090 Menlo Park, CA

Domicile Construction Inc.


Complete Yard Service

Custom Lighting Electrical Upgrades Kitchen & Bath Remodels Crown Molding Small Job Specialist

Fenc rk Repair Deck Repair Retainin ll Repair Ha rd Clea up Raingutter Cleaning

Call Bob: (650) 868-2518 LEFT COAST BUILDERS

Scott Hutts 408.722.8724 Beckys Landscape Weekly/periodic maint. Annual rose/fruit tree prune, clean ups, irrigation, sod, planting, raised beds. Demolition, excavation. Driveway, patio, deck installs. Power washing. 650/493-7060






22 â– The Almanac â– March 3, 2010

Fence W



Palo Altos # 1 REMODELER

754 Gutters

650-771-3400 Christine’s Wallpapering Interior Painting Removal/Prep * Since 1982 Lic. #757074 * 650-593-1703 Don Pohlman’s Painting * Detailed Craftsmanship * Excel. Restorative Prep * Great Local References 650/799-7403 * Lic. 635027

STYLE PAINTING Comm’l/Residential, interior and ext., full service painting. Insured. Lic. 903303. 650/388-8577

ďŹ x roof ďŹ x paint ďŹ x carpentry ďŹ x it ďŹ x drywall anything


Lic.# 468963

Since 1976

Bonded & Insured


Helping Hands Handyman Service * Honey-Do List Specialist * Rental Repairs * Problem Solver * Local Refs * Call Vicki, 650/465-9529 * Jeffs Handyman and Repair Free est. 10% SENIOR Discount. “No Job Too Small.� Call Jeff, (650)714-2563

759 Hauling a J & G HAULING SERVICE Misc. junk, office, appliances, garage, storage, etc, clean-ups. Old furniture, green waste and yard junk. Licensed & insured. FREE ESTIMATES 650/368-8810



70% Recycled

LARGE TRUCKS ,&( ,'* - Trees LARGE/small JOBS Free Estimate Insured

650-327-HAUL cell: 415-999-0594


Frank’s Hauling Commercial, Residential, Garage, Basement & Yard. Clean-up. Fair prices. 650/361-8773 Junk Hauling Service Yard clean-up & Maintenance service. Large & small jobs. 650-771-0213 Student Raising Money for College Will haul anything. Call for discount prices. 650-568-3297 Grant

767 Movers Armandos Moving Home, Apts,Storage. Full Service moves. Serving the Bay Area for 20 yrs. Licensed & Insured. Armando, 650-630-0424. CAL-T190632


Serving the Peninsula since 1975/Owner-Operated!


Interior - Exterior “No job too small� – also – " w " T ! e Work Good re " ep

Brady Construction & RooďŹ ng Co. Lic#479385






Gutter Cleaning MOOVERS PRESSURE WASHING (650) 207-7452

771 Painting/ Wallpaper

FARIAS PAINTING Interior/Exterior. Avail. 24/7. 25 Yrs. c.(650)248-6911


748 Gardening/ Landscaping Ashley Landscape Design & Garden Service

Complete Handyman Services

Leo Garcia Landscape/ Maintenance Lawn and irrig. install, clean-ups. Res. and comml. maint. Free Est. Lic. 823699. 650/369-1477.

Electrical Services Repair, trouble shoot, new install CA lic. 833594. 650/918-7524 Repairs Small jobs welcome. 650/343-5125. Lic. #545936. Call, relax, it’s done!


650-868-8492 Brady

751 General Contracting

Alex Electric Lic #784136. Free Est. All electrical. Alex, (650)366-6924

Complete me pair Maintenanc modeling Professional Painting Carpentr Plumbing ectrical Cu Cabine esign cks – 30 Years Experience – 650.529.1662 27

(650)576-6242 Ramon

Lic# 933852

Artist, Designer, Builder

710 Carpentry

757 Handyman/ Repairs


$$$HELP WANTED$$$ Extra Income! Assembling CD cases from Home! No Experience Necessary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1-800-405-7619 EXT 2450 http://www. (AAN CAN)



Wallpapering by Trish 24 years of experience Free Estimates 949-1820

775 Asphalt/Concrete Mr. Low Price Driveways, patios, pavers, stamp, brick, block, all stone, retaining walls. Lic. #875321. Insured. Free est. 650/630-2866 Roe General Engineering Concrete, asphalt, sealing, pavers, new construct, repairs. 30 yrs exp. No job too small. Lic #663703 * 650/814-5572

779 Organizing Services Cadagan Concierge End the Clutter & Get Organized Residential Organizing by Debra Robinson (650)941-5073

787 Pressure Washing Pressure Washing Decks * Patios * Driveways Deck Repair * Home Exterior Becky, 650/493-7060

789 Plaster/Stucco Exterior Stucco Patching Windows & Doors. Crack Repair. 30 yrs. exp. (650)248-4205

795 Tree Care Ozzie‘s Crown Reduction Thinning TREE &Tree Removal Service & Stump Grinding Owner, Operated & Supervised 25 years experience

650.368.8065 650.704.5588 Work done to I.S.A. Standards-Licensed & Insured

Real Estate


LARGE 1BR W/HARDWOOD FLOORS, GAS STOVE, NEAR PA HIGH SCHOOL, $1,495 OR MODERN, HI-CEILING, W A/C & W/D INSIDE, BEAUTIFUL 1BR/1BA $1,595 & UP, OR SPACIOUS UPSTAIRS 2BR/2BA $2,295 & UP NEAR GUNN HS, STANFORD, PAGE MILL RD LIMITED TIME! CALL NOW! (650)320-8500 Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $1,495/Mo Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $1695/mo Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $1500/mon. Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - $1250/mont Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA - $1600/mont Palo Alto, 2 BR/1.5 BA Well kept, 2 story unit. Avail. now. Near Stanford & shops. No smoking/pets. For appt/info: Phone Al 650 328 0745 Palo Alto, 2 BR/2 BA - $2,395/mo Redwood City, 1 BR/1 BA - $1075/mo

803 Duplex Mountain View, 2 BR/1 BA - $1750

805 Homes for Rent ALL AREAS - HOUSES FOR RENT Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for FREE! Visit: http://www. (AAN CAN) Atherton, 2 BR/2.5 BA - $3,950/mo East Palo Alto, 4 BR/1.5 BA - $2000. EPA: 4BR/2.5BA Newer home, nice neighborhood. 2000sf, 2 stories, front/back yards. $2900 mo. 650/630-8588 Menlo Park, 2 BR/2 BA - 2500.00 Menlo Park, 4 BR/2 BA - $2700. MP: 2BR/1BA Hardwood floors, frplc. Front/ back yards. Gardener. N/P. $2150 mo., lease. Agent Arn Cenedella, 650/566-5329 Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA - $2,900 Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA - $3,500 mon Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $2400 Palo Alto, 4 BR/2 BA - $3400 mon Portola Valley, 4 BR/3 BA - $5,450/mo. Woodside, 4 BR/4+ BA - $18000

809 Shared Housing/ Rooms ALL AREAS - ROOMMATES.COM Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http:// (AAN CAN) Menlo Park, 2 BR/2 BA - $833-$1250 Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA - $800.00 Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA - $985.00/m

810 Cottages for Rent Los Altos Hills, 1 BR/1 BA - $1850.00 Portola Valley, Studio - $1000

815 Rentals Wanted Excellent Tenant Seeks 1br/1ba Seeking Cottage Seeking cottage or in/law unit seeking duplex Seeking Quiet Cottage/Guest Quar Unfurnished Room

825 Homes/Condos for Sale

801 Apartments/ Condos/Studios Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $1450/mo Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $1,350/mo Mountain View, 1 BR/1 BA - $945/month Mountain View, 1 BR/1 BA - 1075.00 Mountain View, 1 BR/1 BA - $1150.00/m PA: 1BR/1BA PA: 1BR/1BA Bike to Stanford. Year lease. N/P. Avail. now. $1230 mo. 650/493-9576 PA: 2BR/1BA From $1300 mo. Upstairs. Bike to Stanford. Year lease. N/P. Avail. now. 650/493-9576



Los Altos, 4 BR/3.5 BA Creekside Contemporary/LosAltos Gourmet, Eat-in Kitchen,Gas Cooktop, 2 ovens, Vaulted Ceilings, hardwood floors, marble baths, 2-Master Suites, Cul-de-Sac, many designer touches, EZCare Yd. Menlo Park, 3 BR/2 BA - $620,000 Redwood City, 5+ BR/4+ BA - $2999500 Redwood City: Emerald Hills, 5+ BR/3.5 BA - $2599500 Redwood Shores, 2 BR/2 BA - $599,950


THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM 830 Commercial/ Income Property PA: Law Firm 2 offices avail. for sublease. 1 block from North County courthouse. 1 corner and/or 1 inner office. Admin space avail. Recept., conf. room, kitchen, parking. Network services and use of copier/scanner avail. Unfurn/furn. Terry, 650/566-2290

840 Vacation Rentals/Time Shares $1300 5 Star Timeshare Bed & Breakfast B&B Hotel Northstar Tahoe Pajaro Dunes Condo 2BR/2BA or 1BR/1BA. On beach, ocean view. Cable TV, VCR, internet access, CD, tennis, W/D. Pvt. deck, BBQ. Owner, 650/424-1747. Tennis Open Indian Wells, CA Marriott timeshare resort. 3/8-3/21, weekly. All amenities. 650/965-0212

855 Real Estate Services A block to Duveneck

fogster. com THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEB SITE Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers!

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MARKETPLACE the printed version of

1VCMJD /PUJDFT 995 Fictitious Name Statement FUN BURGER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 236972 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Fun Burger at 234 Main St., San Mateo, CA 94401, San Mateo County: LILIAN H. ROSALES GUERRA 219 Sadowa St. San Francisco CA 94112 JERRY GUSTAVO ZAMORA ROSALES 219 Sadowa St. San Francisco, CA 94112 This business is being conducted by Copartners. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 20, 2010. (Almanac Feb. 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 2010) RIVIERA MOTOR LODGE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237046 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Riviera Motor Lodge at 15 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, Santa Clara County: BHARAT C PATEL 1320 Arena Drive Davis, CA 95616 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 10/6/94. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 25, 2010. (Almanac Feb. 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 2010) OLD’S COOL PRODUCTIONS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237294 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Old’s Cool Productions at 143 Alta Vista Road, Woodside, CA 94062, San Mateo County: SANDERSON STUDIOS, INC 17287 Skyline Blvd. PMB 2001 Woodside, CA 94062 CA UNDERWOOD PHOTO ARCHIVES, INC 143 Alta Vista Road Woodside, CA 94062 CA This business is being conducted by a General Partnership. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 4, 2010. (Almanac Feb. 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 2010) TAC GRAPHICS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237296 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: TAC Graphics at 143 Alta Vista Road, Woodside, CA 94062, San Mateo County : NANCY H. AARON 143 Alta Vista Road Woodside, CA 94062 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 7/1995. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 4, 2010. (Almanac Feb. 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 2010) MENLO TOYS LETTER STICKS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237205 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: 1.) Menlo Toys, 2.) Letter Sticks at 299-B Leland Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County: CHRIS BISHOP 299-B Leland Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 REBECCA DEUTSCHER

299-B Leland Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is being conducted by Husband & Wife. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 1, 2010. (Almanac Feb. 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10, 2010) GREEN BUD INDUSTRIES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237269 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Green Bud Industries at 340 Miller Ave., South San Francisco, CA 94080, San Mateo County: KEVIN J. PAPPAS 340 Miller Ave. South San Francisco, CA 94080 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 3, 2010. (Almanac Feb. 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10, 2010) TAKE ROOT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237232 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Take Root at 1523 Woodland Rd., E. Palo Alto, CA 94303, San Mateo County: ROBIN MANKEY 1523 Woodland Rd. E. Palo Alto, CA 94303 JULIE SWIFT 969 Dolores St. San Francisco, CA 94110 This business is being conducted by General Partnership. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 02/01/2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 2, 2010. (Almanac Feb. 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10, 2010) AGUILILLA COCINA LATINA FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 236991 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Aguililla Cocina Latina at 3250 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County: ALEXANDER C. ROJAS 3250 Middlefield Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 1/1/2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 21, 2010. (Almanac Feb. 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10, 2010) MONEY EXPRESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237042 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Money Express at 2281 South El Camino Real, San Mateo, CA 94401, San Mateo County. Mail Address: 43898 North Moray St., Fremont, CA 94539: NEENA BABBAR 43898 North Moray St. Fremont, CA 94539 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 03/01/2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on January 25, 2010. (Almanac Feb. 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10, 2010) HABIBI’S SALON FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237500

The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Habibi’s Salon at 1925 Menalto Ave., Menlo Park, CA 95336, San Mateo, County: JOSE GARCIA 599 Tappan Pl. Manteca, CA 95336 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 03-01-10. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 17, 2010. (Almanac Feb. 24, Mar. 3, 10, 17, 2010) GOOD FÜD MEDIA KITCHEN GADGET GIRL FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237535 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 1.) Good Füd Media, 2.) Kitchen Gadget Girl at 2199 Camino A Los Cerros, Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County: GUDRUN ENGER 2199 Camino A Los Cerros Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 22, 2010. (Almanac Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2010) B.M.C. HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237494 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: B.M.C. House Cleaning Services at 520 Buckeye St., Redwood City, CA 94063: MILAGROS CERROS HENRIQUEZ 520 Buckeye St. RWC, CA 94063 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 1-17-2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 17, 2010. (Almanac Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2010) NEW LINE CLEANING SERVICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237335 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: New Line Cleaning Services at 1259 Madera Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County; Mailing address: P.O. Box 2171, Menlo Park, CA 94026: CANDY ROCHA 1259 Madera Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 MARCO ROCHA 1259 Madera Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is being conducted by Husband and Wife. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 8, 2010. (Almanac Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2010) TFB MARKETING ELOGONOW BEIJING BUDDY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237573 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 1.) TFB Marketing, 2.) elogonow, 3.) Beijing Buddy at 720 Monte Rosa Dr., Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County: JEFF CHIEN 720 Monte Rosa Dr. Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 23, 2010.

(Almanac Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2010) ITSYOURTIME.COM FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 237547 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: at 1000 Park Place, Suite S, San Mateo, CA 94403-7113, San Mateo County: SANDY E. RIVERS 1000 Park Place, Suite S San Mateo, CA 94403-7113 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 02/22/2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on February 22, 2010. (Almanac Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2010)

997 All Other Legals Trustee Sale No. 737048CA Loan No. 3060945650 Title Order No. 3206243474 Notice of Trustee’s Sale YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 1/13/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 3/11/2010 at 12:30 PM California Reconveyance Company as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust, recorded on 01/27/2006, Book , Page , Instrument 2006-013483 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of San Mateo County, California, executed by: Maria R. Arroyo and, Victor J Arroyo, wife and husband as joint tenants, as Trustor, Washington Mutual Bank, FA, as Beneficiary, will sell at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier's check drawn by a state or national bank, a cashier's check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a cashier's check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Sale will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant the Deed of Trust. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Place of Sale: At the Marshall St. entrance to the Hall of Justice and Records, 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA Legal Description: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $620,722.14 (estimated) Street address and other common designation of the real property: 742 San Benito Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025 APN NUMBER: 060-123-180-6 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The property heretofore described is being sold "as is". In compliance with California Civil Code 2923.5(c) the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares: that it has contacted the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure; or that it has made efforts to contact the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure by one of the following methods: by telephone; by United States mail; either 1st class or certified; by overnight delivery; by personal delivery; by e-mail; by face to face meeting. Date: 2/9/2010 SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT Exhibit DECLARATION PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTION 2923.54 Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.54, the undersigned loan servicer declares as follows: 1. It has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.54 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed; and 2. The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or Section 2923.55. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Name: Ann Thorn

Title: First Vice President California Reconveyance Company, as Trustee (714) 259-7850 or www.fidelityasap. com (714) 573-1965 or Deborah Brignac California Reconveyance Company is a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Deborah Brignac, Vice President 9200 Oakdale Avenue Mail Stop N110612 Chatsworth, CA 91311 P665772 Almanac 2/17, 2/24, 03/03/2010 Trustee Sale No. 13371CA Loan No. 1006041618 Title Order No. 3045016 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 6/27/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 3/16/2010 at 12:30 PM, MTDS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION DBA MERIDIAN TRUST DEED SERVICE as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded 07/01/2005, Book , Page , Instrument 2005-110990 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of San Mateo County, California, executed by: SORIN CHEREJI AND SARA CHEREJI HUSBAND AND WIFE AS COMMUNITY PROPERTY WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP as Trustor, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR GLENBROOK ENTERPRISES INC DBA ABSOLUTE MORTGAGE BANKING,, as Beneficiary, will sell at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a cashier's check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a cashier's check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Sale will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to the Deed of Trust. The sale will be made, but without convenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possesssion, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the notes (s) secured by the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Place of Sale: At the Marshall St. entrance to the Hall of Justice and Records, 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA Legal Description: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $538,376.32 The street address and other common designation of the real property purported as: 1240 SEVIER AVENUE , Menlo Park, CA 94025 APN Number: 062-101-110 See Declaration, as required by California Civil Code Section 2923.54, attached hereto and made a part hereof. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The property heretofore described is being sold "as is". CALIFORNIA FORECLOSURE PREVENTION ACT DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE (CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE § 2923.54(a)) The undersigned mortgage loan servicer hereby declares under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, as follows: [ ] The mortgage loan servicer has not obtained a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Cal. Civ. Code § 2923.53 that is current and valid as of the date that the Notice of Trustee's Sale was filed or given. Therefore, the mortgage loan servicer has waited an additional 90 days before giving notice of sale as required by Cal. Civ. Code § 2923.52(a). [X] The mortgage loan servicer has obtained a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Cal. Civ. Code § 2923.53 that is current and valid as of the date that the Notice of Trustee's Sale was filed or given. [ ] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in Cal. Civ. Code § 2923.52(a) does not apply because: [ ] The loan was not recorded between January 1, 2003 and January 1, 2008. [ ] The loan Is not secured by residential real property. [ ] The loan is not secured by a first priority mortgage

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from previous page or deed of trust. [ ] The borrower did not occupy the property as his/her principal residence when the loan became delinquent. [ ] The loan was made, purchased or serviced by (1) a California state or local public housing agency or authority, including state or local housing finance agencies established under Division 31 of the Cal. Health & Safety Code and Chapter 6 of the Cal. Military & Veterans Code, or (2) the loan is collateral for securities purchased by any such California state or local public housing agency or authority. [ ] The borrower has surrendered the property as evidenced by either a letter confirming the surrender or delivery of the keys to the property to the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary or authorized agent. [ ] The borrower has contracted with someone whose primary business is advising people who have decided to leave their homes on how to extend the foreclosure process and avoid their loan obligations. [ ] The borrower has filed for bankruptcy, and the bankruptcy court has not entered an order closing or dismissing the bankruptcy case or granting relief from the automatic stay. OneWest Bank, FSB By: Vicki Brizendine ATTACHMENT TO NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DATE: 2/20/2010 MTDS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION DBA MERIDIAN TRUST DEED SERVICE, As Trustee 4675 Macarthur Court Suite 1540 Newport Beach CA 92660 Sales Line: (714) 573-7777 (702) 586-4500 Alicha Wallin, Foreclosure Assistant MTDS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION DBA MERIDIAN TRUST DEED SERVICE IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. P669059 Almanac 2/24, 3/3, 03/10/2010 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No. CIV491881 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner EDITH KLEIN filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: HELEN SCHAFFER to EDITH KLEIN . THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: April 2, 2010, 9:00 a.m., Dept. PJ. Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063, Southern Branch. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC. Date: February 10, 2010 /s/ Stephen M. Hall JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (The Almanac Feb. 24, Mar. 3, 10, 17, 2010) NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Probate Code 19050) IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO In re the 1984 O’Halloran Trust created July 10, 1984, as amended, established by James O’Halloran and Winifred O’Halloran Case No. 119764

Notice is hereby given to the creditors and contingent creditors of Winifred O’Halloran that all persons having claims against Winifred O’Halloran (who died on October 6, 2009) are required to file them with the Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, at 400 County Center, Hall of Justice, Redwood City, California 94063, and mail or deliver a copy to Barbara Ann Cooney, as Trustee of the 1984 O’Halloran Living Trust dated July 10, 1984, as amended, of which Winifred O’Halloran was the surviving Settlor (her husband James O’Halloran having predeceased her), at 95 Main Street, Suite 7, Los Altos, California 94022, within the later of 4 months after February 24, 2010 or, if notice is mailed or personally delivered to you, 60 days after the date this notice is mailed or personally delivered to you, or you must petition to file a late claim as provided in Probate Code 19103. A claim form may be obtained from the court clerk. For your protection, you are encouraged to file your claim by certified mail, with return receipt requested. Dated: February 18, 2010 /s/ ________________________ Diana Dean Gendotti, Attorney for Barbara Ann Cooney, Successor Trustee of the 1984 O’Halloran Living Trust dated July 10, 1984, as amended 95 Main Street, Suite 7, Los Altos, California 94022 (Almanac Feb. 24, Mar. 3, 10, 2010) NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF EVA VIDA Probate Code Sec. 19050 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO In The Matter of the Eva Vida Living Trust Dated September 29, 2006, and Eva Vida, Deceased Case No.: 119766 Notice is hereby given to the creditors and contingent creditors of the abovenamed decedent, that all persons having claims against the decedent are required to file them with the Superior Court at 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063, and mail or deliver a copy to Andrew D. Hill, Successor Trustee of the Eva Vida Living Trust dated September 29, 2006, wherein, the decedent was the settlor, c/o Bryn Roe Ostby, Attorney at 1015 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, California 94301-3343, within the later of four months after, 2010 (the date of the first publication of this notice to creditors) or, if notice is mailed or personally delivered to you, 60 days after the date this notice is mailed or personally delivered to you, or you must petition to file a late claim as provided in Section 19103 of the Probate Code. A claim form may be obtained from the county clerk. For your protection, you are encouraged to file your claim by certified mail, with return receipt requested. /s/________________ Bryn Roe Ostby Attorney for Andrew D. Hill, Successor Trustee of the Eva Vida Trust 1015 Middlefield Road Palo Alto, CA 94301-3343 (Almanac Mar. 3, 10, 17, 2010) NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given, pursuant to sections 21700 - 21716 of the California Business and Professions Code, known as the California Self-Service Storage Facility Act, that the undersigned, ALL ABOARD MINI STORAGE will sell at public auction on March 24, 2010 at 3:30 P.M. at 1520 WILLOW RD., MENLO PARK, CA 94025 the following personal property, household goods, business property and/or vehicle to wit: Unit 059 - Paul Vincent Martinez, AKA Paul V. Martinez, AKA Paul Martinez Microwave, lamps, stools, end table,

24 ■ The Almanac ■ March 3, 2010

aquarium, corner unit, bike, suitcases, approx 10 boxes, 2 bags, printer, shelves. Unit 271 - Scott Albert Henry Ruggels, AKA Scott A. Henry Ruggels, AKA Scott Albert H. Ruggels, AKA Scott A. H. Ruggels, AKA Scott Ruggels - Records, briefcase, approx 25 boxes. Unit 555 - Oscar Phillip Williams, Jr., AKA Oscar P. Williams, Jr., AKA Oscar Williams, Jr., AKA Oscar Phillip Williams, AKA Oscar P. Williams, AKA Oscar Williams -Chairs, misc. cart, head board, foot board, bike, suitcases, trunks, lawn equipment, wood, approx 50 boxes, 5 bags. Said sale is for the purpose of satisfying lien of the undersigned for storage fees, advertising, and lien costs. The undersigned reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. All rights to damages by reason of a deficiency on this resale and incidental damages, and any and all other appropriate remedies are hereby reserved. Dated this 23 day of February, 2010 J. Michael's Auction, Inc. State License Bond #142295787 (916) 543-1575 Dates Published 3/3/10 and 3/10/10 By: Saul Gamboa Agent for Owner (Almanac Mar. 3, 10, 2010) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S. No: C504719 CA Unit Code: C Loan No: SHAEFER AP #1: 061-422-240 T.D. SERVICE COMPANY, as duly appointed Trustee under the following described Deed of Trust WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (in the forms which are lawful tender in the United States) and/or the cashier’s, certified or other checks specified in Civil Code Section 2924h (payable in full at the time of sale to T.D. Service Company) all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property hereinafter described: Trustor: LEWIS H. SHAEFER, SUSAN L. KUSLIS, 717 OAK GROVE CORPORATION Recorded March 8, 2005 as Instr. No. 2005-036403 in Book —- Page —- of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of SAN MATEO County; CALIFORNIA , pursuant to the Notice of Default and Election to Sell thereunder recorded November 20, 2009 as Instr. No. 2009-152572 in Book —- Page —- of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of SAN MATEO County CALIFORNIA. Said Deed of Trust describes the following property: LOT 9, AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED “SUBDIVISION OF 11.88 ACRE TRACT NEAR MENLO PARK, KNOWN AS THE “DOMINGA TRACT”, FILED FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ON NOVEMBER 15TH, 1895 IN BOOK “B” OF ORIGINAL MAPS, AT PAGE 49 AND COPIED INTO BOOK 2 OF MAPS AT PAGE 75. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 1, 2004. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. 1450 EL CAMINO REAL, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 “(If a street address or common designation of property is shown above, no warranty is given as to its completeness or correctness).” Said Sale of property will be made in “as is” condition without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest as in said note provided,

THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. Said sale will be held on: MARCH 23, 2010, AT 12:30 P.M. *AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE HALL OF RECORDS AT THE COUNTY CENTER, 401 MARSHALL STREET, REDWOOD CITY, CA At the time of the initial publication of this notice, the total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the above described Deed of Trust and estimated costs, expenses, and advances is $1,390,622.10. It is possible that at the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. This loan is exempt. Compliance with Civil code § 2923.5 is not necessary to proceed with preparing and processing a Notice of Default or Notice of Trustee Sale. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the “mortgage loan servicer” as defined in Civil Code § 2923.53(k)(3) declares that it has not obtained from the Commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Civil Code section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. The time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in Civil Code Section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale pursuant to Civil Code Sections 2923.52 or 2923.55. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s attorney. Date: February 23, 2010 T.D. SERVICE COMPANY as said Trustee, T.D. Service Company Agent for the Trustee and as Authorized Agent for the Beneficiary MARLENE CLEGHORN, ASSISTANT SECRETARY T.D. SERVICE COMPANY 1820 E. FIRST ST., SUITE 210, P.O. BOX 11988 SANTA ANA, CA 927111988 We are assisting the Beneficiary to collect a debt and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose whether received orally or in writing. If available, the expected opening bid and/or postponement information may be obtained by calling the following telephone number(s) on the day before the sale: (714) 480-5690 or you may access sales information at www. TAC# 885973 PUB: Almanac 03/03/10, 03/10/10, 03/17/10

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No. CIV492129 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner LUISA MARIA STEVENSON filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: JENNELL LEAH ADDISON to JENNELL LEAH PERLA. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that

includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: April 8, 2010, 9:00 a.m., Dept.: PJ. Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063, The Southern Branch. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC Date: February 19, 2010 /s/ Beth Labson Freeman JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (The Almanac Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24, 2010) The Town of Atherton invites dedicated volunteers to submit an application for the following new committee: Town Center Task Force: The Town Center Task Force has been created to create a vision and explore financial opportunities for a new town community center. Committee guidelines and memberships will be created, discussed and potentially approved at the March 17, 2010 City Council meeting. Committee Member Qualifications: 1- Applicant should have a civic interest in working with Town to create a vision of a new town community center 2- Applicant should be willing to devote time and talent on this short-term (approximately 40 hours over 6 to 9 months) planning project 3- Experience working with architects, planners, developers and contractors 4- Ability to be objective and willingness to work towards the public best inter-

ests and not personal gain 5- Willing to assist in raising private funds from individuals, corporations and other financing means 6- Experience working with a team and the ability to compromise to solutions within the Committee guidelines Applicants must be Atherton residents and registered voters of the Town of Atherton. Applications must be received in the City Clerk’s Office by Monday, March 15, 2010. The Town Center Task Force will review applications at a special meeting on Tuesday, March 16, 2010. Recommendations for appointments will be made to City Council on March 17, 2010. For more information or to obtain an application, contact Theresa DellaSanta, Deputy City Clerk, Town Administrative Offices, 91 Ashfield Road, Atherton, CA 94027, phone (650) 752-0529, e-mail: Applications may be downloaded from the Town website,http://www. 3/3/10 CNS-1806933# THE ALMANAC

LEHUA GREENMAN "A light exists in Spring not present in the year at any other period when March is scarcely here" 529-2420

Premier Space for Lease on the Alameda!

The Almanac space at 3525 Alameda de las Pulgas, Menlo Park is for lease. Up to 4,000 square feet is available, but smaller spaces can be negotiated. The space includes plenty of free parking and faces high-traffic Alameda de las Pulgas. For more information, contact Jon Goldman, 329-7988 or Eric Sorensen, 329-7986 at Premier Properties.

Trusted Local Mortgage Expert Vicki Svendsgaard 650.400.6668

monicacormanbroker... presents 3 unique properties 2 RANDALL PLACE, MENLO PARK

OPEN SUNDAY • 1:30 - 4:30


OPEN SUNDAY • 1:30 - 4:30 Rarely available West Menlo Park home with gorgeous lot with pool. Updated 3 bed, 2.5 bath home with den. New Price $2,325,000

555 BYRON ST., #307, PALO ALTO Additional information at: Privacy and tree top views in this elegant 2 bed, 2 bath condominium in The Hamilton, downtown Palo Alto’s premier adult community. Offered at $745,000

Spacious, lovely five bedroom home with stunning views that look south and east to the Peninsula and Bay, and west to the hills. With approx. 6,200 sq. ft. of living space you have a versatile floorplan that includes a formal living room with fireplace and doors to a lovely terrace...a formal dining room, library/den with fireplace, and a modern kitchen with casual dining area and large adjacent family room. A guest bedroom suite is located on the main level, while the additional 4 bedrooms– including the master retreat–are located on the lower level. The lower bedrooms have access to a lovely terrace with steps to the wide lawn area. An open family room/office area is also located on this level as well as a sauna.


DRE# 01111473

650.543.1164 • •

Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. Sq. ft. and/or acreage information contained herein has been received from seller, existing reports, appraisals, public records and/or other sources deemed reliable. Neither seller nor listing agent has verified this information. If this information is important to buyer in determining whether to buy or the purchase price, buyer should conduct buyer’s own investigation.

240 Princeton Road, Menlo Park

O P E N S U N D A Y, 1 : 3 0 - 4 : 3 0 P M

Remodeled Charming Cottage in Desirable Allied Arts • Charming one-level with 4 bedrooms and 2 remodeled bathrooms; approximately 2,328 square feet

• Designer-finished gourmet kitchen with large breakfast area and customized computer center

• Hardwood flooring and carpeting, custom colors, and skylights

• Master bedroom suite with luxurious bathroom

• Welcoming living room with fireplace plus formal dining room

• 3 distinct and inviting outdoor garden areas for entertaining, relaxation, and play • Excellent Menlo Park schools

Offered at $1,775,000

650 329 6645

Coldwell Banker Top 1% Internationally DRE# 01066910 Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.

March 3, 2010 ■ The Almanac ■ 25



6BR | 8.5BA




4BR | 2.5BA


4BR | 2.5BA





Completed in 2001 w/over 8,300sf in the 3 level main hse: Chef's kit, LR, DR, library, FR, media rm, exercise rm, sauna & wine cellar. Sparkling pool and cabaña.

Charming Rancher on mostly flat acre.Quiet cul-de-sac w/rmdld 4 bed/2.5 ba+ office. Frnch drs,hrdwd flrs,crwn mldngs.4-car grge,pool.Excellent Quality!

Expanded and remodeled home located in one of Ladera's best locations. This home has soaring ceilings, lots of natural light and open living space.

Jim McCahon

Celeste Henzel

Karen Fryling & Rebecca Johnson




on So g n mi Co


3BR | 2BA



Elegant LR with vaulted ceilings, gourmet kit. Downstairs master suite w/ bath. Lovely landscaped backyard. Prime Allied Arts location. MP Schools.

Keri Nicholas



3BR | 2.5BA




5BR | 4.5BA



Enjoy the elegance of this tri-level Mediterranean style Villa with stunning architectural design. Located in the beautiful town of Menlo Park.

Fantastic Farmhouse Style Vintage Oaks Classic. Sparkling home with 3 BR suites (one downstairs), huge lush backyard, FR/kitchen w/slab granite, FP.

Doug Gonzalez

Elaine White








LUXURIOUS NEW HOME $11,500,000 5 BR 5 BA New French provincial home on 1 acre in west Atherton with main level master, luxurious finishes, pool/spa, guest house & Las Lomitas Schools Tom LeMieux/Hossein Jalali 650.323.7751 BEAUTIFUL ATHERTON HOME $11,495,000 6 BR 4 BA New construction on .93 acres 3 levels w/ marble, media room, fitness center, wine cellar, covered lanai w/ full bath, bbq center & MP schools Tom LeMieux 650.323.7751 MUST SEE! $7,495,000 6 BR 7 full BA + 3 half Historic Atherton estate updated w/finest of modern amenities. Guest house has been designed as music & entertainment center. Las Lomitas schools. Hugh Cornish 650.324.4456 NEW CONSTRUCTION! $7,195,000 5 BR 5 full BA + 3 half This spectacular Mediterranean estate is one of West Atherton’s crown jewels w/ over 8600 newly constructed sqft, including 1 bd/1ba cabana. Hanna Shacham 650.324.4456 EXTENSIVELY REMODELED $6,195,000 4 BR 4 BA On a sunny knoll w/high ceilings & a light-filled contemp. design, with a New England flair. Tennis Ct, Sep. gst hse, pool, putting green & BBQ area. Steven Lessard 650.851.2666 LUXURY & TRANQUILITY $3,900,000 5 BR 6.5 BA Serenity surrounds this remod. 6,400 sf gated home on a very private ac. Built around an inner courtyard & pool w/circular drive, gardens & Koi pond. Ed Kahl 650.851.2666 FABULOUS LOCATION! $3,500,000 You get a LOT for a lot in Atherton! On a private cul-de sac, this flat 1.04 acre parcel is ready for your personal plans. Las Lomitas Schools. Lyn Jason Cobb 650.324.4456 STUNNING REMODELED HOME $1,895,000 4 BR 2.5 BA Elegant living room, gourmet kitchen w/ granite countertops, spacious master suite w/private bath. Lovely landscaped backyard. Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751

GORGEOUS 2 YEAR OLD HOME $2,499,000 4 BR 3 BA Two year old home in Allied Arts area w/ chef's kitchen, high ceilings & top amenities. Large landscaped gardens with swimming pool. Hossein Jalali 650.323.7751 PRIME ALLIED ARTS $1,800,000 4 BR 2 BA Great opportunity to remodel, or start fresh. Close to many schools, Walking distance to downtown Menlo Park, Stanford and downtown Palo Alto. Siobhan O'Sullivan 650.324.4456 NEW PRICE! $1,395,000 3 BR 2.5 BA Live in now, build later. 2 story rebuilds on either side. 2nd story would be great bay views! Large LR/DR combo, eat in kitchen, FR, laundry room. Deanna Tarr/Jenny Pollock 650.324.4456 PRICE REDUCTION! $1,499,000 3 BR 3.5 BA Luxury Living at the Mansions. Lovely town home on a desirable cul de sac in Sharon Heights. Award winning Las Lomitas School District. Hugh Cornish 650.324.4456 NEW LISTING! $1,468,000 3 BR 2.5 BA Stunning remodeled townhome in prestigious Sharon Heights complex. Gourmet kitchen. Private location. Decks overlooking greenbelt, trees. Las Lomitas. Nathalie de Saint Andrieu 650.324.4456 OPEN SUNDAY! $1,298,000 4 BR 2.5 BA Beautiful "The Classics" at Burgess home. Bright, open floor plan, vaulted ceilings, culde-sac location. Desirable kitchen/FR. Excellent MP schools. Pam & Katie Hammer 650.324.4456 JUST LISTED! $1,188,000 2 BR 1 BA Beautiful home in desirable Allied Arts, near downtown MP. Gleaming HW flrs, sunny kitchen, spacious LR & lrg entertainment patio. Excellent MP schls. Christopher Harris 650.324.4456 NEW LISTING! $995,000 2 BR 2.5 BA Behind the gates of the Sharon Heights Country Club this beautiful townhome features a large kitchen, MBR suite, 2 car garage and many upgrades. Mark Ankenman 650.324.4456 TOWNHOME BY GOLF COURSE $979,000 2 BR 2 BA Beautiful TH in a tranquil area. Sep family rm, Hrdwd flrs in living rm, dining rm & kit. Vaulted high ceilings. Wine cellar in attached 2 car gar. Patsy Kodama 650.325.6161 UPTOWN LIVING DOWNTOWN MP $950,000 3 BR 2 BA Luxury, sophistication, private yard, desirable Menlo Square. Elegant LR/DR with fireplace. 8 ft. sliding door to private patio. ADA compliant. Bob Nicholus 650.323.7751 MEDITERRANEAN STYLE VILLA $779,000 3 BR 2.5 BA Enjoy the elegance of this tri-level Mediterranean style Villa with stunning architectural design. Located in the beautiful town of Menlo Park. Doug Gonzalez 650.324.4456 BEST BUY IN MENLO PARK! $390,000 WOW! Live in one, rent the other. Duplex - both units in very good condition. Ideal for the first time buyer or the investor. Cristina Bliss 650.324.4456

GREAT NEW PRICE! $275,000 2 BR 1 BA Charming home remodeled 5 years ago. Pergo floors, granite counter tops. Garage converted in bonus room. Separate laundry room. Conveniently located! Cristina Bliss 650.324.4456

EXQUISITE REMODEL $2,295,000 4 BR 3 BA Serene setting w/views toward southern hills. Fabulous kit. opens to living & dining areas/lovely master suite. Sep FR, Office w/built-ins, hdwd flrs. Celeste Henzel 650.851.1961 UNIQUE CONTEMPORARY $2,295,000 4 BR 3.5 BA Exquisite home in tranquil creekside setting. Approx 1/3ac w/stunning gardens. Open & inviting design for formal & relaxed living. Ginny Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 CHARM-FILLED HOME $1,775,000 4 BR 3.5 BA 2-story home set amid colorful gardens, majestic redwoods, and tucked away a the end of a long driveway. P.V. schools www.145PortolaRoad. com Ginny Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 SOUGHT-AFTER LADERA $1,648,000 4 BR 4 BA Spacious home w/ 2 Master Suites, LR/DR, Family rm, eat-in kit, private yard, minutes to Stanford & excellent Las Lomitas schools. Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 2-STORY TRADITIONAL $1,639,000 4 BR 4 BA Sought-after street close-in to schools & shopping! Cape Cod styling for this 2-story w/ den (c/b 5th bed) + office & lg au pair unit. Fabulous yard! Celeste Henzel 650.851.1961 NEW LADERA LISTING $1,465,000 3 BR 2 BA Inviting home with sunroom & office. Large, mostly level lot incl. lawn area, veg. garden & fruit trees. Close to Hwy 280. Top Las Lomitas schools. Eloise Pollock 650.323.7751 STUNNING HOME $1,425,000 2 BR 2.5 BA Dramatic architectural gem situated on a double lot (approx. .3ac) with native landscaping, deck and spa with incredible views toward the bay. Celeste Henzel 650.851.1961 VIEWS! $1,235,000 2 BR 1 BA Incredible setting for charming cottage on mostly level (aprx. 1/3 ac) lot w/expansive vws of Bay Mts & city lights. Relax from deck overlooking lake. Celeste Henzel 650.851.1961 .42 ACRE PARCEL $525,000 2 BR 1 BA Great potential - Value is in the land. Possible vws. Winding paths, stone walls, & cobblestone terraces. Close to hiking trails & access to Hwy 280. Jean & Chris Isaacson 650.851.2666

20 PRIME ACRES $14,900,000 7 BR 6.5 BA 20 prime acres adjacent to the town of Atherton. This knoll-top position has magnificent views - SF Bay to the east & glorious hills to the west. Steven Lessard 650.851.2666 NEW LISTING! $7,495,000 5 BR 4.5 BA Wonderful Traditional hm reminiscent of a romantic mountain hideaway. Nestled beneath towering redwds, fieldstone patios & naturalistic landscaping. Hugh Cornish 650.324.4456 MUST SEE! $6,450,000 5 BR 4 BA This custom-built home is situated on 5.67 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds at the end of a cul-de sac w/charming guest house & pool. Hanna Shacham 650.324.4456 9.7 LEVEL OPEN ACRES $6,000,000 3 BR 3.5 BA Ideal for a grand estate or large equestrian facility. Sun-swept land is bordered by oaks with views of the green ridges of the Western Hills. Ed Kahl 650.851.2666 CLOSE TO HUDDART PARK $4,495,000 3 BR 3.5 BA Custom built just 10 yrs ago, influenced from architect Robert A.M. Stern. Trad. two-story design + lower level. Pool, spa, & lots of sun-swept lawn. Scott Dancer 650.851.2666 STUNNING ESTATE $4,198,000 4 BR 4.5 BA Located in prestigious Woodside. Elegant LR with 12' ceilings opens to gorgeous pool & patio. Exquisite master suite with private bath. Tennis court. Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751 SPLIT LEVEL HOME $4,150,000 4 BR 3.5 BA 3.8 ac parcel set at the end of a private country lane. Beautiful oaks, pool, tennis ct., & guest house. Stanford leased land. Remodel or build new. Scott Dancer 650.851.2666 WOODSIDE HILLS $3,475,000 5 BR 4 BA Bay & City lights views! Desirably located at the end of a private driveway, this stunning remodeled home overlooks the Menlo Country Club. Steven Lessard 650.851.2666 17.6 ACRES OF FOREST $1,695,000 Beautiful private estate site. Peace and quiet adjacent to watershed lands. Ready for your building plans. Excellent Woodside Schools. Scott Dancer 650.851.2666 "NEW ENGLAND" STYLE HOME $1,495,000 4 BR 2 BA Office/library & workout rm. LR, DR w/French drs & step down FR. Exquisitely remod. “chef’s kitchen”. Lovely landscaping on ¾ ac with secluded pool. Maaike Neves 650.851.2666 BEAUTIFUL BAY VIEW $539,000 Near level, quiet horse property. Less than 6 miles from Hwy. 84. Bring your plans & ideas to build your peaceful retreat. Lisa Schumacher 650.851.2666 BAY VIEWS $485,000 2+ acres in Skyline Acres. Lovely trees on this wonderful wooded lot with gradual slope. Located at the end of a cul de sac in a private area. Margot Lockwood 650.851.2666

MENLO PARK STUNNING NEW CONSTRUCTION $6,245,000 6 BR 4 BA New Construction w/ 3 stunning levels; hardwood floors, top of the line finishes, 4 car garage, fully landscaped half acre, Menlo Park schools Tom LeMieux 650.323.7751 WEST MENLO CRAFTSMAN $4,195,000 6 BR 5 full BA + 2 half Stunning high-quality new construction in Prime Wst MP. Traditional Craftsman design w/luxurious finishes & meticulous details. Private landscaped yd. Nathalie de Saint Andrieu 650.324.4456 NEW 6/6, 5000 SF HOME $3,495,000 6 BR 6 BA New, 5000 sf Craftsman in W. Menlo Park on +10k lot! Open Floor Plan, High-End Finishes & Countless Amenities. Come See! Mandana Nejad 650.325.6161 NEW PRICE! $2,549,000 5 BR 4 BA Great home, well-maintained; built in 2001. Gorgeous inside & out! Beautiful spacious yard. Menlo Park Schools. Many amenities. Tory Fratt 650.324.4456

PORTOLA VALLEY STUNNING NEW CONSTRUCTION $6,950,000 5 BR 6.5 BA Over 8000 SF on 3.59 gorgeous acres in prime Westridge locale. Guest hse w/ 1BR/1BA. Vast stretches of level lawn & abundant oaks. Excellent PV schls. Hanna Shacham 650.324.4456 QUALITY & DESIGN! $4,795,000 3 BR 3 BA A masterpiece of modern, minimalist architecture with Zen-like ambiance. Extensive remodel on approx 3.8 ac w/incredible Bay Views. Celeste Henzel 650.851.1961 EXQUISITE REMODEL $3,695,000 4 BR 2 BA + 2 half-baths (1BR currently is an office), additional office, tennis ct, spa, extra 3-car garage w/ living space potential. Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 STUNNING SETTING $3,395,000 6 BR 7 BA Exceptional contemporary home on 1.30 acres (per county), surrounded by majestic oaks. Generously sized rooms, lovely gardens, private views & more… Ginny Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 PRESTIGIOUS WESTRIDGE $3,250,000 4 BR 4.5 BA Enjoy breathtaking views from this lovely home w/spacious LR,formal DR, Kit/Family room,library, media room, guesthouse & more on 2.6 acs(per county) Ginny Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 PRIME WESTRIDGE PARCEL $2,995,000 Approx. 3 acs w/ bay valley views. Minutes to shops, trails,Stanford and excellent P.V. schools. Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 SCENIC SPLENDOR $2,850,000 2 BR 3 BA Stunning home offers privacy & tranquility on 2.6 acres (per county) in coveted Westridge area, next to Jasper Ridge Preserve. www.380Escobar. com Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961

DRAMATIC MOUNTAIN VIEWS! $2,775,000 4 BR 3.5 BA Stunning contemporary on aprx. 1 ac REDWOOD CITY w/expansive lawn, decks & hot tub. Bonus rm w/ $2,295,000 sep entry, wet bar, 1Br/1Ba on lower level. Frml LR CUSTOM BUILT HOME 4 BR 3.5 BA Elegant living room, gourmet kitchen w/ & DR, FR w/FP. Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 center island, Stone fireplace overlooking sparkling pool & cabana. Separate 1 BR / 1 BA guest house. STUNNING CRAFTSMAN $2,395,000 Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751 3 BR 4 BA Built in 2007 w/Granite & Travertine SPECTACULAR CUSTOM HOME $1,829,000 finishes. Home theater + office & bonus room. 4 BR 3.5 BA Terrific design, bright, open floor plan Excellent PV schools. with palatial space + gourmet kitchen, large rooms, Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 fine finishes, numerous amenities, and pool. 650.851.2666 EXPANSIVE VIEWS! $2,379,000 Molly Westrate 4 BR 4 BA Incredible setting for this remodeled GORGEOUS NEW CONSTRUCTION $1,695,000 Contemporary on approx 12.5 acres with views of 4 BR 3.5 BA Elegant living room with vaulted ceilings, SF & East Bay. Den, au paire & guest rm, useable formal dining room, gourmet kitchen, family room land & privacy. with fireplace overlooks landscaped backyard. Celeste Henzel 650.851.1961 Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751

MORTGAGE SERVICES 888.370.5363 26 ■ The Almanac ■ March 3, 2010

©2009 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Office Is Owned And Operated by NRT LLC. DRE License # 00313415


PORTOLA VALLEY (650) 529-2900

PALO ALTO (650) 853-7100 ■


SAN CARLOS (650) 598-4900



Nice 3 bedroom 1 bath home with great floorplan! Double pane windows, nice backyard, fireplace and 2-car garage. Joban Brown Offered at $299,900 (650) 614-3500

■ EAST SANTA CRUZ COUNTY ■ ATHERTON – Exquisite home extensively remodeled.

Large gourmet kitchen w/custom cabinetry & top of the line appliances. Abundant natural light & alder wood floors. Kit opens to FR w/French doors leading to gardens & patio. 3 bedrooms + office.

Mary Jo McCarthy

Offered at $1,649,500

(650) 614-3500

Taste reigns in this delightful 3BR/2BA condo with a fine ocean view. Some of the highlights of this welcoming unit are garage and fireplace. Here is the very picture of ideal comfort! Joe Carcione III Offered at $989,000 (650) 614-3500


A captivating view accents this exceptional 5BR/3+BA Traditional-style with deck with lovely valley view. Inspiring residence with beautiful appointments. Spacious layout. Family room. Traditional warmth and charm! Camille Eder Offered at $1,940,000 (650) 614-3500


■ LOS ALTOS – Stunning 4BD/4.5BA Cape Cod style

home. One of a kind masterpiece w/architectural interest throughout offers easy elegant living with grand entry, gourmet kitchen, great room, formal dining 3 office and more.

Meryle Sussman

Offered at $3,450,000

(650) 614-3500


Beautiful new 4RB/3.5BA home w/luxurious finisheshigh ceilings, gourmet kit w/granite slate, hardwood flrs, wet bar, wrought iron railings, CAT5, pro lndscp w/stone patio & built-in bbq & wet bar. Close to shops, parks, fwys. Dary Marhamat Offered at $2,299,000 (650) 948-8050

Price Reduced! Come visit 849 Valparaiso Ave, beautiful 2 story 3BR/2.5BA single family home in townhome development w/ custom finishes. Only 12 Years new & move in condition. Close to downtown, restaurants & shops. A Must See! Hazel Anker Offered at $1,350,000 (650) 948-8050

6+BR/5BA+2(.5BA) Italian estate includes a vineyard on level lot acre(+/-). Unbeatable location close to the Village w/a serene natural setting feels “away from it all”. Built w/the world finest materials.

Top Floor, Great Location, Contemporary Unit w/hi ceilings, Large Living area w/Fireplace, open Kitchen w/ Granite Counters, 2 parking spaces, walk to dtown MP& PA, close to public transport, pool, spa, exercise room & library. Carolyn Rianda Offered at $485,000

Farideh Zamani

(650) 614-3500

LOS ALTOS HILLS – Gated new construction.

Offered at $8,380,000

(650) 948-8050



Beautiful remodeled home w/designer touches. Chef’s kitchen w/gas cook top dual ovens, granite counters & Maple cabinets. Bathrooms are well appointed & feature Granite and Marble. Great neighborhood & Excellent Los Altos schools. Victor Platonoff Offered at $939,000 (650) 948-8050

LOS ALTOS HILLS – This Hacienda w/old world craftsmanship & all the modern accouterments is situated on a flat creek side lot w/exceptional MFA & MDA & a serene park setting. New architectural plans, drawings & topographical study travel w/the property.

Victor Platonoff

Offered at $2,798,000

(650) 948-8050

Charming & updated 3 bedroom 2 bath home. New paint in & out, new carpets, kit granite counters & tile floors. Dual pane windows, A/C, modern light fixtures. Low maintenance yard with pavers. Best value! . Lilly T. Chow Offered at $779,999 (650) 614-3500


Custom built 2-levels 3BR/2 1/2BA modern style home offers lofted ceilings, luxury finishes, marble fireplace & Hrdwd flrs. French Doors open to wrap around deck & lush lawn. 2-car garage visit; Enayat Boroumand Offered at $1,475,000 (650) 529-2900

■ MENLO PARK – Traditional style home in the Menlo Oaks neighborhood. Beam ceiling living room with separate dinning room and family room. Three bedrooms and two baths. Huge lot, almost one half acre.

Paul Skrabo (650) 529-2900

Offered at $1,695,000



WOODSIDE (650) 529-1000

SAN MATEO (650) 343-3700



LOS ALTOS (650) 948-8050

BURLINGAME (650) 340-9688

Remodeled in 2001, this Craftsman designed home with beautiful appointments & quality finishes features 3BR/2.5BA, gourmet kitchen, hw flrs & media/entertainment rm. Natural setting with beautifully crafted stonewalls & patios. Steven Gray Offered at $1,345,000 (650) 529-1000



An amazing Emerald Hills location with the finest quality materials & great floor plan. Stunning new custom home with phenomenal peninsula views. Spacious 5 bedroom 5.5 bath home with office. Detached 3-car garage. Tata Vahdatpour Offered at $2,395,000

MENLO PARK – Charming 3 bedroom, 2 bath rancher

in Las Lomitas School district. Extra large lot in a highly desirable location. Hardwood floors, large eat in kitchen with family room, extra large living/dining, wonderful family home.

Kristin Cashin

Offered at $1,630,000

(650) 614-3500

(650) 614-3500

Price Reduced...Two homes for the price of one! 3 bedrooms 2.5 baths, sep living room, family room and office. Garage has studio type unit above with full kitchen, dining & living room. Private grounds on cul-de-sac. Joann T Bedrossian Offered at $1,180,000 (650) 614-3500

Find real comfort in this delightful 4BR/2BA residence. This enticing home boasts fireplace. Family room. Two-car garage. Pamper the family with this stand-out. Brendan Royer Offered at $799,950

MENLO PARK – Beautiful family home w/versatile floorplan in the sought after Stanford Hills neighborhood. 4 BD/2BA freshly painted, brick entry, hardwood flrs, custom colors, fireplace in living & family rooms. Stanford Lease Land.

Cathy McCarty

Offered at $1,195,000

(650) 614-3500

(650) 614-3500

Many upgrades in this 3/2 including kitchen, baths, and landscaping. Also features rentable 1BD/1BA guest area, built in stereo and central air conditioning. Tom Boeddiker Offered at $619,000 (650) 614-3500

Best value 3 bed/2 bath condo, many updates, quiet location in complex, excellent neighborhood school – Roy Cloud, close to Canada College. Leon Y Leong Offered at $489,000 (650) 614-3500



MENLO PARK – Classic Menlo Park bungalow. 2 bedrooms 1 bath, beautiful hardwood floors. Fireplace in living room. Detached garage.

Tom Boeddiker

Offered at $929,000

(650) 614-3500

One level 2BR/2BA spacious penthouse located on the top floor of 4-story building. Privately positioned master suite. Close to downtown shops & transportation. Enayat Boroumand Offered at $740,000 (650) 529-2900

Updated house on extra wide lot w/lots of off street parking. Gran counters & maple cabs, SS appl's, LR w/wood burning FP. Spacious DR. Sep breakfast rm & laundry rm inside, hrdwd flooring thruout double pane windows. All fenced backyard. Sally Kwok Offered at $639,900 (650) 614-3500


A must see 3BR/2BA end unit! Kitch w/Oak cabinets & Granite Cntrtops. Fireplace in LR, refinished Hdwd flrs in kitch, DR & LR. New Milgard dbl pane Wndws & sliders, Sliders to patio from LR & MB. Back patio opens to semi-Pvt greenbelt. Rachel J. Siress Offered at $607,000

PALO ALTO – Fabulous, Charming home in Prime,

Crescent Park location! 5BR/3BA plus bonus room. Detached office/artist studio. Gorgeous gardens with pool. Attractively priced.

Suzanne Scott

Offered at $2,895,000

(650) 614-3500

(650) 948-8050


Charming cottage - This 3BD/2BA is perfect for springtime croquet! Featuring glam kitchen, French doors opening to deck, with hot tub and expansive back garden. Near Stanford & California Ave business dist. Carol Bartlett Offered at $1,149,000

The home features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, plus a fam room. Large kitchen w/pantry & breakfast bar. Separate DR has big sliding doors that open out to expansive decks & garden. The living room has wood burning fireplace & tall ceilings. Dana Cappiello Offered at $1,399,000

(650) 614-3500

(650) 529-1000

Selling Northern California's Finest Properties

PORTOLA VALLEY – Prime location for this beautiful 1 acre level lot. Vast lawns, gardens, & vineyard. Close to schools. Extensive remodel. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. LR/FR vaulted ceiling, separate dining room, 3 car garage.

Paul Skrabo

Offered at $1,949,000

(650) 529-2900 March 3, 2010 ■ The Almanac ■ 27




Hanna Shacham


This custom-built 5 BR/4 BA home is situated on 5.67 acres of beautifully landscaped grounds at the end of a cul-de sac w/charming guest house & pool.


OPEN SUNDAY! 1797 Stanford Av


Stunning high-quality new construction in Prime West MP. Traditional Craftsman design w/luxurious finishes & meticulous details. 6 bedrooms, 5 full + 2 half baths. Large, private, professionally landscaped yard.





Fabulous Location!

Lyn Jason Cobb


You get a LOT for a lot in Atherton! On a private cul-de sac, this flat 1.04 acre parcel is ready for your personal plans. Las Lomitas Schools.



Spacious West Menlo

Tom LeMieux




Serene setting w/views toward southern hills and Windy Hill. Fabulous kit. opens to living & dining areas/lovely master suite. Sep FR, Office w/built-ins, hdwd floors. Association pools, tennis and clubhouse.



Loren Dakin



Gorgeous Two Year Old Home


Two year old home in Allied Arts area with chef’s kitchen, high ceilings & top amenities. Large landscaped gardens with swimming pool.


Mt. Carmel Classic


Updated kitchen with casual dining area includes stainless steel appliances & granite counters along w/separate DR, hardwood flooring and level lawn.

Loren Dakin 650.714.8662


Charming home tucked away on a cul-de-sac features a freshly painted int, hardwood flrs, exposed beamed ceiling in LR w/FP & updated kit. appliances.


COMING SOON! Striking Ladera Home!

Call For Price

Major remodel/rebuild in 2004. 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths, custom cherry and granite Family Kitchen, air-conditioning. Lovely backyard & large entertainment deck. True CA indoor-outdoor living!

• Woodside 650.851.2666 • Portola Valley 650.851.1961

©2009 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage Office Is Owned And Operated by NRT LLC. DRE License # 00313415

28 ■ The Almanac ■ March 3, 2010


Hossein Jalali

Celeste Henzel


Menlo Park 650.324.4456

Ginny Kavanaugh & Joe Kavanaugh



Ideal Cul-de-Sac Location



Modern Craftsman w/oak floors, separate living, family & dining rooms, eat-in kitchen w/lrg pantry, upper level master suite, many outdoor amenities.



Exceptional contemporary home on 1.30 acres (per county), surrounded by majestic oaks. Generously sized rooms, lovely gardens, private views & more.

Nathalie de Saint Andrieu 650.804.9696

Steve Bellumori 650.752.0826

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