2012 Maui Golf Review

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Maui Golf Review

Maui Golf S pring /S ummer 2012


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golf like a MauiGolfReview.coM

Named in honor of the king who unified the Hawaiian Islands, The King Kamehameha Golf Club offers lush fairways, pristine greens, and exquisite bicoastal and Haleakala- views. Trade winds cool you as you play on Maui’s only private 18-hole golf course. After golf,


V ol . XVii, n o .1

We offer special membership choices to meet your lifestyle.


For information, or to arrange a private club tour, contact Karen Gallagher | (808) 243-1025 | karen@kamehamehagolf.com 2500 Honoapi‘ilani Highway, Wailuku, Hawai‘i 96793 | www.kamehamehagolf.com We invite you to experience The King Kamehameha Golf Club as a Member for a Day. Please contact Karen Gallagher for our Member for a Day pricing and tee time availability. There are a limited number of tee times available. One offer per person per year. Offer includes one round of golf and lunch for one. Offer also includes access to the men’s or women’s lounge.

• vol. Xvii, no. 1


spRinG/suMMeR 2012

relax in a 74,000-sq.-ft. clubhouse designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Enjoy luxurious men’s and women’s lounges, fitness rooms and a restaurant specializing in Japanese and Hawaiian regional cuisine. Contact us for a membership created to fit your lifestyle.

IT’s a dIfferenT world aT Kapalua The dunes: a hawaIIan lInKs no fear! jusT fun In The sun aT old blue waIlea: you’ll dream abouT IT aT home

KaanapalI, by The numbers: a 50-year legacy

Photos by Bob Bangerter


FEATURING: Maui’s Most Panoramic Golf Course • GPS Yardage on Every Golf Cart Rental Clubs and Shoes Available • Full Length Driving Range Best Greens on Maui • Friendly and Helpful Staff Outstanding Event and Meeting Space Available Call Us Today and Experience the Kahili Golf Course. Wailea Old Blue Golf Club • 120 Kaukahi Street, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii 96753 • (808) 879-2530

(808) 242-GOLF (4653) wob-2011-fallad-metal.indd 2

6/20/11 5:16 PM


A new hole layout at the far end of a dusty road on the forgotten shore of southern Maui.”

—Forrest Richardson, Golf Course Architect, referring to the day when his friend and mentor, Wailea Old Blue course designer Arthur Jack Snyder, had created Maui’s hidden gem.

Visit us online at:


808-879-2530 Reservations & Information

Waiehu Municipal • 808.270.7400

Kapalua Golf • 877.KAPALUA

If walking along the north shore, the smell of briny sea mist, and a slice of 'old Hawaii' is your cup of tea, you're only a half hour, or so, away. More holes along the ocean than all Maui courses combined. The toughest thing about Waiehu is finding it, and our maps don't do the trick. But scan this QR code and the correct Google map will pop up Waiehu with the right info.

The Bay features the only par 3 on Maui that plays clear over the crashing sea. The Plantation is arguably the #1 course in Hawaii, depending on who's doing the rankings. Play both...you won't regret it.


>> Full review on page 106!


>> Full reviews on pages 92 & 95!

Kaanapali Golf


West Maui's Kai Course is the shorter, narrower, and easier of the two. The Royal has the ocean hole and is where the pros play, but don't be intimidated: they spent millions ensuring both'd be a lot of fun!



>> Full reviews on pages 84-86!

Kahili Golf Course • 808.242.GOLF Kahili is the daily fee course that has great views and is designed for wind. Next door is the members only club that is quite lavish. Play there as a 'member for a day'. Call Karen: 808.346.3015.


King Kamehameha

>> Full reviews on pages 104-105!

Maui Golf Review

Dunes at Maui Lani • 808.873.0422

Maui Golf

They call Maui the Valley Isle and this course is in its heart. Ancient dunes topography and thoughtful course design are the one-two punches that elevate this daily fee par 72 to such heights Golf Digest calls it one of America's "Bestkept Secret Golf Courses," a distinction for not just Maui, but all of Hawaii.

>> Full review on page 109!



Pukalani Country Club • 808.572.1325 A 6,882-yard par 72 Robert Baldock (Sr. & Jr.)-design, Pukalani's 19 holes are situated 1,100-feet above sea-level in upcountry Maui. The unique location is six degrees cooler and the clouds just seem to roll around it. Its par 3 3rd has two greens to choose from. Good mix of long and short holes and lots of views.

>> Full review on page 108!

Makena Golf Course • 808.891.4000

Nothing can touch Makena when it comes to sheer natural beauty and privacy. Holes route through a 1,800-acre sanctuary where wildlife and flora thrive amid lava and mountain. Views are stunning, with some bending more than 180°, and with sightlines from tees, fairways, and greens its amazing. A mustplay golf course.

>> Full review on page 98!

Wailea Golf Club • 808.875.7450

Blue is wide open, and classic. Gold Emerald are newer. Gold is target golf. Emerald is lush, very women-friendly. Emerald: 875.7450

Blue: 879-2530

Gold: 875.7450

>> Full reviews on pages 99-103!





You can dream about golf this perfect.

Or you can play it. Eight miles. That’s the width of the ‘Au‘au Channel, which stretches between Lahaina and Manele Harbor on the enticing Island of La- na‘i. It’s all that stands between you and the golf experience of a lifetime.

La-na‘i embraces two world-class courses in two different worlds. On La- na‘i, you’ll find stunning tropical beauty and astonishing variety, all within a few square miles. Wooded ravines. Balmy tradewinds. Lava cliffs. Gorgeous white sand. The mighty Pacific Ocean. Sound idyllic? They’re also some of the most exhilarating hazards you will ever play. When the beauty of the natural terrain is this powerful, and the golf courses have been made by true masters, for a few hours the world of nature and the world of sport become one. Come and find out why we keep getting voted among the world’s top golf experiences. We look forward to seeing you. Call Expeditions Ferry toll free at 800.695.2624, or visit www.go-lanai.com to book a day-trip or overnight golf package today.

At The Challenge at Manele, designed by Jack Nicklaus and built into Lanai’s dramatic, sun-blessed lava coastline, the deep blue drink is part of the game. You’ll have shining 180-degree Pacific panoramas from every hole—but beware: the ocean is also your water hazard. The signature 12th hole features a cliff-to-cliff precision shot across 200 yards of crashing surf. Whales and dolphins are often seen during play.

Hidden in Lanai’s cool, lush uplands lies The Experience at Koele, designed by golf legend Greg Norman and virtuoso architect Ted Robinson. The front nine meanders through green ravines and former pineapple fields. The back nine lifts you into an invigorating mountain course, with stunning views to neighboring islands. At the Experience at Koele’s climactic 17th hole, you tee off from the top of the world—right into a heart-stopping 250-foot drop to the fairway below.



Abundant Makena: Where Nature Takes its Course Have you ever played to the tune of the Hawaiian woodpecker? Maui’s most unspoiled, natural, and rugged landscape is a treat you won’t want to miss: 18 holes of tranquility and peace, buffed out to perfection, and priced right too.


It’s a Different World at Kapalua. While the hustle and bustle to get onto the coveted resort’s famed Plantation Course is totally justified, it is easy to lose sight of everything else that makes Kapalua one of the No. 1 brands in golf. From Jerry King and the Kapalua Golf Academy, to the Bay Course that first made Kapalua a household name, a visit to Maui without encountering all that this golfing playground has to offer is a missed opportunity indeed.


A Hawaiian Links While on Maui, take advantage of the opportunity to play golf on an authentic Hawaiian links. You’ve already crossed the ‘pond,’ so make the best of it! The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course is unlike any other in Hawaii. Built on ancient, rolling sand dunes, the nationally recognized official site of the Maui Open features a brilliant Robin Nelson design that befuddles the best…yet allows the meek to sneak a peek—at greatness.

Maui Golf Review



Wailea Old Blue: 40-Years Wonderous Wailea of Fun in the Sun Don’t miss the chance to play In a class by itself, Wailea’s Old Blue Course is a departure from the race to the top of the game’s thriller courses. You won’t have white knuckles and that cold lead ball of fear in your tummy at Old Blue, just a keen eye as you look down those ultra-wide fairways and think to yourself, “Ahhh, I’m finally on vacation!”

Wailea’s Gold and Emerald Courses—you will remember them in your dreams, and they will inspire you to make the journey back. This is the pinnacle of luxe, and as Hawaii’s premiere 54-hole golf resort, Wailea knows what you want, and they do it right—day after day.



Kaanapali Celebrates 50 Celebrating the half-century mark, Kaanapali Golf Courses are perennial favorites that just keep getting better with time. The challenging Royal Course brushes up against the sea before climbing high along the hillsides, while the gentler Kai Course weaves and unfurls in all directions on a showcase tour of the legendary resort everybody loves.

Kapalua Cliffhanger The par 5 5th, and the par 4 6th, at Kapalua's Plantation Course are truly cliffhangers, with a gulch the size of Mt. Rushmore between them. In spite of its magnificence, Kapalua's Bay Course and Golf Academy are really where golfers 'in the know' tend to go, for together the duo help form the true underpininings at Kapalua's greatness.



Maui Golf Review


Maui Golf Review

Established 1995

04 Golf Map 10 E Komo Mai

d puBLISHer: Marie Lenz ASSOCIATe eDITOr: Cynthia MacGregor CONTrIBuTINg WrITer: John Byrne d

16 Coconut Wireless 18 The Main Event 24 ASPGA Tip 26 Stylin' 85 West Maui Courses 87 Lana‘i ¯ Courses 98 South Maui Courses 104 Central Maui Courses 113 Box Scores 114 The 19th Hole

Makena Style Many mahalos to Ashley and Richard, for volunteering their limited free time to shoot our Makena Feature. Richard was all decked out in Makena's latest: A pair of Adidas Textured Jacquard Polo Puma Golf Patterned Bermuda shorts, Puma High Shine belt, and Adidas Powerband 3.0 Limited Edition shoes. Ashley was looking hot in her EP Pro “Into the Wild” Collection Jaquard blouse, her EP Pro “Into the Wild” Collection Pattern skort, and Puma Golf Cat shoes. All available at the Makena Golf Course Pro Shop.

CONTrIBuTINg pHOTOgrApHerS: John Byrne Dave Gleason Jose R. Morales II eDITOrIAL INQuIrIeS: Maui Golf Review P.O. Box 1228 Makawao, HI 96768 Queries must be accompanied by selfaddressed, stamped envelopes. Publisher assumes no liability for safekeeping or return of unsolicited art, photographs, manuscripts, or other material. www.mauigolfreview.com d Vol. XVII, No. 1 & 2. ©2012 Maui Golf Review LLC P.O. Box 1228 Makawao, HI 96768 d The Maui Golf Review is published semi-annually by Maui Golf Review LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part of any material in this publication without the written permission of Maui Golf Review LLC is expressly prohibited. Publisher reserves the right to accept or reject all advertising matter. Copies of the Maui Golf Review are available for $8.95 each + postage. For orders, call: 808-572-7100.

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Maui Golf Review



Kapalua Golf is Hawaii’s most comprehensive golf offering with 36 holes of championship golf including: The Plantation Course – the #1 ranked course in Hawaii, The Bay Course – known by many as Hawaii’s favorite resort course and Kapalua Golf Academy – one of the top 25 golf schools in the United States.






Maui Golf Review

E Komo Mai

Marie Lenz

John Byrne

Mahalo for making the long journey to our remote Hawaiian island. Thinking about playing golf in paradise? Maui is celebrating its 50th year as a premiere golf destination. It all began at Royal Kaanapali, when Robert Trent Jones, Sr. used his trademark runway tees and clever routing to usher in the game. Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Gary Player, and Hawaii’s own Ted Makalena showed the world what Maui was all about. Traditions live on: During last year’s Kaanapali Champions Tour Skins Game, Nicklaus and partner Tom Watson once again reigned victorious. But the real champions of the past 50 years have been golfers like you from all over the world, whose love of Maui has inspired a world-class golf experience here. From the peaceful, lava-lined fairways of Makena to the dramatic crashing sea on the Bay Course at Kapalua, Maui has evolved in response to you.

More than just a handful of courses lined with coconut trees, Maui is where the PGA Tour kicks off their season

Maui Golf Review

each January with the annual Tournament of Champions at the Kapalua Plantation Course. It’s where you can watch the sun rise or set in the biggest volcanic crater on earth, then play 18 holes of golf in cool weather on lush kikuyu grass at 1200 feet above sea level. Maui has both thriller courses and plush ones. Robert Trent Jones II came to Wailea and created the Gold and Emerald Courses. Though different, both feature superb conditioning, a casual professionalism, fairways devoid of housing or hotels, and views to die for.

The famed resort has 54 holes. Wailea’s Old Blue gives vacationers exactly what they want: a restful, relaxing, and fearless day on the links. Speaking of links, 12 years ago, Hawaii’s renowned course architect, Robin Nelson, took a piece of Maui Lani and deftly routed the only true Hawaiian links. At 141, The Dunes at Maui Lani has the highest USGA Slope Rating here. Yet for those who play its forward tees, it is one of Maui’s tamest. Only Waiheu Municipal comes close. It was built in 1927 by our very own civil engineers, and you can walk it and get sea mist in your face the entire day, for a true slice of old Hawaii.

The Big Island has made headlines with its untouchable private courses. On Maui, we have two members’ courses, but they are accessible to just about anyone. The Maui Country Club, a North Shore nine-holer, was Maui’s first course, built in 1925. The other is a stellar Ted Robinson father-son collaboration that features expansive bi-coastal views, amazing waterscapes, among the most buff conditions here, and a one-of-a-kind Frank Lloyd Wright-designed clubhouse. The King Kamehameha Golf Club is the bigger sibling of a 36-hole duo in Waikapu, where another Robin Nelson-design, Kahili, lies nestled in the foothills of the West Maui Mountains. We thank you for visiting our island paradise and wish you the very best luck on our courses. We look forward to welcoming you back again soon. A hui ho!

John Byrne jbyrne@mauigolfreview.com

Marie Lenz mlenz@mauigolfreview.com



DISCOUNT GOLF Rounds for all Maui & Lanai

Play Lanai: Both courses the same day including round trip Expeditions Ferry for only $309 + tax. Our #1 most popular golf package. BOOK IT NOW!!!

Play all of the Maui Courses with one call! Kapalua, Wailea, Makena, Kaanapali, The Dunes, Kahili, Pukalani CC, and Elleair, Just call: 808-875-4653

Clif Council—35 yr. PGA member & 2009 Aloha Section PGA Merchandiser of the Year. For lessons, call 808-264-2350

Maui Golf Shop is #1 for a good reason. Martha Council and Clif Council, PGA, proprietors. Serving Maui for over 20 yrs.

We are your one-stop shop for everything golf and everything to make your vacation memorable… even on a budget! Not only do you pay less for your golf rounds and rental clubs, but we can also book your other activities, enjoy full pro shop service, on-course lessons with the pros. We carry all the latest major brands in clubs, bags, gloves, shoes, and balls. See why we’re your #1 source for fun on Maui. Call and stop in TODAY!

✄ COUPON Clip this coupon and bring it to MAUI GOLF SHOP, 201 Dairy Rd, Kahului, HI 96753 New upgraded rental fleet including Nike Ignite, Callaway Big Bertha, Taylor-Made R7, Cobra, Ping.

Maui #1 Full Service Golf Shop has moved to its new Central Kahului location just minutes from airport at 201 Dairy Rd. (across from Borders). Look for the golf fla

Best Prices on Resort Golf, Club

Rentals and

Golf Acces sories. Call: (800)

981-551 LOOK FOR THE FLAGS! Hours: Mon-Fri: 9-6, Sat: 9-5, Sun: 10-4 MGS_6x5Insert.indd 1

Rent 1 day, get 1 day free. Rent 3 days, get 4 days free!

Maui Golf Shop Now Near Airport

Now located at: 201 Dairy Rd. across from BORDERS


Book tee times online at: golf-maui.com or mauigolfshop.com

7/3/09 7:4



Maui Golf Review




Rent 1 day, get next FREE •Rent get next 2 FREE • Rent23days, days, keep for 7 days! • New TaylorMade R11 Burners, Callaway Diablos, Nike Sling Shots, Pings, Cobra, Cleveland Hybrid sets too. Mens and Ladies. Rent the best to play your best! Rent full sets of latest club models while saving over course rentals.

Book Maui’s most popular activities

Video swing tuneups $40. On-course playing lessons.



You can book some of Maui’s favorite activities when you come to the Maui Golf Shop or with just a phone call. Enjoy Luaus, Snorkeling Trips, Surf Lessons, Helicopter Rides, Dinner/Dancing Cruises, Ocean Rafting, Fishing Trips, and more!

With one phone call we can book all your tee times and activities at discount prices.

875-4653 DON’T WAIT. CALL US Toll Free:1-800-981-5512 WE ARE WAITING FOR YOUR CALL NOW!!



Maui Golf Review

Coconut Wireless

Hali‘imaile Pineapple Tournament of Champions On December 4, 2011, the Hawaii State Junior Golf Association (HSJGA) concluded the final round 2011 Hali’imaile Pineapple Company Tournament of Champions at the beautiful Wailea Emerald Course. It was a beautiful day with little wind and mostly sun, with a cloud or two providing cover to keep the heat down. Maui's Alex Chiarella took

top honors in the Boys 15-18 division at 8 under par (66-70-136). Eimi Koga, of Honolulu, took first place in the Girls 15-18 division (70-70-140). The event was the culmination of an entire year of junior golf events organized and run by the HSJGA, which is the baby of Mary Bea Porter King, the Kauai-based former LPGA superstar who has made it her mission to take Hawaii Junior golf into the stratosphere.

Hawaii golf's First Lady Mary Bea Porter-King of Kapaa, Hawaii (inset), is a celebrated four-sport collegiate athlete, LPGA Tour veteran, a pioneer in junior golf within her state, and one of the country’s most respected Rules officials. Now she has been named to receive the 2011 PGA First Lady of Golf Award. It couldn't have happed to a more deserving or kind person.

Sponsored By:

Tune into the TOC…

Host Dave Ward and his Da Game Show crew was on-hand to volunteer their time to videotape the TOC awards ceremony, as well as interviews with Mary Bea Porter King, Cathy Torchiana, Honolulu's Eimi Koga, and more.

Join Maui's only 18-hole private membership golf club. Even if only for just a day! Call 808-249-0033.



10:48 AM

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Maui’s Best Golf WAILEA, MAUI, HAWAI‘I


ailea’s Gold and Emerald courses are the proud recipients of dozens of awards and honors. Discover Maui’s finest golf experience for yourself, on the best island in the world.

· 2011 Value Award | up! Magazine · America’s 100 Greatest Public Courses | Golf Digest · Top 15 Hawaii Golf Resorts | Conde Nast Traveler · Best Courses You Can Play | Golfweek · Premier Golf Resorts, Gold Medal | Golf Magazine

For information, tee times and green fee specials, visit waileagolf.com. Toll-free: 1-888-328-MAUI * Local: 808-875-7450 100 Wailea Golf Club Drive, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii 96753

Main Event

Wahinies ebb Closer Each year more and more women golfers enter the Maui Open at The Dunes. And they beat a lot of the men too, including many pros. It's only a matter of time, as super golfers like Britney Yada, shown lining up her putt on the 15th hole at The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course, narrow the gap.

The Maui Open


Maui’s BEST Golfing Value! As seen on the

Golf Channel’s


Ranked among

Golf Digest’s

BEST places to

We take reservations

play • Beautiful ocean and mountain views, cool weather. • 18 Championship holes, with two greens on No. 3! • Unique kukuya grass makes for great lies, even in rough. • Smooth putting surfaces, outstanding course conditions. • Four tees on each hole for all player levels. • Driving range w/grass tees & PGA golf pro on staff. • Superb restaurant w/breakfast, lunch, & dinner served daily.


We’re easy to find. Just 13 minutes from the airport! Call our pro shop for easy 1-2-3 directions TODAY.

✆(808) 572-1314 24-Hr. Pro

Shop Phone:

360 PUKALANI HWY., PUKALANI, HI 96768 Better For Less


24-hours a day!

$ Free

Redeem this for a free logo ball whenwith every paid round. One coupon per player. Not-combinable with any other offers. Expires: 6/30/12. Pukalani C.C. (808) 572-1314.

Logo Ball

2020Maui Golf Review Maui Golf Review

All's Fair Dana Bersamin & Justin Keilly cared little about gender. Instead, it was all business as Maui's best came here to win. In the end, it was only a game.

Maui Golf Review

The 2011 Maui Open at The Dunes— presented by Maui Toyota—concluded with event sponsors Dave Gleason and Damian Farias donating $1000 to Maui Junior Golf (photo above). Wire-to-wire leader, and Maui pro, Sam Cyr won the event. Dick McClean, a former multiple winner, won the Senior Division. Longtime Kapalua pro Dean Prince won the Super Seniors Division, and Allan Souza won the A-Flight.


Main Event

Continued on next page

Junior Tour These two Maui junior golfers have already become superstars on the isle junior tour. Can you guess their names? Hint: answer is on page 113.



Maui Golf Review

Main Event

Sam's Town Local ASPGA pro Sam Cyr saved his fellow members the embarrassment of losing to an amateur two years in a row. Cyr led from the get-go and played like a champion.

Continued on page 112



5:01 PM

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Golf Digest calls it one of “America’s Best Kept Secrets... ...the best of two worlds: a tropical paradise layout in an irish dunes setting.”

Site of the 2011 Maui Open Championship (August 6-7, 2011)

Maui Lani: Where exceptional golf is at the center of a thriving, growing master-planned community. The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course is at the center of central Maui’s newest residential neighborhoods. Since its opening in 1999, the golf course that designer Robin Nelson likened to Irish links—like Ballybunion, Carne, and Royal Troon—has garnered endless praise. GOLFWEEK ranks it among their best in Haw aii. Now it is your turn to play th is masterpiece. Come and discover why Maui Lan iis the place for you.

Tee Times/Pro Shop: (808) 873-0422 | Real estate sales center: (808) 877-7300

Wish you lived here? Make it come true. (808) 877-7300 or info@mauilani.com mauilani.com


The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course, 1333 Maui Lani Parkway, Kahului, Maui, HI 96732 • GROUP SALES: (808) 873-7911 X2


Maui Golf Review



The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course is located on the northern side of the Maui isthmus. It gets a lot of wind as the day progresses, because winds strengthen in hotter conditions. Because The Dunes is routed over and around ancient sand dunes, much of the wind is negated, whereas on other courses, this is not always the case. However, being able to manage your ball trajectory is important, even at The Dunes, so I play a shot that many might call a knock-down. It all essentially boils down to three easy things:

More Club Sponsored By:

A stunning golf course on the slopes of Waikapu. Maui's best value. Call: 808.242.4653

On this golf hole, the par 3 8th, I would normally play a 6-iron from here. Because the hole plays directly into the wind, and that wind is somewhat obscured by the trees, I take one more club to lower my trajectory. Because I am playing more club, I don't need to swing as hard. By taking off some power during the shot, I also reduce the backspin a normal swing would impart. These contribute to a more successful outcome when combined.


Video insrtuction with Garrett‌

Tune into Da Game Show as Garrett Okamura joins an all-star crew of Aloha Section PGA pros teaching the shots you need to play well in Hawaii. Host Dave Ward makes the rounds with our best pros on all-islands.

Move Ball Back in Stance In this example, I have moved the ball back in my stance so when I strike it, my club will impact the ball slightly before my downswing is completed. This de-lofts the club and lowers the trajectory a bit more.


A Three-quarter Swing Remember I mentioned to reduce your power through impact during your downswing. A good way to do this is to limit the follow-through. Instead of a complete finish, try to abbreviate your follow-through by 'sawing off' a bit of the finish. This helps to control swing speed, tempo, and trajectory. It also helps you to stay more in balance, which is crucial when playing into the wind.



Maui Golf Review

A lass visits Maui's Hawaiian Irish links Gabriela Cordoba was the starting libero on the Baldwin High School varsity team that placed 6th in the state tournament. Her mom, Anne, asked us to help Gabby get a leg up on her fashion portfolio, and Dave Gleason at The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course was more than happy to help by supplying Dunes logowear and this marvelous view of the 2nd hole. Gabby is wearing a Dunes top made by EP ProTech. It is made of performance fabric to keep you comfortable and dry, and is available at The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course Pro Shop for only $62. Gabby's bottom skirt/skort is from Greg Norman's Perfect Fit line. It features an ultra lightweight moisture wicking liner, and is also available at The Dunes for only $62. Gabby is a 14 year old freshman at Baldwin High School. She plays club volleyball for Lanakila Volleyball Academy on the 17 and under team, and enjoys spending time with family and friends, shopping and going to the movies.

Sponsored By:

Join Maui's only 18-hole private membership golf club. Even if only for just a day! Call 808-249-0033.


— Maui Golf Review Promotion —

Flippin' out:

You've got the magazine in your hands but did you know we also have a digital edition online? This means you can always read our next issue, even if you're toasting New Year's at Rockefeller Center! Simply scan the QR and bookmark us for future reference. We'll see you soon!

Save on green fees:

Everybody's got a deal.... but if you really you want to save $10, $20, or even more on the Valley isle's links, call us. This publication gets trade for ads and sells it for a major discount. But the supply is limited, so act quickly. Just ask for Marie. She's at: (808) 250-1311. You can also scan this QR code to get onto our website. There are also our friends over at Maui's biggest wholesaler: the Maui Golf Shop (808) 875-GOLF. They have great deals too. Not quite like ours, but when we run out of our supply, they are who you want to call. They've got great deals on rental clubs too.


Scan and bookmark our forever work-in-progress website and you just might find something you like. We've got video coveage of the people behind the scenes at all of Hawaii's golf courses. Plus, we post specials from the courses, review properties, and do a lot of coverage you won't see in print.

Spy our storefront:

We've got our own e-Bay storefront too. This is where we also sell our barter at reduced prices to visitors before they get here. Next time you're planning your trip, scan and bookmark our store to save on golf.

Save as much as 50% off green fees at several of Maui's famous resort courses through a limited offer from this magazine! Maui Golf Review


• This is not a timeshare or other promotion. We have limited supplies of barter we receive in trade for advertising in this magazine for sale; • This is a bona fide way to play for less, but supplies are limited; • First come, first served; • Call us to find out which courses, then book your own tee time on any day at any hour with no restrictions; • Allow 24 hours before your tee time so we can notify course & process your payment; • This is an official offer from this magazine. NO other entity has what we are offering.

Call us to find out which courses we have on special and to process your payment:

(808) 250-1311


Maui Golf Review

Abundant Makena MAKENA (noun) \m(a)-ke-na\ 1. It is of Hawaiian origin, and the meaning of Makena is “place of abundance�.

Maui Golf Review

WHERE NATURE TAKES ITS COURSE In Hawaiian, the word ‘Makena’ means place of abundance, and Makena Beach & Golf Resort is truly that; a convergence of golf, hotel, tennis, dining, activities and more all under one ohana. The result is an incomparable resort experience that puts the visitor in the midst of a panorama of natural beauty, while at the same time, rolls out the red carpet at every turn.



Maui Golf Review


"Makena is abundant in its unspoiled natural surroundings, with 1,800 acres offering a refuge from humanity—all almost entirely undeveloped—where peace and quiet are the norm, not the exception."

akena Beach & Golf Resort is all about delivering on the promise of its own name, which literally means ‘place of abundance’ in Hawaiian. And abundance is the resort's central theme. Makena is abundant in sunshine— it is located on the southernmost end of Maui, in the lee of Mt. Haleakala, which acts as a 10,000-foot windbreak and weather buffer. Makena is abundant in its unspoiled natural surroundings, with 1,800 acres offering a total refuge from humanity—all almost entirely undeveloped—where peace and quiet are the norm, not the exception. Makena is abundant in its approach: with an ownership that has taken on the entire property—from the hotel, restaurants, golf, tennis, pools, gym, and spas, to everything else under the Makena sun. While many resorts are contracting, Makena is investing millions in Continued on page 36 Makena Redux Right: 1. A peekaboo view behind Makena's par 4 1st hole can now be seen from tee-togreen. Top: 2. Makena’s famed sunset glow pours over the practice tee and new course restaurant, Cafe on the Green. Middle left: 3. Makena’s Grey Francolins are clever birds and rarely bashful. Middle right: 4. Hole placards, signage, branded water stations, refuse containers, and everyting else on the Makena Golf Course has been totally revamped and updated over the past year. 5. The lava is back. After years of kiawe intrusion, Makena’s director of golf, Timothy Murphy, is actively involved in Makena’s revealing change. “We have a keen eye for detail,” Murphy explains as he describes newly made lava-lined walkways on tees, branded sandboxes on each tee, sightlines that have magically opened up, and more.


Maui Golf Review







Maui Golf Review

Maui Golf Review

“Through careful planning and attention to some technical engineering principles we were able to present many of the holes separately and apart from all others. This creates a very special feeling for the golfer—almost like this tiny little part of the world was created just for you.” —Robert Trent Jones II

The par 4 6th features a split fairway and a view 1. One of the most-revered par 4s in Hawaii is the par 4 6th (pictured from the green that just beckons those who here). A deep ravine divides the fairway offering golfers a classic are smart enough to play here to whip out their risk/reward opportunity. The island off in the distance is seven miles cameras and capture the moment. away, and is called: Kahoolawe. It is the smallest of the eight main volcanic islands in the Hawaiian Islands.



Maui Golf Review

The par 5 5th is where Makena begins its ascent up the mountain, with a scenic backdrop that is rarely seen on a golf course.

Continued from page 32 transforming the resort into a modernday Maui enclave whose feature attribute is what Maui is all about: nature. Makena is abundant in aloha. Couples, women, children, families, and all others are received with welcome arms. In fact, the name 'Makena' is a popular naming choice for newborns—here, on the mainland and even in places as far away as New Zealand. As many kanes (boys) as wahinies (girls) share this Hawaiian name, Makena's Pro Shop

logowear has added meaning to many and is worth the trip if only for a peek at the resort and a gift for a loved one back home, if you have someone bearing this name. How many Hawaiian golf resorts have that too as a distinction? Many of Makena's employees have worked there for decades. The resort goes to great lengths to recruit and retain the cream of the crop, and is building on a strong foundation of top people all the time.

Rather than importing mainlanders to show islanders how to do things, Makena’s ownership knows the scoop and has filled key positions with the best isle talent, and often from within. The end result is a more holistic and interconnected culture of people who get it; they understand what hospitality is and what Makena is all about. The vibe reeks of good karma. For us golfers, the big story is that Makena is investing in the course, on

Maui Golf Review



all levels. You can see the ocean now, from tees, greens, and even the fairway landing areas. Lava, long hidden by kiawe, seems to rear its head again. All those ancient Hawaiian rock ways we hear about: they're all running along the holes at Makena. Crusty and jagged as ever, but discernable even today. Makena all began when a Japanese railroad magnate stopped at nothing to make Makena a resort to rival all others. Nothing but the best, and

when it came to golf, it was Robert Trent Jones, II he hired to design Makena’s two golf courses. The resort's integration with the hilly seaside flanks of the 10,028-foot dormant volcano has been described as a masterful execution of Maui feng shui. The 6,914-yard par 72 Makena Golf Course follows a unique Z-shaped routing straight up the mountain. It is Continued on page 40

THE ABUNDANCE If you and your partner are interested in Maui’s most natural and unspoiled resort, where the golf course and the hotel and the restaurants and the pool and—well, you get the idea—are all under one ownership group, dedicated to bringing you the best of everything, then Makena is it. Makena’s ohana is abundant. No other resort on Maui offers the accountability and support that Makena does. And, unlike other resorts, only Makena offers the kind of experience that we all want: genuine, sincere, and able to handle your every need! It’s an abundance of aloha that is rare. Makena is also uniquely distinct from any other resort in Hawaii because it’s

nestled between a perfect crescent beach and the dramatic slopes of

Mount Haleakala. It is surrounded by an abundance of undeveloped land protected and fully intact in its natural state. Makena is the only isle resort that offers such a wealth of seclusion and privacy. If you want to stroll along quiet stretches of sand, see waves splash on ancient storied shores, and feel what the Hawaiians call the mana, or the spirit of the land, then you need to go to Makena. Here, the grass really does grow greener, and the beaches are truly

among the best in the world. It’s nature in abundance. Really. Golf, a priority for many of us, is totally private. There is only one way in, and one way out, and the resort is protective of its guests and golfers. That means peace and quiet for you. When you tee it up at Makena, you may as well be playing

at your own country club. If peace and quiet are what you want, Makena has an abundance of it.


Maui Golf Review

“Makena is abundant in aloha. Couples, women, children, families, and all others are received with welcome arms.�

The par 4 11th with the Makena Beach & Golf Resort's hotel nestled below the 360-foot high PuĘťu Olai, a dormant volcanic cinder cone.

Maui Golf Review

1. The view from the 13th fairway is like golf on the edge of the world. A newly updated, A-shaped Makena Beach & Golf Resort hotel can be seen nestled along the shore in the foreground of the 360’ tall Puʝu Olai dormant volcanic cinder cone.



Maui Golf Review

Continued from page 37 a classic nine-out, nine-in design, that begins just above the resort’s Maluaka Beach. From there, it follows the terrain before ascending to its mountain apex on the fourteenth hole, where one can see four islands floating in the watery distance—one for every shot you’ll hope to take on the 620-yard par 5 14th that drops 200 feet in elevation from tee to green. Four staggered tees adapt the course for all levels of players in this scenic, lush, and natural setting. Women and senior golfers couldn't ask for a fairer test, with Makena's Red tees slope-rated by the USGA at the exact median for Maui: six courses are easier, and six are harder. Rolling fairways follow the lay of the land, and “slope back toward the center, giving even less-skilled players a fair chance.” Authentic and ancient Hawaiian rock walls are preserved, endemic plants are protected, and many hole centerlines point to distant landmarks out at sea, such as Molokini islet. From the tee, Makena’s lush fairways are inviting corridors with generous landing areas. Lies sit up well on their 328 bermudagrass—cut to exactly half an inch—and Makena’s two-inch roughs help to further define the shape of the holes. Beyond that, it’s all lava—no homes, no condos, no strip malls—just you and the golf hole, as it was meant to be—isolated, peaceful, and quiet. “Through careful planning and attention to some technical engineering principles we were able to present many of the holes separately and apart from all others. This creates a very special feeling for the golfer—almost like this tiny little

Water lurks along the right side of the green on the short par 3 4th.

part of the world was created just for you,” Jones notes. His strategically placed bunkers, doglegs, split fairways, natural ravines, water, bedstreams, lava outcroppings, and massive elevation changes make Makena visually stunning, and exciting to play. It is target golf from tee to green, and oh,

“This is mountain golf at its best, with the best views on this side of the island.” —Mark Rolfing how you’ll love those greens! The putting at Makena is fun, yet challenging. Keeping the ball below the holes is a good idea here because the slope from back to front can be deceiving at

first, and you always want to be below the hole. Grain follows the setting sun, which is always toward the ocean. The first 14 holes climb to elevations as high as 800 feet above sea level. You are literally traversing your way up a mountain, and it is one of the best anywhere. “This is mountain golf at its best," Mark Rolfing says, adding, "with the best views on this side of the island.” Virtually every golfer agrees that the atmosphere here is magical. It makes one feel at peace with nature, with the honeycreepers and other indigenous birds chirping away as one commanding and incredible panoramic view after another of the shore unfolds. The golf holes at Makena route around ancient Hawaiian rock walls. You’ll see them from tee-to-green and they are unmistakable because they don’t look like they were thrown up five years ago. These are the real McCoy, and they go back to an era when the likes of Captain Cook roamed this land. But the real story here is the total golf

Maui Golf Review



“We feel strongly about the Hawaiian term pono—doing things right. We strive to deliver the round in paradise everyone dreams of—and will continue to do so at this special place.” —Timothy Murphy, PGA

experience that Makena is offering. From bag-drop to the minute you pull out of the lot, Makena’s got it down. They stay out of their own way, while at the same time they’re there. ‘Want a cold drink or a snack?’ No problem. They’ve got ’em waiting for you on the 10th tee, just like Kukio or Nanea. It’s like the golfing gods reached down from the Heavens and gave someone a serious wake-up call…but actually it wasn’t the gods at all—it was veteran golf operator Timothy Murphy. Murphy, a 16-year Aloha Section PGA golf professional, was among the several regionally savvy executives brought on-board, as mentioned earlier, by the resort’s owners. Say Murphy, "We feel strongly about the Hawaiian term pono—doing things right. We strive to deliver the round in paradise everyone dreams of—and will continue to do so at this special place.” Makena isn’t bashful about its mission to become Hawaii’s leading destination resort. “We feel this location is unlike any other on earth,” Timothy Murphy

explains. “We feel strongly about wanting to do it justice—we will care for it— protecting the natural, historical, and cultural legacy of our land.” When you play golf at Makena, it is full of quiet solitude, and plenty of scenery along the way. Tee shots and approaches seem to land and roll where you want them too. It's as if you could putt your way around this Pacific playground, as even the holes that look scary offer lots of options for making the game a leisure-filled experience, rather than hard work! The 177-yard 7th is a stunning par 3, showing off not only the ocean but the West Maui mountains too. It has a big, wide green for you to play to, and while you are thinking about your shot, the island of Lanai also looms in the distance—it’s spectacular! Another beautiful golf hole is the incredible 185-yard, par 3 12th. It looks like a moonscape draped in emerald Continued on page 44

THE SpARklE Makena’s thinking and entire infrastructure is completely renewed. The resort fills a much-needed niche as Maui’s most exclusive, personal, private island resort. Abundant is an aloha spirit and ambiance that is as reassuring as it is efficient and friendly. The resort’s welcoming staff is trained to provide guests with a level of care that’s impossible to find, even at the sumptuous resorts of Wailea. And it gets better! The resort’s 310 newly beautified guest rooms

and suites reflect a new Makena, with sparkling, panoramic pacific ocean views from every vista. Makena’s hotel lobby and porte cochere make up a welcoming, expansive open-air ‘living room’ replete with lounge areas all decked out in an upscale tropical style that bespeaks Hawaii’s most tasteful and attractive sense of island quality. It’s the perfect gathering place to meet friends

and family, plan the day’s activities—with help from the resort’s concierge—connect with the office or home via the resort’s many networks, shop for snacks or collectibles, or grab some coffee or a rental car

before embarking on your Maui adventure. Then there’s the stellar Makena golf. THE CoNNECTIoN There are only four destination resorts on Maui. Each has its own array of hotels and golf courses within its property lines, but only Makena wholly owns and manages all of its operations. This means you and your group can stay and play at Makena and know that your room, food, beverage, and golf are all managed by one team. You’ll have buying power and rates that will keep you coming back, time and again. When you stay and play at Makena, you are cared for by one ohana. Simple.


Maui Golf Review

“It makes one feel at peace with nature, with the honeycreepers and other indigenous birds chirping away as one commanding and incredible panoramic view of the shore unfolds after another.�


Maui Golf Review





Unspoiled Nature Opposite page: 1. The par 3 7th, with Maalaea Channel fronting the West Maui Mountains. 2. Top: Views abound on the uphill, dogleg-right, par 4 8th. 3. Middle, from left to right: 1. Women golfers will find a level playing field during their Makena golf experience; 4. The Scarlet Hawaiian Honeycreeper is a Hawaiian “hummingbird-niched” species that can be found at Makena. 5. Makena’s unique Golf/Resort shop is well-stocked with the latest golf and après-golf fashions and accessories. Bottom: 6. The view from behind the par 5 10th, with cloud reflections bouncing off of the channel in the morning.




Maui Golf Review


PRISTINE BEACHES Makena’s beautiful Maluaka Beach is an inviting, uncrowded playground with an abundant variety of water sports and activities—from kayaking to scuba diving, or even a thrilling ride in an authentic Hawaiian outrigger canoe. Fronting the resort, Maluaka is just one of many Makena beaches at your disposal. Makena’s Beach Activities Center has a friendly staff to assist you with tips, rentals, and help in selecting the right activity so you and your loved ones can

enjoy Maui’s beautiful southwestern coast from Makena’s stunning waterfront. GLORIOUS VOWS Imagine a helicopter landing your party at Makena Vista, the resort’s exclusive perch set high atop the hillsides of Haleakala, where your sacred vows can be shared in the warm light of sunset. Only Makena can arrange such a private Maui wedding within its

own incomparable and abundant natural and scenic environs. Every arrangement, from wedding party spa and salon treatments to elaborate receptions, is there for Makena’s very important guests.

EPIC CUISINE Makena’s chefs organically grow the produce the resort serves. The resort empowers its chefs to be the best of the best and to reach for the stars offering Makena guests an abundant culinary adventure to remember. From hearty breakfast buffets to gourmet candlelit dinners and an award-winning Sunday brunch. From the popular Saturday Night Japanese Buffet to the Makena Grill. Cafe on the Green is Makena's 19th hole with great beers on tap and every libation imaginable.


Continued from page 41 green, and there is a strip of fairway that runs along the entire left side to ensure you will never lose sight of your golf ball! Between the 12th and the final par 3 on the Makena Golf Course is the 620-yard, par 5 14th. With a dramatic descent downward, it is one of many Makena signature holes. From tee-togreen, your ball will descend 200 feet! A half-swing and it is going to go a mile! Spiced with lots of jungle, flowering plants, trees and lava rock fields, it is a spellbinding visual experience and a great birdie opportunity, reachable with two perfectly struck shots.

The last par 3 on the Makena Golf Course is the 15th hole, which also plays downhill, and makes the beginning of the end that much mre special. Panoramic views of the ocean and Molokini behind the green raise your odds of seeing a whale or two breaching in the distance. Inspiring to say the least. “I don’t mean to sound biased,” Murphy says with a wry smile, “but what we do every day at Makena—the combination of spectacular setting, quality product, and guest relations delivered with genuine aloha—makes for a truly unforgettable experience for all to enjoy.” • Continued on page 49

Maui Golf Review


“It looks like a moonscape draped in emerald green, and there is a strip of fairway that runs along the entire left side to ensure you will never lose sight of your golf ball!�


Simple Solitude


Top: 1. One of Makena’s signature holes, the par 3 12th. Left: 2. Sunset over Molokini on the par 4 11th. Above: 3. Women golfers and couples love the playability and solitude of Makena.


Maui Golf Review

“With a dramatic descent downward, it is one of many Makena signature holes. From tee-to-green, your ball will descend 200 feet! A half-swing and it is going to go a mile!�

This is Makena Vista, one of the resort's many secluded yet spectacular sites for weddings, corporate events, and outings of all kinds.

Maui Golf Review


abundant fun in the sun

ACTIVITIES GALORE While watersports at Maluaka beach and Makena’s Beach Activities Center are your go-to solution for anything related to the briny deep, Makena has an abundance of offers for the landlubber, too. TEnnIS CLuB Makena's Tennis Club is center-court quality, but with all of the benefits of privacy. Its six newly revamped courts feature the latest Plexipave surfaces and are lit and open for night play. For all players, the club offers seven clinics a week, covering every aspect of your game and sure to strengthen your fitness levels. One of the best activities at Makena occurs at the Tennis Club, but you won’t need a racket.

Does it get any better than this? The player’s view, from approximately 225 yards away, on the downhill par 5 14th at Makena Golf Course.

STARDuST MEMORIES Gather around a cozy fire pit while sipping hot cocoa and bring to life your childhood memories while stargazing each night. Makena has gone hi-tech using iPads

equipped with Sky Safari applications to spot constellations easily and efficiently. Learn the stories behind each constellation, as well as the importance of these stars to the native Hawaiians.

MuSCLE POWER The resort’s Prince Kahekili Fitness Center, named for Maui’s 25th Hawaiian king, who was the symbol of muscle and might, outfitted with all-new, state-of-theart cardiovascular workout equipment, such as Life Fitness, Star Trac, and Free Motion, the Prince Kahekili Fitness Center is a super Maui facility. REST OR PLAY Makena offers an abundance of things to do. Waddle in the two cool, sparkling pools. Sip on cool

Mai Tais and just let go. Feeling peppy? There’s miniature golf, croquet, shuffleboard, volleyball, ping pong, biking, and hiking. Makena’s leisure choices are truly abundant.


Maui Golf Review

Maui Golf Review



THE SCoRE For the price of a little more than two rounds of resort golf anywhere else, Makena Beach & Golf Resort will give you a scenic room, unlimited golf for two players, cover all ‘resort fees,’ and take care of parking too. Yes, starting at only $399 + tax. Not $399 per person. $399 + tax. Just once, per day. period! Call 800.321.MAUI or 808.874.1111 for reservations and information.

WHY NoT NoW? You’ve flown how far to enjoy Maui? Make the best use of your time and resources. Check out of where you are and check in at Makena and have the dream vacation you came here for in the first place—at a fraction of the cost you may have budgeted.

Your odds of seeing a whale breach from the tee are as good as they get from atop Makena's downhill par 3 15th. Inset opposite page: a view from behind the lava-lined tee on 18.

plAN FoR IT plan for Makena’s $399 special, which will be in effect through December

of 2012. play one of Maui’s most pristine and natural golf courses, virtually every day, for a great bargain! Call 800.321.MAUI or 808.874.1111 for reservations and information.

plAY/STAY A DAY Makena’s $399 + tax offer is so good, you can leave your room on the West Side and stay and play at Makena for a day and enjoy two vacations in one. If you're island-hopping, what better way to kill two birds with one stone? Considering that the rate includes two people and unlimited golf to boot, the room is a bonus and a nice one at that, especially if you're roughing it in a condo. Would two pools, a brand new fitness center, stargazing by campfire, an amazing beach, stellar food, and a modern bed be a nice addition to your trip? You make the call: 800.321.MAUI or 808.874.1111 for reservations and info.


Maui Golf Review

It's a DIfferent worlD. . .

The famed par 3 fifth on the Bay Course at Kapalua.

. . . at Kapalua

The moment you enter this resort, Maui takes on a whole new dimension.


Maui Golf Review

The long, downhill par 4 7th at the Plantation Course illustrates how vast the unobstructed views are from this golf course.


or the past 12 years, Kapalua has hosted the first pGa tour golf event of the new Year: the Hyundai tournament of Champions (toC), Thursday, January 5, 2012 though Monday, January 9, 2012. Zillions tune in to see the coveted resort’s famed plantation Course on tV, while it snows in the colder regions. Year after year we hear about and see this stellar example of modern golf course architecture—a collaboration between Ben Crenshaw and Bill Coore—with its massive holes that are as daunting in person as they are on-screen. It’s high drama, and the game’s greats make the journey to kick off their year, and re-celebrate their previous victory. all of this hype and publicity is great for Kapalua, but what it can also do is overshadow the golf course that first made Kapalua, and the Golf academy that has ushered the resort to the top of the charts in the new millennium. and this, for those whose interest in Kapalua may have been piqued by the hysteria of the new Year toC hype, is something we simply cannot allow. for it would be a shame for any Maui visitor to miss out on the rest of the feast, even if the plantation is reputedly the main course. It’s just a different world at Kapalua. let’s just dig right into the Bay Course, which arnold palmer and francis Duane designed in 1975 for Kapalua as the centerpiece of the resort. Built in an era when Hawaii was still finding its roots as a major golf destination, the Bay Course exemplifies what a resort course should be: not too tough, but not too easy either. There are ocean views galore, and even a shot across the water, which is only possible on a few courses here in Hawaii. The weather here is ethereal. Mist and fog and sun and rainbows come in go in seconds and the fresh air is intoxicating. It’s a Continued on page 54

TROON REWARDS & CARD Troon rewards Join Troon rewards to earn free rounds of golf and discounts on merchandise and golf fees. also, receive special offers, access to exclusive events and Callaway

promotions. The more you play, the more you save! earn one point for every dollar you spend on your own golf fees and merchandise in the golf shop at participating, dailyfee facilities managed by Troon Golf. You’ll also receive a Free subscription to Troon GoLF & TraVeL, a bimonthly e-magazine edited by my buddy George Fuller. For more information, visit: troongolf.com

Troon Card Purchase a Troon Card and the company offers up to 50% off golf fees, best rate guarantee, and “2 for 1” golf offers at their participating and managed courses. This is not a cheap card but it can pay for itself quickly. Their 2012 Troon Golf Twosome or Foursome frequent player Card is an easy way to automatically be registered for Troon rewards, the company’s loyalty program, which promises an easy way to earn free


ie P.

Sea mist and the sound of the crashing surf await you on the 4th hole at the Bay Course at Kapalua.



rounds and more! For more information, visit: troongolf.com

Continued from page 53 different world at Kapalua. Then there is the lore of greatness here that the game’s legends have brought to Kapalua thanks in no small part to Mark rolfing, who single-handedly made the brand a household name. for many younger golfers, Kapalua is most-recently associated with the pGa tour in that the resort has hosted the toC since 1999. what many don’t know is that from 1982 until 1997, Kapalua had already established a long relationship with professional golf at the season’s end, with its ‘unofficial’ pGa tour event: the lincoln-Mercury Kapalua

International—a rolf invention. staged on the Bay Course, and later along with and then exclusively on the plantation, this full-field made-for-tV 72-hole championship was what golf starved fans everywhere tuned into after the season was over, and it was mostly the Bay Course that they were watching. while the plantation Course has gotten a lot of recent publicity, and deservedly so, the Bay Course remains at the pinnacle of resort golf and should be on your must-play list, especially if you haven’t played it. Kapalua is about as serious about golf

as a resort can possibly be, but it doesn’t take itself nearly as seriously as it could, especially now that it is part of the troon Golf, which ironically has brought a lot of its own aloha to the Valley Isle and is pretty popular among the locals we have spoken too. That bodes well for visitors too, as a happy worker is a happy customer, and Kapalua and Maui wants you to be happy! while troon has arrived with great fanfare, they haven’t done damage in the process. In fact, they promoted from within and made longtime director of golf, Mike Jones, the head honcho and Continued on page 56

Maui Golf Review

The Bay Course at Kapalua's driveable par 4 13th features an elaborate bunker complex that is deceivingly large.



Maui Golf Review


oVerVIew The Kapalua Golf academy is Hawaii’s most complete state-of-the-art golf school and practice facility, designed by PGa Touring Professional Hale Irwin. The golf academy and 23-acre practice area provide golf instruction in all aspects of the game—putting,

chipping, wedge and bunker play, specialty shots, and the full swing. additionally, Kapalua’s dedicated staff of PGa Professionals offer a full spectrum of instructional programs: individual golf lessons, corporate clinics, golf schools, and custom off-site instruction.



85,000 sq. ft. of grass teeing area

several practice putting greens

Greenside fairway practice bunkers

18-hole putting course

ample target flags and greens

specialty short game area

sheltered tee area

Indoor hitting bay

digital video analysis

distance wedge area with greens from 20 to 120 yards

2,500 sq. ft. learning center


Continued from page 54 people love him. I heard people in other Kapalua outfits mumbling words of envy, wishing he were their boss! troon wisely managed to retain Kapalua Golf academy superstars Jerry King, and his ace instructors Greg fields and Ben Hongo. Golf Magazine ranks the Kapalua Golf academy is one of the top 25 in the nation, but we think it’s no 1. Jerry King is simply the most engaging, enjoyable, and most

sought-after teacher in the industry. He’s one of only a handful of pros in the world who are “aimpoint-certified” in green-reading, and he doesn’t wear a silly hat either! The Kapalua Golf academy is much like a high-end hot-rod shop where they chisel out respectable golfers from the crudest and rawest forms. Bring your Z-game and these boys will turn you 180-degrees around and in no time

Maui Golf Review





Clockwise from opposite page: 1. Academy pro Ben Hongo gives Dave Ward a follow-up lesson in the academy's hitting bay. 2. Academy pro Gregory Fields coaches student on short game. 3. Hongo with junior golfer. 4. Yes, there's parking. 5. Ward sees immediate video feedback.

have you wanting to keep score again. from a beginner-bride to a rusty snowbird Jerry, Gregory, and Ben will help you pull it together in time to actually play with your newly-mended swing in paradise. It really is a different world at Kapalua. The academy is all part Hawaii’s most complete state-of-the-art golf school and practice facility, which was designed by legendary pGa pro, Hale Irwin. The golf academy and 23-acre practice area

is literally a golfer’s dream come true, with an Irwin-designed 18-hole putting course, covered hitting bays, high-end mobile and in-house video analysis gear, and trajectory tracking systems to aid in providing golf instruction in all aspects of the game—putting, chipping, wedge and bunker play, specialty shots and the full swing. The video systems the academy use are so advanced that they can not only use them to compare your

posture and swing to a similarly shaped tour pro, but they can mark up things for you to work on and it's all sent to your inbox before you get back to your room! The trajectory analyzer provides so much feeback that when combined with the video, Jerry's got you dialed in. Jerry and his staff of pGa professionals offer a full spectrum of instructional programs, individual golf lessons, corporate Continued on page 90


Maui Golf Review


Maui Golf Review

The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course is a rare Hawaiian links. No other golf course in Hawaii is quite like it, which may explain why Golf Digest named it among the four “Best-Kept Secret Golf Courses in America.” But what is it that makes this course so unique? Is it the design? Is it the site? Topography? Playability? Condition? Actually, it’s all of that and more.

Continued on page 60



Maui Golf Review


Continued from page 59

he Dunes at Maui lani Golf Course is built on ancient sand dunes. It was designed and routed to take full advantage of the site’s unique topography. The hybrid Bermuda turfgrasses and course maintenance are such that the playability rivals that of Hawaii’s top resorts. In fact, The Dunes is consistently ranked by Golfweek as Maui’s no. 2 venue, following only the plantation Course at Kapalua. It’s that unique. Course architect robin nelson knew he had a special site when he first saw the Maui lani terrain and described it as a “once-in-a-lifetime” course design opportunity. It was 1998, and the return to classic golf course architecture hadn’t quite taken hold. robin flew out to Ireland’s southwest coast just to see the classic links courses himself. Then he went to work on The Dunes. when it opened, robin’s authentic (revetted sod) pot bunkers and epic routing of The Dunes at Maui lani Golf Course were immediately hailed by the national media. never before had a daily-fee golf course in Hawaii gotten so much attention. Links Magazine, Golf Digest, Golf Magazine, T+L Golf, Golfweek, and newspapers locally and abroad bestowed high rankings and words of praise on The Dunes. Visitors and residents followed suit as well and have made The Dunes a staple in their golfing diets. so what is so special about a links course anyway? what is the big deal about dunes? why should you care? Golf course architects move mountains to emulate what The Dunes does naturally. They go to great lengths, spend tens of millions of dollars, and never really touch the qualities that Continued on page 110

Maui Golf Review



Maui Golf Review


THE DUNES AT MAUI LANI GOLF COURSE The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course meanders through Maui Lani: a master-planned community consisting of many flourishing and vibrant residential neighborhoods, two schools, medical center, parks, highway system, and commercial center. The owners continue to expand Maui Lani and offer a rare opportunity to own a fee simple interest in The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course.


Dornbush & Co., Ltd. Exclusive Broker

The basic details of this offering can be found on the official website at: www.MauiGolfCourseForSale.com. Interested parties may also inquire about this offering by phone by calling Dornbush & Co., Ltd., at: 808.524.5279. 733 Bishop Street, Suite 1850 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone (808) 524-5279 www.DornbushHawaii.com

It's all simple and sweet at The Dunes.



1. The plantation style clubhouse is neat, clean, and efficient—a mix of old and new traditions and cultures from here and abroad. 2. Central Maui's most luxe lighted range is at The Dunes and is open seven days a week. 3. CafÊ O'Lei at The Dunes is a stellar restaurant and catering solution, as well as 19th hole, or non-hole if you don't play. The food and service are tops. 4. A view of the clubhouse from the first hole. 5. No. 10 is a true test and par is always a good score here.



Maui Golf Review

Once again, the classic and minimalistic design of The Dunes plays differently. You can literally putt your tee shots down fairways. Every green has an opening. There is always a place to bail out and play safe. You’ve got options at The Dunes.

You're in the heart of Maui You won't find anything like this golf course as the sky turns from one shade to another during the day.



Maui Golf Review

Wailea Old Blue: 40 Years of Fun in the Sun!

Maui Golf Review




Maui Golf Review


hat is it we all feel on that first tee, or when we ‘really want to pull off a shot’? It’s that ball of lead in our stomach known as fear. It’s a fun spoiler. Millions travel all the way to

Hawaii and endure it in everything: their luggage, flights, cars, and even directions. why would they want to add more of this to their leisure? The guest's desire to avoid stress is what defines the wailea old Blue Golf Club. arthur Jack snyder responded with a design that accomlished the goal of fun, not fear. snyder pioneered golf in Hawaii. He

knew all about how to trick out a course to put fear in the player’s stomach. (He was tapped by oakmont as its superintendent in 1951 to set up the venerable country club for the 1953 u.s. open.) But the common thread in his 60+ golf course designs is his making the golf course fun for the player. That’s where Jack snyder really excelled.

"The guest's desire to avoid stress is what defines the Wailea Old Blue Golf Club. Arthur Jack Snyder responded with a design that accomplished the goal of fun, not fear."

Maui Golf Review


"Its fairways roam the exclusive Wailea hillsides in a spacious, roomy sort of way. The landing areas are wide, and the greens are huge." ask any Maui resident which of Maui’s resort courses are the most ‘fun’ to play, and odds are they’ll pick one on each side of the island. on the west side, it’ll be Kaanapali’s Kai course. Down south, it’ll be wailea old Blue. what do these two golf courses share in common? arthur Jack snyder. Yep. He designed them both. for fun.

But whereas the Kai was originally an executive course of only nine holes, the wailea old Blue Golf Club is as it was the day it opened. Its fairways roam the exclusive wailea hillsides in a spacious, roomy sort of way. The landing areas are wide, and the greens are huge. The Kai is tight. It was expanded from nine to 18 holes in 1976, and that meant more

golf in less space. short, narrow, not as comfy. old Blue, on the other hand, has that top button undone. It’s a relaxing venue, where finding your ball is a pleasure, not an easter egg hunt. Think about it: why is wailea so popular? what has built it into the world’s preeminent destination resort? perfect weather? Yes. less wind? Yes. Continued on page 69


Maui Golf Review

The 'house' that built Wailea:


1. Clockwise from right: West Maui Mountains loom behind the welcoming green on the par 5 4th. 2. Even before you start your round the first hole and practice putting green boast views. 3. Wide fairways grace the Wailea slopes on the par 4 7th. 4. Dramatic skies and colors are what Wailea is known for, as seen on the par 5 10th. 5. A south Maui oceanview from the putting green on the 12th. 6. Classic logo ball: just one of many souveniers from the famed Old Blue. 7. The latest, state-of-the-art Prolink GPS screen you'll see on every cart. 8. Wailea Old Blue logos adorn a stellar line-up of men's and women's luxury logowear in the Wailea Old Blue Golf Pro Shop.






Maui Golf Review


Continued from page 67 Stunning hotels and beaches? Check. Stellar golf ? Uh-huh. But why? There’s a line in the Wailea sand when it comes to golf. The Gold and Emerald courses are the Old Blue’s younger siblings, and as such, there are rivalries. The former two are fabulous upstarts. One is rugged, with lots of bunkers; the other is lush, and very deluxe. But the Old Blue has something neither of the others can truly offer: an absolute zero fear factor. That’s the one intrinsic quality about the Old Blue that is undisputable. Arthur Jack Snyder understood it 40 years ago, and ever since, Wailea has enjoyed a worldwide reputation for being a destination where fun in the sun is assured. The Old Blue’s holes have enough length, enough curves, and enough elevation change. The greens have 2

Continued on page 97 BIG SMILES AT OLD BLUE


MIRANDA'S HERE TO HELP The next time you play Wailea Old Blue, be sure to say 'aloha' to Miranda, their beverage cart girl. Miranda's been tasked with snapping your group's smiling faces, and posting them to the Old Blue Facebook page, if, and only if, you are nice to her and have a big smile. Miranda takes the worry out memorializing your day for posterity, with her handy digital camera. Say 'cheese' and have fun!


Maui Golf Review

Maui's Only Double Green Wailea's Emerlad Course features a double green shared by its 10th and 17th holes. A pond meanders alongside, bouncing the amazing colors and flora in the placid water.

Wonderous Wailea MAUI'S 24-CARAT OPTION

h 72

Maui Golf Review

ave you ever heard of wailea? It is the place where Cannes and sundance meet in paradise. where Hollywood’s luminaries converge for their annual film festival—on the golf club driving range! where the rich and famous, who could go anywhere, chose wailea because its velvet fairways are sprinkled with stardust. and Hollywood’s elite aren’t the only ones who

have their own annual pilgrimage, there are other golfers all types who come to wailea like birds of a feather, migrating to this remote refuge, to put that little white ball into the cup. Maui has many fine golfing venues, and in fact, some might say it is the world’s preeminent golf destination. But wailea somehow manages to stand apart from the pack, exuding a luster that is crisp and clean, like the soft white silica sand in their exotic bunkers. Its endless ribbons of perfectly groomed fairway is of a different pedigree—cut from a different swath of hybrid ber-

Emerald Fairways The grass really is greener at Wailea, as evidenced by the par 5 finishing hole on the Emerald's 18th, where even the views pale in comparison.

mudagrass, like as if the labs in the deep south were co-conspirators. It’s no accident. at wailea, no stone is left unturned in its quest for perfection. every cart, tee, fairway, and green is exposed, scrutinized, and made to be perfect. It’s as though wailea, through sheer will, can bend nature to fit the needs of its guests. and the well-healed patron who is naturally drawn to the best things in life gravitates to wailea. The resort knows this and strives to deliver the class of golf that has made its name the envy of all other resorts. one doesn’t pull their

Maui Golf Review

reputation out of a hat: they cultivate it over years, and wailea ailea has had four decades to perfect its game, and they never lose. suffice uffice it to say when you play golf at wailea, you’re in the lap of luxury. The uniforms a little nicer, the tenor seems just a bit more at ease, and when you instinctively reach for a club or a bottle of water or press on your cart’s pedal, things fall into place. There’s nothing awkward here. playing on wailea’s Gold and emerald golf courses transports you into a living tapestry of color, where you are

part of it all—vistas that curve forever, and rows and rows of flora and deep green. Birds and the click of the ball of your fel fellow competitor’s clubface are the only sounds you hear. plumeria and bouganvillia fill the air, ripe with a faint tropical cologne. Views of the pacific and Mt. Haleakala ensconce you as you play your way through the courses. There are no homes on these lush fairways. Just palm trees, kiawe, the sea, and the abundant flora. robert trent Jones II designed both the emerald and Gold courses. His mis-


sion was to make them the ’24-carat gold standard’ for the resort, and long after they opened, little doubt remains as to the authenticity of that audacious statement. The emerald course is a fantasy from the onset. Instead of 6,825 yards of challenge, most who play it see fairways bending toward the middle, and greens that are perched at the ends of funnels. ‘Can I really roll my ball into the hole from here’ we might ask ourselves? of course not.

"But Wailea somehow manages to stand apart from the pack, exuding a luster that is crisp and clean, like the soft white silica sand in their exotic bunkers. Its endless ribbons of perfectly groomed fairway is of a different pedigree—cut from a special swath of hybrid bermudagrass, as if the labs in the deep south were their co-conspirators."

Continued on page 74


Maui Golf Review



Continued from page 73 The emerald’s plush fairways and flowery tees are indeed beautiful distractions, but those who think they will walk away with a career score under their belts are often shocked at the numbers that end up posting to their handicaps. The emerald and the Gold each have four to six sets of tees on every hole. Golfers who want a stern test, only have to hit first, from as far back as they want, and then they’ll quickly learn that the emerald Course is quite a test. Conversely, Golf for Women has honored wailea’s emerald course seven times with a top fairways award for the country’s most womenfriendly of golf clubs. Countless women golfers will attest to the fact that, when played from the front tees, the emerald course is a gentler, friendlier venue. It is all about the tee you choose, just as Mr. Jones intended.

The obverse of all of this is the Gold course, with its 93 bunkers, and great length, which stretches to 7,087 yards. for years, Hale Irwin, arnold palmer, Jack nicklaus, Gary player, tom watson, and so many other legendary players came to wailea to compete on the Gold course’s fairways during the annual Champions skins Game. Despite their ages, they crushed the ball, and hit their irons as though they were guided missiles. for younger players to think these elder ambassadors of the game are incapable of playing any course, of any length, is a mistake. They bring even the best to their knees, but wailea’s Gold course gave them a good fight. opened in 1994, wailea’s Gold was quickly lauded by GOLf Magazine and Golf Digest, both of whom recognized it as one of the country’s 10 best new resort courses. The readers of Condé Nast Traveler gave it plaudits as well, in the magazine’s first golf resorts poll, when

The Emerald’s plush fairways and flowery tees are indeed beautiful distractions, but those who think they will walk away with a career score under their belts are often shocked at the numbers that end up posting to their handicaps.


Continued on page 100 John Byrne


Maui Golf Review





Holes cut from a different swath: Clockwise from opposite page left: 1. They're all signature holes at Wailea, especially the Emerald's 18-holes, which could easily qualify for that distinction anywhere else. 2. The green on Emerald's 1st hole, all framed in palms, and oceanview backdrop. 3. The tee shot on the Gold's par 5 13th. 4. The third shot as you approach 13 on the Gold. 5. The Gold's par 4 18th looking across the green toward the clubhouse and Gannon's restaurant.


Kä‘an 76

Maui Golf Review

Learn interesting facts and history about the resort as it celebrates it's 50th Birthday this year!

ne Tanaka

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Even before the new golf course had officially opened in 1962, course superintendent Peter Sequeira treated his close friend, Maui News sports writer Wayne Tanaka, to a tour and took this picture of him playing No. 4. (All of the black and white photos in this story are provided courtesy of Mr. Tanaka.)

Photo: Cou


Celebr a Photo: Jose R. Morales II

n apali: Maui Golf Review


50 years ago, Robert Trent Jones Sr. (pictured third from right) worked on plans to reshape 145 waterfront acres, just one mile north of Lahaina, creating what would become the 7,179yard par 72 Royal Kaanapali Golf Course.


Photo: Courtesy of

Wayne Tanaka





Originally named the Royal Lahaina Golf Course, it opened, in 1962, to great fanfare when superstar Bing Crosby christened play with the first-ever Kaanapali foursome. Although we don’t have his scorecard, legend has it that he played a solid round with an equal mixture of birdies and bogeys.



It was 1964, and the 12th annual Canada Cup matches brought the world's best golfers from 33 golfing countries (such as Chi Chi Rodriguez, pictured below) to the Royal Kaanapali Golf Course, for four days of play. Two-man teams of professionals would compete over 72 holes for the International Trophy (for low individual score) and the Canada Cup (for low team score); a bounty consisting of trophies, prestige, and the multilingual fellowship was at stake.


y of Wayne Tana

Photo: Courtes

Photo: Rob Brown



As Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus (pictured below) teamed up to make a luau of the international field, Palmer set the course record with 7-under-par 65 during the event's Pro-Am. But that record would hold up for only three days, as Nicklaus would match Arnie with his own 65 on Saturday's third round. That shared record would stand for 23 years.


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Photo: Cou

rtesy of W ayne Tanak


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Wayne T ana




Nicklaus and Palmer (pictured above with Gary Player far right, and Oahu pro Ted Makalena to Palmer's right), as team winners, split $2,000 between them, with lesser money for second, third, and fourth places. The winning individual (Nicklaus again, with a fine 72-69-65-70) took home $1,000, and so on down the ranks. Local golf icon Ted Makalena finished T3 with the Black Knight.

1964 Photo: Courtesy of Wayne Tanaka

—Ed Kageyama, PGA


It was on June 3, 1964, page 28 of the Honolulu StarBulletin, that news broke announcing that the Royal Lahaina Golf Course was now the Royal Kaanapali Golf Course. Its new logo debuted at that time.

Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf, an ABC television series, made its Hawaiian debut on the Royal Kaanapali Golf Course in 1964. A match-play series, this duel featured 1963 PGA Championship runner-up, David Ragan, from the USA, and the 1963 reigning Open champion, Sir James "Bob" Charles, from New Zealand (pictured walking on green with putter in hand).


David Ragan birdied the first hole to take an early lead, but Charles bettered the Floridian's beautiful round of 66. Kaanapali became a favorite to this New Zealander, whose future held more than just this win (pictured with Ragan and caddies during the event in 1964)... he would win here three more times.







In 1976, golf course architect Arthur Jack Snyder would transform the ninehole Kaanapali Kai executive course he first crafted in 1967, into the 18hole, 6,400 yard design that would one day host the 12 ladies of Big Break Kä‘anapali. Photo courtesy of his friend and colleague, course designer Forrest Richardson.

When Kaanapali Golf Courses hosted Hawaii’s first-ever LPGA event— the Women’s Kemper Open, in the spring of 1982—the gallery was estimated to be 5,000 strong. The outgoing Jan Stephenson played her first tee shot wearing an authentic ti leaf skirt. But her stylish and authentic Hawaiian attire didn't help, as Amy Alcott would take home the winner's check in this first of four Women's Kemper Opens at Kaanapali.

5,000 ➜


Beginning in 1987, with the inaugural GTE Kaanapali Classic, Kaanapali Golf Courses became known as the “Hawaiian Home of the Senior PGA Tour.” But another decade passed before Hale Irwin began his record 6 victories, including his streak of five straight wins in a row (2000-2005), when he won the HyattRegency Maui Kaanapali Classic in 1997. Then Maui News photographer Andrew Jacoby captured this shot of Hale while en route to that first victory.


Maui Golf Review




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After a major, $13,000,000 renovation of all 36 Kä‘anapali golf holes, the resort hosted Golf Channel's Big Break Kä‘anapali in 2008. The golf resort’s general manager, Ed Kageyama, a PGA golf professional himself, caddied for the event's eventual winner, Kim Welch, of Sacramento, CA. After all of that investment, hard work, and effort—Welch and the Kä‘anapali Golf Resort—finally got their Big Break!



of Golf


On the door of locker No. 138, etched in gold, is the name Arnold Palmer. He won 29 PGA Tour events in the three years leading up to his first visit to the Royal Kä‘anapali Golf Course, in 1964, and would win his fourth Masters that year too. Over 53 years, the King won 94 professional victories in 734 career starts, including the Wendy's Champions Skins Game, three times in 20 starts.



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Photo: C

In 2007, Billy Casper Golf, Kä‘anapali Golf Courses’ management company, unveils a new logo, with proper diacritical marks, as a part of the major updating of the brand. The golf courses, pro shop, driving range, carts, uniforms, and even new perspectives were fine tuned for new opportunities on the horizon.


3 Maui Golf Review

Fred Couples made his Champions Tour debut at the 2010 Kä‘anapali Champions Skins Game and it apparently kick started a great year for him. He, and playing partner Nick Price not only earned 3 skins and $190,000 in the event, but Couples would go on to win three starts in a row, and at presstime, leads the Champions Tour money list.

In 2010, Tom Watson was No. 1 in Hawai‘i— not only when paired with Jack Nicklaus to either win, or finish second, in four of the last five Wendy's Champions Skins Games at Kä‘anapali—but alone when he edged Fred Couples by a shot the next week with a birdie on the 72nd hole at Hualalai. Watson is even defying his age; at nearly 60 years old, and 26 years after his last major victory, he led much of the 2009 Open Championship (though he eventually lost in a four-hole playoff).

350,000 ➜


That year, Jack celebrated his 70th birthday in style—cashing in on 10 skins worth a total of $350,000—with —with the help of his partner, Tom Wat Wat-son, during this year's Wendy's Champions Skins Game. Putts like the one pictured below—to cover Fuzzy's chip-in on No. 9—sealed the fate of the three other teams.

Photo: Jose R. Morales II

Photos: Jose R. Morales II

What will your memorable number be at Kā‘anapali?

83 Maui Golf Review


Maui Golf Review 83



Maui Golf Review

− KA‘ANAPALI KAI COURSE Tee Times/Pro Shop: (808) 661-3691 General Info Tees Lava sand Fern HIbiscus

Rating/Slope Yardage 70.7/135 (76.6/130-w) 6,388 69.0/130 (74.4/125-w) 6,010 67.1/126 (71.9/120-w) 5,563 62.2/109 (66.2/112-w) 4,522

Year built: '67, '76, '05 Greens: Tifeagle Fairways: Tifway Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: Yes Walking: Yes Fivesomes: no Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: Yes Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architect: arthur Jack snyder/robin nelson ('05) ~ GM: ed Kageyama, PGa ~ Course Superintendent: Craig Trenholme Tee Times & Pro Shop: (808) 661-3691 ~ Website: kaanapaligolfresort.com

Dave's Take: The shorter, friendlier course in Kaanapali. Just as well groomed as the royal but recent renovations, particularly the greens andJohn the Byrne addition of many new bunkers add to the challenge. The par 3s on this course are flat out tough! The third hole plays 235 yds from the tips! I love the 18th hole...big time risk/reward scenario. If you are brave enough to attack the short dogleg left, a birdie is a very reasonable expectation. Careless play will result in a watery grave for your ball and your score.

Course Review:


John Byrne

The Kai is Maui's 2nd easiest course for scratch golfers playing from the tips. Bogey golfers tend to struggle more than their female counterparts and scratch competitors, because the Kai is actually tighter and is thus ranked by the UsGa as the 4th tougest on Maui from the sand (white) tees. Lady golfers who play the red (Hibiscus) tees will love the Kai, as it is Maui's easiest golf course for them. Topography is the same as the royal: hillside and rolling. roll helps on level and downhill holes, given the firm fairways, and the course plays shorter. elevation can make fairway and green targets a little smaller, and winds as well as contours befuddle your efforts to keep your ball on the short grass. roughs are made for recovery. no Map/Directions real sharp doglegs on the Kai, and the fairway bunkers are mostly visual hole framers. Lies in the fairways are almost always even, and you have only a few holes where your stance may be off kilter. The greens are medium-to-large. They hold well, but hole placements can tempt fate. Putting is much easier here than on the royal Course. Undulations are there, especially on the newly revamped 3rd. water comes into play on the finish, with two short carries. Golfers shouldn't be intimidated at all with the Kai.

100,000 ➜


Mark O'Meara's par on the second playoff hole was enough to net he and partner Bernhard Langer a cool $100,000. While the duo came up short by a mere $10,000, fans were thilled by the sudden resurgence on Watson and Jack.

Jack Nicklaus and Tom Watson successfully defended their Champions Skins Game title, capping off 49 years of amazing history at Kä‘anapali Golf Courses. Finishing with seven skins and $310,000, the duo edged Mark O'Meara and Bernhard Langer after taking five skins and $250,000 on the par-3 17th. The 71-year-old Nicklaus hit a 6-iron from 136 yards to 12 feet and Watson made the birdie putt. Happy 50th Kä‘anapali!



11 Bernhard Langer's flat stick would earn the Langer/O'Meara team a whopping $80,000 on the 11th hole when the German legend drained a seven-footer for birdie. But when it came down to the pivotal hole of the event, No. 17, the pride of Deutschland failed to deliver.

86 86

Maui Maui Golf Golf Review Review

− Royal Ka‘anapali g.c. Tee Times/Pro Shop: (808) 661-3691 General Info Tees Uliuli Keo Makamae Kula Pü Köko‘o

Rating/Slope Yardage 74.2/131 (79.6/145-W) 6,700 72.1/128 (77.2/139-W) 6,267 70.0/125 (74.8/134-W) 5,839 65.5/121 (70.1/123-W) 5,016

Year built: 1962, 2005 Greens: TifEagle Fairways: Tifway Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: Yes Walking: Yes Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: Yes Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architect: Robert Trent Jones, Sr. ~ General Manager: Ed Kageyama, PGA ~ Course Superintendent: Craig Trenholme Tee Times & Pro Shop: (808) 661-3691 ~ Website: kaanapaligolfresort.com

Dave's Take: One of the oldest and nicest courses on the island. The Royal can play long and tough, especially in the afternoon if the wind is up. I really like the greens, which are substantial, but you rarely get a straight putt so be prepared for the dreaded "3 Jack" ( i.e. 3-putt). I love No. 5 because the green is oceanside and you get a great view of the sunbathers (if you catch my drift). The Champions Tour has been playing their annual Skins Game there, so you know the course is something special.

Course Review: Scratch golfers will quickly find the Royal is Maui's third toughest from the tips. Local bogey golfers tend to rave about how much they like the Royal, and that's because from its Keo Makamae tees (Kaanapali's equivalent to the 'whites'), the course plays to Maui's median slope of 128. That means half the courses are harder, and the other half are easier, based on the USGA Slope Rating System. The Royal ranks as the 5th most challenging course on Maui for ladies who are bogey golfers playing from the red (Pü Köko‘o) tees. The Royal features unique runway tees that point in the direction of your line. Roll is prevalant as most tee shots play level or downhill. Topographically, the course is set along a hillside, where it ascends and Map/Directions descends in a rolling, winding hole routing. O.B. comes into play often along the course parimeters, and there are some trees framing the holes. Fairways are wide and gen generous targets, and roughs are easily recovered from. Trade winds are a big factor in the design. The green sizes are large, hold well, and undulate a lot. Hole locations behind bunkers and on tiers add to the challenge. Greenside bun bunkers can have high lips. Water comes into play at the finish. Not an intimidating course, but it has plenty of bite.


Maui Golf Review

cHallEngE aT ManElE Tee Times/Pro Shop: (808) 565-2222 General Info Tees



Nicklaus Gold Blue White Red

73.7/135 72.1/130 70.4/126 68.3/123 (73.2/129-W) 64.6/115 (68.8/119-W)

7,039 6,684 6,310 5,874 5,024

Year built: 1993 Greens: Tifton 328 Fairways: Bermuda Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: No Walking: No Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: Yes Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architect: Jack Nicklaus ~ Head Golf Pro: Doug Stephenson, PGA ~ Course Superintendent: Les Jeremiah Jr. Fax: (808) 565-2229 ~ E-mail: golflanai@castlecooke.com ~ Website: golfonlanai.com

Dave's Take: This golf course is in my top five of all time (and I mean anywhere!). There are so many unique and challenging holes, and the views are flat out unbelievable! One such hole is No. 17, a par 4, at 444-yds.... Big dogleg right with a 200-plus-yard-carry over the ocean; the more of the dogleg you want to cut off, the more of the ocean you need to carry. Safest bet is to putt your ball down the cart path to the other side (otherwise you will be standing on this tee box all day long...or until you run out of balls!).

Course Review: There's little to compare on Maui to what you'll find on this golf course. Our statistics just don't equate. For scratch golfers the challenge of the Challenge at Manele comes into play when the forced carries over the ocean on the 12th and 17th holes make your knuckles white. If those holes don't get you, the killer views will. Rarely do many golfers, even the really good ones, play so many holes where the eye candy is non-stop. Despite its length, the roll is more than ample here given the many elevation changes, and how the design makes use of winds that are gusty and often stronger as the day warms up. Because the holes here don't run parallel like on more crowded venues, fairway targets seem to get smaller as visually it seems like Map/Directions the bail-out zones are no mas. Jack just gives you a lot of ocean, kiawe, and lava to hunt in for your ball when you go astray. In truth, most of the fairways are wide and manage manageable targets. Roughs are cut short and allow for recovery. Two out of three sharp doglegs actually play to a draw, and the greens are big targets with bunkers that allow for tough hole placements. The topography is very hilly for a seaside course, so be prepared for a ride. The greens hold and are not too steep in undulation, but grainy.




Maui Golf Review 88

Maui Golf Review

ExpERiEncE aT KoElE Tee Times/Pro Shop: (808) 565-GOLF General Info Tees Tourn Champ Resort Forward

Rating/Slope 75.3/141 73.6/134 71.6/130 68.1/123

Yardage 7,014 6,628 6,217 5,425

Year built: 1991 Greens: Bent Fairways: Bent Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: No Walking: No Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: Yes Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architect: Greg Norman/Ted Robinson ~ Head Golf Pro: Doug Stephenson, PGA ~ Course Superintendent: Les Jeremiah Jr. Fax: (808) 565-2229 ~ E-mail: golflanai@castlecooke.com ~ Website: golfonlanai.com

Dave's Take: What is fun about Koele is that it is a complete change of pace from typical island Byrnein a rain forest, the greens are golf: the front nine is dunes style, the back 9 isJohn played bent grass and the climate is 10-15 degrees cooler than any course on Maui. One of my all-time favorite holes is No. 17: an absolute breath-taking 390-yard par 4! From a 250-foot elevated tee you stare down at a green tucked into a lush valley surrounded by trees; the narrow fairway has jungle on the left and water and sand on the right. I have no clue how to play this hole—enjoy its beauty and take your six like a man!

Course Review:


This is the third-ranked course for scratch golfers playing from the tips. Bogey golfers playing from the resort tees will find this is harder than any course on Maui. Not so for ladies playing up front, where it ranks T4. The climate at Koele is so cool, and both native and introduced flora thrive in abundance. This is noticable from the get-go as the front nine weaves through stands of native koa and dense kiawe. Fog can roll in at a moment's notice especially on the course's back nine, which routes upward through fairways lined by tall columns of Cook pines and massive eucalyptus. The course's rolling landscape is more level on the front, then climbs and Map/Directions drops more radically on the back. The topography is a mix of old pineapple fields, gorges, and mountain terrain, and depending on the hole and its shape, roll can help, but it plays to its full yardage. Elevation is felt mostly on the back nine, and most notably on famed par 4 17th, which Dave has already alluded to. Fairways are ample targets, and the greens hold, have lots of undulation, and because they are bent, can fool you if you are used to Bermudagrass. This is a memorable course that is worth your money.

Maui Golf Review





with one of Expeditions eco-friendly, USCG certified, daily cruises. Snorkel, Hike, Drive, Golf or just Lounge on Lana‘i with Expeditions! Golf Packages include roundtrip transportation from Lahaina on Expeditions, ground transportation on Lana‘i and golf at either course.

Departs for Lana‘i at:

6:45am 12:45pm

9:15am 3:15pm 5:45pm

Departs for Lahaina at:

8:00am 2:00pm

10:30am 4:30pm 6:45pm

*Ma‘alaea route temporarily suspended













Maui Golf Review

Continued from page 57 clinics, golf schools, and custom off-site instruction. There is even priority access to the Village Walking Course, a special three-hole course specifically for practice and taking what you’ve learned from the academy to the golf course. The other 51 weeks of the year, when the PGA Tour’s prior-year’s-champions are not in town, is when the Plantation Course is open for feasting. It, like its sibling the Bay, enjoys a splendid blend of weather that isn’t so arid the scorpions are thriving, but not sooo wet either. This is the best kind of island weather, where a squall can come in and out to cool things off. It is never boring at Kapalua, and the Plantation Course steps it up a notch with its massive, curving, sloping fairways and enormous golf holes. How often do you play a 500-yard par 4 that you need to take 3-wood off of the tee on? Where on earth can you get home in two on a 660-plus-yard par 5 that was once the PGA Tour’s longest hole? The Plantation Course baby! This is golf on the edge of the world, where there are ravines so big you could spend six months camping in them and no one would know you were there! The tees, fairways, and greens are all simply grand in scale. They evoke an almost emotional response. The course is set high up on the hills where a working pineapple plantation makes for the most unobstructed panoramas imaginable.


Continued on page 94 5

Hunting for the azure sea... Clockwise from above: 1. Kapalua Golf staffer fires at the Bay Course's scenic green. 2. Plantation Course Golf Shop staffers wave a shaka in a sign of aloha—something pro shops everywhere need to pick up on! 3. Kapalua Golf staffer makes the Bay Course's stunning par 3 fifth look easy as he drains his birdie putt just before sunset. 4. The Kapalua Golf Academy has the only Hale Irwin-deigned 18-hole putting course so you can practice what they preach. 5. An example of some of the tropical art on display at Plantation Course clubhouse.



Maui Golf Review




KAPALuA GOLF ACADEMY ACCOLADES “Top 25 Golf Schools” - GOLF Magazine - Jerry King “Top 100 Teachers” - GOLF Magazine “Best Teachers in Hawaii” - Golf Digest “Teacher of the Year” - Aloha Section PGA - Ben Hongo “Golf Professional of the Year” - Aloha Section PGA "Best Teachers in Hawaii" - Golf Digest

JERRY KING Founded Kapalua's Golf Academy and has contributed countless instructional articles to local and national publications, as well as being featured eight times on The Golf Channel's Golf Academy Live. Under his leadership, the Kapalua Golf Academy is recognized by GOLF Magazine as one of the Top 25 Golf Schools in America. Golf Digest magazine designated Jerry as the Top Teacher in Hawaii eight separate years and the Academy as one of America's best 100 Club Fitting Facilities. Jerry is currently recognized as a GOLF Magazine Top 100 Teacher.

BEN HONGO Ben joined the Kapalua Golf Acad-

emy in 2000 and has quickly become one of the most respected instructors in Hawaii. Hongo's awards and accolades include Aloha Section PGA Teacher of the Year in 2002, One of Hawaii's Top Teachers by Golf Digest three times (selected by his peers), and most recently awarded Hawaii's Junior Golf Leader Award in 2008. Born in Japan, Ben is conversationally fluent in Japanese, and his mild-mannered style lends itself well to golfers of all ages and skill levels.

GREGORY FIELDS Gregory's 18 years as a PGA Professional prior to relocating to Maui in 1999 included working as the Head Professional at Poppy Hills and Director of Instruction at Bayonet and Black Horse. Fields credits Swing Doctor Mike Adams and David Leadbetter as principal influences in his technical expertise and Jim Flick and Bob Toski on the methods of teaching by feel.


Maui Golf Review

Plantation CoURSE • kaPalUa Pro Shop: (808) 669-8044 General Info Tees Tourn Champ Regular Forward

Rating/Slope 75.6/140 74.9/138 71.7/130 129/73.2

Yardage 7,411 7,263 6,547 5,627

Year built: 1991 Greens: TifEagle Fairways: Tifton 328 Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: Yes Walking: Yes Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: Yes Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architect: Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw ~ General Mgr.: Mike Jones ~ Head Golf Pro: Scott Carroll, PGA Course Superintendent: Orlando Baraodian ~ Website: golfatkapalua.com

Dave's Take: What strikes you about this course is its length, elevation changes, width of the fairways, size of the greens and the views! WhatJohn will Byrne test your skills are the wind, slope of the greens and ability to hit every club in your bag. A great challenge and a true test of golf. You can tame this beast on a calm day but when the elements are up, even the pros go nuts!

Course Review:


Scratch golfers playing from the tips enjoy Maui's longest venue. The USGA Course Rating is Maui's 2nd highest. Bogey golfers playing from the regular 'whites' will find this to be on a par with the Royal course in terms of what they can expect to shoot. Men who play the forward tees (ladies too) will find it is Maui's toughest course. Effective playing length is far shorter than the measured yardage. Roll is big, as are the contours of the holes, which funnel tee shots into slots that help add length. A good example is the 17th hole, a 508-yard par 4 that many will play a 3-metal off the tee, and 7-iron into the green. Elevation and winds also help (for the most part), but when they turn into Konas, the course is five shots or more harder. The fairways are extremely wide on most holes, making for easy targets. Roughs are Map/Directions short. No major doglegs and lie/stance is usually level (when you are where you belong). Topography is sweeping, rolling hills that Sports Illustrated once described as "golf on the edge of the world." The greens are big targets and hole positions can add strokes quickly because they can make it as easy to leave the golfer above the hole or short. Putting is often across long expanses, but greens roll true, and hold well. Fairway bunkers are massive and reminiscent of a Scottish links. Fear factor is high for most first-timers.


Maui Golf Review

Continued from page 90 You’ll see whales breaching, storms at sea while the sun is overhead, and emerald and golf colors cascading and pouring all over the West Maui mountains and the neighbor island of Molokai. Kapalua’s 39 holes of golf feature three golf shops, three ranges, the academy, and two restaurants, showers, lockers, and anything and everything that’s new and hot in golfdom. If you are already here on Maui and you haven’t made the journey to Kapalua, now is the time to do it. A day or two (minimum) with Jerry King and the boys at the Kapalua Golf Academy, and two or three rounds of golf, and you’ve done the long trip here justice, and will have two, not one, but two Tour stops to notch in your holster to boot. If I haven’t said it before: it’s a different world at Kapalua.



6 5

On and off the courses, it's just a different world at Kapalua. Clockwise from above: 1. Little 10-year-old Kali Jones fires it straight at the pin on the Bay Course's par 3 third. (Odds are good Lee Trevino, who was here to practice for 10 days, was watching the action from Golf Channel Analyst and Hawaii Golf Hall of Famer Mark Rolfing's greenside condo.) 2. Even you can park your things next to Zach Johnson's locker. 3. More Pro Shop smiles—this time at the Bay Course—something has happened to Kapalua and I like it! 4. The bar at the Plantation House. 5. Where the locals hang after playing in Da real Game: Pineapple Grill at the Bay Course. 6. The official trophy of the Hyundai Tournament of Champions, proudly on display at the Plantation Course clubhouse.



Maui Golf Review

Bay coURSE • KapalUa Pro Shop: (808) 669-8044 General Info Tees


Blue White Silver Red

72.1/136 69/129 68.3/124 69.6/121


6,600 6,051 5,676 5,124

Year built: 1975 Greens: TifEagle Fairways: Bermuda Practice Range: No Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: No Walking: No Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: No Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architect: Arnold Palmer and Francis Duane ~ General Mgr.: Mike Jones ~ Head Golf Pro: Doug Bohn, PGA ~ Course Superintendent: Bill Lucena ~ Fax: (808) 669-7715 ~ Website: golfatkapalua.com

Dave's Take: Friendly resort course with little rough to contend with. The Bay is fairly wide open, which adds to the enjoyment for the high handicapper. However, even the experienced golfer needs to survive Kapalua's version of Amen Corner (i.e., Nos. 3, 4, 5). The ocean views on 4 and 5 are the island's best... but if you get too wrapped up in the scenery you"ll be posting triple bogeys. All the greens have been recently redone and putt smooth and firm.

Course Review: Scratch golfers will score very well on this golf course from the tips. It ranks as Maui's third easiest for them. Bogey golfers playing from the the whites, and ladies playing from the reds, enjoy one of the shortest venues we have, and a USGA Slope Rating of just a shot above the isle median from both tees. While short, the Bay plays effectively longer due to a number of holes that play uphill either from the tee or on the approach. Winds can blow and also lengthen some holes. Roll is less than average, but as often as one must climb, one also descends on many holes (but those climbs do feel longer). Some doglegs exist, but they don't add to the overall length, and they favor neither the fade or draw. The fairways are wide and manageable Map/Directions targets, although on some holes, they get tighter. Roughs are easy to recover from, but bunkers in fairways can be penal, and they are in all the right places. The topography is hilly playing near the sea. Even lies and stances are rou routine. The green sizes are big. Most are heavily bunkered and multi-tiered. They hold well, and hole locations are not too severe. About five holes have carries over water that come into play. The famous par 3 5th plays over the crash crashing sea, and hence the name: Bay. Fear factor: low.



Big fairways and even bigger views at Wailea's Old Blue A unique view of Molokini as the backdrop to the par 4 13th at Wailea Old Blue.

Video views with Barry‌

Tune into Da Game Show as Barry Helle and Dave Ward walk you through the stellar Wailea Old Blue Golf Course. Learn about its hidden treasures as no one knows Wailea like Barry.

Continued from page 69 enough undulation and tiers and plenty of speed. Snyder didn’t forgo the basic fundamentals, and that’s why most golfers will score well, but they’ll earn their pars and birdies along the way. The Old Blue difference, and it’s hard to pin down exactly how Jack

Snyder did it, is the missing intimidation factor. You aren’t terrified on this course’s first tee. You just look down the fairway and let go. That’s what we all want on our vacations, isn’t it? To have fun in the sun, not fear? That’s where the Wailea Old Blue Golf Course has always shone, for 40 years.


Maui Golf Review

Makena Golf Course Tee Times/Pro Shop: (808) 891-4000 General Info Tees


Tourn Champ Resort Forward



6,914 6,567 70.1/131 (75.2/131-W) 6,151 66.5/118 (70.5/120-W) 5,303

Year built: 1993 Greens: Tifdwarf Fairways: Tifton 328 Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: No Walking: No Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: Yes Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architect: Robert Trent Jones II ~ Golf Ops Mgr: Timothy Murphy, PGA ~ Course Superintendent: Oswaldo Cardenas Fax: (808) 874-0250 ~ E-mail: golf@makenaresortmaui.com ~ Website: makenagolf.com

Dave's Take: One of the more unique layouts on the island. This course really requires some thoughtful course management as you roam through the hillside elevation changes. The par 5 14th hole is one of the most spectacular on the island—double dogleg straight downhill, probably a 300-foot elevation change, a mile long (just kidding) and jungle right and left (visualize a roller coaster ride in Jurassic Park). As with the Plantation Course, you'd better be familiar with all the clubs in your bag.

Course Review: Scratch golfers should like the fact that the Aloha Section PGA chose Makena as the home of the Hawaii State Open for years. The USGA raters rank this 5th from the tips for scratch players and 3rd for bogey golfers. Ladies who play the red tees will find Makena's slope rating of 120 is the median for all courses on Maui, so no need to fear this place. The net-effective playing length is possibly less than its near 7,000 yard stretch. You get lots of roll at Makena because the faiways are so well maintained, and much of the course seems to play downhill or level off the tee. Instead, Robert Trent Jones II weaves golfers uphill at Makena in a way that is felt more on second and third shots. Keeping the ball in play is key because lava and Map/Directions kiawe line the holes, and the fairways can visually look like small targets, even though they are quite wide. Roughs allow for easy recovery. The Makena topography is mountainous. You are either ascending, descending, or moving along the slope, yet lies in the fairways are usually level. The greens are big, slick, and hold well. Hole locations can sabotage even the best. Water really comes into play on only one hole. This is a target golf course and its rugged natural setting is unbeatable.


Maui Golf Review

wailEa old BlUE Tee Times/Pro Shop: (808) 879-2530 General Info Tees


Blue White Red

72.2/129 6,765 70.3/123 (75.5/129-W) 6,397 64.9/108 (69.3/117-W) 5,208


Year built: 1971 Greens: Tifton 328 Fairways: Bermuda Practice Range: No Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: No Walking: No Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: Yes Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architect: Arthur Jack Snyder ~ Head Golf Pro: Brenda Rego, PGA ~ Course Superintendent: Steve Olsen Fax: (808) 875-5162 ~ E-mail: info@waileagolf.com ~ Website: waileaoldblue.com

Dave's Take: The first course built in Wailea, not overly fancy or resortish (a new word) but fun and challenging nonetheless. Fairways are wide, and there is little trouble off the tees, which is a good thing. Hole No. 8 is one of my favorites—420 yards, trees left, bunker right, second shot to a long elevated green—4 is a real good score here. I really like the friendly, local atmosphere of this course, and no place can beat the 19th Hole at the Blue: Mulligan's, an authentic Irish pub to settle your bets and drown your sorrows.

Course Review: For scratch golfers Wailea Old Blue is Maui's 4th easiest from the tips. Bogey golfers playing from the 'whites' will score better here than even on the Emerald, with the USGA rating it as Maui's 3rd easiest from the whites. Forward-thinking golfers who play the red tees will find it is also Maui's 3rd easiest, and for ladies it is just a paltry twotenths of a shot stronger than the Emerald. The Old Blue effectively plays to its shortish length. There are about as many uphill shots as there are downhill ones. Roll is a little less extreme, but several holes do have slopes that run away from where you want to be. Roughs are cut short and allow for recovery, although many greens are narrow targets and can be tricky to hit or hold from the short side. Map/Directions The few sharp doglegs favor mostly the draw, although a fade is the shot off several tees. The Blue's topography is hilly with fairways often lower than the tees and greens, except on two of the reachable par 5s. Several holes may feature a side-, up-, or downhill lie or stance depending on where you place your drives. The green sizes are large and hold very well. Most are bunkered to the sides more than in front. Hole locations are mostly level. Fear isn't an emotion you will feel much of on the Blue.




Maui Golf Review

Continued from page 74 they credited it with being one of the world’s best-designed courses. (Note: that’s not just one of the nation’s best but the world’s! And that includes Scotland.) The Wailea Gold Course is often labeled as a “thinking player’s course,” but that applies to the Emerald too. Both have their share of risk/reward holes, and neither will tolerate a lazy player. Of course, then there are the views, which many will use as an excuse for their poor play, and on Maui, that’s a valid excuse. Thinking about course management is indeed a challenge when faced with such marvelous distractions as the views, which include the deep blue sea, Molokini islet, the neighbor island of Kahoolawe, ancient lava rock walls, coconut trees, and sparkling white bunkers. Then there’s the colorful flora, which is everywhere. If there is one excuse for a bad round, we anoint that to be Wailea’s spectacular scenery. It’s a local rule, but you won't find it on the scorecard. Both the Gold and Emerald Courses feature welcoming opening holes, and dramatic finishers. The Emerald’s 17th is a driveable par 4 with a double green it shares with the 10th. That birdie or eagle opportunity is the prelude to the course’s 18th, which is a dramatic and very reachable par 5, with views unlike any other golf course in Hawaii. The Gold Course also features a driveable par 4, and its finishing hole was the site of more sudden-death endings to the Champions Tour Skins Game than can be recalled. Two stellar golf courses, with exciting holes from the first tee shot, until the last putt falls. It’s no wonder people come back for more and more. Wailea Golf Club goes beyond its 36-holes of spellbinding golf. Its pro shop is among Hawaii’s most renowned, and the clubhouse is a

swank, trendy, open-air plantationstyle building that is surrounded by waterscapes, and expands outward to the sea through its hot new restaurant, Gannons, named for one of Hawaii’s legendary chefs. One of the most enjoyable aspects of a day of golf is the retreat to the clubhouse, where cool drinks flow freely at Gannon’s Red Bar. The outdoor tables are perched in such a fashion as to maximize every possible angle and vista. The structure is an amazing architectural accomplishment and contributes to the experiential process of arriving, checking in, playing, and recovering. Wailea Golf Club is a golfer’s paradise. Whether one has their A-game intact, or needs a refresher, Wailea is there for you. David Leadbetter has partnered with the venerable resort and opened his first Hawaiian Golf Academy at the Wailea Golf Club. Superstar golfing icon Eddie Lee manages the renowned pros presence here—one which is associated with the success of such playing greats as Nick Faldo, Nick Price, Ernie Els, Justin Rose, Charles Howell III, Sean O’Hair, Trevor Immelman, and Hawaii’s own Michelle Wie. Rusty Hathaway has been Wailea’s head golf professional for a long time. He and his team are stewards of the Wailea game and have their guests' best interests in mind. He helps shephard the machine that is Wailea Golf Club, and while he may be busy, his door is always wide open for anyone here on holiday who has a question. It’s an old-school approach to running a business in a modern world, but somehow, Wailea has struck a balance that is not only thorough, but in fact actually makes life easier. The wonder of Wailea: it just keeps getting better everyday. •


All the angles: Clockwise from above: 1. The view from behind the green on the Gold Course's par 5 13th. 2. The award-winning Wailea Golf Shop has some stiff competition down the road at the Shops at Wailea—with Savaldore Ferragamo, Lois Vuitton, BCBG, Gucci, Coach, and Tiffany—but they hold their own quite well. 3. The par 4 14th on Wailea's Gold Course is a thiller with a lake running alongside the lengthy green.


Maui Golf Review




Maui Golf Review

wailEa EMERald coURSE Tee Times/Pro Shop: (808) 875-7450 General Info Tees Emerald Blue White Red

Rating/Slope Yardage 72.6/128 6,825 70.4/124 6,407 68.1/119 (72.8/122-W) 5,873 65.5/114 (69.5/114-W) 5,268

Year built: 1994 Greens: Tifdwarf Fairways: Tifton 328 Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: No Walking: No Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: Yes Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architect: Robert Trent Jones, Jr. ~ Head Golf Pro: Rusty Hathaway, PGA ~ Course Superintendent: Michael Atwood Fax: (808) 875-5114 ~ E-mail: info@waileagolf.com ~ Website: waileagolf.com

Dave's Take: An easier version of the Gold with all the same great qualities. The higher handicapper John fairways Byrne will appreciate the shorter length and the sloping that will forgive your errant tee shots. Three of the par 3s on this course are less than 120 yards from the white tees but require a precise short iron to have a chance at birdie. I also like finishing a round on a high note...The 18th hole is a friendly par 5 that should end your day with a smile.

Course Review:


The way Robert Trent Jones II designed the Emerald is clever. It has respectable length, at 6,801 yards, yet plays among the easiest on Maui. Why? Jones pads the three-shot par 5s with extra yardage and shortened the average lengths of the par 4s and 3s. Then he made virtually every tee shot play either downhill or level. The result is a course that is easier but still offers plenty of variety and length. Scratch golfers will find the Emerald is Maui's 6th most playable venue for them—an ego-booster for sure. Bogey golfers will love it even more, as the USGA slope rating team here in Hawaii ranks this course as the 4th easiest here. From the forward tees the Emerald is the 2nd easiest on Maui. Tee shots get plenty of roll. Map/Directions There is little if any wind. Keeping the ball in play is easier because many fairways run parallel, and are wide. Roughs are cut short and allow for recovery. Few sharp doglegs exist. Topography is hilly and felt mostly on the approach. The green sizes are varied and hold well. Most are average in size and accept running shots. Water comes into play on the side of the 10th and 17th, which share Maui's only double green. The Wailea Emerald Course is where to go if a good score in the tropics is desired.

John Byrne

Maui Golf Review

wailEa gold coURSE Tee Times/Pro Shop: (808) 875-7450 General Info Tees


Gold Blue White Red

73.4/137 71.6/132 69.2/127 (74.6/130-W) 65.9/116 (70.1/119-W)


7,078 6,653 6,152 5,442

Year built: 1994 Greens: Tifdwarf Fairways: Tifton 328 Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: No Walking: No Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: Yes Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architect: Robert Trent Jones, Jr. ~ Head Golf Pro: Rusty Hathaway, PGA ~ Course Superintendent: Michael Atwood Fax: (808) 875-5114 ~ E-mail: info@waileagolf.com ~ Website: waileagolf.com

Dave's Take: Resort golf at its finest, with a twist. The twist being the rolling, undulating fairways that add to the challenge of this course. If you don't like to contend with the elements...then play golf in Wailea. However, you will have no one to blame but yourself if the course takes you to your knees. The views on this course are spectacular and its condition impeccable. Look out for the lava rock waste areas. If your ball goes in and you find it, it will look like it came out of a Vegematic!

Course Review: For scratch golfers the Gold is Maui's second longest course from the tips. Bogey golfers aren't as affected by the yardage, as the Gold is ranked 8th from the 'whites'. Forward-thinking golfers who play the Gold's red tees will find it is 4th in length on Maui. Roll is a factor and is often offset by elevation, and winds are (for the most part) barely noticeable. But despite its length, the Gold doesn't play as long as windier courses. Keeping the ball in play is essential on the Gold, as lava and kiawe trees border all fairways, which are wide and manageable targets. Roughs are cut short and allow for recovery. The few sharp doglegs on the Gold favor mostly the draw. Topography is hilly on the Gold. You can hit the fairways, and Map/Directions when you are precise, you will have an even lie or stance. The green sizes are mostly large and undulating but hold well. Hole locations can impact putting here. The Gold has the most bunkers (93) of any isle venue. While this may sound horrible, the Gold is not a very hard golf course by any means. Water comes into play only once, and can be avoided altogether. Golfers shouldn't be intimidated by the Gold course. Robert Trent Jones II designed the Wailea Gold Course with the resort guest in mind.




Maui Golf Review

Photo:The King Kamehameha Golf Club

Pro Shop:

The King Kamehameha golf Club (808) 249-0033 General Info Tees Ele‘ele (Black) ‘Po lü (Blue ) Ke‘oke‘o (White) Ula‘ula (Red)

Rating/Slope Yardage 75.7/134 7,060 73.4/130 6,584 71.3/125 6,110 76.2/135 (Women ) 71.4/125 (Women ) 5,254

Year built: 1991, 2005 Greens: TifEagle Fairways: Tifton 328 Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: No Walking: Yes Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: Yes Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: No Online Booking: No Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architects: Ted Robinson Sr. & Jr. ~ Director of Golf: Rick Castillo, PGA ~ Course Superintendent: B. Russell Dooge, CGCS Course Contact (Rick Castillo, PGA): (808) 249-0092 ~ E-mail: rcastillo@kamehamehagolf.com ~ Website: kamehamehagolf.com

Dave's Take: The only private course on Maui, and it is everything you'd expect a private course John Byrne to be: immaculate conditioned golf course, spectacular clubhouse and amenities, professional, friendly and courteous staff. Part of the challenge of this course is the location (see Kahili but higher up the hillside). The greens are half the challenge; the wind is the rest. Greens are small by Maui standards requiring well-placed second shots. Most holes are either straight into the wind or with the wind. Long par 4s like the 15th are driver, wedge; short par 4s like No. 2 are driver and everything you've got in your bag!

Course Review:


For the scratch golfer who plays here from the tips, look out: this has Maui's highest USGA Course Rating at 75.7. Bogey golfers who play the Ke‘oke‘o (white) tees will fare far better with Maui's 5th-to-last USGA Slope Rating. Forward-thinking golfers who play the red (Ula‘ula) tees will find it is tough, as Maui's 3rd highest Slope. Not overly long, but the 214-yard average par 3 length ranks No.1. Most holes are level or actually play downhill and feature lots of roll. The normally stiff trade winds are a big factor. The fairways are large targets and roughs are Map/Directions cut reasonably short, but not the shortest by any means. The course features many doglegs as holes hug the terrain, which tends to be hilly and features numerous elevated greens. Bunkers in fairways and by greens are deep, with often high lips. The stance and lie in the fairways is usually level. The green sizes are big and as targets are very manageable, but fast and undulating. Holes are often cut on ledges or behind forboding bunkers, demanding accuracy off the tee. Water comes into play on five holes.

Maui Golf Review

Photo: Kahili G.C.

Kahili golf Course Pro Shop: (808) 242-GOLF


General Info Tee Blue White Red

Rating/Slope Yardage 72.3/135 6,554 70.0/128 (75.5/134-W) 6,029 66.4/119 (71.4/126-W) 4,948

Year built: 1991 Greens: TifEagle Fairways: Tifton 328 Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: Yes

Metal Spikes: No Walking: No Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: Yes Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architects: Robin Nelson ~ Director of Golf: Rick Castillo, PGA ~ Course Superintendent: B. Russell Dooge, CGCS Fax: (808) 242-8024 ~ Website: kahiligolf.com

Dave's Take: Another one of Maui's many unique, affordable, challenging public courses. Another wind course (as most are on Maui) cut out of the Central Maui hillside. It gives you a lot of sloping fairways and a constant 10-15 mile/hour wind that will absolutely play havoc with your shots. All of the par 5s are reachable in two if you are bold and precise enough with fairway woods. Depending on the wind conditions, the downhill, par 3, 13th hole can play anywhere from sand wedge to 5 iron—good luck figuring that out!

Course Review: For scratch golfers, playing from the tips is a breeze at only 6,500 yards, which is why it is rated as the island's 5th easiest. Bogey golfers playing from the 'whites' are experiencing the Maui median USGA Slope Rating; the course is halfway between the most and least difficult we have. Not so for lady bogey golfers who play the red tees: it is the 2nd most difficult for them on Maui. Length is short and it effectively plays that way. Roll is ample with many downhill tee shots. Elevation changes and strong winds are regular staples, and while the fairways seem wide, there is minimal rough to save your ball from running into a kiawe, which borders the entire course. Holes are designed with wind in mind. Most holes play straight or bend only slightly. Map/Directions The topography is very hilly, and an uneven lie or stance is likely on nearly half the holes. Bunkers in fairways are less penal obstacles on the par 4s than they are on the par 5s. The greens are smaller targets than usual and deep bunkers guard them. Hole locations on the greens are often set on tiers but rarely in radical locations. Water comes into play on two holes. Putting is straightforward in that there are no extremes. Golfers shouldn't be intimidated. This golf course is very fair.




Maui Golf Review

waiEHU MUnicipal g.c. Tee Times: (808) 270-7400 General Info Tees White Red

Rating/Slope Yardage 70.5/117 (76.2/130-W) 6,330 71.4/118 (66.4/111-M) 5,478

Dave's Take:

Year built: 1927 Greens: Bermuda Fairways: Bermuda Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: No

Metal Spikes: No Walking: Yes Fivesomes: Yes Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: No Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Not included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: No Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

The Royal and Ancient at St. Andrews has nothing on this course. Waiehu is the oldest public course on Maui, and it's the best value (and the only course where you don't have to take a cart!). There are more ocean holes on Waiehu than any other course on the island. Truly unique in its layout, the front 9 is links style along the ocean, while the back nine takes you up into the rolling hillside. When the wind off the ocean is howling, the par 3, 5th hole and par 4 6th hole are as tough as anything at Pebble Beach.

Course Review:


For scratch golfers Waiehu is a breeze and has been the site of the Men's USGA Publinx Qualifier on many occasions. This is the easiest course on Maui for bogey golfers. Ladies will find more challenge here than on four Photo: Ron other Maui courses. Forward-thinking golfers who play the red tees will find it is Maui's third easiest. The effective playing length at Waiehu is shortened by the considerable roll the fairways provide on this authentic links. Wind is a big factor but doesn't hurt too much because it comes in from the side, and most of the course's holes route parallel to the sea. The front plays mostly level with the exception of one par 3, which plays downhill. The back rolls more with holes playing in the direction of all four cardinal points of the compass—a hallmark of a good layout. Waiehu is the only course with only three Map/Directions par 4s on its front nine. The fairways are wide and easyto-hit targets. Roughs are cut very short. The few doglegs favor a fade. The fairways provide for an even lie or stance on all but two or three holes. The green sizes are small and protected by shallow bunkers. There is only one fairway bunker on the entire golf course. Hole locations are accessible without risk. Water comes into play on barely two holes. There are no ravines or Photo: gulches carry. Zero JohntoByrne intimidation here. This is all about golfing by the sea.


Maui Golf Review


— Maui Golf Review Promotion —

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6:24 PM

Page 1

Hole #6 by Randy Hufford and Michael Gilbert

Oceanfront holes. Stunning views. Maui’s Best Golfing Bargain. Waiehu is a hidden treasure where you can play golf along the oceanfront 7 days a week. In fact, Waiehu has more seaside holes than any other golf course on Maui. It is also the most affordable game in town. Sound enticing? It is. Visitor Rate



(18 holes • cart extra)

Waiehu Municipal G.C. Tee-TiMes: 808-270-7400 *Price is subject to change Walking allowed.


Maui Golf Review

PUKALANI C.C. Tee Times: (808) 572-1314

Photo: Ron Dahlquist

General Info Tees Blue White Red

Rating/Slope 72.9/127 70.9/121 71.4/123

Dave's Take:

Yardage 6,882 6,443 5,579

Year built: 1981 Greens: Bermuda Fairways: Kikuyu Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: No

Metal Spikes: No Walking: Yes Fivesomes: Yes Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: No Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

When you want to get away from the tourists, go upcountry and play the public course at Pukalani. I like this course because it is so old school: nothing fancy, nothing tricky or contrived. Something that you immediately notice that is different upcountry are the fairways and rough—all kikuyu—which is a lot spongier than Bermuda grasses; so the ball sits up nicely for you when you miss the fairways. This course can be a load from the back tees with many of the par 4s (particularly on the back 9) well in excess of 400 yards.

Course Review:


Pukalani means 'Entrance to Heaven' in Hawaiian, and at 1,100-feet above sea level, it is certainly closer to Heaven than any other golf course on Maui! That high elevation makes it approximately six-seven degrees cooler than Photo:bodes Ron the rest of Maui's courses and that well for those playing midday rounds who don't like hot weather. One great treat about Pukalani is that it is en route to Haleakala National park, so it is a great way to combine two activities into one. Of course, there is the nearby Alii Lavender Farm, Maui's Winery at Ulupalakua Ranch, the rodeo town of Makawao, O'o Farms, and Poli Poli (Redwood) Forest Park if you want a second reason to come back! Pukalani is easier on the bogey golfer playing from the blue tees than all but Waiehu. Scratch players will find is it right about dead-center of the pack, in Map/Directions terms of their scoring. The course has some unique features such as two greens on the par 3 third. Golfers can opt for the more challenging forced carry into the wind, or chip down a hill to a well-bunkered green below. Pukalani has the only other 500-yard (or more) par 4 on Maui. The only other is No. 17 at Kapalua's Plantation Course. It also has the second longest par 3, at 254-yards, just three shy of King Kamehameha's Photo: third John hole.Byrne Pukalani is a well-run operation and offers amazing bi-coastal views.


Maui Golf Review

THE dUnES aT MaUi lani Tee Times/Pro Shop: (808) 873-0422 General Info Tees


Black Blue White Red

74.1/141 72.4/133 70.0/126 64.9/113 (70.0/120-W)


6,841 6,413 5,833 4,768

Year built: 1999 Greens: Tifdwarf Fairways: Tifton 419 Practice Range: Yes Lessons: Yes GPS tracking: No

Metal Spikes: No Walking: No Fivesomes: No Pro Shop: Yes Lockers/Showers: No Rental Shoes/Clubs: Yes

Cart fees: Included Rider fee: Yes Twilight rates: Yes Online Booking: Yes Restaurant: Yes Bar: Yes

Architect: Robin Nelson ~ Head Golf Pro: Garrett Okamura, PGA ~ Course Superintendent: Brian Kaulupali Fax: (808) 871-6647 ~ Website: dunesatmauilani.com

Dave's Take: A public course with the "wow" factor....The wow being..."Wow, I can't believe how tough that course is!" The first three holes lull you to sleep in thinking that this course is a breeze, but then hold on to your hat! Elevation changes, contoured fairways, water, slick greens and the wind will challenge every shot. The par 5 4th hole, the par 4 10th and the par 5 18th are some of the toughest holes on the island. I dare you to two-putt the 4th hole—it's not called the "Augusta Green" for nothing.

Course Review: Scratch golfers playing from the tips are in store for a lot of fun as this has Maui's second highest USGA Course Rating. Staying on the Black tees, bogey golfers who boldly go where no bogey golfer should ever go (on this course) will find the cards are stacked against them as the Dunes also has the highest, USGA Slope Rating of all the courses on Maui. Moving back to the Blue (whites comparatively speaking) the bogey golfer is still going to have his or hands full: from these tees it's also Maui's toughest venue. But forward-thinking golfers who play the Red tees (men or women) will experience a different Dunes: one that is easier on the ego, with Slope Ratings near the bottom of the charts. The Dunes doesn't play long. Even when the Map/Directions wind kicks it doesn't play long. There's plenty of roll, and all tee shots play level or downhill. Winds can blow, making the somewhat narrow fairways seem tighter. Roughs are not penal, but bunkers are, and are aplenty. The one sharp dogleg favors the fade. Topography is hilly as the course is built on dunes formed by the receding seas eons ago. The greens are smaller targets that can be hard to hold, and hole locations can be brutal. Water comes into play on three holes. Easy to underestimate this course.




Maui Golf Review

From the forward tees, lady bogey golfers will find The Dunes’ USGA Slope Rating falls right in the middle of the 14-course Maui pack, hitting the median 120 rating on the mark. Senior men and juniors will also find The Dunes is far more playable.

Luck is the residue of design: The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course was designed by renowned architect Robin Nelson, who lives in his hometown of Mill Valley with his wife, Aniko, and his two doggies: Muttsey an Buddy. Robin is a dear friend to us here at the Maui Golf Review. Marie and I franlkly adore the boy, as does Dave Gleason, of the Dunes, and so many others here.

Continued from page 60 can be found on a good natural site. Here in Hawaii, courses are literally carved out of lava. They are man-made works of course architecture that are stunning but hardly shaped by nature. The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course is, and with very little conventional course design implementation, a true classic links. It is shaped by wind, and the holes follow that shape. When you play your shots, the lengths and the angles fall into place. They are manageable, not requiring absurd amounts of power, and John Byrne

in fact respond better to nuance and touch. A little more club, a softer swing to take away the spin, and you work less while accomplishing more. The Dunes’ slogan, “Golf the way it was meant to be played, at a price for golf that was meant to be paid,” strives to encapsulate it all in one line. They’ve got the playability part right, for sure. It is common for each golf course to use multiple sets of tees in order to vary distance and thus accommodate all golfers. The reality is often different

when playing. The Dunes at Maui Lani’s four tees are designed to accomplish the same thing, but numbers don’t lie, and the USGA’s Course and Slope Rating system is revealing. It tells us, based on almost scientific criteria, how hard courses are for the bogey golfer and for the scratch golfer. Some golf courses are hard. No matter what tees you play from, they are just hard. The USGA rates The Dunes as Maui’s most challenging golf course for the bogey golfer, who plays from the back or middle tees, and the

Maui Golf Review


A strong finish heading out: The par 5 9th at The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course is a three-shotter with pot bunkers in the fairway that come into play, like magnets.

same for the scratch player, who plays from the middle tees. From the back tees, scratch golfers will find The Dunes is Maui’s 4th most challenging. But when players move forward, they play a wholly different venue. From the forward tees, lady bogey golfers will find The Dunes’ USGA Slope Rating falls right in the middle of the 14-course Maui pack, hitting the median 120 rating on the mark. Senior men and juniors will also find The Dunes is far more playable. From the forward tees, The Dunes is Maui’s

third-most-playable venue. Most Hawaiian courses are modern designs that exact a more target-oriented style of play. You have to ‘hit’ the fairway, and greens often have ‘forced carries.’ Once again, the classic and minimalistic design of The Dunes plays differently. You can literally putt your tee shots down fairways. Every green has an opening. There is always a place to bail out and play safe. You’ve got options at The Dunes. Coming to the most remote island destination on earth should be a memo-

rable experience. Maui has a rich variety to choose from when it comes to golf, but only The Dunes can lay claim to being an authentic Hawaiian links. It’s a bargain compared to the resorts, and conveniently located near all of Kahului’s main shopping outlets too. If you want to play the official site of the Maui Open, where it’s all about the game in paradise, The Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course needs to be on your list. •


Maui Golf Review

Main Event

Am-Flight Winner Alan Souza

Maui Open Awards Thanks to sponsors like Maui Toyota's Damian Farias (pictured far left next to Maui junior golfer Hoku Nagamine), Dunes at Maui Lani Golf Course general manager Dave Gleason (the tall, bespectacled gent) was able to pass out a bevy of illustrious awards to the various winners of the 2011 Maui Open at The Dunes, Presented by Maui Toyota.

Sr.-Flight Winner Dick McClean

Super-Sr.-Flight Winner Dean Prince

Answer: Cassy Isagawa & Keyton Little-Kamimoto

2011 MAUi OPeN AT THe DUNes

1 2 3 T4 T4 T4 T7 T7 T9 T9 T11 T11 T11 14 T15 T15 T17 T17 T17 T17 T17 T17

PRESENTED BY TOYOTA CHAMPIONSHIP DIVISION August 6-7, 2011 Sam Cyr 71 68 Sean Maekawa (a) 73 70 Ryan Acosta 76 71 Royden Heirakuji (a) 77 71 Brian Sasada 76 72 Spencer Shishido (a) 74 74 Alika Bell 73 76 Garrett Okamura 75 74 Kyle Hayashi (a) 79 72 Eddie Lee 79 72 John Galarita 77 75 Kevin Hayashi 75 77 Isaac Jaffurs (a) 76 76 Donny Hopoi (a) 81 72 Justin Keiley (a) 79 75 Corey Kozuma (a) 75 79 Andre Bedard (a) 80 75 Tom Freestone 74 81 Mitchell Kwee (a) 83 72 Justin Newsome 81 74 Chris Shimomura (a) 77 78 Dillon Soldwisch (a) 76 79

139 143 147 148 148 148 149 149 151 151 152 152 152 153 154 154 155 155 155 155 155 155

T23 T23 T25 T25 T25 T28 T28 T28 T31 T31 33 T34 T34 T34 T34 T34 T39 T39 T39 42 43 T44 T44 T46 T46 T48

Keyton Little-Kamimoto (a) Frank Luchowski Hunter Larson Mark Micale Ryan Michimoto Buddy Duncan (a) Aaron Kunitomo (a) John Powley Bryce Iwasaki (a) James Moran-Horton (a) Todd Rego (a) Nelson Domingo (a) T.J. Figueroa David Goode (a) Darren Jones (a) Britney Yada (a) David Saka (a) Kyle Trenholm Lon Yamaguchi (a) Drake Onaga (a) Kevin Foth (a) Justin Dias (a) Kyler Tripp (a) Malu Rosenthal (a) Andrew Wong (a) Chris DeAlmeida

83 73 78 78 81 76 80 77 76 81 86 72 83 75 79 79 75 84 76 83 80 80 77 84 84 77 82 79 86 75 81 80 77 85 82 80 82 80 85 78 80 84 83 82 82 83 83 84 82 85 87 81

Maui Golf Review

156 156 157 157 157 158 158 158 159 159 160 161 161 161 161 161 162 162 162 163 164 165 165 167 167 168

T48 T48 T51 T51 T51 T54 T54 T56 T56 T56 T59 T59 T59 T62 T62 T62 65 66 67 68 69 70 -

Andrew Kunitomo (a) Elyse Okada (a) John Zaner (a) Riley Harima (a) Nestor Demaso (a) Jameson Keiley (a) Noah Klipstein (a) Steve Henry Sage Kiyanaga (a) Lee Hardy Tyler Armijo (a) Nick Matsushima (a) Dan Dumo (a) Stephen Senior (a) Lyle Fujimori (a) Ric Yamamoto (a) Geoffrey Guillot (a) Dana Bersamin (a) Tony Takitani (a) Patrick Hashimura (a) Clay Sutherland (a) Mike McCraney (a) Danny Bulosan Dino Cordova Jeffrey Moon Tim Patrizio

88 80 85 83 85 84 86 83 87 82 91 79 87 83 87 84 88 83 85 86 85 88 92 81 92 81 92 82 89 85 89 85 89 86 91 88 97 85 98 86 93 92 97 92 95 WD 83 WD 90 WD 79 WD

168 168 169 169 169 170 170 171 171 171 173 173 173 174 174 174 175 179 182 184 185 189 -

T4 T4 T4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 T18 T18 20 21 22

Rob Madow Sean Barnes George Canevaro Leonard Yu Jim Nagamine Ernie Cronkite Mark Bruhn Greg Wada Michael Souza James Thomas Matt Rattay Joseph Delaginte Gary Maran Mario Chajon Gary Johnson John Hellum Ralph Overton John Cassady

1 2 T3 T3 T5 T5 T7 T7 T9 T9 T11 T11 13 14 15 T16 T16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 2 3 4 6 6 7

SUPER SENIOR (60+) DIVISION August 6-7, 2011 Dean Prince 69 76 145 A.J. Molitor 82 77 159 Rodney Acia 77 83 160 Cliff Council 85 80 165 Bob Brown (a) 87 82 169 Dickie Moon (a) 89 87 176 Norm Guenther 113117 230

A-FLIGHT (AMATEUR) DIVISION August 6-7, 2011 1 Allan Souza 73 67 140 2 Rick Colletto 69 73 142 3 Lance Terada 69 74 143 T4 Don Hoota 69 77 146

70 74 72 74 75 77 72 76 79 74 74 83 86 78 77 79 80 91

146 146 146 147 148 152 153 154 155 156 157 160 164 166 166 167 170 185

Singles Matches MATCH 1 7:00 AM

MATCH 2 7:08 AM

SENIORS (50+) DIVISION August 6-7, 2011 Dick McClean 73 76 149 Kirk Nelson 75 75 150 Brad Bowen 74 77 151 Mark Shimamura 75 76 151 Lee Sakugawa 80 73 153 Rohn Stark 78 75 153 Clive Kegel (a) 79 75 154 Raymond Tendo (a) 76 78 154 Dugal Milne 79 76 155 Eric Molina (a) 80 75 155 Frank Mickel (a) 80 76 156 Doug Stacy (a) 77 79 156 Marty Keiter 77 85 162 Gaylen Harima (a) 82 81 163 Mike Nubel (a) 85 79 164 Mike Rich 86 79 165 Chris Tintiangco (a) 79 86 165 Mike Marrs (a) 82 84 166 Mike Morris (a) 80 87 167 John Bryant (a) 94 76 170 Steve Allen (a) 83 88 171 Russell Gard (a) 87 86 173 Rick Ortner (a) 90 86 176 Ed Angulo 78102 180 Jim Meadows (a) 90 99 189

76 72 74 73 73 75 81 78 76 82 83 77 78 88 89 88 90 94



Kenta Konishi Alex Chiarella Eri Tobita Ciera Min

1 up AS

Daisuke Matsubara Seung Jae Maeng

7 up

Soshun Chiba John Oda

3 up

Ryo Kurinaga Kenji Miyata


Yuto Katsumata Zachary Braunthal

2 up

Shina Kanazawa Eimi Koga

1 up

Masato Miyahara Pono Tokioka


Fumika Kawagishi Marrissa Chow

2 up

Yoshinari Ishizuka Skye Inakoshi


Hibiki Kitamura Margaret Min


Tomoyo Ikemura Richard Hattori

1 up

Saki Nagamine Lisa Kang


8:44 AM

Sakura Kito Mariel Galdiano



Daiki Matsumura

7:16 AM

MATCH 4 7:24 AM

MATCH 5 7:32 AM

MATCH 6 7:40 AM

MATCH 7 7:48 AM

MATCH 8 7:56 AM

MATCH 9 8:04 AM

MATCH 10 8:12 AM

MATCH 11 8:20 AM

MATCH 12 8:28 AM

MATCH 13 8:36 AM


8:52 AM

MATCH 16 9:00 AM

1 up

Kalena Preus Jinishiro Kozuma


Jonah Fonacier

Final Results Hawaii 8 1/2 points

Japan 23 1/2 points

Waikoloa, Hawaii, November 19, 2011 — Team Japan won 12 ½ of the available 16 points today in the Final Round of the 5th Annual Asia Pacific Junior Cup contested at Waikoloa Beach Resort – Kings’ Course on the Big Island of Hawaii. This is Team Japan’s 4th year winning the Cup. The format of the final round was Singles Match Play (individual match play). The weather conditions of the week were cool, overcast and windy. Occasional strong gusts on the final day made for a tough test for the singles matches. The Waikoloa Kings’ Course was in fantastic condition for the international competition. Team Japan is the defending champion and needed a total of 4 points in the Final Round to retain the Asia Pacific Junior Cup and Team Hawaii needed 12 ½ points to win the Cup.


Maui Golf Review

19th Hole

Café O'Lei at The Dunes It’s hard to find good food at a golf course, but The Dunes at Maui Lani is an exception. One of Maui’s leading restaurant companies, Café O’Lei, is at the helm of the popular clubhouse eatery. Café O’Lei at The Dunes offers a great restaurant, banquet, and catering solution that is in line with Maui’s top resorts. Plus, they've got great beers on tap, and you can sit outside and watch the sunset, at an hour very much like when this food shot was taken, by Dave Gleason.

Photo: Bob Bangerter Photo: John Byrne

Sponsored By:

A stunning golf course on the slopes of Waikapu. Maui's best value. Call: 808.242.4653

Photos by Bob Bangerter


FEATURING: Maui’s Most Panoramic Golf Course • GPS Yardage on Every Golf Cart Rental Clubs and Shoes Available • Full Length Driving Range Best Greens on Maui • Friendly and Helpful Staff Outstanding Event and Meeting Space Available Call Us Today and Experience the Kahili Golf Course. Wailea Old Blue Golf Club • 120 Kaukahi Street, Wailea, Maui, Hawaii 96753 • (808) 879-2530

(808) 242-GOLF (4653) wob-2011-fallad-metal.indd 2

6/20/11 5:16 PM


Maui Golf Review

Maui Golf 2012

V ol . XVII, N o .1

Cover Story It’s a dIfferent world at Kapalua

golf like a MauiGolfReview.coM

Named in honor of the king who unified the Hawaiian Islands, The King Kamehameha Golf Club offers lush fairways, pristine greens, and exquisite bicoastal and Haleakala- views. Trade winds cool you as you play on Maui’s only private 18-hole golf course. After golf,

We offer special membership choices to meet your lifestyle.

no fear! just fun In the sun at old blue 2012

For information, or to arrange a private club tour, contact Karen Gallagher | (808) 243-1025 | karen@kamehamehagolf.com 2500 Honoapi‘ilani Highway, Wailuku, Hawai‘i 96793 | www.kamehamehagolf.com We invite you to experience The King Kamehameha Golf Club as a Member for a Day. Please contact Karen Gallagher for our Member for a Day pricing and tee time availability. There are a limited number of tee times available. One offer per person per year. Offer includes one round of golf and lunch for one. Offer also includes access to the men’s or women’s lounge.

• vol. Xvii, No. 1


abundant maKena the dunes: a hawaIIan lInKs

relax in a 74,000-sq.-ft. clubhouse designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Enjoy luxurious men’s and women’s lounges, fitness rooms and a restaurant specializing in Japanese and Hawaiian regional cuisine. Contact us for a membership created to fit your lifestyle.



waIlea: you’ll dream about It at home KaanapalI, by the numbers: a 50-year legacy

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