Official James Caccia Plumbing
BRAND GUIDELINES © 2017 James Caccia Plumbing. For management and employee use only.
The plumber protects the health of the nation.
A timeless tradesman legacy, James Caccia Plumbing is a family owned and operated business with a simple mission to provide expert plumbing services trusted for generations. The story begins in 1941 in Mildred, Pennsylvania where Dominick and Nancy Caccia decided to move west for more opportunity. As their life would begin out west, Dominick and brother-in-law Val became plumbers’ helpers where they learned the trade that would later provide for their family for generations to come. Dominick would remain building his craftsmanship as a neighborhood plumber working nights and weekends, meanwhile supporting the war effort at the National Ice Corporation during the week. James Caccia, their only son, would be born later that year in 1944 in San Francisco, California. Always a thirst for knowledge, he had a knack for mathematics and studied survey and engineering. He would later begin his career with the San Francisco Water Company. Always feeling the entrepreneurial spirit, James made his dream a reality and started his own company in 1977. Taking that leap of faith, James - now a family man of three young children Geno, Anthony, and Julianna - and wife Patricia would begin their journey out of their home protecting the health of the nation one customer at a time. The legacy would continue in the most traditional way from the ground up. Learn, then perfect - mastery of a trade is a good mind seeking to be better, craftsmanship is the art that lasts forever.
Mutual respect and loyalty.
Honest in our thoughts and actions.
PROFESSIONAL GROWTH Be passionate and determined.
We serve and support the people in our business and the community.
Learn, perfect, teach.
CORE FOCUS We are and will continue to be the finest example of a well-run and ethical plumbing business. We will all have the ability to be successful in business and personal life. We are determined to complete the project on the scope of work promised. We stand behind our work no matter what the cost. We work hard. We are proud of what we create. We are dedicated to providing superior customer service while creating solutions for our customers. We seek to improve the quality of life for our team. We share our knowledge and give first. We treat each other with respect.
A platinum reputation for performing expert plumbing work and maintaining long term relationships.
Official James Caccia Plumbing
LOGO Logotype: Bentham Slogan: “TRUSTED FOR GENERATIONS” in Roboto Regular
Margins are at least 0.2 in
DO’S 1. Do use the logo with required margins. 2. Do use darker logos on lighter backgrounds. 3. Do use white logo on darker backgrounds.
The new Caccia Plumbing logo is a refreshed take from the original. The logotype Bentham Regular is usually used for smaller and body texts so that the name remains legible and readable when scaled larger or smaller. The linear elements indicate Caccia Plumbing’s core values and behaviors as a support system from the base foundation to the surrounding culture and environment of the brand.
4. Do use solid blue or black background box with margins. 5. Do use entire logo without cropping. 6. Do use logo once in a single page, frame, slide, etc. 7. Do use the slogan when logo stands alone as main focus.
DO NOT’S 1. Do not remove any design element from the logo. 2. Do not change the color of the logo. 3. Do not add any special effects. 4. Do not rotate the logo. 5. Do not replace logotype with another typeface. 6. Do not distort or stretch the logo in any way. 7. Do not use slogan on busy backgrounds or when logo is not prominent.
HEX 1D4684
HEX 182550
RBG 29 70 132
RBG 24 87 30
CMYK 99 83 19 5
CMYK 100 91 36 38
HEX 969696
RBG 188 188 188
RBG 150 150 150
CMYK 27 21 22 0
CMYK 44 36 36 1
HEX 000000 RBG 255 255 255 CMYK 0 0 0 0
HEX FFFFFF RBG 0 0 0 0 CMYK 0 0 0 100
Imagery that portrays as representation of the James Caccia Plumbing brand also captures cues such as confidence and teamwork. Photos and videos are recommended to utilize visual practices such as rule of thirds, depth of field, close ups, etc. Stock imagery and footage are strongly not reccomended.
917 N Amphlett Blvd San Mateo, CA 94401 P: 650.342.5363 F: 650.342.5320 CONT/ LIC. # 379364
© 2017 James Caccia Plumbing. For management and employee use only.