Student´s Workbook - Official B1 Exam Preparation

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Workbook Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 Official B1 Exam preparation

B1 m Exam Preparation


English Experience

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 Official B1 Exam preparation m Exam Preparation


English Experience

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Bienvenid@ al Curso - A very warm welcome!

Bienvenid@ - Welcome

El área de Juventud de la Diputación de Alicante presta asesoramiento y apoyo a los ayuntamientos y asociaciones de la provincia en políticas de juventud y prevención de drogodependencias. Cuenta, además, con convocatorias de subvenciones dirigidas al desarrollo de actividades y distintas publicaciones. La prevención de drogodependencias se constituye como un recurso teniendo como finalidad la realización de actuaciones en materia de prevención dirigidas a la población en su conjunto con actividades orientadas especialmente hacia jóvenes con un doble objetivo: disminuir las prevalencias de consumos en los sectores de menor edad y mayor riesgo y, por otra parte, incrementar el nivel de información de la sociedad alicantina sobre los consumos, los riesgos asociados, así como recursos preventivos y asistenciales disponibles en la provincia. El área de Juventud tiene como objetivos prioritarios el fomento del voluntariado y el asociacionismo entre los jóvenes, la promoción de alternativas de ocio y tiempo libre y la formación y orientación profesional de este colectivo. Entre las acciones directas organizadas por el área, cabe mencionar los Premios provinciales de la Juventud, conocidos bajo el epígrafe de ’Top Creation’ ( La convocatoria y normas se dan a conocer aproximadamente a mitad de año y el fallo se da tiene lugar a finales de año en una gala que cada año se organiza en una localidad distinta de la provincia. Este año, los Premios Top Creation cumplen trece ediciones, reconociendo e impulsando a los mejores, tanto en lo económico como en la proyección de futuras carreras profesionales. Buscamos el talento, la creatividad y la excelencia. En definitiva queremos encontrar a los nuevos “Top” de esta nueva edición. Si crees en tu idea, ve por ella hasta el final, porque puede que seas tú el próximo Top Creation 2014. Desde la Diputación de Alicante os animamos a participar a todos los Jóvenes de la provincia de Alicante. Para conocer las últimas noticias de los premios puedes seguirnos a través de las redes sociales, y a través del hashtag #TopCreation2014.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Esatur es un Centro de Formación de primera calidad, Homologado por el Ministerio de Fomento, la Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Aérea (AESA) y el SERVEF. Contamos con el apoyo de la Universidad de Turismo de Murcia, así como con la Universidad de Valencia. Además, somos Centro Preparador de Exámenes Oficiales de la Universidad de Cambridge. Para garantizar nuestros procesos de formación también contamos con el sello de calidad de Applus, que nos certifica ISO 9001-2008.Además, en el año 2014, Esatur ha sido galardonada con el premio a la mejor empresa de Servicios Turísticos 2014, de manos de la Cámara de Comercio, así como el reconocimiento público de la Mesa de Igualdad de Cruz Roja Alicante, por fomentar y promover la igualdad de oportunidades entre sus trabajadores. Esatur forma parte de un grupo de empresas de servicios turísticos que desarrolla diferentes actividades en las provincias de Alicante, Murcia y Valencia en colaboración con clientes tan importantes como: Generalitat Valenciana, Ayuntamiento de Alicante, Ayuntamiento de Valencia, Volvo Ocean Race, OAMI, recinto ferial IFA Alicante, America´s Cup, Patronato Municipal de Cultura de Elche, Diputación Provincial de Alicante, Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Alicante (MARQ), Museo Arqueológico y de Historia de Elche (MAHE), Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Elche (MACE), Auditorio Provincial de Alicante (ADDA), Castillo de Santa Bárbara, Castillo de Villena, Oficinas de Turismo de Murcia, Hoteles NH y otras muchas entidades de ámbito nacional. Nuestros servicios abarcan desde azafatas de congresos, servicios de guía, traducción, team building, servicios de transfer, animación turística y otros eventos, hasta programas de español y turismo para estudiantes extranjeros.

Los cursos que impartiremos el próximo año escolar son los siguientes: - Auxiliar Turístico (AT) - Tripulante de Cabina de Pasajeros (Azafata/Auxiliar de Vuelo) (TCP) - Tripulante y Atención al Pasaje en Cruceros (TAC) - Técnico en Organización de Eventos, Congresos y Exposiciones (TOE) - Técnico en Operaciones Aeroportuarias (TOA) - Técnico en Actividades Socioculturales (TAS) - Preparación Exámenes Oficiales Universidad de Cambridge - Cursos intensivos de Inglés y Alemán

Espero que disfrutes de este interesante curso y para cualquier información adicional, no dudes en consultar nuestra web.

= Centro Homologado

M esa de igualdad


Bienvenid@ - Welcome

Bienvenid@ al Curso - A very warm welcome!

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Moodle online platform by Esatur pone a disposicón del personal docente y de tod@s sus alumn@s, una plataforma online Moodle desde la que poder continuar desarrollando conocimientos de forma remota. Para este curso, tanto el personal docente como los asistentes, podrán utilizar la sección IDIOMAS de la plataforma como INVITADOS, introduciendo el password DipuB1

Bienvenid@ - Welcome


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Moodle online platform by

Bienvenid@ - Welcome


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

ICEBREAKER – SIGNATURES (FIRMAS) Encuentra a alguien que… Name Estrene una prenda de ropa nueva hoy/ Someone who is wearing new clothes Haya viajado a más de 3 países distintos / Someone who has visited at least 3 different countries

Toque un instrumento musical / Someone who plays an instrument

Bienvenid@ - Welcome

Tenga experiencia profesional / Someone with professional experience Cumpla años este mes / Someone whose birthday is this month Le apasione la lectura o el cine / Someone who loves reading/cinema Conduzca moto en verano / Someone who drives a bike in the summer time Le encante la música clásica / Someone who loves classical music Haga deporte habitualmente / Someone who practice a sport regularly Practique el buceo o el esquí / Someone who dives or skis Tenga más de 2 herman@s / Someone who has more than 2 brothers or sisters Vaya al teatro más de 3 veces al año / Someone who goes to the theatre more than 3 times a year Haya volado con más de 3 compañías aéreas distintas / Someone who has flown with more than 3 different airlines









La última sección de este manual está destinada a la realización de 3 Ejemplos reales de exámenes Cambridge: TEST 1, TEST 2 y TEST 3


Page 172

Esta sección está dedicada a la presentación de Distintos tipos de ejercicios. Consejos y Ejemplos para preparar la prueba.

Page 105

En esta sección, encontrarás distintos tipos de ejercicios. Consejos y Ejemplos para preparar la prueba.

Page 76

Consejos de carácter general para escribir bien en inglés. Formato del Writing. Ejemplos (e-mail y carta). Redacción de historias y Recursos para enriquecer el Writing.

Page 66

Preguntas tipo de examen. Pasos a seguir y Ejemplos.

Page 46

Tiempos verbales

Page 20


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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 Official B1 Exam preparation

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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


El examen B1 o Preliminary English Test (PET) está indicado para personas que pueden comunicarse en forma escrita y oral en situaciones cotidianas como leer libros y artículos sencillos, escribir cartas personales simples o tomar notas durante una reunión. Es un examen de nivel intermedio que evalúa la habilidad de comunicación en inglés en situaciones cotidianas reales y que abarca las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas: lectura, escritura, comprensión auditiva y expresión oral. El PET está disponible tanto en versión tradicional (formato en papel) como en formato digital (CB PET). El siguiente cuadro muestra las partes que componen el PET y su duración. Como se puede observar, en el PET, las habilidades de lectura y escritura se evalúan en la misma parte del examen. La calificación final del PET se calcula en base a la suma de los porcentajes obtenidos en cada parte: Lectura y escritura (50%); Comprensión auditiva (25%) y Expresión oral (25%). No es necesario aprobar cada una de las partes para superar la prueba SIEMPRE Y CUANDO el porcentaje resultante se sitúe en el aprobado. Veamos cuáles son los distintos resultados que se pueden obtener: · 0-44%: Suspenso. · 45-69%: Se acredita un nivel A2. · 70-84%: Aprobado. Se acredita un nivel B1. · 85-89%: Aprobado con honores. Se acredita un nivel B1. · 90-100%: Aprobado con distinción. Se acredita un nivel B2. 10

Introducción - Introduction

El MCER (Marco Común Europeo de Referencia) para las lenguas (CERF en inglés) es el estándar internacional que define la competencia lingüística. Se utiliza en todo el mundo para definir las destrezas lingüísticas de un estudiante. El MCER cuenta con seis niveles que van de A1 (principiante básico) a C2 (grado más avanzado de competencia). A continuación, presentamos los exámenes Cambridge de inglés según el nivel del MCER al que corresponden:

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Componentes del examen Parte 1 Lectura y Escritura


Lectura: 5 secciones / 35 preguntas Escritura: 3 secciones / 7 preguntas


Valor de cada parte (% del total)

1 hora 30 minutos

Lectura: 25% Escritura: 25%

Parte 2 4 secciones / 25 preguntas Comprensión auditiva

Alrededor de 35 minutos (incluidos 6 minutos para transcribir las respuestas)


Parte 3 Expresión oral

10-12 minutos por cada par de candidatos (formato 2:2*)


4 secciones

Introducción - Introduction

* Este formato incluye 2 examinadores y 2 candidatos (si es necesario, se aplicará el formato 2:3 en el momento de evaluar a los últimos alumnos de la jornada)

Parte 1 - LECTURA Y ESCRITURA Duración: 1 hora 30 minutos Lectura Sección 1 (Preguntas 1-5) - En la primera sección se evalúa la capacidad de los candidatos para comprender distintos tipos de textos breves, por ejemplo, avisos y señales, información en envases de productos (instrucciones en el paquete de un alimento o en la etiqueta del frasco de un medicamento) y distintas clases de mensajes (notas, correos electrónicos y tarjetas postales). A continuación, presentamos dos ejemplos del tipo de preguntas que integran la Sección 1. Lea el texto y seleccione la opción más adecuada entre las tres que se proponen (A, B o C).

A co

Saturday's Dis

. ets left any tick et aren't d a tick There o ordere wh e e on th Any me 't given re and hasn ld do so befo shou money w. x tomorro JAMES

Tickets for the disco can be collected after tomorrow.

B It is possible to reserve a disco ticket if you do so by tomorrow.

C Reserved tickets for the disco must be paid for today.




Press the button after the doors close.

B Press the button while the doors are closing.

C Press the button to close the lift doors.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Sección 2 (Preguntas 6-10) - En la segunda sección se presentan cinco descripciones de personas seguidas de ocho textos breves sobre un tema determinado; pueden hacer referencia, por ejemplo, a bienes y servicios de alguna clase (comprar libros, visitar museos, hospedarse en un hotel o reservar unas vacaciones). Los candidatos deben vincular a cada persona con el texto que corresponda. En los siguientes ejemplos se brinda información sobre dos personas, Alí y Mónica, y sobre sus preferencias en materia de lectura. A continuación se incluyen cinco textos sobre diferentes libros y deberás ser capaz de decidir cuáles de esos libros (A-E) preferirían leer Mónica y Alí.

Monica is a history teacher in London. She enjoys reading about the history of people in other parts of the world and how events changed their lives.


Introducción - Introduction

Ali enjoys reading crime stories which are carefully written so that they hold his interest right to the end. He enjoys trying to guess who the criminal really is while he´s reading.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Sección 3 (Preguntas 11-20) - En la sección 3, los candidatos deben leer un texto factual más extenso y encontrar información específica. El texto puede ser un fragmento de un folleto, un aviso publicitario de una revista o información de un sitio en Internet. Está precedido por diez preguntas, que en realidad son diez enunciados de una oración. El candidato debe decidir si los enunciados son correctos o incorrectos. En el siguiente ejemplo, se incluyen cinco oraciones (11-15) sobre un viaje en barco al Ártico. Lea el texto Exploring the Arctic y decida si las oraciones precedentes son correctas o incorrectas. En su hoja de respuestas deberá marcar con una “A” las oraciones correctas y con una “B”, las incorrectas.

Introducción - Introduction

11. This trip is for people who like peace and quiet. 12. Many different activities are organised on board. 13. The voyage begins in Scotland. 14. The ship follows a fixed route. 15. There are different types of accommodation

EXPLORING THE ARCTIC The Arctic is one of the few places in the world untouched by pollution where you can see nature at its wildest and most beautiful. Join our ship the Northern Star from 2 to 18 July, for a 17-day voyage to the Arctic. During the voyage you are able to relax and get away from it all. There are no parties or film-shows to attend, quizzes to enter, or entertainers to watch. However, we do have specialists on board who are willing to answer any of your questions about the Arctic and who will talk about the animals and birds that you see on the trip. After setting off from Scotland, we go north along the coast of Norway to Bear Island. Along the way you'll see thousands of seabirds and wonderful scenery, with rivers of ice and huge cliffs. You will have the chance to see reindeer, polar bears, and other Arctic animals. Although we have a timetable, experience has shown that we may have to change our direction a little, depending on the weather and on which animals appear. The Northern Star is a very special ship and our past voyages have been very popular. Our cabins all have the same excellent facilities, which include a private bathroom and refrigerator. Our chefs are happy to prepare any food for people on special diets. Choose just what you want to eat from the wide variety available from the dining room buffet. There is a library, shop, clinic and plenty of space for relaxation. If you need some exercise, why not go jogging every morning around the decks, or do some swimming in the indoor pool. Prices include economy class air travel and 16 nights on board the Northern Star, all meals and excursions and all lectures. Day 1 Board the Northern Star. Days 2–7 We sail slowly north along the coast of Norway, stopping at places of interest. ...


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Sección 4 (Preguntas 21-25) - En la sección 4, el texto que se presenta expresa una opinión o actitud. Como candidato, debes responder a cinco preguntas, para lo cual deberás elegir cuál es la respuesta correcta entre cuatro alternativas posibles (A, B, C y D). El siguiente texto trata sobre un chef de televisión, Ainsley Harriot. Lee el texto y responde las preguntas 21 y 22.

I've always been a bit of an entertainer and played the funny man. I was a part-time comedian for years, so I learned how to stand in front of audiences. It made me sure of myself. I like being liked and I love making everyone smile. I've lived in London all my life and have just moved to a larger house with my wife Clare and our two children, Jimmy and Madeleine. We spend a lot of time just singing and dancing around the house. I grew up with music because my dad is the pianist, Chester Harriott – who's still playing, by the way. My working day is divided between television and writing cook books, though TV takes most of my time. I spend about five days a fortnight working on the cooking programmes I appear in. I eat all sorts of things at home but I only buy quality food. When I'm cooking, I experiment with whatever is in the fridge – it's good practice for my TV series. I'm a football fan and enjoy going to matches, but I'm a home-loving person really. I don't like going to the pub but we do go out to eat about twice a month. There's nothing better than a night at home playing with the children. I rarely go to bed before midnight. Late evening is when fresh thoughts on cooking usually come to me, so I often write or plan my programmes then. When I eventually get to bed, I have no trouble sleeping!

21. What is the writer's main purpose in writing the text? A. to describe how he lives B. to say what makes him laugh C. to talk about his cooking ideas D. to explain how he started in TV 22. What would a reader learn about Ainsley from the text? A. He is a very good musician. B. He likes to plan the family meals. C. He is nervous about performing on stage. D. He enjoys spending time with his family.


Introducción - Introduction

Ainsley Harriott

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Sección 5 (Preguntas 26-35) - En esta sección de la prueba de lectura se incluye un texto corto con diez espacios en blanco numerados. Los candidatos deberán completar cada espacio con la palabra que falta. Los espacios han sido seleccionados para poder evaluar principalmente cuestiones de vocabulario, pero también el conocimiento adquirido por los candidatos sobre cuestiones gramaticales tales como pronombres, verbos modales, conectores y uso de preposiciones. A continuación del texto se ofrecen cuatro posibles respuestas para cada espacio numerado y los candidatos deben elegir la opción correcta. El siguiente ejemplo es un fragmento de un texto titulado Deep Sleep, seguido de cuatro posibles respuestas para cada uno de los cinco espacios en blanco numerados (26-30). Lee las opciones y decide cuál es la palabra faltante (A, B, C o D).

Introducción - Introduction

Deep Sleep Deep sleep is important for everyone. The actual (26)..... of sleep you need depends (27)....... your age. A young child (28) ......... to sleep ten to twelve hours, and a teenager about nine hours. Adults differ a lot in their sleeping (29) ........ . For most of them, seven to eight hours a night is (30) .......... , but some sleep longer, while others manage with only four hours. 26

A. size

B. number

C. amount

D. sum


A. on

B. to

C. in

D. of


A. could

B. ought

C. must

D. should


A. ways

B. habits

C. manners

D. sections


A. few

B. well

C. less

D. enough

Escritura Sección 1 (Preguntas 1-5) - La sección 1 de la parte dedicada a la escritura consta de cinco pares de oraciones. Cada par está formado por una primera oración completa y una segunda oración a la que le falta una o más palabras. Los candidatos deben completar la segunda oración de modo tal que tenga el mismo significado que la primera oración, empleando para ello de una a tres palabras. Los cinco pares de oraciones hacen referencia a un mismo tema. En el ejemplo que presentamos a continuación, las oraciones (1-2) se refieren al deporte del tenis. Lee la primera oración y encuentra las palabras que faltan para completar la segunda oración. Recuerda que la segunda oración debe tener el mismo significado que la primera. 1. It's too cold to play tennis. It isn´t warm ............ to play tennis. 2. There are only a few tennis courts in this town. There aren´t very ............. squash courts in this town. 15

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Sección 2 (Pregunta 6) - La sección 2 consiste en escribir un mensaje breve, entre 35 y 45 palabras. En las instrucciones se explica quién es el destinatario y cuál es el motivo del mensaje. Además hay tres viñetas que indican el contenido que debe incluirse. Es importante que leas las instrucciones cuidadosamente y no omitas la información solicitada. En este ejemplo se debe escribir una tarjeta de agradecimiento a James por la fiesta que ofreció:

Question 6 An English friend of yours called James gave a party yesterday, which you enjoyed. Write a card to send to James. In your card, you should:

* say what you liked best * suggest when you could both meet again Write 35-45 worlds on your answer sheet

Sección 3 (Pregunta 7 u 8) - En la sección 3, los candidatos deben escribir una carta informal o una historia, de 100 palabras aproximadamente. Si decides escribir la carta, deberás leer previamente un fragmento de la carta de un amigo a quien deberás enviarle una respuesta. La carta del amigo te orientará respecto de qué escribir. En el caso de que elijas escribir una historia, se te proporcionará el título o bien la primera oración del relato. En el primero de los dos ejemplos siguientes debes escribirle a un amigo acerca de tu programa de televisión favorito. Es importante que respondas todas las preguntas formuladas por tu amigo. Si optas por escribir la historia, recuerda que la primera oración deberá comenzar con “i”, de modo que la historia comience de la misma manera.

Question 7 This is part of the letter you receive from an English friend. “In your next letter, please tell me all about your favourite TV programme. Why do you like watching it? What´s it about? Now write a letter, answering your friend´s questions. Write your letter on your answer sheet.

Question 8 Your English teacher has asked you to write a story, which must begin with this sentence: “I felt nervous when the phone rang”. Write your story on your answer sheet.


Introducción - Introduction

* thank him for the party

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Parte 2- COMPRENSIÓN AUDITIVA Duración: 35 minutos, incluidos 6 minutos para transcribir las respuestas. Sección 1 (Preguntas 1-7) - En esta sección, los candidatos deben escuchar siete fragmentos cortos tomados de la vida cotidiana, por ejemplo, conversaciones entre miembros de una familia o entre amigos, anuncios de radio, fragmentos de charlas, diálogos en tiendas, etc. Por cada fragmento hay una pregunta y tres ilustraciones. Los candidatos deben escuchar la grabación y seleccionar la ilustración que mejor responda a la pregunta. A continuación se presentan dos preguntas a modo de ejemplo. Lee cada pregunta y observa las ilustraciones para formarte una idea del tipo de conversación que se desarrollará en la grabación y de la información a la que debes prestarle atención para elegir la respuesta correcta (A, B o C).

Introducción - Introduction

1. What does the man receive in the post?

2. What did the man buy?







Sección 2 (Preguntas 8-13) - En la sección 2, los candidatos deben escuchar una grabación más extensa, que puede consistir en un monólogo o bien en una entrevista con preguntas realizadas por un presentador de radio. Los candidatos escuchan la grabación dos veces. Hay seis preguntas de opción múltiple, con tres posibles respuestas en cada caso. En el siguiente ejemplo, la grabación corresponde a una reseña de los programas de televisión de esta noche. Deberás escuchar y seleccionar la respuesta correcta (A, B o C) para cada pregunta (8-10). 8. The film about insects is

A. badly photographed B. unsuitable for some people C. much too long

9. Tonight´s Miller and Edwards programme

A. has fewer jokes than usual B. is longer than usual C. is continued next week



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Sección 3 (Preguntas 14-19) - La grabación correspondiente a la sección 3 también es larga y puede tratarse de un anuncio de radio o bien de un mensaje grabado que brinda información sobre lugares y eventos. En algunas ocasiones es una conversación, o bien un programa de radio, en el que se conversa sobre algún curso, viaje o sobre las vacaciones. Los candidatos escuchan la grabación dos veces. En el cuadernillo de preguntas hay una hoja con notas que resumen el contenido de la grabación y en las que faltan seis datos. Los candidatos deben escuchar la grabación, detectar la información correcta y escribirla en los espacios en blanco numerados.

The Balmoral Hotel Tour Guide The office is (14) .............. the reception desk. Meals Breakfast: Food for trips: Dinner:

in the Green Room on the first floor beside the lifts. collect from the (15) ............. at 9.00am hotel restaurant famour for its (16) ......... dishes

Riverboat Trip Day: (17) ................ Time: afternoon and evening Sección 4 (Preguntas 20-25) - En la sección 4, los candidatos escuchan la grabación de un diálogo informal sobre temas cotidianos en el que dos personas dan sus opiniones y concuerdan o difieren sobre ciertos puntos. Después de leer los seis enunciados que integran esta sección del examen, los candidatos deben decidir si son correctos o incorrectos. Al final de esta parte de comprensión auditiva, los candidatos cuentan con seis minutos para transcribir sus respuestas a la hoja destinada a tal efecto. 18

Introducción - Introduction

El siguiente ejemplo es la grabación realizada por un guía de turismo que mantiene una conversación con algunos huéspedes de un hotel. Encontrarás seis espacios (14-19) en los que deberás reponer la información omitida. Debes escuchar el material grabado y completar cada espacio con el dato correcto.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge Official Cambridge Exam preparation (PET)


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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PRESENTE SIMPLE Y PRESENTE CONTINUO Como probablemente ya sabes, los tiempos simples se utilizan, en general, cuando describimos acciones finalizadas, así como también estados, costumbres o hábitos. Por su parte, utilizaremos los tiempos continuos para hablar de actividades que se están desarrollando, acciones no finalizadas, o también para referirnos a situaciones transitorias o temporales. Vamos a repasar los usos y la estructura del Presente Simple y el Presente Continuo: PRESENTE SIMPLE los principales usos de este tiempo verbal son los siguientes:

Grammar - Gramática

a) Para hablar de costumbres y hábitos: I usually have dinner at home (Normalmente ceno en casa) b) Para hablar de situaciones permanentes o estables, que no tenemos intención de cambiar: Michael lives in Manchester and works as a teacher (Michael vive en Manchester y trabaja de profesor) c) Para hablar del futuro, siempre que nos refiramos a horarios: The train to Barcelona leaves at 8 and arrives at 10.30. d) En las denominadas " Future time clauses", que son oraciones dependientes de otra principal, cuya función es la de un adverbio de tiempo y que suelen ir introducidas, entre otros, de nexos como when, as soon as, until, before o after. e) Con los verbos de estado, también llamados "stative verbs". Se trata de verbos que describen estados y condiciones permanentes y que, al contrario de lo que sucede con las acciones descritas por los "dynamic verbs", no tienen un principio y un final determinado... Pensemos en verbos como "like", "love", "hate" o "prefer". Es evidente que "encantar" (love), no es una acción como lo podrían ser "comer", "bailar", "hablar" o "correr". Como también lo es que ese gusto por la lectura es algo permanente y duradero. Pues es precisamente esta vocación de permanencia lo que provoca que los "stative verbs" no se utilicen frecuentemente en tiempos continuos. Es decir, no se trata de una regla gramatical que haya de aprenderse sin más, sino de algo más lógico. Si a mí me gusta la lectura, me gusta como norma general. No es que en este momento me esté gustando o ayer me gustase y hoy no. Por eso no decimos "I'm loving reading". El conjunto de "stative verbs" es muy numeroso. Así, no solo incluiremos dentro de este grupo a los verbos que indiquen gustos, emociones y preferencias, como "like","dislike" "love", "hate", "prefer", "wish" o "fear" (...), sino también a los siguientes: * Los denominados "sense verbs", que son verbos relacionados con las percepciones y los sentidos: "hear", "feel", "see", "sound", "smell", "taste", "touch", etc. * Los verbos que indiquen posesión o pertenencia, como por ejemplo "have", "belong", "own" o "include", entre otros. 21

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* Aquéllos que se refieran a pensamientos y actividades o procesos mentales, como pueden ser "understand", "believe", "doubt", "know", "mean", "forget", etc. * Los utilizados para expresar contenidos, pesos y medidas: contain, weigh, cost... f) Con los adverbios de frecuencia, como por ejemplo never, hardly ever, sometimes, ocasionally, from time to time, often, usually, normally, frequently, always, once a week, twice a month, on Sundays, at weekends, etc. Es muy importante que sepas colocar este tipo de adverbios en la oración. Por ello, recuerda las siguientes reglas: Como normal general, los adverbios de frecuencia irán colocados antes del verbo principal: I often go swimming.

g) Para hablar de verdades generales, es decir, afirmaciones que no admiten prueba en contrario y que, normalmente, están relacionadas con la vida y la ciencia: The sun sets on the west (El sol se pone por el Oeste)

FORMACIÓN DEL PRESENTE SIMPLE AFIRMATIVA Sujeto + infinitivo (sin "to") del verbo principal para todas las personas, excepto para la 3ª persona del singular, en la que tendremos que añadir una "s" al infinitivo del verbo principal, y "es" a los verbos "go" y "do", además de a todos aquellos que terminen en "x", "z", "ch", "sh" o "ss” Cuando el infinitivo del verbo principal termine en consonante + "y", eliminaremos la "y" y añadiremos la terminación "ies" (study - studies)


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Sin embargo, si el verbo principal de la oración es el verbo "to be", estos adverbios irán colocados inmediatamente después de aquel: She is always late (ella siempre llega tarde)

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SUJETO + INFINITIVO + -S (En caso de 3ª persona del singular) NEGATIVA Sujeto + don't (do not) + infinitivo (sin "to") del verbo principal para todas las personas, excepto para la 3ª persona del singular, para la que la estructura será la siguiente: sujeto + doesn't (does not) + infinitivo (sin "to") del verbo principal. iNTERROGATIVA Do + sujeto + infinitivo (sin "to") del verbo principal para todas las personas, excepto para la 3ª persona del singular, en cuyo caso, la estructura será: does + sujeto + infinitivo (sin "to") del verbo principal.

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DO/DOES + SUJETO + INFINITIVO? PRESENTE CONTINUO Vamos a repasar los usos de este tiempo verbal. a) Utilizaremos el presente continuo para describir lo que una persona está haciendo o lo que está ocurriendo en el momento de hablar: I'm watching TV at the moment (estoy viendo la televisión en este momento) b) Para hablar sobre acciones que hemos previsto realizar en un momento concreto del futuro: John is getting married next year (John va a casarse el próximo año)


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c) Para referirnos a situaciones temporales en el presente: I'm staying at this hotel until they finish redecorating my house (me quedaré en este hotel hasta que terminen de redecorar mi casa) d) Para hablar de hábitos, modas o tendencias que suelen cambiar: More and more people are leaving their cars at home and are walking to work (cada vez más gente deja su coche en casa y va andando a trabajar) e) Para hablar de cosas que frecuentemente nos molestan o irritan. En este caso, es habitual utilizar adverbios de frecuencia como always o constantly: My boss is always phoning me late at night when I'm in bed; It's a real pain! (Mi jefe siempre me llama por teléfono de noche cuando estoy en la cama. Es un pesado!) Es importante tener en cuenta que, con este tiempo verbal, suelen utilizarse expresiones temporales como las siguientes: at the moment, right now, today, tonight, this week, this year, at present, currently, etc.

AFIRMATIVA Sujeto + presente del verbo "to be" + forma terminada en "ing" del verbo principal: I am eating

SUJETO +TO BE+ INFINITIVO+-ING NEGATIVA Sujeto + formas negativa del verbo "to be" + forma terminada en "ing" del verbo principal: I am not eating

SUJETO +TO BE+ NOT + INFINITIVO+-ING INTERROGATIVA Presente del verbo "to be" + sujeto + forma terminada en "ing" del verbo principal: Is she eating?

TO BE+ SUJETO + INFINITIVO+-ING? Para formar el participio de presente (la forma terminada en "ing"), normalmente añadiremos la terminación "ing" al infinitivo (sin "to"): Do - doing. Sin embargo, existe una serie de excepciones a este regla en las que debemos detenernos: 24

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a) Si el infinitivo termina en consonante + "e", se elimina la "e" y se añade "ing": Make - making b) Si el infinitivo termina en consonante + vocal + consonante se duplicará la última consonante si el infinitivo es una palabra monosílaba o aguda: Stop - Stopping Begin – Beginning Sin embargo: open - opening (es una palabra llana) c) Todos los verbos que terminan en vocal + "l", duplican la "l" en la forma terminada en "ing" (únicamente en inglés británico): Travel - travelling ("traveling" en inglés americano)

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d) Nunca se diplicaré la consonante final cuando el infinitivo termine en "w", "x" o "y": Cry - Crying e) Casos especiales: Die - Dying Lie - Lying

Veremos, a continuación, los principales usos del Pasado Simple y el Pasado Continuo. Hay muchas maneras de hablar del pasado en inglés, pero el pasado simple es la forma más común. Su equivalente en español es el pretérito imperfecto y pretérito indefinido. Usamos el pasado simple para acciones completas en el pasado. El período de tiempo de estas acciones no es importante como en el español. 25

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PASADO SIMPLE Y PASADO CONTINUO PASADO SIMPLE Estos son los principales usos del pasado simple. Recuerda que no sirve de nada aprenderse las reglas de memoria. Fíjate en los ejemplos y trata de entender por qué se utiliza el pasado simple en cada uno de los ejemplos: a) Para hablar de acciones terminadas que ocurrieron en un momento concreto o definido del pasado. Sabemos, o se infiere del contexto, en qué momento tuvo lugar la acción descrita por el verbo: I talked to Jim a few hours ago (Hablé con Jim hace unas horas) b) Para hablar de costumbres, estados y hábitos referidos al pasado: When I was at school, I played for the school basketball team (Cuando iba al colegio, jugaba en el equipo de baloncesto)

FORMACIÓN DEL PASADO SIMPLE AFIRMATIVA 1. Verbos regulares: Normalmente, basta con añadir la terminación "-ed" al infinitivo del verbo: play - played want - wanted

SUJETO + INFINITIVO+-ED Sin embargo, hay algunas excepciones a esta regla: - Cuando el infinitivo acaba en consonante + vocal + consonante y es una palabra monosílaba o aguda, se duplica la consonante final del infinitivo antes de añadir la terminación "-ed": refer - referred stop - stopped ¡Cuidado! Si el infinitivo termina en consonante + vocal + consonante, pero es una palabra llana, la última consonante no se duplica (al igual de lo que sucederá con las formas terminadas en "-ing"): open - opened offer - offered - Tampoco se duplicará la última consonante cuando el infinitivo termine en "w", "x" o "y": chew - chewed wax - waxed play - played


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c) Para ordenar cronológicamente secuencias de acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado The police broke down the door and rushed into the flat (La policía derribó la puerta y asaltó la casa)

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- Cuando el infinitivo termine en consonante + e, únicamente añadiremos una "d": close - closed imagine - imagined - Por último, en los casos en los que el infinitivo termine en consonate seguida de "y", se eliminará la "y" y se añadirá la terminación "-ied” :hurry - hurried. VERBOS IRREGULARES (tabla) 2. Verbos irregulares: En este caso, es necesario aprenderse la forma del pasado simple. Encontrarás una tabla con los 50 verbos irregulares más utilizados en la siguiente página.

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Ten en cuenta que, ya se trate de verbos regulares o irregulares, el pasado simple afirmativo tiene la misma forma para todas las personas. Es invariable... I stayed/He stayed I began/She began... con la excepción del verbo "to be": I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were NEGATIVA Sujeto + did not (didn't) + infinitivo sin "to", tanto para los verbos regulares como para los irregulares: I didn't buy She didn't take They didn't decide

SUJETO + DIDN´T + INFINITIVO INTERROGATIVA La forma interrogativa (para ambos tipos de verbos), responde a la siguiente estructura: Did + sujeto + infinitivo sin "to" Did you see? Did they go? Did you decide?



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

TRADUCCIÓN ser/estar empezar romper traer construir quemar comprar poder coger elegir venir costar cortar hacer soñar beber conducir comer caer (se) sentir (se) luchar/ pelear volar olvidar obtener dar ir (se) tener/ haber oir saber aprender irse/ dejar perder hacer tener que pagar poner leer correr decir ver mostrar/ enseñar cantar dormir hablar gastar tomar enseñar pensar entender ganar

INFINITIVO be begin break bring build burn buy can catch choose come cost cut do dream drink drive eat fall feel fight fly forget get give go have hear know learn leave lose make must pay put read run say see show sing sleep speak spend take teach think understand win

"SIMPLE PAST" was/were began broke brought built burnt bought could caught chose came cost cut did dreamt drank drove ate fell felt fought flew forgot got gave went had heard knew learnt left lost made had to paid put read ran said saw showed sang slept spoke spent took taught thought understood won


"PAST PARTICIPLE" been begun broken brought built burnt bought been able to caught chosen come cost cut done dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen felt fought flown forgotten got given gone had heard known learnt left lost made had to Paid put read run said seen shown sung slept spoken spent taken taught thought understood won

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PASADO CONTINUO Estos son los principales usos de este tiempo verbal: SUJETO + WAS/WERE + INFINITIVO + -ING - Para hablar de acciones que estaban sucediendo en un momento concreto del pasado, pero que no habían finalizado: When I was having a shower, somebody knocked at the door Cuando me estaba duchando (y no había terminado todavía), alguien llamó a la puerta. - Para contextualizar o situar en el tiempo una acción pasada: I was going home from work when I saw a long lost friend from high school (Volvía a casa del trabajo cuando me encontré con un amigo del instituto al que hacía mucho tiempo que no veía). - Para hablar de dos o más acciones o actividades simultáneas que tenía lugar en un momento concreto del pasado (en estos casos, estas acciones suelen ir unidas por "while" o "when"): While I was doing my homework, Sam was tidying his room (Mientras yo hacía mis deberes, Sam ordenaba su habitación).

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AFIRMATIVA Sujeto + was / were + forma en "ing" del verbo principal: They were studying I was playing NEGATIVA Sujeto + was not (wasn't) / were not (weren't) + forma en "ing" del verbo principal: They weren't studying I wasn't playing

SUJETO + WAS/WERE + NOT + INFINITIVO + -ING INTERROGATIVA Was / were + sujeto + forma en "ing" del verbo principal: Were they studying? Was he playing?



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PRESENTE PERFECTO En este caso, compararemos el español con el inglés; siempre pensando en quienes les cuesta mucho aprender inglés y necesitan una referencia que haga más fácil el aprendizaje. Veamos: ¿Qué diferencia hay en español entre estas dos oraciones? · He trabajado mucho. · Trabajé mucho. Ciertamente, en el primer caso hablamos de un pasado reciente, por ejemplo: He trabajado mucho hoy. En el segundo caso hablamos de un pasado lejano; por ejemplo: Ayer trabajé mucho.

En inglés, este mismo tiempo se llama "Present Perfect". · Recuerda: "Simple Past" para pasado lejano, acabado, acompañado generalmente de "yesterday" (ayer), "last week/month/year" (la semana/mes/año pasado). · El "Present Perfect", en cambio, es para un pasado reciente. FORMACIÓN DEL PRESENTE PERFECTO AFIRMATIVA

SUJETO + HAVE/HAS + PARTICIPIO PASADO I have (I've) worked a lot today She has (She's)studied in the kitchen It has(It's) snowed today. We have (We've) read many books They have (they've) seen Peter Algunas observaciones: · Las formas contraidas: I've [aiv]/You've [iuv]/He's [his]/She's [shis]/It's [its]/We've [güiv]/They've [deiv]; son muy habituales en el inglés hablado.. · El verbo "have/has" no significa en este caso "tener" sino "haber". "Have" en el Present Perfect es un verbo auxiliar y siempre debe ir acompañado de un verbo principal. · Es posible que el verbo "have" sea utilizado como verbo principal. La construcción sería entonces: I've had a car. Yo he tenido un coche Nota: Para fenómenos meteorológicos el sujeto es siempre "It".


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El tiempo que utilizamos en español para hablar de un pasado reciente se llama "Pretérito Perfecto" (Yo he comido./Él ha venido/Nosotros hemos dicho).

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HAVE/HAS + SUJETO + PARTICIPIO PASADO? Has she worked today?

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PASADO PERFECTO El "Past Perfect" es un tiempo utilizado para narrar. En este caso va acompañado del "Past Tense", unidos por "when" (cuando). Ejemplo: I had (already) eaten (Past Perfect) my lunch when I saw (Past Tense) the restaurant. (Yo había (ya) comido cuando vi el restaurante). · El "Past Perfect" se utiliza también con una de las formas del condicional, que veremos más adelante. · El verbo "had" no significa en este caso "tuve" sino "había". "Had" en el Past Perfect es un verbo auxiliar y siempre debe ir acompañado de un verbo principal. · Es posible que el verbo "had" sea utilizado como verbo principal. La construcción sería entonces: I had had a car. Yo había tenido un coche. AFIRMATIVA

SUJETO + HAD + PARTICIPIO PASADO I had gone out when she came She had studied before the exam It had rained a lot in the winter We had seen the film before They had written all the letters when the boss arrived NEGATIVA

SUJETO + HAD + NOT + PARTICIPIO PASADO She had not (She hadn´t) worked


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-Hablar de decisiones espontáneas que tomamos en el momento de hablar: It's warm in here. I'll open the window. Hace calor aquí dentro. Voy a abrir la ventana (Es algo que acabo de decidir en este momento, no algo premeditado o planificado. - Para hablar de lo que creemos que va a ocurrir en el futuro(no de nuestros propios planes o intenciones) y también para hacer predicciones basadas en opiniones personales: I think his team will win the Champions League next year. Creo que su equipo ganará la Champions League el próximo año (eso es lo que yo pienso, aunque por supuesto no tengo ningún indicio de que vaya a ser así). - Para hacer ofrecimientos, peticiones, promesas y advertencias: Will you buy some bread on your way home? - ¿Comprarás en pan de camino a casa? "Will" es un verbo modal (o auxiliar) que siempre debe ir acompañado de otro verbo para formar el futuro. Veamos algunos ejemplos: I will work She will study It will work ¿Cómo se contrae "Will"? "Will" se contrae así: 'll. Por lo tanto, decimos: I'll go Veamos todas las contracciones: i will You will He will She will it will We will They will

I´ll [ail] You´ll [iul] He´ll [hil] She´ll [shil] It´ll [itl] We´ll [güil] They´ll [deil]

Veamos, a continuación, la estructura del futuro con "Will": 32

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Utilizaremos “will” para:

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SUJETO + WILL + INFINITIVO I will work She will study NEGATIVA

SUJETO + WILL + NOT + INFINITIVO I will not work She will not study

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WILL + SUJETO + INFINITIVO? Will I work? Will she study?

GOING TO Utilizaremos esta estructura en los casos siguientes: - Para hablar de nuestras intenciones en el futuro: She's going to see a film tonight. Ella va a ver una película esta noche. - Para hacer predicciones basadas en indicios o evidencias objetivas: It's almost 8 am. I'm going to be late for school again. Son casi las ocho de la mañana. (Y eso indica que)Voy a llegar tarde al colegio otra vez. En español es frecuente que utilicemos la expresión: “Voy al cine...Voy a comer....Vamos a dormir...." (Ir + a + Verbo en infinitivo). Si nos fijamos utilizamos esa expresión para referirnos a algo que haremos en un futuro inmediato y planificado. Para un futuro más lejano y no planificado utilizamos el tiempo futuro: Yo iré.... Que es, en realidad, muy poco usado en español. El equivalente en inglés de "Voy + a + "verbo en infinitivo" es: "I am going to...." ( Yo voy a...) 33

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SUJETO + GOING TO + INFINITIVO She's going to see a film tonight NEGATIVA

SUJETO + TO BE + NOT + GOING TO +INFINITIVO She is not going to work

TO BE + SUJETO + GOING TO + NFINITIVO? Is she going to work? GERUNDIOS E INFINITIVOS Una de las cuestiones que suele plantearnos más dificultades a la hora de tilizar correctamente los verbos en inglés consiste en saber cuándo y después de qué verbos o palabras debemos utilizar un gerundio, un infinitivo con "to" y un infinitivo sin "to". Seguro que estas sencillas reglas te ayudarán a tenerlo un poco más claro.

GERUNDIO Utilizaremos el verbo acabado en -ing en los siguientes casos: - Después de los siguientes verbos: like, love, hate, enjoy, miss, feel like, mind, finish, risk, practise, put off, stop, suggest, can't help, fancy, admit, deny, give up, imagine, keep (on), put off (postpone), spend time, can't stand, delay, regret, avoid, consider, involve, go on (=continue) Nota: Cuidado con would like/love, etc. Estos verbos llevan "to + infinitivo": I would like to go to the cinema - Como sujeto de una oración: Listening to music is one of my hobbies. - Para formular prohibiciones cortas: No smoking -Cuando el verbo vaya introducido por una preposición: I'm thinking of looking for a new flat


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INFINITIVO + TO Utilizaremos en infinitivo seguido de "TO" en estos casos: - Inmediatamente después de un adjetivo. It's difficult to explain - Para expresar finalidad o intención: He came here to see Tom

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- Después de los siguientes verbos: afford





begin *


regret **




remember **




start *


continue *



need **

dare **







- Después de verbos como allow,advise, beg, enable, forbid, recommend o teach, que admiten la construcción verbo + objeto+ (not) to + infinitivo: My teacher recommended me not to use a metronome unless I really need it.

INFINITIVO SIN TO - Después de los verbos modales. I must be back at 10 o' clock. - Después de las estructuras “had better” y “would rather”. I'd rather have stayed in last night - Después de los verbos “let”, “make”, “see”, “hear”, “watch” y “feel”, seguidos de un objeto: His parents made him apologise. They don't let him watch TV


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7. VERBOS MODALES Como probablemente ya sabes, un verbo modal es aquel que se utiliza en combinación con otro verbo en infinitivo y que nos servirá para expresar una variedad de significados: capacidad o habilidad, deducción, obligación, necesidad, prohibición, etc. Un verbo modal (a excepción de "ought to") siempre irá seguido de un infinitivo sin "to": She can dance very well Los verbos modales son invariables, es decir, tienen la misma forma para todas las personas, de manera que no añaden "-s" o "-es" para forma la 3ª persona del singular. She can dance very well

OBLIGACIÓN / NECESIDAD La obligación se expresa con el verbo modal must y con la perífrasis verbal have to. · Must expresa la obligación que siente el locutor por hacer alguna cosa. I must study harder if I want to pass all my exams. · Have to se refiere a una obligación que viene de fuera, impuesta por una institución, una ley, una autoridad. You have to be 18 to take the driving test in Spain. En la forma negativa, must y have to tienen significados muy distintos: You mustn't drink and drive. = obligación de no beber y conducir You don't have to come if you are tired. = no hay obligación de venir, es opcional

RECOMENDACIONES. CONSEJOS Utilizaremos"should", "ought to" (más formal que "should" y utilizado casi únicamente en lenguaje escrito) y "could". Ejemplos: Mike should buy a new car - Mike debería comprase un coche nuevo. John ought to be more careful when he is driving - John debería tener más cuidado cuando va conduciendo She could ask her brother to lend her some money - Podría pedirle a su hermano que le prestara algo de dinero. Si nos estamos refiriendo a sugerencias, recomendaciones o consejos en el pasado, utilizaremos estos verbos modales seguidos de "have" + participio de pasado. Ejemplo: Mike should have bought a new car - Mike debería haberse comprado un coche nuevo (pero no lo hizo y ahora no puede desplazarse al trabajo) 36

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No necesitan otro verbo auxiliar para formar las oraciones interrogativas y negativas, es decir, no utilizaremos un verbo modal con "do", "does", "don't" y "doesn't" no tampoco con "have" cuando éste funcione como verbo auxiliar. Can you speak French? - Correcto

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HABILIDAD / PERMISO El verbo can y su equivalente be able to+infinitivo son las expresiones más habituales para expresar la habilidad y permiso. Expresar habilidad en el presente: Se puede utilizar tanto can como be able to, aunque este último tiene una connotación algo más formal: I can speak / am able to speak five languages; I can't answer / 'm not able to answer that question. Expresar habilidad en el pasado: A diferencia de otros verbos modales, can tiene una forma de pasado (could) que se utiliza para hablar de habilidades generales o hábitos en el pasado: I could speak English when I was 7 years old.

Grammar - Gramática

Para hablar de la habilidad de hacer una cosa en una situación puntual en el pasado, utilizámos was / were able to: We were able to catch the last bus last night. Expresar habilidad en el futuro: Como can no puede ir acompañado por otros auxiliares, en este caso la única opción es be able to: I hope I will be able to go to Japan one day. Pedir permiso: A diferencia de be able to, can y could se pueden utilizar en preguntas para pedir permiso. En este caso, could no tiene valor de pasado, sino que se interpreta como más formal: Can / Could I use your phone? Existe otro verbo modal especializado para pedir o dar permiso: may. Pedir permiso con may es muy formal, más formal que con can o could: May I use your phone? Of course you may.

POSIBILIDAD Algunos verbos modales como must, can, could, may o might se utilizan para expresar un juicio sobre la probabilidad de que una situación en concreto ocurra o no. May y might se utilizan para decir que algo puede pasar en el presente o en el futuro. Might es un poco menos seguro que may, es decir que el locutor tiene poca información y que se trata de una especulación. Could expresa una posibilidad más “teorica” o permanente de que algo pase. Forma negativa: May not y might not (mightn't) tienen un significado completamente diferente de could not(couldn't). I may not / might not come to the party. (Es posibile que no venga a la fiesta) May not / might not significan que es posible que algo negativo pase. I'm so tired I couldn't stay awake until the end. (Estoy tan cansado que me seria imposible quedarme despierto hasta el final) Couldn't significa que es imposible que algo pase. Cuando estamos seguros de nuestras afirmaciones, el verbo modal que expresa la certeza es must: He isn't here today. He must be ill. (Debe estar enfermo) 37

1. Cuando no sabemos quién ha realizado una determinada acción o qué hecho la ha provocado: My wallet was stolen last night (me robaron la cartera ayer, pero no tengo ni idea de quién puede haber sido) 2. Cuando queremos darle énfasis a la acción en sí misma y no a quién la ha realizado o al hecho que la ha provocado: A new bridge is being built over the river ( lo importante es que se está construyendo un nuevo puente y que eso ayudará a descongestionar el tráfico. El que lo esté haciendo tal o cual empresa me da lo mismo) 3. Cuando es evidente quién ha realizado la acción o qué hecho la ha provocado: My car was repaired yesterday (es evidente que lo ha hecho un mecánico) 4. Cuando queremos recalcar quién ha realizado la acción o que hecho la ha provocado, para lo cual incluiremos el complemento agente: The 2010 FIFA World Cup was won by Spain (que quede claro que fue España y no cualquier otra selección) Otro aspecto muy importante es que, en inglés, debemos utilizar la voz pasiva como equivalente a lo que en español de denominan “pasivas reflejas”, que son oraciones introducidas por el pronombre “se”, en la que el sujeto es un sujeto paciente y en las que el verbo ha de ir, siempre, en 3ª persona y en voz activa. ¿CÓMO SE FORMAN?

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb - Thomas Edison inventó la bombilla a) Comenzaremos a formar la correspondiente oración pasiva poniendo como sujeto el complemento directo de la oración activa (¿Qué inventó? La bombilla): “The light bulb…” b) Añadimos el verbo “to be” en el mismo tiempo en el que vaya el verbo de la oración activa. En este caso, “invented” es una forma verbal en "simple past". Luego pondremos el verbo "to be" también en pasado simple: “The light bulb was…” c) Continuamos añadiendo el participio de pasado del verbo de la oración activa (“invent”, un verbo regular cuyo participio de pasado es “invented”). “The light bulb was invented...” d) Añadiremos el complemento agente (que será el sujeto de la oración activa), introducido por la preposición "by": “The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison” Importante: El complemento agente no siempre es necesario. En este caso, por ejemplo, sí lo es ya que aporta información imprescindible para comprender el significado de la oración. Sin embargo, no será necesario añadirlo cuando este complemento sea desconocido, no sea importante o simplemente cuando no lo queramos mencionar explícitamente. 38

Grammar - Gramática

En inglés, la utilización de la pasiva es mucho más frecuente que en español. Utilizaremos pasiva:




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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PASIVA CON OBJETO DIRECTO E INDIRECTO Se trata de oraciones cuyos verbos admiten 2 complementos, directo e indirecto, y en las que el primer elemento (el sujeto paciente) de esa oración pasiva puede ser tanto el complemento directo como el indirecto: George gave some flowers to Julia (oración activa) Para pasar esta oración a voz pasiva tendremos, pues, dos alternativas: - Julia was given some flowers by George (la foma más común) - Some flowers were given to Julia by George 9. REPORTED SPEECH

Grammar - Gramática

El estilo indirecto es una estructura que utilizamos para hablar de lo que otra persona ha dicho. Normalmente, la mayor parte de las oraciones en estilo directo pueden clasificarse en una de estas tres categorías: 1 - Declaraciones 2 - Preguntas 3 - Órdenes y peticiones Para cada una de estas categorías existen diferentes reglas que tendremos que aplicar. De ahí que, a la hora de construir una oración en estilo indirecto, debamos atender en primer lugar a la categoría en la que se incluiría la oración en estilo directo que queremos transformar, de acuerdo a la clasificación que acabamos de ver. 1. Declaraciones (statements): no son más que comentarios sobre el pasado, el presente o el futuro. A la hora de transformar este tipo de oraciones, lo más habitual es utilizar los verbos "tell" (cuando mencionamos a la persona que ha estado escuchando) o "say" (cuando no la mencionamos). Veamos un ejemplo: Estilo directo: "I want to buy a new car", said Mike Estilo indirecto: "Mike said he wanted to buy a new car" o "Mike told me he wanted to buy a new car” Como vemos, los denominados "verbos de lengua" (también llamados "introductory verbs" o "reporting verbs") de los ejemplos ("say" y "tell"), están conjugados en pasado simple ("said" y "told"). Esto implica que, a la hora de pasar estas oraciones a estilo indirecto, debamos aplicar una serie de cambios que afectarán principalmente a: - Los tiempos verbales - Los pronombres personales - Adjetivos y pronombres posesivos - Adverbios de tiempo y lugar.


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Vamos a repasar estos cambios en detalle. A) Cambios que afectan a los tiempos verbales:

PRESENTE SIMPLE ------ PASADO SIMPLE “I never eat meat”, he explained - He explained that he never ate meat.

PRESENTE CONTINUO ------ PASADO CONTINUO “I am waiting for Ann”, he said – He said that he was waiting for Ann.


PASADO SIMPLE ------ PASADO PERFECTO / PASADO SIMPLE “I took it home with me”, he said – He said he had taken / took it home with him.

FUTURO SIMPLE ------ CONDICIONAL He said: “Ann will be in Paris on Monday” – He said Ann would be in Paris on Monday.

FUTURO CONTINUO ------ CONDICIONAL CONTINUO “I'll be using the car myself on the 24th”, he said – He said he would be using the car himself on the 24th.

VERBOS MODALES ------ CAN (COULD) MAY (MIGHT) SHALL (SHOULD) MUST (HAD TO / MUST) NEED (HAD TO / NEED) Importante: los verbos modales “could”, “should”, “would”, “might”, “ought to” y la estructura “used to” no cambian en estilo indirecto.


Grammar - Gramática

“I have found a flat”, he said – He said he had found a flat.

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B) Cambios que afectan a pronombres, adjetivos posesivos, demostrativos y adverbios: - Modal verbs: - Los pronombres y los adjetivos posesivos cambian de la 1ª o 2ª persona a la 3ª: "I have lost my wallet", he explained - He explained that he had lost his wallet - Lo demostrativos "this" y "these" cambian, respectivamente, a "that" y "those".

ESTILO DIRECTO Here Today Yesterday The day before yesterday Tomorrow The day after tomorrow Next week / month / year Last week / month / year A week / month / year ... ago

ESTILO INDIRECTO There That day The day before Two days before The next day / The following day In two days´ time The following week / month / year The previous week / month / year A week / month / year ... before



Grammar - Gramática

- En la siguiente tabla, puedes ver cómo cambiar correctamente los adverbios:

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2. PREGUNTAS (QUESTIONS) PREGUNTAS INTRODUCIDAS POR “QUESTION WORD ("what", "when", "how", "where",) E- Aplicaremos los cambios que ya hemos visto, y que afectan a los tiempos verbales, a los pronombres, a los adjetivos posesivos y a los adverbios de tiempo y lugar. - Pondremos el verbo de la oración en forma afirmativa. - Por supuesto, omitiremos el signo de interrogación. - Utilizaremos un verbo introductorio como "ask", "inquire" (más formal) o "wanted to know", entre otros. - Mantendremos la "question word"("what", "when", "how", "where", etc.)

YES/ NO QUESTIONS Para el segundo tipo de preguntas, las que no van introducidas por una "question word" y, por lo tanto, pueden responderse con un "sí" o un "no", utilizaremos las conjunciones "whether" o "if". Fíjate en la traducción del ejemplo y verás que es igual que en español: Estilo directo: "Do you know Bill?", he asked ("¿Conoces a Bill?", preguntó) Estilo indirecto: He asked whether / if I knew Bill (Me preguntó si conocía a Bill) Petición Estilo directo: Could you lend me your computer? Estilo indirecto: He asked me to lend him my computer 3. ÓRDENES Y PETICIONES (COMMANDS AND REQUESTS) Para pasar a estilo indirecto este tipo de estructuras, normalmente recurriremos a un infinitivo con "to". ¿Qué "reporting verbs" utilizaremos? Muy sencillo: "tell" para las órdenes y "ask" para las peticiones. Tanto si se trata de una orden como de una petición, utilizaremos siempre la misma estructura:

VERBO + OBJETO + INFINITIVO CON TU Orden Estilo directo: Sit down! Estilo indirecto: He told me to sit down


Grammar - Gramática

Ejemplo: Estilo directo: "Where have you been", he asked. Estilo indirecto: He wanted to know where he had been.

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10. ORACIONES CONDICIONALES Existen didrentes tipos de condicionales. Independientemente del tipo del que se trate, cualquier oración condicional está compuesta de dos partes: la oración subordinada (la condición, que irá introducida por "if") y la oración principal (la consecuencia). Cuando la proposición principal va delante de la condicional, NO se utilizará una coma para separarlas. En caso contrario, sí I feel tired when I don't sleep enough. When I don't sleep enough, I feel tired. 1. Zero conditional:

Grammar - Gramática

En este tipo de oraciones, tanto la condición como la consecuencia se refieren al presente. Se utilizan para hablar de acciones o hechos que consideramos siempre ciertos y que provocan siempre el mismo resultado. Su estructura básica (aunque existen algunas variantes) es la siguiente: IF o WHEN + PRESENTE SIMPLE (en la oración subordinada) / PRESENTE SIMPLE (en la oración principal)

IF / WHEN + PRESENTE SIMPLE + PRESENTE SIMPLE (ORACIÓN PRINCIPAL) Ejemplos: If / when I don´t sleep enough, I feel tired (Si / cuando no duermo lo suficiente, me siento cansado) If / when you put ice cubes into hot water, they melt (Si /cuando metes cubitos de hielo en agua caliente, éstos se derriten) 2. First conditional: Este tipo de condicionales se utiliza para hablar de hechos u situaciones en el futuro cuya consecución consideramos probable. De ahí que también reciban el nombre de "possible" o "likely".

IF / WHEN + PRESENTE SIMPLE + FUTURO SIMPLE (ORACIÓN PRINCIPAL) Ejemplo: We will stay at home if it rains = Nos quedaremos en casa si llueve (hablamos sobre un hecho que, dada una condición, consideramos probable que suceda en el futuro). 3. Second conditional: Este tipo de condicionales se denominan también "UNLIKELY” o “IMPROBABLE”, ya que se utilizan principalmente para hablar de hipótesis tanto en el presente como en el futuro. Se trata de situaciones imaginarias o que consideramos improbables.

IF + PASADO SIMPLE + CONDICIONAL SIMPLE + INFINITIVO (ORACIÓN PRINCIPAL) Su estructura básica (aunque existen algunas variantes) es la siguiente: IF + PASADO SIMPLE (en la oración subordinada) / CONDICIONAL SIMPLE (WOULD o WOULDN'T + INFINITIVO), en la oración principal. 43

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Ejemplos: Una situación imaginaria: If I were rich, I would buy a huge mansion in Montecarlo (Si fuera rico, me compraría una enorme mansión en Montecarlo – pero no soy rico; tan solo lo estoy imaginando)

Grammar - Gramática

Un hecho que consideramos improbable: If they gave me a chance, they wouldn't regret it (Si me diesen una oportunidad, no lo lamentarían – pero considero improbable que me la den).


intentionally left blank


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intentionally left blank


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Parte 1 - ¿Cuál es el formato del Reading y el Writing? El Reading consiste en 5 partes. El Writing consiste en 3 partes. ¿Cuánto dura? 1 hora 30 minutos. Debes dedicar unos 50 minutos al Reading y los restantes 40 minutos al Writing. Es importante que, cuando ya hayas cogido practica con los ejercicios, hagas ejercicios de prueba midiéndote los tiempos, puesto que si no cronometras, puede que no acabes el ejercicio a tiempo. ¿Cuántas preguntas son? El Reading son 35 preguntas. El Writing son 7 preguntas.

1. Vocabulario. Antes de empezar con este examen debes hacer lecturas rápidas para ver hasta qué punto comprendes el vocabulario. No debes presentarte al examen si no comprendes, al menos, un 95% de los textos. Si no llegas al 95%, deberás hacer ejercicios para incrementar tu vocabulario. 2. Medir tiempos. Una vez que ya tengas cierta práctica con el Reading, empieza a medir los tiempos para que el día del examen tengas muy claro qué hacer en cada momento. Es recomendable dedicar como máximo unos 50 minutos al Reading, para poder tener tiempo para el Writing. 3. Instrucciones. Lee bien las instrucciones de cada uno de los ejercicios. Recuerda que el no leer las instrucciones puede suponer que falles todas las respuestas. PAPER 1 Part 1 - ¿En qué consiste? Son cinco preguntas tipo test (multiple-choice). En esta primera parte, aparecen 5 textos tipo anuncio y al lado de cada texto hay una pregunta, con 3 posibles respuestas (A-C) de las que deberás elegir solo 1. 1. Consejos específicos para el Reading Part 1 1. Hazte con el vocabulario específico. Antes de ponerte a practicar haciendo ejercicios, debes intentar tener un vocabulario básico que te sirva para entender los tipos de textos de este ejercicio. Si empiezas a hacer ejercicios sin tener un mínimo de vocabulario, no acertarás la mayoría de las respuestas y te desanimarás rápidamente; de ahí la importancia de saber palabras y estructuras antes de practicar. Deberás aprender el vocabulario por categorías, ya que los textos corresponden a: signs (señales), messages (mensajes), notices (anuncios), emails, note (notas) y postcards (postales). Vocabulario de señales (signs) - Vocabulario para e-mails - También en 47

Reading - Lectura

READING - Consejos generales

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Recuerda: Cada vez que aprendas una nueva palabra apúntala en un post-it, preferiblemente con el significado en español, un ejemplo de frase y su pronunciación aproximada. coger

Pick up = Re

2. Aprende a leer textos El segundo paso será aprender a leer el lenguaje específico de este tipo de textos. a) Frases abreviadas Fíjate como las frases en las notas, señales, y muchas veces en los mensajes y emails son más abreviadas que en otro tipo de textos.

a oximad ión apr c ia c n u Pron (Pik ap) ket up a tic Ej. Pick et un tick Recoge

Por ejemplo: Una señal dice:

Reading - Lectura

-NO BICYCLES AGAINST GLASS PLEASE- Lit. No bicicletas contra el cristal por favor. En lugar de decir: -PLEASE, DO NOT PUT YOUR BICYCLE AGAINST THE GLASS.Por favor, no ponga la bicicleta contra el cristal. La razón es obvia. Al igual que en español, si queremos que el lector lea el texto, lo deberemos hacer corto, con letra más bien grande y ponerlo dentro de un marco visible. b) Formas pasivas En las señales y anuncios suelen aparecer las formas pasivas. Una forma pasiva, por si aún no lo sabes, es un tipo de oración en que, normalmente, el objeto hace de sujeto, al no mencionarse el sujeto-persona. Por ejemplo: - Parcels (sujeto-objeto) cannot be collected. Los paquetes no pueden ser recogidos. Te deberás, por tanto, acostumbrar a leer mensajes en los que aparentemente no hay sujetos, a comprender los tiempos verbales pasivos (sobre todo en Presente) y a deducir el significado de unas pocas palabras. c) Aprende a leer en el contexto Fíjate siempre si hay algún elemento visual, o título que te ayude a descifrar el significado. Por ejemplo, una nota de "For Sale" con un dibujo de una casa. O un título que diga "Swimming Club".Estos detalles son importantes para ver lo que el mensaje quiere transmitir. 3. Aprende a descifrar el código de las posibles respuestas En primer lugar, debes leer CON ATENCIÓN las instrucciones. Si no lees con atención es fácil que te equivoques. Por ejemplo, en un email en el que hay dos personas que se comunican, tú crees que se te pregunta sobre lo que dice el email cuando realmente se está preguntando qué debe hacer "Fulanito" con las instrucciones que aparecen en el mensaje. En segundo lugar, ten en cuenta que muchas veces la respuesta correcta no suele ser la más obvia, sino aquella que contiene un sinónimo, o frase equivalente, a lo que dice el texto. Recuerda: La respuesta correcta suele ser aquella que contiene una frase equivalente, o palabra sinónima a lo que dice el texto del mensaje, por tanto, busca este tipo de frases o palabras equivalentes en las respuestas. Para poder practicar, encontrarás worksheets al final de esta sección. Visita también esta página web -

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Part 2 - ¿En qué consiste? Se presentan 5 preguntas en forma de descripciones de personas, bienes o servicios o actividades, que debes hacer corresponder con otros 5 textos cortos de 8 (A-H) que versan sobre un tema específico. Los temas, generalmente, tratan sobre bienes y servicios, por ejemplo, compraventa de libros, visitas a museos, o elegir una actividad. Consejos específicos para el Reading Part 2 1. Hazte con el vocabulario específico. Igual que hemos hecho en Part 1, nos haremos, en primer lugar, con un vocabulario específico. Ahora bien, a partir de esta parte del examen el vocabulario específico que aprenderemos durante las sesiones formativas, será el que señala Cambridge en su material para preparar el examen. 2. Aprende a leer los textos

a) Tiempos verbales más utilizados Para poder entender los textos, además de saber el vocabulario debes ser capaz de entender el significado de las frases descriptivas, que casi siempre llevan la estructura: sujeto + verbo + complemento. Como en español, el tiempo más utilizado en inglés en las descripciones es el Simple Present Tense tanto del verbo "to be" (He is an a teacher) como de otros verbos (She wants to buy a car). También aparecen modal verbs (would, could, should, might) y alguna forma pasiva (is written) y present perfect (They have seen it). Si no estas seguro de saber estos tiempos y modos, los repasaremos durante las sesiones formativas de este curso. b) Instrucciones El entender bien las instrucciones puede suponer la diferencia entre acertar y no acertar las respuestas, por eso, es muy importante que entiendas bien lo que se te está pidiendo. c) Lee todas descripciones de las personas y todas las posibles respuestas antes de empezar a contestar Esta lectura te dará una visión de conjunto. Si empiezas a contestar una por una las respuestas, sin tener en cuenta las siguientes descripciones, puede que te equivoques por faltarte los datos de las otras personas, u objetos, o actividades que se describan en esta parte del examen. ¿Dónde están los problemas de este ejercicio y cómo puedo practicar? En que hay que acostumbrarse a LEER EL DETALLE. Si no sabes el detalle, es fácil confundirse, y por tanto errar. Puedes practicar utilizando los siguientes enlaces: 49

Reading - Lectura

Al igual que hemos hecho en Part 1, deberemos aprender a leer los textos del examen.

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Part 3 - ¿En qué consiste? Aparecen 10 afirmaciones (statements) que deberás comprobar si son, o no, correctas (verdadero/falso) en relación a un texto que aparece a la derecha. La 10 afirmaciones llevan el mismo orden que el texto contiguo. Consejos específicos para el Reading Part 3 1. Lee bien las instrucciones A estas alturas deberás ya saber suficiente vocabulario como para poder dominar este ejercicio. Aparecerán palabras nuevas, pero que no deberían ser esenciales para resolver correctamente las preguntas. Si encuentras que no tienes el suficiente vocabulario para superar el ejercicio, utilíza ejercicios para aprender vocabulario.

Reading - Lectura

2. Lee el texto antes de leer las afirmaciones El leer el texto completo te dará una visión de conjunto. Si lees antes las afirmaciones, no te sonarán a nada. Intenta retener en cada párrafo del texto completo la información que consideres esencial, así te resultará más fácil luego saber si las afirmaciones son correctas o incorrectas. 3 Lee las afirmaciones y el texto prestando atención al detalle Ahora sí, debes ir al detalle porque el detalle lo es todo. 4. Practica, practica y practica ¿Cómo puedo practicar? Part 4 - ¿En qué consiste? Se trata de un texto que tendrás que leer y luego contestar a 5 preguntas tipo test (multiplechoice) con 4 opciones (A-D). El texto contiene opiniones, o puntos de vista, del autor. Deberás entender las opiniones del autor y el significado global y detallado del texto. Consejos específicos para el Reading Part 4 1. Lee primero el texto completo Las instrucciones son tan evidentes que no considero necesario mencionarlas. Por tanto, lo primero que deberás hacer es leer el texto completo fijándote en título, la foto y cualquier detalle que te permita entender de qué trata en general. 2. Lee una segunda vez el texto y las preguntas yendo al detalle a) Deberás considerar la primera y la última pregunta conjuntamente, ya que la primera pregunta será sobre la opinión del autor y la última sobre el significado global del artículo. 3. Practica, practica y practica - 50

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Part 5 - ¿En qué consiste? Se trata de completar los 10 espacios en blanco de un texto con unas sugerencias de palabras que pueden ser simplemente de vocabulario, o pronombres, modal verbs, conectores o preposiciones. Consejos específicos para el Reading Part 5 1. Haz un primer test para ver qué tal se te da Si aciertas todas las preguntas, no tienes de qué preocuparte. Puedes seguir practicando si quieres, pero si fallas uno o dos preguntas será obligatorio practicar. Si fallas más de dos, se recomienda que le des un repaso general a los temas gramaticales en los que hayas fallado. Algunas webs en las que puedes practicar lo anterior son:

2. Practica, practica y practica ¿Cómo puedo practicar?


Reading - Lectura

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Reading - Lectura

Help. I´m a network addict!


Technology & Communication

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House or at?

Reading - Lectura

House & Home


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Who am I?

Reading - Lectura

Places in a town or city

1 Find the places in the town. Write the numbers next to the words. roundabout playground taxi rank crossroads square

____ ____ ____ ____ ____

petrol station church fountain block of flats post office

____ ____ ____ ____ ____


What other places can you see in the town? Write a list.


Read what this person is saying and look at the picture again. Which person is it? I can see a block of flats from where I am. I can also see a cyclist. There are boys playing football in front of me and I can see the library. Who am I? ____________


Choose one of the other people in the town. Write a description of what he/she can see.


Work in pairs. Read your description to your partner. Can your partner guess who you are? 54

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Breakfast around the world

Food & Drink

1 Look at the list of food. Tick the items you usually have for breakfast. Add any items which are missing to the list. bacon bread rolls butter cereal coffee fish fresh fruit fried eggs jam juice lentils milk pancakes potatoes rice sausages spaghetti sugar tea toast yoghurt 2

Read the text and match the pictures (1–5) to the paragraphs (A–E).

Breakfasts around the world As you sit down to have your usual breakfast, you may think that everyone else in the world is having something similar. In fact, the variety of things eaten in the morning is actually quite surprising …

In China, people eat breakfast very early in the morning. Dishes are different in every region, but the meal is usually similar to lunch or dinner – rice with vegetables or meat, pancakes, soup, and noodles. The Chinese do drink a lot of tea, but they don’t usually drink tea with breakfast. Instead, liquid at breakfast comes from soup. B ____ Breakfast isn’t a big meal in Greece. Most people start the day with a coffee, which is usually served black, in tiny cups, with or without sugar. They may have something small to eat as well such as fresh fruit and yogurt, or a grilled roll. More common, however, is the Greek custom of a midmorning kolatsio or snack – often a pastry or bread with meat or cheese. C ____ As you would expect, considering the country’s links with England, the Australian breakfast is very similar to breakfast in the United Kingdom – bacon, eggs, toast with butter and jam, cereal with milk, and tea or coffee. There are, however, some very Australian additions, such as toast with Vegemite, a black salty spread, or tropical fruits. D ____ Like China, the Indian breakfast is different depending on the region. It can be simple fresh fruit, or spicy dishes made from rice, potatoes, onions, vegetables or beans. The Hindi breakfast dish khichri is made with a mixture of rice, lentils and spices. Although tea is generally more popular in India, in the south, coffee is the most common drink at breakfast time. E ____


Work in pairs. Student A: choose one of the breakfasts in Activity 2. Student B: ask and answer yes / no questions to guess which breakfast your partner has chosen. Student B: Student A: Student B: Student A:


Does it contain eggs? No. Is it made from rice flour? No.

Student B: Student A: Student B: Student A:

Work in small groups and discuss the following: • Which of the breakfasts above have you tried? • Which would you like to try? • Which is most similar to your usual breakfast?


Share the results of your discussion with the class.


Does it include fruit? Yes. Is it the Greek breakfast? Yes.

Reading - Lectura

In Russia, for example, breakfast is a big meal. Many people eat black bread or blinis – a kind of pancake. Sausages, fried eggs & cheese are typical accompaniments. Some Russians eat a cereal called kasha. This is usually eaten hot with a soft cheese or sour cream, rather than milk. The most popular drink is very strong black tea. A ____

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Exercise can be dangerous!

Sport, Health, Medicine

1 Categorise the words. Complete the table. taking exercise ache jogging pill flu fever cycle run operation cut (v) bandages break (v) go to hospital Healthy activities

Health problems


taking exercise


Match paragraphs 1–4 to photos A–D.

Reading - Lectura


Exercise can be dangerous! 1 What a crazy sport! You should expect accidents if you

(0) cycle as fast as you can down a mountain! Most injured mountain bikers hurt their heads or ____________ themselves falling off. (1)

3 Did you know that for every 1,000 skiers there are

____________ usually two or three that need to (4) every day? Skiers under the age of 18 have the worst time. They are much more likely than older skiers to ____________ their legs, wrists and thumbs. Ouch! (5)

22 There are about 240 million registered football players

in the world. With that many it isn’t surprising that some 44 You wouldn’t think golf could be dangerous, would you? But actually, about 15 to 20 per cent of golfers of them (2) ____________ into each other! Most football get serious back (6) ____________ every year. This has accidents aren’t that serious. Even if they need to have nothing to do with their age of course! an (3) ____________ , players usually recover quickly.


Complete the paragraphs with words from Activity 1.


Work in groups. Talk about the accidents you or someone you know have had. As a group, decide which is the worst accident. A I hurt myself playing football when I was nine. B What happened?


A I broke my leg – it was horrible. B Ouch! That sounds much worse than when I …

Choose one person from your group to tell the class about the accident you have chosen and why. Once you have heard from all the groups in your class, vote on which accident is the worst. 56

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

The unlucky traveller

Reading - Lectura

Travel & Transport


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Reading - Lectura

How well do you know your partner?


Personal feelings

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

What´s your dream job?

Work & Jobs

1 Match the jobs to the places. 1 actor 2 chef 3 flight attendant 4 musician 5 scientist 6 shop assistant 7 teacher 8 waiter 9 doctor 10writer


a b c d e f g h i j

aeroplane theatre supermarket laboratory study restaurant orchestra kitchen school hospital

Read the job descriptions below and match them to jobs. Use the words in Activity 1 to help you.


To do this job, you need to be hard-working. The hours are long and unsociable. You might start your career by washing plates. chef


Many people think this is the best job in the world. To be good at it, you have to enjoy working alone. It’s not usually very well paid. ____________


Many people choose this job because they like helping people. You will need to go to ____________ college to get a qualification, and it will help if you like children!


You could probably get this job as soon as you leave school. It’s not particularly well paid, but you might get some good tips. Expect to spend all day on your feet!____________


You will probably have a very logical mind if you do this job. You will like science ____________ and doing experiments. Your uniform is a white coat.


is is an interesting job, though not always well paid. You might be able to travel around the country. To start your career, you could audition for a school play. ____________

When you finish your studies, what job would you like to do? Write a description of your dream job.

My dream job is quite stressful, but you get to help people. I will have to study at university for several years. I will wear a white coat and work in a hospital. What is my dream job? 4

Read what you have written to your partner. Can he/she guess your dream job?


Reading - Lectura


b ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

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Reading - Lectura

It´s a wonderful world

Geographical features

1 Label the picture with the geographical features. beach





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9






cave , reaches over 2,000 metres underground and is located

near the coast of the Black Sea. The Nile is the longest____________in the world, and ows through east Africa. Greenland is an____________located between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. The Caspian Sea isn’t actually a sea, it’s ____________ a . Victoria Falls is the largest ____________in the world. One of the most famous ____________in the world is Bondi on the Sydney coast in Australia. Everest, the highest ____________in the world, is 8,848 metres high. The highest rock wall or____________in the world is Rupal Flank in the Himalayas. Death V____________is a desert located on the border of California and Nevada in the United States. The Amazon is the largest rain ____________in the world – it is often called the ‘Lungs of the World’.

Write clues about three places or countries. Use geographical features.

This country is in Europe. It has a river called the Seine. It has the Pyrenées mountains. 4


Work in pairs. Complete the geography trivia quiz with words from Activity 1.

0 Krubera, the world’s deepest



This country is an island. You can find Ayres Rock or Uluru here. (France) It has some fantastic beaches. (Australia)

Read your clues to your partner. Can he/she guess the places?


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

After-school clubs

Hobbies & Leisure

1 Read the four adverts for after-school clubs at Warrington High School and write

the names of the clubs next to the adverts. Choose from the box below.

Reading - Lectura

chess club dance class art club photography group drawing class keep fit class computer club music group cooking class


Write an advert for one of the other clubs in Activity 1, or invent a new club.


Work in groups. Present your advert to your group. Your school can only afford to run two of your clubs. Choose the clubs.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Which type of shopper are you?


1 Match the words to the definitions. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

e ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

a b c d e f g h i

to take something back to where you bought it to request a product or service a price that is lower than it was originally a plastic card you use to buy things now and pay later you pay this at the end of a meal to keep money for the future a paper ticket that proves you have paid for something printed paper you can use instead of money money in paper notes and coins

Complete the spaces in the quiz with four of the words from Activity 1.

Reading - Lectura


bill cash save cheque credit card order receipt reduced price return



Which type of shopper are you? Answer the quiz to find out, then read your results below.

Work in pairs. Compare your quiz answers. Discuss whether you agree/disagree with the results. I agree with the results because ... I disagree with the results because ... I love/hate spending money.

I never return anything. I love/hate saving money.


I always/never keep my receipts. I love the reduced prices in the sales!

Reading - Lectura

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Answer Key 1

Help! I’m a networking addict!

1 1 keyboard 2 texts 3 internet 2

1 B


4 mobile phone 5 emails 2 C

3 A

Reading - Lectura

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 Positive: brave, calm, cheerful, curious, delighted, excited, glad, happy Negative: afraid, angry, annoyed, anxious, disappointed, embarrassed, frightened, guilty, jealous, miserable, nervous, stressed

cottage village fireplace chimneys kitchen ground floor window bedrooms lavatory hedge

8 What’s your dream job?

3 Who am I?


5 d 6 c 7 i


4 waiter 6 actor 5 scientist

(suggested answers) bookshop, bus, car park, cycle path, library, pavement, police station, school, shop, supermarket



A 3 B 1

C 5 D 4

1 Healthy activities: taking exercise, jogging, cycle, run Health problems: ache, flu, fever, cut (v), break (v) Treatment: pill, operation, bandages, go to hospital 2

A 3

B 1


1 cut 2 run

3 operation 4 go to hospital

C 2

D 4 5 break 6 ache

mountain waterfall valley lake river farmland

1 river 2 island 3 lake

7 island 8 forest 9 cliff 10cave 11 beach 4 waterfall 5 beaches 6 mountain

7 cliff 8 Valley 9 forest

1 A photography group B art club

C computer club D cooking class


3 B

1 A

2 D

11 Which type of shopper are you? 1 1 i 2 f 2

3 h 4 d

1 reduced price 2 credit card

5 b 6 g 3 save 4 receipt

12 What do you like to do? 1 1 C

6 The unlucky traveller 3 A 4 F

8 f 9 j 10e

10 After-school clubs

E 2

5 Exercise can be dangerous!

1 1 B 2 D

2 writer 3 teacher

1 1 2 3 4 5 6

4 Breakfasts around the world 2

1 2 h 3 a 4 g

9 It’s a wonderful world

1 roundabout 6 playground 8 taxi rank 5 crossroads 2 square 3 petrol station 1 church 7 fountain 9 block of flats 10 post office 4 2

3 passport control

7 How well do you know your partner?

2 House or at? 1 1 bedroom 2 apartment 3 city centre 4 block of flats 5 garage 6 basement 7 balcony 8 air-conditioning 9 downstairs 10 corridor

2 check-in desk 4 Arrivals

5 E 6 C


4 B

2 A

7 c 8 a


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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Antes de trabajar en esta parte, vamos a presentar una serie de consejos que te ayudarán en esta prueba. Consejos de Carácter General · Escribe con letra legible. · Separa por párrafos las diferentes ideas si se trata de una redacción · No hagas tachones llamativos. Si tienes que tachar algo traza una linea y ponlo luego entre paréntesis (ej: esto está tachado) · Una redacción llena de tachones indica varias cosas de quien la ha realizado: inseguridad, mala organización, mal método de trabajo, poca limpieza,… Por ello antes de escribir piensa. Organizate mentalmente. · Utiliza los signos de puntuación adecuados. No abuses de las comas. · Aprende frases hechas que te sirvan para escribir cartas e historias. · Lee bien las instrucciones de cada uno de los ejercicios. Recuerda que el no leer las instrucciones puede suponer que falles todas las respuestas.

Llegar a escribir bien en inglés es tan difícil como llegar a pensar en inglés. Pero difícil no quiere decir imposible. Algunos consejos para conseguirlo son: 1. Lee mucho en inglés - Escribir bien en inglés requiere olvidarse de las estructuras del español que son las que vienen a la mente cuando nos sentamos delante de un papel en blanco. Solo leyendo mucho en inglés con un diccionario al lado, podrás ir sustituyendo en tu cabeza la sintaxis del español por la inglesa 2. Construye oraciones sencillas - Muchos estudiantes piensan en español estructuras muy complejas que luego intentan pasar al inglés sin conseguirlo. Por ello es recomendable que expongas tus ideas de la forma más sencilla posible, siempre con la siguiente estructura: 3. Imita, no inventes - Inventar frases en inglés es generalmente muy arriesgado por la alta probabilidad de mezclarlas con estructuras españolas, por lo que recomendamos que copies estructuras inglesas para preparar tus escritos, es decir utiliza modelos de estructuras. 4. Revisa la puntuación y ortografía - Una palabra mal escrita da siempre una mala impresión al que lee la redacción, por ello asegúrate de que no cometes faltas. Hay varias diferencias entre el español y el inglés que hay que tener en cuenta: - Uso de mayúsculas – Los idiomas y días de la semana se escriben con mayúscula (en español no) - Signos de exclamación – En Inglés usamos solo uno al final de la oración y en español dos. - En inglés cuando espezamos una carta pornemos por ejemplo “Dear friend,” (seguido de coma). Por el contrario en español utilizamos dos puntos (:) 5. Revisa el texto - Una vez hayas acabado de escribir, vuelve a leerlo varias veces para comprobar que hay el menor número de errores.


Writing - Escritura

Consejos para Escribir bien en inglés

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Parte 1 - ¿Cuál es el formato del Writing? El Writing consiste en 3 partes. ¿Cuánto dura? El Reading y el Writing juntos duran 1 hora 30 minutos. Debes dedicar unos 40 minutos al Writing. Es importante que, cuando ya hayas cogido practica con los ejercicios, hagas ejercicios de prueba midiéndote los tiempos, puesto que si no cronometras, puede que no acabes el ejercicio a tiempo. ¿Cuántas preguntas son? El Writing consiste en 7 preguntas, 5 de ellas relativas a transformaciones de oraciones y 2 a trabajos escritos. Part 1 - Sentence Transformation. ¿En qué consiste?

Writing - Escritura

Son 5 preguntas relativas a un tema concreto. Deberás reescribir una serie de oraciones utilizando una estructura gramatical diferente- con el fin de que tengan un significado similar. No debes utilizar más de tres 3 palabras. No se sugiere ninguna palabra, así que el ejercicio requiere tener capacidad de completar espacios en blanco. Es esencial el spelling, ya que si no escribes bien una palabra no obtendrás ningún punto en la respuesta mal escrita. Part 2 - Short communicative message. ¿En qué consiste? Deberás escribir un mensaje corto, bien sea en forma de postal, nota, o email. Las instrucciones que aparecen en el examen se presentan como una introducción al tema que plantea tres preguntas, o cuestiones, a las que deberás contestar en tu mensaje. El texto que escribas debe tener una extensión de unas 35 a 45 palabras. 1. Consejos específicos para el Writing Part 2 1. Contestar a todas las cuestiones. Cuando practiques los ejercicios de Writing Part 2 intenta SIEMPRE contestar a TODAS las cuestiones que se te plantean. Es el requisito más importante que debes cumplir. 2. Ve directamente al grano (otro gran error es creer porque escribes más, lo haces mejor). NO, no se trata de escribir mucho (recuerda que solo son 35 a 45 palabras, eso es unas 4 o 5 oraciones de 10 palabras cada una, no más). Se trata de escribir exactamente lo que se te está pidiendo en las instrucciones. 3. Organiza tu texto con la idea de ir contestando a todas las preguntas de las instrucciones No es necesario seguir el mismo orden de las preguntas, pero las contestas todas y el escrito así aparece claramente organizado. 4. Practica, practica y practica. Si no tienes quien te corrija tus escritos, puedes probar Es gratis. Tú corriges textos en español y otra persona te corrige tus textos en inglés. 68

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

E-MAIL - Otro de los ejercicios que nos pueden pedir es escribir un email por lo que proponemos una estructura a seguir para este tipo:

Opening Expressions: * How to start an email / letter * How have you been? * I hope things are going well with you these days * I hope you are doing fine

*-How are you? * How's everything going? * I was glad to hear from you * Hope you are well.

Reason one is writing: * I am writing because … * I wanted to …

* The reason I am writing is because … * I would like to …

Opening Expressions when we answer an email / letter * Thanks for you email / letter * It was great to hear from you * It was so nice to hear from you * Sorry for not writing earlier * I hope you and your family are well Responding to news * Sorry to hear about… * Glad to hear that you're all well * Good luck with … * Hope you feel better son CUERPO Intenta ordenar tus ideas en el cuerpo principal para que puedan desarrollar un patron lógico. Cuando tiene mas de una idea podrían empezar con : “First, I wanted to let you know…” Esto ayuda a que el lector pueda entenderlo mejor. Si tienes varias ideas separalas en diferentes parrafos. Si necesitas preguntar por algo puedes utilizar expresiones como: Asking for something * Can you please…? * Is it ok if you …? * I want to … * Would you mind …? * I was wondering if… CONCLUSIÓN - Closing expressions * Anyway, / Well that's all for now * Hope to hear from you soon / Looking forward to hearing from you soon * Send my regards (love) to… * Take care / Best wishes / Regards / (Lots of) love from… * Sincerely, * Stay in touch / Keep in touch * Bye for now * See you * PS Please send me the photos of our last trip 69

Writing - Escritura

INTRODUCCIÓN - A veces nos cuesta empezar una carta o email. Una buena forma es mencionar la razón por la que escribimos despues de un “opening expression”. Esto ayuda a que el compositor y el lector entiendan el proposito principal de la carta o email. El párrafo de introducción solo consta de algunas lineas.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Part 3 - A longer piece of continuous writing Debes elegir la realización de un escrito entre dos; o bien una carta informal o bien una historia. Ambos escritos deben tener una extensión aproximada de 100 palabras. Debes escoger hacer escrito que te resulte más fácil. Eso solo lo podrás saber cuando practiques la redacción de cartas e historias. Consejos para Escribir bien en inglés 1) Cuando practiques, cuenta las palabras Recuerda que son 100 palabras tanto para ambos escritos. Aprende a no quedarte muy corto y a no excederte.

Writing - Escritura

2) Cuando practiques, MIDE tus tiempos En total, al Writing le tienes que dedicar un máximo de 40 minutos. Una buena distribución del tiempo seria 10 minutos para la pregunta 6 (Sentence Transformation) y 30 minutos para o bien, informal letter, o bien, story, CARTA INFORMAL - En esta parte del Writing puedes elegir escribir una carta informal de aprox. 100. Las cartas informales necesitan estar organizadas, por lo que aquí te planteamos una organización: 1. Address and date Some people may think the address is not important in an informal letter and prefer to leave it out. That works well if the person you are writing to knows your address already or if she has a good memory! However, it is very unlikely that someone will always remember your address, so it is always a good idea to include it. Remember, this is the address they have to write to for the letter to reach you. The recipient's address is on the envelope. The address and date should be in the right hand corner. 2. Salutation The most common salutation in an informal letter is “Dear….” Note that it is followed by a comma. Dear Mimi, However, some go extremely informal and use “Hey!” or “Hi!” You should use your discretion. Obviously if you are writing to your father, you would not use “Hey!” unless of course you are extremely close. 3. Body Here are a few things you should take note of: 1. Paragraphs: Since informal letters are usually written by hand, the paragraphs are usually indented. However, with more people using their computers to do most of their writing (and I have a bad feeling most people will forget how to write with their hands), it is becoming a common practice to write paragraphs without indentations—like the way this one is written. This, apparently, is the modern way of writing paragraphs. Paragraph 1 - the introduction. When we are replying to a letter we usually say something about what was in the original letter. Paragraph 2 - the main content. Paragraph 3 - the conclusion which usually ends with something like 'Write back soon'. 70

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

2. Use informal language The first paragraph generally expresses a greeting, followed by wishes of good health. Remember you are writing to someone you know very well, so try to be as friendly as possible: How are you my dear sister? However, always use your discretion. Try not to go overboard. Some people become bold and daring in letters and write things that they would otherwise not say to the person face to face. Obviously if you are writing to an adult that you respect, like your dad, try not to write things like: “What's up dude!” or “What's going down?” Try to picture the person you are writing to standing in front of you. Imagine the things that you would say to him and write them down. This will help you not to go overboard. Also avoid boring sentences like…

Try to be as conversational as possible. You are allowed to use colloquial language – i.e. language that is appropriate for speech but not really for writing: My journey back here was fine, though it was quite a long one. I wanted to travel by CR bus but guess what; all the wretched buses were full! So I had no choice but to travel by a small Rosa bus. The journey took seven hours. By the time we reached, my legs were tried and my bottom was severely sore, ugh! Next time, I promise, I'm not gonna use one of 'em tiny buses! However informal you get, you should not forget to pay attention to… 3. Punctuation and spelling I have come across a good number of letters that abound with spelling mistakes and awful punctuation. Such mistakes tend to distract the reader, so don't neglect them even though you know your friend will understand. The quality of your letter also speaks volumes about the kind of person you are so all the more reason to be careful! If you use contractions, make sure that you put the apostrophe in the right places. For example: Isn't and not is'nt won't and not wont mustn't and not must'nt The contraction it's is especially one that you must watch out for. It is the short form of it is or it has. But if you want to use it to indicate possession, you shoulduse its and not it's. Check out this example: The dog lost its collar. Remember also to use capitals for the right things i.e. the names of people, places, holidays, etc should all start with a capital letter. 71

Writing - Escritura

“I am writing this letter to….” …unless you are writing to a stranger. Even so, try to be as amiable as possible: I have heard so much about you and would be head over heels with joy if you could agree to be my pen pal.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

4. Use consistence voice and style Use the active voice if you want your letter to sound more conversational and interesting. Avoid shifts in the voice. One common error is inconsistency in the tense. For example read the following sentence: I was going to town yesterday when a dog bite me and I ran all the way to the hospital. Here is a sentence with starts in the past tense and then right in the middle, the tense changes to present and then finally reverts to past. Even if your friend is very understanding, this is still distracting. 5. Ask questions It is always a good idea to ask questions in the body of the letter that you would like the person to answer in their reply. Questions work as a good base on which to write a letter, and they give the recipient motivation to reply: How are those wonderful brothers of mine? Did I tell you that I am librarian too, eh?

Writing - Escritura

HISTORIA Consejos específicos para redactar una historia (story) 1. Escoge la redacción de una historia solo si tienes imaginación y buen vocabulario La historia, a diferencia de la "informal letter", requiere bastante imaginación. Por lo tanto, no es un ejercicio adecuado para quienes les resulta difícil imaginarse historias. Esto no quiere decir que con la practica no puedas lograrlo. Al final, es también algo que se puede aprender haciendo ejercicios. 2. Siempre que redactes una historia sigue este orden: principio, desarrollo, climax y conclusión. En todas las historias se resuelve un problema; es como si estuvieras dibujando una montaña a la que vas subiendo, llegas a la cima y luego bajas. Empiezas diciendo cuál es el problema, lo desarrollas creando cierta sensación de intriga (climax) y finalmente resuelves con un final, generalmente, feliz. 3. Aprende el vocabulario y estructuras específicas de las historias 4. Practica, practica y practica


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Writing - Escritura

Exercise 0

Exercise 1


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Exercise 2

Writing - Escritura

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5



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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge INTRODUCCIÓN A LA PRUEBA DE LISTENING Para que no tengas dudas a la hora de prepararte para el examen, vamos a recordarte la estructura de la sección de comprensión auditiva. Como probablemente ya sabes, la duración total de esta parte es de unos 30 - o 35 minutos, a los que hay que sumar otros 6 minutos adicionales para copiar las respuestas en la hoja correspondiente. Cada una de las grabaciones se reproducirá 2 veces. Esta parte consta de un total de 25 preguntas, divididas en 4 ejercicios.

Parte 1 - Multiple Choice (7 preguntas)

Listening - Comp. auditiva

En esta sección, escucharemos 7 grabaciones breves. Para cada una de ellas hay una pregunta y tres ilustraciones o fotografías entre las cuales tendremos que elegir la respuesta correcta : a la pregunta

Parte 2 - Multiple Choice (6 preguntas) En esta ocasión, escucharemos una única grabación de mayor duración en forma de entrevista o monólogo. Tendremos que responder a 6 preguntas, eligiendo entre 3 alternativas para cada una de ellas.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

¿Qué se pretende con este ejercicio? Ver hasta qué punto puedes entender los detalles y no te confundes con números y datos. ¿Qué hacer para contestar acertadamente? Como tu memoria te fallará, lo mejor es intentar tomar notas de lo que escuchas durante el examen.

Listening - Comp. auditiva

Parte 3 - Gap fill (6 preguntas) De nuevo, en esta parte escucharemos una grabación en forma de monólogo. Dispondremos de una hoja de notas en la que se resume el texto de la grabación y en la que tendremos que rellenar 6 huecos con la información que falta.

¿Qué se pretende con este ejercicio? Al igual que en el caso anter ior, entender los detalles de un tema: fechas, lugares… ¿Qué hacer para contestar acertadamente? Al igual que con las preguntas tipo test, lo mejor es intentar tomar notas de lo que escuchas. 78

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge Parte 4 - True or false (6 preguntas)

¿Qué se pretende con este ejercicio? Comprobar el entendimiento general de un tema.

¿Qué hacer para contestar acertadamente? Al igual que en los ejercicios anteriores, intentar tomar notas de quién dice qué cuando te pongan un diálogo.


Listening - Comp. auditiva

En este último eje rcicio escucharemos una conversación informal acompañada de 6 oraciones que tendremos que marcar como verdaderas o falsas.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

CONSEJOS ÚTILES 1. Escucha un audio cada día. Si te resulta muy difícil, solo escucha la primera parte del audio. 2. Primero escucha, dos veces cada audio y toma notas que te permitan luego contestar a las preguntas, esto es: datos de números (cantidades, fechas, horas), lugares (pueblos, países, ciudades) nombres propios, marcas, etc. Ten en cuenta, que hasta a un nativo se le olvidarán estos datos si son muchos, por eso, es importante que intentes apuntarlos. 3. Haz los ejercicios que vienen con cada audio. Si no hay ejercicios, solo toma notas y comprueba luego qué has entendido y qué no has entendido leyendo la transcripción.

Listening - Comp. auditiva

4. Comprueba las respuestas y analiza en qué has fallado. 5. Aprende de los errores. Lo que NO has entendido es lo que no sabes. Por tanto, es precisamente en esas palabras en las que debes centrarte. Apunta el vocabulario nuevo y repítelo en frases cientos de veces. No te olvides de poner la transcripción aproximada y de escuchar las frases. 6. En las semanas 3 y 4 repíte lo que has hecho en las semanas 1 y 2. Si sigues más semanas, busca otros audios similares y procede de la misma manera.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Listening - Comp. auditiva



Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Listening - Comp. auditiva



Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Listening - Comp. auditiva



Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Listening - Comp. auditiva



Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Listening - Comp. auditiva

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge Official Cambridge Exam preparation (PET)


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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge Part 1 (2-3 minutes)

Preliminary English Test Speaking Test

For Oral Examiners´ Use Only

Phase 1- Interlocutor A/B

Good morning / afternoon / evening Can I have your mark sheets, please?


I´m ............ and this is ............... He/She is just going to listen to us.


Now, what´s your name?


And, what´s your name? Thank you. Back-up prompts

B How do you write your family/second name?

What´s your surname? How do you spell it? Thank you. And, what´s your surname? How do you spell it? Thank you.

Ask the following questions. Ask A first

Do you live in...?

Where do you live / come from?

Have you got a job? What job do you do? / What subjects do you study?

Do you work or are you a student in....? What do you do / study? Thank you. Repeat for B

Phase 2 - Select one or more questions from the list to ask each candidate. Ask Candidate B first Do you enjoy studying English? Why not? Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future? What did you do yesterday evening / last weekend? What do you enjoy doing in your free time? Where do you live? How long have you lived there?

Introduction to Part 2 In the next part, you are going to talk to each other 106

Speaking - Oral


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge Part 2 (2-3 minutes)

Preliminary English Test Speaking Test

Trip to England

Interlocutor I´m going to describe a situation to you A friend of yours is planning to spend 6 months in England to improve her English. Talk together about the things she will need in England and decide which are the most important things to take / bring with her. Here is a picture with some ideas to help you. Hand over Picture Sheet to the candidates NB. One A3 sheet is to be shared I´ll say that again.

Speaking - Oral

A friend of yours is planning to spend 6 months in England to improve her English. Talk together about the things she will need in England and decide which are the most important things to take / bring with her. All right? Talk together


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge Part 3 (3 minutes)

Interlocutor Say to both candidates

Preliminary English Test Speaking Test

For Oral Examiners´ Use Only

Now, I´d like each of you to talk on your own about something. I´m going to give each of you a photograph of people reading and writing. Candidate A, here is your photograph (Place Part 3 booklet, open at Task 1A in front of Candidate A). Please show it to Candidate B, but I´d like you to talk about it. Candidate B, you just listen. I´ll give you your photograph in a moment. Candidate A, please tell us what you can see. Approximately 1 minute It here is a need to intervene, prompts rather than direct questions should be used

Thank you. (Can I have the booklet please?) Retrieve Part 3 booklet from Candidate A


Now, Candidate B, here is your photograph (Place Part 3 booklet, open at Task 1B in front of Candidate B). Please show it to Candidate A, but I´d like you to talk about it. Please tell us what you can see in the photograph.

Candidate B

Approximately 1 minute It here is a need to intervene, prompts rather than direct questions should be used

Thank you. (Can I have the booklet please?) Retrieve Part 3 booklet from Candidate A

Part 4 (3 minutes)

Interlocutor Say to both candidates

Preliminary English Test Speaking Test

For Oral Examiners´ Use Only

Your photographs showed people reading and writing. Now, I´d like you to talk together about the different kinds of reading and writing you did when you were younger, and the kinds you do now. Allow the candidates enough time to complete the task without intervention. Prompt only if necessary.

Thank you. That´s the end of the test.


Speaking - Oral

Candidate A

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Parte 3 - EXPRESIÓN ORAL Duración: 10-12 minutos por cada candidato. A continuación, encontrarás algunas de las herramientas necesarias para preparar con ciertas garantías de éxito el examen oral del B1. Estamos convencidos de que si sigues los consejos que, a continuación se detallan, superarás esta parte del examen PET B1. Shall we begin? El siguiente enlace muestra información interesante y relevante acerca de cómo preparar eficientemente esta parte del examen oficial PET de Cambridge: ¿De cuántas partes consta? Consta de 4 partes, de las cuales 2 se realizan de forma individual y otras 2, manteniendo una conversación con un compañero/a.

Speaking - Oral

¿Quién está presente durante el examen? En el examen están presentes 2 examinadores: uno de ellos, interactúa contigo y te hace preguntas, mientras el otro escucha y toma notas acerca de las estructuras gramaticales utilizadas, vocabulario empleado, así como tu pronunciación. ¿Se hacen todos los exámenes el mismo día? Existiría la posibilidad de que este examen se hiciera en un día distinto a la parte escrita del PET (Reading, Writing y Listening), aunque, por lo general, se suele hacer el mismo día por la tarde. En el supuesto de que esta parte del examen se hiciese otro día, el rango de diferencia no suele superar 1 semana. ¿Dónde puedo encontrar ejemplos digitales del examen? En el siguiente enlace encontrarás ejemplos digitales, aunque requerirás el navegador Mozilla Firefox en tu portátil u ordenador para poder cumplimentarlo: ¿Y si necesito información adicional? Si necesitas información adicional, puedes encontrarla en la página web de la Universidad de Cambridge -

Preliminary Preliminary English Test (PET) 109

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Te presentamos, a continuación, un examen tipo para poder seguir esta guía y entender las distintas partes que conforman esta prueba. Sección 1 - SPEAKING Duración: 3 minutos La primera parte consiste en una conversación entre el examinador y tú. El examinador hará preguntas sobre información básica y personal. Debemos hacer hincapié en el hecho de que estas preguntas son prácticamente siempre las mismas, aunque puede cambiar el formato ligeramente, en cuanto a su formulación. En esta parte se espera que puedas hablar de ti de una manera general (hobbies, lugar de residencia, trabajo, estudios, etc), por lo que durante este curso organizado por Esatur y la Diputación de Alicante, realizaremos varias presentaciones individuales para que ganes confianza a la hora de hablar.

– What's your name? What's your surname, can you spell it? – Where do you live? – What do you do? Are you a student or do you work? – What subjects do you study? – What do you like to do in your free time? – Do you enjoy studying English? – Do you think English will be useful in the future? – Tell me what you did yesterday night. – What would you like to do in the future? ¿Cómo aprobar esta parte? Como puedes apreciar, las preguntas son ciertamente sencillas y, podemos adelantarte, que no existe mucha variación en esta parte del examen, así que hasta cierto punto puedes preparar las respuestas. Para familiarizarnos con esta parte de la prueba, prepara una presentación personal de 3 minutos en español y después en inglés, atendiendo a la siguiente estructura: * Nombre y Apellidos * Agradecimiento por la oportunidad de hacer la prueba B1 * Lugar de nacimiento y población en la que vives actualmente * Estudios * Trabajos realizados hasta la fecha (si procede) y compañías para las que has trabajado * Hobbies e intereses


Speaking - Oral

Preguntas que trabajaremos durante el curso por su relevancia:

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Recuerda que lo más importante para que apruebes esta parte del examen es que des respuestas elaboradas, por lo que se aconseja que a la hora de responder, atiendas a los siguientes puntos: – Motivos por los que has hecho o haces las cosas. – Dar varios ejemplos, tanto personales como profesionales. – Utiliza tus sentimientos (cómo te sientes respecto a algo, por qué te gustan o no las cosas, etc. – Inyecta valor añadido a tus respuestas, recurriendo a detalles de lo que estás explicando. Lo más importante de esta receta es que te permite ser sincero/a y siempre hablar de manera honesta. No tienes que quedar bien delante de nadie ni estar de acuerdo con lo que te pregunte, siempre y cuando hables y justifiques tus respuestas. Consejos y errores frecuentes – Debes estar preparad@ para escuchar las preguntas formuladas de manera distinta a la habitual, ya que no siempre se usará la misma pregunta:What did you do last night? / Tell me what you did yesterday evening.

Speaking - Oral

– Cuando hables de tus preferencias (like, hate, dislike, love) recuerda que solo hay dos opciones gramaticales: I like to play tennis / I like playing tennis. – Un error muy común, cuando alguien describe dónde vive, es usar el adjetivo near con to: I live in Jijona, which is nearnear Alicante. Ten cuidado. Near ya significa 'cerca de', así que: near Alicante. – Para la pregunta donde te preguntan qué hiciste ayer o el fin de semana pasado, es importantísimo que sepas pronunciar la –ed. Conclusión Esta primera parte del examen oral es bastante fácil si conoces todas estas herramientas y consejos. Durante el curso, practicaremos las preguntas en voz alta ante el resto de los compañeros, una y otra vez, hasta que no necesites memorizar nada o tener que pensarlo mucho. Recuerda, aprender inglés se parece mucho a hacer deporte. La única manera de mejorar y entrenar tu speaking es hablar, hablar y hablar. Esta parte apenas dura 3 minutos, así que si das respuestas largas no tendrás ningún problema para aprobarla, y con buena nota. Repasa la gramática para no cometer fallos muy graves y, con toda certeza, aprobarás sin problemas.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Sección 2 - SPEAKING Duración: 3 minutos La 2ª sección de esta parte del examen de Cambridge es una de las más complicadas, por lo que te ayudaremos facilitándote algunas herramientas claves para pasarla sin problemas. En esta parte de la prueba que realizarás con otro de l@s candidat@s y que tiene una duración de 3 minutos, te presentarán varias fotos o imágenes y se trata de una situación hipotética en la que tenéis que comentarlas y elegir una o llegar a algún tipo de acuerdo o conclusión. La aprehensión con la que se enfrente mucha gente a esta sección viene dada porque no saben qué decir, pero no te preocupes, no es tan difícil”. Let's get started!

¿Cómo aprobar esta parte? El examinador os dará a ambos una hoja de papel con varias fotografías, las cuales giran en torno a un tema común y os hará dos preguntas (que van impresas en la misma hoja de manera escrita y que podrás ver en el ejemplo adjunto de esta sección). Las opciones pueden ser, por ejemplo, formas de atraer turistas a tu ciudad, actividades para un plan del sábado noche, el mejor sitio para hacer una comida de clase, etc. Las dos preguntas suelen seguir un patrón fijo, siempre igual: comentar cada opción y cómo de buena es en base al tema común (por ejemplo, de todas las actividades para este fin de semana, qué os parece cada una) y elegir la que creéis es la mejor (segunda pregunta). Tenéis que hablar entre vosotros, comentando cada opción por separado y decidir una al final. Debes saber que los temas a tratar siempre serán políticamente correctos: naturaleza y medio ambiente, comida, deporte, vida social, tiempo libre, etc.


Speaking - Oral

Como siempre, habrá dos examinadores: uno que será el que hable con vosotros y haga las preguntas, y otro que tan solo toma notas sobre el vocabulario que usáis, la gramática, sintaxis, pronunciación, etc.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Ejemplo de fotografías y preguntas Al final de esta sección, encontrarás un ejemplo de un examen tipo. Observarás que las fotografías están en color. En este caso concreto, se trata de un viaje a Londres que tú y tu compañer@ vais a hacer y la pregunta del examinador es ¿qué cosas creéis que debéis llevar al viaje y cuál es la más importante?. Pasos básicos a seguir para realizar esta parte 1) Elige una de las fotos y da tu opinión. 2) Pregunta a tu compañer@ lo qué opina sobre esa opción. 3) Escucha a la otra persona y aporta con algún comentario una vez haya terminado. 4) Repite los pasos 1, 2 Y 3 con otra de las imágenes/fotografías.

Speaking - Oral

5) Cuando ambos hayáis comentado las opciones, elegid una. Es un procedimiento muy sencillo. Hablas de una foto, preguntas a la otra persona por lo que opina. Pasáis a otra foto, hacéis lo mismo. Y así hasta que hayáis comentado unas cuantas, para finalmente intentar poneros de acuerdo y elegir una. Como en todo el examen oral, olvidaos del examinador y hablad entre vosotros. Cuando hayan pasado los tres minutos, dirá “Thank you” y recogerá vuestra hoja. Como dicen los británicos, “It's easier said than done”. Llevarla a la práctica conlleva desarrollar ciertas técnicas, pero para eso tienes el siguiente apartado. ¿Cómo mantener una conversación de diez en esta parte? Las claves para aprobar esta parte son las siguientes: – Mantén la conversación en movimiento y no te quedes callad@ – Da respuestas largas y con fundamento cuando hables – Intenta contestar ambas preguntas – Llega a algún tipo de acuerdo con el otro candidato Ahora, voy a intentar analizar cómo puedes llevar a cabo esos puntos y prepararlos de modo que sepas exactamente qué hacer en el examen. Se trata de un diálogo real Aunque el tema es hipotético, recuerda que es una conversación normal, como si hablases de un tema con tu mejor amigo o amiga. Se trata de dos personas intentando decidir algo, así que nunca olvides el “nosotros”: no hables demasiado sin pensar en la otra persona, como si solo importase lucirte o hablar tú (pierdes puntos si no dejas que hable el otro) y segundo, en una conversación real te interesas por lo que la otra persona dice, así que aquí debe ser igual, reacciona de alguna forma a sus comentarios. 113

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Al empezar, sé educado/a y pregunta a tu compañero/a si prefiere hablar primero o empezar: · ·

Would you like to speak first or shall I start? (¿quiéres empezar tú o empiezo yo?) Would you like me to speak first? (¿quiéres que empiece yo?)

Si te toca hablar: cuando hayas dado tu opinión sobre una de las fotos, siempre pregunta, da lugar a que el otro pueda opinar o decir algo, y escúchale: · · ·

What do you think? I would love to hear your opinion Do you agree?

Si te toca escuchar: cuando la otra persona haya dado su opinión, reacciona de alguna forma, estés o no de acuerdo, pero di algo. Puedes usar estas frases: · · · ·

I totally agree with you That's true! (es verdad) You're right (llevas razón) You've got a point there (ahí llevas razón, sí)

· · ·

Perhaps, but… (puede ser, pero…) Well, I'm not sure about that (no estoy seguro/a, no termino de verlo) You might be right, but… (quizá lleves razón, pero…)

¿Cómo pasar de una fotografía a otra? Una vez hayáis comentado una foto los dos, la idea es seguir moviendo la conversación, y para que la transición sea fluida y natural, puedes usar la palabra “so” que es un comodín (bueno/entonces) junto a estas expresiones: · · ·

So…what about this option? (vale…y esta qué te parece?) So…what do you think about this one? (qué piensas sobre esta/o?) So…let's talk about another option (vale, vamos a hablar de otra opción)

Dale “salsa” a tus respuestas Es importante dar respuestas con fundamento, completas, con matices. Una respuesta como “I think the cinema is a good option….(silencio dramático)” no es una buena respuesta, está claro. Siempre justifica tu respuesta, da ejemplos, etc. Para ello, utilizar la estructura que figura en la primera parte de este examen de Cambridge ¿Cómo controlar el tiempo? Esta parte del examen dura tres minutos, y es bastante natural que alguno de los candidatos se enrolle un poco, os vayáis por las ramas al hablar sobre una de las opciones, etc. Esto es normal y no pasa absolutamente nada. El hecho de que no seáis conscientes del tiempo es buena señal, si estás pendiente de hacerlo todo en tres minutos perfectamente te sales de la conversación o te desconcentras. Así que no, nadie espera que calculéis a la perfección. Pero lo ideal es que contestéis ambas preguntas. 114

Speaking - Oral

You disagree

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Suele funcionar lo siguiente: Ya que el número de fotografías u opciones en esta parte del examen suele ser entre 5 y 7, intentad hablar de al menos tres o cuatro de las opciones, y contestad entonces la segunda pregunta. Si al terminar y decidir vuestra opción veis que el examinador no os corta, significa que aún tenéis tiempo. Como ya tenéis vuestra decisión, podéis seguir hablando de más opciones tranquilamente. Haciendo esto te aseguras contestar las dos preguntas del examen, y en caso de acabar demasiado rápido (por los nervios, por ejemplo) siempre puedes seguir hablando o comentando otras fotografías. En los siguientes enlaces, puedes ver vídeos con ejemplos reales del examen de Cambridge. Como observarás, a pesar de que se cometen algunos errores gramaticales durante la conversación, ésta es fluida: en ningún momento dejan de hablar y ambos hablan sin interrumpir, preguntando al otro y dentro de lo que cabe dando razones o ejemplos.

Speaking - Oral

Posibles preguntas y temas de exámenes de PET – Plan de tiempo libre: hablad sobre qué podríais hacer este fin de semana juntos. Cuál creéis que es la mejor opción. Ejemplos de fotografías: ir de fiesta, hacer deporte en grupo, ver una película en casa, salir a dar un paseo, ir a un restaurante a cenar.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

– Fin de semana con un familiar: tenéis que pasar el fin de semana con vuestro primo/a, y hay varios sitios a los que podríais llevarlo para pasar un buen día fuera. Opciones: parque acuático, museo histórico o de historia natural (dinosaurios), la feria, un parque de atracciones, etc.


Speaking - Oral

– Un nuevo hobby o curso: queréis apuntaros a una nueva actividad o curso este mes, y tenéis varias opciones para elegir. Comentad las fotografías e intentar decidir cuál disfrutaríais más. Actividades: curso de pintura, deporte de riesgo, curso de informática, de historia, clases de baile, un arte marcial, club de lectura.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Speaking - Oral

– Trabajo para un amigo: tenéis un amigo o amiga en común, y está buscando trabajo a tiempo parcial para este verano. Decidid cuál es la mejor opción para vuestro amigo. Trabajos: auxiliar en un hospital o residencia de ancianos, repartidor de pizzas en moto, monitor en un campamento de verano de niños, profesor particular, etc.

– Nueva ciudad: vais a viajar a una nueva ciudad durante vuestras vacaciones, y tenéis todo el fin de semana para organizar actividades. Decidid qué vais a hacer una vez allí: ir al cine, visitar los museos locales, ir a un evento deportivo, dar un paseo haciendo turismo, visitar los alrededores y espacios naturales, etc.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

– Destino de vacaciones: queréis ir juntos de vacaciones, pero hay distintas opciones. Hablad sobre cuál sería el mejor destino y por qué: Europa, Sudamérica, África, Asia, etc.


Speaking - Oral

– Aeropuerto: estáis esperando un vuelo pero se ha retrasado, y tenéis 3 o 4 horas que debéis pasar en el aeropuerto. Hablad sobre cómo podríais pasar las horas de espera: ir a comer algo, utilizar los ordenadores con la wi-fi del aeropuerto, leer algo, ir de compras, a la peluquería que hay allí, etc.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Speaking - Oral

– Día de playa: vais a ir juntos a la playa, con unos amigos. Decidid la mejor manera de pasar el día, de todas las actividades posibles: jugar a la pelota, dar un paseo por la arena, ir en moto de agua, comer en algún bar, tomar el sol, etc.

– Excursión: vuestro colegio/instituto/universidad ha organizado una excursión a la playa para los alumnos. Hay una serie de opciones que puede llevar cada alumno, decidid cuál sería la más útil y por qué llevar o dejar ciertas cosas: crema solar, gafas de sol, tienda de campaña, saco de dormir, mapa, una cámara de fotos, cocina de gas, comida y agua, etc.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

¿Y si tengo problemas con el otro candidato? Esta parte del examen oral es posiblemente la que más asusta a los alumnos, la más difícil para muchos. Y se debe a que al ser un diálogo entre dos personas, a menos que conozcas al otro candidato y haya confianza, hayáis practicado juntos, puede ser que la otra persona hable demasiado, o que apenas hable, que la conversación no fluya, etc. Para paliar esta posible situación, vamos a intentar ayudarte un poquito: Si la diferencia de nivel es muy clara, en tu favor o en contra

Si, al contrario, eres el candidato con un nivel más bajo, no le des muchas vueltas mentales al problema. Intenta hacer todo lo que puedas y seguir los pasos que se recomiendan en este workbook. Cuando la otra persona hable, reacciona con algún comentario o incluso aprovecha lo que ha dicho para seguir hablando tú (oh so you like the camera, yes that's a brilliant idea, I like it too, because…). Si el otro candidato sabe cómo funciona esta parte, estamos seguros de que intentará ayudarte con preguntas o liderando la tarea. Si el otro candidato habla mucho Incluso si la otra persona habla demasiado y apenas puedes abrir la boca durante el examen, no estás automáticamente suspenso. De hecho, hay posibilidades de que esa persona pierda puntos, y tú puede que apruebes pero con un aprobado mínimo. Lo importante es que si el otro tiene ganas de lucir inglés y no te deja hablar, intentes abrir una brecha entre tanto monólogo. Si por ejemplo dice algo interesante haz algún comentario y aprovecha la ocasión (oh yeah the cinema would be great, yes, yes, I think it's a good option because…). Mientras no seas maleducad@, aprovecha e intenta colarte sin interrumpir demasiado. Es decir, que quede claro que no has hablado más porque la otra persona no para de hablar y no porque seas tímid@ o no tengas nivel. Conclusión Como has podido apreciar, esta parte del examen de Cambridge es complicada y la única solución es practicar, practicar y más practicar todos los días, de modo que te sientas cómod@ hablando en inglés y no te trabes. Hay muchos factores que pueden condicionar el resultado, pero está claro que si has practicado y sigues estas recomendaciones, aprobarás esta parte. Intenta practicar con algún compañero de clase o alguien que conozcas que estudie inglés. Practica sobre todo la conversación: hablar y preguntar al otro, responder a comentarios, mover el diálogo, etc. para, poco a poco, perderle el miedo a esta parte. Ya conoces el funcionamiento, los mecanismos y cómo enfrentarte a posibles problemas. 120

Speaking - Oral

Si tienes más nivel, no intentes lucirte interrumpiendo a la otra persona o hablando todo el tiempo, pues puedes perder puntos. Cuando te toque hablar, por supuesto, deja claro tu nivel e intenta usar todo el vocabulario que puedas y dar la mejor de tus respuestas. Es importante saber escuchar también a la otra persona y responder ante lo que plantee. Si ves que se traba o no sabe de qué hablar, intenta ayudarle y liderar la conversación repitiendo las preguntas o moviendo tú mism@ el diálogo (do you think this would be a good idea? What do you think about it? So…do you like the idea?).

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Sección 3 - SPEAKING La tercera parte del oral del examen de Cambridge B1 es una descripción gráfica, pero no, no tienes que convertirte en crítico de arte a la hora de hacer tu descripción. Tampoco deleitar al examinador con una exposición digna de una oposición. Se trata de una prueba bastante sencilla y si practicas lo siguiente, tendrás todo lo necesario para aprobarla. La tercera parte del examen oral dura apenas un minuto y medio, y se trata de una descripción gráfica de una fotografía. El examinador te dará una fotografía a color y te pedirá que la describas. Como de costumbre, uno de los examinadores será el que te pida describir la foto mientras que el otro se limitará a tomar notas sobre tu pronunciación, vocabulario, etc. ¿Cómo aprobar esta parte?

Speaking - Oral

La clave para aprobar esta parte es hablar y hablar en todo momento, describir todo lo que veas y limitarte a expresar lo que la fotografía muestra (no hace falta especular o imaginar contexto, hacer suposiciones, etc). Las fotografías, como todo el examen de Cambridge, serán sobre temas políticamente correctos, tales como el deporte, la salud, la nutrición, los jóvenes, el tiempo libre, los estudios, el trabajo, el turismo, etc. Pasos a seguir para pasar satisfactoriamente esta sección 1. Empieza tu descripción con una frase del tipo In this picture I can see….this picture shows… 2. Imagina que estás describiendo la foto a alguien que no puede verla, céntrate en todo lo que veas: tipo de lugar, personas en él, actividad que estén realizando, objetos y su posición, tiempo, hora del día, ropa que lleve la gente, etc. 3. Si no conoces la palabra para un elemento específico, intenta describirlo No puedes señalar en el examen Keep your fingers out of your description! Señalar no está prohibido (no irás a la cárcel), pero no aprobarás si diriges tu dedo a cada cosa que quieras describir. ¿Por qué? Porque lo que le interesa al examinador es ver que puedes describir la posición y distancia de los objetos, usar preposiciones y hablar de las relaciones espaciales entre los objetos, usando únicamente el lenguaje. Para hacer esto correctamente, ayuda muchísimo recordar que la fotografía es un espacio con tres dimensiones: Profundidad (depth) In the foreground (en primer plano) In the middleground (en segundo plano, a media distancia) In the background (en el fondo) Anchura (width) On the left / to the left of the picture (a la izquierda) On the right / to the right of the picture (a la derecha) Altura (height) At the top (en la parte de arriba) At the bottom (en la parte de abajo)


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

La descripción perfecta Si quieres hacer una descripción perfecta, intenta seguir un orden más o menos lógico: – empieza por lo general, the big picture – más tarde habla de los detalles, the details. Es decir, que si te toca la siguiente fotografía que ves más abajo, lo primero que debes decir es algo así como: This picture shows a family eating at an Italian Restaurant. Una vez dicho eso, ya podrías empezar a describir detalles There are 6 people in the picture, 5 family members and a waiter.

Speaking - Oral

También es importante que recuerdes introducir los distintos elementos o personajes de la foto antes de hablar de ellos. Recuerda, la otra persona no ve la foto, te toca a ti describirla. No puedes decir, de primeras, algo como: the man is helping himself to a slice of pizza. The man?? El hombre? ¿Qué hombre? Primero debes presentarlo o mencionarlo: there is a dad on the left side of the picture. sitting next to a blonde little girl. The dad is…Esto es un error que muchos alumnos cometen, y suena muy poco natural. Be careful with that.

Ejemplo de una buena descripción (de la foto anterior) Fíjate en cómo la descripción comienza de manera general, con los elementos más importantes o grandes, mientras va, poco a poco, centrándose en los detalles. No tendría sentido empezar a describir la foto con la ropa de los integrantes de la familia o camarero, sino explicando el contexto. Se trata de una descripción sencilla, física, nada de fantasías mentales o suposiciones, me limito a describir lo que veo: “In this picture I can see a family eating at an Italian Restaurant. In the foreground I can see a dad, a mum and 3 children –two girls and a boy- alongside a waiter. The dad is picking up a slice of pizza and the rest of the family members are eating. In the background I can see the sea and big French windows. The waiter has dark hair and is wearing a black shirt. The dad is helping himself to a slice of Hawaiian pizza. They all seem to be having a fantastic time….” 122

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¿Qué hago si no conozco la palabra para un objeto en concreto? Esto puede pasarte, y es normal. Habrá objetos u elementos que no podrás definir porque no dispones de un vocabulario muy amplio. Pero lejos de preocuparte, hay un truco que siempre funciona y puede 1) salvarte la vida y 2) darte más nota en el examen puesto que seguirás hablando sin parar (recuerda, la clave es que no dejes de describir la foto). Si desconoces la palabra exacta para un objeto (en este ejemplo, imagina que no sabes la palabra desk, escritorio) hay tres cosas que puedes hacer: Compara el objeto con algo similar It is like a table (es como una mesa) It is a kind of table (es una especie de mesa) It is similar to a table (se parece a una mesa) Describe la forma, material, etc It is made of wood, it is rectangular and long, with four legs (está hecho de madera, es rectangular y largo, con cuatro patas). Otros materiales serían metal, plastic, paper, steel, stone, cloth, etc.

Speaking - Oral

Menciona el uso del objeto, con la estructura it is used/we use it for + ing It is normally used for writing and reading (se usa para escribir y leer) Ejemplo Ahora, con estas herramientas en tu poder, imagina que no conoces la palabra bottle, botella: It is a kind of container, made of plastic, round and tall. We store water in it but people use it for different liquids, it is mainly used for drinking water. Al examinador poco le importa si no conoces la palabra, siempre y cuando hables y hables. Conclusión sobre esta parte del examen de Cambridge Ahora que ya tienes todo lo necesario para describir prácticamente cualquier foto, esta parte del oral debería ser muy fácil de aprobar si practicas. Te presentamos, a continuación, una serie de fotos, para que puedas practicar: IMAGE 1


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Speaking - Oral




Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Sección 4 - SPEAKING En la primera parte de la prueba de speaking has aprendido a contestar las preguntas personales que te hará el examinador. En la segunda parte has tenido la ocasión de aprender a realizar una actividad en pareja, y en la tercera a describir por separado una fotografía. La cuarta y última parte, que tiene una duración de unos 3 minutos, es un simple diálogo entre tú y tu compañero, sobre temas generales. Habrá dos examinadores: uno que os dé las preguntas a comentar (os dará un tema general sobre el que hablar y opinar) y otro que tomará notas sobre vuestra pronunciación, vocabulario, fluidez, etc. ¿Cómo aprobar esta parte? Recuerda que se trata de una conversación natural, como la que mantendrías con un conocido o conocida. Si eres capaz de mantener una conversación normal, preguntando a la otra persona, dando tu opinión y reaccionando cuando el otro candidato hable, aprobarás con total seguridad. Como siempre, es muy importante que no te pares en ningún momento, pero no acapares toda la conversación sin dejar hablar al otro (restaría puntos).

Speaking - Oral

Las pautas para poder tener una conversación natural, incluso si no tienes mucho nivel, son: · Ser educado. Si llegas a la sala del examen y empiezas a hablar sin educación o consideración para tu compañer@, enseguida se notará que estás ansioso por terminar, con los nervios a flor de piel. Relájate. Una vez el examinador os confirme que podéis empezar, pregunta al otro candidato si prefiere empezar. Parece una tontería, pero esto dice mucho de tu nivel: te sientes a gusto y calmado respecto al examen, además de que muestras que sabes tener una conversación y realizar una actividad con otra persona. Para ello, puedes usar estas frases: - Would you like to speak first? - Shall I start? - Do you prefer to start? · Da respuestas con fundamento. Cuando des tu opinión, es importantísimo que des respuestas largas, con condimento, no necesariamente interesantes pero sí extensas y detalladas. Los puntos a recordar para siempre poder dar una respuesta con fundamento son: - Reasons (justifica por qué o por qué no piensas algo) - Examples (da ejemplos reales, de tu vida, pasados, etc) - Feelings (¿cómo te hace sentir el tema? tanto si es positiva como negativa, puedes hablar de tus emociones) - Extra info (cualquier información, por muy simple que sea, funciona) Ejemplo de una buena respuesta Imagina que te hacen la siguiente pregunta: Do you like going to the cinema? Una posible estructura a la respuesta es esta: “Yes, I really enjoy going to the cinema. I do it at least once a month. I love watching new films with my friends. I also enjoy talking about the film with them so we usually go to have something to eat after the film. My favourite films are science fiction movies, although I also enjoy watching thrillers and action films. Last Sunday we went to watch Jurasic World and I loved it! And you? Do you like going to the cinema?”


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Escucha a la otra persona, da pie a que hable La respuesta anterior termina con un “and you?”, y esta es una de las claves para aprobar este examen de Cambridge. Cuando termines de hablar, acuérdate de preguntar a la otra persona y escucha proactivamente lo que tenga que decir. Esto, de nuevo, muestra calma y seguridad, además de que es lo que harías si hablases con uno de tus amigos o amigas. No se trata de un monólogo para demostrar tu gran nivel de inglés. Cuando te toque hablar aprovecha por supuesto para usar vocabulario, buenas frases, etc…pero deja hablar a la otra persona! Si no, perderás puntos. Reacciona ante lo que te dicen Otro punto importante de cualquier conversación normal y corriente es reaccionar ante lo que te dicen, de manera positiva o negativa. Si una amiga te cuenta que acaba de escalar una montaña de 500 metros, normalmente no asientes sin más y sigues hablando de lo que te gusta el deporte. That would be very awkward. Un poco extraño, ¿no?

- I agree / positive reaction - Yeah, I agree with you (estoy de acuerdo) - That's true (eso es verdad / cierto) - You're right (llevas razón) - You've got a point there (ahí llevas razón) - That's cool/great (mola) - I'm not sure about that (no estoy seguro/a) - You might be right, but… (quizá sea cierto, pero…) - I disagree, because… (no estoy de acuerdo porque) - I see your point, but (entiendo lo que quieres decir, pero…) - Poor you! (pobrecillo/a) - Oh dear (vaya…)


Speaking - Oral

Incluso aunque no te interese muchísimo la conversación, estoy seguro de que en la realidad dices algo, pues lo mismo en el examen. Puedes usar alguna de las siguientes expresiones:

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

¿Qué hago si no sé qué decir? Una de las cosas que más se valoran en un examen oral es que seas fluid@, es decir, el hecho de que no te quedes callad@ en ningún momento y hables todo el tiempo, sea cual sea tu respuesta (estés de acuerdo o no, uses ejemplos personales o generalices, etc). Por supuesto, es fácil quedarse en blanco -los nervios a veces traicionan-. Pero tienes que intentar evitarlo como sea. Para conseguirlo, hay dos herramientas básicas: 1º) Dar respuestas largas, utilizando la estructura ya discutida. 2º) Utiliza Fillers (muletillas). Inicialmente, usarlas te sonará un poco ortopédico, pero pueden, literalmente, salvarte la vida en el oral y darte fluidez al hablar. Hay una diferencia muy clara entre quedarte en silencio total (dando a entender que no puedes continuar o que te cuesta hablar en inglés) a simplemente no saber qué decir sobre un tema específico, porque estás pensando o buscando buenos ejemplos.

Speaking - Oral

Los fillers más comunes son: - Let me think (déjame pensar) - Let me see (vamos a ver, déjame ver) - Well, (bueno, a ver) - Where was I? (¿por dónde iba?) - What I mean is (lo que quiero decir es) - So… (entonces) Imagina que no sabes qué decir en un momento concreto. El otro candidato acaba de decirte que le encantan los perros, y a ti no te matan. De repente te quedas en blanco. Puedes usar varios fillers encadenados y ganar un tiempo precioso: Well…I don't like….what I mean is, yeah, dogs are not my favourite pet. A veces (no siempre), la pregunta de esta parte número cuatro estará formulada de modo que esté conectada con las fotografías que tuviste que describir en la parte anterior del examen, normalmente con la frase: Your pictures showed people… (vuestras fotografías mostraban a gente…) now I'd like you to speak about (ahora me gustaría que hablaseis sobre…). Otros posibles temas son los siguientes: · Tiempo libre: what do you usually do in your spare time? What are your hobbies? Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

· Deporte: do you do sport? What sports do you practise? Are you an active person or do you prefer to do other kinds of things?

· Vacaciones: Where do you like to go when you're on holidays? What's your ideal destination for a holiday? Who would you go with?

· Manualidades: what things do you make? Why do you make them, or what do you like about making them? What is the process?


Speaking - Oral

· Relax: how do you relax when you are stressed? Where do you go or what activities do you usually do?

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

· Idiomas: Do you think learning languages is important nowadays? What other languages do you study, apart from English? Would you like to study a new language?

Speaking - Oral

· Trabajo: What would be your ideal job? Do you think it's important to like your job? What kind of jobs would you prefer?

· Música: What music genres do you like? Do you listen to music very often? Have you ever been to concerts?

· Amistades: What do you usually do when you are with your friends? What are they like? Do you get along well with them?

· Familia: Do you get on well with your family? Do you spend a lot of time with your family or do you prefer to be alone? What kind of activities do you do together?


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

· El tiempo: What kind of weather do you prefer? What's your favourite season? What do you normally do in each part of the year?

Ejemplo de un examen real En el siguiente link podrás encontrar un ejemplo de un examen real. Observa cómo a pesar de cometer errores o no tener un nivel excelente, ambos candidatos hablan por igual o reaccionan a lo que dice el otro, de una forma natural. Se trata de hablar sobre su dormitorio, lo que tienen y qué les gustaría tener en el futuro - Conclusión sobre esta parte del examen de Cambridge Después de la actividad número 2, ésta es probablemente la más complicada de las actividades del speaking. Para poder superarla, lo único que debes hacer es practicar hablando en inglés (si conoces al otro candidato aún mejor) antes del examen. Si sigues los pasos y consejos facilitados en este workbook, pasarás esta parte del examen sin ningún problema. ¿Dónde puedo encontrar exámenes de Cambridge para practicar? You made it through the B1 guide! En cuatro artículos tienes todo lo que necesitas para preparar el oral del examen equivalente al B1 oficial de Cambridge. Enhorabuena, ahora por lo menos conoces a tu enemigo y sabes cómo enfrentarlo el día del examen. Espero que te haya servido esta guía, he intentado que fuese lo más completa posible. Por supuesto, conocer el examen no va a conseguir que apruebas con un diez por arte de magia, tienes que ser realista. Tu nivel de inglés no puedes mejorarlo en una semana. Pero conocer el funcionamiento del examen ayuda muchísimo a estar preparado y saber cómo atacar las distintas partes de antemano. Ahora lo que necesitas es práctica y más práctica. Visita esta página para más info: 130

Speaking - Oral

· Fotografía: do you like taking photos? What do you usually take photos of? Do you take photos with your mobile or do you use a camera?

intentionally left blank

Speaking Cards

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Speaking Card 1: Jobs z Do you have a part-time job? I ll shelves in a supermarket / work at the cash register… I baby-sit / look after children… I teach music… I help classmates with maths… deliver lea ets… help at sport events… volunteer in a home for elderly people / at a national park… assist handicapped people…

Speaking Cards

z What job / occupation do you want to do? I hope to be / I would like to be / I want to become a businessman / businesswoman / hairdresser / tour guide / mechanic / shop assistant / engineer / doctor / nurse / cook / postman / banker / bricklayer / computer programmer / clerk (o翿 ce worker) / teacher / farmer / waiter / driver / painter / secretary / police o翿 cer… I want to do something di翿 cult / challenging / interesting / creative… help people / work on my own / work with people / animals…

z What is your dream job? I dream about working as a… pilot / ballerina / pop singer / president / DJ / photographer / journalist / reporter / astronaut / singer / designer / scientist / banker / actor / lm director… I would like to be a hockey / football / tennis player… detective…

z How do people nd jobs? First, it is important to… write / prepare… a CV (curriculum vitae) / with information about your education and past work experience. Then you can visit an employment agency which will nd suitable jobs for you or you can look for job offers / ads… on the internet / in newspapers / magazines.

When you apply for a job, send a cover letter and your CV / ll in an application form and wait to be invited to an interview.

z How to prepare for a job interview? Find out some information about the company / employer. Dress smartly. Arrive on time. Don’t be late. Remember the name of the person who is interviewing you. Be polite and friendly. Ask questions.

z What are the standard working conditions and bene ts in the Czech Republic? The standard / typical working hours in the Czech Republic are an 8-hour working day with 4 weeks of holiday, sick pay and a lunch break. You can get lunch vouchers / language classes / a company car / a phone / gym memberships.

z What different types of companies can you work for? You can work for a small family company… a large multinational corporation… travel / translation / modelling agency / a chain store or freelance.

z Do you think that people will work more and more from home in the future? Yes, I agree / I think people will work more and more from home because… more work is online and they have computers at home… it is easier to have your own business. No, I think that people will still go out to work because they need to talk face to face with their colleagues / customers.

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Speaking Card 2: Family and Friends z Where do you make new friends?

z How do you like your family?

I meet new friends… at school / at parties / through friends / outside / on the internet / at my sports club (football, baseball, volleyball…) / at camp / during after-school activities (band, Scouts).

We are friendly to each other in my family. I like my sister because she… lends me her clothes / helps me with my homework / likes the same music / movies. I don’t like my brother very much because… we don’t have similar interests / he has different hobbies / he is much older than me. We always ght or argue. I have a normal family / parents / siblings. Sometimes we get on well, sometimes we argue. Sometimes I feel like we are total strangers.

z How often do you meet your friends?

Speaking Cards

My friends and I see / meet each other / spend time together… quite often / every weekend / when we have free time / only sometimes. We see each other… all the time / once a week / every day… at school / after school / only during the summer holidays. When we don’t see each other, we chat online / on Facebook.

z Who is a real friend? What is important about him / her? A friend is somebody who is… fun / helpful / intelligent / kind / understanding. Real friends are people who… have similar interests / hobbies / you can ask for advice or help / you can depend on / you can stay friends with even if you have a ght / an argument.

z Is it easy for you to make new friends?

z Describe the character of the person you date or would like to date. I like / I prefer / people who are… I would like to nd / meet / go out with someone who is… kind / romantic / intelligent / positive / somebody who is interested in me. I really like / love… a good sense of humour / someone who can make me laugh. I don’t like / I don’t care for / people who are… I would never go out with someone who is… unkind / lazy / boring / pushy.

z How can you meet a partner / a boyfriend / girlfriend?

Yes, I have no problems meeting new people. / I like to… talk to new people / make new friends. I need a lot of people around me. / No, it’s very di翿 cult for me. I am…shy / quiet / afraid to talk to… strangers / somebody I don’t know. It takes time for me to get to know people.

I guess / I think … most people meet… at school / at parties / at clubs / at concerts / through friends / on the internet / during (volunteer) work / while travelling. Many people… use a dating agency.

z Are friends more important than family?

z Do you like someone? And what happens next?

Sometimes I feel better with my family / friends… My friends understand me better… My mum / dad always / never help me … / they never / sometimes forget about me… Sometimes I can’t speak to my parents about my problems. They get angry or don’t understand. It is di翿 cult to say… / I prefer family to friends.

First people like / fancy each other. Then they go on a date / go out. If they are serious about each other, they can get engaged. Next they either get married or break up. Or they just live together.

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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


02 04









Speaking Cards


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Speaking Card 3: Food z What is your favourite food? I like / love / I’ve tried / I can’t get enough of… pasta / hamburger and chips ( = French fries AmE) / steak and vegetables / sweets / desserts / Chinese food / Mexican food / Italian food / vegetarian food… It’s delicious / tasty / disgusting / strange / heavy / light / sweet / sour / spicy.

Speaking Cards

z What is the most important meal of the day? What do you usually eat for breakfast / a snack / lunch / dinner? I think / I believe… breakfast / lunch / dinner is the most important meal of the day… I usually have / eat… toast, butter and jam / bread, ham and cheese / fried eggs / yoghurt and corn akes for breakfast. I drink… milk / tea / juice / cocoa. My snack is / are… biscuits and a banana / cake and plums / bread with salami. I have lunch in our school canteen / they cook quite well / I can choose from three meals, one is usually without meat. In the evening we always have a warm / cold dinner together.

z How often do you go to restaurants? I go out to restaurants with my family / friends / alone… once a week / month / only on special occasions like my birthday. We usually go to… a Czech / Italian / Chinese / fast-food restaurant… I prefer to eat at home.

z What is typical Czech / British / American / Canadian / Australian food? A traditional Czech dish is potato soup with mushrooms / sweet fruit dumplings / potato pancakes / roast pork with dumplings and sauerkraut / schnitzel with potato salad / fried cheese. British food is traditionally…roast beef and vegetables / sh and chips / meat pies. Americans usually eat… steak and salad / hamburger, French fries and

ketchup / hot dogs… Canadian national food is, for example, poutine (chips, gravy and cheese). A typical Australian meal is hamburger served with tomato sauce and sometimes with pineapple. In some restaurants you can even get kangaroo meat.

z What kind of food is healthy / unhealthy and why? Healthy food is… fresh / without chemicals / low in fat (sugar and salt) / high in vitamins and minerals… Unhealthy food is heavy / fatty / delicious / high in salt / high in sugar / low in vitamins… has added arti cial colours.

z Can you cook or bake? What is your speciality? Can you describe it? Yes, I can… bake an apple pie or pizza / make pasta or goulash / prepare a salad, potato or sweet pancakes… You need 2 eggs / 1 cup of our / 1 teaspoon of sugar… you have to cut / add / slice / melt / mix /… fry / bake / boil / steam for half an hour.

z Is there anything that you don’t like to eat and why? I would never eat… beef / sh / horse / lamb because I think it’s cruel / I don’t like the idea. I can’t eat (drink) nuts / milk / chocolate / strawberries / seafood because I’m allergic to them / I have allergies / I’m on a diet / my doctor said I can’t / I don’t like the taste.

z Are you a vegetarian? Or are you a vegan? Why? Why not? I guess / I think I’m a vegetarian… I don’t eat white or red meat but I eat eggs and milk products. I’m a vegan because I don’t eat any animal products because I think eating animals is… bad / wrong… I’m not a vegetarian / I eat meat because I like it / I think it’s healthy / necessary / natural.

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02 04


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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Speaking Card 4: Free Time and Entertainment z When do you have the most free time? I usually have the most free time after school on weekdays / during the week / only during weekends and holidays. I don’t have much free time because I have a lot of homework / I have to… help at home / babysit my sisters / meet my tutor.

Speaking Cards

z What do you (like to) do in your free time? How do you (like to) spend your free time? In my free time I like / enjoy… going to the cinema / hanging out with friends / walking my dog / going to clubs / doing nothing / sleeping / riding a bike / going inline skating. When I have some free time, I usually… chat with friends on Facebook / surf the internet / watch movies / read books (magazines) / play computer games / stay at home / cook / listen to music / take care of my pets. I have many hobbies, so in my free time I like to dance / practise martial arts / draw (paint) / sew / make jewellery / collect (stamps) / build models of planes / play a musical instrument (piano, guitar, drums…) / mix music on my computer /play oorball (hockey) / study languages / go to Scouts.

z Are you a sportsperson or are you more interested in culture? I like to be / keep active and I do lots of sports. In summer I go swimming and play tennis. In winter we often go to the mountains to ski. / I don’t really enjoy sports. I am not good at them. / I think sports are dangerous. / I prefer to stay at home and watch a lm or go to the cinema and theatre. / I’m crazy about art and fashion / I like to go to lots of exhibitions, museums and workshops.

z What kind of lms do you like? What do you like to read? I really enjoy adventure / horror / thriller / comedy / animated / documentary /

dramatic / musical / romantic / historic / science ction lms. I like to read detective stories / horror stories / fantasy novels / stories / celebrity biographies / poems.

z Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with other people? Sometimes when I feel good I want to be with my friends or among people. Usually when I’m tired / sad / want to relax, I prefer to… be alone / stay in my bed / read a book / walk my dog / spend time with my family / go shing.

z What do you usually do during the weekend? What do you do together with your parents? I often… go to see our relatives (my father’s new family) / stay in our cottage / visit my parents’ friends / stay at home and clean (help around) the house / work in the garden / go to the theatre / go snowboarding or cross country skiing / hike in the mountains / go kayaking / ride a horse / pick mushrooms or berries. We like to be outside in the fresh air and get some exercise. We enjoy staying at home, relaxing, playing games, watching TV and eating something good. We don’t do many things together because we have different interests / my parents work a lot.

z What kind of holiday do you enjoy? I enjoy active holidays. I like to travel / camp / be outside / see new places. I like to go on holidays with my family / with my grandmother. We always go abroad / stay in our cottage / travel around the Czech Republic. I like to go to cities and go sightseeing, especially museums and historic sights / music festivals. I prefer relaxing holidays on the beach / near a lake / in the mountains / at home / with friends. I prefer to stay in the countryside / visit smaller towns. I don’t like big cities. They are too noisy / dirty and have too many people.

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04 05

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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Speaking Card 5: Weather, Seasons z What is the weather like today? It’s the middle of winter, so it’s cold / windy / wet / snowy / cloudy and overcast. The temperature is below zero / it’s freezing. It snowed / there is no snow. Spring is here/ it has warmed up / it is getting warmer. / It’s cloudy / there are some showers / it’s drizzling / the weather always changes, one moment it can be cold and then warm. There is a rainbow in the sky. It’s summer, it’s bright and sunny / there are thunderstorms. Sometimes it gets really hot and there is a heat wave. Autumn is foggy / misty. It’s getting colder / chilly. The days get shorter.

it’s cold and you have to wear so many layers of clothes. Some people don’t like hot weather and they stay inside. I hate grey, cloudy days, I miss the sun. It’s just really depressing.

z Do you ever watch the weather forecast? I always watch / follow the weather forecast on TV, so I know what to wear. I always check the forecast on the internet so I am prepared. It’s always a good idea to check the weather when you go on holiday so you know what to bring. I don’t really care about the weather, it’s boring / I change the channel. The forecast is always wrong anyway; it’s never completely correct.

Speaking Cards

z What are the seasons? There are typically four seasons in the year: spring, summer, autumn / fall (AmE) and winter. In the southern hemisphere, for example in Australia, winter is the months of June, July and August, when Europeans are enjoying their summer. And the winter in Australia is not like we know it; it snows only in the mountains.

z What season / weather do you like and why? I like spring when everything is growing / it’s like a new beginning / it is getting warmer. I prefer summer when it’s hot and everything is blooming. You don’t have to wear a lot of clothes. I like storms in summer; they are so energetic. You can see lightning in the sky and then hear the thunder. Autumn is beautiful when it’s foggy in the morning / when the colourful leaves are falling off the trees. I like winter when the days are clear, you can stay at home and be cosy. I love the snow; you can go ice-skating, skiing or snowboarding.

z What type of weather do you dislike? I hate when it rains for days / it’s rainy and you can’t do anything. I don’t like snow in the city, it melts and it is dirty and slushy… I don’t like when

z What is the weather like in the Czech Republic? Weather is affected by the climate. The Czech Republic has a mild climate, so on average the weather is not extreme. But the weather can change in different regions of the country. For example, in the mountains it can be much cooler or rain more. On average, temperatures can reach -9 degrees in the winter and +20 degrees in the summer, but in some areas temperatures fall to -25 degrees in the winter, and reach up to +35-40 degrees in the summer.

z What problems can extreme weather cause? Too much rain can start oods. Or also if the snow melts too quickly, the rivers ood. For example, in 2002 the Czech Republic had huge oods which destroyed large areas of the country. In winter the snow and icy roads can make travelling di翿 cult and cause car accidents. If it doesn’t rain, there can be droughts and there is no water for crops. Other examples of extreme weather include tornadoes and hurricanes in the US, which can destroy large areas of land and communities.

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Speaking Card 6: Sport / rock climbing / parachuting. I don’t like sports / I hate / I can’t stand cross-country skiing and aerobics classes at the tness centre. I don’t like team sports, I prefer to exercise on my own like walking / hiking /going to the gym / pilates.

z Can you tell me about different types of sport? There are many types of sport. Some are team sports, like football or hockey; some are sports played against another player, like tennis; some are sports you do alone like running, or going to the gym. There are outdoor sports, like basketball / indoor sports, like ice hockey / there are sports where you need special equipment, like a racket or a ball. There are winter sports, like ice skating, skiing or snowboarding / or summer sports, like canoeing or athletics. There are also extreme sports, like bungee jumping or paragliding.

z How often do you do exercise / take part in sports?

Speaking Cards

z Where can you play different sports? Football is played on a pitch. Tennis, badminton and volleyball are played on a court. American football and baseball are played on a eld. Ice hockey is played on an ice rink. For swimming and diving you have to go to a swimming pool. Cyclists often ride on a cycle / bike path. People exercise / work out / lift weights in a gym / tness centre.

z What special equipment do you need? Football, rugby, cricket and basketball are examples of sports that use a ball. If you play ice hockey you need a hockey stick, ice skates and pads and you play with a puck. Examples of sports where you need a racket include badminton, tennis and squash. If you’re doing a sport like climbing you need special equipment such as ropes and crampons. If you are skiing, you need skis, poles and waterproof, warm clothing. Some sports don’t need any equipment, like running, or going to the gym.

z What sports do you like?/ Which don’t you like? I love / like… many types of sport. I enjoy … playing football / ice hockey / tennis / basketball / golf. My favourite sports are individual sports like … mountain biking / in-line skating / jogging / yoga / dancing / martial arts (karate, judo, aikido). We do different sports in our P.E. (physical education) class. I like doing athletics and playing ball games in the gym. I would like to try sur ng

I have to do sports once / twice / three times a week at school in our P.E. / physical education lessons. We go to the gym / practise ball sports / running. Outside of school I play football / tennis, go rollerblading / swimming / dancing. I prefer walking / hiking / going to the gym. I don’t like doing any sports in the week / I only do sports at school. P.E. class is my favourite / least favourite lesson.

z Why is it important to do sports / exercise? We should do sports so that we are healthy / It is important to exercise so that we don’t become overweight or ill. Doing exercise or sports gives us more energy. It is also a way of meeting people and socialising if you play in a team. Sports are fun / competitive. I don’t agree / I think doing a sporting activity can cost too much money, like going to the gym / you need to buy expensive equipment / I am happy just walking to school or riding my bike. I think people spend too much time watching sports like football on TV.

z What famous sportsmen/women do you know? Jaromír Jágr is a famous Czech ice hockey player, Petr Čech is a famous Czech goalkeeper who plays for Chelsea in the UK, Martina Navrátilová was one of the most famous tennis players in the world. She won Wimbledon nine times. David Beckham is a famous British footballer. The American Michael Phelps won 16 Olympic medals for swimming. Michael Jordan was a very well known basketball player from America, Sidney Crosby is now one of the best Canadian hockey players, Andy Murray is the best ranking British tennis player at the moment.

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Speaking Card 7: Transport z What types / means of transport are there?

from the city / check-in can be very long / your ight can be cancelled or there can be delays. You can have health problems during the ight, such as ear problems / get airsick on board. Your luggage can get lost.

Transport (BrE) / Transportation (AmE) can be private or public / by land, air or sea. Private transport can include cars, trucks (AmE) / lorries (BrE), vans, motorbikes (BrE) / motorcycles (AmE), mopeds, bicycles, scooters… Public land transport includes trams / underground / tube (BrE) / subway (AmE) / metro / trains… Public air travel means aeroplanes (BrE) / airplanes (AmE) or helicopters. Sea transport for people includes ferries, ocean liners, yachts, riverboats / ships.

z What do you have to do when you travel by plane? You must be at the airport about two hours before the plane leaves / check in your luggage / choose your seat, go through the security… If you have extra baggage, you will have to pay an excess baggage fee.

Speaking Cards

z What means of travel / transport do you use / have you used?

z What is good / bad about going by car? What do you have to do?

I don’t have a car so I have to get around on foot / go by bus / go by tram… I go to school by underground / metro / bus / train … Sometimes I ride a bike because it is quick / cheap / environmentally friendly… When travelling around the country / abroad, I prefer to go by train / coach / plane… because it’s comfortable / cheap / safe… I’ve never ridden a horse / own in a hot-air balloon… but I would like to one day. I don’t want to travel on a yacht / on an ocean liner because I would get seasick / I am afraid of boats / that the ship might sink.

You can travel when and where you want… You can stop when you want / take (bring) lots of luggage / listen to your music as loud as you like / change the destination. You can get stuck in a tra翿 c jam / have problems nding a place to park. You have to repair the car when it breaks down / ll it with petrol (BrE) or gas (AmE) / buy a motorway (BrE) or highway (AmE) sticker / pay a toll.

z What is good / bad about travelling by moped / motorcycle / bike / scooter?

z What is good and bad about long-distance travel by bus / coach / train?

You can easily park it anywhere / can get through tra翿 c jams. You have to wear a helmet and be more careful in busy tra翿 c. It is not very comfortable in bad weather. You have to wear special protective clothing. If you have a bicycle, you have to nd somewhere to lock it up. You can carry a bike into a shop or café. You can travel with a bike / scooter on the metro / train.

Buses / coaches / trains are cheaper / faster / more comfortable / more environmentally friendly than ying. On a bus or train you can enjoy the scenery… To take a bus / coach instead of a car / plane can help reduce pollution. On a train you can have a short walk and eat something in the buffet car and there is also more space for your legs.

z What do you have to do when travelling by public transport?

z What is good or bad about travelling / ying by plane?

You need a valid ticket or a monthly / season / annual pass. Tickets for buses / trams… are valid for one zone / time period. For trains / coaches you can buy a one-way or return ticket. If you are a student or pensioner, you can get a discount.

Plane travel is fast and quite comfortable… it is not very ecological… To get on the plane takes quite a long time… Airports are usually quite far

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Speaking Card 8: School z Do you like going to school? Yes, I like it because… my friends are there and we can do things together / the teachers are nice and help me a lot / I learn lots of things / I can do things that I can’t do at home / it is interesting. No, I don’t like it because… it’s boring / the classes are hard / I don’t learn anything / I have too much homework / I don’t like getting up so early / I have to stay at school till late afternoon / I have to take exams / tests.

Speaking Cards

z What subjects do you have at school? In primary school there are basic subjects such as maths / Czech or foreign languages. We also have subjects like history / civics / art / music lessons / family education / physical education (PE classes) and science – physics / chemistry / biology / geography. In grammar schools and secondary schools students also study other subjects like economics / information technology / art / psychology or other subjects they need for their future careers.

z When do you start going to school? What types of schools are there in the Czech Republic? When children are three years old, they go to kindergarten. At the age of six, they start primary school where they study until they are 15. They can go earlier to grammar school (age: 11 or 13). From 16 they can study either in a secondary or vocational school. They usually nish secondary school when they are 19. University is usually the next step.

z What’s your favourite subject? I like maths because it is different. I like English because I enjoy languages… it helps me understand music and lms / speak when I travel. I like history because… I like to learn about the past. I like art because… I can be creative / it is different from my other classes. I like biology because we can study how nature works / life.

z What’s a typical school day like for you? I arrive at school early / late / at 8 am. I go by bus / tram / train / underground. I walk / ride a bike. After the rst classes we have a long break. Sometimes we go out to the garden or just walk in the halls.

After the break we have more classes. Then it is lunchtime / time for lunch in our school canteen. I go home to eat / I have a packed lunch. In the afternoon / after the break / after lunch I have more classes. When schooI is over I go home / I study and do my homework / go to after-school clubs.

z Can you describe the school building? Our school is in a new / an old building with houses all around / next to a park / next to a church / on the square. It is a tall building / it has lots of oors / it is on one oor / there are lots of classrooms, a staffroom for teachers, a library and a computer room. There is also a canteen, gym, a school playground and a garden. We have special classrooms for languages / science / art and music / workshops.

z What is in your classroom? Our classroom is on the third oor. We can see the park / our playground / a street from the windows. There are 15 desks. We sit two at each desk. There is a shelf below the desk where we keep our books. In front of the desks there is a whiteboard / blackboard, TV and a desk for our teachers. There is a projector on the ceiling / wall and a screen at the back of the classroom. On the walls there are some posters and pictures of our schools projects / a board with some class news. Sometimes we stick some pictures on the windows.

z What do you think about exams? I think exams are important / useful because they show how much you’ve learnt / tell you what you need to work on. Exams are stupid / a waste of time because we spend too much time studying for them and not learning other things.

z What would you like to change about your school? I think my school should have more computers / books / better teachers / bigger and better study spaces / a gym / a playground. There are not enough classes / books / materials or equipment for all the students. Lunches could be better or we should have a choice of meals. There is not enough space in my school / classrooms are old / ugly / bad / need modernising.


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Speaking Card 9: My Day z How do you start your day during the week? I get up early / at 6:00 am. My mum / dad has to wake me up. I don’t get up till later because… my school starts at 9:00 am. / I live close to my school. First I go to the bathroom… I take a quick / long shower / wash my hair / wash my face / comb my hair. I get dressed / I put on my clothes. Then I make something for breakfast. I eat… cereal / boiled eggs and drink… orange juice / tea / coffee. I don’t eat breakfast in the morning; it makes me sick. I brush my teeth / put on my make-up and rush to school. Before I go to school, I… have to walk my dog / take my dog for a walk / feed my pets / take my brother / sister to kindergarten.

Speaking Cards

z What do you do at school? Classes start at 7:30 am / 8:00 am. I get to / arrive at school 15 minutes before the bell rings. First I go to my locker, put my coat / jacket away and change my shoes. I go to my classroom… chat with my friends / do my homework / review before tests / an exam. During the breaks I eat a sandwich / have a snack / play games on my phone. At lunchtime I go to the school canteen / cafeteria… I buy some food from a shop / the school vending machine. School usually nishes at 2:00 pm, except on Thursdays when we nish late / at 4:00 pm.

z What do you do after school? After school I go with my schoolmates to the shopping centre for ice-cream and to look in / browse the shops. I play football / oorball competitively, so I have to go to practice straight after school. I have a part-time job in the afternoon. I work in a fast-food restaurant / distribute lea ets in our district. Most of my afternoons are free, so I… just hang out / spend time with my friends / ride a bike in the park / go to a skatepark / watch movies. In the winter I… go to the library / check out new magazines / go home and play PC games / watch TV / surf the net / spend time on Facebook.

z Do you do any housework? I tidy up my room / take out the garbage (AmE) / rubbish (BrE). Sometimes I have to…

go shopping and make something for dinner, like a salad or fried cheese. Because I have a younger brother / sister, I have to babysit him / her until my parents get back from work. Every week each of us does something around the house like… vacuum cleaning / washing the dishes / washing up / dusting / watering the plants. I don’t clean my room. This makes my parents crazy. From time to time my mum comes in and does a big cleaning.

z When do you go to bed? Every day is different. / It depends. During the week I go to bed around 11:00 pm / before midnight. If I have exams / tests, I study late. During the weekend, we go out to the disco / parties / I stay up late with my friends, so I don’t get to bed till 1:00 am. I set an alarm / text my friends and I fall asleep with my headphones on.

z What are your weekends like? My weekends are… relaxing / slow. I usually sleep in and then I have a big breakfast with my family / I have breakfast on my own when I wake up. In the afternoon we go… to the cinema / shopping. In spring / summer we go to my family’s cottage / we work in the garden and go on trips. We go swimming in the lake / a pond / a swimming pool. In winter we travel to the mountains and go cross-country / downhill skiing / or we go skating.

z What is a typical day for your parents? My parents are both very busy. They are managers in big companies / they have their own business / shop / work in an o翿 ce. My father works for a Czech company and travels on business / goes on many business trips. My mother is… on maternity leave / a housewife and… looks after / takes care of my brother / sister / prepares meals for us / drives us to football / hockey / oorball training and afterschool clubs. In the evening my dad watches TV. He comes home late after dinner / during the weekends, he grills some meat for us and meets friends in a pub. Mum takes English classes twice a week or she goes to the yoga centre from time to time.


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08 06




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Speaking Card 10: Fashion and Clothing z What you are wearing now?

that I only wear for special parties. I don’t have a favourite piece of clothing. Blue / green / red / brown / yellow looks good on me / is my favourite colour / suits me.

I’m wearing a skirt / trousers (BrE) / pants (AmE) / jeans… a top / jumper / shirt / T-shirt. I’ve got a blue / red / green / brown jacket / dress / top on. I like wearing boots / trainers / smart shoes / tennis shoes / sandals. I’ve got winter / summer clothes on because it’s cold / hot outside.

z How much do you spend on clothes? I spend all my pocket money on clothes or fashion magazines about clothes. / I spend a lot of money on clothes. / I only buy clothes when I need something or I have a party or special event to go to. / I never buy new clothes; my parents always buy them for me. I have other more important things to spend my money on. / I don’t like clothes shopping.

z What do you wear at school and at home?

Speaking Cards

I normally wear jeans and a T-shirt to school / every day. I wear the same clothes for school and at home. / I never worry about what I wear for school, we have to wear uniforms. I like to dress up to go out with friends after school. At home I like to wear leggings / pants / a sweatshirt / hoodie / T-shirt. I like to be comfortable.

z Where do you shop for clothes? My favourite shops are… / I like British / American / foreign fashion / Czech style. I go to second hand shops. / I shop online for different clothes. / I like wearing high street fashion. / I don’t like wearing the same clothes as everyone else. / I like having my own style.

z What do boys and girls wear in the summer and in the winter? In summer girls wear light clothes such as dresses / skirts with tank tops / T-shirts and ip- ops. Boys usually put on shorts / light pants and short-sleeved shirts / T-shirts. To go swimming girls wear a swimsuit / bathing suit / bikini, boys put on swimming / bathing trunks . In winter both girls and boys wear coats / winter jackets to keep warm and gloves / winter hats / woolen scarves or shawls to protect their hands and head.

z What fashion phrases do you know? That looks cool / trendy / fashionable / stylish / in / the latest fashion / hot. That dress is out of fashion / not in / unfashionable / old fashioned. That top / jacket / shirt / dress looks vintage / classic / timeless.

z What accessories do you like wearing?

z How important is it to you to follow the latest fashion trends?

I always have / carry a handbag (BrE) / purse (AmE) / bag. In the winter I have a scarf / gloves / hat. Shoes are accessories so I normally wear trainers / ats / heels / Converse / pumps / boots / sandals. I like wearing jewellery but at school we are not allowed / only allowed to wear a watch / small earrings. After school I like wearing necklaces / dangly (long) earrings / rings / brooches (BrE) / pins (AmE) / hairpins / head bands.

I love fashion. / I always think about what I wear. / Fashion is important to me. / I don’t worry about being fashionable. / I never think about what I wear. Every day I think / plan what to wear. I always… read the latest fashion magazines / follow the latest fashion blogs. I don’t like following fashion. / I think people should wear what they want to wear.

z Who are your fashion idols?

z What is your favourite piece of clothing / out t / colour?

I like fashion models / fashion bloggers like… My idols are actresses / actors like… / I don’t have any fashion idols. I like people, who have their own fashion and don’t follow the high street fashion / have their own style.

My favourite out t is / I love my… polka dotted dress / T-shirt with a photo of Kurt Cobain / striped jacket. I like wearing something comfortable, so my favourite piece of clothing is my jeans / jacket / hat / cargo pants. I love my really expensive dress


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Speaking Card 11: People, Looks, Feelings z Can you introduce yourself?

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My name is… / I’m… 14 years old / a 13-year-old boy / girl. I go to elementary school / grammar school. I come / I’m from Prague / a mediumsized city / a small town / a village in the north / south / west / east of the Czech Republic. I come from Bohemia / Moravia / Silesia. I speak English / My second language is English / French / German / Polish / Slovak.

z What good things would other people say about you? My friends would say that… I am happy / helpful / I help my friends / fun to be with / work hard / I’m a bit quiet but once I get to know you I am more con dent / I am good at maths / languages / sport / dancing / art. My parents would say I am kind / smart / fun / lively / helpful / I help my brother and sister.

z How would you describe what you look like?

z What bad or negative things would other people say about you?

I’m… tall / medium height / short. My height is… 160 cm / I am 160 cm tall. I have a normal / medium-sized gure. I am slim / thin / well-built / muscular / a bit overweight / fat. I have short / long legs / small / big feet.

Some people might say that I am too loud / sometimes I get angry quickly / I am emotional / I get jealous / I can be moody. My brother / sister / parents would say that I am annoying / bossy / lazy / stingy (don’t share) / I don’t help.

z How would you describe your face?

z What makes you happy?

I have… an oval / heart-shaped / round / square face. I have short / medium-length / shoulder-length hair. My hair is… straight / curly / wavy / brown / blond / red. Sometimes I wear plaits (BrE) / braids (AmE) / a ponytail. I dye / colour my hair. I have blue / brown / green eyes. I have a button / small / large nose and a small / large chin.

I’m happy when I am with my friends / family / dog / siblings / seeing my grandparents. I like travelling / visiting family / going on trips at the weekend / see movies / playing computer games with friends / hanging out at friends’ houses / playing sports / music.

z Do you have any special features? I have freckles / a mole a tattoo / piercing. I wear glasses / contact lenses / I am in a wheelchair.

z How would you describe your personality / or what you are like? I think I am organised / a hard worker / I like studying. I am sometimes messy / not very organised / sometimes late. I am happy / fun. I like being with my friends / I have a good sense of humour / I like working alone / I am a bit shy / I don’t like big groups. I am helpful / I am a bit sel sh / get angry quickly.

z What makes you sad? I don’t like it when I argue with my friends / . I wear braces / I have family / siblings. I don’t like… watching sad things on TV like poor children / reading books that are sad / when I see animals get hurt. I am sad when I can’t go out / I am not allowed to see my friends.

z What qualities do you look for in a friend? A friend should be someone you can trust / who is reliable / friendly. They should be fun / work hard / have the same / similar interests / hobbies as me. She / he should be kind / nice / make me laugh / help me feel better when I feel sad / always be there for me in good times and bad times.


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Speaking Card 12: Cities z What is a city? A city is a place… where lots of people live in a small area / which has a large population of people. They are larger / more important / bigger than towns or villages. Today about half the world’s population lives in cities.

z What is the difference between city and town?

Speaking Cards

A town is bigger than a village but smaller than a city. A city is a large metropolitan area with lots of people. A city in the UK normally has a cathedral and the Queen has given it o翿 cial city status. In the Czech Republic a town must have at least 3,000 inhabitants and facilities like schools, doctor’s o翿 ces and there must be pavements (BrE) / sidewalks (AmE).

z Can you describe what you can nd in a city? Every city / town has a centre / square / downtown (AmE). In the centre there are… shops / schools / doctor’s o翿 ces (AmE) / surgeries (BrE) / dentists / hospitals and police stations. In a large city you can nd restaurants / museums / art galleries / theatres / cinemas / large shopping centres / malls with car parks (BrE) / parking lots (AmE). In historic towns / cities you can nd a castle / fort / old buildings / statues. Also the city has o翿 ces where people work, and sometimes factories / warehouses. In every city there are residential areas where people live in houses or apar tments (AmE) / ats (BrE).

z What are the positive things about living in a city? You can do a lot in a city like go to the cinema / a restaurant / museum / art gallery / concert / see a lm. There are really good sports facilities / sports clubs. People can go to bars / pubs, and dance clubs. You can meet lots of people in a city / have fun in a city / nd more interesting jobs / more job opportunities. There is good public transport in a city: you can get a train, or tram, or bus anywhere.

z What are the negative things about living in a city? I think / In my opinion… cities must be very busy / crowded / loud. The streets / some parts of the city / neighbourhoods can be… dirty / ugly and even dangerous. There are lots of cars / buses and tra翿 c in a city and there are not many places to go to get fresh air and see nature / wildlife. It must be very expensive to pay rent / to live in a city.

z What does it mean when you say ‘capital city’? Most countries have many cities, but normally only one city is called the ‘capital city’/ the capital. It is the city where the government of the country is located. So all the important o翿 ces like parliament where laws are made, and the highest court are there. The country’s political leaders are also based in the capital.

z Can you name any English-speaking capital cities? London is the capital city of the United Kingdom, Washington D.C. is the capital of the USA. Ottawa is the capital of Canada. Canberra is the capital of Australia and Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. Dublin is the capital city of Ireland.

z Can you describe any famous cities? Athens is an ancient / a very old city with lots of history. Paris is the capital city of France and is famous for its Eiffel Tower. New York is a busy / modern city in America, famous for its skyscrapers. London is a very crowded city with lots of people from all over the world. Budapest is a historic city with beautiful buildings and hot spas.

z What is your favourite town / city? Why? I like Prague / Liberec / Brno / Olomouc because… it is beautiful / small / pretty / friendly / historic / there is lots to do. I like the town I live in because… it is busy / interesting / has friendly people. I think it’s a good place to live. I like Rome because of its interesting architecture and the great pasta. I don’t have a favourite city or town because I prefer the countryside.











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Speaking Card 13: Nature & the countryside z What is the difference between nature, countryside and the environment?

Farmers grow fruit like apples / peaches / cherries or vegetables like carrots / potatoes / onions / tomatoes / broccoli / cauli ower.

Nature is everything that is naturally made / not man-made (e.g. plants, trees, animals, hills and rivers). The countryside is an area of land that doesn’t have many people / houses / cars there. There are elds / farms / mountains. It is the opposite of the city. The environment is everything in the world around us that is important for life on earth – water, air, plants and animals.

z What kind of farm animals can you nd? On farms people keep / raise cows / sheep or horses in the elds. You might have goats for milk / chickens for eggs / turkeys / ducks / geese / rabbits for meat. There might be a farm dog / cat.

z What kind of wild animals can you nd?

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z Do you prefer to live in the countryside or a city, and why?

In the Czech Republic you can nd wild boars / foxes / hares / deer in the forest. There are also lots of wild birds like pheasants / wild geese / owls and ducks. Sometimes you might see a stork, which has its nest high up on a chimney.

I like living / I prefer to live in a town / city… because there are more things to do / places to go / I can see my friends easily. I love living in the countryside. I like… being close to nature / going for long walks / living on a farm. I like both, I like to live in a town but I visit the countryside often / every weekend. We often go for a walk / hike in the countryside.

z What types of trees and owers are there in the countryside? In villages / farms there are lots of fruit trees in the garden, e.g. apple / pear / plum trees. In the forest you can nd trees with needles (evergreen trees) like pine (= borovice) / spruce ( = smrk) / r (= jedle). Trees that have leaves (deciduous trees) are oak (= dub) / maple (= javor) / linden tree (AmE) (= lípa). Some owers that grow in the countryside include dandelions (= pampelišky) / daisies (= sedmikrásky) / violets (= alky) / poppies (= vlčí máky).

z What are the positive things about living in the countryside? There is fresh air / less pollution / more space. It is clean. You can feel relaxed / calm. You can enjoy beautiful walks / see lovely views / see wild animals / enjoy walks. It is much healthier to live in the countryside. You can eat lots of home-grown / locally grown fruit and vegetables.

z What are the negatives? You can feel quite isolated / alone because there is no one to talk to. If you need anything, you have to drive to the nearest town to get it. There are no big shops / cinemas / places to go. It can take you a long time to get to school and you have to take a bus / train every day.

z What can you do in the countryside? There are lots of activities. You can go for a walk / hike / climb the mountains. You can watch birds / animals. Many people go camping / sleep… in tents / in the open air.

z What do farmers grow in the countryside? There are lots of different crops and corn for bread / rape seed or sun owers for oil.

z Why do you think it’s important to protect our countryside and nature? It’s important that we look after the countryside so that… we have somewhere to go to get fresh air / there are places for wild animals to live. We shouldn’t pollute the countryside. We need trees and plants for oxygen / we need rivers to take away water so that we don’t have ooding.

z What do you do to help the environment? I recycle waste / I try to sort waste: paper, glass, plastic and bio waste. I also give away clothes which I don’t use. People who want to stop air pollution . For example, wheat often travel by public transport and by bike. They also don’t use planes very often.


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Speaking Card 14: Travel and Holidays z Where have you been on holiday / taken a trip?

z What do you need to do to prepare for a trip / holiday?

I’ve been / my family and I have travelled… around the Czech Republic / to Slovakia / around Europe / I’ve been on a school trip to Germany / England / Ireland / Spain. I’ve visited / driven to Austria / Poland / Italy. I’ve travelled around the world / been to Asia / North / South America. I’ve never been abroad / I like staying at home. I don’t like to travel.

First you need to make a list of what you need / pack / put clothes in your suitcase / backpack. You need to make sure you have a passport / an identity card / sometimes you may need special injections / vaccinations / tablets for countries that have diseases like malaria. If you are travelling by train / boat / plane, you will have to have a ticket. You have to exchange foreign currency / money if you are travelling abroad.

Speaking Cards

z What sort of holidays (BrE) / vacations (AmE) do you like? I like… going abroad / travelling around the Czech Republic the best / I love seeing new countries. I like beach holidays, so I like going to the seaside / the Italian coast / Greece / I love hot weather and doing nothing. I like active holidays like walking and hiking / visiting places and seeing the sights / sightseeing / visiting historic monuments. I like cultural holidays / visiting museums and cities. My family and I like winter holidays and going to the mountains / we enjoy skiing / snowboarding / being in the countryside.

z What sorts of things can you do on holiday? You can relax on holiday / go to the beach / go swimming or sunbathe if it’s hot. You can rent a canoe or go sailing / snorkelling / scuba diving / whale watching if you are near a sea or a lake / water. In the countryside during summer you can go cycling / pick berries / visit caves / castles. If you are on a winter holiday, you can enjoy skiing / snowboarding / cross-country skiing. When abroad, you can practise speaking a new language / try different types of food / see new places.

z What would be your dream holiday or trip and why? If I had lots of money, my dream trip would be to… visit Asia because I love the food and the culture is so different / go to a tropical beach / go on a safari around Africa and see the wild animals / travel across America by car / go to New Zealand where The Hobbit was made / go to California / visit the mountains and go skiing in Canada / drive or cycle around the whole Czech Republic seeing all the places / national parks like Šumava / Krkonoše that I’ve never been to.

z What sort of things would you pack for a summer holiday? If you are going on a summer holiday, you will need to pack light / summer clothing / T-shirts / shorts / dresses / ip- ops / sandals / a jacket / sunscreen / sun cream / a hat / swimming costume (BrE) / swimsuit for girls and swimming trunks for boys / towel.

z What sort of things would you pack for a winter holiday? For a winter holiday you will need warm clothing / long underwear / jumpers / sweaters / gloves / hats / a scarf / scarves / snow boots. Also you should take thick socks / a waterproof jacket / snow trousers.

z Where can you stay if you’re on holiday or a trip? If you’re on holiday, you can stay in a hotel / motel / hostel / B&B (bed and breakfast) / rent a cottage / boat / caravan / stay in a tent / stay with a family.

z Where do people in the Czech Republic normally go during the summer holidays? During the summer holidays Czech people go to their cottage / stay with grandparents / see family / go abroad / go on trips around the country / Czech children go to summer camps. For Czech tourists Croatia and Italy are the most popular destinations.

z Have you ever been to a summer camp? Describe it. Every year / once a year / I go… to a summer camp. We sleep in tents / in a school / share cabins. We are put into groups and compete / play sports. I don’t like summer camps, I prefer to stay at home / be with my family / friends.


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Speaking Card 15: My House z Where do you live? / Do you live in a house / at?

z What sort of things can you nd in the living room?

We live / My family lives in… an old at (BrE) / apartment (AmE) on the top oor near the city centre / downtown. I live in a new at in a block of ats / in a high-rise building in the suburbs. We live in a terraced house which is connected to the other houses by walls. I live in a house on the edge of the town / in the country. There is a garden (BrE) / yard (AmE) outside the house. Our at is on the top oor so we use the lift (BrE) / elevator (AmE) to get home. We live on the ground oor (BrE) / rst oor (AmE).

In the living room you can nd… a sofa / couch / armchairs / chairs / small table / coffee table with a lamp. We have a television / stereo / DVD player. There is a television stand / bookshelf. It has a carpet / rug / wooden oor. We have a lot of / some / a few plants.

Speaking Cards

z What rooms can you nd inside? There is / are… a hallway / dining room / kitchen / toilet / bathroom / shower. We also have a double bedroom / a small bedroom. My parents have an en-suite bathroom. There is an o翿 ce / a study / garage / workshop / kids’ playroom. Our house has a balcony / garage / cellar / an attic for storing things.

z Can you describe your room?

z What do you like doing in the living room / lounge? The whole family spends a lot of time in the living room. I / We like relaxing there after school / work / on rainy days. We usually sit on the sofa and watch television / movies / chat with each other / play video / board games / cards / entertain guests / read books / do nothing.

z Can you describe what there is in a bathroom? In a bathroom you can nd a toilet / bath / shower / sink with taps / hot and cold water. Sometimes I have a small room there is a .bathroom cabinet and inside you can nd shampoos / soaps / creams / toothbrushes. On the oor there is a rug / bathmat. There is a big mirror on the wall.

My room is neat / tidy / messy with a single bed, a wardrobe and a desk. I share my room with my brother / sister. We have bunk beds / twin beds. The room is divided and each of us has a half. When you enter, there is… a bookcase / bookshelf on the right / wardrobe on the left side. My desk is under / near the window. I have a rug / carpet / wooden oor. The walls are painted white / there are pictures / posters hanging on the walls. I have a light / chandelier / table lamp.

We have a garden / yard. In the garden we have ower beds / trees / a vegetable plot / greenhouse. There is a deck / space for sitting / a garden table and chairs / a washing line for drying clothes.

z What can you nd in the kitchen?

z What household chores / jobs do you do?

In the kitchen there is… an oven / a gas or electric cooker (BrE) / stove (AmE). We have a big fridge / freezer. There are cupboards where the plates / pans / pots / food go. We have a dishwasher / a large sink with taps for washing up. There is a coffee machine / toaster / kettle. We have a shelf of spices and a larder (BrE) / pantry (AmE) for storing food. There is a rubbish bin (BrE) / garbage can (AmE) for waste. There is a table and chairs for eating.

At home my mum / dad / parents / grandparents / do most of the work. I have to share the jobs with my brother / sister / I help a lot around the home. We help out with the washing up / clearing the plates / making the bed / emptying the dishwasher. I have to mow the lawn / water the garden / take out the bins / do the recycling. I have to clean / hoover (BrE) / vacuum (AmE) my room / put my washing (BrE) / laundry (AmE) away / do the ironing.

z Do you have a garden? What you can nd in a garden?


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Speaking Card 16: Shopping z Do you like to shop? Why / Why not?

If I need a phone or a TV, I can go to an electronics shop. If I need medicine, I go to a chemist’s (BrE) / pharmacy (AmE). For food I can go to a supermarket / grocery store / greengrocer / butcher / bakery / farmers’ market. If it’s late at night and I need milk or toilet paper, I can buy it at a corner / convenience store.

I’m a shopaholic! I love to shop. I can spend a lot of time / money shopping. I like to look at / try on everything in the shop (BrE) / store (AmE). Shopping is my favourite / least favourite activity. I spend hours online looking at things. I sometimes just go window shopping with my friends so we can see what is new in the shops. I hate shopping! There are too many people / long queues (BrE) / lines (AmE). Everything is so expensive. I prefer to shop online because there are no queues / everything is delivered to your home / it’s cheaper.

z What is the difference between a department store, a supermarket and a hypermarket? A department store is a shop which has many departments selling different goods. A supermarket is a large shop that sells mainly food. A hypermarket is a very large store, usually situated out of town, which sells many different types of goods. Hypermarkets usually have large car parks.

Speaking Cards

z How often and where do you usually shop? I shop / go shopping almost every day / once a week / month / only when I need something. We always / never / sometimes go to shopping centres (BrE) / malls (AmE) / hypermarkets / boutiques. My friends / family normally look for big discounts after Christmas / at the end of the season / in the ‘back to school’ sales. We sometimes use coupons to get discounts in the grocery store / supermarket.

z What do you usually buy? What was the last thing you bought?

z Do you prefer small shops or large shopping centres? I like large shops because they have a bigger selection / lower prices. They are open longer / open every day. I don’t like large shops because they are crowded / there are long queues. I prefer small shops because they are specialized / have friendlier sales assistants. I don’t like small shops because they have a limited selection / are more expensive / have shorter opening hours.

z What are some basic types of shops? If I am shopping for clothes / shoes / accessories, I can go to a small boutique / shopping centre / mall / outlet store / department store / second-hand shop. When I need school supplies, I can go to a bookshop / stationery shop. If I want sports equipment, I go to a spor ts shop.


I buy something almost every day. I usually buy clothing / books / computer accessories / electronics / food when I go shopping. I always buy small gifts for my family / friends for their birthdays / name days / for Christmas. I go to the grocery store / supermarket with my mum / dad / family and help pick out vegetables / shampoo / soap / breakfast cereal. My dad likes to go to the hardware / DIY shops where he nds things for the house like wood / nails / screws / tools. The last thing I bought was …

z Who are the people that work in a shop? In the shop there are lots of shop / sales assistants / sales clerks (AmE) who help you nd things and answer questions. They can also help you when you are trying on clothes. A shelf-stacker is someone who makes sure there are goods on shelves. When you are ready to pay, you go the checkout and a cashier will take your money and put your shopping in a bag. There are also security guards who protect the store against shoplifters.

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Speaking Card 17: Holidays and festivities z What are public holidays? Public holidays are days when you don’t have to go to school / work / shops are closed / people have a day off / we remember an event like the end of a war or a religious day, such as a saint’s day. In the UK and USA, a public holiday can also be called a ‘bank holiday’ because all the banks and shops are shut.

Speaking Cards

z Can you name any festivals / holidays that are speci c to English-speaking countries? Halloween is celebrated in October in the USA and the UK. Thanksgiving in Canada / America is a special family meal / celebration in October / November. Bon re Night / Guy Fawkes’ Night is on November 5th in the UK and people have big res and reworks. Independence Day is celebrated in the USA on the 4th of July with reworks and barbecues. In Australia, Anzac day, on April 25th, is a day to remember the soldiers who died in the wars. Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world on February 14th, especially by people who are in love. Some countries celebrate Mother’s Day / Father’s Day and people send cards and presents to their parents.

z What do you know about Halloween? It is celebrated on October 31st in the UK and the USA. In the past, people believed that on that day the dead came back to Earth. Children dress up as monsters / ghosts / witches and walk around their neighbourhood / streets and say “trick or treat”. In return they are given sweets (BrE) / candy (AmE). Some people decorate their houses to look scary. People cut faces into pumpkins to make Jack O’Lanterns / Halloween lanterns.

z Where is Thanksgiving celebrated and what do they do? Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA on the last Thursday in November and in Canada on the second Monday of October. It is a big family occasion / celebration. People spend time with their families and have a special meal with roast turkey / cranberry sauce / vegetables / mashed potatoes / gravy / pumpkin pie. They are thankful for being together / for the food on the table. The holiday started when the Pilgrims, the rst English people to move to America, survived the rst winter with

help from the Native Americans and they celebrated with / by eating a big meal together.

z Can you describe what St Patrick’s Day is and where it is celebrated? St Patrick’s Day / St Paddy’s Day is a big Irish holiday celebrated in Ireland / by Irish people around the world. It is / takes place on March 17th. It is the national day of Ireland. They remember the patron saint of Ireland, St Patrick. People wear green / dress up with the Irish national symbol, a shamrock / a three-leaf clover / drink Irish beer called Guinness / Irish whiskey / parade around the streets / have a big party.

z Can you think of any Czech public holidays? Czechs have a public holiday on May 8th to remember the end of the Second World War / Liberation Day. On July 5th and 6th we have Cyril and Methodius Day, a religious holiday, and Jan Hus Day / we remember the day Jan Hus was burnt at the stake. We have a holiday on September 28th called St Wenceslas Day, to celebrate the patron saint of the Czech Republic. On October 28th we remember the day Czechoslovakia was formed and on November 17th we celebrate Freedom and Democracy Day, when the students demonstrated / protested against the Communists and the regime ended.

z Can you tell me about how Easter is celebrated in your country or English-speaking countries? At Easter we decorate eggs and make ‘pomlázka’ / special whips decorated with ribbons / we whip girls / the girls give the boys decorated eggs. In America / the USA and the UK children get Easter baskets / chocolate eggs / decorate eggs for egg-rolling races / have Easter egg hunts / have a special family meal.

z What is your favourite holiday and why? I love / like Christmas because we get presents / gifts / see family / I like the winter holiday best. I enjoy / my favourite holiday is Easter because the weather is warmer / I like the tradition of decorating eggs. I love ‘masopust’ / carnival because it is a time when people dress up in carnival costumes and celebrate before the start of Lent (= půst před Velikonocemi). Christmas will be included in the next Speaking Card.


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Speaking Card 18 – Health & Lifestyle their leg / arm. A lot of people are allergic to something / have allergies these days.

z What should you do to stay healthy? To be healthy / stay healthy… you need to look after your body and mind. You should… exercise / eat healthy food / get fresh air and be outside. You should get enough sleep so your body feels rested. You shouldn’t … drink alcohol / smoke cigarettes / take drugs.

z What should you do if you have a cold or a fever? If I have a cold, I take vitamins / drink tea with honey and lemon. I rest / sleep / stay in bed / don’t go to school / stay at home. If I have a fever or my body aches, I take a tablet / medicine to reduce my temperature / take away the pain.

z What bad habits do you have?

Speaking Cards

Sometimes I’m lazy and don’t exercise enough / I hate sports. Sometimes I smoke even though it’s bad for me / smoking or drinking alcohol is bad for you. I never get enough sleep / I play a lot of computer games / chat with my friends on Facebook at night so I’m always tired.

z Describe some basic medicines and what you need them for. You can buy all basic medicines at the chemist’s (BrE) / in a pharmacy (AmE). For cuts and bleeding, there is a plaster (BrE) / Band-Aid (AmE) or a bandage. If you have a fever, you can take some medicine / a tablet / pill to reduce your temperature / take away the pain. If your eyes are red, you can use eye drops. For an allergy / rash you can put cream on it / take a pill.

z What is a healthy diet? / Do you eat healthily? A healthy diet means not eating too much fat / sugar / junk food. I don’t always eat healthy food. If I’m in a rush, I buy fast food like KFC or McDonald’s / I like unhealthy fatty food and sweets because they taste nice / I don’t like fruits and vegetables. I am always careful about my diet / I think about what I eat / I try to eat a balance of all foods / I never eat sugar or processed foods / I am a vegetarian.

z When should you go to the hospital? You need to go to the hospital if you have broken your bones / you are seriously hurt. Also, if you need to have an operation or surgery / have a serious illness like cancer/ heart problems / kidney or lung problems / infectious disease, you must go to the hospital. Women go to the hospital to give birth.

z What are some English phrases to describe feeling ill? If you feel unwell / don’t feel well, you might be ill (BrE) or sick (AmE). If you say you feel sick, especially in Britain, it means you are going to vomit. You can also say I have a temperature / fever / I have a headache / my head / back / arm… hurts / I have a pain in my head / arm / leg.

z Do you know the special names for different people who work in the medical industry? A doctor / GP (General Practitioner) is someone who looks after your basic health. If you have a problem with your teeth, you need to see a dentist. A pharmacist gives you medicine. A surgeon is someone who operates on you in the hospital. A nurse is a person who works in the hospital to care for you before and after an operation or during a serious illness. A midwife is someone who specializes in helping women give birth.

z What are some basic health problems? Some people frequently get a headache / stomach ache / backache. If they don’t take care of their teeth, they can get cavities or a toothache. In winter they can get / catch a cold or even a u / have a sore throat. If they have an accident like falling off their bike, they can break / scrape


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Speaking Card 19 – Technology, Computers & Inventions z What does ‘new’ technology mean?

z What is the difference between a desktop computer and a notebook / laptop?

Technology means things / machines that are made by people / invented to improve / make our lives better / easier. They are man-made machines / designed to help us. For example, new technology can mean new computers / new ways of doing things on the computer.

A desktop PC is a large computer / sits on a desk. It has a tower / monitor / keyboard. A laptop / notebook is smaller / you can carry it around / it is a portable computer.

z What kinds of things can you do on a computer?

z What is a gadget?

Speaking Cards

It is something that is invented for a speci c thing / to make something easier / quicker. For example, a TV remote control was invented to make it easier for people to turn on the television / a mobile phone was made so we could walk around and talk at the same time.

z What gadgets / electronics do you have around the house? In my house we have / there is a toaster / microwave / TV remote control / electric tin opener (BrE) / can opener (AmE) / coffee machine / radio alarm clock / electric toothbrush / Android device / iPhone / mobile phone / smartphone / PlayStation / XBox / Nintendo Gameboy / Kindle / e-reader / tablet / laptop / digital camera / mp3 player / iPod.

You can type / write documents / create les / do your homework / work / print your work / send emails / messages to people over the Internet. You can use the Internet to search for information / use Google / go on Facebook / social networking sites / speak to your friends online / communicate / keep in touch / share pictures / download les / watch videos / play games / go shopping.

z What can people do with a smartphone? You can make phone calls / send messages / text people. Smartphones can connect to the Internet so you can surf / search the net. There is also a camera / video camera so many people take photos / record videos with their phones. You can also download many applications / apps and play games / read magazines / listen to podcasts / music / look at maps.

z What’s your favourite gadget / electronic toy and why? I love my mp3 player because all my music is in one place. I like my smartphone / I use it all the time for calls / emails / to connect to the Internet / take photos. I love playing games on my computer / tablet / laptop / PlayStation because it’s fun / entertaining / I can play with friends. I don’t need lots of gadgets / I only use my phone. Gadgets are invented so that people spend money on them / They are a waste of money.

z What are some important inventions in history?

z What parts of a computer do you know?

I believe the telephone was the best invention because now we communicate across the world / we now have the Internet because of the telephone. The wheel was one of the rst inventions and was the most important because people / humans could move / transport heavy things. The computer is the most important invention today because it changed the modern world in so many ways.

The wheel / the printing press / the fridge / the telephone / the engine / the light bulb / the microscope / the aeroplane (BrE) / airplane (AmE) / space travel / the computer / the Internet / mobile phones.

z What do you think was / is the most important invention and why?

A monitor / screen is where we see information / pictures. A keyboard is where you type information. The hard drive is the place where software and les are stored / saved on the computer. The mouse is used to point and click on the screen. A cable connects the computer to the electricity. A DVD player plays / reads CDs or DVDs. You can connect other gadgets to your laptop / computer through a USB port.










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Practice test 01

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Preliminary English Test Paper 1 Reading and Writing Time: 1 hour 30 minutes INFORMATION READING Questions 1–35 carry one mark. WRITING Questions 1–5 carry one mark. Part 2 (Question 6) carries five marks. Part 3 (Question 7 or 8) carries 15 marks.



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Reading • Part 1 Questions 1–5 Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Mark the correct letter A, B or C on your answer sheet. example: 0

A Karl needs Jack to lend him a bike. Jack, can you bring the bike you borrowed to my house today? Thanks, Karl

PET exam paper





B Jack has to return the bike that Karl lent him. C Jack is invited to meet Karl at his house and go cycling.



A It will be 20 minutes before a city centre bus leaves from this stop. B You can get buses to the centre from here every 20 minutes. C It takes 20 minutes to get to the city centre by bus from here.

Harry is contacting Tom to 2

Tom, My mum forgot to get us any snacks! Can you bring some when you come to my house tonight? Jake’s bringing lots of CDs!

A tell him to provide some music for tonight. B invite him to Harry’s house tonight. C ask him to take food with him tonight.



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Ciara is texting Ben to Ben,

A warn him he’ll be late for the film.

I’m at the cinema – where are you? Film starts in 2 minutes!

B ask him to contact her about the film.


C confirm the time the film begins.


What is Mum reminding Billy to do?


t he s are in e h ic w nd your Your sa them in t u p – fridge x. lunchbo rget! Don’t fo Mu m


A make sandwiches for his lunch B take his lunchbox out of the fridge C add his sandwiches to his lunchbox

A Pupils are late paying for the school trip on Friday.


B Pupils have until Friday to pay for the school trip. C Pupils should bring money to spend during Friday’s school trip.


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Reading • Part 2 Questions 6–10

PET exam paper

The teenagers below all want to visit a museum exhibition in their city. On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight different exhibitions to visit. Decide which exhibition would be the most suitable for the following teenagers. For questions 6–10, mark the correct letter (a–h) on your answer sheet. 6

Sarah likes inventing useful things and finding out how new inventions are designed and produced. She’s good at using computers, and wants to see how they can be used in design.


Jake is keen on large vehicles and machines, and would like to go somewhere he can have experience of one actually working. He’d also like to take some good photos.


Marta is doing a project on the environment and the effects of waste products we throw away. She wants to learn more about the problem and what individuals can do about it.


Tom likes animals and wants to understand more about them. He wants to go somewhere he can take part in activities and buy a souvenir to make at home.


Karina is keen on art and photography. She likes exploring areas of the city to see what things she can find for her art, and then put them into her work.


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Smithson Museum


Come along and see this exhibition of everything to do with animals – from unusual animal prints to the latest computer designs of cartoon animals for films. Try designing a new and fantastic film creature on the computer – you might even see it appear in a film!


Come and join the museum’s guided walks along the river bank. You’ll collect objects that have come from the river, such as interesting stones and old pieces of wood and machines. And then try making pictures with what you’ve picked up!

Railton Museum


The Allen Centre


Hampton House This technology museum is full of models of engines – and a big wheel! Climb on, sit down and be taken up high enough to see over the rooftops! And don’t forget your camera – you’ll get some amazing pictures! Model engines are on sale in the gift shop.


Camford Museum

Got a great idea to share? Come and take part in this exhibition about how machines are made, from the idea to the finished product. See how IT can help with plans for models. And come and work on your idea here – the best ones will go into the display! G

Park Pavilion Art galleries not usually for you? Then visit this Art in the Park exhibition – young people’s art and photography about problems in our environment. There’s everything, from art produced on computers to teenagers’ wildlife photos. Come and put some of your work in the display!

A visit to this museum all about the city’s river includes a 40-minute ride in a huge boat along the water – at great speed! You can also have your photo taken during the trip – but don’t even think about trying to take your own. You’ll be too wet! E

The Willis Centre

Bedford Lock Come down to the river bank and take photos of this temporary exhibition – 200 kilos of plastic rubbish, collected from our river! Get ideas about how we can each help to tidy up our world – but also don’t miss the display of useful plastic items such as computer and machine parts.


The exhibition here is based around large models showing how living creatures use their amazing skills in the wild. Dress up like a jungle creature to discover how they deal with a changing environment. Or help build a model of a giraffe – and even get one from the shop to take away!

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Reading • Part 3 Questions 11 – 20

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Look at the sentences below about a girl called Anna and her new school building. Read the text on the next page to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet. If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet.


Anna’s school is the first one in her country to be made completely of wood.


Anna had mixed feelings about seeing the space cleared ready for building the school.


Builders managed to carry on with work on the school despite the weather.


There is one room that is kept just for local people to use for meetings.


The children find the new changing rooms convenient when they do sports on their field.


The inside of Anna’s school depends on the people and machines in it to be warm.


The new school building has great benefits for people who like to sing.


The builders wanted to do something traditional for the school when they’d finished the roof.


Pictures of the wind turbine behind the school can now be seen online.


The pupils are busy preparing to do a performance for their parents in their new school building.


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Anna’s new school

The school took months to build, so we saw it all happening. It was really exciting seeing the builders clear the space where it would be, although it also meant that some lovely open land disappeared. And the noise of the building machines was really loud, although the builders often had to stop work because it rained so hard. We all began to think the building would never be finished. We have five classrooms now, which are enormous – much bigger than in our previous school next door, which was very old. We share one room with people in the town when they want to have meetings and so on. There’s a nursery too, a lovely dining room, and really big changing rooms which we’re looking forward to using as soon as our new sports field is ready. When you come into the school, one of the first things you notice is that there aren’t any heaters in the building! Instead, the heat for the school comes from all of us inside it – the children, the teachers and the computers we use. The building is so well designed that it holds all the heat inside – and all the sound too, so if we sing inside our classrooms, we can almost believe we’re inside a concert hall! Another thing you’ll notice is that the school roof has a tree on top of it! It was put there by the builders once they’d finished the roof, because they said it was the custom in Austria, the country where the roof was made. The electricity for lights and computers comes from a wind turbine on a hill behind the school. We went with our teacher to look at it yesterday, and it goes round really fast. It’s so big, it can be seen for miles! We took some pictures which we’re planning to put on the website. Even though we’re already using the school building, there are still some parts to be added to it – for example, at the moment we’re putting on a play for parents to come and see, but we still have to walk back to our old school hall to do it. The replacement will be ready by next year, though. We’re so pleased with our new school, and our teachers say we’ll all learn much faster now we’re in it!


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It’s been a very exciting week, as we’ve just moved into our new school building! It’s an amazing place, as the builders have used wood for the whole thing, just like in our old school, but it’s also one of the first in my country designed to be really environmentally friendly.

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Reading • Part 4 Questions 21 – 25 Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.


PET exam paper

By Katie Atkins, aged 14

I play the trumpet in my school jazz band. Last month we held a jazz competition with bands from local high schools – and our band won! Each band had their own costumes, ranging from black school uniforms like my band wore, to brightly-coloured T-shirts. We didn’t look much like adult professional bands, but all of us were used to performing in competitions, so the quality of playing was amazing, especially considering everyone was so young. Players from each band even created new tunes right there on stage. It was exciting to watch – but even better when my band played on stage! We have a great jazz band at my school, but not everyone who wants to play in it gets accepted – only about half, in fact. But anyone who’s keen to play goes to jazz practice before school, and we often spend time together after school, listening to jazz and learning its language. There are also trips to jazz summer camps across the country – I’ve been to a couple and learnt a lot. Adults are often surprised that young people are getting interested in jazz. My music teacher thinks it’s because pop music isn’t challenging enough for people like me who are serious about music. But I find it exciting because it’s both new and old at the same time – you can create your own music, but you also feel you’re part of its history, as you’re playing on stage in the same way as great jazz performers before you. My school’s really lucky because we have great teachers, and parents who’ve supported us all the way. Without them, we’d never get anywhere with our music!


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What is Katie trying to do in the text? A

encourage young people to try to listen to more jazz


explain how jazz is becoming popular with young people


advertise young people’s jazz events in her area


give advice on how to create great jazz music

Katie says the bands in her school’s jazz competition A

played music they’d written themselves before they came.


had little experience of playing in public.


played at a high level despite their age.


were dressed to look like professional jazz bands.

Most people at Katie’s school who are interested in jazz A

attend early jazz sessions at school.


join the school jazz band.


learn about jazz in after-school classes.


go to jazz summer camps at the school.

Why does Katie enjoy playing jazz so much? A

She finds it easier to learn than other forms of music.


She thinks it is more serious than pop music.


She likes the chance to perform with others on stage.


She feels in touch with jazz players of the past.

Which of the following would Katie write to a friend? A

The competition was great, but I think I preferred being in the audience to playing – I was nervous!


My mum and dad always do all they can to help with my trumpet playing – I couldn’t do this successfully without their help.


One band wore really colourful clothes, but we chose dark costumes. Maybe that’s one reason why they won instead of us.


One music teacher left a while ago and no one’s replaced him yet. We just haven’t got anyone good to help us now.


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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Reading • Part 5 Questions 26–35 Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. example: 0

A one


B some A




C any

D many


Sharks Sharks are (0)

of the most frightening creatures in our oceans. They

are well prepared for feeding under water because they can (26) movement through special lines

PET exam paper

very well, and they can also (27)


on the sides of their bodies. These make sharks very (28) smaller sea creatures that become their food. other fish in a

Although sharks are similar (29)

number of ways, their bodies are different. For example, unlike other fish, most sharks (30)

to swim all the time in order to breathe and stay alive,


they hardly sleep at all. Also, if sharks are turned over . This is a very

on their backs, they can stop moving (32)

are often required to

useful technique for researchers (33) sharks. It allows them to (35)


out more about these fascinating creatures. 26

A watch

B look

C notice

D see


A touch

28 29

A dangerous A with

B feel B difficult B from

C know C serious C to

D catch D important D of

30 31 32 33 34 35





ought so perfectly which art discover

need as finally who care search


must but fully what deal find

should or completely whose handle study

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Writing • Part 1 Questions 1–5 Here are some sentences about a school art exhibition. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words. Write only the missing words on your answer sheet. You may use this page for any rough work. example: We had an exhibition of our art work in the school hall last night. an exhibition of our art work in the school hall last

There night. Answer: 0



Unfortunately we had too many pictures to put on the walls. Unfortunately we didn’t


space for all our pictures.

The photos in the exhibition were taken by the youngest pupils. the photos in the exhibition.

The youngest pupils


I don’t think I put my best pictures in the exhibition. I’ve produced


There were such a lot of people that I couldn’t find my friends. There were


pictures than the ones I put in the exhibition.

people that I couldn’t find my friends.

Our parents all said that we should have another exhibition soon. have another exhibition soon?’

Our parents all said ‘Why


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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Writing • Part 2 Question 6 You have just been to the town centre to spend some birthday money on a book. Write an email to your English friend, Sam. In your email you should: •

say what kind of book you bought

say why you chose the book

suggest when you can show your friend what you bought.

PET exam paper

Write 35–45 words on your answer sheet.

Writing • Part 3 Write an answer toone of the questions ( 7 or 8) in this part. Write your answer in about 100 words on your answer sheet. Question 7 •

This is part of a letter you receive from your English friend Pat. My family and I are coming to visit your area soon. Can you tell me some good places for us to go? And what will the weather be like while we are there?

Now write a letter, answering Pat’s questions.

Write your letter on your answer sheet.

Question 8 •

Your English teacher asks you to write a story.

This is the title for your story:

‘The day we went to the zoo!’ •

Write your story on your answer sheet.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Practice test 01

PET exam paper

Preliminary English Test Paper 2 Listening Time: approx. 35 minutes (including 6 minutes´ transfer time) INFORMATION There are four parts to the test Each question carries one mark. For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers.



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Listening • Part 1 Questions 1 – 7 There are seven questions in this part. For each question, choose the correct answer ( A, B or C) example:

Where did the girl and her family go on holiday?

PET exam paper






Which cyclist won the race?

A 2


Why couldn’t the girl go to photography club yesterday?





Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Where will the boy and his friend practise basketball?






How did the girl get to school?




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Which music poster does the boy prefer?



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PET exam paper


Where will they go after the cinema?





What will Sam take on the school museum trip tomorrow?





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Listening • Part 2 Questions 8 – 13 You will hear an interview with a student called Sarah Mercer, who is planning to become a weather forecaster. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.






Why did Sarah first become interested in the weather? a

She studied weather in school science lessons.


She had experience of bad weather where she lived.


She saw programmes about weather on TV.

Who encouraged Sarah’s interest in the weather at home? a

her mother


her father


her grandfather

Pupils at Sarah’s school club a

produced a book about the weather.


provided information to the school for projects.


set up equipment for studying the weather.

What mistake did Sarah’s family make during a sailing trip? a

They didn’t recognise signs of bad weather coming.


They hadn’t made preparations for bad weather.


They failed to check weather forecasts regularly.

Sarah thinks in future she’d like to a

work in the area of sport.


be on TV weather programmes.


travel abroad for her job.

What kind of weather does Sarah like best? a

when the sun is shining


when it’s raining hard


when there’s fog


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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Listening • Part 3 Questions 14 – 19 You will hear an art teacher talking to a class about a design competition run by an online magazine. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

Design Competition DETAILS: Name of magazine: (14)

PET exam paper

Design a (15)

Designs for the magazine.

The design must include a (16) Entries can be sent in up to (17)

. May.

If possible, pupils should also send their (18) the entry. The winning school will receive a (19)



Listening • Part 4 Questions 20–25 Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a boy, Mark, and a girl, Anna, talking about winter sports. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, choose the letter A for Yes . If it is not correct, choose the letter B for No. Yes


20 21 22 23

Mark was disappointed at the amount of snow at his holiday centre. Anna is surprised at how quickly Mark learnt to snowboard. Mark thinks it’s important to be fit in order to snowboard well. Anna is shocked that some people don’t protect themselves better




when snowboarding. Mark is keen to learn more advanced snowboarding in future.




Anna and Mark both prefer doing snowboarding to other winter sports.




Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Phase 2 Interlocutor (Select one or more questions from the list to ask each candidate. Use candidates’ names. Ask Candidate B first.) Back-up prompts Do you enjoy studying English?

Do you like studying English?

How will you use English in the future?

What did you do during your last school holiday?

Did you do anything in your last school holiday? What do you like doing when you’re not What? at school? Tell us about your family. Thank you.

In the next part, you are going to talk to each other. Paper 3: Speaking (Walking Trip)

Part 2 2–3 minutes

Interlocutor [to both students]: I’m going to describe a situation to you. You’re both going on a three-day school walking trip in the countryside . Talk together about the things you will need, and decide which are the most important things to take with you. Here is a picture with some ideas to help you. [give students Part 2 booklet ] I’ll say that again. You’re both going on a three-day school walking trip in the countryside. Talk together about the things you will need, and decide which are the most important things to take with you.

All right? Talk together. Candidates complete the task without intervention. Prompt only if necessary, by repeating parts of the question. Thank you. (Can I have the booklet please?) Retrieve Part 2 material.


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(Introduction to Part 2)

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Part 2

PET exam paper

Paper 3: Speaking


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Paper 3: Speaking (Special clothes)

Part 3 3 minutes

Interlocutor [to both students]: Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own about something. I’m going to give each of you a photograph of people wearing special .clothes [to student A] Candidate A, here is your photograph (Task 1A). Please show it to Candidate B, but I’d like you totalk about it. Candidate B, you just listen. I’ll give you your photograph in a moment. Candidate A, please tell us what you can see in your photograph.

Now, Candidate B, here is your photograph (Task 1B). It shows someone wearing special clothes. Please show it to Candidate A and tell us what you can see in the photograph.

Thank you.[take back booklet] Part 4 3 minutes Interlocutor [to both students] : Your photographs showed people wearing special clothes. Now, I’d like you to talk together about the different kinds of clothes you might wear for different occasions. The interlocutor will allow enough time to complete the task without intervention. They may ask further questions if candidates do not fill the time available. Thank you. That’s the end of the test.

Back-up prompts 1 Talk about what fashions you like. 2 Talk about your favourite clothes. 3 Talk about what your perfect school uniform would be. 4 Talk about what colours you like to wear.


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Thank you.[take back booklet]

1B 1A

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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Recording Script

Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear each recording twice.


That was a great cycle race! I never expected they’d cycle so fast – especially the one in the shirt with spots on.


Yes, he was in front of the others for ages – it’s a shame he had a problem with his bike.


Yes, then the one in the white shirt passed him – and he looked good until he was overtaken by the winner.


Mmm, the one in the plain black shirt – he was amazingly fast.

For each part there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers. Part 1 There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. For each question, choose the correct answer (A, B or C). Before we start, here is an example. Where did the girl and her family go on holiday? Boy: Girl:

Now listen again.

Where did you and your family go on holiday?

[The recording is repeated] [pause]

Well, we all wanted to drive to the mountains – we love it there. But it started raining heavily on the way, so Mum thought we’d have to go to the nearest town and stay there instead. We weren’t even near a beach or anything...

Two. Why couldn’t the girl go to photography club yesterday?


Well, you couldn’t go there in the rain, anyway...


No – but then luckily the weather suddenly improved, so we drove on to where we’d wanted to go after all!






Where were you yesterday, Maria? We were expecting you at photography club!


Well, I had to go shopping for my mum first, but I was still back in time to get to photography. But then my mum’s sister came – we hadn’t seen her for ages, so my mum wanted me to stay at home.


Right. So what about next time?


Let’s see – we had a hockey match against another school last week, and we’re playing a return match that evening, but it’ll be over by the time photography club starts.

The answer is A. Look at the three pictures for question 1 now. [pause] [pause]

Now listen again. [The recording is repeated] [pause]


PET exam paper

One. Which cyclist won the race?

There are four parts to the test. You will hear each part twice.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Three. Where will the boy and his friend practise basketball? Boy:

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Our team’s got a basketball match tomorrow, and my friend Sam and I need some extra practice. The school gym is closed today, though. Well, you could always go to the park. There’s a net there, and you’d have plenty of space. Or Mum says you can use the net Dad put up here in our garden, just by the house. That’d be easier.


Mmm – you’re right. I think the park’s too far away.


Give Sam a call then, and ask him to come.



Five. Which music poster does the boy prefer? Girl:

You’ve got some amazing music posters on your wall, Jamie. I really love that one of the guitarist.


Yeah, it’s from a concert I went to with my older brother. And that one’s of a drummer he likes – not my choice, really, but it’s OK.


And who’s the singer? I don’t recognise him at all.


Nor me – my sister gave me it. Hmm... to be honest, I think I’ll just keep that poster you like on the wall, and take the other two down – I’m not so keen on them.

[pause] Now listen again.


[The recording is repeated]

Now listen again.


[The recording is repeated] [pause]

Six. Where will they go after the cinema? Girl 1:

I’ve got the cinema tickets – the film’s at 2.30 this afternoon. What shall we do when it’s finished? We could have a hot chocolate at the cafe...

Girl 2:

That’d be nice, but I’ve got to get some information for my school project before I go home.

Four. How did the girl get to school? Boy:


Hi, Zoe! I thought you were going to be late to school! Was the school bus delayed again?

Well, someone said there were lots of people on it, but I wouldn’t know – I wasn’t on it. I finally got my bike out this Girl 1: morning...

OK, I’ll come and help you in the library if you want. I was going to return a CD to the music shop but we could come back tomorrow to do that.


Really? Well, you’ve said for ages you wanted to come to school on it.


Mmm, but in the end my dad had to drive me instead – when I tried to ride my bike, the brakes didn’t work!

Girl 2:

OK – we could go for a hot chocolate afterwards tomorrow.

Girl 1:






Now listen again.

Now listen again.

[The recording is repeated]

[The recording is repeated]




Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

switch on the TV forecast to see when we’d have good weather. My science teacher was surprised how much I knew during our lessons on weather at school!

Seven. What will Sam take on the school museum trip tomorrow? [phone message]

Hi, Harry, it’s Sam, with a message for you about tomorrow’s trip. I’ve bought Interviewer:And did your family encourage you? a new memory card for my camera, but I think you’re taking yours, aren’t Sarah: My grandfather recorded the weather you? So I’ll leave mine at home – I’ll be every day, but I was too young to responsible for pens and paper instead! remember that. It probably influenced I know our teacher wants us to take my father, though - he became a notes inside the museum. And why science teacher. But my mum bought don’t you ask Max to bring the textbook me special notebooks to record the we have to take – we only need one weather, just like my grandfather had between us, and it’s really heavy... done, and those helped me a lot.

[pause] Now listen again.

Interviewer:And you started a weather club at your school. What happened there?

[The recording is repeated]


[pause] That is the end of Part 1. [pause]

Part 2 Now turn to Part 2, questions 8 – 13.

Well, my teacher asked me to help other pupils learn about the weather, so I started the club. The school already had a mini weather station, so we used what we found out from that to put in a daily weather diary – that’s now kept in the school library. And I found the information very useful for school projects I worked on!

You will hear an interview with a student called Sarah Mercer, who is planning to become a weather forecaster.

Interviewer:And your family’s hobby is sailing, isn’t it? Have you had any bad experiences with weather on your trips?

For each question, put a tick in the correct box.


You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part 2. [pause] Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the recording twice.

Well, one day we went sailing when the forecast that morning was for good weather. But we didn’t listen to it again later, which you should always do, because it changed, and we got caught in a storm. At least we were wearing our wet-weather clothes! But now I always watch the clouds to see if bad weather’s on the way.

Interviewer:In our series on careers, I’m talking to college student Sarah Mercer, who wants to become a weather forecaster. Interviewer:So what kind of job will you have in the Sarah, when did you become interested future? in weather? Sarah: My friends think I’m doing this to Sarah: Well, I could actually read a weather get a job as a TV weather presenter, map when I was ten! I remember we but I’d be too nervous for that! But had really cold winters in my home town I’m attracted by the idea of going to that made travelling difficult, so I’d different countries to work. And


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Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

there are good jobs working with international sailing teams, but I’m not sure if that’s for me. Interviewer:So finally, Sarah – what’s your favourite weather? Sarah:

Well, everyone likes it when it’s sunny, and I do, too, but when it’s pouring down outside you get great grey clouds that are really beautiful, so I usually rush out in the wet! Fog is interesting, too, the way it suddenly appears, but it’s a bit dangerous, so I can’t say I really like it.

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Interviewer:Thanks, Sarah. [pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated] [pause] That is the end of Part 2. [pause]

Part 3 Now turn to Part 3, questions 14–19. You will hear an art teacher talking to a class about a design competition run by an online magazine. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. You now have 20 seconds to look at Part 3. [pause] Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will hear the recording twice. Art teacher: Now listen, everyone. Before we get started on our lesson today I’ve got an announcement. It’s about a competition I think some of you might be interested in entering. It’s run by a young people’s internet magazine called Creative Designs and they’re inviting you to design something for their internet

magazine. Some of you took part last year, didn’t you? I remember you designed a poster. Well, this time they’re asking you for something different – a T-shirt! They say it can look however you want it to – you can choose the colour, and the words you put on it. The only thing is, it must have a picture somewhere on it. You must include that in your design. It could be one you’ve produced yourself, or one you’ve found – we’ll work on ideas for that together. Now, if you want to enter the competition, you need to get organised, because the final date’s quite soon – they’ll be announcing who’s won on 27th May, so your designs need to get to them by 9th. That gives them two weeks to look through all your work! There are some other things you should send in with your work, too. Of course, you’ll have to send your name and address, and also the name of your art teacher. But they also say if you can, it’s good to send your photo – and I guess if you’ve got one of you and your design, that’s great! If you’re one of the winners, you’ll get a drawing book and pens, and a book on design – very useful for your studies. And as a school, we’ll get a DVD player! Of course, you’ll also get to see your design on the website! So if you want to look on the website, then here’s the address – it’s www...

[pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated] [pause] That is the end of Part 3. [pause]


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Part 4


That’s right.

Now turn to Part 4, questions 20 – 25.


Talking of professionals, I saw one doing some amazing snowboarding moves at a show there – doing Big Airs and things...




Mmm. And of course, other people who weren’t really skilled enough were copying him. I wouldn’t try it – I’m happy just doing the things I can do!


Yeah, me too. So will you go skiing or snowboarding on your next holiday?

You will hear a boy called Mark and a girl called Anna talking about winter sports. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it is not correct, choose the letter B for NO. You now have 20 seconds to look at the questions or Part 4. [pause] Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. You will Mark: hear the recording twice.

Well, the snowboarding was certainly great fun! I’ve reached a good level in skiing, though, and I want to keep it up – so if there’s snow, I’d rather do that than anything else.


Hi, Mark! How was your winter sports trip?


It was OK, thanks, Anna. We went to a I know what you mean. I’m going to different holiday centre this time. There Anna: concentrate on skiing from now on, too. wasn’t as much snow as we’d expected, but luckily there was still enough to try [pause] snowboarding! Now listen again. So was it the first time you’d done it? [The recording is repeated] Mmm, but my older brother had been [pause] before, so he hired some equipment for That is the end of Part 4. me and we went up the slopes. I was soon doing a few jumps and things. [pause] Really? I remember the first time I went You now have six minutes to check and copy your – it took me ages to snowboard well! answers on to the answer sheet. One thing I found, though, was that my [pause] surfing really helped me to balance. You have one more minute. And I’m pretty fit now, too. Still, my brother isn’t so fit, but he still managed [pause] That is the end of the test. some pretty good snowboarding too.

Anna: Mark:

Anna: Mark:


That’s good. And did you wear a hard hat and so on, to protect yourself? My mum always made me do that, then I fell over pretty hard last time we went and I understood why. But then I still saw lots of people wearing unsuitable stuff. It’s dangerous – I just don’t understand why they do it.


Me neither. The professionals all wear the right equipment to stop them getting hurt.


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Look at the six sentences for this part.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Paper 1 Reading and Writing Reading Part 1 1B 2C 3A 4C 5B Part 2 6 E 7 F 8 G 9 H 10 B Part 3 11 B 12 A 13 B 14 B 15 B 16 A 17 A 18 A 19 B 20 B

PET exam paper

Part 4 21 B 22 C 23 A 24 D 25 B Part 5 26 D 27 B 28 A 29 C 30 B 31 A 32 D 33 B 34 D 35 C Writing Part 1 1 have enough 2 took 3 better 4 so many 5 don’t you / don’t we / not Part 2, Question 6 Answer must contain the three content points: 1 description of what kind of book was bought 2 explanation of why the candidate chose the book 3 suggestion as to when the candidate can show their English friend what they bought Paper 2 Listening Part 1 1A 2C 3B 4C 5A 6C 7B Part 2 8 B 9 A 10 A 11 C 12 C 13 B Part 3 14 Creative/creative 15 T-shirt 16 picture 17 9(th) 18 photo 19 DVD player Part 4 20 B 21 A 22 B 23 A 24 B 25 B


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Centre No.

Candidate Name If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate Signature

Candidate No.

Examination Title

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


PET exam paper

PET Paper 1 Reading and Writing Candidate Answer Sheet 1

(B or HB).

Use a PENCIL Rub out any answer you want to change with an eraser.

For Reading: Mark ONE letter for each question. For example, if you think A is the right answer to the question, mark your answer sheet like this:


Part 3


Part 1

Part 2

Part 4

Part 5

1 A B C

6 A B C D E F G H

11 A B

21 A B C D

26 A B C D

2 A B C

7 A B C D E F G H

12 A B

22 A B C D

27 A B C D

3 A B C

8 A B C D E F G H

13 A B

23 A B C D

28 A B C D

4 A B C

9 A B C D E F G H

14 A B

24 A B C D

29 A B C D

5 A B C

10 A B C D E F G H

15 A B

25 A B C D

30 A B C D

16 A B

31 A B C D

17 A B

32 A B C D

18 A B

33 A B C D

19 A B

34 A B C D

20 A B

35 A B C D

Continue on the other side of this sheet PET RW 1



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Candidate Name

Centre No.

If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate Signature

Candidate No.

Examination Title

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PET exam paper

PET Paper 1 Reading and Writing Candidate Answer Sheet 2

Candidate Instructions: Write your answer to Writing Part 3 on the other side of this sheet. Use a PENCIL (B or HB).

This section for use by FIRST Examiner only

Mark: 0
















Examiner Number: 0











































Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

For Writing (Parts 1 and 2): Write your answers clearly in the spaces provided.

Do not write here

Part 1: Write your answers below.




















PET exam paper


Part 2 (Question 6): Write your answer below.

Put your answer to Writing Part 3 on Answer Sheet 2 Do not write below 0





(Examiner use only).



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Part 3: Mark the number of the question you are answering here

PET exam paper

Write your answer below.

Do not write below this line This section for use by SECOND Examiner only

Mark: 0








Examiner Number: 0



















































Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Candidate Name

Centre No.

If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate Signature

Candidate No.

Examination Title

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PET Paper 2 Listening Candidate Answer Sheet


PET exam paper

You must transfer all your answers from the Listening Question Paper to this answer sheet.

(B or HB).

Use a PENCIL Rub out any answer you want to change with an eraser. For Parts 1, 2 and 4: Mark ONE letter for each question. For example, if you think A is the right answer to the question, mark your answer sheet like this: For Part 3: Write your answers clearly in the spaces next to the numbers (14 to 19) like this:




Do not write here

Part 4


1 14 0

20 A B

9 A B C


1 15 0

21 A B

3 A B C

10 A B C


1 16 0

22 A B

4 A B C

11 A B C


1 17 0

23 A B

5 A B C

12 A B C


1 18 0

24 A B

6 A B C

13 A B C


1 19 0

25 A B

Part 1

Part 2

1 A B C

8 A B C

2 A B C

Part 3

7 A B C




Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Centre No.

Candidate Name If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate No. Examination Title

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate isABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PET exam paper

PET Paper 3 Speaking Mark Sheet Date of test: Month

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Marks awarded: Grammar and Vocabulary











Discourse Management






















Interactive Communication











Global Achievement












Test materials used: Assessor’s number

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Interlocutor’s number

Test format



0 A A



0 A A










2 C C



2 C C

D D 3

3 D D

D D 3

3 D D




















Number of 2nd Candidate

Number of 3rd Candidate


















































Examiners : Candidates

B B 2:2 2:3

G G 6

6 G G

G G 6

6 G G









H H 7



H H 7





















9 K K















9 K K












Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Practice test 02

PET exam paper

Preliminary English Test Paper 1 Reading and Writing Time: 1 hour 30 minutes INFORMATION READING Questions 1–35 carry one mark. WRITING Questions 1–5 carry one mark. Part 2 (Question 6) carries five marks. Part 3 (Question 7 or 8) carries 15 marks.



PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

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PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PET exam paper

Practice test 02

Preliminary English Test Paper 2 Listening Time: approx. 35 minutes (including 6 minutes´ transfer time) INFORMATION There are four parts to the test Each question carries one mark. For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers.



PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

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PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PET exam paper

Practice test 02

Preliminary English Test Paper 3 Speaking Time: approx. 10-12 minutes INFORMATION There are four parts to the test



PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Centre No.

Candidate Name If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate Signature

Candidate No.

Examination Title

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PET exam paper

PET Paper 1 Reading and Writing Candidate Answer Sheet 1 Instructions

(B or HB).

Use a PENCIL Rub out any answer you want to change with an eraser.

For Reading: Mark ONE letter for each question. For example, if you think A is the right answer to the question, mark your answer sheet like this:

Part 3



Part 1

Part 2

Part 4

Part 5

1 A B C

6 A B C D E F G H

11 A B

21 A B C D

26 A B C D

2 A B C

7 A B C D E F G H

12 A B

22 A B C D

27 A B C D

3 A B C

8 A B C D E F G H

13 A B

23 A B C D

28 A B C D

4 A B C

9 A B C D E F G H

14 A B

24 A B C D

29 A B C D

5 A B C

10 A B C D E F G H

15 A B

25 A B C D

30 A B C D

16 A B

31 A B C D

17 A B

32 A B C D

18 A B

33 A B C D

19 A B

34 A B C D

20 A B

35 A B C D

Continue on the other side of this sheet PET RW 1



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Candidate Name

Centre No.

If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate Signature

Candidate No.

Examination Title

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PET exam paper

PET Paper 1 Reading and Writing Candidate Answer Sheet 2

Candidate Instructions: Write your answer to Writing Part 3 on the other side of this sheet. Use a PENCIL (B or HB).

This section for use by FIRST Examiner only

Mark: 0
















Examiner Number: 0











































Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

For Writing (Parts 1 and 2): Write your answers clearly in the spaces provided.

Do not write here

PET exam paper

Part 1: Write your answers below. 1




















Part 2 (Question 6): Write your answer below.

Put your answer to Writing Part 3 on Answer Sheet 2 Do not write below 0





(Examiner use only).



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Part 3: Mark the number of the question you are answering here



PET exam paper

Write your answer below.

Do not write below this line This section for use by SECOND Examiner only

Mark: 0








Examiner Number: 0

















































Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Candidate Name

Centre No.

If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate Signature

Candidate No.

Examination Title

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PET exam paper

PET Paper 2 Listening Candidate Answer Sheet You must transfer all your answers from the Listening Question Paper to this answer sheet.


(B or HB).

Use a PENCIL Rub out any answer you want to change with an eraser. For Parts 1, 2 and 4: Mark ONE letter for each question. For example, if you think A is the right answer to the question, mark your answer sheet like this: For Part 3: Write your answers clearly in the spaces next to the numbers (14 to 19) like this:




Do not write here

Part 4


1 14 0

20 A B

9 A B C


1 15 0

21 A B

3 A B C

10 A B C


1 16 0

22 A B

4 A B C

11 A B C


1 17 0

23 A B

5 A B C

12 A B C


1 18 0

24 A B

6 A B C

13 A B C


1 19 0

25 A B

Part 1

Part 2

1 A B C

8 A B C

2 A B C

Part 3

7 A B C




Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Centre No.

Candidate Name If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate No. Examination Title

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate isABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PET Paper 3 Speaking Mark Sheet Month

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

PET exam paper

Date of test:

Marks awarded: Grammar and Vocabulary











Discourse Management






















Interactive Communication











Global Achievement












Test materials used: Assessor’s number

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Interlocutor’s number

Test format



0 A A



0 A A










2 C C



2 C C

D D 3

3 D D

D D 3

3 D D




















Number of 2nd Candidate

Number of 3rd Candidate


















































Examiners : Candidates

B B 2:2 2:3

G G 6

6 G G

G G 6

6 G G









H H 7



H H 7





















9 K K















9 K K












PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Practice test 03

PET exam paper

Preliminary English Test Paper 1 Reading and Writing Time: 1 hour 30 minutes INFORMATION READING Questions 1–35 carry one mark. WRITING Questions 1–5 carry one mark. Part 2 (Question 6) carries five marks. Part 3 (Question 7 or 8) carries 15 marks.



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PET PAPER 1 READING AND WRITING (1 hour 30 minutes)

Part 1 Questions 1–5

PET exam paper

• Look at the text in each question. • What does it say? • Mark the letter next to the correct explanation – A, B or C – on your answer sheet.

Example: 0



To: All students From: College Secretary Monday 6 May Can I remind you that all essays are due this Friday. No late work will be accepted unless accompanied by a doctor’s letter.

A Do not leave your bicycle touching the window. B Do not ride your bicycle in this area. C Broken glass may damage your bicycle tyres. Example answer:

Part 1 0 A B C

A The college secretary will post students their essays on Friday. B Students may hand in their essays after Friday if they can prove illness. C Unless your essay is due by Friday, you do not need to reply.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


A Take the tablets regularly until the bottle is empty. B Take one tablet every day until they are nished. C Take three tablets after meals until you feel better.

Kim suggests A meeting at the football match.


C playing on his brother’s computer.

A John can deliver the sofa if the time is convenient.


B Anyone wanting this sofa must pick it up this week. C Call John with advice on how he can transport his sofa.

The hire charge covers all the costs


A including fuel and insurance. B except insurance. C apart from fuel


PET exam paper

B going to Ben’s house later.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PART 2 Questions 6–10

PET exam paper

• The people below all want to come to Britain to study English. • On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight colleges. • Decide which college (letters A–H) would be the most suitable for each person (numbers 6–10). • For each of these numbers mark the correct letter on your answer sheet.


Marta wants a course in Business Studies and English, starting in September. She would prefer to be in a city, but wants a college which will organise visits, so she can see something of Britain.


Jean wants to attend classes for a few hours a week in July, so that he has plenty of free time to visit the countryside. He wants to stay in a city, with a family.


Laura is looking for a full-time beginners’ course and can come to Britain at any time. She is keen on sport and wants to stay with a family.


Marek likes big cities. He hopes to nd work during the day, so he is looking for an evening class. He wants to live in a at or house.


Birgit is going to spend August in Britain. She knows some English already and wants a full-time course. She wants to meet people through the college and live with a family.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

B Bristow College The college is in the centre of Bristow. • Full-time courses at all levels, beginners to advanced, from September to June. • Visits arranged to places of interest. • Excellent range of sports offered. • Students arrange their own accommodation in ats and houses. C Shepton College Shepton College is in the centre of London close to underground and buses. • Classes are offered all through the year. • Daytime English courses up to ten hours per week. Evening classes of four hours per week. • Extra classes offered in English for Business. • Students arrange their own accommodation in ats and houses. D Frampton College Situated in West London close to bus and underground. • Courses run from September to July (daytime only). • Special courses available, e.g. English for Business. • Summer school in July and August. • Accommodation arranged in student hostels.

E Daunston College Daunston is a small town in the Midlands near pleasant countryside. • Part-time and full-time classes available from September to June. • Full-time summer school in August. • Complete beginners part-time only. • Trips and other social events arranged regularly. • Accommodation in the college or with families. F Exford College Exford is beside the sea and surrounded by beautiful countryside. • Courses at all levels, September to June (full-time). • Summer schools (mornings only) during August. • Full social programme including sports and hobby clubs provided by the college. • Students live in college rooms or with families. G Chesford College Situated in the centre of Chesford, a quiet market town. • English courses offered from September to June, daytime and evenings. • Trips organised to Cambridge, Oxford and London. • Accommodation is with local families. H Howe College The college is in the city centre, but near the North Yorkshire countryside and the sea. • Classes run from September to June. • Part-time and full-time courses from beginners to advanced (daytime only). • Full-time courses in English with Business Studies. • Trips arranged to places of interest. • Help given in nding a at or room in the area.


PET exam paper

A Lowton College Situated in a pleasant area of the city close to the river. Convenient for North Wales and the English Lake District. • Courses in English run all year. • Part-time courses available in the evenings/days. • We will arrange accommodation with an English family.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PART 3 Questions 11–20 • • • •

Look at the sentences below about an English city. Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet. If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet.

PET exam paper

11 The River Wensum ows through East Anglia. 12 People have lived by the River Wensum for at least 2000 years. 13 In the 11th century, Norwich was a small village. 14 Norwich has been a city since its rst cathedral was built. 15 Norwich has always been one of the smallest English cities. 16 There are more than 50 churches in Norwich. 17 The number of students in Norwich is increasing. 18 The Norwich City football team is called ‘The Canaries’ because of the colours the players wear. 19 ‘The Castle Mall’ took more than two years to build. 20 Norwich people still like using the old market as well as shopping in ‘The Castle Mall’.


Norwich orwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as East Anglia, has existed as a place to live for more than two thousand years. It began as a small village beside the River Wensum. At the time of the Norman invasion in 1066 it had grown to become one of the largest towns in England. With two cathedrals and a mosque, Norwich has long been a popular centre for various religions. The first cathedral was built in 1095 and has recently celebrated its 900th anniversary, while Norwich itself had a year of celebration in 1994 to mark the 800th anniversary of the city receiving a Royal Charter. This allowed it to be called a city and to govern itself independently. Today, in comparison with places like London or Manchester, Norwich is quite small, with a population of around 150,000, but in the 16 th century Norwich was the second city of England. It continued to grow for the next 300 years and got richer and richer, becoming famous for having as many churches as there are weeks in the year and as many pubs as there are days in the year.


Nowadays, there are far fewer churches and pubs, but in 1964 the University of East Anglia was built in Norwich. With its fast-growing student population and its success as a modern commercial centre (Norwich is the biggest centre for insurance services outside London), the city now has a wide choice of entertainment: theatres, cinemas, nightclubs, busy cafés, excellent restaurants, and a number of arts and leisure centres. There is also a football team, whose colours are green and yellow. The team is known as ‘The Canaries’, though nobody can be sure why. Now the city’s attractions include another important development, a modern shopping centre called ‘The Castle Mall’. The people of Norwich lived with a very large hole in the middle of their city for over two years, as builders dug up the main car park. Lorries moved nearly a million tons of earth so that the roof of the Mall could become a city centre park, with attractive water pools and hundreds of trees. But the local people are really pleased that the old open market remains, right in the heart of the city and next to the new development. Both areas continue to do good business, proving that Norwich has managed to mix the best of the old and the new.

The Castle Mall shopping centre, seen from outside and inside.


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PART 4 Questions 21–25 • Read the text and questions below. • For each question, mark the letter next to the correct answer – A, B, C or D – on your answer sheet.

PET exam paper

When I opened the first ‘Body Shop’ in 1976 my only object was to earn enough to feed my children. Today ‘The Body Shop’ is an international company rapidly growing all around the world. In the years since we began I have learned a lot. Much of what I have learned will be found in this book, for I believe that we, as a company, have something worth saying about how to run a successful business without giving up what we really believe in. It’s not a normal business book, nor is it just about my life. The message is that to succeed in business you have to be different. Business can be fun, a business can be run with love and it can do good. In business, as in life, I need to enjoy myself, to have a feeling of family and to feel excited by the unexpected. I have always wanted the people who work for ‘The Body Shop’ to feel the same way. Now this book sends these ideas of mine out into the world, makes them public. I’d like to think there are no limits to our ‘family’, no limits to what can be done. I find that an exciting thought. I hope you do, too.

21 What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this text?

24 What kind of workers does the writer like to employ? to tell the reader her life story to introduce her ideas to the reader A workers who can explain her ideas to explain how international companies operate B workers who get on well with the public to tell the reader how she brought up a family C workers who have the same attitudes as she does D workers who have their own families 22 What would someone learn from this text? A B C D


how to make a lot of money how to write a book about business what the writer’s family is like what the writer’s book is about

25 What kind of person does the writer seem to be?

23 How does the writer feel about the business she runs? A B C D

She doesn’t care about success if her children are fed. She just runs it for her own entertainment. It is not like any other company. It is likely to become even more successful.



She seems to be someone with strong opinions. She doesn’t seem to be very con dent. She is mainly interested in making money. She sees running a business as just a job.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PART 5 Questions 26–35 • Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. • For each question, mark the letter next to the correct word – A, B, C or D – on your answer sheet. Example answer (0): Part 5 0 A B C

The Rocky Mountains run almost the length (0) .......... North America. They start in the North-west, but lie only a (26) .......... hundred miles from the centre in more southern areas. Although the Rockies are smaller (27) .......... the Alps, they are no less wonderful. There are many roads across the Rockies, (28) .......... the best way to see them is to (29) .......... by train. You start from Vancouver, (30) .......... most attractive of Canada’s big cities. Standing with its feet in the water and its head in the mountains, this city (31) .......... its residents to ski on slopes just 15 minutes by car from the city (32) .......... . Thirty passenger trains a day used to (33) .......... off from Vancouver on the crosscontinent railway. Now there are just three a week, but the ride is still a great adventure. You sleep on board, (34) .......... is fun, but travel through some of the best (35) .......... at night. 0 A of

B down

C in

D through

26 A many

B lot

C few

D couple

27 A from

B to

C as

D than

28 A but

B because

C unless

D since

29 A drive

B travel

C ride

D pass

30 A a

B one

C the

D its

31 A lets

B allows

C offers

D gives

32 A centre

B circle

C middle

D heart

33 A leave

B get

C take

D set

34 A when

B which

C who

D where

35 A scenery

B view

C site

D beauty


PET exam paper


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

WRITING PART 1 Questions 1–5

PET exam paper

• Here are some sentences about going to the cinema. • For each question complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the rst, using no more than three words. • Write only the missing words on your answer sheet. Example: Dave and Jane have been to the cinema together. Dave ... has been ... to the cinema with Jane. 1 Nearly every seat was taken in the cinema. There weren’t ................................................... in the cinema. 2 Jane had a worse seat than Dave. Dave had ................................................... than Jane. 3 Jane couldn’t see the screen very well. Jane found ................................................... to see the screen. 4 Dave said that he had seen the lm before. Dave said: ‘I ................................................... this lm before.’ 5 They spent two hours watching the lm. The lm ................................................... for two hours.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PART 2 Question 6

PET exam paper

You have recently moved to a town and have bought this postcard of the town to send to your penfriend.

In your postcard to your penfriend, you should • explain why you have moved • tell your friend what facilities the town has • say what you dislike about living there. Write 35–45 words on your answer sheet.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PART 3 Answer one of the following questions (7 or 8).

Question 7

PET exam paper

• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. • Your story must begin with this sentence:

It was a fantastic party. Write your story in about 100 words on your answer sheet.

Question 8 • This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.

I want to find out about music in your country. Are there many live concerts? What music do you like listening to? • Now write a letter, answering your friend’s questions. • Write your letter in about 100 words on your answer sheet.


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Practice test 03

PET exam paper

Preliminary English Test Paper 2 Listening Time: approx. 35 minutes (including 6 minutes´ transfer time) INFORMATION There are four parts to the test Each question carries one mark. For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers.



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PAPER 2 LISTENING about 35 minutes (including 6 minutes transfer time)

PART 1 Questions 1–7 • There are seven questions in this part. • For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. • Choose the correct picture and put a tick ( ) in the box below it.

PET exam paper

Example: What’s the time?




1 Where is the station?






2 Where did the woman put the calculator?



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

A 4 Which building was hit by lightning?



A 5 What does the woman want to buy?



A B 6 Which picture does the woman decide to send?







7 Which hotel has the man chosen?



PET exam paper

3 Where is Helen?

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PART 2 Questions 8–13 • You will hear a radio interview with a man who works on an international camp. • For each question, put a tick ( ) in the correct box.

8 If you want to apply for the Camp you must

PET exam paper

9 In a Camp tent you can expect to

10 The Camp want people who are

11 What do you have to take to the Camp?

12 As a Camp member you should

13 The Camp fees must be paid



be a student.


be at least twenty-four years old.


speak more than one language.


mix with other nationalities.


share with ve other people.


know the other people.


good at cooking.


good organisers.


able to mix well.


a tent


a map




be a good singer.


join in performances.


be good at acting.


in dollars.


by cheque.


before the Camp starts.

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PART 3 Questions 14–19 • You will hear a young woman who has applied for an o翿 ce job talking about her jobs abroad. • For each question, ll in the missing information in the numbered space.


Vicky Brownlow ..........................................................................


22 years ..........................................................................

Position applied for: .......................................................................... Office Manager Two years’ experience abroad First job – worked for (14) .................................................................... – length of time stayed (15) ................................................... Second job – worked as (16) ................................................. in a hotel Third job – worked for (17) .................................................................. – got up at (18) .................................................................... Bank International: – worked in (19) ..................................................................


PET exam paper


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

PART 4 Questions 20–25 • • • •

Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a conversation between a father and his daughter, Sonia. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick ( ) in the box under A for YES . If it is not correct, put a tick ( ) in the box under B for NO. A YES


PET exam paper

20 Sonia would like a car for her birthday. 21 Sonia’s friend Maria has her own car. 22 Sonia has talked to Maria about learning to drive. 23 Sonia offers to get a job at weekends. 24 Sonia’s father understands how his daughter feels. 25 Sonia suggests cooking a meal on her birthday.

Solutions (PET test in the BRIDGE SPECIAL supplement): Reading PART ONE: 1B, 2A, 3C, 4B, 5C; PART TWO: 6H, 7A, 8F, 9C, 10E; PART THREE: 11A, 12A, 13B, 14B, 15B, 16B, 17A, 18B, 19A, 20A; PART FOUR: 21B, 22D, 23C, 24C, 25A; PART FIVE: 26C, 27D, 28A, 29B, 30C, 31B, 32A, 33D, 34B, 35A

Writing 1 There weren’t many seats (left) in the cinema., 2 Dave had a better seat than Jane., 3 Jane found it di翿 cult / hard to the screen., 4 Dave said: “I have/’ve (already) seen this film before.”, 5 The film lasted for two hours.


Listening PART ONE: 1B, 2C, 3A, 4B, 5C, 6A, 7C; PART TWO: 8C, 9A, 10C, 11C, 12B, 13C; see PART THREE: 14 (a) family, 15 six/6 months, 16 (a) receptionist, 17 (a) bakery / baker’s, 18 four / 4 / 4 o’clock / am/ a.m./ in the morning, 19 foreign / Foreign / Department / department / Desk / desk; PART FOUR: 20B, 21B, 22A, 23A, 24A, 25B

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Practice test 03

PET exam paper

Preliminary English Test Paper 3 Speaking Time: approx. 10-12 minutes INFORMATION There are four parts to the test



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

How to administer the Speaking Test Part 1 (2–3 minutes) The examiner asks each of the candidates in turn for some personal information, to describe a typical day, to talk about their hobbies, etc. Candidates also need to be able to spell their own name.

Part 3 (3 minutes) The examiner gives each candidate a photograph on a similar subject matter (see page 3). The candidates have to show the photograph to their partner and describe it for approximately one minute. Examiner: Now, I’d like each of you to talk on your own about something. I’m going to give each of you a photograph of people travelling. Candidate A: Here’s your photograph. Please show it to Candidate B, but I’d like you to talk about it. Candidate B, you just listen. Thank you. (Repeat the same procedure with Candidate B.)

Examiner: (Possible questions) Good morning/afternoon/evening. I’m … What’s your name? What’s your surname? How do you spell it?

PET exam paper

Where do you live/come from? Do you work or are you a student? What job do you do?/What subject(s) do you study? Do you enjoy studying English? (Why? Why not?) Do you think English will be useful to you in the future? What do you enjoy doing in your free time? What did you do yesterday evening/last weekend/last summer? Part 2 (2–3 minutes) The examiner describes a situation to the candidates and gives them a card (page 2) with ideas for how the candidates should complete the task together.

Part 4 (3 minutes) The theme of the photographs in Part 3 forms the basis of the subject or topics to be discussed by the two candidates. The candidates must be able to complete the task without the help of the examiner, who will only intervene if necessary. Examiner: Now, I’d like you to talk together about how you usually travel and what other ways of travelling you’d like to do. Thank you. That is the end of the test.

The candidates must be able to complete the task without the help of the examiner, who will only intervene if necessary. Examiner: In the next part, you are going to talk to each other. I am going to describe a situation to you. You and your friend want to take up a new hobby. Talk together about the different things you could do and decide which would be the most fun. Here is a picture with some ideas to help you. I’ll say that again. You and your friend want to take up a new hobby. Talk together about the different things you could do and decide which would be the most fun. Here is a picture with some ideas to help you. All right? Now talk together.


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


PET exam paper

Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Centre No.

Candidate Name If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate Signature

Candidate No.

Examination Title

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


PET exam paper

PET Paper 1 Reading and Writing Candidate Answer Sheet 1

(B or HB).

Use a PENCIL Rub out any answer you want to change with an eraser.

For Reading: Mark ONE letter for each question. For example, if you think A is the right answer to the question, mark your answer sheet like this:


Part 3


Part 1

Part 2

Part 4

Part 5

1 A B C

6 A B C D E F G H

11 A B

21 A B C D

26 A B C D

2 A B C

7 A B C D E F G H

12 A B

22 A B C D

27 A B C D

3 A B C

8 A B C D E F G H

13 A B

23 A B C D

28 A B C D

4 A B C

9 A B C D E F G H

14 A B

24 A B C D

29 A B C D

5 A B C

10 A B C D E F G H

15 A B

25 A B C D

30 A B C D

16 A B

31 A B C D

17 A B

32 A B C D

18 A B

33 A B C D

19 A B

34 A B C D

20 A B

35 A B C D

Continue on the other side of this sheet PET RW 1



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Candidate Name

Centre No.

If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate Signature

Candidate No.

Examination Title

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PET exam paper

PET Paper 1 Reading and Writing Candidate Answer Sheet 2

Candidate Instructions: Write your answer to Writing Part 3 on the other side of this sheet. Use a PENCIL (B or HB).

This section for use by FIRST Examiner only

Mark: 0
















Examiner Number: 0











































Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

For Writing (Parts 1 and 2): Write your answers clearly in the spaces provided.

Do not write here

Part 1: Write your answers below.




















PET exam paper


Part 2 (Question 6): Write your answer below.

Put your answer to Writing Part 3 on Answer Sheet 2 Do not write below 0





(Examiner use only).



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge


Part 3: Mark the number of the question you are answering here

PET exam paper

Write your answer below.

Do not write below this line This section for use by SECOND Examiner only

Mark: 0








Examiner Number: 0



















































Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Candidate Name

Centre No.

If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate Signature

Candidate No.

Examination Title

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate is ABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PET Paper 2 Listening Candidate Answer Sheet


PET exam paper

You must transfer all your answers from the Listening Question Paper to this answer sheet.

(B or HB).

Use a PENCIL Rub out any answer you want to change with an eraser. For Parts 1, 2 and 4: Mark ONE letter for each question. For example, if you think A is the right answer to the question, mark your answer sheet like this: For Part 3: Write your answers clearly in the spaces next to the numbers (14 to 19) like this:




Do not write here

Part 4


1 14 0

20 A B

9 A B C


1 15 0

21 A B

3 A B C

10 A B C


1 16 0

22 A B

4 A B C

11 A B C


1 17 0

23 A B

5 A B C

12 A B C


1 18 0

24 A B

6 A B C

13 A B C


1 19 0

25 A B

Part 1

Part 2

1 A B C

8 A B C

2 A B C

Part 3

7 A B C




Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Centre No.

Candidate Name If not already printed, write name in CAPITALS and complete the Candidate No. grid (in pencil).

Candidate No. Examination Title

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Examination Details

Centre Supervisor: If the candidate isABSENT or has WITHDRAWN shade here

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

PET exam paper

PET Paper 3 Speaking Mark Sheet Date of test: Month

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Marks awarded: Grammar and Vocabulary











Discourse Management






















Interactive Communication











Global Achievement












Test materials used: Assessor’s number

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Interlocutor’s number

Test format



0 A A



0 A A










2 C C



2 C C

D D 3

3 D D

D D 3

3 D D




















Number of 2nd Candidate

Number of 3rd Candidate


















































Examiners : Candidates

B B 2:2 2:3

G G 6

6 G G

G G 6

6 G G









H H 7



H H 7





















9 K K















9 K K












Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Seguimiento - Follow-up



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Seguimiento - Follow-up



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Seguimiento - Follow-up



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Seguimiento - Follow-up



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Seguimiento - Follow-up



Cómo preparar el examen oficial de inglés B1 (PET) de Cambridge

Seguimiento - Follow-up



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