Fun fashion tips for girls and guys
Student newspaper of The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 Volume 42 Issue 3, 10 pages
Campus suspect caught red-handed James McConatha Photo Editor
Basketball team falls in Memphis see page 7
Watch the Inauguration live on
page 6
Friday afternoon UAB police chased a man from inside the Hill University Center out onto the concourse where they arrested him for attempting to steal a student’s bag from the lobby. Ed Adair, facilities coordinator in HUC Operations, said that the trouble began when a student walked away from her bag in the lobby and returned to find it gone. “The Director [of HUC Operations, Mike Sasser] checked our camera system and saw an individual who was in the area at the time, seemed to be looking over there and walked that way,” said Adair. “When [Sasser] went back up front to tell everybody to be on the lookout for this person, the guy was standing there with the bag.” Adair said that the suspect had indicated he had
found the bag in the hallway, but the victim was not convinced. “We had been up and down the hallway,” said Adair. The worker at the information desk had called the police, and Adair was attempting to stall the suspect until they arrived. “He finally got nervous and took off,” Adair said. Drew Denton of UAB Life 180, an eyewitness to the apprehension of the suspect, said that about the time the police showed up in the lobby of the HUC, the suspect came running through with Ed Adair in hot pursuit. “[The police] were just in a good spot,” said Denton. “They grabbed him and there was tussle, and then he gets on the ground and he’s still fighting them.” Denton said that within minutes the police had control of the suspect and had him in handcuffs. UAB police officers on the scene declined to give the name of the suspect.
James McConatha/Photo Editor
Police officer Lopez helped apprehend the suspect, but declined to name him at press time.
Obama starts in the Oval Office
Swearing in today at noon
Dog gets bulletproof vest for Inauguration
Jared Sutton News Writer
HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) — When the National Park Service needed a ballistic vest made on short notice for a 125-pound bomb-sniffing dog working the inauguration, a Maryland correctional officer stepped up. Lt. Rita Beal, who refits ballistic vests for detector dogs, presented Park Service Ranger Martin Gallery and black Labrador, Samson, with a new vest on Friday, just in time for the inauguration. They will be working with the U.S. Secret Service in Washington today, likely at checkpoints, Gallery said. Four-year-old Samson is at risk of being hit by a stray bullet during hunting season patrols, Gallery said, but he wanted to be sure to get the massive dog extra protection for such a high-profile event.
Temps startle South, blanket the East BIRMINGHAM (AP) — Miserable, lungburning, face-numbing temperatures are one thing in the Midwest and Northeast. But the Deep South? Temperatures plummeted Friday across the Midwest and eastern United States, and delivered a stinging slap to Southerners unaccustomed to the frigid weather. Schools were closed in a dozen states and homeless shelters were overcrowded. Those who did venture outside bundled up and made quick trips. In an odd twist, Alabama was colder than Alaska. ``I never thought I’d see weather like this,
Brian Baer/Sacramento Bee/MCT
not at all,’’ said Maya Morgan, a 20-year-old Christian missionary from Barbados, who is on a fellowship at the Atlanta University complex.
Hammett won’t run for governor MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — House Speaker Seth Hammett said Friday he will not be a can-
Crowds line the Reflecting Pool in the shadow of the Washington Monument for the Obama Inauguration Celebration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., Sunday.
‘Suits 4 Success’ delivers in a big way
didate for governor in 2010. The speaker’s chief
Monique Jones
aide said Hammett expects to seek re-election
News Editor
and a record fourth term as the House’s presiding officer. Hammett, 62, is serving his third term as speaker and his eighth term in the Alabama House. He has said for more than a year that he was considering a run for the Democratic nomination for governor in 2010. But Hammett, D-Andalusia, released a statement through his office saying he wants to concentrate on the House. ``I have decided to direct all my energies toward representing the people of House District 92 in Covington and Escambia counties and toward my duties as speaker,’’ Hammett said. Hammett did not say in the statement if he plans to seek re-election to his House seat next year or for a fourth term as speaker.
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An estimated 2 million plus people have flooded the nation’s capital for today’s ceremonies, almost one-third more than the previous record-setting 1.2 million who attended the inauguration of President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965, according to the Associated Press. President-elect Barack Obama’s Inauguration Day also sets the record for being the most expensive Oath of Office ceremony in the nation’s history with a final tab of nearly $150 million. While the Daily Mail reports that taxpayers around the United States will be footing about half of that bill, the Presidentelect has raised Barack Obama $45 million for the day’s events while restraining himself to maximum $50,000 contributions from prominent donors such as Steven Spielberg, Halle Berry, and Samuel Jackson. By noon, Eastern Standard Time, Barack Obama will have taken the 44th U.S. Presidential Oath of Office, administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, with his hand on the Bible upon which, in 1861, President
Abraham Lincoln last took the oath. Joe Biden will have already taken his vice-presidential oath when Obama finally swears in. In his inaugural address, Barack Obama will speak to his fellow citizens as not only the first African-American President of the United States, but also as the only racial minority to ever come within three positions from the presidency in the U.S. Presidential Line of Succession. How appropriate, then, that today’s inauguration of the first minority president should follow the day that the nation annually honors one of its greatest voices for “change” in racial relations, Martin Luther King, Jr. Obama, born in Honolulu, Hawaii, is also the first U.S. president not to be born in the continental United States. Drawing both ire and acclamation for his historical significance was the new president’s pick to deliver the invocation at the inaugural ceremonies kickoff this past Sunday. After receiving heat from gay rights advocates over his selection of Pastor Rick Warren, who opposes marriage rights for gays, to deliver today’s preoath invocation, Obama chose V. Gene See OBAMA, page 3
The Suits 4 Success clothing drive has energized women across the UAB campus to give to those less fortunate, said Heather Maddox White, director of finance and administration in the Office of the Vice president and Information Technology and the UAB Commission on the Status of Women chairman. “We’re on track to meet our goal. We’re very excited,” said White. Although the drive was flourishing the entire week, one day in particular gave the drive a huge push. “We started off strong Monday, but Thursday was our best day,” said White. “We filled 43 wardrobe boxes Thursday.” Each wardrobe box can hold up to about 40 suits. “I’m just blown away,” she said. The success of the drive is due in part to campus organizations offering their services. “I’m impressed by the involvement of women at UAB,” said White. Sororities, faculty and administration members, and groups such as the Society of Women Engineers helped fill wardrobe boxes that were donated by Two Men and a Truck and other moving companies. “For three days, we’ve had several students from the Society of Women Engineers help out,” said White. “The women of UAB are coming together.”
News of the drive has already spread throughout the city; clothing received from the drive goes to My Sister’s Closet, an outreach program of the YWCA of Central Alabama. The drive has also been covered by local news outlets, and Belk and J.C. Penney have donated store quality hangers. Wardrobe boxes have been donated by Two Men and a Truck and other moving companies. However, in the future, White would like the drive to reach out to more members in the community. “I would like for there to be more student organizations participating and competition between students,” she said. “I want it to reach toward the Birmingham community. We can make a huge difference in the state.” While the drive may still have time to grow, differences have already been made in people’s lives. “Dr. Ona Faye-Petersen [who founded the drive three years ago] said there have been times when she has been walking down the street and has seen her clothes walk by her,” said White. She said that Dr. Faye-Petersen was glad to know that someone benefitted from her clothing donations. Many other stories have arisen due to the drive. According to White, a woman who lived at the YWCA during her younger years was thrilled to learn that her home-away-from-home was helping women in need and sponsoring the drive. Also, a woman had given away the clothes of her late sister. According to White, the woman felt that her sister would have wanted her to
James McConatha/Photo Editor
The Suits 4 Success drive has filled many wardrobe boxes with suits, blouses, skirts, pants and other clothing items women need in the workforce. give her clothes to help other people. What White would like to impress upon people around UAB and the city is that any small amount can provide a person immense relief. “Each of us can impact those around us just by doing
something small,” she said. “If everybody does a little, we can make a huge difference.” To learn more about the Suits 4 Success clothing drive, visit http://main.