Leaving the “stuff� behind and living an above and beyond life!
Alomazone.org May 2012
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In The Right Direction The Dynamite Power of the Holy Spirit I remember a camping trip several years back for which I was very unprepared. The worst problem involved my flashlight. I got to the campground late and it was dark. No problems. I had my trusty flashlight. However, the batteries were very low on juice and instead of that bright beacon of hope I longed for, what I got was that fading yellow haze of gloom. I shook it. I changed the order of the batteries. All to no avail. I was cooked and had to set my tent up in the dark. Not a fun task.
Sometimes, I think the church is a bit like that flashlight with low batteries. Instead of casting a beacon of light into the darkness of a hurting world, we simply share a dull haze that frustrates more than helps. A church that is low on power is not very effective. But a church with power can work wonders. A church’s real power comes from the Holy Spirit.
promise of Jesus is that when the Holy Spirit comes, believers will be transformed from ordinary people into dynamite Christians. That is exactly what happened in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit came and the disciples were transformed from a group of hesitant, fearful bumpkins into bold transformers of the world.
God’s people could stand a huge infusion of that spiritual dynamite today. I think a lot of us look at the difficult things happening in our world and wonder how we can ever When I get make a difference. The dynamite Christians of Acts knew they were to the end created to make a difference, and of my life, I they approached life with boldness, don’t want even when life got tough.
to be known as someone who just did “nice” Throughout the summer Aloma UMC will be studying the Book of Acts from the New things. I Testament. Often it is called The Acts of want to be the Apostles. Really it should be called The someone Acts of the Holy Spirit because He is the who moved one who provides the power for all the marvelous things that happen in the book. mountains. The Holy Spirit causes the early Christians to speak in other tongues. He gives Peter new boldness. He makes a lame man walk and carries Philip on a strange excursion with a man from Ethiopia. The Holy Spirit breaks Peter out of prison and causes Him to go to the house of a person from a race he considers unclean. The Holy Spirit causes the message of Jesus to be spread throughout the known world at that time, just as Jesus had promised He would in Acts 1:8: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The word for power in this passage is dunamis from which we get the word “dynamite.” The
Recently, the Winter Park community endured the tragic deaths of two teenagers who were shot to death on Cady Way Trail. One of the suspects lived in the apartments just behind Aloma UMC. I wonder if the outcome would have been any different for those boys had we had more “dynamite” in our presenceenough to change the course of the suspect’s life. Dynamite has a way of moving mountains.
When I get to the end of my life, I don’t want to be known as someone who just did “nice” things. I want to be someone who moved mountains. Why settle for less when you can be more? The way to being more is through the dynamite power of the Holy Spirit. As you will discover in the Book of Acts, some people received the Holy Spirit gladly, while others turned their back on Him. My hope in this season of our church’s life is that we will be a people who let a fresh wind of the Holy Spirit blow through our lives and recharge our spiritual batteries so that we can shine in the darkness rather than cast a dull glow among the shadows.
Family Matters: A Powerful Weapon Weapon [wep-uhn]: anything used against an opponent, adversary, or victim. Most people would agree that bombs and guns are powerful weapons as defined above by www.dictionary.com. I think that every single person, though, is equipped with much more powerful weapons – words.
I was reminded of their power last weekend as I sat beside the community pool in my neighborhood. People of all ages, races, and genders were enjoying a beautiful day. They were chatting, reading, swimming, and playing catch. A few men in their twenties came and set up a boom box. I did not recognize the music that was playing loudly, but neither the style nor the volume bothered me one bit. Instead, it was the racial slurs, profanity, and the disparaging words being used about women blaring through the speakers that bothered me. Certainly, I thought, parents would rise up in protest! They would not want their children to hear this kind of language, would they? No one flinched; no one objected; no one even seemed to notice the language I found so offensive. Have we learned nothing from the Civil Rights Movement? Have we become so desensitized to profanity? Have women given back all the respect they fought so hard to earn? These words, not the volume of the music, were hurting my ears. Many years ago, my Research Writing professor made a statement that has always stuck with me: “The only difference between the written word and the spoken word is an eraser.”
I think Eugene Peterson’s interpretation of Proverbs 18:21 would agree: “Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit – you choose.” Once words leave our mouth, we cannot take them back or erase them. Words of affirmation have already made someone smile and given life. Hurtful words, though, have already damaged someone or killed a spirit. We may apologize for speaking the words, but we cannot erase them from someone’s memory. Adults, as well as children, should remember that social media only increases the affirmation or the hurt, the poison or the fruit. Deleting a comment does not guarantee that someone has not already seen it. It may be erased from the screen, but not from someone’s memory. Parents, please model a healthy use of language. Children do not use words that they have never heard. Guide them away from disparaging phrases that tell people to “shut up” or call them disparaging names like “dummy” or “stupid.” There really is nothing playful or affirmative in these words. Help them to look for something positive in each person they encounter. Especially, guide them away from profanity and any disparaging remarks about people groups. Think of it this way: What do you want the people in your community hearing your children saying in a few years?
Each month Family Ministries hosts a special “Family Dinner” in Aloma UMC’s Fellowship Hall. This is a great opportunity to meet our Family and hopefully decide to become part of the Aloma UMC Family! Please see the events calendar beginning on page 14 to learn more about this opportunity.
On a Mission: The Power of Brotherly Love
“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” 1 John 4: 11-12
Scripture states repeatedly that we are to love one another. Sometimes it’s easy to love others. Those “nice” people next door. Some people, however, are not easy to even like so we think, “How can we love them?”. But God didn’t say to love just the nice people or the people close to us. No, we are to love all the “others” God puts in our path. That is when we especially need God’s power of love to shine into us and, in turn, through us! Let me share a few picture examples of both easy and difficult situations showing brotherly love. The first picture is of two brothers in Haiti. Look at their feet. Shoes are expensive in Haiti. The family could afford only one pair of shoes. Rather than argue over which brother would get them (like most children do), they decided to share them in quite a unique and loving way. They each wore one shoe. This is an example of children having very little, but still willing to share what they did have. What does God want you to share? Pictures two and three were taken in an orphange in Mexico. Missionaries Bill and Lydia Allshouse give of their time and always take teams to the Casa Cuna Orphange. These little children have experienced abuse, neglect and abandonment. Through volunteers God wraps physical arms around them to show them they ARE loved. Whom has God put in your path who is weak and vulnerable? Who needs your arms and words of encouragement to feel
God’s love in their life? The fourth picture shows the power of brotherly love in an amazing way. Libby Boyette was a member of the first Aloma team to go to Zambia, Africa. This was only the teams 3rd day in Zambia. The team didn’t know any of these villagers from Mutenda. BUT GOD DID! God brought people from different cultures, different economic backgrounds and different levels of education together to love one another unconditionally. The joy you see expressed in the picture shows our united love in Jesus. There are no boundaries to God’s love for us all. Why does man make boundaries? God ‘s command is clear. We are to love one another through the power of God’s love. Reaching out to someone you don’t know or like isn’t easy. Being a Follower of Christ isn’t easy. As Christians we are continually challenged to follow God’s commandments and the examples of Jesus. But I can honestly testify that when I let go of my human nature to pull back and instead step forward in the power of God’s love, I have been blessed in ways I never imagined. And more than that, others have been blessed by God’s love through me. Take a chance! God will never let us run out of brotherly love.
AND THEN THERE IS POWER. “Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right. You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. You know what has happened throughout the province of Judea, beginning in Galilee after the baptism that John preached—how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.” Acts 10:34-38 When I read through the book of Acts for specific references to “power”, this passage caught my eye! It got my attention because it referenced both the power of the Holy Spirit (God) and the power of the Devil! The text recounts Peter’s explanation of Cornelius’ vision regarding the diversity within the Kingdom of God, recounting the message that God shows no partiality, and anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him(v.34).
DR. WAYNE D. WIATT DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT, EAST CENTRAL DISTRICT UMC FLORIDA CONFERENCE Dr. Wayne D. Wiatt is the District Superintendent for the East Central District. He holds a Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from Emory University and is currently the Dean of the Cabinet, Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. He is married to the former Ramona Folds of Titusville Florida, whose Grandmother, Leetie Huffman was a long time member of Aloma UMC.
If this passage were truly lived out, the world might have experienced far fewer wars and conflicts than we do now. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Church lived under the mantle of acceptance and accessibility for all? We understand the concept of God’s POWER…bringing healing, forgiveness, redemption, and salvation! But when we see the human side of power exercised in the church, we sometimes get a skewed view of what “power” really means. As your District Superintendent for the past six years, I can honestly say that I think I’ve seen it all! I’ve witnessed examples of the Holy Spirit’s POWER to transform lives and congregations into instruments of God’s love and grace; but I’ve also seen human power, abused and used to bring about the “me and my” of selfishness and control. When people start shaking a finger and getting red in the face while shouting, “This is MY Church!”, I’ve sensed an imbalance of power and control moving us away from the POWER of the Holy Spirit to the fringe of what it truly means to be the church where “all” are welcomed and invited to participate. When I first began serving in the local church out of
seminary, a wise mentor taught me that every time we (the church) start gaining ground for the Kingdom, we’d better start looking over our shoulder, because the devil will be right behind us, trying to interfere or derail what God is doing in the lives of new disciples and in the church, especially when it seeks to stay centered on making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. “Change” is difficult for everyone…newborns to senior citizens. Yet change is often necessary to move from where we are to where we need to be. The General Conference of the United Methodist Church recently rejected a restructuring plan to better utilize our resources and streamline our agency-driven bureaucracies. The “powers that be” obviously did not want change for our denomination. The reality for the larger church is a simple one. If we don’t change, if we don’t start focusing on transformed lives and the vitality of our congregations, we are going to die as a denomination. If the local Church continues to protect its turf and fails to remove the “Me and My” from its vocabulary, then God’s POWER will almost always be in conflict with “keeping the status quo.” Paul also wrote later in his letter to the Church at Rome these strong words of reality… “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” (Romans 7:15). May we claim God’s POWER to do what the Holy Spirit needs us to do in order to truly “Go and Make Disciples” (Matthew 28:19) for the Transformation of the World!
From A to B: The Way to Kingdom Influence
As we read through the gospels of Jesus, there is no doubt that Jesus calls us to be people who give ourselves to make significant and eternal differences in the world. We are to influence lives, families, communities and cities as we seek to bring redemption and transformation to this world in the name of, and for the glory of, the Lord Jesus Christ. But one of the confusions that has gripped many within our understanding of influence is how we get it. The simple math looks something like this: Power=Influence. But to this equation, Jesus sternly responds, “That’s exactly how it works in the world, but not at all how it works within my kingdom” (Matt 20:26, my paraphrase). Jesus continues that his influence equation looks like this: Servanthood=Influence. This point was powerfully imprinted on me recently when I had the humbling opportunity to meet with the new Episcopal Bishop in Central Florida, Greg Brewer. I was initially so impressed with Bishop Brewer because within in his first two days in office, he had jumped right into the difficult missional opportunities that the Treyvon Martin shooting had presented to the Church. We had connected around some of the work that I have been involved within Sanford, primarily as we both encountered some negative feedback from the community because of our desire that the Church provide care in that highly charged situation. As we met together to reflect on our shared concern, I sought to use the opportunity to not only make a new friend but to seek to expand my own leadership understanding and capacity. I asked Bishop Brewer what the greatest challenge that he perceived he would face during his term would be. In a profound
moment that I suspect will long leave an imprint on my heart, he symbolically rose and showed me within his office several items that have been bestowed upon him by the Church – His Bishops ring, the Bishops staff, and Miter (the large hat worn on at a Bishops consecration),etc. He explained to me that these were all symbols of power given to him by the Church. Slowly, he then walked over to his bookshelf where he picked up a bronze figurine of Jesus kneeling and washing the disciple’s feet. He shared with me that these symbols are at the crux of the challenge he expects to face as a leader. Will he leverage influence through his powerful position or through his servanthood? With great humility and great commitment, Bishop Brewer wants to model the servant leadership of Jesus. In his own words, Bishop Brewer shares, “Servanthood, as a way of life, comes from the fruit of knowing who I am as a Christian, and whose I am. Who I am is a forgiven sinner who has received the immense power of God: “the very same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you.” So I am both humbled by my sinful frailties and awed by the trust Jesus places in me by giving me His divine life. Whose I am is that I belong to Jesus, and He has promised to keep me in the palm of His hand no matter what life brings. It is the confidence of knowing who I am and whose I am that allows me to serve and be a servant.” As you look at your life, there are probably many symbols of how you are going to gain the influence that Jesus commands you to extend within the world. Probably some of the power symbols are identified in the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the language you use, or the activities that you are associated with. But I hope, and I pray, that in your life there are many symbols of a servant heart. Symbols of a servant look like the small acts of love you do when no one is looking, the quiet whispers of encouragement that you offer and a generous heart that splashes onto others. Jesus encourages us to have great influence for his kingdom (Matthew 28:18-20) but the challenge for us is to not develop that influence by power, but by being the servants. How are you doing with this?
Tales from the Crib and Beyond: Have you ever watched a two year old who doesn’t want to be potty trained? Well, I have and what I see is a great big power play. Who has the power in this situation? I can tell you that the parent certainly wants to have the power, but do they really?
What makes the parent feel like they can “get” the child to potty train? One reason is because the parent is, well, the parent, the adult. They know that the child is capable of toilet training. The parents have watched as little Suzie runs over to the corner and hides when she could have run to the bathroom. Then Mom proceeds to take her to the diaper table and change her, all the while saying something like…”Now Suzie, next time you need to go potty tell Mommy and we’ll go in the big potty. “ Anyway, you get the drift. This is power at its height for the two year old. The adult wants something and the child doesn’t want to give it to them. If your child were older and this was, say, an iPod or a TV remote, you could tell them that you wanted that item and if they didn’t give it to you there would be a punishment involved. The child would then choose whether or not to take the consequence. The power is all yours at this point. You’re the parent and you know best. The child either hands over the offending item
or you take it and the child gets a punishment. Either way, you have won the battle. But in the case of a two year old, you aren’t going to win this battle. And the reason you’re not going to win is because you have no power over the child’s body. To poop or not to poop, that is the question. And the child is the only one who has the answer. They will be potty trained when they want and that’s the end of the discussion. Oh, you can cajole them with a candy or a treat. You can buy that cutesy toilet seat, read the latest book and watch a video. But in the end, it’s the child’s decision and theirs alone. I wonder if that’s how God sees us. We are His children and He has allowed us free will to choose what we want to do. He has given us the Bible to guide us, pastors to lead us and so many different signposts to help us along the way. But still we choose our own way. In the case of the two year old, we know that in the end that child WILL become potty trained. But for right now, they have all the power. In the end we know that God wins but right now we still have the "power". The question is, how will you use it?
For more information on Aloma UMC’s Early Childhood Learning Center, please visit us online at www.alomaeclc.com.
Most of us are familiar with the little blue jar that has been providing relief since 1890; over a century of oldfashioned therapy! Vapo Rub is a mentholated topical petroleum based salve that is a form of aromatherapy. Its eucalyptus and camphor can provide relief in minutes for many ailments such as stuffy head and nose, coughing, achy muscles, headaches, paper cuts, splinters, cold sores, and it can even be used as mosquito repellent!! Simply put, its released natural menthol gas enhances whole body healing, relieving us from “congestion” as it warms us, soothes us,and makes us feel tingly! That’s a lot of power from a little jar! Amazingly, these same things were recently said about the ALPHA Holy Spirit Weekend Away! For those of you who have attended an ALPHA course, you know that the teachings by Nicky Gumbel on relevant topics are genuine, understandable, heartwarming and humorous. Christine Synan, an ALPHA participant, says, “”Nicky reminds me each week that God loves me and has a plan for my life; to get that encouragement
each week is so refreshing!” And there is never a need to rush home and cook a meal; long lasting relationships are established over the gourmet dinners we share each week! But perhaps THE MOST amazing component of ALPHA is that wonderful weekend spent at the Epworth Retreat Center on St. Simons Island, Georgia. I personally have seen the Holy Spirit move in every heart on every trip there! Which is why Christine said, “It was so powerful to be prayed for and actually feel the Holy Spirit. I LOVED the feeling; it was just like Vicks Vapo Rub, all warm and tingly down to the depths of my soul!” Geri Poyer, another ALPHA-ite, had always thought that “the church needed me to fill its pews, give my devotion and generally just be there and help to the best of my ability. But during that weekend I realized that I needed the church, as well as others, to pray for me and share their knowledge, as I continued my walk with Jesus! It was so energizing! “Learning more about the Holy Spirit was eye-opening and feeling the Spirit was amazing!, says Ron Synan. So just like Vapo Rub, the Holy Spirit releases power that can’t necessarily be seen, but certainly has manifestations that can be! ALPHA …..a powerful way to keep us breathing easy! Now that’s just what the Doctor ordered!!!
Susan and her husband, Clint, are leaders for the ALPHA courses here at Aloma. Clint is the Chief ALPHA Chef, much to Susan’s relief, since her favorite thing to make for dinner is “reservations”! They have seen the ALPHA course become a source of power in so many lives!
Final Take:
Our garden in Live Oak came about more or less by accident.
I thanked him profusely and offered to crank it started again. (It wasn’t that hard…)
Everyone else in Pine Grove community, a few miles north of Live Oak, had a garden. They brought us vegetables and talked about the intricacies and joys of their gardens. So I casually mentioned that I might like to start one.
Before long we had gobs of okra and rutabagas. Not so many tomatoes. I also had a bit more respect from the local folk who, regardless of what jobs currently put bread on the table, saw themselves as sons and daughters of the soil. The fact that I had wrested some rutabagas from my garden gave them some hope for me. I didn’t tell them that we ate the rutabagas maybe twice and then deposited the rest in the woods, so no one would see our wastefulness.
It wasn’t long before I had people giving me seeds and seedlings. Before long I had tomatoes and rutabagas and okra. Now, even though I really only cared about the tomatoes (I think I had actually ridiculed rutabagas before as a saucy youth), I accepted them all and set about hacking a garden out of our side yard. It was slow going. Luckily for me, Edgar happened to be driving by and saw my plight. He offered to bring his tractor by after a bit and plow it up for me. I readily agreed – since this was an opportunity to get to know Edgar, and I didn’t like digging. He returned in about an hour rumbling up the road with a rather ancient Farmall A. He stopped it to let me admire it. I did. It turned out that he had bought it new in the ‘30s and had kept it going ever since. We chatted about its features – not many, as it turned out, and then he proceeded to crank it back to life. Literally crank it. Electric start was not one of its features. He let down the plow and proceeded to turn my yard into a garden. After about a half hour he was done. He came back with the harrow to smooth it out, then stopped the tractor again.
The next spring when it was garden time again, Edgar was a bit too ill to crank up the Farmall. I thought I was off the hook. I mentioned this to George (another neighbor) one day at church. I thought that he’d commiserate a bit and let it go at that. Instead he offered to come by with his tractor and plow up my garden. How could I say no? He was as good as his word and came by with his huge new tractor. He plowed the whole thing in about 5 minutes. The whole thing being half again as large as the previous garden, because George’s machine wouldn’t do a smaller amount. Sometimes more power is just the ticket. We had more rutabagas than we knew what to do with.
It’s Summer Time at Aloma UMC!
On Wednesday, May 30th we celebrated the arrival of Summer during our monthly Family Dinner. We started the night off with the ultimate summer feast: hamburger sliders, fries, and brocolli salad. After dinner, it was time for some fun! Elementary school children participated in a jump-roping contest, while middle schoolers competed for the title of Hula Hoop King/Queen, and the tens and adults limboed their way to the finish line! We hope to see you at this month’s Family Dinner (more information on page 14.)
FREE Vacation Bible School June 25-29, 2012 9am to 12noon, Finale on July 1 Pre-K thru 5th Grade (must be 4 years of age by September 1, 2012)
Register online at www.alomazone.org Just picture yourself in the air! You're flying, surrounded by endless blue sky and puffy white clouds…at Sky VBS you and your kids will discover what it means to trust God! All-new Imagination Station activities will give kids high flyin’, hands-on fun! Plus, team building games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats keep everyone on the move. Bible lessons are made memorable and kids experience Bible stories in powerful, life-changing ways. God is active in our lives and his fingerprints are everywhere! The excitement is soaring, so get ready to take off!
June Events SPECIAL EVENTS Starting Points Cafe Sunday, June 3rd 12:00pm Gensis Room Want to learn more about becoming an Aloma UMC member? Join us for Starting Points Cafe! This dynamic, relational, and helpful class is packed with fascinating information and fun activities to prepare people to partner with our church in full membership. Childcare will be provided. Prayer Gathering Sunday, June 3rd 6:00pm - 7:30pm Sanctuary We will be featuring a teaching DVD by Steven Furtick, Pastor of Elevation Church, followed by a time of open prayer. Family Fun Friday! Friday, June 15th 10:00am - 6:00pm Lake Mary Splash Park Families with young children are invited to gather their friends and meet at Lake Mary Splash Park at Lake Mary’s Sports Complex (550 Rantoul Lane, Lake Mary) at 10am on Friday, June 15! The nonrefundable cost is only $2/person and payable at the park that day. The park is open to the public all day from 10am-6pm, so feel free to pack a picnic to enjoy with your family and friends. The Splash Park and Playground includes swings, climbers, a jungle gym, and a water-spraying tower circled by in-ground fountains. The Complex also features basketball courts, batting cages, a fishing bridge, and a skate park! Questions? Contact Pastor Merry at 407-671-2180 x318 or merryk@alomazone.org.
To register for a special event, please visit www.AlomaZone.org
Family Dinner Wednesday, June 20th 5:45 pm Fellowship Hall June’ s Family Dinner In honor of Flag Day, we will have a red, white, and blue Family Dinner on Wednesday, June 20! Join us from 5:45-7:00 pm in Fellowship Hall as we indulge in meatball subs, bowtie pasta salad, applesauce, and a build-your-own-dessert! Bring your patriotic song knowledge and a mildly competitive spirit. This evening of FREE food and fun is sponsored by Family Ministries and is designed for persons of all ages and family sizes – even if you are a family of one. If you are able, we ask that you consider bringing a $1/person love offering to cover some of the costs of this monthly event. To ensure that there is enough food for all to enjoy, reservations are only accepted until noon on Monday, June 18. Make your reservation now!
CHILDREN & YOUTH Sunday School Classes:
* B.I.G House Sunday School 4-year-olds through 3rd Grade * Garage Sunday School 4th through 6th Grade * Youth Sunday School 7th through 12th Grade For Sunday School classes, children, tweens, and youth join their families in the sanctuary at 10:30 for the opening of worship and are dismissed to their age-appropriate groups.
June Events *VIP Kids 4-year-olds through 3rd Grade * The Kool Crew 4th through 6th Grade * Youth Group 7th through 12th Grade
Men’s Bible Study Every Tuesday morning from 6:00 am to 9:00 am Located in the Church Office Building. *For information on how to join a small group, please contact Pastor Andy at andys@alomazone.org.
For more information, please contact Merry Kendall at merryk@alomazone.org.
Christian Quilters Every 2nd and 4th Monday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm Located in Room 32
Tuesday Morning Bible Study Every Tuesday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Located in Room 32
Men’s Prayer Meeting Every Saturday from 7:30 am to 9:00 am Located in Room 30 Friendship Class Every Sunday from 10:30 am to 11:30 am Located in Room 24 Insight for Living Every Sunday from 10:30 am to 11:30 am Located in Fellowship Hall Seekers Sunday School Class Every Sunday from 10:30 am to 11:30 am Located in Room 25 Couples and Spares Sunday School Class Every Sunday from 10:30 am to 11:30 am Located in Room 32
Women’s Prayer Group Every Wednesdays from 6:15pm – 6:45pm Located in Genesis Room NOTE: This group will NOT meet on Family Dinner nights. Men’s Small Group Bible Study Every Wednesday from 5:30pm - 6:30pm Located in room 23
SENIORS Senior Exercise Every Tuesday 9:15 am to 10:00 am Located in Room 24
Life in Jesus Bible Study Every Sunday from 9:00 am to 10:00 am Located in Room 25
Would you like to contribute to a future issue of ADVANCE? Let us know by sending your name and contact information to communications@alomazone.org.