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F i n d ouotu l d h ow y onukci n g y ou r st a rt s hurni t ba l a n ce a cco d a y! to
TD329-BAYV-CatWinter13-Insert-RAF_Layout 1 25/09/2013 12:51 Page 2
It could be a friend, relative, neighbour or work colleague, there’s no limits to this offer, just make sure you recommend them before someone else does! For each person that you recommend who goes on to become a customer we’ll give you £25 cash-back, or take £25 off your account balance—the choice is yours. Why not start earning today?
• *£25 FOR YOU for EVERY successful recommendation you make to us • There’s NO LIMIT to who or how many you recommend or even how much you can earn • EARN ££££’s in CASH BACK or reduce your account balance—the CHOICE IS YOURS • JUST CALL US with your friend or relative’s details & WE’LL DO THE REST.
Quote Ref: TR317
Offer is only available to Buy As You View customers.