'Alohilani Story

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This property is dedicated to Q u e e n L i l i `u o k a l a n i a n d h e r l o v e and passion for Hawaii



THIS IS THE PLACE ‘Al o h i l a n i Reso r t Wa i ki ki B ea c h i s a cos m o p olita n je we l lo ca te d on t h e fa sh i o n a b l e Ka l a ka u a Aven u e, pre s id in g ove r t h e m os t fa m ou s sh o rel i n e i n t h e wo r l d . ‘Al o h i l a n i Reso r t s it s w h e re t h e c it y m e e t s t h e sa n d w i t h a so ph i st i ca ted , a we- i n spi r i n g d e s ig n t h a t p a ys h om a g e to Ha wa i i ’s r i c h c u l t u ra l h er i ta g e. Su r rou n d e d by s e re n e blu e a n d g reen o cea n , Di a m o n d Hea d a n d Wa ik ik i, ‘A loh ila n i is a m o d e r n o a s is t h a t offers a refresh i n g b a l a n ce of en e rg y a n d re laxa t io n in a live ly, u r b a n l o ca t i o n . ‘Al o h i l a n i Reso r t i s a d est i n a t i o n fo r t ra ve le rs a n d lo ca ls a like w it h exc l u si ve a m en i t i es i n c l u d i n g t wo resta u ra nt s by inte r n a t ion a lly a cc l a i m ed Iro n Ch ef Ma sa h a r u Mo r i moto, a 17,0 0 0 -s q u a re -foot sea sca pe po o l d ec k, a ca pt i va t i n g 2 80,0 0 0 - g a llon Oce a n a r iu m , a ro ofto p fi t n ess exper i en ce i n c l u d i n g , s u n s e t yo g a , te n n is le s s on s , b a t t i n g ca g es a n d m o re.


A REIMAGINED SPACE Fi ve yea rs i n t h e m a ki n g , ‘Al o h ila n i Re s o r t h a s be e n t ra n s fo r m e d t h ro u g h a $1 2 5 m i l l i o n red evel o p m e nt into a 4 ½ s ta r re s o r t w it h u n pa ra l l el ed offer i n g s. Acc l a i me d d e s ig n f ir m Ro c k we ll Grou p c rea ted t h e reso r t ’s d ra m a t i c l obby, re s ta u ra nt s , a m e n it ie s , inf in it y po o l a n d d ec k, g u est ro o m s a n d s u ite s ; a n d a rc h ite c t u ra l f ir m Pa c i fi c Asi a Desi g n Gro u p en h a n ce d t h e g ra n d a n d re f in e d s p a ce w i t h el eg a nt to u c h es t h a t evo ke t h e ce le bra te d Ha wa iia n s p ir it. A co m m a n d i n g po r te- co c h ère e nt ra n ce we lcom e s g u e s t s into a ca pt i va t i n g l o b by w i t h a n o pen f lo or p la n , s oa r in g f loo r-to - ce ilin g w i n d ow wa l l s, a n d a st r i ki n g ser ie s of s ix 18 ’ ta ll p illa rs h a n d w ra pped i n b a sket-woven tea k. A c u s to m co ra l wa ll s c u lpt u re n a m ed “MAK AI” by fa m ed a r t i s t Nin a He lm s is t h e s ig n a t u re p ie ce of t h e recept i o n a rea , offer i n g a p o e t ic inte rp re ta t ion of t h e n a t u ra l co ra l wo n d ers t h a t l i e be n e a t h t h e o ce a n’s s u r fa ce .

The al l-n ew gu e st rooms an d su i tes h a ve pr i va te l a n a i s, o r verandas, an d of fer exp an sive o cea n , Di a m o n d Hea d a n d c i t y v i ews . An airy, gu est room ex per i en ce i s i n spi red by Oa h u’s s erene lan dscap e an d pairs r i c h n a t u ra l m a ter i a l s w i t h a s oothin g pale tte of w h ites an d ta u pes peppered w i t h b u rst s of bl ues a n d green s. The re sort also of fers sty lish o n e- b ed ro o m su i tes w i t h el eg a nt l i ving rooms accented w ith la rg e-sca l e b l a c k a n d w h i te photography. A din in g n ook a n d wet b a r pl u s a c r i sp b a t h ro o m with d ual van itie s, we t room w i t h a ra i n sh ower a n d so a ki n g t u b com pl ete th e lu xu riou s e nvel o pe. Al l g u est ro o m s a n d su i tes feature Malie Organ ics’ Koke’e scented b a t h pro d u c t s a n d h a ve a cus tom b len de d cof fe e prog ra m .



Opening rates start at $309 per night with suite rates starting at $899 per night.


Sta n d a rd g u est ro o m s a re l o ca te d on t h e lowe r f loo rs w it h c it y vi ew s, m a ny offer t h ei r ow n pr i va te la n a i, a p p rox im a te ly 3 3 0 sq u a re feet of spa ce a n d o n e kin g be d o r t wo q u e e n be d s .


Pa r t i a l Ocea n Vi ew g u est ro o m s of fe r c it y a n d o ce a n v ie w s , a pr i va te l a n a i , a pproxi m a tel y 3 3 0 s q u a re fe e t of s p a ce a n d o n e ki n g b ed o r t wo q u een b ed s.


Ocea n Vi ew g u est ro o m s offer va r iou s Wa ik ik i Be a c h v is ta s a l o n g w i t h vi ew s of t h e c i t y o r mou nta in s , a p r iva te la n a i, a pproxi m a tel y 3 3 0 sq u a re feet of s p a ce a n d on e k in g be d o r t wo q u een b ed s.


Di a m o n d Hea d Ocea n Vi ew g u e s t ro om s of fe r s p e c ta c u la r v ie w s of t h e o cea n a n d Di a m o n d Hea d , a p r iva te la n a i, a p p rox im a te ly 3 3 0 sq u a re feet of spa ce, a n d o n e k in g be d o r t wo q u e e n be d s .


Prem i er Ocea n Fro nt g u est ro o m s offer fu l l v ie w s of t h e o ce a n a n d Wa i ki ki B ea c h , a pr i va te l a n a i , a pproxi ma te ly 3 3 0 s q u a re fe e t of spa ce, a n d o n e ki n g b ed o r t wo q u een b e d s . Ad d e d a m e n it ie s i n c l u d e a va n i t y a n d b i d et a l o n g w i t h l u xu r i o u s ba t h ro be s a n d sl i ppers.


Th e o n e- b ed ro o m S ea sca pe Su i tes over l o o k Dia m on d He a d a n d provi d e spec ta c u l a r pa r t i a l o cea n vi ew s. Wi t h a s e p a ra te a n d expa n si ve l i vi n g ro o m , t h e S ea sca pe Su i te e n co u ra g e s t ra n q u il rel axa t i o n fea t u r i n g a m a r b l e-swa t h ed b a t h ro om w it h a s oa k in g t u b, a 1 00-sq u a re-fo ot pr i va te l a n a i , a Ha r ma n Ka rd on s ou n d system , a n d 6 6 0 sq u a re feet of l i vi n g spa ce t h a t in c lu d e s a k in g b ed a n d sl eeper sofa .


Th e l u xu r i o u s o n e- b ed ro o m B ea c h si d e Su i te s of fe r s p e c ta c u la r, u n o bst r u c ted vi ew s of t h e Pa c i fi c Ocea n a n d Wa ik ik i Be a c h . Wit h exten d ed l a n a i s t h a t provi d e sea m l ess i n d o o r- o u td oo r liv in g spa ces, t h e su i tes offer a sepa ra te l i vi n g spa ce , a s p a - like m a r ble b a t h w i t h a so a ki n g t u b a n d a Ha r m a n Ka rd o n s ou n d s ys te m . Wit h m o re t h a n 700 sq u a re feet of l i vi n g spa ce, t h e Be a c h s id e Su ite s i n c l u d e a ki n g b ed a n d a sl eeper sofa . Th ese Be a c h s id e Su ite s ca n a l so b e co n n ec ted to a Prem i er Ocea n Fro nt g u e s t ro om , c re a t in g a t wo b ed ro o m su i te.



SEASCAPE POOL DECK A see-and-be-seen pool deck with loungers reserved for guests only on the fifth floor features a heated saltwater infinity pool along with chic social and relaxation spaces. Whether relaxing during the day or playing at night, this dynamic destination is incomparable and unforgettable. The pool experience also includes Swell Bar, cabanas perched atop reflecting pools, tiered day beds, custom teak furniture, driftwood sculptures, lanterns and fire pits. The infinity pool and hot tub are open to adults and children 5-12 years old with an accompanying adult. Family guests may also enjoy an adjacent heated family pool.

OCEANARIUM Iconic to the property’s history, the newly restored 280,000-gallon saltwater Oceanarium is home to more than 600 indigenous marine animals. Guests can sit back and drift away watching the mesmerizing schools of native Hawaiian reef fish. Twice daily at 10:30am and 2:30pm, an ‘Alohilani scuba diver feeds the fish and interacts with guests so they can learn about the wonders of the Hawaiian undersea.

ISL AND CLUB AND SPA ‘Alohilani Resort is home to Island Club and Spa, a fitness and spa experience that includes a state-of-the-art fitness center on the third floor with a movement studio for daily classes and Fitness on Demand virtual classes. Enhancing the recreational offerings are two rooftop full-size clay tennis courts, batting cages and training turf, distinct features for a resort in Waikiki Beach. Additional key offerings include sunset yoga and TRX classes overlooking the ocean and three spa treatment rooms, including, a couple’s room for massages, body treatments and facials.

MONKEYPOD KIDS' CLUB Families with children ages 21/2 to 12 years old can enjoy this kid's club rooted in aloha spirit that features thoughtful cultural and fun indoor and outdoor activities that vary daily. Adjacent to Monkeypod is a shallow heated swimming pool for kids up to 12 years old, private cabanas, loungers, and lawn including bowling and grass play hut. Every Sunday evening, families can enjoy a "dive-in" outdoor movie night.

S H O P S AT ‘A LO H I L A N I Guests can stroll through the retail boutiques featuring a curated mix of local and international brands including Malie Organics, Beachside Luxe by Maris Collective, Aesthetic Hawaii Gallery, Kolohe Jewelry, Rip Curl, Chapel Hats, Kai Coffee, and more.

BUSINESS CENTER Our residential-style business center features Mac computers and printers to stay connected in a stylish lounge environment.

CONCIERGE Local experts are available to curate unforgettable experiences from the best hikes on Oahu to surfing and stand-up paddleboard lessons, island sightseeing, cultural events, restaurant recommendations, and more.



‘A l o h i l a n i R e s o r t Wa i k i k i B e a c h f e a t u r e s s i x n e w d i n i n g outlets, including two Asian restaurants from Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto.


Morimoto Asia seamlessly integrates Iron Chef Masaharu Morimoto’s world-renowned Western and traditional Asian ingredients, with unmatched creativity and innovation. This indoor-outdoor dining destination looks out over the ocean and features a gleaming stainless steel and glass exhibition kitchen, a sleek bungalow-style bar, and gracious outdoor lanais with cuisine ranging from Peking duck to dim sum and traditional wok fried dishes.


Located at street level on the corner of Kalakaua Ave. and Liliuokalani Ave. steps from the sand, Momosan beckons both visitors and locals with scents of yakitori drifting to the beach. The fun and casual dining experience puts noodles front and center and features signature Morimoto sake and beer selections. This breakfast, lunch and dinner restaurant serves sm all plates and appetizers, Chef Morimoto’s unique take on a local favorite garlic shrimp, original salads, classic izakaya-style rice dishes, yakitori and flavor-forward ramen dishes.


Swell Bar at the seascape pool deck serves island craft cocktails and an all-day menu featuring Oahu favorites. With both dramatic city and ocean views, the deck is an escape that will seduce and relax with private cabanas and lounge areas with fire pits. An unrivaled destination with one of the most impressive cocktail menus in Honolulu, as the sun sets, Swell transitions into a vibrant, evening hot spot with live, sought-after musical acts.


Anchored by the two-story Oceanarium teeming with tropical marine life, O Bar is the resort’s panoramic gathering place from meetings during the day to cherishe d time with family, or for a night out with friends. O Bar offers oceaninspired craft cocktails, beer, wine, local-infused small plates and nightly live music to enjoy the awe-inspiring Hawaiian undersea.


Lychee overlooks the Oceanarium and serves a lavish daily breakfast buffet and a la carte menu of beloved native dishes and seasonal favorites along with Hawaii-grown produce and Lavazza coffee.

LONGBOARD CLUB Longboard Club is a private indoor/outdoor setting for guests only to unwind and take part in curated offerings designed to further enrich their stay. An elegant and functional design, personalized service and a culinary program filled with international and local delights take centerstage including a design-your-own acai bowl offering and 16-bottle wine Cruvinet. Longboard Club is available for guests who book club level access.

S U N DAY C L U B AT LO N G B OA R D Hotel guests who have not booked club level access and outside visitors are invited to experience Longboard Club every weekend for Sunday Club brunch. Highlights include an exclusive brunch menu, beats by Hawaii's own Big Wave Surf Champion, DJ KK, access to Longboard's amenities including private cabanas, and after brunch, the heated saltwater infinity pool at Swell.


MEETINGS AND EVENTS ‘Alohilani Resort Waikiki Beach sets an idyllic scene for memorable, aloha-infused weddings, honeymoons and celebrations of all sizes. A variety of indoor and outdoor wedding and reception spaces, including Swell Pool and Bar overl ooking Waikiki Beach and Longboard Club, complement a series of upscale wedding packages, world-class catering and expert in-house wedding planning services. Groups and gatherings have access to more than 20,000 square feet of redeveloped sustainably-focused meeting and event space across a variety of indoor and outdoor options. From social events and weddings to meetings, retreat s and conferences, the resort offers new and enhanced meeting rooms of more than 1,500 square feet to the all-new 12,000 square foot ballroom, the third largest in Waikiki.



GREETINGS FROM HAWAII 'Alohilani commissioned the "Greetings from Hawaii" 50-by-75-foot ground-installation from artist Victor Ving and photographer Lisa Beggs as part of their "Greetings Tour," a cross-country mural project creating new city landmarks through public art. Visitors can see the mural from the resort's pool deck, Beachside tower lanais and soon Google Earth.

LIGHT MONUMENT The awe-inspiring beauty of Oahu dances across more than 100 feet of 'Alohilani's beach tower wall with exclusive projections by local a rtist, Joseph Pa'ahana. "Light Monument" is a large-scale short-f ilm series seen at Swell Pool and Bar depticing the natural wonder of the island through light in place.

DELIVERY Artist, Kris Goto, took inspiration from marine life, 'Alohilani's reforestation commitment and surf culture to create a whimiscal mural adjacent to the Monkeypod Kids' Club. Children can swim in the family pool alongside handpainted pufferfish and trees.

MAKAI As guests arrive at 'Alohilani, they're welcomed by a remarkable under-the-sea interpretation created by renowned New York sculptural illustrator, Nina Helms. The one-of-a-kind commissioned bouquet of coral that adorns the entire back wall of reception is titled "Makai," Hawaiian for "ocean."

A H A' U L A C LOA K For centuries, the Hawaiian islands were ruled by a council of 14 chiefs called the aha'ula. As part of 'Alohilani's partnership with the Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative, the resort is home to a replica of an aha'ula cloak as a tribute to the Hawaiian heritage –and our promise to protect the islands we call home.


S I G N AT U R E E X P E R I E N C E S NORTH SHORE TREE PLANTING ‘Alohilani resides on land that belongs to Queen Lili’oukalani’s Trust and is named after one of her beachside cottages, meaning “heavenly brightness” or “royal light.” In honor of her legacy and a deep commitment to preserving Hawaii’s forests, ‘Alohilani has partnered with Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative (HLRI), a non-profit organization committed to returning the indigenous koa, milo and sandalwood trees back to the Hawaiian Islands. By staying at ‘Alohilani, guests can contribute to these efforts. A $5 “tree fee” is added to each stay and goes straight to reforesting initiatives on Oahu and the Big Island of Hawaii. Guests are encouraged to visit HLRI’s Gunstock Ranch on Oahu’s beautiful north shore and plant their own tree. Scenic tree planting tours include horseback riding, helicopter and UTV tours. Each tree planted through HLRI is tagged with an individual radiofrequency identification chip that records everything from genetic makeup and health to the circumstances of the planting. Guests can track their tree throughout its lifetime.

On the Big Island, HLRI has planted more than 400,000 trees on 1,200 acres. It was designated by the World Wildlife Fund as the first Gold Standard Certified Forest Carbon Credit in North America, and remains the only koa carbon credit in the world. The forest is pumping clean oxygen into the atmosphere at an astonishing rate: one koa tree alone can offset a vacation for a family of four. ‘Alohilani, with the help of their guests, has pledged to pl ant 100,000 trees with HLRI, helping to revive Hawaii’s endangered hardwood species and rehabilitate a native ecosystem.

PLANT YOUR INTENTIONS The stars align at 'Alohilani where guest stays begin prior to arrival with an astrological phone reading including a noted copy of their chart as a path toward self-discovery. Upon arrival, guests dig a little deeper through guided visualization exercises, journaling session and creation of a Lifeboard Dreamboard. On a trip to the north shore, guests will end their trip by rooting their intentions into the soil with the planting of their very own tree in the 'Alohilani forest.

THRILLIST EXPERIENCE Through bold, thrill-seeking activities, the natural wonders of the island come to life with a spirited trip by land, sea and air. Guests tackle the rugged island terrain by foot above the north shore on private conservation land followed by a UTV ride to plant their very own native tree. The next day, guests embark on a 100% eco-friendly tour of the island's lively underwater world. By air, guests will take an extraordinary aerial experience hang-gliding off the north shore coast, showcasing the views of the island while feeling the freedom of flight.

BEACHSIDE PERSONAL SHOPPER The ultimate stress-free vacation shopping experience encourages guests to relax while managing gift-shopping, wrapping and shipping. 'Alohilani partnered with prestigious personal shopping expert, Kim Smith, to create the ultimate leisure vacation. Renowned as a shopping mecca with an unmatched combination of exclusive designer goods and one-of-a-kind finds, guests gain access to the best of Waikiki retail without ever having to step foot inside a store or stand in a line.

P L A N E T FA M I LY A thoughtful way to en joy a family va ca t i o n ; expl o re, en g a g e a n d e d ucate with 'Aloh ilan i's eco-con sc i o u s "Pl a n et Fa m i l y" pa c ka g e. The s us tai nably-focu se d exp erien ce h i g h l i g ht s pi l l a rs i n c l u d i n g m ari ne l i fe, con sciou s din in g, lan d a n d wel l n ess. Foster i n g a n a ppreciation for ou r Earth , th e cu ra ted i nfo r m a t i ve a n d fu n p rogramming w ill b rin g th e family to g et h er w h i l e provi d i n g a u n ique Hawaiian exp erien ce . Earth comes to life du rin g th e famil y's t i m e a t 'Al o h i l a n i w i t h i n c red i bl e s i ghts in clu din g th e iconi c t wo -sto r y Ocea n a r i u m w h i c h h o us es over 600 in digen ou s f ish . A m esm er i zi n g a t t ra c t i o n , t h e fa mil y wi l l l earn ab ou t variou s sp ec i es, t h e u n d er wa ter ecosystem , a nd the i mpo rtan ce of protectin g o u r o cea n fro m a n a q u a r i st. To d is cover how Earth provide s for u s, t h e c h i l d ren w i l l ta ke a Jr. Ch ef cook ing cl as s u sin g in gredients grow n o n t h e i sl a n d . A s part of the package, p arents w il l b e g i ven a ki d -free d a y by u t i l izi ng 'A l o h ilan i's Mon key pod Kid s' Cl u b a n d rec h a rg e w i t h a n e arth-fri end ly massage in a private ca b a n a . On si te a r t w i l l co m e to l ife with a recycle d mate rial art c l a ss ta u g ht by a l o ca l a r t i st. To cap off th eir time toge th e r, th e fa m i l y w i l l refl ec t i n t h ei r experiences w h ile roastin g s'more s over a fi re pi t.


T R AV E L & ACCO L A D E S Waikiki Beach has uniquely temperate island weather that falls into two main seasons: during June through October, the climate is a bit warmer and drier with daily high temperatures of about 84 degrees Fahrenheit/28 degrees Celsius and lows of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit/21 degrees Celsius at night; during November through May, the climate is considered cooler by Hawaii standards with daily high temperatures of about 81 degrees Fahrenheit/27 degrees Celsius and lows of about 65 degrees Fahrenheit/18 degrees Celsius at night. Direct air carriers include Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Delta, Hawaiian Airlines, Southwest Airlines, United, Japan Airlines, ANA, Korean Airlines, Qantas, Air New Zealand, Air Canada and Westjet.

“#1 BEST NEW HOTEL IN HAWAII" Hawaii Magazine, Mar. 2019

“ B E S T N E W H O T E L"

USA Today 10Best Readers' Choice, Jan. 2019


Condé Nast Traveler Readers' Choice Awards, Oct. 2019 & 2018

“ B E S T P L AC E S TO T R AV E L IN THE U.S. IN MARCH” TravelandLeisure.com, Feb. 2018

“NEW BEACH RESORTS” Travelchannel.com, Feb. 2018

“ 1 0 R OM A N T I C D E S T I N AT I O N S W I T H HOT NEW HOTELS” Afar.com, Feb. 2018

“ T H E 1 0 MOS T I N S TAG R A M -WO R T H Y P O O L S I N A M E R I C A” Instyle.com, Jan. 2018

“2018 AD100: ROCKWELL GROUP” Architectural Digest, Jan. 2018



2490 Kalakau a Ave nue Honolu lu , HI 96815 808.922.123 3 aloh ilan ire s ort.com @aloh ilan ire s ort

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